ROb Walker Lookbook Proof

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White out Through the Open Door iTunes Festival 2010 Forest

White Out The snowy suburbs of Saint Albans

For one long week snow brought chaos

In the peak of a blizzard I decided to go

to the nation. For me it was the peace

photograph the silent chaos rampaging

and serenity that it brought that helped

outside. What resulted is a series of

make taking photos after not using a

photos which range from full of detail to

camera for 3 months since graduating.

very obscure images.


Through the Open Door Belgravia Squaters

‘Through the Open Door’ follows a

The Idea of this project comes from

The Thatcher House was the first

group of London based squatters

my third year university project,

squat the came to my attention in the

known to the media as the Belgravia

Multiple Roles. I wanted to look a

media and the reason why I chose to

Squatters. I followed the group for

group of people seen as outcast but

photograph them in the first place.

nearly three months building up

who were trying to break this “role” in

With the newspapers giving the basic

relationships and with them to allow

society. I decided to hunt down some

road and house information I decided

me in and photograph them. With the

squatters to photograph however I

to just stride up to the house, camera

help of documentary film maker Mark

did not expect to have such a great

in hand and ask I could document

Guard I have had the chance to follow

group to follow. My intention was to

them and surprisingly enough after a

them in several houses including

photograph squatters to break the

cautious start the agreed and I started

living six doors down from Baroness

negative stereotypes that come with

shooting the next day.

Thatcher. Several of the group weren’t

the name Squatter, and this is exactly

happy with the idea of photos, for

what this group do, they squatted for

privacy reasons but others were happy

two reasons. One was too live and

to sit in for photos.

sleep, the second was the bring to the attention of the public these giant houses empty in central London.


iTunes Festival 2010 Foals & 2 Door Cinema Club


Forest Into the trees


+ 44 (0) 7983 707 777

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