PLAN 5&6 "Past and future, my future!"

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Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ Name: ________________________________________
This plan has been elaborated by Esther González Guerrero CEIP

To help / helped: ayudar.

To invent / invented: inventar.

To talk / talked:hablar.

To discover/ discovered: descubrir.

To write/ wrote: escribir.

To become/ became:llegar a ser.

To go / went: ir.

To see / saw:ver.

To be /was,were:ser, estar.

To have/ had:tener, tomar.

To visit / visited:visitar .

To watch / watched: ver .

To like / liked:gustar.

To sleep/ slept:dormir.

Scotland: Escocia.

Scottish: escocés.

deer: ciervo.

cows: vacas.

birdwatching: avistar pájaros. fields: campos.


To visit an oasis/ ruins/ a museum: visitar un oasis/ ruinas/ un museo

To visit the island: visitar la isla.

To go to the market/beach/cinema/harbour: mercado/playa/cine/puerto

To hire a boat/bike: alquilar un bote/bici

To climb a mountain: escalar una montaña.

To go dancing/wind-surfing: ir a bailar/ hacer windsurf

To read a book: leer un libro.

To play table tennis: jugar a tenis de mesa.

She is going to hire a boat. Ella va a alquilar un bote.

She is not going to hire a boat. Ella no va a alquilar un bote.

Is she going to hire a boat?

¿ Va ella a alquilar un bote? Yes, she is./ No, she isn´t.


He wentto the park Él fue al parque.

You didn´tgo to the park. Tú no fuiste al parque.

Did you sleep well in the hotel?

¿Dormisteis bien en el hotel? No, we didn`tsleepwell last night. No, nosotros no dormimos bien anoche. Yes, we sleptvery well last night. Sí, nosotros dormimos muy bien anoche.


Who went to Africa?

You should put it in a bin.

Tú deberías echarla al contenedor.

You shouldn’t drop your rubbish.

Tú no deberías dejar tu basura.

¿ Quién fue a África ?

Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ 2

1. PAST SIMPLE: Regular and irregular verbs. Listen and repeat.

2. Listen and say the number.

Who discovered penicilin?

1 went

3. Read, circle and write .

2 saw

3 invented

4 talked 5 discovered 6 helped 7 wrote 8 became

1. Dr Livingston wrote about Africa. 4. Bell ______________ the telephone. invented wrote discovered discovered invented talked

2. He _____________ famous for his 5. J. M. Barrie _________________ the explorations. character, Peter Pan. talked went became talked wrote invented

3. Graham Bell ____________________ 6. Penicillin ___________________ sick to America. people. helped saw went discovered became helped

4. Write in past.

Write: __________________

Talk: ___________________

Help: ___________________

Invent: _________________

Discover: _______________

Answer: ________________

Think: __________________



Go: _____________________

Eat: ____________________

Read: ___________________

5. Complete in past.

A) I went to Greece on holiday last summer.

B) You ___________________________ a letter to your sister yesterday.

C) He ___________________________________a new computer last year.

D) My aunt ________________________________ a nurse in 1998.

E) We _____________________________ our friends to do their homework.

F) My parents ________________ my grandfather on the phone last Saturday.

Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ 3
Picture 5. It was Alexander Fleming.

He helped people inAfrica.

He became an explorer.

He was a doctor and a scientist.

He was Scottish.

He saw the Victoria Falls. He wrote about his explorations. 6 7

He wrote a letter to the band. His dream was to become a musician. But he liked music and he liked singing. He watched a lot of concerts on television.

Now he was happy. He was a musician and he had lots of friends.

Billy was 15 years old and he was unhappy at school. He only liked his Music lessons. It was his favourite lesson.

He helped behind the stage at their concerts. Sometimes he helped in the band.

He discovered that there was a new band in his town. They were brilliant. He went to their concert every day!

He saw lots of musicians and they became friends. They helped him.

Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ 4
1. DESCRIPTIONS. Past Simple. Listen and order. 2. Look, read and order in your notebook. 2. Complete.

1. Listen to the story and act it out.

2. Read the story again and correct these sentences.

1. The children are visiting Wales. ______________________________

2. They are riding a horse by the sea.. _________________________________________________________________

3. Ruth saw Nessie last winter.______________________________________________________________________

4. Beth went for a walk after breakfast ._______________________________________________________________

5. There were a plant in the river.____________________________________________________________________

6. The monster wasn´t beautiful and it had small red eyes.________________________________________________

7. Ruth didn´t invent that mobile phone.______________________________________________________________

Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ 5


I _______________ to Loch Ness in 1933 and I ___________________ Nessie.

I watched her swimming in Loch Ness. It __________________ incredible! She _______________ long, with a long neck and a round body. She also _________________ a long tail.

I _____________________________ about her in the newspaper and Nessie __________________ very famous. Everybody ___________________ about it and ________________ the story.

became saw had was liked was wrote watched talked went

2. Now imagine and write about a monster you saw on holiday. Do it in your notebook.

I went to ___________________ on holiday and I ________________

3. Read and complete.

As a child prodigy, Ada Lovelace ____ passionate about scientific developments, mathematics, and computational mathematics in particular from an early age. She ___________the design for a flying machine when she ______ only 13 years old. Ada was ________________ by her mother to study logic and mathematics. In addition to being the founder of scientific computing, she ________ some notes, they are _____________ the first computer program, anticipating future developments in computer science. She ___________ the first computer programmer.

encouraged developed became was deemed wrote was

Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ 6
1. Complete
“ I saw Nessie “

I ________________________ to be famous! I want to be a _________________________! Like all of ___________________ Scotsmen. You Know who they ___________________!

Bell ________________________ the phone, Barrie ______________ wonderful ____________, Burns wrote poems and _____________________, Fleming ______________________ a cure.

They´re so _____________________________! _____________________________ all stars! And we all know Who they _______________________________. So many _________________________ things People ___________________________ do. They made a better world, Now I can, too.

Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ 7
2. SONG. Listen, sing and complete. 1. Sounds /s/ and /z/. Listen and repeat. 2. Listen and circle the odd one out. 3. Make a sentence with each word.
oyster zoo mouse house prize noise

1. SCOTLAND. Colour Scotland in the blank map of the United Kingdom and mark Edinburgh in it.

2. FAMOUS SCOTTISH PEOPLE. Listen, read and answer the questions, in your notebook.

Alexander Graham Bell was a very famous Scottish man. In 1870 he went to Canada and then to the U.S.A. with his family. He was a teacher, but then he became an inventor. He invented the telephone in 1876. He was 29 years old. The first telephone call microphone. He became very rich and famous. Today, almost everybody sisters. They loved the Scottish countryside. He went to London and became a doctor and a captain in the army. He discovered penicilin in 1928 and wrote lots of books and articles about his discoveries. In 1945 he got the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

1. Which countries did Bell visit?_______________________________________________

2. Was he a teacher and an inventor?_____________________________________________

3. How old was he when he invented the telephone?________________________________

4. How many brothers and sisters had Fleming got?_________________________________

5. When did he discover penicillin?______________________________________________

6. Did he write many books and articles ? ________________________________________

Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ 8

1.Read carefully and complete in your notebook.


verb + ed past simple regular verbs visit + ed visited

If the verb already ends with an “e”, you only add a “d” , like+ d liked

1. I helped my sister with her homework yesterday. (help)

2. We ___________________ a football match last Saturday.(watch)

3. She _________________________ her birthday presents last year.(like)

4. He __________________ stories all the time on holiday. (invent)

5. They __________________all day on the phone last week. (talk)

6. She ______________________ football with her brother. (play)

7. I _______________________ an old book in the garden. (discover)

8. They ____________________ a famous museum In Madrid. (visit)

9. My granpa _________________ playing football. (like)

10. She __________________ at the bakery. (work)

Infinitive Past Simple go went become became see saw write wrote have had be was / were

1. I became famous when I was 10 years old. (become)

2. We _______________________ very happy last year. (be)

3. She ____________________ to Spain on holiday last year. (go)

4. They ___________________ a very big house in Wales. (have)

5. Your book ___________________ fantastic! (be)

6. He _______________________ a nurse last year. (become)

7. We ________________________ a brilliant play yesterday. (see)

8. I _________________ a long letter last weekend. (write)

9. My friends ___________________ at the cinema last Sunday. (be)

- When we write, we think about whathappened, where and whenit happened and who was there. For this we use verbs in the past simple ( went, had, jumped )

- Then we describe what was happening at the same time. This makes the story more interesting. For this we use verbs in the past continuous ( he was running, we were fighting…).

- We also use connecting and sequencing words like then, next and after that… This helps us to organise our writing.

My favourite film of the year was Detective Jane 2. This is what happenned in the most exciting scene of the film. The thieves were running after Detective Jane. She had to jump off a really high building to escape. Then she jumped onto a lorry which was full of black plastic bags, but the baddies got onto a motorbike and started to follow her. The motorbike was much faster so it wasn´t long before it was next to the lorry on the road. One of the thieves was trying to climb up the side of the lorry when Jane jumped off it and onto the back of the motorbike. The driver and Jane were fighting as they went over the bridge. Then Jane pushed the driver off the motorbike into the river. After that she quickly stopped the bike before it hit a bus. Next she called to the pólice on her mobile and pulled the thief out of the river, She said “Water you doing here?”

Everybody laughed.

Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ 9
2. Find the verbs and connecting and sequencing words in this story. Circle them. 3. Write about a scene from your favourite film in yournotebook.

1. Watch the DVD about SCOTLAND. Then, match, write and colour the flag.

I can talk about people in the past.

I can ask and answer questions about people in the past.

I can read and understand stories, songs and texts.

I can write about important people in the past.

I have information about Scotland, important Scottish and Spanish people.

Scotland is a part of the U.K. Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland. Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland. It was a very important port. The mountains are called the Highlands.

SKILLS OK Good Excellent






A) Tom ___________________ a postcard to his father yesterday. WRITE.

B) I _________________________ to the USA on holiday last summer. GO.

C) Beth ________________________ a policewoman last year. BECOME.

D) We ______________________________ TV last evening. WATCH.

E) The doctors ___________________ my granmother last month. HELP.

F) This man _____________________new island in Australia. DISCOVER.

G) You and your friends __________________in the park yesterday. BE.

Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ 10
1. ________________________
2. big Edinburgh modern buildings Glasgow party
3. ____________________
__________ _____________________
_____________ ______________________ in _____________________
5.___________________ There are lots of
in ________________now. There is a
to celebrate the New Year.



A) What are you going to do on Sunday?

C) What are you going to do on Friday?

E) Are you going to hire a boat on Saturday?

G) Are you going to climb a mountain on Monday?

B) What are you going to do on Wednesday?

D) What are you going to do on Tuesday?

F) Are you going to go to the beach on Thursday?

Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ 11 9
2. Look, find and write eight sentences.
3.________________________________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________________________________ 5.________________________________________________________________________ 6.________________________________________________________________________
3. Answer these questions in your notebook.
______ ______ ______ ______ Simon ________
1. GOING TO. Listen and write the names.

1. Samir is _________________________on a camel ___________ with _______parents.

2. The children ___________________________to _____________ with him.

3. First they _________________going to go for a ___________________________.

4. Then they are _______________________to ride some ________________________.

5. Later they´re _____________________to _________________ a _______________.

6. Tom is tired and ________________________ during the safari and he sees a mirage.

7. Finally he can _______________________ real _________________________.

Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ 12 10
1. Listen to the story and act it out. 2. Read the story again and complete these sentences.

1.Read carefully and complete. GOING TO FOR FUTURE

A) Look and remember. Complete.

Affirmative Negative

I´m I´m

You´re You´re not

He´s go... He hire...

She´s going visit ... She isn´t go...

It´s to read... It visit...

We´re climb... We´re read...

You´re You´re not They´re They´re

1. I’m going to hire a bike tomorrow. +bike

2. She _____________ on Friday. beach

3. You _______________ next week. ruins

4. We _______________tomorrow. +snorkellimg

5. They _______________ on Monday. cinema

6. He ______________ next summer. +mountain

7. We _______________ on Thursday. football

8. I ______________ next week. + a book

2. Read carefully and choose the correct answer.

Questions with GOING TO

B) Look and remember. Complete.


Am I

Are you go cycling? he visit your granny?

Is she going to go to the beach? it play volleyball? we hire a boat?

Are you play computer games? they

1. Are you going to climb a mountain tomorrow?

2. _______they going ________a boat next week?

3. _______ he____________play football next week?

4. _____we going to________on holiday next summer?

5. _____she going__________to the beach on holiday?

6. ______you going________the ruinss this after noon?

7. _______ they __________go swimming after lunch?

8. ________he going ________volleyball tomorrow?

A) He shouldn’t play near a busy road.

B) He should play carefully.

A) She should brush his teeth.

B) She should go to the dentist.


B) She should wait under a tree.

A) They should put their rubbish in the bin.

B) They shouldn’t eat sandwiches outdoors.

A) They should walk quietly through the field.

B) They shouldn’t go into the field.

A) He should wash her hands before she eats.

B) He should wash her hands after she eats.

Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ 13

Dear Granny and Grandad, I´m going to go to Spain on a school trip next week. I´m going with my best friends, Jacky, Paul and James. We´re going to go to an activity camp. I`m going to go to the beach on Monday and I´m going to climb a mountain on Tuesday. Paul and James are going to hire a boat on Tuesday and visit the islands on Wednesday. Jacky is going to climb a mountain with me on Tuesday and she´s also going to go to the market on Tuesday afternoon, I want to go to the market too. Paul and Jacky are going to go to the beach on Thursday and I´m going to visit the ruins with James that day. It´s going to be fun! Bye for now!

Gemma xxx.

2. Read and complete.

1. Who´s going to go to the beach on Monday?_______________________

2. What´s Gemma going to do on Tuesday? ______________________

3. Who´s going to hire a boat with James?_________________________

4. When is James going to visit the islands? ________________________

5. Who´s going to go to the beach with Paul? __________________________

6. Who´s going to visit the ruins with Gemma? _______________________

In October, I´m going to go to India. I´m going to go to the markets and climb mountains . In November, I´m going to go to Thailand. I´m going to visit the temples and to __________________________. In December, I´m going to go to Australia. I´m going to _________________ surfing and visit the ____________________ islands. I´m going to go to New Zealand in January. I´m _____________________ go to the beach and _________________________ mountains. In February, I´m going to go to Peru . I´m going to visit the _________________. In March, I´m going to go to ____________________________________. I´m going to ____________________________ and to ride a camel. Finally, I´m going to go Spain in April. I´m going _________ go to the beach every day and to go windsurfing and play __________________________________.

I´m going to come home in ________________next year !

What a trip!

the beach volleyball going to ruins visit an oasis

May mountains to beautiful climb Morocco go

3. WRITING Now write a letter about your summer holidays, in your notebook.

Dear _________________________, On Monday I´m going ____________

Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ 14
1. WORK IN PAIRS. Read, ask and answer.

On holiday this ______________________________, I´m ________________________________to Timbuktu. I´m going to _______________________ the Sahara And ___________________ a camel, too.

On ___________________________________this summer, I´m __________________________________ to Mozambique. ________________________________ going to dive in the ocean And climb a _________________________________ peak.

We´re going to ____________________________ Africa, Meet ______________________ people, See the ______________________________. We´re ________________________to visit Africa See the deserts, jungles And starry nights.

Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ 15
3. Make a sentence with each word.
cow boat house goat coat mouse

mountain on the third day. Then we´re going to visit Chott El Jerid. It´s a salt lake that has no wáter! You can cross it by foot or by car. We´re going to have an excellent time!

Day Trip to Brighton on Wednesday 6th July. We´re going to spend the day in Brighton! We´re going to go to the beach and go swimming in the morning. After lunch, we´re going to visit Pavilion, it´s a very big palace. Then we´re going to go to the market and play volleyball on the beach. Then we´re going to eat fish and chips on the West Pier. We´re going to be back in London at nine o´clock in the evening.

1.Which town are the Tunisian pupils going to visit?_____________________ _____________________________________________________________

2. Where are they going to sleep?____________________________________

3. Why are they going to get up at five o´clock?_________________________

4. The British pupils are going to go to the beach.Are they going to go swimming? ___________________________________________________

5. What are they going to have for dinner?_____________________________

6. What time are they going to be back in London ? _____________________

Ceip Sierra Nevada Primary 3rd Cycle _____________________ 16
1. SOUTH ENGLAND. Colour England in the blank map of the United Kingdom and mark Brighton in it. 2. BEAUTIFUL PLACES.

1. Watch the DVD about Tunisia. Then, match, write and colour the flag.

Tunisia is a country in North Africa, next to the Mediterranean Sea. The capital city of Tunisia is Tunis. The Sahara Desert covers most of North Africa.

Lots of people live in ___________________

The buidings are very __________________.

People live in the __________________ too. They _________________ some of the Star Wars films here.

By the __________there are lots of _________________ white houses.



filmed beautiful sea Tunis pretty desert

5. ____________________________

2. WORK IN PAIRS. Let’s talk with HAVE+PARTICIPLE, look for your irregular verbs list

3. WRITING IN PAIRS. Write a text using the answers of these questions, IN YOUR NOTEBOOK.

1. ____________________
2. ____________________
a c b 15
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