Education Choices - Winter 2021

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education choices Winter 2021

The key to your child’s su ccess. Providing exciting education new and update s s.

Exeter University Scholarship Scheme Exeter University have started a Scholarship Scheme set-up in honour of former Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Steve Smith, targeting applicants from disadvantaged backgrounds

James Dahl 15th Master of Wellington College reveals how they are working to close ‘the learning gap’

Cai Thomas releases first album King Edward’s, Witley pupil releases two recordings as boy treble.

Keeping it in the family Award-winning mother and daughter

1 Seahorse Nurseries principals. Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

MADE IN PUTNE Y Introducing Flo. Scholar, philosopher, meaning of life-erer. Asks the big questions. Finds equally big answers.


2 Choices Education Choices |Magazine | Autumn 2020 Education Magazine Winter 2021

From the Founder Dear readers, We wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Year 2021 and we hope that this year will bring peace, happiness and an end to the pandemic for all! We are pleased to have a very exciting second edition of Education Choices and there is a real focus on closing the ‘learning gap’, bursary and scholarship schemes that are being set up and developed, not just through schools, but universities such as the Sir Steve Smith Scholarship that has been set up at Exeter University, which is one of our main features. We applaud the work so many schools and educational establishments are working to develop and extend to ensure children from all backgrounds are given the same chances and opportunities in life. In November 2020 I was fortunate enough to interview Mr James Dahl (15th Master) from Wellington College who discussed the Prince Albert Foundation and the new Education Grant that they are working on currently. We also discussed the work they have been doing throughout the pandemic to close the ‘learning gap’ and to ensure children from many diverse backgrounds are an inclusive part of the Wellington College schools educational reach and support base. We have also recorded our first two podcasts, please go listen to Mr James Dahl and Mrs Joanna Hubbard (new Headmistress of Shrewsbury school).

send to us. Please contact: info@ and Lauren will be able to liaise with you. We are keen to promote inclusivity and schemes to help close the ‘learning gap’ and are interested in any work being done to generate equality and access for all children to education and the choices and opportunities that are available to them. Thank you to everyone who has kindly shared content for this edition and do let us know if you feel that you have news that you would like to share in 2021. Below is a picture of Helena’s children with their very much-loved new puppy, Heidi! They are loving their new schools and their life in the countryside… Merry Education Choices reading!

Chloe Abbott

Founder and Publishing Director

We are setting up an Electronic Collection for old phones, ipads and laptops for local schools and families to enable them to access online learning and welcome any contributions that people Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2020


In the Winter issue... 06 Mr. James Dahl, Wellington College Headmaster, discusses closing the ‘learning gap’ Mr. James Dahl talks about the multifaceted work being done at Wellington College working with local schools to share resources and their new Education Grant.


Cai Thomas releases his final album as boy treble Cai Thomas (also featured in the Autumn edition) is now at King Edward’s, Witley and has recently recorded an album raising money for a children’s brain tumour charity.

20 Reading in the holidays (and through lockdown)! Headteacher, Ffion Robinson, discusses the importance of reading in the holidays, and enjoying reading with your children too - especially whilst schools are closed!

23 A Hidden Secret in Surrey – Ripley Court School Headmistress, Ms. A Clarke, discusses how she began as Head in the first lockdown and how Ripley Court was able to provide key worker support for local schools.

26 The power of ‘mother’s guilt’ Mrs. Barbara Gottardi, Chief Information Officer at Vanguarde Europe, writes about the 27.8 percent of women who return to work after childbirth and the resulting ‘mother’s guilt’ that is experienced by many.

30 ‘Head teacher of the Year’ Award won by SOAS Alumna Evelyn Forde, a London Head teacher and SOAS graduate, has been selected as a black Head teacher and champions the work of the BAME teachers’ group.

32 Mrs. Joanna Hubbard appointed new Executive Head at Shrewsbury House School Trust In November 2020, Chloe Abbott (Founder of Education Choices magazine) was able to speak to Mrs. Hubbard and discuss her pending new role as Executive Head at Shrewsbury House School (Feb 2021).

35 Hedgehogs in hibernation: what are their chances of survival? A research team at Hartpury University has uncovered fresh evidence about the impact of hibernation and their decline in numbers

36 Finding Futures Mr Simon Smith, Farringtons School, writes about preparing young people for their future careers in schools. 4

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


My ticket to a world of opportunity Olive McFarland writes about the advantages of studying the IB and how it gave her a head start at Smith College, Massachusetts.

42 Mother & Daughter Principals at Award Winning Nursery Meet mother and daughter duo, Julia and Harriet Wolfe, who live and breathe Early Years at Seahorse Nursery, Wimbledon.

44 Supporting your teenager through COVID Dr Anna Shipton and Dr Jo Taylor, resident Psychologists at St. Catherine’s School, Bramley, offer parents some advice.

47 Do you want to know a secret? Mr Allan Cairns, a regular blogger and Principal, writes about his secret - Ealing College

48 Lancing Foundationers programme Lancing College have provided bursaries since 1848 – Eunice and Paige tell their stories of how they benefitted from the schemes.

50 A sense of direction Property expert, Mr. Simon Dredzen, writes about how the pandemic has affected the London property market and their new countryside portfolio.

53 Prepared. For Everything. Prince’s Garden Preparatory Headmistress, Alison Melrose, writes about opening a new school in Kensington amid a pandemic.

56 University of Exeter set up the Sir Steve Smith Scholarship Scheme An exciting announcement from Exeter University about their new scholarship beginning in September 2021!

59 The power of the International Baccalaureate Vice Principal, Joanna Sale, at Impington International College discusses the benefit of IB in these challenging times.

64 5 steps to serene, efficient home working Marie Noelle Swiderski gives 5 top tips on working from home effectively.

66 SW London School Directory

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Mr James Dahl (15th Master at Wellington College)

Interview with Mr. James Dahl, Wellington College Headmaster Chloe Abbott, Founder of Education Choices magazine, was able to interview Mr James Dahl (15th Master of Wellington College) and discussed life at the College since Covid 19, the new Education Grant and the multi faceted work that they are doing to support children from disadvantaged backgrounds and to close ‘the learning gap’. You can listen to the full interview here How did Wellington College manage to support and provide for the children through the lockdown in March 2020?


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

The biggest challenge that I think every school faced back in those remarkable days in March was pivoting to deliver everything virtually rather than in person straight away. We are very lucky at Wellington that we have gone down the route in the past few years of being a Microsoft showcase school and everyone having Microsoft surfaces and doing a lot of our teaching through the Microsoft platform. When we saw that the closure of schools was imminent we frantically did a lot of training with everyone on Microsoft Teams and schools closed on that Friday, but we were able to deliver

that first week of the Lent term for our current pupils immediately online, which was just phenomenal from our teachers and pupils. So we had a week of trialling it all and then we hit the Easter holidays. I think it was within those Easter holidays that discussions with the Governors and discussions at a leadership team level at Wellington that we came across this issue, yes it is really important that we keep education going for our current pupils that are at the College, but it has been a really big focus for Wellington in the last 15 years to do work outside of our four walls. For example, through partnership with schools in the local area, through our Independent State Schools Partnership and through our teaching schools partnership that we run. We are one of the few independent schools in the country that is an accredited teaching school and also with the schools that we sponsored, for example the Wellington Academy, so at that time we were interested in not only showing that we can deliver help and support to our own pupils here at the college, but also that we were doing as much as we possibly could for those children with whom we are in partnership and partnered with. I think that is so important that schools like Wellington (with the resources that we have in times of national crisis) we should be seeking to help answer society’s problems, rather than exacerbate any inequalities or problems that there might be.

army officers and then of course when Sir Anthony Seldon arrived in 2005 as the 13th Master, he came with this really passionate strategic drive that schools like Wellington shouldn’t be an ivory tower keeping the world out, but should actually be a bastion of excellence sharing expertise and resources with others, a generous partner that gives to the outside world. I had dinner with Anthony last year; I have known him since 1998. He gave me my first ever job in education so I am very grateful to him in many ways. At one point in the dinner he said to me, “James, those that have the most, have got to do the most!” and he is absolutely right. That is not coming from a position of guilt or shame from Wellington College and schools like ours, that we should have to justify our existence or apologise. It is just a fact that we are blessed with incredible resources and so when the chips are down, we must be a force for good in the world. We did loads of things at that time, we helped to pay for food packages for children from low income families - both at our partner schools in Wiltshire, such as

I think that mission has been at the core of Wellington since its foundation. We were founded in the 1850s as a school to look after children who had experienced some form of disadvantage in their childhood. We were a school for orphaned sons of

PAF scholar, Esther Ujah, graduated in the Summer of 2019 and is now reading Philosophy and Theology at Magdalene College, Cambridge University Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Pupils worked with volunteers from the Vineyard Church in Crowthorne to transform a plot of land into a safe space for local children.

the Wellington Academy, but also partner schools in the local area here. We shared all of our online teaching resources with all of our partner schools in the Independent State Schools Partnership and we more recently have been putting together a whole programme of catch up sessions. As we speak we are in the middle of 27 catch up sessions that teachers at the college are putting on for pupils in Independent State School Partnership schools who have missed work. Whether it is GCSE physics or ALevel maths, we are trying our best to reach out and provide that. Doing things online is quite useful because you can have 100 children log onto a session of GCSE physics rather


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

than 23/24 in a classroom. Like so many schools, I know in Highgate they pushed on this in the early days, we have been collecting laptops from the Wellington Community so we have around 100 laptops that have been cleaned, repurposed and sent out to our partner schools for those low income families who need that digital support, where digital poverty doesn’t allow their children to access education if they are self isolating or at home. One of the things we are really proud of is we have set up an Educational Grant Giving function at the college where we are committing some of our own commercial revenue that we are making

from our international schools and from our commercial activities and we are giving grants to local partner schools. So we have given two six figure grants to two local trusts in the Crowthorne and Wokingham area specifically focused around the COVID attainment gap. The applications that they have put in to us were specifically about how these will target children who have suffered due to COVID in terms of their educational advancement and we are now watching them do that work. ... and the Educational Grants were generated from within Wellington College itself, separately to the Prince Albert Foundation? Absolutely, I am very keen moving forward that our social impact and our social responsibility work falls into three areas. One is around direct partnerships with schools, teacher to teacher, teacher to pupil, pupil to pupil. The second branch of work is widening access. You mentioned the Prince Albert Foundation, that is our transformational bursary scheme that we are really keen to grow. This third branch is this new Educational Grant, and we have just appointed someone to come in and lead that entire process. In the very first year that we did it, which was this year, we went deliberately narrow with just a couple of Academy Trusts in the local area that know us really well and we know them really well. We can build this programme so we can give more grants and bigger grants and we could perhaps go further afield in due course.

am acutely aware that in the run up to the general election last year with the abolish Eton campaign and the Labour party with a significant series of reform proposals for the independent sector, a lot of schools felt under pressure to justify their existence. We are not driven by that, we are driven by what we think is the morally right thing to do, and we genuinely do think that the morally right thing for a school like Wellington to do is to use our resources not just to benefit our own pupils but also to benefit those beyond our four walls too. Did Wellington Connect (the online platform created by Wellington College to bring the Wellington community together) play a key role through this period? How? We think of it as Linked In for the Wellington community. It all came about three or four years ago and was born from a conversation between the previous master, Julian Thomas and Murray Lindo, Head of the Wellington Office, who runs our relationships with alumni, current parents, our Parents Association and myself. We were trying to work out how many individual people there were within the Wellington community.

We have started very close to home as a trial run in this first year. The thinking behind that is genuinely to use our commercially generated revenue not for the benefit of our own pupils but for the benefit of those in the communities and the partner schools around us. I Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


If you count the Wellington community as every old boy, every old girl, all the past parents, all the past members of staff, we reckon that there must be at least 30 40,000 people in the world if not more who fit into the Wellington community.

those networks that young people need access.

How can we get them together? That was where Wellington Connect was born. It was phenomenal during lockdown because for our Upper Sixth pupils who had had their IB and A Level exams torn from them, we taught through to the end of the syllabus and we did some university bridging courses. We also introduced an LBW course which stands for ‘Life Beyond Wellington’. Lockdown gave us an excuse to do something we have been talking about for years which is delivering some proper post school careers life advice and we harnessed the Wellington communities for that. We had old boys, old girls, current parents, former parents who delivered a whole series of webinars and networking events for our own pupils and pupils at our partner schools to hear about things that they wouldn’t normally hear about in the summer term of their upper sixth because they would be doing their A levels. We recorded them all so now we have a bank of talks and webinars from all manner of different members of the Wellington community and it is something that we are already continuing with.

We did have an issue with one of our own pupils here. When the schools were closed they didn’t have Wi-Fi at home, so we all immediately went online and we used our Prince Albert Foundation Funds to install Wi-Fi at home for this pupil and their family. Something that many people just take for granted is that you have a device; you have Wi-Fi that you can log onto Teams or Zoom and get going the next week.

One of the most powerful things that we’ve been able to do with that over the last four or five years is extending that to the Sixth formers in the graduates from the Wellington Academy, in Wiltshire, so that they have been able to take advantage of mentoring of apprenticeships of career advice from OWs or current parents here at Wellington College. That is really important as well because it provides


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

How is Wellington helping current and past students to overcome the many hurdles that young people now face in such adversity?

I can imagine the challenges of leading a school in an area of lower income inequality where there are a higher proportion of children on free school meals and the digital poverty is there in so many homes, how do you suddenly deliver online education when you just don’t have the infrastructure to do it? Mrs. Suzie Longstaff (Headmistress at Putney High School) recently quoted a PHS leaver, who wrote an article for the Autumn 2020 edition of Education Choices magazine, in an ISC blog who stated ‘The feeling of uncertainty about my future is something I will not quickly forget.’ Do you feel that this is a feeling that will be shared by many of the children who were unable to sit their GCSEs and A Levels this year? I have to be honest that that sense of anxiety born out of uncertainty is acutely felt by the young at the moment and in a strange way last year’s Upper Sixth and those leavers, the experience for them was two terms of normality and then the

Wellington College Carnival

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


most incredibly traumatic bereavement. I do not know of any of last year’s leavers from Wellington who feel satisfied by what happened. They’ve got their centre assessed grades, they’ve got what they need to move onto university, but they don’t feel happy with that and they wanted the opportunity to validate themselves and to test themselves against a nationally standardised set of exams.

disadvantage, as last year’s Upper Sixth at least had two wonderful terms and then this horrific, traumatic bereavement. This year’s Upper Sixth have seen it coming for the last year, they came back to school in September knowing things weren’t going to be the same and knowing that they couldn’t have an Upper Sixth quite like they wanted. Even knowing that they won’t be able to have 18th birthday parties!

I’ve spoken to a few of them and they don’t necessarily feel like those grades that they’ve got next to their name, and will have next their name for the rest of their life, that they really earned them even though of course they did because it was the product of five terms of work that enabled us to give them those grades.

How have Wellington helped their current Y13 students deal with the pressure to get consistent grades with cancellation of exams?

But in a strange way I think it’s this current Upper Sixth who is perhaps at more of a

The approach we’ve taken at Wellington is partly in terms of messaging, so we’ve acknowledged that there’s uncertainty within the community. In particular, we’ve just tried to focus with them and their parents on controlling the controllable and there are some things that aren’t in


“Outward-facing and modern. A leader in the world of education.”

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

- TATLER SCHOOLS GUIDE @WellingtonCollege @WellingtonUK

their control, but that’s fine, in life there’s always things that are beyond our control. The very first assembly that we gave at the beginning this term we just talked about steady and consistent work, just staying on top of things and getting your coursework or your IB or A levels, your extended essay, get them done and out of the way get your UCAS in early. Be in control of what you can control and you’ll be fine. I remember getting in my Lower Sixth Latin exam getting 14% and back then I was top of the year group, there were three of us doing A Level Latin, and a few months later I was sitting on a Cambridge offer to read Classics! Getting 14% in one exam didn’t mean that I was a failure or that that I was not good, but there is that pressure undoubtedly and so not delivering constant messages from the top that say, “You have got to ace everything, every assignment counts!” We can help with that pressure by messaging in the right way because the young of today put enough pressure on themselves, they don’t need their Head or their Deputy Head Academic cracking the whip as well and, in fact far from it, they need kindness and understanding and support from their school I think rather than constant pressure, whip cracking and if you don’t get 90% plus in every test then you’re a failure – that’s just not helpful. How, through the work that you’re doing with the Educational Grants and with the Independent State School Partnership, are you able to support the children from a mental health perspective as well? I imagine that there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes?

Winners of the Wellbeing Mental Health Initiative BSA

Absolutely, so part of the proposals that were put to us by both of the Academy Trusts, to whom we gave grants, had mental health interventions and provisions as part of their menu of things that they wanted to do with those grants and actually if they hadn’t put that on that list I think we would have insisted that they do. It is certainly more difficult for us to have a direct impact on that sort of thing because pastoral care is so tied up in relations and relationships, so I would say it’s probably an area that we have been able to do less than the pure academic side of things, but it’s certainly been a huge focus with our own pupils. Our Deputy Head Safeguarding, who’s our mental health lead, actually wrote an entire curriculum which was a recovery and reintegration curriculum and that was sent to parents and pupils before they returned in September. Then we started with a survey and questionnaire of all pupils and parents

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


to get an idea of where each individual child was within their own mental health before they even came back to school. There were those that had been pastoral concerns in the past who actually had really good lockdowns and came out in a better place than we thought. There were those who had never been on our radar before but who came back with things they needed to work through. Over the last three or four months, I think all schools will probably say this, we’ve seen the slow emergence of different issues in different children and staff as they come to terms with what we’ve just been through and what we are continuing to go through. I suspect this might go on for years and years to come. Can you tell me more about the ‘Wheeler Programme’? I understand that online sessions have been provided to local state schools including: online summer work, university taster sessions, work on global leaders and


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

a weekend course with investIN... and 74 students are involved in the programme. The Wheeler Programme is, I’m bound to say this I’m totally biased, absolutely brilliant! So the Independent State Schools Partnership is there to deliver courses and support to a large number of children, so over the course of a year maybe 2000 pupils at our partner schools would get something out of the Independent State Schools Partnership. Our teaching schools partnership is teacher to teacher, so it’s teach meets, it’s professional support and sharing of resources. The Wheeler Programme was designed to engage with 20 young people from our partner state schools, who are identified by teachers at their partner state schools as children of potential, but who would benefit from long term and ongoing intervention from this programme. It is a five year programme and you start in Year 9.

Our first cohort, four years ago, was just 20 year nine pupils and they came to Wellington for a couple of residential weeks and we did some teaching and some leadership training with them. The idea was to give them a little bit of the breadth and holistic challenge that a Wellington education normally is and then to do it over five years. So the following year they moved into Year 10 and then we recruited another cohort of 20 in Year 9, so we had 40 on the programme. We’ve lost 6 over the course of the last four years so we’re now 74 in the programme. The top year are now in the Upper Sixth at their respective schools and what we’ve done is because of the pandemic we haven’t recruited another 20 this year so we should be 100 now, but we decided not to because the programmes had to move online. So our first cohort of programme kids are now in the Upper Sixth and we’ve got Oxbridge candidates that were given extra support such as

subject specific extension reading lists, interviews, support with writing their UCAS. The theory behind the Wheeler Programme is just to have an ongoing long term relationship with an increasingly large group of kids who could benefit not just from a one day course here or there but a five year programme. It is a remarkable programme, and funded originally by one of our parents who said, “Well look James - I’m very happy to give you some money for the Prince Albert Foundation, but that’s only going to impact one student, I would quite like to you to create a programme that’s going to impact 100 students!” So that was the genius of the programme and it’s absolutely brilliant! Is there fundraising for the Wheeler Programme? It has got to the stage now where it’s been such a success that we will continue to support it out of our own funds because it

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


who come and work at Wellington, of course their primary focus will be on what we are doing in Crowthorne, but this outward facing work and this understanding that you give as generously outwardly as you do inwardly, that is a key part of being a teacher at Wellington. That is something I am absolutely passionate about, and you are absolutely right, we’ve got dozens of teachers who volunteer regularly, they don’t get paid extra, they don’t get any credit, they are doing it because they feel it is the right thing to do.

is such a worthwhile amazing opportunity. I have an engagement on Twitter with the mum of one of the Wheeler kids, he is at a state school in Wales that we have a relationship with through a Governor connection and she says it’s just absolutely transformed her son’s life. This school in Wales haven’t had any Upper Sixth pupils get into Oxbridge for 10 years, and last year 3 of their Upper Sixth got offers at Oxbridge. That success gives us as much pride as the success of our own Wellingtonians here at Crowthorne. Everyone benefits, there are no losers! I understand that many of the staff are very keen to participate in all the different schemes. They take a very active role in sharing their expertise and trying to help as many people as they can in the Wellington community and beyond. It is a real priority of mine that teachers 16

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

You commented recently on Twitter about the BBC suggestion that students going forwards will be judged on the actual performance and exams are not on their predicted grades just wanted to ask how you see this being beneficial to young people going forwards? I think the dance that all schools do with their Upper Sixth cohort and their Upper Sixth parents around predicted grades is ridiculous! All of these discussions, and “Could you put that B up to an A Mr Dahl?” It’s not actually focused on anything educational, it is just a sort of negotiation for months and months. It would be so much more preferable, I think, to allow children to really thrive and enjoy the intellectual challenge of the Upper Sixth and just do their learning do their exams and then once they have got their grades to know what they can go on to do in university makes so much more sense than this system that we have where you based on predicted grades. What do you think of universities starting in January? I imagine that something that you probably would support as well? I think I do, I don’t want to put all the

blame on the universities here, but they have been something of an immovable object in this debate in the past, but I think even they understand that something’s going to have to shift for this to happen. One of the models is get your results in August and then do the UCAS process for a January start. I genuinely think that the universities miss out on some absolutely terrific kids at the moment who perhaps don’t get the predicted grades that they go on to secure and then end up underselling themselves. There are just so many reasons to do the University Admissions process once everyone’s got their grades in their pocket. I understand that three Wellington College students have shown incredible initiative and have set up a charity ‘Donation for Education’ no doubt inspired by the long history of philanthropy that Wellington College is founded on since Prince Albert set the college up in 1859 to provide a virtually free education for the children of soldiers who had died in service. This new initiative is designed to make a difference to children who are underprivileged and do not have access to digital devices. Can you tell me a little bit more about what they have been doing and how they have been able to help?

College in Tatler as ‘a school with a mind, heart and constant fizz’ which is a wonderful and inspiring way to describe the learning environment at Wellington College. Can you give a further example of the ‘fizz’ – apart from the socks for odd sock day? It’s slightly more difficult to deliver the fizz when COVID restrictions are upon us but the thing that really brought it home for me was with our speech day last year. So at Wellington we put the pupils at the heart of our Speech Day, we don’t have long speeches from guest speakers. We have a rerun of the entire academic year, through poetry readings and drama and music and performance and the arts, and of course we went online this year and had to deliver it virtually. We put together dance shows that were choreographed individually at home and were shot by people’s parents and then were sent in and spliced together and it was just utterly remarkable to see that that creativity and that ingenuity and that life and fizz that the characterises us was still delivered online. I’m pretty sure it’s on Vimeo so if people were to Google Wellington Speech Day 2020 they will see the fizz!

Three of our Year 11 pupils were involved. We run a Global Citizenship programme and they did it as a service project. So they found a local computer consultant who could wipe the devices and they worked with the Head of Modern Languages to collect devices from staff, pupils and home and have delivered them to partner schools, which is terrific!

You recently described Wellington Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Cai Thomas releases final recording as boy treble Thirteen-year-old Cai Thomas marks the end of his treble career by presenting two special digital recordings: ‘Wherever You Are’ which was recorded before the UK went into its second lockdown to raise money for a children’s brain tumour charity in memory of his fellow school pupil, and ‘Walking in the Air’. ‘Walking in the Air’ – Howard Blake’s iconic theme song from the classic Christmas film The Snowman – shot fellow Welshman Aled Jones to fame in 1985 when he was a boy treble. Cai has often been compared to a young Aled, who himself called Cai: “a bright young vocal talent…he has one of those voices that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.” 18

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

Last month, Cai launched a highly successful crowdfunding campaign to record the beautiful and touching song ‘Wherever You Are’ by the renowned Welsh composer Paul Mealor [who composed music for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding in 2011] to raise money for the children’s brain tumour charity, Robbie’s Rehab, a cause close to Cai’s heart. All royalties from the single will be donated to the charity which was set up by Robbie Keville, a pupil at Cai’s previous school, Edgeborough. Robbie set up the charity after he lost his mum to breast cancer five years before he tragically died, aged ten, of a malignant brain tumour. In an inspiring case of kids helping kids, the chorister from Farnham, now a pupil at King Edward’s Witley, wants

to give something back after his recent astonishing success.

“Donating the royalties to Robbie’s Rehab was an obvious choice. Robbie went to my previous school and also loved music. In a small way I can now help Robbie, who was never able to fulfil his talents, and keep giving to kids who still have the opportunity to fulfil their own.” Cai Thomas Cai is joined on ‘Wherever You Are’ by the Choristers of St Thomas-on-The Bourne in Farnham where he learned to sing at the age of seven. They invited local children to

discover the fun and benefits of the great UK choral tradition by asking them to join the recording. Last year Cai raised an astounding £30,000 from backers worldwide in his first crowdfunding campaign to record his debut album ‘Seren’ [released on Rubicon Classics in March 2019] which was made album of the week at both Classic FM [presenter John Suchet called him “a brilliant young talent”] and Scala Radio. ‘Seren’ held its place in the UK specialist classical charts for 10 weeks. Although this is his final recording as a treble, Cai has a promising musical future in store and is in high demand having recently recorded soundtracks for TV and film in both the UK and US. Cai Thomas is available to stream on all major streaming services including Apple Music, Spotify.

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Reading in the holidays! Headteacher, Ffion Robinson, discusses the importance of reading in the holidays and as a family - especially whilst schools are closed!

No sooner has one school holiday ended then another is upon us. Christmas has been put to bed but before you know it, February half term and the Easter break will be here. School holidays are a time of the year where relaxation finds respectability. Anyone working in a school will be ready to step back from the front of the classroom to regenerate, whilst parents will be anticipating the school holiday weeks with mixed feelings. For those who work, how to sort out the juggling act of childcare and parenting; for those who are able to do the childcare, enjoy the freedom to step off the term time treadmill. Either way, the thought of time spent with your children reading, exploring, playing, cooking or simply talking at home enables all routines to be relaxed and family time is wholeheartedly cherished by all. We all love school holidays for these reasons but I’ve been thinking about how we use this time productively and for the benefit of everyone - child, parent and school. As a school, we have relaxed our homework expectations during holiday periods but should your child really do nothing for school holiday weeks?! Some 20

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downtime is essential but some ticking over is useful too. As usual, it’s all about balanc keep some learning going but give children time to regroup. I certainly don’t advocate parents transforming into boot camp Kumon masters nor do I condone those who let their children guide them (‘No, mum/dad/ grandad/carer, I don’t need to do anything for school...!’). Some children naturally drive their own learning, are motivated and keen outside of school whilst others would happily stay rooted indoors on devices/TV and not want to see any daylight! It’s no surprise that as a Headteacher, I love welcoming children returning from a break who don’t need too much warming up and can hit the ground running having read a book (or two!), tried something for the first time or learned a new skill. Maybe opportunities have arisen to keep a diary, complete a wordsearch/sudoku/ crossword/puzzle etc. Or perhaps this time is a chance to problem solve on their own such as seeing life in its most real form and coming up with time-filling activities whilst a parent gets on with some chores! The National Trust’s 50 Things to do before you’re 11 3/4 is a great go-to list of

the ‘other’ things children can do over the holidays too and everyone’s local library offers your child the opportunity to choose their own book. Many also have storytelling events and competitions too. We can all get involved with these easily, plus, another plug for the respectable relaxation here - reading is exactly that! As a minimum, I suggest keeping the reading going by enjoying books together (it’s a great thing to do whatever their age and has such a massive impact on success at school). Don’t forget to allow your child to ‘catch’ you reading. But above

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all, spend some time building interest and empathetic relationships within the family through reading and discussion; share with them how useful learning can be when it’s relevant and fun through researching or investigating something new. However, don’t forget to notice the signals: it’s time to find another stimulus when things turn into a battle! So, however you keep things ticking over, keep it gentle and make the most of the opportunities to foster children’s curiosity and language - you could even throw some ‘respectable relaxation’ into the holiday mix too. Ffion Robinson, Headteacher Churcher’s College Junior School & Nursery

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Children playing outside at Ripley Court School


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

A Hidden Secret in Surrey - Ripley Court School Headmistress, Ms A Clarke, discusses how she began as Head in the first lockdown and how Ripley Court was able to provide key worker support for local schools... Education, along with all sectors, has faced numerous challenges during the pandemic. Ms Aislinn Clarke, Headmistress of Ripley Court School, took over the Headship just as the country went in to the first lockdown. Individual packs were hand delivered by staff to every family in the school and remote learning took place online during the first initial lockdown. Ripley Court School continued to teach the children of key workers in school, using it as a chance to test out social distancing measures for the future return of pupils to classrooms. When it was possible, all pupils returned to the school site with appropriate measures in place. Ripley Court School is set in 19 acres of beautiful Surrey countryside and located in Ripley Village, one of Surrey’s most sought after residential locations, which meant that the School was fortunate to be able to offer a versatile environment for the children to learn and play. With its own forest school, they were able to take learning outside and the space has allowed for social distancing.

“We were proud to be able to offer the online learning provision that we did, while offering key worker support to not only Ripley Court pupils, but also those of neighbouring schools. Pupils, staff and parents have worked together during this unprecedented time and I believe that this has brought us even closer as a school community.” Ms Clarke, Headmistress of Ripley Court Since the coronavirus crisis, more families are looking to experience the benefits of more rural living as well as have more space to work from home. “With remote working the future for so many now, we are seeing many families’ dreams of moving to the countryside becoming a reality. Families in the city and, in particular, SW London, looking to relocate to Surrey and beyond are hoping to invest for the long-term, with plans to retire in their future countryside home”, said Seymours Ripley Estate Agent, Ben Conquer. Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


that combines academic achievement with a host of extra-curricular activities. The continuity of sporting and extracurricular activities plays a pivotal role in the children’s well-being. Outdoor learning relieves stress and encourages children to interact with nature and their peers. Exercise promotes well-being and boosts self-confidence, in children of all ages.

“The option to work remotely has been made possible through the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, and homeowners are extending their budgets to include an extra bedroom and gardens for outdoor space in which to set up a home office.� Well-being in schools has never been more important. Everyday routine behaviours help children cope with the effects of the pandemic. Interacting with friends in a healthy and balanced environment is essential. Ripley Court School has done everything they can to reduce the risk of infection and transmission. Despite the Coronavirus social distancing regulations, children at Ripley Court School continue to receive high levels of education, combined with outstanding pastoral care. Management and staff are committed to keeping children engaged and involved in their education. Albeit in their year group bubbles, children still receive an education 24

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

Forest School, on the Ripley Court campus, is a fun and safe environment for children to feel independent, boost their self-esteem and enhance their knowledge of nature and the world around them. It plays a large part in allowing children to develop new skills and excel in areas outside the academic sphere. The child-led sessions encourage children to step out of their comfort zone, use their imagination and try activities available to them. The well-being of every member of the school community, pupils, and staff are at the heart of everything they do at Ripley Court School. Students are offered an education that combines academic achievement with a host of extra-curricular activities, all underpinned by their values of perseverance, aspiration, curiosity, and kindness.


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Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021




The power of ‘mother’s guilt’​ I have just been for a run while listening to the “Leadership with Bob Chapman” podcast, from A bit of Optimism with Simon Sinek. This has inspired me to finally complete a write up on ‘Mother’s Guilt’, something I have written in my head many times but never actually put down on paper. I have been living with my Mother’s Guilt for at least 13 years, and in addition to the podcast, I have been mentoring a few young mums recently who have expressed feelings similar to mine so I am definitely not alone here! I hope sharing my story will help others who are feeling the same, and start some open discussions to get more points of view on this topic.

Disclaimer: I am openly talking about ‘Mother’s Guilt’ and not ‘Father’s Guilt’ as this is my real-life experience. I would love to hear from fathers who want to share their experiences to reflect the paternal viewpoint. My own husband has always been more ‘matter of fact’ in this area which has helped me a lot to put things into perspective! Anyway, this article looks at it from the standpoint that typically the mother does the majority of the child-care. Whether that is right or wrong is the topic of another article – I don’t seek to get into that here!


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

Diversity and Inclusion is a hot topic for many organisations right now, and I believe “Mother’s Guilt” should be taken seriously, as a strong contributing factor to there being fewer women in C-suite positions, and to the gender pay gap. I read today that

“Only 27.8 percent of women are in full-time work or selfemployed three years after childbirth, compared to 90 percent of new fathers”. Now for some this is certainly a life-choice and a perfectly reasonable one. What I do know, however, from speaking to many mums, is that there is a high percentage of women who would welcome keeping a balance between the two worlds; allowing them to keep a rewarding job, where they can add huge value while their children are young and then potentially to focus on it more, as the kids grow up and need you less, and vice-versa. I am hoping that by encouraging an open discussion on this deep rooted ‘Mother’s Guilt’, we will be able to help, and support, more women to stay at work. I know how many times I’ve thought of giving work up completely due to ‘Mother’s Guilt’…. sometimes, it does feel like the easy, and right, way-out. But, what if, there is an alternative? What if we could acknowledge, and recognise, the strong power that this “guilt” holds over women’s

heads, and hearts? What if we can talk about it openly? What if we could see the positive side of dealing with it?.What if, we could master this guilt and convert it to a powerful leadership tool, to help both at work, and at home? Having a baby for the first time is a real shock to the system for many (most?) ...all of a sudden your ‘me time’ is gone, everything revolves around a little creature, who, of course, you love unconditionally and – overnight – you learn to function on much less sleep; you go into survival mode, your multitasking skills are exceptional (warning – this can go super wrong at times – if it is important do not multitask!) and you naturally find yourself talking about nappies/feeding/boobs, and so on. You think ‘never again’…but many of us go for a second (and the brave ones, for a third, fourth, and more). Early motherhood is such an intense time, work can quickly become a distant memory, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of

thinking that you have suddenly deskilled yourself, and won’t be able to go back to the career you had before. This. Is. Not. True. Your focus has simply switched, and it can be switched back. All of your skills, experiences, knowledge, have stayed with you, and just like riding a bike for the first time in forever, as soon as your feet start to push on the pedals, you will find your balance, and you will move forward. What you might have lost is a bit of confidence in yourself and self-belief …but think twice – you have been looking after a new life coming into the world! That requires hell of a lot of confidence! As with most things in life, it’s easier not to go through all of this alone, the power of network is key – beside your family, the group of people you meet at this stage are friends, allies, and partners-in-crime, that you will likely have for life – they are all going through the same things as you, and it does give you a sense of relief to know you are not alone. Your kids will be friends

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


becoming a parent in the first place. You think it’s hard enough when they are little, and then you realise it gets worse when they learn to talk, and they count how many times you are late home, or they ask you not to travel again, because they’ve missed you…Their needs change. You want to work real flexible hours – and you know you can do so successfully – but many bosses say no or willfully fail to understand that 9 to 5 simply doesn’t work (or worse… they make it hard for you to survive in the workplace at all). I do need to say that this lack of understanding is not in my experience gender-specific.

at school, or on a sports ground, and you will share the highs, and sometimes the lows, of watching them grow up together.

You acquire new skills on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis. You become more resilient (even if you might not realise or feel that at the time). A bit of reality check at this point - going back is hard initially, and for some, it will actually feel worse than you’d pictured in your head, especially when you realise that when you get home after a full day’s work, you can’t just stop and relax! This is when many mums give up on working, as work is often not as flexible as advertised on paper, and “Mother’s Guilt” soon kicks in, and it’s harsh. You know you could do more to finish that last bit of the important presentation, but you want to rush back to your kids, as it’s nearly bed-time. You’re acutely aware that they’re growing, and changing every day, and you’re not there to experience it fully, so you question what the point was of 28

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

The default option is to stay at home, so you can focus 100% on the kids, to ease that sense of guilt that comes from having work competing for your attention. But, whilst this deals with the problem short term, that’s not good for you if you want work, and it’s not good for the kids either, as they will lack the independence that having time away from Mum builds, and most importantly, the notion that mums can work (if they choose and want to), will be alien to them as adults. It’s a real Catch-22. Barbara, when are you going to join the dots between the podcast and being a mum? …I can hear you asking… The podcast has 3 messages which resonated with me (I clearly wasn’t running fast enough!):

1 Leadership is like taking care of someone else’s kid – what you learn at home is not deskilling, but true up-skilling, and there are many applications for these skills in the work place.

2 We – as parents – need to teach our kids the emotional side of life, they don’t always get taught at school nor at work.

That’s a hell of a job, but does begin with understanding that life requires balance, flexibility and, often, compromise.

3 We do not listen enough. And this is true in many environments – sometimes we do focus too much on getting our opinion heard and we forget to listen to the overall picture. People who know me well are aware that I am very vocal at work about diversity, work life balance and flexible working (which is very different from working from home, as I explained in my other article). Personally, I will keep encouraging mums who want it to find a way to keep a foot in the working world. When kids go to secondary school, they will need us much less ...and for many of us work provides a lot of purpose in our lives and a support network (again I am not going to argue the rights and wrongs of this here!) Suffice to say: we all need purpose. Not working will not de-skill you as much as you may think, but it is easy to lose the confidence in your ability to get back (I certainly felt this), and that can be a tough barrier to overcome. Not overcoming it is a real shame on a personal level and a disaster on a macrolevel: all that talent going to waste. Being a mum teaches you resilience beyond resilience, and you realise you can do way more than you think you could cope with. Leverage the power of your network: working mums around you are your support network, and the nonworking ones are essential to your survival too. Many men are more sympathetic that we give them credit for as well. Sharing stories does help make you feel more real, and more human. Don’t be scared about feeling guilty – it’s normal, and you are not alone. It does

not go away, but makes us human, and it means that we care, and we can learn to channel it positively. Bob says...

‘I imagine a world in which the vast majority of people wake up inspired, feel safe wherever they are, and end the day fulfilled by the work that they do.’ This is what every mum wants for their children – if you imagine you have someone else’s children at work, you can do the same there, as you do at home. Final message for managers/employers: most mums work extremely hard as they feel they need to prove themselves all the time. They want to make the most of their time at work to ensure they can get it all done and be present for the children. They have learned that time is precious and they are back at work to make a difference. In my experience they are incredibly productive but we must accept they might need to work unconventional timings and at times - they will want to prioritise school events or child sickness over a key meeting. Someone told me onc “Nobody will remember next week if you attended that meeting but your child will always remind you what you missed out” Lastly, please do not give up on work if that’s not what you want – instead, draw on the unique skills you have learnt from the multiple roles that you play on a daily basis; mother, leader, role model, mentor, friend, coach & counsellor, to find balance, to free yourself from guilt, and lead at work, and at home, and in a way that only you can. There are many of us out there willing to help and we will push for organisations to drive this agenda.

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


‘Head teacher of the Year’ Award Won by SOAS Alumna


Evelyn Forde, a London Head teacher – and graduate of SOAS University of London – has won the prestigious prize of ‘Head teacher of the Year’ at the 2020 TES School Awards, the unofficial ‘Oscars of Education’.

At SOAS, Evelyn studied African History and African Literature, and the values that Evelyn displays are ones that are shared by SOAS, which is regularly rated as one of the world’s most international universities by QS World University Rankings.

In 2018, government statistics showed that nearly 93% of Head teachers were White British but Evelyn, as a Black Head teacher, is committed to changing this, championing the work of BAME teachers in the UK, acting as a mentor to many, and tackling the wider issue of BAME underrepresentation.

On SOAS’s friendly central London campus, students and scholars grapple with the pressing issues confronting twothirds of humankind today: democracy, development, economy, finance, public and corporate policy, human rights, migration, identity, legal systems, poverty, religion, and social change.

In just two years, Evelyn has turned around Copthall School in Mill Hill from a ‘requiring improvement’ to a ‘good’ Ofsted rating, resulting in Copthall being in the top 1.5% of schools in the 2018-19 academic year.

SOAS is committed to championing cultural understanding, and is proud of all its tremendous alumni who further this role in the community.

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

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Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Mrs Joanna Hubbard and her family

Mrs. Joanna Hubbard appointed new Executive Head at Shrewsbury House School Trust from February In November 2020, Chloe Abbott (Founder of Education Choices magazine), was able to speak to Mrs. Joanna Hubbard and discuss her pending new role as Executive Head at Shrewsbury House School - listen to the interview in full here. How long has Mrs. Joanna Hubbard worked at The Rowans? Joanna is currently in her fifth year at The Rowans school and the fourth year as part as Shrewsbury House School Trust. The Rowans came under SHST from 2017 which has been a very positive move for both schools.


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

Can you recall a particular moment or memory from your time at The Rowans? There are so many magical moments in a school day. Recently, a child in Reception described my job as, “Walking around school all day to see your friends,� (he was referring to the children in each class!) Working with my colleagues to plan inspiring ideas for our school is both energising and often enjoyable. We are still recovering from trying to record our staff Easter song to cheer up the children during lockdown- it seems that some of us are better at singing in a group than recording solos with headphones on!

What is it about being a Executive Head and working with children that you enjoy? Learning is my passion so being in a school is the perfect place to be! No two days are ever the same and I can go from writing a risk assessment to engaging in a philosophical enquiry with pupils in the space of 10 minutes. Seeing the world through the eyes and thoughts of children means that I constantly learn new ways of understanding and this is wonderfully motivating. Another passion of mine is building teams and a school is a great place to do this. Supporting colleagues in their own learning, helping children overcome a challenge or working with parents to achieve the best outcomes for their child all involve strong partnerships and I thoroughly enjoy building productive relationships and helping people to achieve their aims. How do you feel that The Rowans coped through the lockdown? We have all achieved more than we thought was possible. Creating an online learning platform in such a short timeframe, with all the safeguarding and compliance aspects as well as ensuring an enriching educational offering for each year group, was immensely challenging. By working as a team, we were able to keep our children engaged, motivated and making progress. We worked hard to maintain our community spirit, both through the staff team and with our wider community and the delight of the children (and parents!) as they returned to school was testament to the positive relationships we have with our families. Whilst these have been challenging times, they have also brought new opportunities and we are embracing these as we seamlessly incorporate digital learning platforms into our curriculum. Providing extra time each

week to support well-being for staff and pupils has been very beneficial and we are working with the children to provide the vocabulary and strategies they need to explore their feelings and cope with this ever changing situation. What do you feel you bring to Shrewsbury going into 2021... I am fortunate to be taking on this role already being part of Shrewsbury House School Trust and therefore have been working closely with colleagues at the school for many years. Shrewsbury House is a long established school with a welldeserved reputation for excellence across the curriculum. I will be maintaining and developing this, ensuring that the boys are equipped with the learning dispositions and values which will enable them to succeed though their journey in education. Kindness, creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, communication are all attributes which will be crucial to future success and I look forward to working with the staff team and parents to support the boys in all they do. What do you feel you are bringing with you as the new Executive Head of Shrewsbury House? I bring a wide range of experiences as I move to Shrewsbury House. I have 30 years of experience in education, across

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Senior, Prep and Pre-Prep schools in the UK and internationally and I am an ISI Inspector and a Governor at Rowan Prep school. Having experienced such a wide range of educational environments, I have a clear overview of a child’s development from their first days of schooling through to tertiary education and have empathy and understanding of the joys and challenges which will be experienced on their learning journey. Do you think that your own childhood experience and having attended school nearby is helpful? Having grown up locally, attending Lady Eleanor Holles School in Hampton, the University of London and St. Mary’s University, I am very familiar with the area. My school days were spent largely on the river and my passion for rowing extended into my early career as I coached sport at

LEH, Headington School and worked with the GB Junior World’s Team. Nowadays, I am more likely to be found on my paddleboard and enjoyed blissful sojourns on a very quiet River Thames in the early mornings during lockdown. How do you feel being a mother yourself has helped you? My children, now adults, also went to school locally with my daughter attending LEH and now in her final year at University and my son in his final year at King’s College School, Wimbledon. It seems like yesterday that they each started in Reception and I urge parents to enjoy every moment, however difficult it may feel at times, as childhood is fleeting. Take the time to be present in the moment, stop and listen, laugh with your children and make memories to last a lifetime.

Shrewsbury House School is an outstanding IAPS Independent Prep school for boys aged 7–13 located in Surbiton, Surrey. With a superb academic record, committed staff, small class sizes and dedicated pastoral care, every boy has the opportunity to fulfil his potential. Take the Virtual Tour and discover the wonderful facilities and stunning grounds using the interactive map at Shrewsbury House School has a national reputation for success in Scholarships and Awards to top day and boarding Senior Schools at 13+. Its boys achieved 50 scholarships or awards to some of the UK’s leading senior schools in 2019/20. Shrewsbury House School Trust is a charitable Trust and operates three independent day schools that seek to provide the best possible educational experiences for children. | 01372 462781 34 Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021 | 0208 946 8220 | 0208 399 3066

Grace Johnson, of Hedgehog Street, with a native hedgehog Photo - Hugh Warwick for

Hedgehogs in hibernation: what are their chances of survival? Everyone enjoys seeing hedgehogs in their garden during those long, warm summer evenings – but have you ever worried about how they manage to get through the cold winter months amid reports of their decline in numbers?

“Despite its potential importance and given the wide range of ways in which human activities could affect this phase, little research has been conducted on the hibernation behaviour of hedgehogs in Britain in the last 40 years.

A research team led by Hartpury University’s resident hedgehog expert Lucy Bearman-Brown has uncovered fresh evidence about the impact of hibernation and the environment on the survival of rural populations.

“None of the hedgehogs that we monitored died during hibernation, which might be surprising. In fact, all deaths occurred prior to or after the hibernation period, mainly from predation or vehicle collisions.”

“Hedgehogs have declined markedly in the UK in recent decades and one key stage that could affect their population dynamics is the annual winter hibernation period,” said Lucy.

For more information on hedgehogs and how you can help to protect them visit

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Farringtons School, Chislehurst

Finding Futures How are we to prepare young people for their future careers in schools? In 25 years of teaching I’m not sure I’ve worked in a school that felt its careers provision was effective. Yes, there were Heads of Careers and Careers Libraries. Some even negotiated the tricky safeguarding challenges of arranging a week’s work experience for the Summer Term, but there was always that sense that as most of our pupils go to university careers guidance is not really a priority nor even necessary. I sense that mood is now shifting. University is no longer an assumed automatic choice for students; even if they do many are looking for courses with a Year in Industry. Students, therefore, need 36

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the skills required in the workplace but also those to navigate the lengthy application processes; my second-year undergraduate son is currently facing a battery of forms, psychometric tests, scenario exercises and interviews for each potential placement. Most employers suggest they’re not interested in examination grades, nor their university, but the skills and aptitudes required in the current market place. I shall resist saying “in the 21st Century”, it’s already 2020. The Government has now grasped the importance of a comprehensive, inspiring and effective careers programme in schools. The Government’s careers strategy

“sets out a long term plan to build a world class careers system that will help young people and adults choose the career that is right for them.” To achieve this aim every secondary school and academy should use the 8 Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Benchmarks to develop and improve their careers provision. More can be read about the Gatsby benchmarks here but in short there is now a statutory requirement for state schools for a named Careers Lead to provide a stable, on-going, informative careers provision for all pupils from Year 7 utilising the curriculum, work experience and encounters with employers and employees. This statutory guidance does not extend to Independent Schools. I fear

that the sector could be left behind in an area in which it could and should be market-leading. What might that sectorleading practice look like? It must start early and I mean at Prep School. 3-18 through schools have a real opportunity here to develop a coherent programme which provides Generation Z with age-relevant advice that builds year on year until they leave at 16 or 18. It should focus less on specific jobs – “What do you want to do when you grow up” – and more on skills, flexibility and servant leadership. The average person will now change career 5-7 times during their working life according to career change statistics. Organisations such as 7 Billion Ideas about led by the inspirational David Harkin offer partner schools and all children the opportunity to develop entrepreneurial Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


skills through workshops, challenges and on-line courses delivered during school holidays and “Start Up Saturday”. Similarly, Elke Edwards runs an amazing programme for schools to develop leadership and life skills in schools for children aged 15-18 (Ivy House). Schools don’t need to reinvent the wheel but we should be designing our own in-house leadership, MBA, type qualifications. Whilst we were rightly recognising Anti-Bullying week (16th-20th November) I wonder how many schools were involved in the Global Entrepreneurship Week that week too. We are now experts in on-line teaching and learning so we should make far more use of on-line courses like Future Learn courses to help prepare students to thrive in the workplace. A quick glance at their site and I instantly found this course “How to start and run your own SEO business from Hom the complete blueprint. This detailed SEO marketing course will give you all the skills you need to set up your own SEO agency or business” The course, one of hundreds available, is free and an hour a week. Imagine if that was a Year 9’s homework rather than asking them to fill in a careers questionnaire! Talks on-site and work experience placements are almost impossible at the moment but schools could ask alumni, parents and local entrepreneurs to deliver short, sharp, Zoom/Teams Q&A sessions about their roles and experiences. Some organisations are offering virtual work experiences. The “new normal” makes it even easier to organise than traditional on-site presentations.


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

Schools must take responsibility for preparing children for the workplace; who else will? Independent Schools with typically greater resources and time are perfectly placed to deliver that first-class careers provision. However, it needs commitment and an inspirational Careers Lead. Too often it’s a full-time teacher with the role as an add-on or it’s assigned to the Head of Sixth Form as part of Careers and Higher Education advice; just when are they meant to deliver this life-changing programme? Schools really on top of their game are employing non-teachers with years of experience from “the real world” of business, HR etc. who really understand what awaits our students. At Farringtons we’d tell you about our Farringtons Futures programme... Simon Smith Deputy Head, Farringtons, Chislehurst

Children engaged in a digital learning class at Farringtons School

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Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

My ticket to a world of opportunity Olive McFarland studied the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) at Impington International College (IIC) between 2018 – 2020, finishing with a final point score of 43. She is currently in her first year at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. When I moved to the UK from the United States, I knew that I wanted to continue my IB studies in the sixth form, having previously followed the IB programmes in secondary school. Not only does the IB develop you academically, but it encourages you to look at things in a different perspective, opening up your mind to the world around you; an ethos that I have held onto and will continue to do so throughout my educational journey. I have always loved studying English and the course at IIC was a particular highlight of my time there. The discursive style of teaching really suited me, I loved how engaging and diverse the texts were that we studied and the teachers were brilliant! In addition to English Language/Literature I also studied History and Philosophy at Higher Level and Biology and Maths at Standard Level. All of the courses

encouraged me to develop critical thinking and argumentative skills - skills that have changed the way that I approach learning and thinking altogether. This change in thinking has been particularly apparent in my first semester at university. Compared to my classmates who went to non-IB American high schools, I feel as if I have come more prepared for the workload, rigour and organisational skills needed. The DP is a baptism by fire; you gain the tools to be an independent learner right from the word go. After this, university doesn’t seem like such a massive step up. When I was choosing where to apply for university, little did I know how difficult things would be in the midst of a global pandemic! Regardless of this, the team at IIC was always available to help out with any emergencies that cropped up regarding applications. I knew from pretty early on what my plans and goals were for after sixth form and the staff were all fantastic in helping me figure out what I needed to do and get it done. This was truly invaluable and something I will remember for a very long time! Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Mother & Daughter Principals at Award Winning Nursery Meet mother and daughter duo, Julia and Harriet Wolfe who live and breathe Early Years together every day. Founder Julia Wolfe set up Seahorse Nursery in her family home in 1997; since then her daughter has expanded the Nursery, within the local area, to provide Day Nursery places for babies to reception age, 51 weeks of the year. Over a quarter of a century ago Julia Wolfe, founder of Seahorse Nursery, said goodbye to her previous life as a British Army Captain and Marketing Manager for Sports Car Racing to start a more family focused career. As a new mother, to Harriet and Edward, Julia respecialised and gained her Early Years qualifications whilst working in a local Nursery. However, it was after surviving the battle against breast cancer that she made the life defining moment to launch Seahorse Nursery Preschool 1997 in the ground floor of her Southfields family 42

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

home. The independent family focused ethos of Seahorse has gone from strength to strength with daughter Harriet Wolfe joining the Nursery in 2012 and six other family members working and supporting the Nursery over the years. Harriet studied at Cardiff University and previously worked for the Home Office and European Parliament, Brussels, before moving into the Education sector and gaining Early Years Teacher Status. Over the last 23 years Seahorse Nursery has been graded Ofsted Outstanding (or equivalent) at every inspection which Harriet believes is all down to the dynamic curriculum Julia has developed over the years and careful recruitment of passionate Early Years professionals; it’s a winning combination.

“Early Years is all about human connections and making sure each individual child’s needs are met. Our team are incredibly welcoming and ensure a home from home environment. At Seahorse we are particularly passionate about connecting with the community and spending lots of time outdoors.” Seahorse Nursery follows a pedagogy of Learning through Play alongside Forest School Education, mindfulness and a bespoke Inky Swot school preparation programme. All three Nursery settings enjoy Forest School sessions in nearby Wimbledon Park. Inky Swot was inspired by Julia’s Army days where an inky thumb represented a studious ‘swotter’; the programme focuses on maths, phonics, handwriting, current world news and a creative project linked to the termly theme. The name Seahorse Nursery came about through Julia’s love of Seahorses and creation of the fictional character ‘Snazzie the Seahorse’ who featured in bedtime stories for her own children. Nowadays each Nursery has their own ‘Snazzie’ which preschool children take home, over the weekend, for individual adventures which they then share. Well known in the Southfields community one of Julia and Harriet’s favourite times of year is seeing all their past pupils and parents at the annual Christmas Lights events. Julia said “it’s wonderful to hear about how they’ve settled in their new school, recent achievements, what they are studying at University and who they have stayed in touch with.” Harriet, through her political network, hosted former Secretary of State for Education, Justine Greening, as the guest speaker at

the Nursery 20 Year celebration in 2017. In 2019 Julia was awarded the national honour of NMT ‘Nursery Personality of the Year’. The Nursery has always taken a keen interest in oral hygiene and in early 2020 Harriet spoke on a specialist panel in the Houses of Parliament alongside Jo Churchill, Health Minister, representing the role of Early Years. Building on the Seahorse Nursery Preschool Harriet founded two Seahorse Day Nurseries; Southfields in 2016 and Wimbledon Park in 2018 which are both open 51 weeks a year. These full Daycare nurseries provide families with Early Years Education from 7.45am to 6.30pm throughout the year. The current team are 2020 finalists for national awards at all level of seniority; Manager, Room Leader and Practitioner of the Year. In summer 2020 Harriet was awarded a place on the Goldman Sachs Small Business 1000 programme which has included funded studies at the Said Business School, Oxford University. The Nursery never forgets its ethos: loving, educational and fun; both Principals focus on pushing for high quality education and development in our future generations. Ever reflective, Harriet and Julia are planning two areas of development in 2021. Firstly, to encourage more people who are looking for a career change to realise how rewarding it is to work in Early Years. Secondly, to continue highlighting the importance of health and exercis as tennis is such a key part of local culture we will be teaming up with the Tim Henman Foundation to bring tennis to students, parents and staff. Parents are welcome to book a tour at any of Seahorse Nurseries Southfields, Wimbledon Park and the Preschool at

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Supporting your teenager through COVID The global pandemic has affected not only our physical health but also our mental health, and the restrictions on our lives have presented particular, and unique challenges, for teenagers. St Catherine’s Clinical Psychologists, Dr Anna Shipton and Dr Jo Taylor, helped St Catherine’s parents understand some of the dynamics at play and kindly offered to share their insights with you too. Many teenagers and young people are finding coping with the Covid crisis a real challenge and there are justifiable reasons for this. We are all biologically programmed to seek reward and pleasure, which may involve taking risks or making poor choices. This is necessary for survival; we would never achieve anything if we didn’t have the drive to seek out new experiences and take some chances. Some people are naturally more prone to risk taking regardless of their age, particularly if they have low self-esteem, a thrill-seeking temperament, or a natural susceptibility to boredom and disinhibition. But something unique is happening in the teenage brain and in their social emotional development. Teenagers are more likely to make impulsive decisions, driven by how they feel in the moment, rather than by thinking or planning ahead. Teenagers may also make more risky choices – this might be the result of 44

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poor judgement or a lack of awareness of the dangers, or being driven by overwhelming desire to feel pleasure, regardless of the consequences. The pressures of social acceptance and belonging are particularly acute as a teenager and peer dynamics can play a big role in decision making. You might hear your teenager justifying their behaviour to you and to themselves – “I’m not vulnerable, it was worth it to finally have a good time, everyone else is going out.” It is also a normal and natural stage of cognitive development for teenagers to be egocentric in their thinking and struggle to see things from the perspective of others. Knowing all this means we can have greater sympathy for our teenagers but what does it mean practically? How can we help teenagers learn to take responsibility for their behaviour and recognise the potential consequences for others, in order to protect the more vulnerable in the community? As parents, we can help by listening to our teenagers, and acknowledging and validating their feelings of frustration and desire to get back to ‘normal’. We can try and help them think about the impact of their choices on what matters to them and

their peers both in the very shortterm ‘if you come into contact with someone who has Covid you’ll have to self-isolate and remote-School’ and in the slightly long-term ‘we want to get this under control so we can have a family Christmas’. It is useful to and connect any restrictions on their social life to protecting their immediate family/friends/grandparents, as well as talking about broader consequences in wider society. As parents it is our job is to create and uphold boundaries for our teenagers around what social gatherings/activities are acceptable. We can help them understand changing local and national advice and we can reinforce this with practical, clear guidance around how to

interact and behave as safely as possible to minimise risk to them and to others. Whilst in many teenagers the challenge may be to create awareness of risk, there will be some teenagers who have a tendency to over inflated, acute sense of responsibility. Parents should be mindful of this and take care to avoid increasing anxiety or overly cautious behaviour. It’s a balancing act and it’s not easy, but we hope the above might help your understanding of some of your teenager’s reactions to the unprecedented restrictions being placed on them and support you in helping them navigate their path through. For further resources on this, we’d recommend looking at the Barnardo’s and Young Minds websites. Dr Anna Shipton and Dr Jo Taylor Resident Clinical Psychologists at St Catherine’s School, Bramley

PREP Friday 5th February Thursday 11 th March Wednesday 28 th April Friday 11 th June* * (geared to Reception entry 4+)

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St Catherine’s, Bramley GSA Day & Boarding School since 1885 | 4 - 18 years Guildford GU5 0DF |

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Chemistry lesson at Ealing College


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

Do you want to know a secret? Mr Allan Cairns, a regular blogger and Principal, writes about his secret - Ealing College Back in reality, I have a good friend who works as Senior Corporate Counsel for the web based company Trip Advisor. When used in reviews, ‘best-kept secret’ appears to be somewhat of an accolade on the website. Apparently, Slovenia is the best-kept secret in Europe. A oneman magic show is the equivalent in New York. And a kebab house holds the honour in Nottingham. Although I understand how the term can be used as a compliment, and I’ve had a number of meetings with enrolling parents this past summer who have delightfully told me that they’ve just uncovered some kind of rare gem, I really don’t want Ealing Independent College to be stuck with such a moniker forevermore.

visitors often remark that they have taken a few wrong turnings before getting here. But, location and facilities can only take a school or college so far. It is the people within the building which truly characterise who we ar the students, the teachers and the support staff. And it is here that I am very keen to ensure that we escape being coined as a ‘best-kept secret’. In fact, I don’t want anyone to remain unaware of it. Allan Cairns Principal at Ealing Independent College

In terms of our location, we fit the term extremely well. The College does not have extensive grounds or sports fields. It boasts no Georgian or Victorian facade. It features no drama or music studio to hail as state of the art. We are, in essence, tucked away from Ealing Broadway out of sight of the main traffic thoroughfare. One would need to look carefully to find us, and

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Lancing Foundationers programme Gaining momentum...


Bursaries have always been a part of the Lancing College’s ethos since its founding in 1848 and as the recent pandemic has demonstrated there has never been a more critical time for a collective effort focused on young people and their education.

Foundationers are funded with 110% of fees to ensure that they are able to access essential extras. The campaign fund is kept separate and is restricted solely for the purpose of paying Foundationers’ bursaries.

In 2017 the College launched its first ever public bursary campaign with an aim to transform the lives of 25 young people through funding their education. Just three years after its launch the Campaign has reached 19 young people who have benefitted from this opportunity. The College is now aiming to raise the next £3m to fund another 25 pupils. Bursaries are awarded to young people in Year 9 and Year 12 from disadvantaged backgrounds whose life chances are limited through family circumstances, or social deprivation, and whose aspirations have been adversely affected through no fault of their own.

The two years spent at the College were transformative. The sense of community at Lancing is unrivalled, my teachers and peers were instrumental in shaping me intellectually. People came from a variety of different countries which meant I was exposed to a range of cultures and developed a greater awareness of the world around me. My Lancing bursary was worth more than its numerical value, it gave me the access to opportunities that I would not have had otherwise.

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

Eunice’s story

Eunice is currently at King’s College, Cambridge, reading English Literature.

Paige’s story After being the sole carer for her mother from a young age and attending a school in special measures, Paige simply did not have the opportunity to fulfil her ambition to study law. Her school did not allow her to study academic GCSEs and Paige was not accepted at any state Sixth Form College. Paige left Lancing in 2017 with three A grades and has just graduated in law from Leeds.

‘The opportunity to go to a College such as Lancing is one that I will cherish and never forget. I hope one day to give someone like me a chance to change the blueprint of their life forever’ Paige, bursary recipient

Candidates are identified with the support of schools and partners; Trinity Church of England School in Lewisham, Eastside Young Leaders Academy, Royal National Children’s Springboard Foundation and the Buttle Trust.

Senior School & Sixth Form

Be inspired Be brilliant Be you A co-educational boarding and day school for boys and girls aged 13–18 located in the heart of the South Downs National Park, West Sussex

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


A sense of direction Property expert, Mr Simon Dredzen, discusses how the pandemic affected the London market and current trends.

During the first lockdown, London streets were almost completely deserted, cars were scarce and the city felt like a ghost town. On the eve of the second lock down on 4th November, I was driving from Knightsbridge to Queens Club along the Cromwell Road and surrounding roads were completely gridlocked. In 10 minutes I advanced approximately 100 metres. I abandoned the car at Thurloe Square and jumped on the tube at South Kensington. The cars were all heading in one direction and that was to the country to escape the prospect of being holed up in London during 3 weeks of lockdown. During the pandemic, many people have evaluated their working practices, lives and priorities. Many offices around the city remain vacant and commercial rents are plummeting. Several large corporations are giving up surplus office space are planning more flexible working hours for their employees realising that business can be conducted successfully without the need to congregate physically.


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

So has the pandemic caused a temporary phenomenon or will this fuel a longer term trend away from the big cities into the country with its attraction of fresher air, open and green spaces and a healthier lifestyle? Recent surveys and statistics suggest there is indeed a trend from City dwellers to move to the country. 1.6 million Londoners (26%) have been working outside of the city during lockdown and want to continue doing so according to new research from Total jobs. In June and July, the number of buyer inquiries made to Rightmove, the UK’s largest online property website, from people living in 10 cities increased by 78% compared with the same period last year. And there was a 126% increase in people considering properties in village locations, compared with a 68% rise in people searching for towns. In a recent survey of top London Estate agents 53% reported an increase of Sellers looking to leave London. There has also been a surge in demand for

flats and houses in London which have gardens, terraces and balconies which such properties commanding up to a 10 percent premium on their more wall-locked competition. At the top end of the market, a leading national agent has reported that 19 Country Estates have sold or are under offer this year at over £15 million. Around 50% of the purchasers are British Nationals and others are high net worth buyers from Asia and the Middle East. Despite the overall trend, the volume of purchases in London has been increasing and there has been a strong demand from international buyers. A flat in the Four Seasons Grosvenor Square development has just sold for £29 million at eye watering £5,000 psf. The lucky owner does get use of an Olympic size pool, gym and service from the Four Seasons. A house in Upper Phillimore Gardens never came on the market was also snapped up for over £28 million. We have seen a number of international property investors snap up 1 and 2 bedroom flats at lower price ranges to take advantage of the stamp duty relief, weak sterling and generally weaker values. As if to prove the point, my wealthy international clients are now asking me to show them country Estates. Recently, I have shown a Chinese buyers one of Britain’s finest stately homes half an hour from London, Swakeleys built in the 1620’s by the Lord Mayor of London and the richest man in England at the time and Cherry Hill, a modernist masterpiece build in the 1930’s and the former home of the

famous US ambassador, John Witney located in the middle of the exclusive Wentworth golf Estate now also now owned by another Chinese family. Demand for countryside living has certainly increased dramatically. Unfortunately it seems that Samuel Johnson’s famous words have done little to discourage a mini exodus from London: “You will find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life….” For myself and many others, we may be tired of lockdown, but not of London itself. I have no doubt that city living, its economy and the property market will all stage a rapid recovery in the near future. In the meantime, I have expanded my reach to the country to meet demand. The customer is always right. Simon Dredzen Property Investor

Simon Dredzen is a property investor and the owner of Walton Estates a boutique estate agency in Chelsea advising both buyers and seller in prime central London for many decades.

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Prepared for everything.

Prepared. For discovery. Places available for September 2021 at the preparatory school designed for the future. Our new school in the heart of Kensington, for children aged 3 - 11 years, features high tech science labs and a Maker Space, as well as an exceptional environment for your child to grow in the arts, music, sport and drama. It’s also the only central London preparatory school offering two acres of private gardens. Visit Call our admissions team on 020 7591 4620 or email:


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

Prince's Gardens Preparatory School is part of the Cognita Schools Group.

Prepared. For Everything. How Prince’s Gardens Preparatory School launched during lockdown. Prince’s Gardens Preparatory School is a new independent school for boys and girls aged 3 - 11 in the heart of Kensington. Built during lockdown, the £10m transformation of four six-storey Victorian townhouses into a pioneering educational space has seen teachers, architects and builders pull together in a huge collective effort to get the school ready. Headmistress Alison Melrose tells us about her experience of launching a new school during a pandemic.

Building Prince’s Gardens Preparatory School was always going to be ambitious. Futurefacing while preserving history, the brief from our parent group, Cognita, was to create the ‘best prep school in London’.

several years ago, little did we imagine that our school motto, ‘Prepared for Everything’, would also apply to us! The main challenge we faced was uncertainty regarding the building works. Transforming four Victorian townhouses in central London into a state-of-theart educational space, while preserving the best parts of history, was already a complex project. But when COVID hit, and supplies and manpower were diverted to the Nightingale Hospital, we had to work to alternative plans. Being adaptable is

The opportunity to build a new school from scratch, especially a pioneering one, is an exciting prospect for a head. But when we embarked upon the project

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


an important life skill. We work on it with the children, but it applies equally to our staff, and I am proud of the way everyone pulled together to make our opening in September an incredible success, though in a temporary building. Despite the adversity of 2020, I am delighted to say that we have now moved into the new school building and our location is second to none. We have so much space, with room to breathe and grow: not only do we have access to a huge two-acre private garden and Hyde

We place a strong emphasis on wellbeing at Prince’s Gardens. In addition to all the outdoor space we have access to, we bring the outside in, following biophilic principles with proven benefits to academic progress and overall health. Our specialist STEAM spaces are designed to engage children with their learning as we focus on key skills in communication, creativity, collaboration and critical thinking. And while technology is important, our well-trained staff understand how to integrate it within learning as an extension to every child’s pencil case. Finally, we are engaging with local industry to teach real-world finance, business and commerce skills. All of which are essential ingredients to nurture young children with the resilience and curiosity to ensure happiness and success in our everchanging world. We have been working towards the launch of Prince’s Gardens for several years and are very excited to be able to deliver our education to children in London, despite the challenges of the pandemic. In a future we can’t predict, we all need to be flexible. Our building and location provide us with incredible facilities, making it easy to deliver our curriculum, but as ever, it is the school community, which is its heart.

Park five minutes’ walk away, but being in the heart of the city means London truly is our classroom. Some of the world’s greatest museums are close by, and they form a key part of our broad and engaging curriculum – bringing learning to life! We can hold concerts at the Royal Academy of Music across the road or go next door to Imperial College’s fantastic sports centre for games and swimming classes. No buses, no packed lunches. It’s all on our doorstep and part of a normal day at Prince’s Gardens.


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

Alison Melrose Headmistress, Prince’s Gardens Preparatory School, Kensington, London. For more information see


Chloe Abbott

Educational Consultant • Introductory meeting to get to know your family and your child/children • Assessment when required to establish your child’s levels • School advice for both primary and secondary in the London area and beyond • Support and advice on suitable school choices • Booster sessions in key exam skills

Place your rising stars in our hands... Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


University of Exeter set up the Sir Steve Smith Scholarship Scheme A new scholarship scheme set-up in honour of former Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Steve Smith, targeting applicants from disadvantaged backgrounds, will support six students to attend the University of Exeter each year. The Sir Steve Smith Scholarships have been funded by University of Exeter alumni and friends. More than £1 million has been raised which will support one scholar in each of the University’s six Colleges at any one time, each receiving an award of £6,000 per year for the duration of their studies. The donations have funded a permanent endowment, which means the scholarships will be available in perpetuity for maximum impact. The scholarships were established in honour of Sir Steve, a leader who steered Exeter for 18 years to become one of the UK’s fastest growing and rapidly rising research universities before retiring in August 2020. Sir Steve was the first member of his family to attend university, and the scholarships will target talented students from backgrounds similar to his own to achieve their potential at Exeter and far into the future. 56

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

Alumna Vanessa Knapp (Law, 1978) was one of the first alumni to make a donation to the fund. She said: “I loved my time at Exeter and learned a great deal, both academically and more generally. I am supporting the fund so other people can have the same opportunities I did. Sir Steve Smith is a passionate advocate for the power of education and I am delighted that we can honour him and his values by supporting the fund.” Scholarships can be even more important now, with research indicating that disadvantaged students have fallen behind their more privileged peers during the pandemic. Zain Ahmed, a student in the Medical School who is the first in his family to go to University received a scholarship last year. He said: “Getting a scholarship is something I am really grateful for, it has given me freedom. There are parts of university life that would’ve been far harder without it.” Professor Sir Steve Smith said: “I have always believed that education has the power to transform lives and throughout my time at Exeter, was passionate

Professor Sir Steve Smith former Vice-Chancellor

about supporting widening participation schemes and programmes. I was delighted to make a founding donation to this fund myself and am so grateful to everyone who has joined me in making a difference to all these future students. I cannot thank you enough.” The first Sir Steve Smith Scholars will start in September 2021. More details and criteria are available on the website. The University of Exeter has around 22,000 students across 3 campuses in Devon and Cornwall, which means it offers the academic excellence and facilities you’d expect of a major university, but also a welcoming and friendly atmosphere with

students from all around the world. Both Devon campuses are located in Exeter, and the Cornwall campus is in Penryn, just outside the beautiful coastal town of Falmouth. The University is part of the Russell Group of research intensive universities and is rated Gold in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF 2017). Find out more about studying at the University of Exeter at Rachel Caunter University of Exeter

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


YOUR JOURNEY TO HIGHER EDUCATION Join us this winter for online events with our academic staff and students.



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


The power of the International Baccalaureate We are a truly international community here at Impington International College, so it makes sense for us to offer our students strong, robust and dynamic educational frameworks that reflect the nature of our values and prepare our students for life beyond sixth form, not just in the UK, but all over the globe. We’re extremely proud to be able to offer our students the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) and Career-related Programme (CP) as well as a wide range of extended BTECs and scholarship programmes. We have been teaching the IB programmes for 30 years and were recently crowned the UK’s top nonselective provider of the IB by the Sunday Times Parent Power. As an IB World School, internationalmindedness sits at the heart of our College and, through our curricula, approaches to teaching and learning and ethos, this is brought to life. The approaches to teaching of IB programmes focus on developing inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. Throughout all of our lessons, our students are taught to

develop independent thought and natural curiosity, engaging in active conversations and debate. These inspiring conversations aren’t just held in the classroom but carried on in corridors, the common room and even on the sports field. We have a fantastic community here at Impington International College, where all feel welcome. As well as providing an inclusive environment, we are completely free to attend. We aim to remove any barriers for those wishing to grab their ticket to a world of opportunity; helping our students pursue their dreams and future careers. Through studying with us our students leave equipped with the tools and skills needed to stand on the world stage, with the self-assurance to tackle every challenge. As we move into an unpredictable and ever-changing future, it fills me with confidence knowing that all of our students leave fully prepared for whichever path they choose to follow along their educational journey. Johanna Sale Vice Principal, Impington International College Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Establishing Shot A new project being set up by Chocolate Films in January 2021 Chocolate Films presents 'Establishing Shot' an innovative creative careers initiative for young underrepresented Londoners. Discover how to get into the film industry on one-day workshops run over early 2021 in Wandsworth, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark . Apply for a week's paid work experience at Chocolate Films and find out more about film production and workshops. Lead


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

reverse mentoring sessions with the founding directors of Chocolate Films and ultimately apply to work at Chocolate Films and become one of the full-time team! More info visit the Stride website.

Pupil Voice At The Hampshire School Chelsea we like to do things a little differently. In place of a traditional school council structure, for example, we run six development groups formed of eight pupils from Years 1 – Year 8; Eco, Community, Mind Body and Soul, Food Forum, Innovative Technology and Houses. Every Development Group focuses on improving key aspects of school provision. In a recent meeting of the Food Development Group, for example, pupils discussed nutrition and as a result, the nutritionist from the school’s caterers Thomas Franks will visit the school in the New Year to discuss the best food to optimise energy, memory and concentration. They also voiced their preference for the food offered on Fridays, cake day!

The development groups underpin our belief that every child should be heard and influence their educational provision and its impact on their outcomes. That ethos manifests in our Pupil Voice Programme which also includes a weekly timetabled lesson, known as PVWT (Pupil Voice and Wellbeing Time), when we listen to the pupils’ narratives about their experiences at school and then encourage them to drive change by contributing to decisionmaking. In turn, the pupils develop a better understanding and a positive attitude towards active citizenship.

“What it means to pupils is that their voice is heard and acted upon” Dr Edmonds, Head at The Hampshire School Chelsea Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


“What it means to pupils is that their voice is heard and acted upon,” explains Head Dr Edmonds. “They are valued as individuals and the pupils know that they are crucial to the collaborative endeavour to enhance the learning environment for all.” Recent pupil-driven initiatives have included a Wellbeing Week, Green Day, Community Day, Tech Day and HalfMeasures Catering Initiatives where sugar on the school menu was reduced by 50%. Another recent pupil-led initiative was the rebranding of the House system by The Houses Development Group. It involved the whole school researching the notable residents commemorated with blue plaques in Kensington and Chelsea. The pupils decided on Franklin, Scott, Marley and Pankhurst as the new House names. Listening to pupils doesn’t end there. There are weekly pupil assemblies incorporating ‘Pair Talk’ protocols where pupils talk to a 62

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peer or pupil from a different year group about the assembly’s focus, encourages pupils of all ages, including our youngest in Pre-School, to stand up and speak to the entire assembly and confidently share their thoughts. Pupils have also helped shape the Code of Conduct, which illustrates how certain positive behaviours bring the school’s five core values of respect, responsibility, resilience, excellence and community, to life.

“Pupil voice at The Hampshire School Chelsea is not limited to pupils’ views on lunchtime provision, or community fundraising events; it includes listening to their views on teaching and learning and making learning visible” By Dr Edmonds Head The Hampshire School, Chelsea


We look forward to welcoming you for individual tours of the school. Virtual events and live Q&A sessions also available to book via our website.

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5 steps to serene, efficient home working We don’t all have the luxury of a dedicated, or even quiet, space where we can pitch our home office tent. How can we ensure we spend these Working From Home days in the best possible surroundings: comfortable, focused and serene?


Pole position

If you cannot work in a dedicated, quiet space, choose somewhere that is not in the passage. If you can only be in an open space, choose the least busy corner of that space. TIP: Ensure your back is protected by a wall, piece of furniture, screen. Your back should not be exposed and you should see the door: you need to feel safe to focus. Ensure you have everything you need for your work session handy. Think ahead how to manage your work space once home life takes over.


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Optimal Posture

If sitting, choose the best seat that you can afford, ensuring your back is well supported, not slouching or tensing. TIP: Consider foot support, fixed, active or adjustable: an ergonomic kindness to your back. Ensure your work surface is large enough. To fit a laptop, some notebook, a drink and our phone: ideal minimum is 60 x 60 cm. Ensure your work surface is at optimal height.


Visual comfort

Work in a bright area, with natural light. Light your work surface properly. Don’t strain your eyes. Mix general and focused light, ensuring the space is bright: more restful, for your eyes and mood. TIP: Add a SAD lamp, for the long, darker months.

Keep in mind individual tasks bring you closer to your goal(s). Your big picture fuels you. As you ponder a thought or take a break, an open perspective will make all the difference.

Summary - the essentials Dedicate a few minutes before you sit down: Express your need for quiet and respect of your focused time


Clear coast

Create your personal work haven. an uncluttered work area: essential tools, a drink, something inspiring to look at. Remove everything distracting. Leave elements you cannot remove be (humans, pets, laundry, ‘stuff’). TIP: Protect your space verbally or physically, set up a different table covering or obstacles between you. Be intentional, calm and clear for each task.


Create some semblance of order in what you can Make your peace with what you cannot. Creating the best possible work space at home requires intention. It is not complicated or onerous. It is an investment in your self-care and the integrity you dedicate; to your life, your work and your own balance. The thought and care you put into setting yourself up for the day will have a huge impact on your performance, mindset and overall wellbeing. Marie Noelle Swiderski Galuchat Design

Free thinking

Focus on the task at hand only. TIP: Position yourself with open space in front of you; a window, the rest of the room. Not being blocked will allow your ideas to flow, your viewpoint to remain broad.

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


South West London school directory Barnes Barnes Primary School

Blossom House School

Cross Street SW13 0QQ

Station Road KT3 6JJ

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: 3 to 19 Type: Independent Special School Sex: Mixed

02088767358 Headteacher: Sue Jepson

Headteacher: Joanna Burgess

Harrodian School

Kew House School

Lonsdale Road SW13 9QN

Capital Interchange Way TW8 0EX

Age: 4 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Mr James Hooke

Headteacher: Will Williams

Lowther Primary School

St Osmund’s Catholic Primary School

Stillingfleet Road SW13 9AE

Church Road SW13 9HQ

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

02087483984 Headteacher: Mark Tuffney



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02087483582 Headteacher: Mr James Hooke

St Paul’s School

The Swedish School

Lonsdale Road SW13 9JT

Lonsdale Road SW13 9JS

Ag 7 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Boys

Ag 11 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

02087489162 Headteacher: Sally-Anne Huang


Headteacher: Jenny Abrahamsson

Battersea Ark Bolingbroke Academy

Ark John Archer Primary Academy

Wakehurst Road SW11 6BF

Plough Terrace SW11 2AA

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Free Schools Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Academy Converter Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Ms C Edis

Headteacher: Moira Cruddas

Belleville Primary School

Centre Academy London

Belleville Road SW11 6PR

St John’s Hill SW11 1SH

Age: Primary Type: Academy Converter Sex: Mixed

Age: 9 to 19 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

02072286727 Head representative: Sarah Atherton


Headteacher: Dr Duncan Rollo

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Chesterton Primary School

Christchurch C of E Primary School

Dagnall Street SW11 5DT

Batten Street SW11 2TH

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided Sex: Mixed


Headteacher: Danine Smith

Headteacher: Mrs C Morris

Dolphin School

Emanuel School

Northcote Road SW11 6QW

Battersea Rise SW11 1HS

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 10 to 19 years Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Nicola Baldwin

Headteacher: Robert Milne

Falconbrook Primary School

Griffin Primary School

Wye Street SW11 2LX

Stewarts Road SW8 4JB

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: 3 to 11 Type: Academy Sponsor Led Sex: Mixed

020 7228 7706 Headteacher: Mrs Stella Smith


020 7228 2812

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02076225087 Headteacher: Abi McIvor

Harris Academy Battersea

Heathbrook Primary School

Battersea Park Road SW11 5AP

St Rule Street SW8 3EH

Age: Secondary Type: Academy Sponsor Led Sex: Boys

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed


020 7622 4101

Headteacher: Miss P Leigh

Headteacher: Mr Ben Roberts

Honeywell Infant School

Honeywell Junior School

Honeywell Road SW11 6EF

Honeywell Road SW11 6EF

Age: 3 to 7 Type: Foundation School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Foundation School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Jane Neal

Headteacher: Ms Jo Clarke

John Burns Primary School

L’Ecole de Battersea

Wycliffe Road SW11 5QR

Trott Street SW11 3DS

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

020 7228 3857

Headteacher: Mr B Grogan

02073718350 Headteacher: Frederique Brisset

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Newton Preparatory School

Northcote Lodge School

Battersea Park Road SW8 4BX

Bolingbroke Grove SW11 6EL

Age: 3 to 13 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 7 to 13 Type: Independent School Sex: Boys

020 7720 4091

Headteacher: Mrs Alison Flemming

Headteacher: Clive Smith-Langridge

Parkgate House School

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary Battersea

Clapham Common SW4 9SD

Este Road SW11 2TD

Age: 2 to 11 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed


0207 223 5611

Headteacher: Malcolm McKinlay

Executive Headteacher: Mr Brading

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary Roehampton

Shaftesbury Park Primary School

Roehampton Lane SW15 5NX

Ashbury Road SW11 5UW

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed


020 7228 3652

Headteacher: Mr Anthony Gibbons


020 8682 8888

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

Headteacher: Mrs Bunmi Richards

St George’s CofE Primary School

St John Bosco Catholic School & College

Corunna Road SW8 4JS

Parkham Street SW11 3DQ

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Secondary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed


0207 924 8310

Headteacher: Mrs Collymore

Headteacher: Paul Dunne

St Mary’s RC Primary School Battersea

Thames Christian College

St Joseph Street SW8 4EN

Wye Street SW11 2HB

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Secondary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

020 7622 5460


Executive Headteacher: Mr Brading

Headteacher: Stephen Holsgrove

The Dominie

Thomas’s Battersea Square

55 Warriner Gardens SW11 4DX

Battersea High Street SW11 3JB

Age: 6 to 13 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 5 to 12 years Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

02077208783 Headteacher: Miss O’Dohorty

02079780900 Headteacher: Simon O’Malley

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Thomas’ Clapham

Westbridge Academy

Broomwood Road SW11 6JZ

Bolingbroke Walk SW11 3NE

Age: 4 to 13 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Academy Sponsor led Sex: Mixed

02073269300 Headteacher: Phil Ward

02072281293 Headteacher: Ms Diane Thompson

Chelsea Ashburnham Community School

Cameron Vale School

Blantyre Street SW10 0DT

The Vale SW3 6AH

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed


Headteacher: Ben McMullen

Headteacher: Mrs Bridget Saul

Chelsea Academy

Chelsea Open Air Nursery School

Lots Road SW10 0AB

Glebe Place SW3 5JE

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Academy Sponsor Led Sex: Mixed

Age: Nursery Type: Local Authority Nursery School Sex: Mixed

02073763019 Headteacher: Mrs M Ardron



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02073528374 Headteacher: Talia Robinson

Christ Church CofE Primary School

Francis Holland Junior School

Batten Street SW11 2TH

Graham Terrace SW1W 8JF

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Girls



Headteacher: Mrs C Morris

Headteacher: Suzy Dixon

Francis Holland Senior School

Garden House School

Graham Terrace SW1W 8JF

Turks Row SW3 4TW

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent Sex: Girls

Age: Primary Type: Independent Sex: Mixed

02077302971 Headteacher: Mrs Lucy Elphinstone

Girls’ Office - 02077301652 Boys’ Office - 02077306652 Headteachers: (Girls) Mrs Emma Studd (Boys) Dan Jameson

Hill House Primary School

Marlborough Community School

Hans Place SW1X 0EP

Draycott Avenue SW3 3AP

Age: 4 to 13 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

02075841331 Headteacher: Richard Townend

02075898553 Headteacher: Sally Keck

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Oratory Roman Catholic Primary School

Park Walk Primary School

Oratory Walk SW3 6QH

Park Walk SW10 0AY

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

02075895900 Headteacher: Mrs Jane Griffiths

Headteacher: Emily Caldwell

Redcliffe School

Saint Thomas More Language College

Redcliffe Gardens SW10 9JH

Cadogan Street SW3 2QS

Age: 3 to 11 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Secondary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Sarah Lemmon

Headteacher: Dr T Papworth

Servite RC Primary School

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

Fulham Road SW10 9NA

Cadogan Street SW3 2QJ

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Mr Claud Gauci



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

Headteacher: Mr James Stacey

The Hampshire School

Knightsbridge School

Manresa Road SW3 6NB

Pont Street SW1X 0BD

Age: Primary and Secondary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 2 to 13 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed


Headteacher: Dr P Edmonds

020 7590 9000 Headteacher: Shona Colaco

The Laurels School Chelsea Embankment SW3 4LG Age: Secondary Type: Independent School Sex: Girls 02086747229 Headteacher: Mrs Linda Sanders

Clapham Alderbrook Primary School

Allan Edwards Primary School

Oldridge Road SW12 8PP

Studley Road SW4 6RP

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

02086734913 Headteacher: Peter Weal


Headteacher: Louise Robertson

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Belleville Wix Academy

Bonneville Primary School

Wix’s Lane SW4 0AJ

Bonneville Gardens SW4 9LB

Age: Primary Type: Academy Sponsor Led Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed


Headteacher: Seana Henry

Headteacher: Andrea Parker

Broomwood Hall Lower School

Clapham Manor Primary School

Ramsden Road SW12 8RQ/SW12 8TE

Belmont Road SW4 0BZ

Age: 4 to 13 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Carole Jenkinson

Headteacher: Mr Broad

Eaton House the Manor School

Glenbrook Primary School

Clapham Common North Side SW4 9RU

Clarence Crescent SW4 8LD

Age: Primary Type: Independent school Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

02079246000 Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Segrave



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02086742387 Headteacher: Ms J Scarsbrook

Iqra Primary School

Kings Avenue Primary School

Park Hill SW4 9PA

Kings Avenue SW4 8BQ

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Humaira Saleem

Headteacher: Rachel Mollett

La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls’ School

Lambeth Academy

Atkins Road SW12 0AB

Elms Road SW4 9ET

Age: 11 to 18 Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Girls

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Academy Sponsor Led Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Dominic Malins

Executive Principal: Leon Wilson

Lark Hall Primary School

Macaulay CE Primary School

Smedley Street SW4 6PH

Victoria Rise SW4 0NU

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

02076223820 Headteacher: Gary Nichol

02076221355 Headteacher: Jo Samways

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Maytree Nursery School

Oliver House School

Allingham Road SW4 8EG

Nightingale Lane SW4 9AH

Age: Nursery Type: Local authority Nursery School Sex: Mixed

Age: 3 to 11 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Ms Rachel Hedley

Headteacher: Mrs Debbie Morrison

St Francis Xavier Sixth Form College

St Mary’s RC Primary School

Malwood Road SW12 8EN

Crescent Lane SW4 9QJ

Age: 16 to 18 Type: Sixth Form College Voluntary Aided Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

02087726000 Headteacher: Graham Thompson Trinity Academy Brixton Hill SW2 1QS Age: 11 to 18 Type: Free Schools Sex: Mixed 02031264993 Headteacher: Antony Faccinello


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02076225479 Headteacher: Karen Pluckrose

Dulwich Alleyn’s School

Dulwich College

Townley Road SE22 8SU

Dulwich Common SE21 7LD

Age: Primary, Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent Sex: Mixed

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent Sex: Boys



Headteacher: Jane Lunnon

Headteacher: Dr Joseph Spence

Dulwich College Junior School

Dulwich Hamlet Junior School

Dulwich Common SE21 7LD

Dulwich Village SE21 7AL

Age: Primary Type: Independent Sex: Boys

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Dr Toby Griffiths

Headteacher: Mrs Claire Purcell

Dulwich Preparatory London

Dulwich Village Church of England Infants School

Alleyn Park SE21 7AA

Dulwich Village SE21 7AL

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Boys

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

02087665500 Not available Headteacher: Miss Louise Davidson

02075259233 Not available Headteacher: Mrs Helen Poyton

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Dulwich Wood Nursery School

Dulwich Wood Primary School

Lyall Avenue SE21 8QS

Bowen Drive SE21 8NS

Age: 2 to 5 Type: Local Authority Nursery School Sex: Mixed

Age: 4 to 11 Type: Community School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Miss Helen Rowe

Headteacher: Miss Helen Rowe

Goodrich Community Primary School

Goose Green Primary and Nursery School

Dunstans Road SE22 0EP

Tintagel Crescent SE22 8HG

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Academy Converter Sex: Mixed


Headteacher: Craig Voller

Headteacher: Simon Wattam

Graveney School

Harris Boys’ Academy East Dulwich

Welham Road SW17 9BU

Peckham Rye SE22 0AT

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Academy Converter Sex: Mixed

Age: Secondary Type: Academy Sponsor Led Sex: Boys

02086827000 Headteacher: Cynthia Rickman



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02082995300 Headteacher: Mr Peter Groves

Harris Girls’ Academy East Dulwich

Heber Primary School

Homestall Road SE22 0NR

Heber Road SE22 9LA

Age: Secondary Type: Academy Sponsor Led Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Mrs Carrie Senior

Headteacher: Rivka Rosenberg

James Allen Girls School

Kelvin Grove Primary School

East Dulwich Grove SE22 8TE

Kelvin Grove SE26 6BB

Age: 4 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Mrs Alex Hutchinson

Headteacher: Mr Ian Hyde

Kingsdale Foundation School

Oakfield Prep School

Alleyn Park SE21 8SQ

Thurlow Park Road SE21 8HP

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Academy Converter Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

02086707575 Headteacher: Mr S H Morrison

02086704206 Headteacher: Moyra Thompson

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Rosemead Preparatory School

Rosendale Primary School

Thurlow Park Road SE21 8HZ

Rosendale Road SE21 8LR

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Academy Converter Sex: Mixed

02086705865 Not available Headteacher: Mr P Soutar

Headteacher: Kate Atkins

St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School

Sydenham High Juniors GDST

Etherow Street SE22 0LA

19 Westwood Hill SE26 6BL

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

02086 936852


Headteacher: Mrs Joanne Hawthorne

Headteacher: Ms Victoria Goodson

Sydenham High School GDST

The Charter School East Dulwich

19 Westwood Hill SE26 6BL

Jarvis Road SE22 8RB

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

Age: Secondary Type: Free school Sex: Mixed

02085577000 Headteacher: Mrs Katharine Woodcock



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02038732290 Headteacher: Mr. A. Crossman

Turney Primary and Secondary Special School

Turney Road SE21 8LX Age: 4 to 18 Type: Foundation Special School Sex: Mixed 02086707220 Executiveheadteacher@lansdowne.

Headteacher: Linda Adams

Fulham All Saints CofE Bishops Park

Evergreen Primary School

Bishops Avenue SW6 6ED

Swan Mews SW6 4QT

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Carol Gray

Executive Headteacher: Rena Begum

Fulham Cross Academy

Fulham Primary School

Kingwood Road SW6 6SN

Halford Road SW6 1JU

Age: Secondary Type: Academy Converter Sex: Boys

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

02073813606 Headteacher: Alan Jones

02073850535 Headteacher: Leesa Schooneman

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Fulham School Senior Prep and Pre Prep

Godolphin and Latymer School

Greyhound Road W14 9SD

Iffley Road W6 0PG

Age: Primary, Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

02073862444 Headteachers: Pre prep - Di Steven Prep - Neill Lunnon Senior - Chirs Cockerill

Headteacher: Dr Frances Ramsey

Holy Cross RC School

John Betts Primary School

Basuto Road SW6 4BL

Paddenswick Road W6 0UA

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: 5 to 11 Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Ms Cath Macgonigal

Headteacher: Jessica Mair

Kensington Preparatory School GDST

L’Ecole des Petits School

Fulham Road SW6 5PA

Hazlebury Road SE6 2NB

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

Age: 3 to 6 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

02077319300 Headteacher: Mrs Hulme-McKibbin



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02073718350 Not available Headteacher: Frederique Brisset

Lady Margaret School

Parayhouse School

Parson’s Green SW6 4UN

Gliddon Road W14 9BL

Age: Secondary 16 to 18 Type: Academy Converter Sex: Girls

Age: 7 to 16 Type: Non-maintained Special School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Ms Elisabeth Stevenson

Headteacher: Holly Bristow & Verity Carnevale

Parsons Green Preparatory School

Sinclair House School

Fulham Park Road SW6 4LJ

Fulham High Street SW6 3JJ

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 2 to 13 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Matthew Faulkner

Headteacher: Carlotta T.M O’Sullivan

St John’s Walham Green CofE Primary

St Paul’s Girls School and Juniors

Filmer Road SW6 6AS

Brook Green W6 7BS

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary, secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

02077315454 Headteacher: Ms Barbara Wightwick

02076032288 Headteachers: Junior - Maxine Shaw Senior - Sarah Fletcher

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School

Sulivan Primary School

Estcourt Road SW6 7HB

Peterborough Road SW6 3BN

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Academy Converter Sex: Mixed

02073858165 Headteacher: Miss Jo Breslin

Headteacher: Wendy Aldridge

TBAP 16-19 Academic AP Academy

The Hurlingham Academy

Greswell Street SW6 6PX

Peterborough Road SW6 3ED

Age: 16 to 19 Type: Free school Sex: Mixed

Age: Academy sponsor led Type: Secondary School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Krishna Purbhoo

Headteacher: Leon Wilson

The Moat School

Thomas’s Fulham

Bishop’s Ave SW6 6EG

Hugon Road SW6 3ES

Age: 9 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 4 to 11 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

02076109018 Headteacher: Koen Claeys



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02077518200 Headteacher: Annette Dobson

Kensington Ashbourne A Level College

Avonmore Primary School

Old Court Place W8 4PL

Avonmore Road W18 8RT

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Michael Kirby

Headteacher: Maya Wittleton

Bousfield Primary School

Eaton Square Senior School

South Bolton SW5 0DJ

Piccadilly W1J 7NL

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: Secondary Type: Independent Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Ms Helen Swain

Headteacher: Sebastian Hepher

Falkner House School (Girls)

Falkner House School (Boys)

Brechin Place SW7 4QB

Boys- Penywern Road SW5 9SU

Age: 2 to 11 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

Age: 2 to 11 Type: Independent School Sex: Boys

02073734501 Headteacher: Mrs Flavia Rogers

02073732340 Headteacher: Mrs Eleanor Dixon

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Fox Primary School

Glendower Primary School

Kensington Place W8 7PP

Queen’s Gate SW7 5JX

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Girls



Headteacher: Mr Paul Cotter

Headteacher: Mrs Nina Kingsmill Moore

Hawkesdown House School

Holland Park School

Edge Street W8 7PN

Airlie Gardens W8 7AF

Age: 2 to 11 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Multi Academy Trust Sex: Mixed

02077279090 Headteacher: Mrs J Mackay

Headteacher: Colin Hall

Kensington Primary Academy

Kensington Wade

Warwick Road W14 8PU

Warwick Road W14 8PU

Age: Primary Type: Academy Sponsor Led Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

02031467870 Executive Headteacher: Laura Lund



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02030962888 Headteacher: Jo Wallace

Mander Portman Woodward School

Prince’s Garden Preparatory School

Queen’s Gate SW7 5AB

Prince’s Gate SW7 1PT

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

020 7835 1355


Headteacher: John Southworth

Headteacher: Alison Melrose

Queen’s Gate School

Snowflake School

Queen’s Gate SW7 5LE

Longridge Road SW5 9SJ

Age: 4 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

Age: Primary and secondary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Mrs Rosalynd Kamaryc

Headteacher: Kerry Sternstein

St Barnabas and St Philip’s CofE

St Cuthbert with St Matthias CofE

Pembroke Mews Earls Court Road W8 6EJ

Warwick Road SW5 9UE

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed 02079379599 Headteacher: Vera Vagic

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed 02073738225 Headteacher: Gill Putterill

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


St James Prep School

St James Senior Girls’ School

Earsby Street W14 8SH

Earsby Street W14 8SH

Age: 2 to 11 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls


020 7348 1777

Headteacher: Kris Spencer

Headteacher: Sarah Labram

St Mary Abbots CofE Primary School

St Nicholas Prep School

Kensington Church Court W8 4SP

Princes Gate SW7 1PT

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Mr John Primrose

Headteacher: Matt Donladson

St Philip’s School

The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial RC School

Wetherby Place SW7 4NE

Addison Road W14 8BZ

Age: Primary and secondary Type: Independent School Sex: Boys

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Academy Converter Sex: Boys


02076038478 Headteacher: Mr P Stubbings


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

Thomas’s Kensington

Wetherby Pre-Prep School

Cottesmore Gardens W8 5PR

Pembridge Square W2 4ED and W11 3EP

Age: 5 to 11 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 8 to 13 Type: Independent School Sex: Boys

02073616500 Headteacher: Joanna Ebner

02077279581 Headteacher: Mr Mark Snell

Putney All Saints CofE Putney

Ark Putney Academy

Putney Common SW15 1HL

Pullman Gardens SW15 3DG

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Secondary Type: Academy Converter Sex: Mixed



Deputy Headteacher: Ms Claire Wood

Headteacher: Alison Downey

Ashcroft Technology Academy

Brandlehow Primary School

West Hill SW15 2UT

Brandlehow Road SW15 2ED

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Multi Academy Trust Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

02088770357 Headteacher: Douglas Mitchell


Headteacher: Ellie Loughnan

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


East Sheen Primary School

Eastwood Nursery

Upper Richmond Road West SW14 8ED

Roehampton Lane SW15 4HR

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: Nursery Type: Local Authority Nursery School Sex: Mixed


Headteacher: Elizabeth Page

Headteacher: Emma Williams

Falcons School for Girls

Granard Primary School

Woodborough Road SW15 6PY

Cortis Road SW15 6XA

Age: 2 to 11 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Mrs S Williams-Ryan

Headteacher: Mrs C Grigg

Heathmere Primary School

Hotham Primary School

Alton Road SW15 4LJ

Charlwood Road SW15 1PN

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed


Headteacher: Miss Emma Lewis



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02087886468 Headteacher: Richard Byrne Smith

Hurlingham Nursery and Pre - Prep

Hurlingham School

Putney Bridge SW15 6EH

Putney Bridge SW15 2NQ

Age: Nursery and pre prep Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Mrs Daisy Robertson

Headteacher: Mr Simon Gould

Ibstock Place School

Merlin School

Clarence Lane SW15 5PY

Carlton Drive SW15 2BZ

Age: Primary, secondary and 16 to 18, Type: Independent Sex: Mixed

Age: 4 10 8 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed


020 8788 2769

Headteacher: Mrs A Sylvester Johnson

Headteacher: Kate Prest

Mosaic Jewish Primary School

Oasis Academy Putney

Roehampton Lane SW15 4EU

Lower Richmond Road SW15 1LY

Age: 4 to 11 Type: Free School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Academy Sponsor Led Sex: Mixed

+442089448731 Headteacher: Nerissa Bear

02078846000 Headteacher: Mrs Jenny Parris

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary

Our Lady Queen of Heaven RC School

Clarendon Drive SW15 1AW

Victoria Drive SW19 6AD

Age: 4 10 11 Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed


Headteacher: Ms Anna Madden


Acting Headteacher: Jeremy Tuke

Paddock School

Prospect House School

St Margaret’s Crescent

Putney Hill SW15 3NT

Age: Primary, secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Community School Sex: Mixed 02088781521 admissions@paddock.wandsworth.

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed 02087800456

Headteacher: Mr Robert Pearce

Headteacher: Mr Michael Hodge

Putney High Junior School

Putney High School

Putney Hill SW15 2HF

Putney Hill SW15 6BH

Age: 4 to 11 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

02087886523 Headteacher: Pippa Page-Roberts



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02087884886 Headteacher: Suzie Longstaff

Roehampton CofE Primary School

St Mary’s CofE Primary School

Roehampton Lane SW15 4AA

Felsham Road SW15 1BA

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: 3 to 11 Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Mr Richard Woodfin

Headteacher: Cheryl Payne

The Alton School

The Priory Lodge School

Danebury Avenue SW15 4PD

Priory Lane SW15 5JJ

Age: Primary Type: Independent Schoo Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary, secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent Special School Sex: Mixed

02088768482 Headteacher: Ruth Hudson

020 8392 4410

Headteacher: Sarah Santos

Southfields Albemarle Primary School

Greenmead School

Princes Way SW19 6JP

Beaumont Road SW19 6RY

Age: Primary Type: Foundation School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

02087883170 Headteacher: Ms Mandy Kaur


Headteacher: Toni Edmonds-Smith

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Linden Lodge School

Saint Cecilia’s Church of England School

Princes Way SW19 6JB

Sutherland Grove SW18 5JR

Age: 2 to 19 Type: Academy Special Converter Sex: Mixed

Age: Secondary Type: Academy Converter Sex: Mixed


Headteacher: Deborah Rix

02087801244 Headteacher: Mrs Renata Joseph

Southmead Primary School Princes Way SW19 6QY Age: Mixed Type: Community School Sex: Primary 02087888901

Headteacher: Miss Parry

Wandsworth Allfarthing Primary School

Beatrix Potter Primary School

St Ann’s Crescent SW18 2LR

Magdalen Road SW18 3ER

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

02088741301 Headteacher: Tom Holmes


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Headteacher: Steph Neale

Earlsfield Primary School

Eveline Day School

Tranmere Road SW18 3QQ

Balham High Road SW17 7BQ

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Steve Trow

Headteacher: Eveline Drut

Finton House School

Fircroft Primary School

Trinity Road SW17 7HL

Fircroft Road SW17 7PP

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community school Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Ben Freeman

Headteacher: Denise York

Floreat Wandsworth

Nightingale Community Academy

Garratt Lane SW18 4EQ

Beechcroft Road SW17 7DF

Age: Primary Type: Academy Sponsor Led Sex: Mixed

Age: 5 to 19 Type: Academy Special Sponsor Led School Sex: Boys

02083534195 Headteacher: Mr. M. Custance

02088749096 Headteacher: Andre Bailey

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Park House School

Riversdale Primary School

North Side Wandsworth Common SW18 2SL

Merton Road SW18 5JP

Age: 4 to 13 Type: Independent Special School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed


Headteacher: Kieran Bird

Headteacher: Amy Roberts

Rutherford House School

Sheringdale Primary School

Balham House School SW17 7BQ

Standen Road SW18 5TR

Age: Primary Type: Free Schools Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Maxine Mallett

Headteacher: Sarah Jones

Southfields Academy

St Anne’s C of E Primary School

Merton Road SW18 5JU

St Anne’s Hill SW18 2RU

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Academy Converter Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

02088752600 Headteacher: Wanda Golinska



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02088741863 Headteacher: Lesley Steward

St Faith’s C of E Primary School

St Joseph’s RC Primary and Nursery School

Alma Road SW18 1AE

Oakhill Road SW15 2QD

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Stephan Cook

Headteacher: Miss Emma Cashier

St Michael’s C of E Primary School

Swaffield Primary School

Granville Road SW18 5SQ

St Ann’s Hill SW18 2SA

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Ann-Marie Grant

Headteacher: Julia Hamilton

The Roche School

Wandsworth Preparatory School

Frogmore SW18 1HW

Allfarthing Lane SW18 2PQ

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Independent Sex: Mixed

02088770823 Headteacher: Mrs Vania Adams

02088704133 Headteacher: Jo Fife

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


West Hill Primary School Merton Road SW18 5ST Age: Primary Type: Community school Sex: Mixed 02088745900 Headteacher: Lisa Carmen and Anna Healy

Wimbledon Bishop Gilpin CofE Primary School

Dundonald Primary School

Lake Road SW19 7EP

Dundonald Road SW19 3QH

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

02089466666 Headteacher: Matt Ball

Headteacher: Fiona Duffy

Franciscan Primary School

Garfield Primary School

Franciscan Road SW17 8HQ

Garfield Road SW19 8SB

Age: 3 to 11 Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed


Headteacher: Pat Andre-Watson



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02085401053 Headteacher: Michele Thomas

Hall School Wimbledon

Harris Academy Wimbledon

The Downs SW20 8HF

High Path SW19 2JY

Age: 4 to 16 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Free Schools Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Robert Bannon

Headteacher: Joanne Larizadeh

Hollymount Primary School

Joseph Hood Primary School

Cambridge Road SW20 0SQ

Whatley Avenue SW20 9NS

Age: Primary Type: Community school Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community school Sex: Mixed

02089460454 Headteacher: Sam Birnage

02085422471 josephhoodprimary@josephhood.merton.

Headteacher: Anita Saville

King’s College School

Merton Abbey Primary School

Wandsworth Common SW19 4TT

High Path SW19 2JY

Age: 11 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community school Sex: Mixed

02082555300 Headteacher: Andrew Halls OBE

02085427129 mertonabbeyprimary@mertonabbey.

Headteacher: Michael Bradley

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Park Academy

Pelham Primary School

Dorset Road SW19 3EF

SW19 1NU Southey Road

Age: Primary Type: Free School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community school Sex: Mixed

02085423365 Headteacher: Miss Bella Street

Headteacher: Emma Greer

Poplar Primary School

Raynes Park High School

Poplar Road South SW19 3JZ

Bushey Road SW20 0JL

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

Age: 11 to 19 Type: Community School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Mrs Spick

Headteacher: Kirsten Heard

Richard’s Lodge High School

Ronald Ross Primary School

Lake Road SW19 7HB

Beaumont Road SW19 6RY

Age: Secondary Type: Community School Sex: Girls

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

02089462208 office.manager@ricardslodge.merton.

Headteacher: Mrs Alison Jerrard



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02087885233 Headteacher: Mrs Abigail Brady

Rutlish School

Singlegate Primary School

Watery Lane SW20 9AD

South Gardens SW19 2NT

Age: 11 to 18 Type: Voluntary controlled School Sex: Boys

Age: 3 to 11 Type: Community School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Ms Laura Howarth

Headteacher: Mrs Bull

St John Fisher RC Primary School

St Mary’s RC School

Grand drive SW20 9NA

Russell Road SW19 1QL

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: 3 to 11 Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Miss Janine Kenna

Headteacher: Mrs Macdona

St Matthew’s Cofe Primary School

The Priory CofE Primary School

Cottenham Park Road SW20 0SX

Queens Road SW19 8LX

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Mixed

02089477227 Headteacher: Mr Gary Quinn

02085408059 Headteacher: Mr Peter Haddock

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


The Rowans School

The Study Preparatory School

Drax Avenue SW20 0EG

Peek Crescent SW19 5ER

Age: 3 to 7 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

02089468220 Headteacher: Joanna Hubbard

Headteacher: Miss Vicky Ellis

Ursuline Prep and High School

West Wimbledon Primary School

The Downs SW20 8HR

West Barnes Lane SW20 0BZ

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Mrs Caroline Molina

Headteacher: Paul Lufkin

Willington School

Wimbledon Chase Primary School

Worcester Road SW19 7QQ

Merton Hall Road SW19 3QB

Age: 4 to 13 Type: Independent School Sex: Boys

Age: Primary Type: Community School Sex: Mixed

02089447020 Headteacher: Mr Keith Brown



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Headteacher: Jill Augustin

Wimbledon College

Wimbledon Common Prep School

Edge Hill SW19 4NS

Ridgway SW19 4TA

Age: Secondary Type: Voluntary Aided School Sex: Boys

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Boys



Headteacher: Adrian Laing

Headteacher: Mrs T. Buck

Wimbledon High School GDST

Wimbledon High School Junior

Mansel Road SW19 4AB

Mansel Road SW19 4AA

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

Age: Primary Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

02089710900 Headteacher: Mrs Fionnuala Kennedy

02089710902 Headteacher: Claire Boyd

Wimbledon Park Primary School Havana Road SW19 8EJ Age: 3 to 11 Type: Community School Sex: Mixed 02089464925

Executive Headteacher: Paul Lufkin

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Further afield Box Hill School

Bradfield College

London Road RH5 6EA

Bradfield RG7 6AU

Age: 11 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 13 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

01372373382 Headteacher: Cory Lowde

Headteacher: Dr C Stevens

Brighton College

Broomwood Hall Upper School

Eastern Road BN2 0AL

Nightingale Lane SW12 8NS

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 8 to 13 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls


020 8682 8810

Headteacher: Richard Cairns

Headteacher: Carole Jenkinson

Caterham School

DLD College London

Harestone Valley CR3 6YA

Westminster Bridge Road SE1 7FX

Age: 10 to 19 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 14 to 19 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

01883343028 Headteacher: Ceri Jones



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

02079358411 Headteacher: Irfan H Latif

Eastbourne College

Eton College

Old Wish Road BN21 4JY

Windsor SL4 6DW

Age: 12 to 19 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 12 to 19 Type: Independent School Sex: Boys



Headteacher: Tom Lawson

Headteacher: Simon Henderson

Hampton Court House

Kingston Grammar School

Hampton court Road KT8 9BS

Kingston Upon Thames KT2 6PY

Age: 5 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Guy Holloway

Headteacher: Stephen Lehec

Lady Eleanor Holles

Lancing College

Hanworth Road TW12 3HF

West sussex BN15 0RW

Age: 7 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

Age: 12 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

02089791601 Headteacher: Mrs Hanbury

01273452213 Headteacher: Mr Dominic Oliver

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Marlborough College

Marymount International School

Bath Road SN8 1PA

George Road KT2 7PE

Age: 13 to 19 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

01672892200 Headteacher: Mrs L J MoelwynHughes

Headteacher: Nick Marcou

Mayfield School

Milbourne Lodge

Pedley Road RM8 1XE

Arbrook Lane KT10 9EG

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Foundation School Sex: Mixed

Age: 4 to 13 Type: Independent school Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Ms Allison Greenwood and Ms Lynn Campbell

Headteacher: Judy Waite

Orchard House School

Reed’s School

Newton Grove W4 1LB

Sandy Lane KT11 2ES

Age: 3 to 11 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 10 to 19 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

02087428544 Headteacher: Mrs Maria Edwards



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

01932869001 Headteacher: Mark Hoskins

Richmond Park Academy

Ripley Court School

Park Avenue SW14 8RG

Rose Lane GU23 6NE

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Academy Sponsor Led Sex: Mixed

Age: 2 to 13 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed



Headteacher: Nabila Jiwa

Headteacher: Ms Aislinn Clarke

Roedean School

Rokeby School

Roedean Way BN2 5RQ

George Road KT2 7PB

Age: 11 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

Age: 4 to 13 Type: Independent School Sex: Boys



Headteacher: Oliver Blond

Headteacher: Jason Peck

Rowan Preparatory School

Royal Russell School

Fitzalan Road KT10 0PJ

Coombe Lane CR9 5BX

Age: 2 to 11 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

Age: 3 to 19 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed


Headteacher: Mrs Susan Clarke

02086574433 Headteacher: Chris Hutchinson

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Shiplake College

Shrewsbury School

Henley-on-Thames RG9 4BW

Shropshire SY3 7BA

Age: 11 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 12 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

01189402455 Headteacher: Mr Tyrone Howe

Headteacher: Leo Winkley

St Dunstans College

St Edward’s Senior and Sixth Form

Stanstead Road SE6 4TY

Woodstock Road OX2 7NN

Age: 3 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 13 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed


01865 319204

Headteacher: Mr Nicholas Hewlett

Headteacher: Stephen Jones

Stowe School

Streatham and Clapham High School

Buckingham MK18 5EH

Abbotswood Road SW16 1AW

Age: 12 to 19 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 3 to 19 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

01280 818000 Headteacher: Dr Anthony Wallersteiner



Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021 02086778400 Headteacher: Dr Milan Sachania

Surbiton High School

Sutton High School

Surbiton Crescent KT1 2JT

Cheam Road SM1 2AX

Age: 4 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: Primary, secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls



Headteacher: Mrs Rebecca Glover

Headteacher: Beth Dawson

Sydenham High School

The Cedars School

Westwood Hill SE26 6BL

Coombe Road CR0 5RD

Age: 4 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Boys



Headteacher: Mrs Katharine Woodcock

Headteacher: Mr R Teague

Tiffin’s School

Trinity School

Queen Elizabeth Road KT2 6RL

Shirley Park CR9 7AT

Age: Secondary and 16 to 18 Type: Academy Converter Sex: Boys

Age: 10 to 18 Type: Independent Sex: Boys and mixed sixth form

020 8546 4638


Headteacher: Mike Gascoigne

Headteacher: Alasdair Kennedy

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


Wellington College

Wetherby Senior School

Crowthorne RG45 7PU

Marylebone Lane W1U 2QU

Age: 13 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed

Age: 11 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Boys



Headteacher: Mr James Dahl

Headteacher: Seth Bolderow

Whitgift School

Windlesham House School

Haling Park CR2 6YT

West Sussex RH20 4AY

Age: 10 to 18 Type: Independent School Sex: Boys

London Road RH20 4AY

02086889222 Headteacher: Chris Ramsey

Age: 3 to 14 Type: Independent School Sex: Mixed 01903874700 Headteacher: Ben Evans

Woldingham School Marden Park CR3 7YA Age: 10 to 19 Type: Independent School Sex: Girls 01883349431 Headteacher: Dr James Whitehead


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021


education choices


Education Choices Magazine | Winter 2021

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