Hellawell - Sound Carvings from the Water's Edge

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hellawell Sound Carvings from the Water’s Edge for 11 solo strings

EP 71291

piers hellawell

Sound Carvings from the Water’s Edge for 11 solo strings






Instrumentation 6 violins 2 violas 2 violoncelli 1 contrabass (with extension down to low C)

Duration c.10 minutes

Commissioned by the Highland Festival with funds from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the Scottish Arts Council First performed on tour by the BT Scottish Ensemble, as part of the Highland Festival, premiered at Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, 31 May 1996 London premiere by the Philharmonic Orchestra Soloists, conductor Martyn Brabbins, Royal Festival Hall, 26 September 1996

The work (coupled with other pieces by Piers Hellawell) has been commercially recorded by the Scottish Ensemble on Metronome MET CD 1029.

This score reflects the state of editorial work and correction as at March 2011

Performance Note: Accidentals apply only to individual pitches except in cases of obvious repetition, and are restated, even within a bar, when still applicable.

Edition Peters No. 71291 Š Copyright Maecenas Music 1997 Copyright Assigned 2007 to Hinrichsen Edition, Peters Edition Limited. London, for all countries of the world.

Piers Hellawell ( *1956) hat mit vielen internationalen Ensembles zusammengearbeitet, darunter das Schubert Ensemble of London, das Hilliard Ensemble, das RTÉ Vanbrugh Quartet sowie das BBC Scottish Orchestra, für das er Dogs and Wolves (2006) schrieb. Daneben entstanden Cors de chasse – ein Konzert für Håkan Hardenberger (Trompete) und Jonas Bylund (Posaune) im Auftrag des Philharmonia Orchestra, – Degrees of Separation zur Eröffnung des Kulturzentrums The Sage im englischen Gateshead sowie Sound Carvings from the Bell Foundry für Stockholm Chamber Brass zur Aufführung bei Festivals in Norwegen und Irland. Zu seinem 50. Geburtstag widmete ihm das Schubert Ensemble ein Konzert. Gegenwärtig ist Hellawell Professor für Komposition an der Queen’s University in Belfast.

Edition Peters 71291

w w w.e d i t i o n p e t e r s .c o m

Sound Carvings from the Water’s Edge

Piers Hellawell (b. 1956) has worked with the Schubert Ensemble of London, Hilliard Ensemble, RTÉ Vanbrugh Quartet and BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, for whom he wrote Dogs and Wolves (2006), among others worldwide. Works include: Cors de chasse, a concerto commissioned for Håkan Hardenberger (trumpet) and Jonas Bylund (trombone) by the Philharmonia Orchestra; Degrees of Separation, commissioned for the opening of The Sage Gateshead (2004); and Sound Carvings from the Bell Foundry for Stockholm Chamber Brass performing at festivals in Norway and Ireland. The Schubert Ensemble marked his 50th birthday with a performance. Hellawell is currently Professor of Composition at The Queen’s University of Belfast.


Piers Hellawell

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