Long Beach info flyer

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EF International Language Centers

Language Travel

Long Beach - California

Get going to Long Beach Wondering where to go for your E F trip? Here are a bunch of rea sons why students choose L ong Beach...

E F in L ong Beach is an awesome - it’s located in beautiful

Southern California, just 30 minutes outside of L os Angeles and ten minutes from the world famous Orange County. Hang out

in the E F L ounges, clubs, discos and arena s that make up the

‘E F Global Village’. It’s the super social way to develop your

Off to L A

communication skills and have lots of fun!

mer A vera ge su m in re te m p era tu h: c a e L ong B

You’ll make loads of friends when you travel this way. An E F L eader will meet you at the airport and you’ll fly to America

together with a group of E F students. You’ll arrive at the E F

Global Village where there are all kinds of fun activities going

n n y a s! 31 ˚C - su

on. Play sports like Ba sketball, American ba seball,

Volleyball or football at the E F Arena, listen to music and work on your tan by the sun loungers at the E F

Club, or watch movies, play Wii or outdoor games at the E F L ounge. If you just want to relax then hang out on the bean bags with your new friends and soak it all up. There’s so much to do, you won’t know

Arri va l at E F L on

what to do first!

g Be ac h it’s lik e a mo vie se t!

a re e o p le T he p n d ly. d f r ie n a l o so co

School’s out!

E F isn’t like school - you learn inside and outside

the cla ssroom, exploring & practising your skills with people who natively speak the language. In L ong Beach you’ll pick up the language quickly while

you’re on an excursion or practising through a fun activity with E F Action L earning.

L a s Vega s ba by! u se w h a t h e c la ss & li fe t f o e id s S t e p o u t st le a r n ed in re a ly o u’v e ju it u a t io n s. s

L earn to ride the waves! With E F Action Plus™ you learn English by

concentrating on a subject you enjoy and in L ong Beach, surf’s up! The E F Action Surfing course consists of four, 40-minute practical/theory lessons per day,

including surf vocabulary & culture, water safety, board is th e pe rfec t L ong Beac h th is fu n & su rf! loc at io n fo r su n,

skills and reading waves. A professional surfer will be

your mentor, you’ll complete a group project and prepare for a surf tournament in California! The result? You’ll

take home the E F Surf Cup and an E FC E L T Report.

Sightseeing with EF - it’s part of the package L earn English a s you travel the countryside! At E F an

important part of learning the language is also learning

about the culture and using your skills with local people in relevant situations.

Included in the course is a full-day city tour to L os Angeles.

A ll t h e b ig m

o v ie st a r s li ve in Be ve rly H il ls!

You’ll travel to L A with your group and see the famous

places you’ll recognize from the movies, such a s Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, and Santa Monica.

Study visits in America

Take advantage of the included study visits to learn

even more English - and some American history. You’ll

visit the Getty Center in L os Angeles and see the amazing collection of Western art, discover the California Science Center and meet a real Sheriff. Then, why not try a typical burger at the local diner!

Th e Ca lif or nia Sc

ie nce Ce nt er.

Extra E F Excursions

There are lots of additional trips and fun

activities you can buy at E F L ong Beach. You’re just a short distance from all that Southern

California ha s to offer, so make the most of it ekend in Sa n to Di sneyla nd, a we Buy an ex cursion nice Beac h or Vega s, sh op at Ve Fran cis co or L as Sa n Diego! ta ke a da y tri p to

with an excursion to Universal Studios Hollywood, Disneyland or Six F lags Magic Mountain - to name just a few.

US student lifestyle You’ll have a blast at the E F Residence - it’s

shared student accommodation at its best. You’ll live with other students in dorm-style rooms with shared bathrooms and laundry facilities. Breakfast and

lunch will be provided Monday to Friday. Staying at this type of accommodation in L ong Beach is a great

way to gain independence, make friends & get a real taste for the authentic ‘American College’ life.

Your own activities

In addition to the included E F activities, you may

wish to enjoy other activities that are not part of the programme such a s bowling, cinema s, ice-skating or

shopping with friends. You are welcome to take part in these activities in your leisure time at your own cost.

Re side n ce F u n, so cia l E F on. a cc omm od a ti ? F amou s D id you kn ow the L ong peop le from in clude: Bea ch area A as Cage, N B Actor N icol nder so n, st ar C hris A e rs of Sublim be ba nd mem s p ar ti st plus hi p-ho S noop Dogg! & G n W arre

T hing s to remem ber:

C hoos e L ong Bea ch - it’s aw es om e!

- L ong Bea ch is bas ed on a uni ver sity cam pus clo se to the coa st, gre at for bot h jun ior s of 10-14 & 14-19 yea r-old s - Th e rec omm ended poc ket mon ey is $2 00 per wee k - Hea ps of act ivit ies are inc luded like E F Dis cos, spo rts tou rna men ts, gam es, coa sta l wa lk s and more - Inc luded exc urs ion s are : L A Sig hts eei ng (fu ll day ), and one hal f-day stu dy vis it per wee k. Vis its cou ld inc lude tri ps to mu seu ms, art galler ies, loca l his tor ica l bui ldings and mon ume nts, loca l cul tur al eve nts or vis its to loca l bus ine sse s, suc h a s the fire or pol ice sta tio n We look for ward to welcom ing you at L ong Bea ch!

EF International Language Centers

Language Travel

n d, s ney l a oo d, D i n d e v e r y w y ll o d io s H d v e n t u r e a o n i s A s a l S tu ti U n i v e r s Ca l i f o r n ia o r n ia a tt r a c a c h. f ’ e D i s n e y o u t h e r n Ca l i v e of L o ng B i S r r d jo s r’ ma a n h ou w i t h in

‘S u r f Ca lif ing w a s i o r n ia n t ro d Geo r ge F in 1 907 b u ced to S re y w ho w a s h et h, ‘T h W a ik ik i ou t hern e Ha ired s u rfe w as a b e a c a ii a n W r on h s ide a tt ra der’ c t io n .

L ongBe ach or vis it

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