Ged 210 introduction to cultural anthropology unit 4 examination

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GED 210 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Unit 4 Examination

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1. The term “second world” is used to refer to: 

modern, industrialized nation-states

what used to be called the soviet union and other communist countries

undeveloped, nonindustrialized countries

traditional, pre-state societies affected by contact with the modern world

2. Since the 1960s, the Ju/’Hoansi San have become: 

increasingly independent and isolated from the modern world

middle class citizens of the nation of South Africa

increasingly dependent upon government assistance

one of the few indigenous societies to become financially independent

3. The introduction of a cash economy has disrupted traditional Ju/’Hoansi patterns of:

egalitarianism and reciprocity

food storage and redistribution

centralized decision-making

rapid population growth

4. Resettlement of Mbuti Pygmies on plantations outside the rainforest by the government of zaire has resulted in their: 

participation in the national political process

contribution to the economy through taxation

increased success at agricultural production

declining health

5. The Ju/’Hoansi or San Foragers inhabit the modern nations of: 

South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana

Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda

Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania

Venezuela and Brazil

6. Conflict between the Iroquois and other indigenous tribal groups in the 1600s was not due to: 

the introduction of guns and ammunition by the French

dependence on European goods

depletion of beavers and other fur-bearing animals vital to trade

ancient traditions of blood revenge and glory on the warpath

7. The displacement of Native Americans from their tribal lands in the U.S. in order to make the land available to white settlers was: 

accompanied mostly by outlaws and hired guns

a formal policy of the United States government

a myth invented by radical Indian activists

undertaken mostly by foreign immigrants

8. An example of cultural assimilation is: 

the popularity of Chinese restaurants

interracial dating

english as a second language

minority quotas for college enrollments

9. An example of biological assimilation is: 

school segregation

interethnic marriage

ethnic cleansing

immigration quotas

10. The systematic attempt to kill and totally eliminate a particular ethnic group is: 





11. Which of the following is not a pattern of ethnic interaction? 


ethnic cleansing



12. An ethnic group may be distinguished by all but one of the following criteria: 




shared historical past

13. The famous American anthropologist ___________ subjected scientific racist beliefs to rigoroustesting and evaluation; he found that there are no superior or inferior races. 

Johann Blumenbach

Joseph Arthur de Gobineau

Carolus Linnaeus

Franz Boas

14. The one-child policy in china has been:

effective at reducing the birthrate

useless at reversing trends of runaway population growth

most accepted in agricultural areas

accepted without protest by both urban and rural populations

15. Between 1980 and 1990, the annual growth rate in china fell from ________ to 1.4 Percent. 





16. Which of the following countries is likely to have the lowest per capita energy consumption? 





17. Because of human activities and growth, it is estimated that at least one species becomes extinct every day. In fact, biologist E.O. Wilson thinks, with the expansion of industrialism, mechanized agriculture and deforestation, as many as one-fourth of the world’s plant families will become extinct by the end of the next century. The loss of this ___________ is a major concern for many individuals since we, as humans, are dependent upon these living organisms for our own survival (for food and medicinal applications). 


doubling time

green space


18. In the 1970s, a group of scientists known as the Club of Rome got together to assess global trends and predict the future of the world and the people in it. Using a neomalthusian perspective and computer models, they predicted: 

there will be an infinite supply of natural resources for hundreds of years to come because biotechnology will make land more productive, and humans will invent new ways of doing things

the world, as we know it, will end abruptly in 2048 because of the greenhouse effect, coupled with a nuclear winter

current global trends in population growth, energy consumption, and environmental pollution will exhaust the world’s natural resources within the next 100 years

biodiversity will increase, slowly smothering the world and all its occupants

19. Julian Simon has challenged the doomsday model since he believes the problems of pollution and environmental stress will ultimately be solved because: 

space aliens will not allow the human race to become extinct

world population will decrease due to epidemic diseases like aids

human creativity and science will provide the key to solving all problems

human populations cannot exceed the earth’s carrying capacity

20. While studying the use of crack cocaine in Spanish Harlem, anthropologist Philippe Bourgois found that: 

crack dealers viewed their clients as “lost souls” ripe for exploitation and manipulation

crack dealing was viewed as the most realistic route to upward mobility and the achievement of the American dream

crack users could be effectively treated by administering high doses of heroin combined with methadone

children under the age of five were often used to manufacture and distribute crack when police activities increased in an area

21. Even though there are numerous pieces of legislation aimed at curtailing pot hunting, this practice still persists. The text example of the looting of the __________ is an excellent illustration of the problems that exist. 

left bank of the Seine

Slack farm site in Kentucky

southern banks of the Nile

Big Dog site in Idaho

22. Whereas most archaeologists have traditionally found employment in universities or museums, many are now working as applied archaeologists specializing in what is known as: 

application archaeology

cultural resource management

excavation archaeology

exhumation regulation

23. Early twentieth century anthropologists argued that since there are no universal moral values, each society’s values are valid with respect to the specific circumstances and conditions of that society. Hence, no society can claim to be in a superior position in regard to morals or ethics. The view that we cannot impose the values of one society on other societies is called:

ethical relativism

moral dilemma

social morality

social ethics

24. In order to tolerate practices such as racism, child abuse, spouse abuse, homicide, torture, human sacrifice, and the mass murder (genocide) of Jews, gypsies, and homosexuals by the Nazis, one would have to abide strictly by the principle of: 

lost causes

misplaced perceptions

ethical relativism

moral turpitude

25. Which of the following is a way to resolve the philosophical and moral dilemmas posed by a strict adherence to the doctrine of ethical relativism? 

acknowledging that the standards of western culture are always superior to those of nonwestern cultures

formulating a universal standard of humanitarian ethics, such as the protection of individuals from bodily harm

adhering to a policy of strict non-intervention in any decisions that would affect behavior in pre-state societies of the third world

acceptance of any behavior as long as it is practiced by individuals within the context of their own society

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