InBound- OutBound - ReMapping The Caribbean -Edge Zones International Exchange Projects

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San To Do Min Go 20 07

ReMapping - Nueva Cartografía del Caribe en el Museo de las Casas Reales y otros espacios de la Zona Colonial [Amable López Meléndez]

Este fin de semana el arte contemporaneo internacional resplandecerá nuevamente bajo el sol del Caribe con una serie de inesperados y arriesgados “aterrizajes” en distintos espacios específicos de la Zona Colonial de Santo Domingo. Se trata del proyecto titulado “ReMapping” curado por Charo Oquet y David Vardi a través de Edge Zones, una de las instituciones culturales independientes de mayor actividad y reconocimiento en la ciudad de Miami Este Proyecto cuenta con los auspicios del Museo de las Casas Reales, del Estado de la Florida y el National Endowment for the Arts de los Estados Unidos

“ReMapping” o nueva cartografía del Caribe es una propuesta artistica multidisciplinaría y participativa que pretende utilizar los espacios urbanos para llevar el arte a la ciudadanía y provocar una respuesta directa del público con el objetivo de reparar o restaurar los lazos sociales a través de una elaboración colectiva d e s e n t i d o , r a z ó n y d i a l o g o . E n t r e l a s actividades que incluye esta interesante jornada artística destacan: instalaciones, videos, happening, intervenciones, performances y talleres educativos y de creatividad para niños. Estas actividades se estarán presentando en el Museo de las Casas Reales, la Plaza María de Toledo.

Museo de las Casas Reales | 1

“El arte participativo trata sobre los temas de autoría, activación y comunidad. Este tipo de propuesta artística es lo opuesto a los eventos espectáculos de masas que son epicentros de separación e incomunicación.

Este tipo de arte busca involucrar a la gente y despertar su conciencia crítica, activando nuevas formas de ralaciones humanas. En algunos casos a los participantes se les pide documentar respuestas Precursores a este movimiento son Utopía Station (Bienal de Venecia, 2003), Joseph Beuys, los Situacioniostas en Francis, los Happenings estadounidenses y el Neoconcretismo en Brazil”, Sostiene Charo Oquet, curadora, fundadora y directora ejecutiva de Edge


Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
1 Entrando al Periodico El Nacional en la Ciudad de Santo Domingo 2 Charo Oquet, Directora de EdgeZones, durante la entrevista 3 Rafael Miranda, Abdiel Segarra y Kman

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Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1 Eliu ALMONTE
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1

The work speaks of the many social and economic circumstances in many Latin American countries where the sport of baseball, in the mayority of cases, is the only viable way to migrate

Karlo IBARRA - Home-run
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Caryana CASTILLO Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Carola DEIDREMIE - Neighbor against Neighbor/ Sobre las Guerras: Vecino contra Vecino
Elvin DIAZ - El Túnel Ecoplasmático Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Michelle GRATACOS ARRIL Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1


Sayuri presents a performance called “Questionnaire” In this action, Sayuri has interviewed people in their homes and on the streets asking questions about: identity, who are whe, where are we, geographical realities, personal realities, etc This document will later be presented to the public The result is the creation of a physical document where people express their unique voice and their undeniable social, geographical, historical, and personal context in which we live

Museo de las Casas Reales | 1


I felt compelled to introduce my new series of mythological hybrid animal costumes in public s p a c e s . I w a n t e d t o a c h i e v e a s e n s e o f immediacy to the work by appealing directly to the unconscious By appearing unannounced in ordinary environments dressed in absurd body-sculptures, I sought to strip away rigidity I sought to inhabit spaces as art, a primeval magical power There was something very liberating about moving through spaces in this manner, interacting with people and wildlife, amongst chaos, spontaneity, and fears of the unknown A sense of wholeness was achieved in me as I crawled on my belly, a foreign object slithering snake-like between cobblestone cracks of sense and nonsense, design and chaos, consciousness and dream

Rachel HOFFMAN Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Hybrid Animal Costumes Performances at the Museo de Casas Reales and in Public Spaces
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1

Recuerdos de la Niñez

[Por la boca]

[A Vestir la Muñequita]

Recuerdos de la niñez is a group of conceptual works that explore the alarming aspect of sexual exploitation of children through out Latin America and the Caribbean

I seek to explore and highlight the psychological toll that children are left to struggle with, after they have been physically and sexually abused by either a family member or in the lucrative sex tourism industry

Small installations have been created to bring attention to this problem that concerns us all

Luise JOHNSON Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1 Luise JOHNSON - Recuerdos de la Niñez [Tres espacios de sobrevivencia y uno imaginado]
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1

Is a performance where a cafeteria of the Colonial Zone has been intervened and the platain has been used as a basic recipe of the Caribbean to create a dish made with mofongo stuffed with mangú, relating through food the similarities and exchanges between the cultural identities of Puerto Rico and Santo Domingo.

Rafael Miranda Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Charo OQUET - Transformer Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Charo OQUET - Transformer [ Mami Wata (Santa Maria la Dominadora)]
Charo OQUET - Transformer [ Lavando Manos y Pies] Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Charo OQUET - Transformer Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Carlos ORTIZ - SORIANO Museo de las Casas Reales | 1

Aprendices de Brujo

Is an installation based on the film “The Sorcerer Apprentice” by Walt Disney, it questions what would happen once magic is reversed

Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Hugo PATAO & Michael - Aprendices de Brujo
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1 Abdiel SEGARRA
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Museo de las Casas Reales | 1 Gian Carlos SILVA
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1 Gian Carlos SILVA
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1

The ants have left their antfarm and they have left to search their bread ”

Immigrations have been one of the most serious problems that humanity faces, millions of people travel to new regions where they hope to better their socio-economical status or find peace

Currently I an working with a photography series which document the act or phenomenon in which a group of ants travel en masse towards a piece of bread The immigrants, like the ants, have colonized nearly all the space on earth or in the planet This fact could be perceived as an act of invasion toward new lands, new paths, in search of the daily bread

In this series, under the theme of invasion: ‘Our daily bread” v2, I emphasize in the immigration which is closest to us, the immigration toward the United States I represent this by using subtle symbols and common materials The object is to utilize the subtlety as an element of expresion, expresion poetically a theme that is controversicial today I leave the opinion of whether immigration is right or wrong in the hands of the spectator

Museo de las Casas Reales | 1 Norma VILA
Invasion “ our daily bread” v2
Estampas de la CIUDAD COLONIAL Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Scrapbook Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
1. Abdiel Segarra, Karlo Ibarra and Rafael Miranda. 2. Gabriela Keddel resting. 3. Luise Johnson working. 4. Rachel Hoffman preparing.
Scrapbook Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
Museo de las Casas Reales | 1
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