Torquay info flyer

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EF International Language Centers

Language Travel

Torquay - UK

Get going to Torquay Stuck on which destination to choose for your E F trip? K arin gives you the low-down on Torquay... “My students had a bla st in Torquay la st summer and England

really is the best place to get a real British accent! Torquay is a

quaint sea side town in the heart of the English Riviera. The busy

E F schedule offers you a wide variety activities, outdoor games and

K arin E F L eader

water sports. (L a st year water sports also included the students

throwing me into the water!) There are lovely places to shop,

plenty of nice cafés and the E F L eaders will personally ensure you are kept busy and that you have a great time!”

Off to the UK

You’ll make loads of friends when you travel in a group

- an E F L eader will meet you at the airport, and you’ll fly to England together with a group of students. The

mer A vera ge su m in te m p era tu re y: a u q Tor 22 ˚C

travel time from Heathrow or Gatwick airport to the

coa stal town of Torquay is about five hours, so you’ll stop for a break on the way and have fun getting to know your group.

tri p ro a dn u f ra ! rq u a y a dy fo Ge t re o n do n t o T o f rom L

Arri vi ng at E F To rq ua y ev er yo ne is su pe r fr ie nd ly.

School’s out!

E F isn’t like school - you learn in

and outside the cla ssroom, exploring & using your skills with people who

natively speak the language. You’ll pick up the language quickly while you’re on

an excursion or practising through a fun activity with E F Action L earning.

See the sights - it’s

& u se w h at th e cl a ss of e id ts re a l- li fe S te p ou le a rn ed in y ou’ve ju st at io n s. si tu

part of the package

L earn English a s you travel the countryside. On the two-night

trip to L ondon you’ll experience all the famous big city sights such a s Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. A half-day excursion to Prac ti se your Englis h at one of the 83 m arkets ac ro ss L on do n.

Dartmoor will introduce you to ca stles, culture, Dartmoor ponies and the medieval town of Totness.. For students on three-week courses, you’ll also take a trip to Exeter, explore the huge cathedral and delve into the eventful history of this beautiful town.

EF Parties! The E F Disco rock s! There are loads of games, dances

and competitions, so it’s always a bla st. You can count on

heaps of parties too, even a reunion party after the trip. If you enjoy being social, join E F Crew to keep in touch with friends after your trip.

e pa rt ie s are M us ic an d th em ex perien ce. all pa rt of th e

L earn Street Dance

With E F Action Plus you learn English by concentrating on a subject you enjoy. The E F Action Plus Street

Dance course consists of four, 40-minute practical/

theory lessons per day, including dance vocabulary and

culture, ‘street’ terms, auditions and dress rehearsals. th e side an d Pu t yo ur ha t to in st yle wi th E F. ‘S tree t Da nce’

You’ll work with a professional choreographer and work on a street routine, which you will perform live a s part

of your a ssessment. Get one step closer to a career a s a

professional dancer and return home with real results in the form of an E FC E L T Report.

History & tradition

Take advantage of the included study visits to learn even more English and history. Travel to the idyllic

and magical village of Cockington Court or visit the

Magistrates court in Torbay - you can even watch a rea l court ca se in session.

’s D is co ve r B ri ta in st or y. l hi fu rich an d co lo ur

Extra E F Excursions

In addition to the included excursions, you

can buy extra trip s, activities or Fun Pack s.

Additiona l excursions include a trip to S a lisbury ce ui se an d ex pe rien Ta ke th e Ba y Cr a st lin e by bo at. th e gl itte ri ng co

and the famous Stonehenge, a visit to historic Plymouth, the Bay Cruise, cinema outings, bowling or Go-K arting!

E F Homestay - a cultural experience Staying in an E F Homestay is a great opportunity. The families are really nice and often go out of

their way to make students feel at home in a foreign country. It’s lovely to have local people to look out for you, prepare home-cooked meals after long

travelling days and teach you English phra ses, slang and pronunciation.

A w elco m ing E F y. H om es ta y fa m il Did you know: British cuisine is famous for the big ‘English Breakfa st’, which includes eggs, bacon,


T he ‘F ull E ng li sh

sausages, beans, fried tomato, toa st, ha sh browns and sometimes even mushrooms!

T h ing s t o re m e m

C hoos e T orq u ay - it’s aw es om e!

b e r:

- Ba sed in a lo ve ly be ac h to wn, To rq ua y is su it ed all st uden ts ag ed to 14 - 18 - Th e re co mm en ded po ck et mo ne y is 10 0£ pe r week - He ap s of ac ti vi ties are in clud ed lik e E F L oo ne ‘L ym pics, be ac h y vo lle yb all & foot ba ll to ur na me nt s, ga me s, E F Di sc o’ s, co a st al wa lk s an d mo re - In cluded ex cu rs io ns are: L on do n Sigh ts ee ing (f da y), Hi st or ic Po ull rt sm ou th (h al f da y) an d L on do n sh op pi ng (f or co ur se s of th ree we ek s)

W e look forw ard to

welcom ing you in To

rq ua y!

EF International Language Centers

Language Travel

ie ra ha s 19 T he E ng li sh R iv s ov er 22 m iles be ac he s an d co ve ne. (35k m) of co a st li

F a mo t he n u s fo r it a n d ic k n a m e s c l im a t e p t o M e o p le o f o f t h e E , T o r q u a y t ont p n e ll ier en c o m p g l i s h R i e a r n ed a re i . v ier a t

To rq ua y’s co a st lin e is re no wn ed fo r it s ni ne po pu la r be ac he s th at ha ve wo n mo re aw ar ds th an an y ot he r re so rt in th e UK.

View stu den t videos at ww w.e f.c om/

To rqu ay or vis it

Fa ceb ook .co m/efT orq uay

in o r n ed b s wa lu d t ie h e i n c ! s i r t h ry h a C -go o n m y s t e t a a Ag u a y ol ve q s r o d T l an t ra i

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