Humn451 contemporary fine arts – all weeks discussion and assignments

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HUMN451 Contemporary Fine Arts – all weeks discussion and assignments

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HUMN451 Contemporary Fine Arts – all weeks discussion and assignments DeVry HUMN451 Week 1 Dq 1 & Dq 2 DeVry HUMN451 Week 1 dq 1 Modernism (graded) What do we mean by the term Modernism? What conditions were present in the late 19th century that prepared us for the modern world, and how did the late 19th century set the stage for Modernism in art? DeVry HUMN451 Week 1 dq 2 Modern Art Trends (graded) Based on the works of art we viewed and read about in the text this week, describe some of the trends in art during the late 19th century. How did these trends challenge classical assumptions about art? DeVry HUMN451 Week 2 Dq 1 & Dq 2 DeVry HUMN451 Week 2 dq 1 Aesthetic Trends (graded) This week, we’re examining Expressionism, Fauvism, and Cubism. What are some of the common characteristics among these three movements? How did the political conditions of the early 20th century influence these movements? DeVry HUMN451 Week 2 dq 2 Artists (graded) Consider the artists and their works discussed in our readings this week. Choose two works of art (by different artists) from our readings this week and discuss their similarities and differences. What do your examples suggest about the range of work in the early Modernist period and its artists?

DeVry HUMN451 Week 3 Dq 1 & Dq 2 DeVry HUMN451 Week 3 dq 1 Social Influences (graded) Describe the cultural conditions that may have influenced the conception and development of the individual 20thcentury aesthetic in architecture. You may consider such factors as social issues, political, and economic. Give specific examples in your response. DeVry HUMN451 Week 3 dq 2 Architectural Trends (graded) In your opinion, what are the most important and influential trends in modern architecture? What influenced these trends, and how did architecture influence other areas of the arts? DeVry HUMN451 Week 4 Dq 1 & Dq 2 DeVry HUMN451 Week 4 dq 1 Modern Sculpture (graded) Choose one sculpture from this week’s chapters and explain how it is representative of the movement in which it was created. In your post, be sure to provide an analysis of the work of art as it relates to the movement DeVry HUMN451 Week 4 dq 2 Contemporary Music (graded) Choose a genre of present-day music and discuss the factors that influenced its development. Contribute at least one specific example of music as the basis for your post. DeVry HUMN451 Week 5 Dq 1 & Dq 2 DeVry HUMN451 Week 5 dq 1 Modern Art (graded) Given the movements we read about this week such as Dada, Surrealism, or Abstract Expressionism (from the lecture), choose one and explore the underlying assumptions and principles of the movement. What were the movement’s major influences (social, political, and/or economic), and what did the movement stand for? DeVry HUMN451 Week 5 dq 2 Music and Dance (graded) Given any popular movement in music, explore how dance responded to that particular type of music. How is dance reflective of the music to which it responds? DeVry HUMN451 Week 6 Dq 1 & Dq 2 DeVry HUMN451 Week 6 dq 1 Modern Drama (graded)

Arthur Miller asserted that the common man is as tragic as the most exalted of characters. How was this revolutionary thinking? How is this indicative of trends in the arts during the mid-20th century? DeVry HUMN451 Week 6 dq 2 Origins of Postmodernism (graded) This week we looked at pre- and post-World War II art. How did the war influence art and give rise to the pending Postmodernist movements of the mid-20th century? DeVry HUMN451 Week 7 Dq 1 & Dq 2 DeVry HUMN451 Week 7 dq 1 Art & Society (graded) In your opinion, what impact have the arts had on 20th- and early 21st-century society? How have modern and postmodern arts revealed the human condition? DeVry HUMN451 Week 7 dq 2 Art and the Individual (graded) Choose a specific work of art, musical composition, dance program, or theater presentation and explain how it has affected you as an individual. How have the arts and humanities been used to influence thoughts and behaviors of individuals? DeVry HUMN451 Week 2 Assignment Course Project Your annotated bibliography for the course project is due this week. The bibliography must include no less then four quality academic sources and include annotations of at least two sentences, each describing how the source will contribute to your paper. Submit your bibliography to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. DeVry HUMN451 Week 3 Assignment Course Project You will submit your course project outline this week. The outline should give details as to the direction of your course project, including a thesis statement and an explanation of the major topics/works of art/ideas you are exploring in the paper with cross references to your sources. Please also attach the bibliography. The outline is tentative and may be changed as you develop your project in future weeks. Submit your lab to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. DeVry HUMN451 Week 6 Assignment Course Project Your final draft for the course project is due this week. Make sure to proofread and use APA style throughout the paper. Please review the requirements listed under the Course Home, Course Project tab for complete instructions. Submit your lab to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information

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