Sting Locker (Winter 2018-19 Edition)

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Kathryn Wilkening, Gymnastics

Katie Glerum, Dance Team


Published by:

Edina Athletic Booster Club

Winter 2018-19


The Rise


From bringing back a team to rising popularity.

2 Stalwarts

Macy Nilsen & Jack Middleton


Boys Hockey

Different Paths to Varsity Hockey. 34

Nordic Skiing

Happy Family 36

Alpine Skiing Alone together 24


A Last Great Epic Game A semifinal between Edina and Warroad lives on as one of the last great epic games before the state tournament separated into two classes. 30 years later, we talk with some of the players.


Competition Cheer

Flying High 32

Art Downey swim legend 12

Girls Hockey

Sisters Team 28


Smile with MN’s #1

Provider EDINA

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Sting Locker

Winter 2018-19

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Go Hornets!

Wishing all Hornet Athletes a successful and safe season. And remember, when it’s time to sell or buy, you need to call


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Sting Locker Winter 2018-19

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Table of Contents Sting Locker, WINTER 2018-19





Two stalwarts of two great teams. Macy Nilsen & Jack Middleton.




A Last Great Epic Game...






Katie Glerum

20 Perspectives of

EHS Competition Cheer runs deep in this Edina family.


Dateline 1988 - A semifinal game between Edina and Warroad lives on as one of the last great epic games before the state tournament separated into two classes.


The athletes’ stories written by the athletes themselves.

Kathryn Wilkening

Flying High, Cheering With Pride


MY DASH - In the Athlete’s Words

a Dance Dad


Different Paths to Varsity Hockey Mike Vorlicky made varsity right away in 10th grade. Kevin Delaney’s path was a bit different.



From the Boosters

A letter from the Edina Athletic Booster Club’s Dan Arom.


From the Hornet Hub: Troy Stein

Success is measured beyond wins and losses.


Edina Alpine Ski

Bringing together people from different communities unites us under a common passion.



Coaches Corner: Art Downey


One, Big, Happy Family And lots of incredible individuals.

Going (and Coaching) Strong For 60+ Years






The Sisters Team

Four sets of sisters help power this top team.

Cover: Photo of the front page of the Sun Current from March 9, 1988.

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2018-19 Winter Season Sports Team Photos



EABC Booster Members List WRESTLING

The Rise of Edina Wrestling

From bringing back a team to rising popularity.


EHS State Titles List 178 titles won.

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Sting Locker

Winter 2018-19

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From the Boosters


45 years of Booster support.


his is the 45th year of existence for the Edina High School Athletic Booster Club. Throughout the years the boosters have supported tens of thousands student athletes in a wide variety of sports. Many Edina student athletes

have gone on to achieve athletic excellence at the highest levels, but for the majority of student athletes, participating in Edina High School athletics means something much more - opportunity.

M AGA Z I N E A magazine covering Edina High School athletics programs and alumni. Published seasonally by Edina Athletic Booster Club. CONTACT

Opportunity to participate allows students to pursue athletic excellence, new sports they didn’t try in their younger years, new found passions, and new relationships with other students. Although the youth sports culture in some sports has changed drastically, and has shifted away from the high school experience, at its core sports remain a great mechanism for all students to test their athletic skills, build relationships with teammates and coaches, build discipline, and give them the tools to overcome challenges that will stay with them throughout their adult lives. PUBLISHER

Edina Athletic Booster Club (EABC) MANAGING EDITOR

Chris Davis

participate in athletics as possible. We recognize that the opportunity to represent your school, community, alumni, family and friends is not something that happens very often in life, and that wearing a Hornet uniform means a lot more than most students will ever realize.



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Dan Arom Betsy Cavanagh Ashley Swanda


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The Boosters proudly work towards giving as many students the opportunity to

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Dan Arom Betsy Cavanagh EABC BOARD


President: Jon Stechmann Past President: Jon Marker Vice President: Dan Arom Treasurer: Oliver Lerner Secretary: Marit Sprenger EDINA HIGH SCHOOL

Dan Arom EABC Vice President

Troy Stein Assistant Principal, Activities Director © Copyright 2019 Edina Athletic Booster Club Edina High School Edina, Minnesota

Party Rooms Available! 8 |

Sting Locker

Hornet Hub

From the

with Troy Stein,

f Activities EHS director o Assistant pricipal

Success is measured beyond wins and losses. How do you define a successful season? I get this question at least once per season in my role as Assistant Principal and Director of Athletics at Edina, and I have reflected on it a lot over the years. The simple answer is that I want all of our student-athletes to walk away after their senior year feeling they were a part of something special. Unfortunately, this is much harder to accomplish than this simple answer belies. Having a vision and mindset of growth will certainly help us all in trying to achieve it. A successful season takes a tremendous amount of collaboration from the school administration, coaches, student-athletes, parents and boosters. We have our greatest potential for success when all of the parties are working as a team. Quality coaches are knowledgeable in the sport in which they coach, driven with a passion to coach their sport, and they not only care about kids, but they show it. The passion to lead needs to be defined by a greater purpose. Defining your purpose as a coach is a necessary first step to a successful experience for student-athletes, coaches and parents. As I reflect on my first years of coaching, I realize that I failed to consider my purpose as a coach. I certainly enjoyed interacting with athletes. I loved sharing my knowledge I had gathered over the years. I was able to earn respect immediately because I was young and could show off some limited skills. As a young coach, however, I was too focused on winning. It was a roller coaster ride of emotions. When we won, I felt good about our team and direction of development. When we lost, I took it personally and felt I had failed the students. Or worse, sometimes I would place blame on the athletes; they did not

The simple answer is that I want all of our student-athletes to walk away after their senior year feeling they were a part of something special.

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Sting Locker

work hard enough or they were not listening. My mindset was fixed on the outcomes and not the process of improvement and growth for all involved. Don’t get me wrong, we all compete with a goal to win. But defining our success based on winning can be overwhelming. Very few teams have the opportunity to win on the last date of competition during a season. Creating a quality experience for our students is of prime importance at Edina. Student-athletes who walk away from a season feeling they were a part of something special, a team of friendships that lasts beyond the competition, have gained far more than a win can ever give them. To help achieve those experiences, all coaches at EHS define their purpose in coaching. In our world of education based athletics, development and growth are the keys to success. The student-athletes at Edina are the ones who drive our programs. They are the heart of the collaborative effort required to reach our goal of success. When they choose to be a part of a team, to represent their Edina, they commit themselves to the pursuit of excellence. Our student-athletes excel in the classroom, serve in the community, and give back to our youth. Within their sport, they foster an environment of dedication, a commitment to teammates, and demonstrate a passion to compete. Together, they also learn to overcome adversity. It is through these shared experiences, our student-athl etes create special bonds that make success about much more than winning. Parents have an amazing ability to influence their athlete’s experience. As the Athletic Director at the most successful high school athletics program in the state, I am often asked by my peers “how bad are the parents?” I am always proud to say that Edina parents are the best! Our parents are


Team Sales

extremely knowledgeable, supportive of their student-athlete(s) and are involved in positive ways. This positive involvement can take many forms, the simplest of which is showing up. The most complicated may be understanding and accepting their athlete’s role on the team. When a coach defines a student-athlete’s role on the team with the athlete, and a parent thinks that role should be different, the athlete is put in a difficult situation. While this is the area of coach-athlete-parent communication in which I am most often required to intervene, Edina parents excel when it comes to listening to their student-athletes, and supporting their athletic aspirations. It is often said that the true definition of a volunteer is to give to others and not expect anything in return. That definition perfectly describes the Edina Athletic Booster Club (EABC). Under the leadership of President Jon Stechmann, Vice President Dan Arom, and numerous committee heads, the EABC is a remarkable booster organization that supports Edina Athletics. When Edina Athletics had to cut $100,000 from its budget this school year, the EABC spent $77,808 on basic supplies for all of our teams to make sure our programs were not affected. The collaboration and support of the EABC is part of our successful programming. I truly believe the EACB is the best booster club in the state. Without their support Edina would not be the most successful high school athletics program in the state. Every season, I seek feedback from student-athletes about their experiences. I am proud that our student-athletes do feel they are a part of something special. Working together, we are achieving success. ■

While this is the area of coach-athlete-parent communication in which I am most often required to intervene,...

Winter 2018-19

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Coaches Corner

By: John Millea

Minnesota State High School League

Art Downey: Going (And Coaching) Strong For 60+ Years


Reprinted with permission. Originally published Dec. 15, 2013.

n the 1940s, a little squirt of a kid growing up in St. Paul developed a reputation as a pretty good swimmer. The boy did most of his swim“He’s been here since 1956, he’s been coaching for 60 years, so you can kind of ming in lakes, and he could estimate his age,” said Johnson, who is really move in the water. He wasn’t only the third assistant Downey has had in the most talented kid in St. Paul, those six decades. “Art’s a classic,” Johnson said. but he wasn’t lacking in athletic “Everybody in the swimming world knows skills. The kid’s life centered Art. He’s in just about every Hall of Fame around sports and he played whatever sport was in season.

When he got to high school at St. Paul Central, some of his buddies suggested he go out for the swim team. And so he did. That’s where the story begins. Where will it end? That’s a question for the ages, because that little kid who could really move in the water in the 1940s is still really moving as 2015 turns the corner into 2016. His name is Art Downey and he is in his 60th season as the only boys head swimming and diving coach Edina High School has ever had. It’s quite a story. “Everybody my age has been doing something for 60 years,” Downey said. “I’ve just happened to do it all in one spot.” That’s true. In that one spot, his teams have won conference and state championships, and he has coached dozens of individual and relay state champions as well as more than 30 All-America swimmers. But 60 years? How is that even possible? Downey doesn’t talk about his age, but Edina assistant coach Scott Johnson said it’s not much of mathematical challenge to figure it out. The Edina job was Art’s first position after college and two years in the Army, so …

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Sting Locker

“Art’s a classic,” Johnson said. “Everybody in the swimming world knows Art. He’s in just about every Hall of Fame imaginable, he’s won just about every award imaginable in our state and at the national level.”

imaginable, he’s won just about every award imaginable in our state and at the national level.” Downey was inducted into the Minnesota Swimming Hall of Fame in 1991, the Edina High School Athletic Hall of Fame in 1999, the MSHSL Hall of Fame in 2000, the University of Minnesota Aquatics Hall of Fame in 2006 and the National Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association Hall of Fame in 2011. For some perspective on his longevity, consider some other coaching giants in Minnesota high school sports: Bob McDonald coached boys basketball in Chisholm for 59 years before retiring in 2014. Ron Stolski continues to coach football in Brainerd; next season will be his 55th. Also in Brainerd, Lowell Scearcy has coached baseball for 46 years.

Downey earned his first varsity letter as a swimmer at the University of Minnesota in 1953. While in college he pondered what to do with his life. His love of sports made the decision to go into teaching and coaching pretty simple. After graduating from college, Downey spent two years in the military as the Korean War was winding down. He never left U.S. soil and even spent one summer playing baseball in the Army. He was hired at Edina in the 1956-57 school year to teach physical education and start a boys swimming team. He retired from teaching in 1990 – that was a quarter of a century ago – and never gave a thought to retiring from coaching. He’s not in it for success, unless you count the success of helping young men grow. Ask Downey about his career highlights, and it’s pretty clear that he simply doesn’t think along those lines. “That would be tough,” he said. “My favorite team is always the one I’m coaching. That’s always true. The best part of my job is being with those kids every day. It’s the highlight of my day to spend a couple hours with them. “I like to think accomplishments were never why I was in it. It was an opportunity to be a positive influence. That’s why I do it. People don’t usually think about it, but when two teams have a contest, three things can happen: one of the two teams can win or there’s a tie. I try to contribute to kids’ lives in either case.” Before the Hornets’ season began with a Lake Conference meet at Edina last week, Downey took the microphone to address the crowd and the swimmers. He paid tribute to Elmer Luke, who began coaching the swim team at Hopkins the same year Downey began his career at Edina. Luke had died a few days earlier; Downey recounted some of Elmer’s accomplishments (“He was a true pioneer and a very good friend to many of us”) and asked the crowd to take part in a moment of silence.

The swim meet then began with the public-address announcer saying: “Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Art Downey Aquatic Center.” Yes, the Edina pool is named after the coach. The facility was christened when it opened in 2006. “That’s a terrific honor, that’s for sure,” Downey said. “I feel humbled by it.” Edina activities director Troy Stein knows about long-serving coaches. Stein played high school basketball at Rocori under Bob Brink, who was inducted into the MSHSL Hall of Fame this year. Brink coached for 50 years, the last 42 at Rocori before retiring in 2012. “One thing that’s impressed me is Art is truly a guy who is constantly wanting to learn more about the sport, learn more about coaching, learn more about kids, learn more about what’s the best way to do things,” Stein said. “He is open to new technologies and it’s so impressive to get to know him and his passion to learn and grow. “When we have our head coaches meetings, it’s fun to tap Art whenever we can to listen to his perspective on things that have happened in the past or things he’s seen. When Art speaks, coaches listen, because he has great, valuable insight to share.” Downey remains busy with coaching, participating in coaching clinics and conventions, and assisting the swimming world however he can. His first wife, Joanne, died 11 years ago. He remarried seven years ago, and he and his wife Carol have a flock of grandchildren. “They’re both wonderful ladies,” he said. “I’ve been very blessed in many, many ways.” Downey’s four children all live in the metro area, and the grandkids enjoy hanging out at “Grandpa’s pool.” Little has changed for Downey over these 60 years. When he was hired in 1956 he wore black eyeglasses and he still wears them today. He wears a polo shirt, shorts, white socks and white shoes at the pool, carrying a stopwatch and clipboard. Downey indeed seems timeless. But he can tell that time marches on because his former swimmers and students are

Photo by Troy Stein

aging even if he isn’t. Members of his early teams are in their 70s now, and many of them went on to care for their coach as doctors, eye doctors, pharmacists, etc. And what do you know? Some of them have retired. “I’m starting to lose these people because of retirement,” Art said with a chuckle. “Doctors, eye doctors, you name it, they’re all because I either coached them or had them in class. It’s kind of a bummer when they retire. I think, ‘You can’t do this to me. What’s wrong with you?’ ” ■

On January 4, 2019 we celebrated one of the most amazing coaches ever at Edina. We hope Art enjoys his retirement. We can’t thank him enough for all his years of service to Edina’s student-athletes!

– Follow John Millea on Twitter: @MSHSLjohn

Winter 2018-19

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! r e i s Ea Life Just Got

For Edina Sports Parents






Entrées, side dishes and pre-cut veggies and fruit

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Sting Locker



JOSHSPRAGUE.COM Winter 2018-19

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MY DASH - In the Athlete’s Words

for one last season


ymnastics has taught me so much more in life than just how to do a flip. The sport has taught me focus while I am performing on a four inch wide, four foot high beam; patience when I am trying to land a new skill; and confidence when competing in front of a crowd. Gymnastics has also allowed me to meet so many new people from all over Minnesota. I started gymnastics at the age of two, and it has been my favorite sport ever since. I competed in the Junior Olympic program for six years and will now be competing on the Edina High School team for my

By: Kathryn


third year. This year I am a captain, an ing that although gymnasts are competing honor and privilege I’m very proud to have against one another, they are also each received. Everyday brings new successes others best encouragers. My teammates as well as new challenges. Gymnastics surround the floor during my routine and is an interesting sport because gymnasts are constantly cheering me on through are competing for the judges, for my entire performance. It may seem like It may seem like an themselves, and for their team. Every gymnast has to learn how individual sport, but an individual to take constructive criticism I am truly part of an sport, but I am from the judges and turn it into incredible team. motivation. This is challenging truly part of an Probably the most when a gymnast feels like they have tried their best and given it incredible team. important thing I have their all. But through this critilearned in gymnastics cism, gymnast learn to persevere is the power of the mind. Gymnastics is a and thrive. very mental sport. It is very important to train your mind to know the difference bePart of what keeps me going in gymnastics tween rational fears versus something you is the feeling of finishing a routine where are simply afraid to try. It is very easy to I feel like I performed my best. The feeling develop a “mental block” on a skill. This is of hitting a routine is a feeling I have never when you have the physical ability do the felt anywhere else. This is when I realize skill, but your mind is stopping you from all my hard work has paid off. Another doing it. For this reason, gymnasts learn to reason I continue to do gymnastics is the have extreme trust in themselves. We learn balance between being an individual sport that our mind can be what’s holding us and a team sport. It is rewarding to do well back or what’s giving us the courage to try. at meets when I’ve put in hard work for my I have accomplished more in the gym than own routines, but it is even better having a I ever thought possible. This confidence is team to cheer me on. I have found it inspir- helping me succeed outside the gym as well. I wouldn’t trade my experiences in gymnastics for the world. As I have gotten older, I have realized how appreciative I am for all the opportunities it has given me, and the people I have met along the way. Many of my coaches and teammates have shaped me, given me strength and taught me to believe in myself. I am proud to be a gymnast, and excited for what my senior season has in store. ■ Photo by Linhoff Photography

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Sting Locker

Winter 2018-19

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MY DASH - In the Athlete’s Words Walking out on the State floor for the qualifying round was like nothing I had ever experienced.

Edina Dance Team

Many of my significant memories are from the state dance competitions. I remember the first year that Edina qualified for state meet in the jazz discipline (2015). I was on the JV team, yet was incredibly thrilled for my friends who had worked so hard to qualify for state. I cheered them on and was so proud of what they had accomplished. The next year was my first year as a varsity jazz athlete, and as result I competed in the state jazz competition as a dancer, not a spectator! Walking out on the state floor for the qualifying round was like nothing I had ever experienced. It was mix of adrenaline and emotion

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Sting Locker


rum e l G e ti Ka combined with a singular vision of our goal. As the music started, the small group of accomplished athletes/close friends performing in front of an amped up crowd at the Target Center would have been enough. However, we actually achieved fourth place, which was the realization of our season-long goal. Placing at state was one of the best feelings in the world. At the time I didn’t believe I could ever top that moment on the dance floor. With the benefit of hindsight, every year at state has been unique in its own way. However, 2017 was by far my most memorable tournament. It was truly a game changer for EDT as our jazz team placed third in state for the first time in the history of the program. This was an even bigger accomplishment than it sounds because the same three teams (Wayzata, Eastview and Maple Grove) had been the only teams to place in the top three for the past ten years! It was amazing to break that streak. I will never forget when I heard the announcer, after a dramatic pause, say the words “In third place… EDINA!” All of the hours in the gym, the endless turn sets, the dance cleaning sessions and the deep conditioning, all melted away as I

was overwhelmed with emotion. The 2017 tournament was also the only year that our varsity kick team also qualified to compete at state as well. As I type this during winter break of my last year of high school, I am able to pause and look back on my EDT dancing career. I am so thankful for this program and the memories, skills and life lessons it has given me. I have learned about perseverance, goal setting, commitment, team work, artificial limits and what a team that shares its hope and dreams collectively can achieve. I’ve often heard you learn more in the gym/on the field than in the classroom and that is starting to set in as I look forward to the final half of my final season. I’m feeling deeply optimistic about the team’s prospects for the remainder of the season. As I finish out my last season, I will leave with a bond and a collective experience that I would not trade for anything. ■

Photos by Linhoff Photography


started dancing when I was three yearsold at a private studio. When I was in sixth grade, I had the opportunity to try out for the inaugural middle school group of the Edina Dance Team (EDT). It was an exciting time as we were the first middle school/ B-squad team in our conference. We were pioneers that truly launched the program. Fast forward a quick six years, and I am one of four varsity captains of the Edina Dance Team, along with Lindsey Anderson, Nola Winje and Kathryn Sampson. The four of us started our EDT journey together in sixth grade. Looking back it has truly been an amazing collective experience. We have all grown individually as well as have continued to improve as the nucleus of something much bigger than ourselves.

one of the newest traditions of excellence at Edina

Winter 2018-19

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Perspectives of a Devoted Dance By Pete Glerum (Katie class of 2019/Maddie class of 2021)


s a new parent, I was often filled with a sense of wonder and endless possibilities. What will this tiny girl(s) grow up to be? Included in those musings was a question that many parents have: what, if any, will be her sport? During the early school years we moved into what I like to call the sports sampler pack; we signed our daughters up to try a variety of sports and activities, hoping to help them find their passions. The sampler pack was fairly wide as it included gymnastics, lacrosse, basketball, ice skating, soccer, flag football, downhill skiing and of course, dance. As the endless activities began to consolidate, both of my daughters gravitated towards dance. Stepping back for a moment, the early years in both of my daughters’ dance careers were centered around the private studio world, as there is no Edina community program as we see in more traditional sports. However, each private studio has its own sense of community. At this point, a mild panic set in

as I had very little exposure to the dance world, sans attending the theatre over the years. During

my early exposure to competitive dance, I must admit I was a bit mystified. As I attended various competitions, consistent thoughts rattled around in my mind: Is it a sport or is it a performing art? What is with these costumes and screaming fans? How do the judges make sense of these dances? Over time as I began to adjust to the rhythm of the sport, it was clear that the commitment, athleticism and passion was growing in both of my daughters. Fast forward to 2013, the first year of middle school dance (now Edina B squad) for my older daughter. This was a moment of transition in my fandom, as I went from a supportive father to cheering for a school backed sport with a competition that always resulted in a winning team, somewhat in contrast to the studio backed competitions. Dance is different than many other sports as goals scored or a time keeper do not determine the outcome. Thus, as my daughters progressed through their years as part of the Edina

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Sting Locker

Dance Team (EDT), I began to educate myself on how the dances are scored. There are two disciplines in high school dance, high-kick and jazz. High-kick typically fields a larger number of dancers and involves, as expected, a number of kickline formations and a kick specific metrics. Jazz, on the other hand, fields a somewhat smaller team of dancers with choreography that involves complex synchronized choreography. Scoring of both dances is fairly similar with a few specific nuances per discipline; highly trained judges are utilized at each performance. I actually looked up the scoring criteria on Minnesota High School Dance Team Online and

found the scoring criteria deep within the 57 pages rule book.

It boils down to five categories, each with a maximum of ten points, leading to a final score of up to 100 points. In its simplest form, the scoring works as follows (kick differences in parenthesis): Skills 20 points • Technique of turns (kicks) • Technique of leaps & jumps (kick height) Choreography • Creativity • Visual effectiveness

20 points

Difficulty • Choreography • Formations & transitions • Difficulty of skills (kicks)

30 points

Execution • Placement & control • Degree of accuracy

20 points

Routine effectiveness

10 points

Once each team is scored by the five judges, they then apply a rank order number, 1 being the best through the total number of competing teams. Of the five judges rank scores, the top and bottom are removed to manage judge bias and thus the final score consists of the middle three ranks (with point total being the tie breaker). Over the years I have become a student of the sport. I can watch almost any routine and spot the good and the bad. I of course have a harder time with EDT, as watching the holistic dance is challenging as I look for my two daughters on the floor.

I cannot stress the skills, power, endurance, presence and confidence that each of these dancers possess. A few years back as I was in the audience at a Saturday invite, I was struck as to how poised the dancers were. Beyond the core athletic elements, the dancers executed a three-minute all out anaerobic routine while not only demonstrated speed and grace but maintained perfect smiles and an audience connection. Later that afternoon I met a friend to Nordic ski for a few hours. We jointly decided to try an experiment, ski one kilometer (about three minutes) while keeping smiles on our faces. It was amazing how much harder it was skiing at an anaerobic pace with a smile on my face. I challenge you to try it sometime, simply add a smile to any sporting activity and you will be amazed at the added difficulty. I always tell people new to the sport, don’t let the word dance negatively impact your respect of it as a sport; it is a complex, challenging, and a beautiful team sport that attracts gifted athletic young women. It involves not only an

incredible amount of coordination, grace, performance, speed and endurance but also hours of practice to make it all come together. These young women typically practice 15 hours a week during dance season,

not to mention the dedication it requires offseason. Practices are intense as they work on both conditioning as well as refining and adjusting the two dance routines. There is no scrimmage/practice variety, rather practice is defined by the constant repetition. By the end of the season these young women transform from beyond graceful athletes to powerful, muscular cardio-machines. In closing, as I look to the 2018-2019 season, I’m brought back to that feeling of endless possibilities as I wonder who will make it to state, and hope that Edina Dance Team is on that list, just as we have been for the past four years. ■

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Don’t get stung by a lower rate. Alaina Boys Phone: 952-806-6756 *An interest rate of 3.93% will be paid only for that portion of your daily balance that is $3,999.99 or less. The annual percentage yield for this tier will be 4.00%. An interest rate of 0.35% will be paid only for that portion of your daily balance that is $4,000.00 or greater. The annual percentage yield for this tier will range from 4.00% to 0.50%. The Academy Is designated for our customers under the age of 18 years old. This account will convert to The Reserve account after the first statement cut following the account holder’s 18th birthday. The Academy is limited to one account per Tax Identification number. Guardian shall have main checking account with Tradition Capital Bank that includes payroll deposit. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.

Winter 2018-19

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The 1988 state tournament semifinal between Edina and Warroad lives on as one of the last great epic games before the state tournament separated into two classes in 1992.

Photo: front page of the Sun Current from March 9, 1988.

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Sting Locker

...and a State Title By Dan Arom

We’re from Edina couldn’t be prouder, if you can’t hear us, throughout the he cheer echoed St. Paul Civic Center as the rest of the we’ll shout a little louder…


arena went silent. Ninety percent of

We’re frominEdina couldn’t bearena prouder, the 16,416 attendance at the except for the sliverhear assigned if you can’t us, to Edina fans by the Minnesota State High School league was we’ll shout a little louder… part of Warroad Warrior Nation that night. Hornet pride was at its finest throughout the game, as tension mounted and fans united against the Hornets. The 1988 state tournament semifinal between Edina and Warroad lives on as one of the last great epic games before the state tournament separated into two classes in 1992. The 1988 tourney had four outstate teams and four metro teams. The

“Just being able to ride the bus, walk in the arena, look around and see how the 1987 team prepared for the games helped us set the expectation in 1988.” Hiniker also commented that the experience let them get a feel for the magnitude of the State tournament and all the bright lights associated with the games. McCoy remembers the experience from the perspective of the team “what I remember most, outside of winning, was the team being so isolated at the hotel, we really were able to bond as a team. I think about it in the context of today’s world with social media and how everyone is connected and we just had no idea what was going on outside of the the hotel and our game.” Other players recalled the agony of waiting all day to play, the live experience, the feeling when they first stepped on the ice and saw the clear boards and the star-like rafters of the Civic Center, the cameraman right in their face, and the feeling of their hearts pounding a thousand times a second. The Hornets went on to win their 8th Boy’s State Hockey title by beating Hill-Murray. This was the last State

Championship for Coach Ikola’s 33 year career. The legacy of this team is

Warroad team entered the tourney ranked #1 and undefeated (25-0) and led by Mr. Hockey Larry Olimb.

The Hornets were a balanced and deep team that was led by an opportunistic offense and stout defense that was anchored by goalie Matt Bertram. The game started quickly for the Hornets as John McCoy scored forty-two seconds into the game and it remained that way until the third period when Warroad finally broke through, Bertram described the noise level after the goal as “nothing like I’ve ever heard in my life.” In overtime, both teams had multiple shots that hit the pipe and the goalies stood tall. As the game wore on, Mike Hiniker recalled that there was a strange sense of calm and confidence with the team, “we just felt like we were going to win, we had been playing four lines and we sensed that they were gassed.” The game winner was scored 51 seconds into the second overtime by Mike Hiniker and was setup by Chad Vandertop. Bertram, who recently spent the last eighteen years at Eden Prairie High School as a goalie coach, shared his unique perspectives on his high school experience. “The game is so different now, back then, we never played the kids from around the state, there was no video of players, we really focused on playing our game.” Another big difference was that “everyone stayed, there weren’t other places or opportunities kids could go to play, so all we ever thought


We’re from Edina couldn’t be prouder, if you can’t hear us, we’ll shout a little louder…

about was playing for Edina, playing for Ikola, and winning State.” Hornet hockey tradition was defined by Coach Ikola. Players we spoke with described Ikola as a players coach who always knew how to get the most out of his players and knew when to let the players play. Bertram also said that Ike was great teaching

kids how to compete in big moments and how to be the best they can be at that point in time, which led his teams to create a culture that honored the tradition, and set the expectation of winning each time the teams went to State. Hiniker remembered Ikola the season before, when Edina unexpectedly made State with a team that had a below .500 record, taking a small group of players with as the team prepared for section playoffs and State. The group (including Hiniker) participated in the preparation and traveled with the 1987 team to practice at the St. Paul Civic Center. Hiniker’s belief is that Ikola knew that this group would be part of the core that would lead the 1988 team. The time spent with the 1987 team was key to setting up the 1988 team for success.

evident throughout Edina and the hockey community to this day. Even today, as former Hornets run into opponents from the tourney as parents they all still recollect specific plays, emotions, missed calls, and most of all remember the game and how the experience was unlike anything else. Hiniker puts it best. He said the question he got the most after the season, as he went through his hockey career, and all the years as coach in the Edina Hockey Association was “how cool was it to win it?” Many of the teammates still connect through mini-reunions, at the Ikola Cup, and reach out and support each other as they go through the ups and downs of life. Two members of the team coach varsity hockey in surrounding communities (Mike Terwililger - Bloomington Jefferson, Noel Rahn - Holy Family), Bertram coaches goalies at St. Cloud State. Numerous players have returned to Edina to have their kids join the tradition, and the ones with younger kids have hopes of their kids experiencing the excitement of representing the community on the biggest athletic stages. ■

Winter 2018-19

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A Last Great Epic Game

We’re from Edina couldn’t be prouder, if you can’t hear us, we’ll shout a little louder…

By Chris Davis

Photos by Rob Uttendorfer

Alpine brings together people from different EHS communities and unites us under a common passion.


lpine ski racing. An individual sport focused on technical skill & precision. A sport where hundredths of seconds often separate success and a place on the podium from going home disappointed. But, even in this lonesome sport, it’s obvious, everyone loves the team.

We asked the captains and the coach a few questions about their sport and the team, trying to find the ingredients to making a successful alpine ski season. What do you like about being on the ski team: “The people. Everyone is there to have fun and do their best. I love that, technically, you are competing against your teammates, however, everyone is still cheering each other on.” - Ilia Corniea “Alpine skiing is traditionally an individual sport outside of the high school scene.

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Edina Alpine Ski However, on the Edina Alpine team, your success depends on the performance of your teammates as well as your own…so it’s fun to feel that unity.”

- Andrew Anselmo

“I enjoy the friends that I have made being on the team for 4 years.” – Carl Berghult

“Alpine brings together people from different EHS communities and unites us under a common passion: our love for skiing. Even though we come from many different backgrounds we all love to spend time together at practice and have fun supporting each other at the races.” - Caroline Sprenkle

It’s about Encouragement, Support & Confidence

So much of alpine ski racing is about confidence. Racers & Coach alike, all of them mentioned confidence and positive attitudes. Which is also a universal theme in why they like being on the team. Support. Positivity. Encouragement. “One thing I always try to keep at top of

mind is that each team is unique and each team member is unique. Every team member is important and they each have different needs, goals and objectives. Our team has a wide range of skills, from those that have never skied a race course to seasoned athletes that compete nationally… and everything in between. It’s important to understand these differences when building a team.” – Coach Jared Scribner “My number one responsibility as a captain is to be encouraging and supportive of team members. Alpine is an intense sport and it’s easy to get down on yourself so to have someone motivate/push you is helpful” - Captain Andrew Anselmo

Get your mind right!

I asked the captains: “what is the key to a good race run?” “High confidence and a good mental attitude.” - Carl Berghult

“When I first started ski racing, my coach told me that the best way to get fired up for a race was to engage every muscle in my body. Now – every time I’m in the starting gate – I stand in an athletic stance and get hyped up for the run.”

“Having a fresh edge on your skis really allows you to carve your turns, and waxed bases can boost your speed. As they say hundies matter! My dad and I both tune my skis, but I would say he’s definitely the professional in the household.”

“Be confident and fired up!”

“Tuning is very important! My dad is an expert.” - Ilea Corneia “Tuning is very important; It is something that can make or break a few hundredths of a second and could potentially decide the race. I tune my own skis.” – Carl Berghult

- Caroline Sprenkle

- Captain Andrew Anselmo

“Stay relaxed and remember that I am just doing what I love.” - Ilea Corniea

It’s about the gear!

Competitive skiing also requires some technical focus on the gear. Ski tuning, as it is called, is the science & art of sharpening the steel edges of the skis for the best possible turn carve while smoothing and waxing the bottom (bases) for the fastest and smoothest possible glide. Here is what the captains had to say about ski tuning: “My mom finds some weird Zen in ski tuning, so she does it for me. Typically the sharper my skis the better I do, so I am grateful to her for that” - Andrew Anselmo

- Caroline Sprenkle

It’s about the competition

If given the chance to free ski, most of the captains say they would spend time in Colorado – ideally skiing powder…not racing. Skiing is a lifetime sport and most of the Hornet athletes understand that the relationships they create and the love for the sport that they have developed is more important than individual race finishes. But that doesn’t stop them from having some real and competitive goals for the season.

All captains agree that the team goal is to advance to the state meet at Giants Ridge in Biwabik this February. As for personal goals, this is what the ski captains are striving for this season: “Finish a sections run I am proud of.” - Caroline Sprenkle

“Finish on the podium at state.” - Carl Berghult “Be on the sections team for the first time.” - Captain Andrew Anselmo

“Be named All-Conference.” - Ilea Corniea What would you say to a prospective new ski team member? “Not to flex on all of the other great programs at EHS, but we pretty much have some of the finest young men and women to grace the halls of Edina High School. Join us…it’ll change your life! Contact me at if you are interested in joining next year or if you have any questions.” - Coach Jared Scribner ■

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Both Macy Nilsen and Jack Middleton started their basketball life at Creek Valley Elementary







he 2018-19 Hornet basketball season marks the end of the careers for two stalwarts that started their basketball life at Creek Valley Elementary together. Macy Nilsen and Jack Middleton are both in their second year as team captains and are hoping to lead their teams to deep runs into March.

The girls’ team is a senior laden group that has played together since they started EBA travel basketball. With ten seniors, Coach Nilsen described this group this way, “I have watched this group of seniors grow up. Really, since preschool for some, they have literally grown up before my eyes. This group of young women has really come together. For such a large group to be as cohesive as they are is unique. They genuinely care about each other, and really look after their underclassmen teammates. Each player has their own unique personality and skill set to add to the team. Some are more outgoing, some are laid back. Some live and breathe basketball, some are three sport athletes (and are involved with music, community service, faith based participation, part time jobs, and so on). I am very proud of each one of them. It is an honor that I can claim that I was their high school coach. These student-athletes are going to succeed well beyond high school. It will be fun to follow them in their next adventures.” The boys’ team, led by Coach Joe Burger, is a well-balanced team with strong inside and outside presence. The boys’ team has a large contingent of seniors as well. Burger also spoke of the uniqueness of this team. “I think this year’s team is pretty tight and works so well together because of our eight seniors. A lot of these guys grew up playing together through elementary school in the EBA – that makes the team element pretty special as they compete together one last time their senior season. They’re so coachable, they’re fun, and their competitiveness sets the tone for the younger guys as an example of how we want our program represented.”

Jack and Macy have decided to continue their basketball careers in college--Jack at the University of Minnesota-Duluth and Macy at Jamestown University. We got a chance to talk with Jack and Macy about their basketball careers and about what made them the players they are today. Here are ten questions for Jack and Macy:

Q: Who was the best player you have played against at EHS or AAU? Macy: Paige Bueckers Jack: Tre Jones and Matthew Hurt Q: What is your postgame go-to celebration meal? Macy: Tavern on France Build Your Own Burger Jack: Chipotle

Q: Who was the most influential teammate you’ve ever played with? Macy: Tori Nelson, my AAU teammate,

is undoubtedly the most influential teammate I have played with. Tori is never rattled or frustrated on the court. I admire that because it’s something I’ve struggled with. At Nike Nationals in Chicago this past summer, walking onto the court from a timeout Tori told me she would rather play defense than offense. I was surprised at first because she is ridiculous at scoring. Tori said, “I feel so much better after a stop on defense than scoring because everyone can score but not everyone can defend and lock down a team’s best player.” Tori is not only the most skilled player I have played with, but the smartest. I am fortunate enough to have been her teammate for the past five summers and am glad I had the chance to learn and play with her. Jack: Luke Glenna (EHS 2018). He was such a hard worker. Showed me what being a leader is. He does all the little things you need to win a game.

Q: What is your favorite memory playing for Edina? Macy: Hitting a half-court shot at our first

Q: What is the best advice that a coach has ever given you? Macy: Everything will come in time, noth-

ing is easy. You just need to work hard and the path that is for you will come. Jack: Coach Burger always says that nobody cares when you mess up. You just have to keep a level head and keep working hard and being positive. No reason to pout.

Q: Who wins in a game of HORSE between you, your sister, and your parents? Macy: Me, easily. Jack: Me. My sister AJ might give me a couple letters.

Q: What advice about playing sports would you give an 11 year old version of yourself? Macy: Enjoy it! It goes by faster than you think. Jack: Work hard all the time and good things will come your way.

Q: As a two year captain, what do you feel is your most important responsibility on the court? Macy: Embrace the tradition! We lost sight

of that last year, but our culture is stronger than ever! Jack: Keep everybody together and lead by my actions.

Q: If you could trade spots with any other person in another sport for a season, who would it be and what sport? Macy: Nia Diaby, Pole Vault Jack: Quinn Carroll, Football. I would like to feel what it’s like to be that big.

Q: What advice would you give an upcoming underclassmen on how to succeed playing for Edina and Coach? Macy: It’s about WHAT he says not how he says it. Jack: Work hard all the time and good things will come your way. ■

home game of this year. My teammates reacted like we won the state championship. Although it was an incredible feeling. Jack: Beating Cretin Derham and Apple Valley in the same week last season and making it to #1 in the rankings.

Senior photos by Linhoff Photography

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By Chris Davis


Photo by Mary Kuehl

The Team I

f you ask successful Edina coaches and educators what makes Edina special, you will hear a recurring theme. Edina is special because of the involvement and commitment of the families who live there. The parents are involved in their kids’ lives, in academics and athletics. They teach, support and expect excellence. That is what makes Edina special. Nowhere is that theme more evident than on this season’s EHS Girls Varsity Hockey team. There are 4 sets of sisters on the team, each with dads who have been coaching the sisters since they first started to skate. • There’s the sophomore twins – Gwen & Lily Hendrikson: Gwen is a forward and Lily is a defenseman. • The Kuehl sisters: Both forwards, Annie is a senior and Jane is a freshman. • The Jungels sisters: Tella is a junior forward and Vivian is a freshman defenseman. • The Bowlby sisters: CC and Lucy and both forwards. CC is a senior and Lucy is a junior. “It’s gotta be some kind of record, right?” Said Coach Sami Reber with a laugh. “But, honestly, there is really no big difference. When they come to the rink they are teammates and they treat each other just as they do their other teammates.” The girls are competitive with, but supportive of, each other. And each one of the sisters is pleased to be varsity teammates with their sister.

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“It’s a privilege to play for Edina, and it’s cool getting to play where my dad played” – Vivian Jungels



ll of the “sisters” have been coached along the way by all of their dads. From U6 mite hockey to U15 state titles, Tim Kuehl, Keith Jungels, Scott Bowlby & Erik Hendrikson have been instrumental in the development of these Hornet hockey players. “When I think of this current group of sisters I can’t help but picture them as little tikes in the U6 and U8 years. I just started teaching them to stand upright on skates and, in a blink, now they are all incredibly talented players”. – Erik Hendrikson “I always remember the Hendy sisters in their first year of hockey. Coach Hendy organized a full winter of practices around the 100+ beanie babies he had in his garage. At the beginning of the year, the pink sparkly bean baby was at the far end of the rink and 20 kids skated their hearts out, falling 4 or 5 times, to pick it up first. By the end of the year, these girls took those same beanie babies and performed skating turns and stickhandling drills. Those beanie babies were the first thing that got the sisters interested in doing something other than snow angels and superman dives on the ice.” - Tim Kuehl “It’s fun to see them be rewarded and have success for the hard work they have done. When the dads are together we joke around and try to take the credit.” - Keith Jungels And there is clearly some credit that these dads deserve. “If you added up the cumulative years that the 4 dads have coached girls hockey, it is north of 50. Many of those we have coached together and have become great friends as a result.” - Tim Kuehl But, of course, most of the credit goes to the girls. The sisters have put in years of work to make it on this team. 12 months per year. 10-20 hours per week. Without hesitation they say their team goal this season is to win the state tournament for a 3rd consecutive time! But, they are quick to mention their individual goals as well, which are focused on improving the performance of their specific role on the team.

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All of the “sisters” have been coached along the way by all of their dads. From U6 mite hockey to U15 state titles, Keith Jungels , Erik Hendrikson , Tim Kuehl & Scott Bowlby have been instrumental in the development of these Hornet hockey players. The dads and coach Sami have taught these sisters well. This is what they had to say: “Coach Sami taught us to never be satisfied. Our team is always good, and although we might beat most of the teams we play, we should never be satisfied and always willing to work harder and get better.” - CC Bowlby “It’s a privilege to play for Edina, and it’s cool getting to play where my dad played.” - Vivian Jungels “As a Hornet hockey player, I have learned to have a sense of pride for my community. Edina’s powerhouse of a hockey program is based on years of tradition and every year it’s important that we represent our city in a positive manner.” - Annie Keuhl “I love knowing that everyone wants to beat Edina because it gives me strong pride for my city.” – Annie Keuhl “Our ultimate goal is to defend our title. We also want to make it a priority to get better every day both on and off the ice.” - Sami Reber “Being a Hornet hockey player means playing for something bigger than yourself. It means working hard and doing the little things to achieve your goals. And it also means being a kind person on and off the ice.” - Tella Jungels

“My dad has coached me for as long as I can remember. He has taught me so much about the game and I wouldn’t be the player I am today without him.” - Lily Hendrikson “It’s crazy to see how much teams want to beat us every time we step on the ice. It forces us to play our best every game and never underestimate anyone.” – Lily Hendrikson “Being a Hornet hockey player comes with a lot of responsibility but it also makes me feel really proud of all my teammates and what they have done in past years.” – Gwen Hendrikson “My dad has been most influential to my hockey development, especially my attitude and effort.” - Jane Kuehl The involvement of these families is a common theme throughout Edina. And, reading the words of these sisters makes me proud to be a Hornet. I hope you feel the same. Come out to the rink and share your Edina pride with these girls and these ever-involved Edina families! They are what makes our community special. ■



Tom Nevers 952-210-2345

6800 France Avenue


Megan Brinkman 612-802-5057 50th and France

WinterFall 2018-19 2018

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Kiki stayed in competitive gymnastics, a sport that definitely helped her be a better cheerleader, until 9th grade when her sister’s friend convinced her to give cheer a try. Enticed by the almost yearly trip to Orlando for Nationals and the strong bonds she’d build with teammates, Kiki tried out and made varsity her very first year. She knew from the very first practice that cheer was the sport for her. “I’m beyond thankful that she convinced me to try out for the team that day, because cheer has changed my life in amazing ways, and I wouldn’t trade the experiences for anything.” One of the things that makes cheer unique from other sports is the trip to Nationals, and the quality Edina Cheer program gets to travel almost every year. Both Hankinsons talk of Nationals as a favorite memory from high school. Heather remembers Myrtle Beach as the perfect reward for a year of hard work. She knew that qualifying for Nationals meant competition cheer would remain in Edina, and since she was hooked on the sport, she was thrilled. “Getting away to a warm climate with all of your friends was a bonus too!” said Heather. Kiki is excited to go back to Orlando again this year. “Since this will be my last High School National competition, I want it to be my best one and leave all I have on the mat. We will be up against the top teams around the nation. I am very nervous because we only get one shot to showcase our routine, but I’m also very excited because we have been working all season for this, and I am confident we have what it takes to compete against these top teams!”

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When it all comes to an end, Kiki and Heather are grateful for this bond they have shared. It has brought them closer and they have an understanding that only flyers can share. A few more questions for Heather and Kiki:

Q: You can give Kiki one piece of advice before potentially cheering in college- what is it? H: The advice I love to give my girls is to keep up your talents and skills as you move on to the next stage. Make the most of it and have fun doing it! “If it wasn’t HARD everyone would do it. It’s the HARD that makes it great.”


a wand hley S By As

Both Hankinson women grew up in gymnastics and dance, which ultimately led them to join cheer in high school. Heather was on the very first competition cheer team in 1990 as a junior. Without really knowing what she was signing on for, Heather joined the team, and the rest is Hankinson history. “Comp cheer was intriguing because it was a combination of cheer, dance, gymnastics and stunting put all together in a performance.” Said Heather. “I quickly learned, that cheer was a lot of hard work, but super fun! We all worked really hard because we wanted it to be taken seriously and be a success.” To almost everyone’s surprise, the squad won state and qualified for nationals that very first year. They travelled to Myrtle Beach, SC for a week in the sun and some fierce competition. From that moment, Heather knew she loved cheer and wanted to continue. Heather went on to be a hockey cheerleader at the U of M.

lsa He

It’s no secret several current EHS students are children of Edina alums. The quality education and incredible community brings alumni back year after year. So it isn’t much of a surprise that Kiki Hankinson has followed in her mother’s footsteps, or shall I say pom poms, to become part of the Edina Competition Cheer Team. We talked with Kiki and her mom, Heather Hankinson, about Edina Cheer and what it means to have two generations part of this incredible tradition.

Keeping things in the family, Kiki hopes to make the cheer squad at the U of M next year like her mom. “Ever since I was a little girl, I always dreamed of being a cheerleader for the Gophers, I sat in awe at the football games, mesmerized by the cheerleaders flying high in the air exciting the crowd. The All Girl Squad cheers at numerous sporting events, perform at many competitions and events, along with performing at College Nationals in Orlando.” Heather is excited and looks forward to watching her daughter fly through the air, admitting that it was scarier to do it herself than to watch Kiki. “I didn’t have the elite gymnastics background that Kiki had so I was new to flipping in the air. Kiki is used to flipping and hanging upside down, and we are used to watching her. She has the no fear gymnastics mentality which helps when trying new stunts.”

s by E

EHS Competition Cheer runs deep in this Edina family.

Both Hankinsons talk of Nationals as a favorite memory.


Flying High, Cheering With Pride

Q: Did you cheer prior to the comp squad? H: I cheered at Southview Middle School, but it was super laid

back. We didn’t have coaches and made up our own material. I remember making our uniform tops. We bought white sweatshirts and sewed E’s on them.

Q: If you could have dinner with anyone - past or present who would you choose to eat with? K: I would absolutely love to have dinner with Jennifer Aniston. I’m re-watching friends for the second time, and I love Jennifer’s character as Rachel. I love her style, her friendships, and the way she carries herself. I think she would be a very fun friend to have and would have many entertaining stories about filming Friends. Q: Who’s the better cheerleader - you or your mom? K: To this day, my mom still has me beat with her flexibility. Be-

cause she was one of the first cheerleading groups at Edina, she worked extremely hard to build the program and learn about what cheer truly was. When I see old pictures and videos, I am amazed at her talent when she was right around my age. She worked so hard and loved what she did. I would love to follow my mom’s footsteps and continue cheering in college.

Q: What is one thing you wish people understood about competition cheer? K: I wish people understood that cheerleading isn’t all about sideline, and the most important thing we focus on is competitions. Although the stereotype of cheerleaders is red lipstick, uniforms, glitter, and pom poms, underneath the surface we work extremely hard, can stunt, can tumble, and can dance. ■ Winter 2018-19

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DIFFERENT PATHS to Varsity Hockey T

Kevin Delaney

Mike Vorlicky

Kevin’s journey started with playing Junior Gold B as a 9th grader to Junior Varsity and then Varsity as a senior. Photo-illustration by Scott Geiger Photos by Linhoff Photography

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he tradition of Hornet hockey is as strong as any sport in the state. Most players matriculate from the Edina Hockey Association which is the largest youth hockey association in the country. As kids progress from Mites to Bantams, hundreds of families go through the ups and downs of tryouts, fun times at away tournaments, and the joy of being teammates with a wide variety of kids. As many people realize, the journey to representing Edina on the high school team is a tough one and competition is fierce. Natural skills, genetics, and work ethic are some of the major factors that impact whether or not players are selected for the team. We spoke with two seniors, Captain Mike Vorlicky and Kevin Delaney to find out how their paths from their driveways imitating Ryan Suter and Pavel Datsyuk to Varsity hockey differed and their reflections on the experience. Mike made the Hornets as a 10th grader. We asked him what it was like playing as a 10th grader, what he was most nervous about and what he was most confident about. “I would describe it as exhilarating. The first couple of games were very exciting, but at the same time nerve wracking. I was nervous about being a little smaller than the older guys and not being able to make strong plays. I was most confident about how I see the ice and the skating ability that I have.” Kevin’s journey started with playing Junior Gold B as a 9th grader to Junior Varsity and then Varsity as a senior. Without a spot guaranteed, Kevin said that he “improved the most on my skating and strength. I lifted during the summers and worked to improve my speed with skating sessions.”

Kevin Delaney By Dan Arom

Teammates also had a great impact on both players. Mike talked about the influence that Sammy Walker (EHS 2018) had on his career. “When you play with and defend against someone like that in practice all it does is make you better. You get to watch his tendencies and the habits that make him really skilled; and his work ethic as a captain made you try to work just as hard.” Kevin cited this year’s captains Mason Nevers, Jett Jungels, and Mike as a great influence. They always “make sure that our team is ready to go, and lead by example with hard work.” We also asked Mike about being Kevin’s teammate. “Kevin is a guy that everyone wants to succeed. He is a teammate that I will put anything on the line to help him. He’s someone who just gives off positivity and makes everyone around him so much better.” Kevin said this about Mike as a teammate: “Mike will always have a teammate’s back, no matter the situation. He works his hardest at everything he does and is a great leader.” With the Hornets’ long standing tradition of excellence, we asked the players about what advice they would pass down to younger players. We started with what advice they’d give to a Pee Wee in EHA. Both said to try to play two or three different sports for as long as you can, and enjoy every sport that you want to play until there comes a time when you need to decide on which one you want to pursue. The next piece of advice was for upcoming underclassmen on how to succeed playing for Edina and Coach Giles. Kevin’s advice is to “Work your hardest and smartest no matter the situation, and play hockey the way you know how to play it...enjoy playing on JV and continue to stay positive and hopeful even if things aren’t going your way.” Mike’s advice is to “do everything you can to contribute to the team and buy into whatever is told to you by the coaches and your teammates....stay focused on the basics and keep everything simple.” ■

Mike Vorlicky

Q&A If you get the opportunity to go to state, would you prefer hockey hair, flat-top, or growing a beard? MV: Growing a beard KD: Hockey hair Do you have any pre-game rituals or superstitions? MV: I always stickhandle at home before games with rollerblades on and get a coffee. KD: Always park my car in the same row at the rink, wear same jacket and gray outfit before every game, always hit top of door to the locker room, fill up water bottle the same way, sit in seat 6L on the bus, and a few more. What is the strangest pre-game ritual one of your teammates has? MV: Mason Nevers rubs a necklace on everything that he wears before the game KD: Jett Jungels always wears a pair of weird socks before every game. Your go-to postgame celebration meal? MV: Go out to eat with the team at Davanni’s or Buffalo Wild Wings. KD: Either go out with the team to a restaurant or have some of my mom’s pasta. Seniors versus underclassmen boot hockey - best of seven, how many games do you win in? MV: I’d say the seniors take it in a clean sweep and the underclassman don’t really get any momentum going at all. KD: I’d give the underclassmen one game, a “gentleman’s sweep”. Seniors in five.

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N Nordic Ski


One happy family and lots of



By Ellen Mi Group photo by Anne Hinrichs Ski photos by Linhoff Photography

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Sting Locker

ordic skiing first became a competitive sport in the 18th century. But it’s only solidified it’s legacy at Edina High School in the last few years. Every year, hundreds of students gear up for the Nordic skiing season making it one of the most participated in sports at EHS. Head coach of Edina Nordic Skiing, Andy Turnbull, began coaching at Edina 22 years ago during the 1996-1997 season. “I was hired because the team had gone from 40 kids to 60 kids and they needed a third coach,” Turnbull said. This year, the team has over 130 skiers, , a considerable increase from past years. The team’s past successes have been significant as well, an indicator of the strength and support of the program among people in Edina. “The fact that we have taken our girls’ team to state the last three years in a row and the boys’ team two years ago says something about the program,” Turnbull said. “It shows we are not just about numbers, but that we have some real talent too.” This year, Turnbull believes that the team has a high chance of garnering statewide success yet again. “We have a good crew this year and although we graduated a lot of kids last year both on the boys and girls side, this year’s team is looking very strong. I think our top four guys have a really good chance of going to state. For girls, it’s going to be a little bit of a bigger challenge because we graduated five out of seven on the section team last year, but anything can happen,” Turnbull said. The most promising hope for a state birth comes from senior PJ Rubin, who is entering his fifth year in Nordic skiing. “At first, I joined because I did cross country and track and so my friends said that Nordic would be good off-season training. However, I wasn’t a very fast runner, so I don’t do cross country and track anymore. But I instantly liked Nordic, and now it has become my passion,” Rubin said. The Boys’ Nordic team is currently ranked within the top 10 in the state, largely due to the unending dedication of many skiers on the team. As a top finisher at every Boys’ Nordic meet last winter, Rubin attributes most of his success to his intense and constant preparation. “I’m part of a club team called Loppet Nordic Racing so I train with them year-round. They have super good coaches and a lot of

fast athletes, so I get really good training the whole year,” Rubin said. Rubin’s investment in Nordic has not gone unnoticed within the team.“[PJ]’s got a real focus. He’s a single-sport athlete so he pretty much trains year-round. He’s looking to possibly go to US Nationals. He’s a good athlete and he’s very focused on what he’s doing, and it shows in his results,” Turnbull said. However, the training Rubin undergoes for Nordic has forced him to face considerable setbacks, ranging from an injury to mental blocks. “Other than a sprained ankle last year, I haven’t had any injuries, but when you’re in a race and someone who started behind you catches up and passes youit kind of breaks you mentally and it’s hard to stay positive,” Rubin said. Nevertheless, Rubin has participated in multiple races outside of those offered during the high school season, an influential factor in his success. “There are Junior National Qualifier Races and they have eight this year and they take your top four races when looking at if you qualify for the race. This year, I’ll be going to Michigan to compete in one of those races,” Rubin said. Like many other high school sports, passionate skiers can pursue their sport in college. “There are probably about half a dozen schools in the Midwest that have Nordic programs. Some have club teams, some have NCAA teams, and some ski in what is called the Central Collegiate Ski Association. There are also quite a few opportunities on the East Coast as well,” Turnbull said. Entering his final year of high school Nordic, Rubin plans to continue with his passion for years to come. “I’m looking at skiing in college. They look more at races like the Junior National Qualifier Races, but this season, I think that I can be fast so I’m going to go all out.” ■

“I was hired because the team had gone from 40 kids to 60 kids and they needed a third coach,” Turnbull said.

Winter 2018-19

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TRADITION BANK - Team Spotlight

Photos by David Peterson

By Todd Doroff


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For 20 years between 1994 and 2014 Edina wrestlers

did not have their own team.

Josh Burhans changed that…

Sting Locker

dina Wrestling is gaining momentum and its popularity in the community continues to grow each year. The 2018-19 Hornet wrestling team has a roster filled with Juniors and underclassmen. Captains Will Davis and Malachi Johnson (both Juniors) are leading their team by example. According to Edina Head Coach Josh Burhans, “Will and Malachi have been excellent leaders. They both possess the qualities and commitment to help take our program to the next level.” The hard work and dedication is leading to success on the mat. As of late December, when this article was written Davis held a 16-2 record and was ranked 10th in the State at 220 pounds in Class 3A. Johnson is also having a successful season and held a 12-7 record. As a team the Hornets are 8-4 and off to their best start since bringing wrestling back to Edina High School. For 20 years between 1994 and 2014 Edina wrestlers did not have their own team. The world’s oldest sport wasn’t offered or was combined with Richfield to form a co-op team named the Rampage. That all changed when Coach Burhans led a movement to get Hornet wrestling back on the map. Burhans had a vision of bringing wrestling

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TRADITION BANK - Team Spotlight

Photos by David Peterson

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Sting Locker

back to Edina and in 2014 that dream became a reality. Additional support was needed to make this transition happen and the program received exactly that from Edina Athletics Director, Troy Stein. Between Burhan’s commitment and Stein’s support, Edina wrestlers competed again as the Hornets during the 2014-15 season. Since that inaugural season numbers have been building. As evidenced by the state leading 177 championships, Edina sports and success go hand in hand. It is well known in order to have that kind of success you need to have strong youth, middle school and club programs. This is no different for wrestling. Over the past four seasons the youth program has grown from 14 wrestlers to over 30. The middle school team is growing rapidly and will be a strong feeder for the high school. The Edina Wrestling Club is also new and continues to expand. All levels work closely together and have parents, coaches and wrestlers committed to the cause. Athletes of all sizes can wrestle and compete at the highest levels the state offers. There are 14 weight classes ranging from the lightest at 106 pounds to the two heaviest at 220 pounds and HWT (up to 285 pounds.) Regardless of size this a sport that is known for hard-work, dedication and commitment. Wrestling is also one of the most complimentary sports available. Athletes further develop agility, strength, balance, coordination and overall athleticism. Google “wrestling and football” and you will find countless examples of NFL and Division I football coaches and players sharing how beneficial wrestling is to football. Minnesota Vikings Head Coach Mike Zimmer wrestled and his father was the coach of the wrestling team. Zimmer has said, “I think you learn more from wrestling than any other sport. You find out so much more about yourself and about competition. When it gets down to it, it’s you and the guy across from you.” Football greats such as Ray Lewis (2X State Champion) and Tedy Bruschi were wrestlers. Former standout Atlanta Falcons WR Roddy White credited wrestling to his success as a football player by saying “I’ve been getting into a wrestling stance since I was 7 years old. It’s the same stance I use at the line of scrimmage. It was really good for me to have that in wrestling, because it made everything easier in football. Even throwing people to the ground, I attribute

that to wrestling. It puts you in such an advantage. Being a great wrestler helps you so much in football—leverage, balance, quickness, hand-to-hand combat.” Wrestling is not in the mainstream media and carries a lower profile than other sports. We often find a gap between perception and reality for people new to the sport. Real wrestling looks nothing like the high-flying antics often seen on cable TV. Real wrestling is one of the few sports offered to athletes where they can compete as an individual and as a team. You cannot rely on your teammates when you are out on the mat, no one to blame a loss or mistake on, and no one can take away the proud feeling of getting your hand raised after a victory. The sacrifices made individually and collectively builds a bond between teammates that truly last a lifetime. Wrestling makes you a better and healthier person. Wrestlers have to constantly be aware of nutrition throughout the season. Physical fitness and discipline are a must. Wrestling is not easy, and it will test an athlete’s will and determination, but when have you ever learned or grown as a person without being challenged? Ask anyone that has wrestled, and you will very likely hear that they learned more about themselves and about perseverance, character, discipline and self-confidence through their experience on the mat. For students looking for a winter sport to try or wanting a sport that will help develop athletic ability and help grow as a person we encourage giving wrestling a look. The Edina Wrestling family knows the road is long and the climb difficult, but nothing great has ever been accomplished without struggle. The rise of Edina Wrestling will continue, and the program is hopeful that very soon it will be adding individual and team state titles to that Edina Championship Wall in the Activities Center. Legendary wrestler, coach and Olympic Champion Dan Gable said it best, “More enduringly than any other sport, wrestling teaches self-control and pride. Some have wrestled without great skill - none have wrestled without pride.” ■



Sara Moran


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Happier Closings

EHS Winter Sports Teams 2018-19

Alpine Ski Team

Alpine Ski


Jared Scribner (Coach), Henry Drew, Gavin Richards, Cal Christianson, Carl Berghult, Ilia Corniea, Tanner Hopkins, Gillian Zeuli, Thomas Sebek, Lily Cushman, Connor Killilea, Benjamin Thym, Charles Kleynhans, Sam Greene, Andrew Anselmo, Paul Abascal-Larson, Tom Hanske middle: Julian Thym, Sally Carlson, Julia Moran, Hannah Cushman, Lily Mrachek, Anne Rewey, Kate Brown, Michelle Andruss, Ben Stageberg, Francis Bush, Lydia Kruse, Ali Anselmo front: Elsie Engman, Jojo Orth, Tommy Bowers, Adam Berghult, Will Utendorfer, Tyler Utendorfer, Haley Utendorfer, Sophie Shuster, Anna Busyn, Caroline Sprenkle, Allie Hoy, Grace Wolf, Hannah Andruss

Not Pictured: Porter Johnson, Benno Lijesen, Sebastian Sagel, Rev Hill, Charlie Madison

ALPINE SKI Image courtesy of Bodega Ltd.

Winter 2018-19

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EHS Winter Sports Teams 2018-19

EHS Winter Sports Teams 2018-19

Basketball - Boys

Varsity/JV Team

Varsity/JV Team

Basketball - Girls


Michael Landers (Coach), Brian Jungwirth (Coach), Landon Glenna, Chandler Reeck, Grant Tully, Jacob Hutson, Bastian Swinney, Brady Helgren, Sammy Presthus middle: Allie Bonthius (Manager), Sarah Hank (Mgr), Miles Harrell, Noah Koelbl, Hamza Malim, Luke Berge (Mgr), Christine Graf (Mgr), Claire Williams (Manager), Joe Burger (Coach) front: Zak Haji, Jack Middleton, Zach Kloos, Charlie Haff, Tommy Denn, Oscar O’Brien, Matthew Enck, Andrew Enck


Josie Kamara, Caiya Wulf, Emma LaFrenz, Mariam Diaby, Nia Diaby, Lindsey Mason, Macy Nilsen, Allie Murphy row 3: Maggie Ramirez, Jared Chapman, Jaime Chapman, Matt Nilsen, Ben Fleming, Christine Hanson row 2: Ella Campbell, Lauren Oyalo, Jane Korsh, Molly McHugh, Cordelia Flemming, Anne Teien front: Ava Gorius, Evie Dunning, Julia Kratz, Dorothy Stotts, Caroline Murray

Sophomore Team

Sophomore Team

Freshman Team



Christine Hanson (Coach), Olivia Dyson, AJ Middleton, Lauren LeVoir middle: Ellen Norman, Ava Arom, Ellie Teien, Carissa Miller front: Cate Flanagan, Katy Meffert, Frances Brown, Mya Dawson


Sawyer Anderson, Ayden Breyfogle, Tim Haddad middle: Austin Hochstetler (Coach), Will Hanson, Marcus Crawford, Frank Korsh, Charlie Phinney front: Austin Breyfogle, Alex Haddad, Charlie Lindberg, Joe Thommes, Zach Kerekesk

44 |

Sting Locker

Maggie Ramirez (Coach), Cece Wilde, Maddy LaFrenz, Katie Goetzmann, Ben Fleming (Coach) middle: Sophie Pekarek, Maria Teien, Ava Nelson, Anna Olson, Gracin Van Liere, Katie Erickson front: Abbey Lobben, Lindsey Ballinger, Maren Fullerton, Alise Johnson

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EHS Winter Sports Teams 2018-19

Varsity Team

Competition Cheer


Breckie Hill, Layla Hayes, Katie Cavanagh, Julia Karpinsky, Shaylin Vogt middle: Willow Gilbertson, Lily Langefels, Bren Hausman, Sasha Driver, Kayla Barnhart, Sophie Stocco front: Jessika Hankinson (Captain), Lauren Stone, Birgen Nelson, Shea Crowley (Captain), Jenna Tollefson, Betty LiaBraaten, Lauren Bovy (Captain), Addie Cavender, Sami Lauer (Captain)


JV Team


Game Day Team




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Harper Yang, Sylvia Otteson, Sophie Charnell, Anna Bloom, Maddie Porter, Ella Gray row 3: Caroline Olson, Conley Dowda, Eleanor Van Ness (Captain), Angie Korsh (Captain), Abby Van Ness (Captain), Elisabeth Meyer, Katie Knopick row 2: Georgia Jensen, Julia Johnson, Rylee Garry, Grace Kapsner, Maddy LaValle, Kate Molldrem front: Clara Duray, Ella Meitrodt, Hannah Tate, Jenna Sorenson, Heather Schnell


Gabby Betz, Mikiyah Modisett, Raina Cummings, Riley Knapp, Hope Mize middle: Melanie Sanchez, Frances Brown, Alexis Goff, Megan Cruzr front: Mia Lee, Madeline Perry, Gabby Holm, Tiara Moss, Maya Somos

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EHS Winter Sports Teams 2018-19

EHS Winter Sports Teams 2018-19

Dance Team

Varsity Jazz Team

Gymnastics Team



Kaitlyn Love, Haley Kellenberger, Maddie Glerum, Katie Glerum, Bailly Sackett, Sydney Schroeder middle: Lily Dobesh, Lexi Emery, Nola Winje, Megan McLenighan, Elizabeth Jarvin front: Morgan McLenighan, Kathryn Sampson, Lindsey Anderson, Caroline Theis, Ella Holm, Lauren Busyn

JV Jazz Team

B-Squad Jazz Team back:

Shannon Hare, Taylor Howard, Lulu Rose, Bella Whyte, Kathryn Olive, Gracie Weikle row 3: Katie Kupiecki, Ellese Latour, Katherine Fitzgerald, Sabrina Loxtercamp, Mara Bowden, Kisha Pelkey, Ella Brown row 2: Alex Gilbertson, Kiki Miller, Katherine Brown, Alex Seitel, Kathryn Wilkening, Susannah Steele front: Marit Lebakken, Kelsey Neff, Kylie Mclenighan, Emma Hudson, Grace Phinney, Evie Schmidt


Ellen Paradis, Izabella Andor, Ellie Bishop, Sarah Holetz, Sonja Dillonr middle: Simone Edlund, Clara Lauer, Tori Mawn, Mary Mendiola, Annalee Friedman, Mia Psihos front: Molly Haug, Lydia Swanson, Zoe Psihos, Margo Prescott, Peilan Zhang

48 |

Sting Locker


Bella Avila, Hailey Dahline, Lily Hang, Hailey Fey, Laci Wagner) middle: Sydney Loesch, Brianna Sackett, Ava Altman, Kelly Barnd, Natalia Bach-Dowd, Lexie Ruegemer front: Ava Gile, Kailey Gernentz, Maddie Bambery, Meredith Wosmek, Sophia Sanders

Winter 2018-19

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EHS Winter Sports Teams 2018-19

Varsity Team

Hockey - Boys

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Dave Terwilliger (Coach), Jackson Borst, Mike Vorlicky, Luke Ruegemer, Drew Bishop, Brett Chorske, Brady Klemmensen, Jake Boltmann, Mason Reiners, Dick Blooston (Coach) middle: Curt Giles (Coach), Josh Harding (Coach), Kris Whear (Mgr), Jack Linton(Mgr), Cole Cavanagh, Michael Shoemaker, Grant Morton, Mason Nevers, Jack Goetzmann (Mgr), Jack Strouts (Mgr), Greg Aslakson (Coach) front: Gunnar Johnson, Peter Colby, Kevin Delaney, Louden Hogg, Jack Wolfe, Liam Malmquist, Jett Jungels, Nick Williams

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JV Team

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Chris Knuff (Coach), Emmett Wurst, Patrick Purcell, Thomas Knapp, Cy Ramsay, Hank Stechmann, Drew Hatch, Johnny Devoe middle: Tom Terwilliger (Coach), Mark Overman, Owen Davis, Joey Trebil, Nate Stone, Nolan Williams, Kevin Enriquez, Aaron Illies, Steve Mars (Coach) front: Matt Mason, Alexander Illies, Thomas Quello, Thomas Webert, Andrew Colby, Trevor Willi Winter 2018-19

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EHS Winter Sports Teams 2018-19

Hockey - Girls Varsity Team

EHS Winter Sports Teams 2018-19

Nordic Ski Team

Nordic Ski


Lily Armacost (Mgr), Jane Kuehl, Lucy Bowlby, Hannah Chorske, Evelyn Adams, Alijandra Rahn (Mgr), Olivia Stattine (Mgr) middle: Sami Reber (Head Coach), Scott Ryerse (Coach), Vivian Jungels, Sophia Doll, Kylie Roberts, Olivia Swaim, Ellie Lee (Coach), Casey Purpur (Coach) front: Lily Hendrikson, Tella Jungels, Katie Davis, Annie Kuehl, Elli Strittmater, CC Bowlby, Mallory Uihlein, Haley Maxwell, Gwen Hendrikso

JV Team back:

Andrew Gump, Campbell Willmuth, Serena Arisian, Claire Wagner, Morgan Richter, Alexis Yi, Sophie Sannes-Eckhoff, Audrey Beyer, Emily Leung, Julia Kim, Elin Hartmann, Adeline Hinkie, Heidi Engman, Catherine Sit, Kaitlin Luger, Sophie Corbett

row 6: Kaiping Zhang, Rohit Aralikar, Sophia Prins, Camila Torres, Catherine Nelson, Abby Winter, Jayne Parry, Rian Giles,

Katie Burnham, Ellie Brothers, Catherine Landelle, Peter Mans, Allie Van Stone, Hailey Bergeson, Ruhi Datye

row 5: Caroline Machart, Kelsi Chrysler, Sadie Schreiner, Lilly Green, Sara DeFor, Megan Sieve, Addie Collier, Kyla Willette,

Alexandra Cheung, Sophie Bruning Way, Maggie Wagner, Ben Boeckenstedt, Bode Schelin, Lauren Cossack, Alejandra Garcia

row 4: Charlie Zdechlik, Chaz Contag, William Hayward, Xander Van Dyke, Samantha Bevers, Owen Van Heuveln, Grace Baker,

Ella Zawoyski, Adwin Shi, Evan Jiang, Eli Frenkel, Tommy Wyant, Henry Contag, Amelia Zdechlik, Leo Klein

row 3: Bobby Harrison, Eric Seng, Jack McIntyre, Luke Rubin, Quentin Loxtercamp, Kai Bowen, Brooks Quinby, Peyton Howe,

Riley Cofield, Peter Carlson, Noah Roy, Eric Crosby Lehmann, Nico Grafe, Anna Elliott

row 2: Isabel Dunning, Peter Rock, Noah Rudi, PJ Rubin, Matthew Egger, Sadie Hinrichs, Cecie Bourbour, Maddy Lawler, Maria Rickman,

Liesl Schreiner, Hayley Johnson


Anne Hinrichs, Paul Gage, Shelly Howe, William Gage, Andy Turnbull, Tara Wagner, Thomas Shaw


Gene Erickson (Coach), Lacie Hauser, Anna Van Wart, Kelly Collins, Maddie Bowers, Brooke Greeley, Noel Neumann, Kate Campion (Mgr) middle: Claire Bjerke (Coach), Amanda Mahoney (Coach), Claire Nelson, Serena Petersen, Ellie Joing, Nicole Chrysler, Elise Charette, Sonja Nelson, Lillian Rutzen, Anna Soderling (Mgr) front: Holly Olsen, Amy Terwilliger, Morgan Brothers, Calli Glass, Sarah Swann, Lauren Uihlein, Jessica Willett, Katherine Haugen (Mgr)

52 |

Sting Locker

Winter 2018-19

| 53

You can Advertise in the new Sting Locker Magazine

EHS Winter Sports Teams 2018-19

Swim & Dive Team

Swim & Dive - Boys

Reach a great audience and support Edina High School student athletes


John Dailey (Diving Coach), Jeff Mace (Assistant Coach), Greg Pokorski (Assistant Coach), Scott Johnson (Head Coach)

row 6: Marko Stojmenovic, Alex Raming, Max Dow, Adam Swanson, Grace Daly (Mgr), Lily Randall (Mgr), Hannah Tuchenhagen (Mgr) row 5: Thomas Leibert, Jack Barrie, Charlie Webb, Matthew Spanhake, Ryan Jordan, Henry Dorn, Gabriel Baker, Liam DeMuth row 4: Tommy McCarthy, Keegan Duffy, Patrick Tehrani, Patrick Horton, Brennan Hughes, Sam Deters, Will Kibbe, Kai Taft,

Nick Walker, JJ Dewing

row 3: Zen Sugata, Alec Chen, Michael Corbishley, Hewitt Dang, Peter Yi, Matthew Walker, Henry Wolters, Will Clausman,

Logan Sinclair

row 2: Aditya Rewalliwar, Nicholas Fu, Kurt Lebakken, Cooper Nasiedlak, Ananth Veluvali, Mike Lee, Mikey Thurk,

Eric Tehrani, Jay Lebakken, Max Deters


Jacob Chow, Thomas Tuchenhagen, Caleb Griffiths, Andrew Gray, Peter Larson, Jacob Straub, Cole Murphy, Lukas Kovanda, Cole MacCarthy,

Send an email to for more information. Winter 2018-19

| 55

EHS Winter Sports Teams 2018-19

Are you


Varsity/JV Team


and support our student athletes? Edina Athletic Booster Club presents

Dinner and


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Ryan Stroud (Coach), Josh Burhans (Coach), Noah Reinke, Will Musolf, Will Davis, Nick Yelkin, Andrew Collier, Aiden Anderson, Diego Roman row 3: JP Laursen, Jayson Olsen, Romel Ashley, Sean Scullin, Lainden Johnson, Brennan Curry, Michael Laib, Wagner Jeffreys-Berns, Tim Hunt (Coach) row 2: Malachi Johnson, Roscoe Markert, Jack Merriam, Riley Hodges, Jake Uribe, Liam Anderson-Haukaas, Anthony Borchardt front: Seth Nebel, Sophia Demello (Mgr), Sofia Volpi (Mgr), Kelly Wu (Mgr), Landon Nebel, Cormac Kelly

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Middle School Team

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Sting Locker


Rick Julkowski (Coach), Owen Hipps, Aidan Jones, Isaac Yelkin, Charles Thorson, Nate Julkowski (Coach) middle: Morris Callahan, Kai Aasen, Jace Wilde, Brody Perry, Cooper Schellin front: Liam Holmberg, Troy Doroff, Youssef Khemakhen, Lucky Hawes Winter 2018-19

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EABC Members

2018-19 Edina Athletic Booster Club Lifetime Club • $5000

President's Club • $1000

David & Katie Aafedt

Pete & Eleni Glerum Andrew & Kerrie Hecker

Steve & Annie Bishop Jay & Kari Carroll Matt & Michelle Cooke Chris & Margaret Davis Scott, Chris, Clay and Hunter Dawson Jesalyn Desjarlais Jeff & Deborah Eckland Jim & Barb Eppel Pete & Kari Espinosa Rob & Sherry Guimont Jay & Betsy Hiniker Josh & Sarah Howard Louis F. Jacques Isabelle, Natalie, Alicia & Elianne Jacques Neil & Jill Johnson Susan Kolden, Lisa Kolden & Jackson Kolden Tim & Mary Kuehl Mike Marinovich Patti Marinovich John & Quay Mitchell Marty & Patti Nanne Jeff & Janna Northrup Rob & Amy Parish The Rowland Family Duke & Lisa Uihlein Tim & Andrea Walsh Keith & Carrie White Jim & Julie Wohlford Dan & Carol Wolfe

58 |

Sting Locker

Green & White Club • $500 Tom & Erica Allenburg Sean & Deborah Broderick Jay & Betsy Cavanagh Keith & Amy Collins Dave Dickey Family Daniel & Cheryl Dulas Lisa & Mike Eckroth Lloyd R. Flynn Les & Wendy Glenna Rusty & Greta Golfis Rick & Tamela Greene The Gremmels Family Mike Huberty & Sherry Hohmann Ellen Jones & Bob McKlveen Todd & Beth Klemmensen Lindsay & Sarah Knapp Jim & Cindy Murphy Betsy & Tom Pfeifer J.P. & Shannon Presthus Tim & Kimberly Ritzer Terry & Kathy Sandven Bob & Nicole Schnell Dr. Steve & Jodi Swaim Kathleen & Larry Vorlicky

Alumni Club • $250 Kirk & Amy Aadalen Deb & Jay Adams Erik & Alison Anderson The Andor Family Dan & Alison Arom Dan & Lee Azar Bridget & Doug Baird Rick & Jill Barnes Marie & David Berghult Matt & Stacy Bogart Kevin & Kate Bonthius Bill & Barb Buenz The Burger Family Heather & William Burns Ted & Alex Christianson Greg & Krysta Clark Rich & Cathy Clarke Steve & Kristi Colby Ted & Jackie Colwell John & Christine Conte Tom & Shelly Crowley The Dahlien Family Constance Davis Mike & Sheri Dobesh Jeff & Kristi Einhorn Dr. Al & Lisa Enriquez Tom & Ann Enzler Bill & Sandy Essendrup The Fehrenbach Family Mike & Laurie Fischer Scott & Ann Flaherty Tim & Kelly Flaherty Camille & Shaun Flanagan Jon & Melissa Freeland Bill Fullerton Michele Gatien & Nevin Dikel Tom & Linda Gilligan Matt Grimes & Dr. Lisa Irvin The Gunther Family Jason LaFrenz & Naomi Hagestuen LaFrenz John & Alyssa Hammar Ron & Janis Hardie

Andy & Darcy Hatch Michael Haukaas Tim & Shanna Hawkinson Leah & Brad Haymaker Wayde & Jan Heirigs Anchor Distributing Trenton & Melissa Hogg Casey Holley Chris & Anne Holt Brad & Laura Hunt Mike & Beth Hutson Mark & Peggy Jessen Bill & Margaret Joas Brent & Anne Johnson, Team RealtyGuy! Derrick & Liska Johnson Jeff Johnson Brad & Laura Johnson Tara & Troy Johnson Thomas & Shirley Jungels Keith & Kelly Jungels John & Kristen Karpinsky The Kershner Family The Kirsch Family The Knopick Family The Koelbl Family Tom & Starr Kouchoukos Dean & Angela Koumontzis Michael & Susan Kratz Rod & Susan Lacy The Launer Family The Lindborg Family Matt & Christie Lockhart Bruce & Dawn Locklear John & Jane Lonnquist Ryan & Heather Lund Colin & Deb Mackay Derek & Patricia Malmquist John & Ann Marie Marshall Mark & Kris Marshall Mark & Sara Mason Kari & Chris Mawn Brian & Erna Maxwell John, Kelly and Lexi McCoy Lisa & Dan McDonald Andy & Angella McGarvey Anonymous Matt & Sara McLenighan Karrin & Jim Meffert Geoff & Annie Michel Kerry & Jennifer Middleton John & Kristen Mrachek Todd & Laura Mulliken Amy & Rob Murphy Tim & Kristi Nasby Tom & Stacy Nevers The Richards Family Keith & Kathy Nelsen Paul Nitz & Family Andy & Kim Nooleen Anonymous Nick & Jody Olsen Lance & Trudy Olson The Olsons Stephanie & Josh Ortmeier Chris & Kellee Ott Dr. David & Kristine Overman Bob & Lisa Peck The Peckham Family Brian & Jennifer Pederson Josh & Allison Peterson Lori & Mike Post Heidi & Walter Poxon Melissa Raphan & Tom Rock Don & Cindy Reiners Jack & Ede Rice Fritz & Ilrid Richards Kai Richter & Zenaida Chico

John & Lisa Robinson The Rofidal Family Nina & Doug Rose Joanne & Sam Rosenstein Greg & Nikki Roth Jeff & Julie Ryan Jeff & Mary Jo Sanderson Rachel Saturn & John Seymour Jeff & Jillaine Savage Jennifer Schaidler Abby & Tom Schauerman Mike & Melissa Schiena JoDee & John Selle Matt & Emily Sever John & Shannon Sieve Doug & Kate Shoemaker Bob & Kristin Slaney Laura & Steve Soderling The Spences Brigid Spicola Mike & Lisa Stanley Jon & Kara Stechmann David Strand The Strittmater Family James & Lynne Swanson Tom & Julie Swenson Heidi & Matt Swinney Peter & Michi Taft The Thurk Family Jon and Jo Ann Tollefson Mark & Beth Waterloo David & Ginna Wahoff Rob & Terri Webb Mike & Kiersten Webert The Wetmores Tom & Jana Whear Mark & Brooks Wilkening Jason & Cathryn Williams Rich & Terri Wipperfurth

Hornet Club • $150 Anonymous Laura & Rob Anderson Angie Andresen & Randy Larson Chris & Dena Angelos Rob & Dana Baker John & Jennifer Berge Shane & Sarenja Betz Mitch & Erin Bleske Kevin & Trina Bloemendaal John & Barb Bloom Steve & Julie Boman Jeff & Kari Bowers Matthew & Erin Brumm Scott & Margaret Busyn Pam Cavanagh Francois Charette & Sarah Fjelstul Tom & Kristie Chorske The Claar Family John & Maggie Conway Jose & Isabelle Corralejo Jeff Couchman Steve & Leslie Curry The Curti Family Patty & John Davis Stan Davis David Decker Tom & Marian Delaney John & Maggie DeVoe Fallou & Kathy Diaby Jeff & Gretchen Doom Janel Dressen Deanna & Martin Duffy The Duffy Family Steve & Linda Enck Brian & Torri Erickson

Edina Athletic Booster Club

2018-19 Board & Committee Members EX ECUTIVE COMMITTEE

Jon Stechmann, President Dan Arom, Vice President Jon Marker, Past President Marit Sprenger, Secretary Oliver Lerner, Treasurer

AD or EABC ad/content Board listing ? H A L L O F FA ME


Zibby Nunn, Co-Chair Maggie DeVoe, Co-Chair Steve Bishop Annie Bishop Katie Kloos Kerry Middleton Jennifer Middleton Mick Spence

Mary Kuehl, Chair


Sean Broderick, Chair Dan Hunt Mary Kuehl Pete McCarthy Jon Stechmann


Dan Arom, Chair Mark Jessen Nick Kennedy Betsy Cavanagh Chris Davis H O MECO MI NG

Tom Crowley, Chair Dan Hunt


Ken Hanson, Co-Chair Terry Ingram, Co-Chair Steve Enck Linda Enck Wendy Glenna SP I R I T STORE

Starr Kouchoukos, Chair Lisa Uihlein Lisa Robinson Cathy Kidd Cynthia Mashaal MA J O R EX P EN D I TU RE S

Jon Marker, Chair Dan Arom Jennifer Middleton Kerry Middleton Todd Miller Todd Doroff A NNUA L F U ND RAI SE R E VE N T

Kari Mawn, Chair Board/Committee list is accurate as of this publishing


Winter 2018-19

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EABC Members (continued) 2018-19 Edina Athletic Booster Club Jane Farrell & Greg Smith Heather & Brett Fenske Anonymous Ryan & Teresa Garry Bob & Anne Gaskill John & Paula Glieden Karla Gluek & Jom Sorboro The Goepfrich Family Mark & Jill Gorius Kristi Goss Gerry & Rhonda Greene Steve & Kim Griffiths Rick & Amy Gustafson Lyn & Eric Gustafson Sandy & Rich Haddad The Halvorson Family Casey & Holli Hankinson Peter & Heather Hankinson Kendall Harrell Scott & Kari Hauser Jeanne & John Hibbs Rich & Karen Holetz Brant Hollenkamp David & Belinda Hopkins Andy & ViAnne Hubbell Steve & Sharlene Hufendick Tom & Tracey Illies Terry & Giovanna Ingram Ken & Avanel Jarka Peter & Cindy Jarvis Todd & Mary Joing Jason Kalgreen & Carrie Ellis Sean Kellenberger Gretchen & Mike Kelly Mark & Julie Kerekes Reid & Carrie Kilberg Jason & Katie Kloos The Kompelien Family Andy & Karen Krenik David & Kim Kupiecki The Idrogo-Lam Family Sarah & Mike Lanrus The Lauer Family The Lawler Family The Linton Family Bob & Victoria Luedtke Christopher Lyche The MacMiller Family Julie & David Madison Tim & Sheila Mahoney Erika Malvey-Dorn & Rich Dorn Jon & Alyssa Marker The Mashaal Family Maryan & Bill McDonald Tom & Vickie McGuire Chas & Fei McKhann Dave & Suzie Meitz Karin & Todd Miller Dan & Katie Moe Dave & Nancy Moore Brad & Katie Nelson Brad & Terri Nelson David & Stephanie Nelson Erica & Jeff Nowak John & Amy Nymark Anonymous Timothy Olken-Hunt Alex Orthey Lance & Ann Paradis Woody & Christeen Paulison Dan & Tina Pavek Al & Lisa Petersen Chris & Katie Peterson Scott & Nancy Phinney Tim & Lori Porth Chris & Jennifer Reeck Andy Slothower & Molly Rice Robin Rohde Keller & Michael McShane

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Sting Locker

Harlan Rossman & Sonja Dusil Jim & Laura Rubin Mark & Susi Ruchi Jay & Suzanne Rudi Tom & Kim Sabow David and Hilary Santoni Karl & Susan Scheppers Dan & Laura Schleck The Schultz Family Mike & Cindy Scriver Bill & Stephanie Seymour Jeff & Kelly Siemon Dave & Tia Smythe Alescia St. Dennis Bob & Judy Straub Chad & Tina Sundem The Swoap Family Mark & Sue Teien Alison Terrell Tom & Michelle Terwilliger Chris & Judy Thommes The Thompson Family Alex Tokarz-Schuchardt The Tuchenhagen Family The Baumgarten-Usem Family Dan & Mary Utoft Mark & Pam Van Ert Lori & Terry Wagner Tom & Tara Wagner Melanie J. Weber Bob & Mary Kay Werner The Williams Family Jeff & Cathy Winter Lucy & Karl Winter The Wolfe Family Carin & Corey Wulf Matt & Jill Yeager Todd & Susan Young

Starting Line Club • $50 Steve & Gina Abbott Audrey Allopenna & Robert Scalia Brian & Sara Aslesen Andy & Kim Behm Mugs & Scott Berdelman Michael & Roxanne Bernstein Scott & Lindsay Beuning Pete & Tiffany Bils Steve & Jean Bonneville The Bruzek Family Adam Mans & Elizabeth Burnett Steve & Stephanie Calvert Amy & Rob Carson Cameon & Jeff Carver Heidi Chen & Tom Knickelbine Barry & Patty Crater Kelly Cyskiewicz & Brian Warpinski Mary Dalsin Scott & Laura Davidson Brian & Cosette DeCesare The Cultu Family Todd Doroff DeeDee Drays Mandy & Pete Dupont Maren Elze-Powless Tonja & Greg Engen Kim & John Erickson Cullen & Jenn Glass Rick & Angela Graf The Halloran Family Ken & Christy Hanson Mark & Deb Hanson Tim & Kristi Healy Thomas & Jasmine Hoedeman Phil Holm & Kathleen Mulrooney Ryan & Jane Horton

Britta Hovey Steve & Shelly Howe John & Stephanie Hultman Daniel Hunt The Jacobson Family Jonathan & Kris Jank Karen & John Johnson Betsy & Steve Kloiber Sherri Knopick & Henry Chang Patrick & Amy Landelle Mary Beth & Steve Larson Matt & Carmine LeVoir Heather & Rob Little Kristin Love Mary Manderfeld Amy & Tony McAllister Sandy & Joe McGurran Lori & Jack Mertes Rhondi & Mike Miller Sara & William Mize Chris & Kristin Moquist Jim & JoAnn Nasby Marcus Niles Dan & Jaime Norling Matt & Kari Norman Kathy Nygaard Dave & Sarah Parry Rick & Chris Passolt Kris Paul & Dan Goldblatt Bryan Peterson The Polomis Family Stephanie Porter The Powers Family Mary Frances & Brian Price Christopher & Kristin Quinby Andria & Scott Redpath Pat Ridgely MD & Sharon Braxtan Harrington Paul Rondestvedt Chris Scribner Peter & Stacy Seng Kevin & Michelle Swanson Susan Swigart & Mike Hudson Carolyn & Jim Tabor Dean & Dena Tortorelis Greg & Stefanie Trebil Todd & Jayne Tuttle Marc & Lisa Ungerman Mary Kay & Ted Hoffman The Vose Family Linda & Phil Wandrei Georgia Wang Laura & George Warner Mark & Tracy Weinstein The Wetzel Family The Whalen Family The Woolner Family The Zeuli Family

4-Year Full Ride Zeeshan Abu Josie Al-Najim David Arndt Savanna Atol Weston Balfany Arian Behshid Elizabeth Berube John Berube Uma Bahti Jeff Bisson Jessica Brenner Holly Brinkman Eileen Campbell Sophie Clarkowski Mia Coma Lewis Crosby

Emily Crosby Lehmann Jake Cross Karin deVerdier Bella Dickson Chester Dixon Sydney Doran Mason Dorgan Johana Engstrom Emily Fan Fadumo Farah Katie Froemming Rohan Gholkar Ben Gustafson Jhamese Harvey Luke Hauritz Joe Hellickson Kate Higgins Matthew Holderness Katherine Hulbert Dominick Ingram Henry Jackson Nick James Olivia Janovy Meyer Addie Jung Ali Kaju Demetrios Koumontzis Anne Kratz Emily Kratz Mac Lamont Adrian Lampron Samira Lauer Madeline Lawler Michael Lin Jack Linton Ngawang Lobsang Ava Lusty JJ Martinez Alison May Kelly McCarthy Katie Mendel Anand Mittal Jack Nasby Emma Nicholson Mattias Oddsson Preston Olson Molly Paulison Joey Puckett Sidharth Ramesh Chris Reichling Anonymous Sara Sabri Margaux Seiler Sophia Sexton Evan Shoemaker Josie Shuster Connor Silva Mary-Kate Sipes Connor Smith Megan Smith Jack Strouts Hayley Trebil Landon Tselepis Juan Uribe Izzy Valdavia John Webb Brandon Willi Sarah Willett Eleanor Yeager Elizabeth Younger Grace Zenner

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READY to ROCK support our student Edina and Athletic Booster Club athletes? presents


Edina Athletic Booster Club presents






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178 State Titles Edina High School Athletics have won 178 State Titles.


Fall Sports

Winter Sports

Spring Sports

Adaptive Soccer (ci)

Adaptive Floor Hockey


Cross Country - Boys

Basketball – Boys

Golf – Boys

Cross Country - Girls

Basketball – Girls

Golf – Girls


Competition Cheer

Gymnastics – Boys

Gymnastics – Girls

Soccer – Boys

Hockey – Boys

91*, 00 18

15, 16

57*, 65*, 66*, 69*, 71*, 78W 82, 84, 90* 99, 00, 01

Soccer – Girls


Swimming & Diving – Girls

84, 86, 87, 88, 92, 99, 00, 01, 03, 04, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18 Tennis – Girls

78E, 79E, 80E, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 97, 98, 99, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18

94, 95

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68, 83

66, 67, 68

54, 70, 73W, 77W, 78W, 87, 14


83, 84, 88, 93, 94, 95, 97, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18

07*, 09*, 10*, 18

Tennis – Boys

59, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 73E, 75E, 78E, 79E, 80W, 81E, 87, 88, 89, 92, 95, 98, 00, 02, 03, 06, 08, 09

79W, 80E, 81W, 85 69, 71, 74E, 78E, 79E, 82, 84, 88, 97, 10, 13, 14

Track – Boys

69, 70, 74E

Hockey – Girls

17, 18

Alpine Skiing – Boys

67, 79W, 80W, 82, 99, 02, 15, 16, 19 Alpine Skiing – Girls

91, 97, 98, 99, 01, 02, 04, 05, 09 Nordic Skiing – Boys

81W, 88

Swimming & Diving – Boys

65, 67, 68, 84, 86, 87, 04, 08, 09, 10

E = East W = West

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Sting Locker

* = Not included in MSHSL count

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