El Vaquero: March 11, 2020

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Wednesday, March 11, 2020 Glendale Community College Student Newspaper

Volume 115 | Issue 1

GCC Welcomes Students Back

Rory Cohen Staff Photographer

LINING UP: Students line up on March 3 for BBQ in the Vaquero Plaza during ASGCC’s Welcome Back Fair.

ASGCC hosts a BBQ, encourages club sign-up By Eduardo Carreño Staff Writer The Associated Students of Glendale Community College (ASGCC) state their belief that their Welcome Fair is a great opportunity to bring students and faculty together at the start of each semester. With that in mind, ASGCC hosted their

2 Psychology Courses See Instructor Changes By Victoria Bochniak Staff Writer More than 60 psychology students from two courses were left without an instructor at the start of the Spring 2020 semester, as an adjunct professor left without notice and caused department staff to search for replacements for affected classes. “Schedules are crafted to put the most qualified- and available- staff in the courses and classrooms that best maximize the learning experience for students,” said Social Science Division Chair Michael Dulay in an email interview. “In rare cases, faculty withdraw from teaching assignments just as a term is starting.” The faculty member, who was scheduled to teach two ‘Research Methods for Psychology’ courses (Psych 200), withdrew from both classes the following day after the semester began, students and staff told El Vaquero. Dr. Alison Johnson took over one of the classes, but in doing so was unable to continue teaching her Marriage

Welcome Fair on March 3 where students got to dunk a peer in water and enjoy an assortment of BBQ, with seemingly expanded vegan options. “The purpose of the Welcome Fair is to expose more students to ASGCC and what the program is about,” said Sune Aghakian, ASGCC’s president. Aghakian, freshman with a major in marketing, spoke with El Vaquero about her role, “I wanted to join and gain exposure to the campus. I ran for president to be more engaged and connected to the

campus itself and its students,” Aghakian explained. The event showed promise this semester, students who went out told El Vaquero. Coby Ascencio, 23 years-old with a major in psychology is driven by helping students find support. “I wanted to challenge myself and my leadership skills,” Ascencio said. He has been a part of ASGCC for only a couple semesters but already feels like he’s given to the community and said he will look for more ways before he transfers to

California State University, Northridge, his college of choice. “I feel like networking in AS will really help me with settling in when it comes to finding a stable job,” he said. ASGCC hopes to engage more of the campus and wants students to stay tuned to future events on campus this spring semester.

and Intimate Relationships course (Psych 131), which overlapped with the class. Students in Dr. Johnson’s class were notified later in the evening that their class did not have a professor and at the time it was unclear who would teach the course. Those who enrolled in the psychology class were disgruntled when informed that the class would not only be handed over to another faculty member as soon as possible, but that their new instructor would then have the option of changing the class’s structure. “Honestly it is what it is, although I think it’s pretty lame that we pay for somebody and find out that it’s somebody else last minute. That’s not right,” said 20-yearold Casey Bregman, a Psychology major enrolled in Psych 131. Initially, many students in both Psych 131 and 200 were in fear that their class would be cancelled if no instructor was available, not allowing them to complete the final requirements to graduate or transfer this Spring. Psych 200 is a required major course needed to transfer to most of the state’s UC and CSU universities. Meanwhile, Psych 131 is listed as a choice of courses to complete for an Associate in Arts for Transfer in Psychology, as well as

one of the options to fulfill the diversity requirement for psychology transfers heading to Cal State Los Angeles. After one week, psychology professor Nouha Hallack was assigned to take over Psych 131, retaining its original lecture hours on Wednesdays. Because of the short notice, Hallack decided to follow Dr. Johnson’s class scheduling and assignments and chose to honor her syllabus to the class’ satisfaction. “The change in professor did cause me to reconsider taking the class since I signed up to take the psych class with that specific professor, but at the end of the day it is all the same material,” said 18-year-old Madalyn Fabian, a communications major. “However, I do wish the students got a little heads up before the first day of class so we wouldn’t have been totally blindsided.” In most situations where a class is left without an instructor, a division often would seek to “give students the opportunity to transfer to another section” or “staff the class after searching for a faculty replacement,” Dulay explained. The other option was to cancel courses, which, Dulay explained, “was a non-starter for me, especially since Psych 200 is a capstone

transfer course.” The division chair stressed that alternatives were quickly provided and that no classes were cancelled. Dulay added that he hopes students “understand that many of us will do more than is expected in order to preserve the opportunities for all students to achieve their stated academic, personal, and/or career goals.” Students with concerns are advised to direct their concerns to the Social Science Division Office or to Instructional Services.

Eduardo Carreño can be reached at ecarren860@student.glendale.edu.

Victoria Bochniak can be reached at vbochni619@student.glendale.edu.

In This Issue News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 4 Editorial/Opinion.. 4 - 5 Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 7 Entertainment . . . . . . . 8


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Food Pantry Posts Spring 2020 Hours By Alin Pasokhian Co-Editor-in-Chief Student financial insecurity is very common in community colleges and four-year universities alike, causing students to ration their groceries or skip meals altogether in order to make their food last. Studies have shown that hunger dramatically affects students’ ability to learn. The negative effects reach much further than the learning process, according to a study from the HOPE Center. The same report found that student health is compromised when they have to work more hours to make ends meet and shift their entire schedule. Sleeping, eating, and study habits are just a few of the things to take a hit as a result. To tackle the problem head on, GCC launched its Food for Thought Pantry in 2016 and is nearing its fourth anniversary this October. The Pantry plays an important role in the lives of students who may not have the financial means to buy their own food or items that are necessary for their day-to-day lives. The Pantry manages to be one of the most important and useful resources on campus for all students. It’s anonymous, organizers stress, and open to any student. The facility is looking for more people to help out. To volunteer, contact Ellen Oppenberg at elleno@glendale.edu. To learn more about Spring 2020 hours as well as find additional resources for students, scan the QR code below or visit: bit.ly/GCCFoodPantry

Alin Pasokhian can be reached at pasokhian@gmail.com




The Novel Coronavirus: Myths and Facts By Annie Otsuka Staff Writer How did you spend your winter holiday? If you traveled abroad, especially to areas in Asia, you are probably worried about the Coronavirus. Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is a virus that causes fever and upper respiratory symptoms. It started to spread in Wuhan, China in early December 2019. Because this virus is a new strain of coronavirus, experts need more time to study it and test potential vaccines that can help alleviate it. The number of infected people has increased rapidly and unexpectedly. The coronavirus has spread around the world in the past three months and, with more confirmed cases daily, including in Los Angeles County, it seems as if it will take some time to get a handle on the situation. The virus has already made a severely negative impact on people, society, companies, and the global economy. The situation in Wuhan was so terrible that people had to gather together to construct buildings that could accommodate 1,000 beds in only 10 days because the city apparently lacked vacant hospitals, doctors, and nurses. Such is usually the case in an authoritarian nation. Many patients could not get adequate medical treatment and some drew their last breath on small chairs in the corridors in hospitals even though people worked 24/7 with no pause. Unfortunately, the coronavirus started to spread during the Lunar New Year holiday. Many people traveled around to different cities to visit their families and spend the holiday with them. Some traveled overseas for vacation. People traveling obviously means carrying the virus around and spreading it.

Angelina Bambina Illustrator

Aside from China, Japan could certainly be another hot zone that will require extra vigilance because it is a very popular destination for Chinese businessmen and vacationers. In Japan, many events where people gather, like concerts, festivals and even graduation ceremonies, may be cancelled. Some companies and leisure facilities, including Tokyo Disney Resort, decided to close temporarily to lower the chances of infection. At Yokohama port, approximately 3,700 passengers had been quarantined in a cruise ship because it turned out that they might have been infected and had to get tested. As a result, over 4,200 people have been killed and over 117,000 people have been infected by the coronavirus around the world, according to the New York Times and numbers from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Most people will survive the

virus, however, those who do not tend to be immunocompromised or older individuals, according to the CDC. Moreover, more than 80% of infected people get well with only mild symptoms, according to a study from China. Misinformation about the virus is leading to excessive reactions from people and panic. Ideas like “getting the coronavirus is a death sentence,” “all Chinese people have the coronavirus,” and “the coronavirus came from bat soup in China” are unhelpful and simply unsubstantiated rumors. Furthermore, these mistruths have led to a surge of xenophobia and anti-Asian sentiment, according to a report from NPR which cited Asian-Americans who had been verbally and physically abused in the aftermath of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Anecdotally, El Vaquero has learned that some shops in L.A.


FACULTY ADVISER Rory Cohen rcohen@glendale.edu (818) 240-1000 ext. 5214

Letters to the Editors

ASSOCIATE EDITORS Natalie Casey Anthony Gharib A. Heimer

STAFF WRITERS Kimberly Aguilar Victoria Bochniak Jenilee Borek Natalie Casey Anthony Gharib Eian Gil Naima Hassan A. Heimer Eric Manon Akane “Annie” Otsuka Gabriel Ponce Tanya Ruiz Elone Safaryan




El Vaquero accepts story ideas in news, features, profiles, sports and entertainment from the public. Send an idea or article to the editor at elvaquero@glendale.edu or call (818) 240-1000, ext. 3211.

Letters may be reproduced in full or in part and represent only the point of view of the writer, not the opinion of El Vaquero Newspaper, the Journalism Program, or Glendale Community College and its district. All letters must include the full name, address and phone number of the writer. You will be contacted before publication. El Vaquero is a First Amendment publication.

EL VAQUERO 1500 N. Verdugo Road Glendale, CA 91208 (818) 240-1000, ext. 5349 First copy free Additional copies $.25

have even had employees ask customers if they were Asian or had been to Asia recently. It seems that in Germany the response to someone sneezing is “gesundheit” while an Asian person sneezing is causing widespread hysteria. Though, it’s interesting now that China is starting to get a handle on coronavirus, they, too, don’t want travelers from other countries or places bringing it back to them. Ultimately there are things that people can do to protect themselves from coronavirus, which includes regular handwashing and limiting touching with people (such as handshaking), as well as sanitizing surfaces consistently. Learn more about coronavirus myths at: http://bit.ly/coronamyths Annie Otsuka reached at aotsuka136@student.glendale.edu.

Member of the Journalism Asssociation of Community Colleges

Member of the California Newspaper Publishers Association


FEATURES Wednesday, March 11, 2020 3

Mind of The Master: Michelangelo’s Work Getty Museum unveils some of history’s rarest remnants of a renaissance master museum in the Netherlands where a much larger collection of Michelangelo’s work is currently held. With an introductory film about the artist, “The Mind of The Master” makes a huge effort to remind visitors that this is unlike any art exhibit they may have seen before. Blending a history museum with an art show, this exhibit allows an intimate experience with some of the most fundamental foundations of modern art that are still being taught today, through the eyes of their original creator. The truly once in a lifetime exhibit will be showing at The Getty through June 7, with free admission as always. The Getty Center is located at 1200 Getty Center Dr, Los Angeles, 90049. It is closed on Mondays.

Eian Gil Staff Photographer

THE CREATION OF ADAM: Recreation of Michelangelo’s work alongside his original reference sketches.

By Eian Gil Staff Writer In the late 15th and 16th centuries, Florence, Italy became a major cultural capital in Europe. The birth of the Italian Renaissance led to artists of the time embracing some of the major shifts in ideals of the period, to the benefit of their art. The major influx of wealth in the area allowed for the indulgences of fine art by the wealthy, and with an increased curiosity for the blending of religion and scientific exploration, artists were given the perfect platform to impact the world around them. Of the monumental artists that emerged in this period of trailblazing, Michelangelo stands out as the most influential to our lives today. From his paintings on the Sistine Chapel to his iconic sculpture “David,” Michelangelo typically began his masterpieces with a simple drawing. Despite having created an estimated 28,000 drawings over the course of his lifetime however, only around 600 of these artistic and architectural sketches remain in the world. His medium of choice, red or black chalk, did

little to help with preservation. But through the efforts of art enthusiasts and historians, these remaining drawings are shared around the world for those who seek to observe the work of the master. Now, thanks to the efforts made by the Getty Museum and its curator, a rare opportunity to experience some of Michelangelo’s greatest works has presented itself. Feb. 25, The Getty Museum opened its doors to its “Mind of The Master Exhibit,” a display of 29 of Michelangelo’s drawings that have been kept in amazing condition since their drafting in the 1500s by the man himself. “The Mind of The Master” very clearly documents the legacy of Michelangelo’s impact, doing justice to one of the most prominent and acknowledged human form artists of the time (aside from his rival Leonardo da Vinci). Michelangelo held himself to an incredible standard, raising the bar for those who would learn from him higher than ever before, and creating what we now know as the fundamental stepping stones for the study of anatomy and art through his life’s work.

Separated by three rooms, the exhibit guides visitors through the Italian Renaissance, detailing some of Michelangelo’s greatest achievements and strides he made in the art world. Drawings are displayed on freestanding pedestals scattered throughout the exhibit’s dim rooms, allowing for a full view of the often completely covered page. The exhibit also has an incredible inclusion of interactive displays that dive deeper into one of Michelangelo’s most famous works, “The Creation of Adam,” along with other recreations of the legendary works the sketches on display would go on to become. The drawings displayed are hundreds of years old, and began their extensive journey to becoming a part of the historical works we all know and love the day they were spared from Michelangelo’s habit of burning his work; making the remaining pieces all the more valuable. Such drawings shown include the reference drawing for God’s hand in the work mentioned above, along with his human figure studies and designs for the Dome of Saint Peter’s Basilica in Italy. Their first time in the United States as a group, multiple draw-


ings of his on display come from the Teylers Museum, the oldest

Eian Gil can be reached at eianmgil@gmail.com.

Eian Gil Staff Photographer

ON DISPLAY: One of Michelangelo’s sketches of a nude male and his arm is available for view at the Getty Museum.


Wednesday, March 11, 2020



L.A. Becomes a Hub for More Stadiums, Sporting Events By Gabriel Ponce Staff Writer

The City of Angels has plenty of big plans for the next decade. Los Angeles is building new stadiums, housing structures, and adding more terminals at LAX. One of the biggest announcements was made in 2015: after the City of Angels lacked a football team for two decades, that would finally change with Los Angeles becoming home to the Rams again, joined by the Chargers in 2016. A new stadium could mean a better and bigger home to play in. SoFi Stadium began construction in Hollywood Park located in Inglewood, Calif. Here is a list of some of the upcoming sporting events we will see in our hometown. Football SoFi stadium is being built to host two NFL teams at the start of the 2020 season. Both the Chargers and the Rams will host home football games there. It has been said that Superbowl

56 will be hosted at SoFI in two years. SoFi’s stadium did see a mishap on Feb. 28 where a crane fell in a parking area. “Obviously, this is a tremendous work site, so there is still work continuing on other safe locations of the facility,” Los Angeles County Fire Inspector Sean Ferguson said in a statement. “However, in the immediate vicinity of this incident, we’re just working to create a safe working environment for the cleanup process.” College Football The PAC 12 (Pacific 12 Conference) collegiate athletic conference will play a new bowl game here called the L.A. Bowl. This will begin in the 2020 season. In 2023, the stadium will host the College Football National Championship game. Soccer With many events happening this decade, Los Angeles will be one of the cities to host the 2026 FIFA World Cup. The only issue that the stadium has stumbled upon is that the organizing committee is leaving unbuilt stadiums out of the bid. The Rosebowl

located in Pasadena, Calif. was chosen over SoFi Stadium, but in the summer of 2020 the committee will evaluate the stadium once it opens, and most likely some games will be played at SoFi. Olympics Los Angeles will host the 2028 Summer Olympics. SoFi stadium will host both opening and closing ceremonies. The stadium will split events with the famous Los Angeles Coliseum. Archery and Soccer will be hosted during the Olympic games. Wrestling WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) announced that they will host WrestleMania 37 at SoFi. Last time WrestleMania was hosted in Los Angeles was 15 years ago at Staples Center. Concerts In 2019, Taylor Swift announced that she will present two shows in the Summer of 2020, on July 25 and 26. This will be the inaugural event happening at SoFi.

Also happening this summer, country recording artist Kenny Chesney will perform in August. Last month, in February, Guns N’ Roses announced that they too will play at SoFi stadium in August. Other rock bands, like Los Angeles natives Mötley Crüe and English rock band Def Leppard, are set to perform in September as well. With all the new venues being created in Inglewood, the locals feel like their city is being taken over. New apartments are being built and public parks are also in the process of being built. The neighborhood has struggled economically and with their reputation in past years and is now becoming the center of attraction. Like any other place that starts attracting people, property plays a big factor and increases in value. Properties are becoming expensive and many of the natives in Inglewood cannot afford them, as the city gentrifies.

Gabriel Ponce can be reached at poncegabriel23@yahoo.com.


The Evolution of Politics The political landscape has never been this radical

By Anthony Gharib Staff Writer It’s a cool day in Philadelphia as you embark on your daily walk through Washington Square. The sunset is gleaming off the buttons of your new wool coat. The wind is testing the strength of your tricorn hat. However, the day has been full of hectic errands and it feels great to relax. As you walk up 6th Street toward Chestnut, a glimmer of light from a candle catches your eye. A sharp turn to your right finds you looking right through Independence Hall at someone oddly familiar. Is that Thomas Jefferson? The famous author and politician representing our colonies in the war against Britain? Entering the hall, it becomes clear Jefferson is composing an important piece of work, which in a week or so will be signed off as the Declaration of Independence. Flashback to almost 250 years after Thomas McKean became the final signee and most of what is included in the Declaration is not followed. The common belief today is that George Washington and most delegates despised the ideas of political parties, in fear that one side would gain too much power, which is evident with today’s commander-in-chief. Donald Trump’s rise to president as a candidate with no specific party affiliation, even though he ran as a Republican, reflects the ideology our founding fathers hoped to achieve. A candidate whose views do not fall specifically on any side: Democrat or Republican. The billionaire was a registered Democrat for eight years before switching back after the election of Barack Obama. Trump has also given more money to the right and spent more time registered as a

Gage Skidmore Creative Commons

Democratic, becoming evident his affiliation is simply inconsistent. After Trump’s election, young Americans decided to turn their attention toward an even older figure to “feel the Bern.” Many chose the less traditional Bernie Sanders, who today has been deemed a radical for his ideas of Medicare for All and support of the Green New Deal. Sanders was the frontrunner for the Democratic nominee going into Super Tuesday. However, a coup has begun to build up with former presidential hopefuls like Mike Bloomberg, Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg dropping out of the race and endorsing rival Joe Biden, in hopes of taking him down. After Biden’s astronomical Super Tuesday victory, the plan to overthrow Sanders looks to be working. Sanders has long considered himself a Democratic Socialist, yet recently has been accused of being the ultimate socialist. Most of the policies of Sanders revolve around doing away with capitalism and compensating for the growing inequality in the economy. These are policies that extremely expand on the ones

built in place for Democrats to follow. The political landscape in the United States has never been this radical or diverse. Gone are the times of a president keeping their National Security Advisor for more than a whole month. Gone are the times of hardcore liberals or conservatives dominating the national conventions. And gone are the times of a man in the White House going more than four hours without tweeting. The rise of the non-traditional and “The Apprentice” show creator Donald Trump has led to a country asking for change. According to a Gallup poll from Jan. 2020, 59%x of Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are going in our country. Trust in the government is also at a low, with only 13% saying that Washington will do what is right “just about always” or “most of the time.” Since President Trump took office, he has virtually revamped the Republican party into a group of senators who either will go into the depths of hell to support the President, or walk the thin line toward

the other side. Republican Senator Mitt Romney, for example, became a notorious figure in the party after his decision to impeach Trump during the impeachment trial in the Senate. Trump’s campaign took the country by storm and ignited the youth to become more involved in politics. The 2018 midterms saw one of the highest voter turnouts ever with 53.1% of Americans taking part in the election. A voter turnout has not reached 50% since 1978. The election of radical Donald Trump resulted in youth and ethnic groups increasing their awareness of politics, and finally getting out to vote. As a result, more 18 to 29-year-olds voted, an increase from 20% to 38% between the 2014 and 2018 midterms, according to the Census. Therefore, the nontraditional style of candidates leads to a more informative and interested America. More and more citizens are becoming aware of news and what’s going on in the White House.

[“Evolution” continues on Page 5]



Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Whether right or left-wing, the result is nothing more than positive. A more active country is a country worth living in, something our founding fathers hoped to achieve with the Declaration. The time for change is approaching and with the election

[“Evolution,” from Page 4] Whether right or left-wing, the result is nothing more than positive. A more active country is a country worth living in, something our founding fathers hoped to achieve with the Declaration. The time for change is approaching and with the election around the corner, the country can finally act. The refreshing sight of a candidate like Bernie Sanders, who focuses on minorities and the evolving middle class, adds to evolving politics and is a step forward. Instead of deciding to feed the rich, he hopes to seal the rich from unpaid taxes. Instead of watching Earth burn up, he hopes to control the heat. Instead of looking to satisfy the right, he hopes to look both ways before moving to the middle. And instead of breaking the middle class, he hopes to build it back up. Sanders, similar to Trump

Matt Johnson Creative Commons

2016, is a candidate who leans away from traditional standards and feeds off the country’s frustrations. These “radical” and

“socialist” ideas might even win Sanders the race in November. The revolving-door age of politics proves to be revolution-

ary, in a time where Americans are more hungry for change than that faithful July 4th day at Independence Hall.

Anthony Gharib can be reached at agharib949@student.glendale.edu


A GCC Legacy: An Observation About Andy Reid Glendale College celebrates the Kansas City Chiefs’ coach’s win By Alex Leon Sport Information Director It has been just over a month since the Kansas City Chiefs won Super Bowl 54 with a score of 31-20 over the San Francisco 49ers on Feb. 2 in Miami.The cheering has died down, the confetti has been cleaned up off the field, and the celebratory parades have come and gone. Back here in Glendale and specifically at Glendale College, our own celebration of appreciation for our native son and former student-athlete Andy Reid continues, and is not likely to taper off any time soon. For those of us who know or have met Coach Reid, winning the Super Bowl was a crowning achievement in a career that has spanned 21 years as an NFL head coach and many years beyond that studying, learning, and developing his craft. All of that brought him to that unbelievable night in Miami holding the Super Bowl Trophy that has, until now, eluded him and the teams he has coached. Truth be told, Reid is not held in such incredible esteem in football circles because he is a great football coach, but because he is a great person. If you watched the game coverage after the game concluded, it was easy to see that “Big Red,” as he is fondly known as, was happier for everyone connected to the team than he was for himself. Players, coaches, staffers, volunteers, and families were all winners that night not just because he said so but because anybody connected to Reid has always been part of his extended family. The Andy Reid coaching tree extends far and wide, and anybody who has at least

held a clipboard or coordinated an offense or defense is held in reverence because they are part of his team. Over the years, many of his former assistants have earned NFL head coaching jobs, among them John Harbaugh and Doug Pederson, who have gone on to win Super Bowls over the past several years as the Baltimore Ravens and the Philadelphia Eagles coaches, respectively. It was Andy Reid who was one of the first callers to congratulate Pederson after the Eagles won, so happy for his former coach and the city that opened its arms to him when he was hired in 1999. It is not a stretch to say that Andy Reid was the biggest story leading up to the big game, and he certainly was for us in Glendale and in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles where he grew up. Former GCC Head Football Coach, John Cicuto, a longtime friend and Reid’s former teammates, Jimmy Evangelatos and Bob Gagliano, were contacted for their recollections about Andy Reid by ESPN. They came to GCC to film the field and the scoreboard he donated, and filmed his teammates watching old game film showing Reid playing offensive guard for the Vaqueros in 1976-77, where he was also the placekicker, with Evangelatos as the holder. Certainly this story would probably not be written had the Chiefs not made the necessary adjustments in the second half against the 49ers to turn a 20-10 deficit into a 31-20 victory. Much like the makeup of their coach, Kansas City did not panic but instead pulled together to rally, take the lead, and ultimately the victory. It was a methodical process developed by a man who has coached the game

Jeffrey Beall Creative Commons

KANSAS CITY: Andy Reid, coach of the Kansas City Chiefs American football team, is interviewed by KCTV5’s Dani Welniak in 2017.

for over 40 years and orchestrated it in a way that defies logic for anybody on the outside looking in. Andy Reid was a winner before he clutched that Super Bowl trophy in his hands last month but not for anything that has to do with football. He is a winner in the game of life. Below is a list of his career highlights as a player and a coach: Reid graduated from L.A. Marshall High School in 1976. He played football at GCC in 1976-77 for Head Coach Jim

Sartoris. After several college coaching jobs, Reid was hired by the Green Bay Packers in 1992. As the QB Coach to Brett Farve, the Packers won Super Bowl 31 over the New England Patriots 35-21. He was the Head Coach of the Philadelphia Eagles from 1999-2012 and led the team to four NFC Championship games as well as the 2005 Super Bowl, a 24-21 loss to New England. Reid led the Kansas City Chiefs to the Super Bowl this year after falling to the Patriots

in AFC Championship game in 2019. His career record of 221 wins is sixth all-time. He is a 2003 inductee into the GCC Athletic Hall of Fame as an individual, and in 2015 as a member of the 1977 WSC Champion Football Team. Andy Reid’s association with Glendale College remains strong to this day, as he was the major donor for Sartoris Field in 2005.

Alex Leon can be reached at aleon@glendale.edu


Wednesday, March 11, 2020



Lady Vaqs Dominate Last Season Latest series of games ends in the third round of CCCAA regionals

As the season nears its end, columnist Anthony Gharib takes a look at the race for MVP and a final playoff spot in the Western Conference

Sam Lee Courtesy Photo LADY VAQS WIN BIG: Glendale Community College’s women’s basketball celebrates an outstanding season.

By Elone Safaryan Sports Editor The women’s basketball team set numerous records as they finished their season with a dominating win against Citrus College with a score of 71-46. In this win, the team made a school record of 17 three-pointers out of 43 attempts. Despite losing their first game of the season, the Lady Vaqs started on an absolute tear as they went on a 21-game win streak, another one of many new records they set. That run would come to an unfortunate end with a loss against LA Valley College. The loss inspired the team to win their final five games, punching their ticket into the playoffs. They also ended the season with the WSC South Title, just their second in two years, another school record. Their 26 wins this season was another milestone that bested last year’s previous

record of 21 wins. During their season, the team averaged 64.9 points per game, while accumulating a field goal percentage of 41.8, three-point percentage of 34.5, free-throw percentage of 68.2, 29.4 rebounds per game, and 14.1 assists per game. Tess Oakley-Stilson led the team with 15 points per game while also maintaining 3.9 rebounds, 2.1 assists, and 1.6 steals per game. Vicky Oganyan led the team in rebounds, assists, steals, and blocks per game. Their dominating season had GCC tied for third in Southern California, and fifth in the state, the highest rankings in school history. The Lady Vaqs already got off to a good start in the playoffs as they beat East LA on Feb. 29. Tess Oakley-Stilson once again showed off her offensive prowess by leading the team with 26 points. Oganyan had three steals and a game-high nine rebounds. Zoe Rouse also scored 14 points while acquiring two rebounds and

six assists. That run however would come to an unfortunate end as the team was defeated by Palomar by a score of 53-47. Injuries plagued the team as Tess Oakley-Stilson suffered a foot injury minutes into the game. She would continue to play the remainder of the game, but wouldn’t be as effective. This game also marked the first time the team would suffer a loss at home this season. The Lady Vaqs started off strong but Palomar came back and proved to be a lot more than they could handle. Trieu led the team with 14 points while Oganyan and Jada Aldana both collected seven rebounds. While they could not have gotten a win, their effort and determination shown this season will not be forgotten.

Elone Safaryan can be reached at esafary181@student.glendale.edu

A Legend to Remember

Los Angeles shows tribute to Kobe Bryant in murals

By Gabby Pineda Staff Writer In the aftermath of legendary basketball player Kobe Bryant’s death, murals have popped up all around Los Angeles to commemorate his life. Bryant, 41, died in a tragic helicopter accident in Calabasas, CA along with eight others, including his daughter, Gianna “Gigi” Bryant, aged 13 on January 26, 2020. Artists around the city showcased their work paying respect to the legend. El Vaquero went out to look at some of the most profound murals in the Los Angeles area. Gabby Pineda can be reached at gabbypineda924@gmail.com

Gabby Pineda Staff Photographer

The NBA Starts to Heat Up

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By Anthony Gharib Staff Writer With roughly 20 games remaining in this exciting NBA season, there is no shortage of drama and questions to be answered. Are the Clippers finally a threat? Can LeBron steal another MVP award in his 17th year? Will Zion and the Pelicans catch up to face the Lakers in the first round? The Clippers, who were supposed to be the biggest challenge to the Lakers have struggled with injuries throughout the season. Nevertheless, finally healthy and balling, the Clippers embarked on a six game winning streak before losing to the Lakers last Sunday. The Lakers are now the favorites to win it all in June, according to political and sports blog FiveThirtyEight. Hopefully, a match-up arises between the two for a spot in the NBA Finals in May. The race for MVP looks to be between Giannis Antetokoumpo of the Bucks and LeBron James of the Lakers. Antetokoumpo has been averaging 29.6 points, 13.7 rebounds and career-high 5.8 assists per game all on 30 minutes per game (mpg). LeBron, however, has been averaging 25.7 points, 7.8 rebounds and league-leading 10.6 assists on 34.9 mpg. With the “Greak Freek” out for a two games and after LeBron’s dominating play against the Bucks and Clippers this past weekend, the MVP should be returning to the King. One key race still needs to be completed: the race for the eighth seed in the Western Conference. The young and hungry Memphis Grizzlies with explosive rookie Ja Morant currently hold the spot with an even record of 32-32. “Grind City” has had the spot for most of the season, yet they do have the toughest schedule among playoff contenders the rest of the season, according to ESPN. As the New Orleans Pelicans dropped to ninth and four games behind the final spot in the West, our dreams of a Zion vs. LeBron first-round matchup seem to be over for now. However, with the easiest schedule remaining in the NBA, it might not be too late. Instead, the Portland Trail Blazers and Sacramento Kings are also both fighting to see who will be taken out in the first round by the Lakers. Portland currently has the 11th spot with a record of 28-37, and 4.5 games behind the Grizz. The Blazers, however, have the second easiest schedule and the return of star Damian Lillard might indicate a run. The Sacramento Kings have a record of 28-36 and like New Orleans are four games behind the final spot. They have the tenth toughest schedule and have been 7-3 in their last ten games. Forward Harrison Barnes also told reporters last month he would “not cut my hair” until they reach a. 500 win percentage. Yikes. A final spot deserves to be with Memphis, who I believe will clinch their playoff berth. Anthony Gharib can be reached at agharib949@student.glendale.edu



Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Kobe Bryant: The Legend Who Will Never Die By Jenilee Borek Staff Writer On Sunday, Jan. 26, Los Angeles, changed forever and time seemed to stand still. The news that NBA star and Los Angeles Lakers legend Kobe Bryant had died in a fatal helicopter crash swarmed the internet. Shock, sadness, and disbelief raced through people all over the city and the world, as they rushed to their phones to try to gather information. Many fans reported that they thought the news was just an evil prank that the internet was playing on everyone. As the dust settled and more news stations broadcasted all of the details that they learned throughout the day, the reality set in that not only the Black Mamba was gone, but that eight other people perished in the horrific accident as well. The overwhelming sensation of heartbreak came over the world as we learned that Kobe’s daughter, Gianna Bryant, had also died. The mourning immedi-

It was obvious that the man, who was only 41-years old when he died had changed the world while he lived, and even in his death brought people together. It’s impossible to mention Kobe Bryant without mentioning basketball. Even though many people learned more about Kobe the man, husband, and father after his death, everyone knew about Kobe, the Black Mamba on the basketball court. He accomplished more in his 41-years than most people do in a much longer lifetime, and his drive was fueled by his biggest passion: basketball. Bryant was born on Aug. 23, 1978, in Philadelphia and was the son of former NBA player Joe Bryant. It was obvious from a young age that he had a gift that only few people possess. After graduating high school, he declared for the 1996 NBA draft. Kobe was selected by the Charlotte Hornets with the 13th overall pick, but was traded to the Los Angeles Lakers, where he would play his entire 20-season career. His career ended with him

Jenilee Borek Staff Photographer

LEGACY: Kobe Bryant came to the NBA in 1996, and went on to bring the L.A. Lakers to numerous championships.

ately began for all the victims, which included John Altobelli, Keri Altobelli, Alyssa Altobelli, Christina Mauser, Sarah Chester, Payton Chester, and the pilot Ara Zobayan. Outside of Staples Center, a makeshift memorial was developing as people gathered to try to make sense of the news that they were hearing. Artists all over the world began painting murals of Kobe and Gianna to show their love and support, as well as to give people a place to go grieve. The days that followed were filled with an outpouring of support and condolences for all of the families involved, along with confusion about what had really happened. Celebrities, along with people who were close to Kobe and Gianna, shared their memories, and spoke about what they had meant to their lives. Some people, like LeBron James, didn’t have the words immediately after because it was too much to process, reports suggested, but it seemed like everyone was willing to be there for others and to listen to each other’s feelings.

accomplishing things most people would only dream of. He was a five-time NBA champion, two-time Olympic gold medalist, two-time NBA Finals MVP, NBA

Jenilee Borek Staff Photographer

A CITY IN MOURNING: People from all over the state arrive at the Staples Center on Jan. 26 to pay their respects to the late Kobe Bryant.

Most Valuable Player, 18-time NBA All-Star, and a day before his death had been passed up by LeBron James on the NBA All-Time Scoring list, holding the fourth spot in history. He even won an Oscar for his work on the animated short film “Dear Basketball” after his playing career was over. Not everyone liked Kobe, but no one could deny his work ethic. “Winning takes precedence overall. There’s no gray area. No almost,” he said. It was this type of mindset which allowed him to conquer goals throughout his lifetime that many people would give up on. Gianna Bryant seemed to have a drive similar to his and was gifted at basketball. Many described her as having a great sense of humor and a fiery spirit. Her goal was to play college basketball at the University of Connecticut, and many people around her thought that she’d not only make it to the WNBA, but that she would change women’s basketball altogether.

Even though Kobe Bryant was one of the best basketball players of all time, it was who he was as a person that those close to him seemed to focus on as they told personal stories about him through social media and during the Celebration of Life ceremony on Feb. 24 at the Staples Center. Fans from all over the world connected about what he meant to their lives and the inspiration that he was to them, even if they had never met him. This is not to say that he was perfect, as none of us are. However, it is clear that he touched many people’s lives deeply throughout the world. Sometimes the inspiration that we get from others can change our lives, and he was someone who was a role model for many. His wife, Vanessa Bryant, shared how loving and caring he was. She shared that he was obsessed with details in their marriage similarly as he was on the basketball court. He strived to be a great husband and father, and helping others brought him joy.

Even though the nine lives lost that day may never make sense to anyone, they are a reminder to cherish what you have at this moment. When we give the world the best we have, we can change things for future generations, and it’s clear that the Black Mamba changed our world. Jenilee Borek can be reached at jborek028@student.glendale.edu.

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Jenilee Borek Staff Photographer

REMEMBERING THE GIANT: Kobe Bryant, known as the Black Mamba, went on to have an interesting and profound career after the NBA.




Wednesday, March 11, 2020

In Review: ‘Gentefied’ on Netflix This new dramedy is a cross-cultural, LGBTQ friendly, bilingual hit

By A. Heimer Staff Writer The fresh new Latinx comedy Gentefied uses the backdrop of a Chicano family’s struggle to keep its East LA taco shop in business while the show explores a variety of themes including: gentrification, adapting to change, generational and cultural clashes, white-washing, code-switching,y por que no, modern gender, class and race relations. While that may seem like a mouthful, the show manages to counterbalance the messaging with a frank, funky comedy style and inspired performances from a talented cast. Mama Fina’s is a fictional taco shop in Boyle Heights which may yet become as mythic as Breaking Bad’s “Los Pollos Hermanos.” It is run by the widower Casimiro “Pop” Morales, played by the terrific, scene-stealing Joaquin Cosio, a veteran Mexican film actor who “crossed over” and has appeared in many North American films and television shows including “Quantum of Solace and “Narcos:” Mexico. Although often cast as a “heavy,” his role in Gentefied allows

Cosio to exhibit his comic side and versatility as an actor. The whole ride or die Morales familia pitches in to help as the taco shop rent goes up and yuppie gentrifiers circle the barrio like vultures. Attempts to keep the taco shop afloat include offering new age watermelon radish carne asada tacos, chicken tikka masala tacos, free tacos for kids who read a book and pass a quiz, and shamelessly exploiting white guilt when they get in on a Taco Tuesday food tour busload of hipsters who exclaim excitedly, “We can have tacos and do good at the same time!” One episode has Pop’s collegeeducated, chef-wannabe son having to prove to his co-workers in the kitchen of an upscale Arts district restaurant that he really is Mexican by undergoing a battery of cultural tests. In a destined-to-be-classic episode, a mariachi band is faced with the prospect of having to update its tired repertorio with something by Cardi B or Beyonce. Another episode spotlights the vivacious Karrie Martin and her irresistible grin as Pop’s granddaughter Ana, a proud queer artist who enrages

the barrio with a mural of two lucha libre wrestlers making out. Originally created as a 10-episode web-series by Linda Yvette Chavez and Marvin Lemus, the show was picked up by Netflix with Ugly Betty´s America Ferrara as executive producer. It was released on Feb. 21 and has already had such overwhelmingly positive response in the press and on Twitter at #Gentefied that the show’s fans have high hopes that Netflix will order a second season,a decision Netflix usually waits to make until a few months have passed after a release date. Much of the show’s dialogue is in a pitch-perfect LA Spanglish patois, though many exchanges take place with los viejos hablando en Español and the young people replying in English. Sublimely augmented by a banda sonora bien sabrosa de musica Latina old and new, Gentefied is an earthy, funny and heart-warming feast of contemporary Chicano culture, but spoiler alert- it’s difficult to binge on without getting un antojo de tomar unos tacos. A. Heimer can be reached at aheimer570@student.glendale.edu.

Netflix Courtesy photo

as evidence, Cecilia’s word is enough proof. Fears of technological stalking are present in the film as well, from the small gesture By Natalie Casey of Cecilia covering her webcam Staff Writer with lipstick, to discovering photos the invisible man took It looks like Universal is of her while she was asleep. awakening their monsters from Whannell taps into the growing the vault, and doing it right this societal fear of technology being time. Director Leigh Whannell used in the wrong ways. reinvents “The Invisible Man” Elisabeth Moss is rightfully with his take on the classic story. earning her spot in scream The lead character is not the queen hall of fame, from her invisible man, but the woman performance in “Us” (2019), to who leaves him. Whannell’s her lead role in “The Handmaid’s remake focuses on advanced Tale.” Moss’ acting in “The technology and just how much Invisible Man” proves she’s abusive behavior can infect on her way to cement herself everyone around them. in horror history. Her character The film opens with is strong from the beginning, Cecilia (Elisabeth Moss) and at the same time afraid and leaving her boyfriend Adrian dependent on those around her. (Oliver Jackson-Cohen), who Cecilia is a woman with more “Moss’ acting than one personality is an extremely in “The Invisible trait, and Moss’ ability accomplished optics Man” proves to play that role left the scientist, in the she’s on her theater clapping when middle of the night. way to cement she gets the upper hand The audience finds herself in horror against the invisible out a little later that history.” she was running man. from an extremely Thanks to the #metoo abusive relationship, and the movement and rising awareness way Whannell tells that story is of how minority groups important. are represented in media, A lot of turmoil and audiences are getting more buried trauma came out of multidimensional characters. the #metoo movement, but Classic stories are being retold with it came an emergence of and reimagined from the eyes female empowerment films, of strong women, and people and Whannell’s film feels like of color. If Universal can avoid one of them. Flashbacks are an another remake similar to their easy way to show the abusive “The Mummy” (2017) disaster relationship, but Whannell does and stay on track with “The not utilize them. He makes Invisible Man” (2020) they’re the audience believe Cecilia’s looking at a successful franchise account of the relationship based reboot of their iconic monsters. on what she says happened. He doesn’t give the audience Natalie Casey can be reached at ncasey379@student.glendale.edu. indisputable flashback scenes

Review: The Grammy Museum goes ‘Back to Black,’ remembering Amy Winehouse ‘The Invisible Man’

Remembering an Icon

Natalie Casey Staff Photographer

By Natalie Casey Staff Writer The Grammy Museum, located at L.A. Live, is holding an exhibit titled “Beyond Black: The Style of Amy Winehouse,’’ curated by the late singer’s stylist Naomi Parry and close friend Catriona Gourlay. Only 27 when she died, Winehouse had a distinct style, and an even rarer voice. Her beehive hair, thick black eyeliner, and tight-fitting dresses all shaped her feminine exterior, but when she sang, her voice dominated everything around her. Beyond Black occupies one floor of the four-story museum. This is the temporary home to Winehouse’s personal clothing, shoes, bags, records and more. Items from when the singer was just starting out are on display,

such as the yellow Preen dress she wore to the 2007 Brit Awards and the red heart-shaped Moschino purse she carried that night. Also being shown are her iconic outfits, such as the black Dolce & Gabbana dress she wore when she won five Grammy awards. In a very small theater, footage of her winning Record Of the Year, at the 50th Grammy awards is being shown. Viewers can see Winehouse wearing the black Dolce & Gabbana dress that is on display just right outside the theater. The footage also includes performances from that night of her hits “Rehab” and “You Know I’m No Good.” The exhibit is a fairly small one, but the items make up for it in how intimate they are. Winehouse’s make-up and halfused perfumes give the exhibit

an eerie vibe. Her handwritten lyrics and journals offer some insight into the singer, and the wardrobe on display shows just how unique she was. Before joining music mythology in the form of the “27 Club” Winehouse had only released two albums. The exhibit gives fans more insight into a person the world barely got the chance to know. Tickets for the Grammy Museum are sold for $15 per person. The exhibit will run until April 13, then head to Chile, London, and Ireland before returning to Los Angeles where the items will be auctioned off. The Grammy Museum is located at 800 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90015. Natalie Casey can be reached at ncasey379@student.glendale.edu.

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