Spring 2013 - Edible Artists Network Magazine

Page 78

Figure Figures 9-18 continued

15 16


18 76 www.EdibleArtistsNetwork.com

Arms – Using 15g of flesh roll as you did for the legs. Smooth and flatten the ends of the sausage into paddle shaped hands, making sure you create a ‘pair’ of hands, cut a small ‘V’ into each hand to make the thumbs, smooth and soften the cut edges with your fingers. Mark in the fingers. As with the back of the knees, make a small ‘V’ to enable the arm to bend at the elbow. If you are not sure where to do this, hold the arm against the body to see where you need to do this. Put a small piece of spaghetti into the shoulder area of the body at a 45 degrees angle to help keep the arms in place. Put the arms in place with a small amount of glue and arrange the arms to hold the wheel. You can glue this in place at the same time. Head – Use 20g of flesh and roll into a smooth ball, gently roll the ball across the front middle, similar to the body to create some cheeks. Use a small amount of flesh to make a nose, big or as little as you like, and glue to the upper edge of the cheeks, use a pointed tool to make the nostrils. Use either a small ball tool or a star shaped tool to create the eye sockets, roll two pinhead size black pieces of sugar paste and glue into these indents. Use either the edge of a piping nozzle or similar to create a lopsided smile. Make dimples by using a small ball tool at each end of the mouth. For the ears roll two small balls of flesh sugar paste, push a small ball tool into the side of this and glue to the side of the head, make sure they are on the side of the head and not too far forward. Gently put the head onto the body by inserting onto the skewer. Roll small pieces of the brown sugar paste for the hair and glue to the top of the head. Use two pieces of brown to make the eyebrows and finally put a small dot of white into each eye to bring to life.

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