2012 CEHS Annual Report

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MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN As dean of the College of Education and Human Services, I am proud of our long tradition and excellence in preparing students who are ready to contribute to the state and nation’s education and human development while making a difference in their communities. We provide a pathway for aspiring men and women for careers in human services, teaching, leadership, and research. We hire exceptional scholars and educators who, in turn, design cutting-edge experiences for their students; these diverse perspectives help shape the minds and actions of students while increasing their awareness as they prepare for a 21st century career. Our students are well prepared for their lives as teachers and clinicians through training that matches revolutionary changes in the field. We offer innovative programs that currently reflect the human services and education professions. The hands-on, technologically-oriented curricula feature practical outreach in area schools and clinics, including the WVU Child Development Laboratory/Nursery School, 30 professional development schools, the WVU Reading Clinic, and the WVU Speech and Hearing Clinics, which make a significant impact on the health and education of area residents. As the College of Education and Human Services for West Virginia University, we strive to enhance the well-being and quality of life of all West Virginians through human services and education. As a publicly involved college, CEHS focuses on providing an excellent educational experience for its students while simultaneously emphasizing a commitment to the greater good of the communities it serves. We are extremely proud that almost every West Virginia resident has been or will be touched by an CEHS graduate. We are the building block of education—the place that shapes this state of minds. Every West Virginian deserves a world-class educational experience, access to human services, and a strong vibrant economy. Education is the foundation that has always supported a brighter future for West Virginia, the nation, and the world. Now is your opportunity to become tomorrow’s successful global citizen, ready to impact children and families for decades to come.

Lynne Schrum Dean

CONTENTS 2 Enrollment 4

New Faculty

6 Grants 7

Donations and Awards

8 Scholarships


ENROLLMENT UNDERGRADUATE Pre-majors: 201 Pre-Elementary Education 7 Pre-Secondary Education 103 Pre-Speech Pathology & Audiology Bachelor of Arts: 163 Elementary Education 10 Secondary Education

Bachelor of Science: 215 Child Development & Family Studies 103 Speech Pathology & Audiology Bachelor MDS: >5 Multidisciplinary Studies Non-Degree Graduate: 81 Master’s Level (non-degree) 14 Non-Degree Certification





Master of Arts: 56 Counseling 35 Counseling Psychology 41 Educational Leadership 20 Educational Psychology 142 Elementary Education 44 Instructional Design and Technology 52 Reading 162 Secondary Education 324 Special Education

Doctoral, Professional Practice, Ed.D.: 64 Education - Curriculum & Instruction 51 Educational Leadership 20 Educational Psychology 15 Instructional Design & Technology 5 Technology Education >5 Special Education

Master of Science: 40 Rehabilitation Counseling 41 Speech Pathology

Doctoral Ph.D.: 35 Counseling Psychology 15 Education Doctoral Au.D.: 23 Audiology


NEW FACULTY SARA ARONIN Sara Aronin, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the Special Education Department at the College of Education and Human Services. Her teaching and research focus is on differentiated instruction and universal design for learning in STEM.

MELISSA LUNA Melissa Luna, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of science education at WVU where she conducts research on elementary teaching and learning in science and teaches pre-service elementary teachers science methods courses. She recently completed her doctorate work in the field of learning science at Northwestern University’s School of Education and Social Policy. Prior to becoming an assistant professor, she was a former fourth grade teacher, and environmental biology instructor.

BERNARD JONES Bernard Jones, Ph.D., holds a doctorate degree in special education with a minor in higher education leadership. He has career experience as a public school learning and behavior disorder teacher and higher educator. His research interests include how teachers educate African American male students, teachers’ perceptions of content knowledge and pedagogy, and how teachers select and use instructional strategies for diverse learners.


MICHELLE W. MOORE Michelle W. Moore, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the College’s Speech Pathology and Audiology Department. Her previous professional experience includes work as a clinical speech-language pathologist practicing in various settings, including elementary schools, inpatient care, and an outpatient therapy center for children. Moore’s research interests include the development of language and literacy skills with an eye toward establishing more effective methods of diagnosing and treating childhood reading and language impairments.

JOHN OUGHTON John Oughton joined the Department of Curriculum & Instruction/Literacy Studies Educational Leadership Program as a teaching assistant professor in January 2013. He received his doctorate from WVU in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis on instructional technology in 1997 and has been teaching education classes and providing technology support to faculty since then. He is particularly interested in how people most effectively learn and the impact of technology on students’ learning.

AUDRA SLOCUM Audra Slocum, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of English education. She is also a co-director of the National Writing Project at WVU. Her research and teaching are centered on critical culturally-sustaining pedagogies, multicultural teacher education, and adolescent identities and literacies, particularly in Appalachian communities.

NATHAN M. SORBER Nathan M. Sorber, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of higher education administration at West Virginia University. He is the co-editor of The Land-Grant Colleges and the Reshaping of American Higher Education (Transaction Press, 2013). Sorber has written extensively on land-grant colleges, the history of American higher education, and the relationship between higher education and American capitalism. Sorber received a M.Ed. and a doctorate degree in higher education and a B.A. in economics and political science.


GRANTS The Program Evaluation and Research Center (PERC) of the College of Education and Human Services brings together expertise in program evaluation, research design, data analysis, and dissemination of findings to support the implementation and evaluation of education-related endeavors throughout West Virginia. The listing below provides a glimpse of return on investment and potential for growth leveraged from a $40,867 initial investment made by the CEHS Dean’s Office for a one-year pilot of PERC.

PERC BY THE NUMBERS • • • • • • • • • • •

$20,699,000 requested through 4 grant proposals currently under review at the National Institute of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE), and Corporation for National & Community Service $3,540,000 requested through 5 proposals submitted but not funded by NIH and NSF $32,000 awarded to 3 internally (university) funded projects implemented this year $30,000 awarded to 3 externally (nonprofit educational organization) funded projects implemented this year $9,000 in PERC faculty affiliate seed grants awarded 27 PERC faculty affiliates part of our organizational community and 13 of those actively involved in completed or ongoing projects 5 funding proposals currently in active development with near term submission dates 3 funded projects ($3 million total award) implemented this year that were awarded prior to PERC launching 2 research projects implemented as service (without funding) 2 graduate student researchers funded and fully engaged this year, 2 additional graduate students will engage with PERC for course or program credit in Fall 2012 1 PERC Community Gathering with about 30 attendees (faculty affiliates, potential faculty affiliates, and graduate students)

The College continues to engage in quality external research supported by government agencies, such as the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institute of Health-NIDCD, The U.S. Department of Labor-ODEP, and the WV Department of Education and the Arts. Other sources of funding come from partnerships and agreements with the Monongalia County Board of Education, The Education Alliance, and the American Council on Rural Special Education. During the most recently completed fiscal year, the College submitted over 25 new research proposals and had over $4.5 million in research expenditures during this time.


DONATIONS AND AWARDS These contributions were made in conjunction with A State of Minds: The Campaign for West Virginia’s University. The $750 million comprehensive campaign being conducted by the WVU Foundation on behalf of the University runs through December 2015.



Cappellari Scholarship To Benefit Engineering Education Students

Drs. Ranjit and Indira Majumder Established Endowment For Policy Research

Established by the family of Amerigo S. and Rose Mary Cappellari.

Ann & Bob Orders STEM Teaching Scholarship

Established by Dr. Ranjit Majumder and Dr. Indira Majumder

Sally DeLaughter Watson Student Support Award

Established by Robert O. Orders and Ann Cunningham. Valued at over $165,000.

Established by Margaret Moats Hall

Dr. Thomas P. Lombardi Scholarship

An endowment gift valued at over $700,000 from the estate of Chester and Helen Derrick. 2012 Recipients: Sharon B. Hayes and Dr. Sung Hee Lee

Established by Drs. Thomas and Estelle Lombardi. Valued at $50,000.

Derrick Professorship Awards

Belcher Endowment To Fund Grad Students Established by the family of Wirt C. Belcher and Mae Schumate Belcher.

LeHere Scholarship Given for Education Established by the family and friends of Rita R. LeHere.

Schaeffer To Endow Preston County Scholarship Established by Charley Schaeffer and Shirley Crane Schaffer. Valued at $50,000

Bradley J. Ramsey Memorial Scholarship to Benefit Tucker County Established by Heather N. Ramsey in memory of her father, Bradley J. Ramsey.


SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS Alumni and friends of the College of Education and Human Services funded more than 80 merit recipients totaling more than $100,000. Scholarship selections are based on academic merit, community service, and other criteria. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Arland Imlay Ph.D. Scholarship Berlin Chapman Research Award Braxton John Martucci Speech-Language Pathology Scholarship Carol Diane Cook Elder Scholarship Carter Family Foundation Teacher Education Scholarship Casteel-Clarke Special Education Scholarship General Federation of Women’s Clubs WV Scholarship Clarke Special Education Scholarship C. Kenneth & Sharon Murray Scholarship Competent Learner Model Research Award Delmas F. Miller Endowed Scholarship/WVU Teacher Leadership Award Donna Hoylman Peduto Annual Scholarship Drs. Ranjit and Indira Majumder Scholarship Eddie C. Kennedy Endowed Scholarship Fred D. and Juanita R. Dooley Award General Federation of Women’s Clubs WV Scholarship Holmes-Casteel Special Education Scholarship CEHS Achievement Scholarship in recognition of Mr. and Mrs. John Raley CEHS Achievement Scholarship in recognition of Priscilla M. Haden Jessee Frances Brown Lilly Scholarship John Albert Kasuba and Walter L. Klas Scholarship John J. Paterson Student Research Award Kathryn Cramer Morgan Memorial Scholarship

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Kathryn Vecellio CEHS Scholarship Leon and Mae Newell McKown Scholarship Morgantown Scottish Rite/IA Wiles Scholarship Paula Jan Barber Muscatello Scholarship Phyllis and Jay Slaughter Family Fellowship Rogers McAvoy Scholarship Ruby A. Carter Scholarship Schoenbaum Scholarship/Loan Endowment Scottish Rite Speech-Language Pathology Scholarship Spangler-Clarke Special Education Scholarship WVU Teacher Leadership Award Thomas and Mary Lou Hervol McCullough Scholarship Thomas J., Jr. and Barbara P. Witten Scholarship Thomas L. and Mary M. Biery Scholarship Verizon Teacher Education Presidential Scholarship William Joseph Sturgis Endowed Scholarship Woodrow and Virginia Bonds Endowed Scholarship Dr. William G. Monahan Outstanding Graduate Education Award Dr. William G. Monahan Outstanding Undergraduate Award Wirt C. and Mae S. Belcher Graduate Education Award CEHS Alumni Association Dept. Outstanding Graduating Student Award CEHS Alumni Association Outstanding Graduating Student Award Robert E. Stitzel Research Awards Library Endowment Funds ( Kathleen J. Dubois, Paul and Elizabeth Glasscock, Debra C. Clarke, Dr. Paul W. DeVore, Richard E. Bendure, Abelina Suarez)

VISIT US ON THE WEB: On Facebook: http://on.fb.me/V675zG On Twitter: @WVU_CEHS Website: http://cehs.wvu.edu West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, disability, veteran status, religion, sexual orientation, color or national origin in the administration of any of its educational programs or activities, or with respect to admission or employment. Further, faculty, staff, students, and applicants are protected from retaliation for filing complaints or assisting in an investigation under the University’s Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan. Inquiries regarding the University’s nondiscrimination policy may be directed to the director, Affirmative Action Office/Equal Employment Opportunity Programs, West Virginia University - Office of the President. West Virginia University is governed by the West Virginia University Board of Governors and the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission.

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