St. Julian's Desination Flyer

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EF International Language Centers

Language Travel

St. Julian’s - Malta

Get going to EF Malta Can’t decide on a destination for your E F trip? Anna tells us why E F St. Julian’s is the way to go...

“I chose to go to E F Malta la st summer because of the beach,

but there’s so much more to it! Once I persuaded Mom & Dad to let me go, booking the trip wa s ea sy. Before I left I even used to make friends with two girls who had also booked Malta and we arranged to meet there.”

Anna takes off with friends

“Travelling like this means you make loads of friends in no time. I met Sofia, my E F L eader with the group of E F students at the airport and

M a lt a

we all flew to Malta together.

Once there, I met up with Helen &

M al ta is a be au ti

L isa from and we did E F Action Street Dance together.”

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fu l is la nd in th e M ed it erra ne an

A local Maltese family

“Staying with a Maltese family wa s really cool. They were

so sweet and welcomed us by cooking a delicious, traditional Maltese dinner!”

E F H ome s t a y

Did you know: Typical Maltese cuisine is Mediterranean, but many local dishes are influenced by Italian, Moorish, Spanish & even British cuisine!

L earning while shopping? I could get used to this! Who knew learning a language could

be ea sy? E F isn’t like school - you

learn in and outside the cla ssroom, by

exploring & practising your skills with people who natively speak the language.

w h at cl a ss & u se ide of the fe li la re S te p ou ts lear ned in you’ve ju st at io n s. si tu

S h o p p ing!

EF Parties!

The E F Disco rock s! With loads of games, E F dances

and competitions, it’s always a bla st. There are heaps

is a ll M u sic an d d an ci ng pa rt of th e fu n.

of parties too - even a reunion party and E F crew

events so it’s ea sy for people to stay in touch after the course.

Culture & language

At EF St. Julians you practise English as you learn about

Malta’s history & culture. Make sure you visit markets, festivals and experience the temples in Hagar Qim or

Ggantija in Gozo - they are older than the pyramids! Anna loved the market:

“ Today I bartered at the Valletta F lea Market!

Malta’s currency is Euro (1 Euro = 1.39 USD) - I bought

gifts for friends and even got a discount on some clothes!“

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Choose Street Dance or Aqua

Get down with E F Action Plus Street Dance or get into the water with E F Action Aqua. You’ll learn English through an activity you enjoy! Anna tells us all about E F Action Street Dance: th e da nce floo r L ea rn Engl is h on or in th e wa te r!

“Helen, L isa and I had Street Dance lessons - it was harder than it looks! Over the week we did theory and practical lessons to

learn as well as a whole routine. We performed at the end and it

looked awesome - we even got to take home a DV D of our dance.”

Cultural events

Get to know your host country & immerse yourself in the culture. The Summer F iesta, firework s, food and fun are all part of life in Malta.

kn ow n Th e M al te se are iv al s. fo r co lo urfu l fe st

Extra E F Excursions

On top of the included excursions, you can buy the extra Sun & Fun Pack. Spend the day in n th e E F Su n & Fu Vi si t Co mi no wi th of t us, clea r se a is ou Pa ck, it s go rg eo th is wo rld.

Comino, go horse riding, visit the Spla sh & Fun

Park or visit the Blue Grotto and tour the caves! Book beforehand or book with your friends when you get there.

E F Homestay or E F Resort? E F Homestay is a great way to get to know the local culture in a caring, home environment. Or, if you go for an E F Resort, you’ll enjoy

more independent living in social, hotel style accommodation with a pool!

T h e E F Re so r t is a so c ia l, f u n a cc omm od a t io n o p t io n.

Each accommodation type includes full board and a shared room (with E F student/s of the

same age). Both E F Homestay and E F Resort

are convenient and comfortable accommodation options. The best choice will vary depending on the student.

ber T h ings t o re m e m beac h town of

an t to w n E F - in th e vi br of S t. J ul ia n’s.

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om e yo u at E F n’t w ai t to we lc

S t. J ul ia ns!

“C h oo se S t. J u lia n’s it’s a w e so m e!”

EF International Language Centers

Language Travel

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St jul ian s or vis it

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