The Edge | September 2019

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Gary Beckman (1941-2019)


A Frequency Catalyst The Edge

Interview with Mas Sajady 14

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exploring the evolution of consciousness

DISCOVERING OUR SOUL’S PURPOSE 16 also inside : a time for self - resurrection september horoscope holistic resources coming events




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featuring this month : our soul ' s purpose 16 Find Purpose and Become Your Authentic Self  by Lana J. Thomas 16 The Journey of Awakening to Our Soul by Heron Dians 17 Remembering our Soul’s Reason for Choosing this Life, by Keri Mangis

Gary Beckman

18 Light Awakening Spirit Leaves, by Janet Michele Red Feather

6 A Fond Farewell - Gary Beckman (1941-2019) by Tim Miejan

19   Awakening to Our Soul’s Purpose by Eric J. Christopher

8 A Time for Self-Resurrection A Pleiadian Message, by Christine Day

21 Purifying Your Purpose by Sri Harold Klemp

10 How to Improve Your Intuitive Guidance  Last of a series, by Jean Wallis

21   Getting to Our Soul’s Purpose by Elizabeth L. Lukacs

10 Affirm: “I Trust Myself” A Monthly Affirmation, by Charlotte “Mama” Rose 12 September Horoscope: And Now, to Work  Mercurial Messages through the Zodiac, by Heather Roan Robbins 14 A Frequency Catalyst: The Edge Interview with Mas Sajady, by Tim Miejan 22 Living in a Sacred Dimension: An Arboretum Workshop 22 Empowerment Partnership: Setting Your Success Drive on Fire 22 Experience Bruno Groening’s Path of Healing


edge listings 23 Featured Businesses: Coaching | Hypnotherapy 24 Sacred Gatherings 24 Classifieds 25 Intuitive Network 26 Business Network 28 Happenings Events calendar 29 Edge Talk Radio - Free Podcast Schedule


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GARY BECKMAN, 76, , co-founder of The Edge, passed away on August 24, 2019, after a period of ill health. His soul returned beyond the veil to be with the family and friends who preceded him in death. Gary was a good friend and spiritual mentor to many people in the Twin Cities and beyond. His leadership in bringing The Edge to life was hailed as momentous by those who used it to stay informed of coming events and trending issues related metaphysics, spirituality and healing. In a 2007 interview, Gary said he created The Edge “to share with the thousands of people information about the many belief systems and modalities and technologies that are available on the Earth — not just Christianity, not just Paganism — everything that is available that people do not always see. “I founded Edge Life magazine, Expos and Events to give opportunities to thousands of people to explore the many options available for self-growth, personal enrichment and fulfillment and to find their soul’s purpose — to reach their highest potential as human beings to become better citizens of our beautiful planet.” Gary loved to share his “cutting edge” vision of what was happening energetically behind the scenes, and more than that, he loved being at the center of it all, revealing to the spiritual community what it was and how it was changing and what was unfolding for everyone to discover next. Gary was the “eye of the hurricane,” a place of stillness and peace, as well as a force of motion and change, simultaneously. Gary was open to any and all opportunities to share insight and wisdom with the Upper Midwest, and beyond. When James Redfield’s movie, The Celestine Prophecy, was being released, Gary promoted it with an advance screening in a local theater. When notable leaders like Michael Newton (Journey of Souls) and Dolores Cannon (The Convoluted Universe) were available, he


GARY BECKMAN (1941-2019)

brought them to town for interviews and public events. Gary and his wife Insiah, who passed away in 2015, loved to travel, and their journeys to Egypt, India and South Africa resulted in experiences that changed their lives in many ways. During Gary and Insiah’s final years together they focused on the growth of Edge Life Expos, a forum throughout the region for nearly two decades that allowed people from all walks of life to come together for a weekend to meet spiritual leaders and teachers, artists, healers, psychics and intuitives, and thousands of others who provided tools and products to support the body, mind and soul. The goal

of his expos, he shared in The Edge, was to present information to assist those who were ready to shift their perception of life beyond the mundane. “We remind everyone,” Gary wrote in 2008, “that creating disorder and chaos is one option. Another is the choice to go within and know that when you make a decision, it is from your inner knowing or from the truth of your soul. It is a matter of listening to your inner guidance. …The days of skepticism are over. There is no left or right, right or wrong. It is a matter of listening to your inner self or soul. We are very grateful for the peace we have here at home — always within us if we choose to go there.” Despite his sometimes frenzied way of responding to life’s challenges, Gary went into meditation regularly. He spoke about the images and ideas received from the silence often, sometimes over a cup of Earl Grey tea, or perhaps a bowl of Breyer’s vanilla ice cream. Those moments of clarity excited Gary to no end, and they were among the moments that his friends will miss having around. Local intuitive Echo Bodine, a soul sister of Gary’s, was at a loss of words to describe how she felt with Gary’s imminent passing. “Sweet Gary Beckman,” she began, “it’s hard to believe you won’t be on this planet anymore. Your feisty personality was loveable, frustrating, funny and everlasting. It’s hard to put into words the relationship we had. We loved each other, drove each other crazy, laughed, cried and were always planning the next big thing. You were a wheeler and dealer in all areas of your life and anyone who knew you expected nothing less. I love you, my friend. Thank you for all the wonderful memories. I’ll see when I get there.” In the end, Gary Beckman lived his life doing what his soul inspired him to create. The staffs of The Edge and Edge Life Expos & Events, past and present, wish him godspeed in reconnecting with All That Is. a

EDITOR TIM MIEJAN 651.578.8969


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A Time for Self-Resurrection A Pleiadian Message BY


BELOVED ONES, WE GREET YOU. The winds of change have been flowing. Strong forces of light are continuing to enter your Earth’s atmosphere and we, alongside the Universal teams, are present to assist with the assimilation of a higher form of consciousness that is now moving within your planet. Your own heart cells are steadily undergoing a metamorphic shift as you are being realigned to receive deeper accesses to a new landscape that has revealed itself within your sacred heart. Through an unveiling of your expanded dimensional heart chamber, you are moving into a more complete perception to receive and connect to a higher Truth within you own life. A series of veils continue to lift for your self-empowerment of moving into a higher understanding and clarity within your world. By choosing to link within your sacred heart, a pathway will open to further expand your perceptions, as you are moved and aligned within your own multidimensional nature. You are being asked to move your awareness, to open up to this opportunity that will reveal a new vista of your life. New experiences are being placed before you, as there is an unveiling of Truth at this juncture on your planet. You are being asked to suspend your disbelief in your abilities and allow yourself to be realigned to a more authentic aspect of who you actually are within this higher reality setting. You are to move yourself through a new doorway through the action of letting go, and consciously work within these higher frequencies now accessible within your heart, allowing a realignment to your Higher Self by anchoring and building a path within your heart space to begin an expansive journey of self-realization at this time.

SELF-REALIZATION What does it mean to begin a path of self-realization? Within you exists a Higher Self consciousness. This aspect of your sacred self is lying fully intact just beyond the veils, and this aspect is waiting for you to choose. This is achieved when you consciously reach out and engage with this higher part of your self within your heart. The veils have thinned and they are fluid in design to give you an easy and specific access. The veils that have lifted are a component of the new energies held within your planet’s transformation. You literally can part these veils with your own conscious choice action and desire. The parting of the veils can be accessed within the recon8  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

nection to your heart, which is the entire physical chest area. When you develop a continual connection to your heart, a natural pathway is formed and then opened to lead you through and beyond the veils. Your heart is a multidimensional tool that carries the designed energy for you to utilize for the very purpose of this reunion and lead you into the aspect of your Higher Self. Your heart’s purpose allows for this full engagement with your Higher Self, and this pathway’s role is likened to a roadmap creating this reconnection. As you consciously work to build this path to your heart, you begin to access the higher consciousness elements of your intuition. Your higher consciousness is designed to assist you now in your day-to-day living, allowing you to be liberated by accessing clarity and Truth within your life. This reconnection opens up new possibilities for you to experience by providing you with a different perspective of your life, a higher vision within your world. There is a sacred timing, a predestined moment for you to access this more expanded conscious aspect of your Self. That time for you to claim your destiny has arrived now.

IMPRINT OF LOVE Since the “Awakening of the Dove” energy, your planet has undergone rapid transformation. A series of veils lifted at that sacred moment of awakening and a high-frequency light carrying the Christ consciousness anchored onto your Earth, shifting the vibration of love for humanity. This love opened up and forged through your heart cells. This engagement within the cells activated within you a design and imprint of your own vast love. This imprint makes it possible for you to have an easier pathway to be forged now within your heart to access your Higher Self connection. As a result of this imprint infusing through your cells, there has been a loosening, a dislodging, of a lot of the old density you have been holding within you. Up to this point, many sabotaging patterns within your life have kept you in a restricted pattern of behavior. The imprints from the Christ are designed to set in motion a new cycle in your life for you — releasing you, allowing you to begin to shed and let go of all the old belief systems that have kept you in these cycles of limitation, separated from your Higher Self. You have been carrying burdens from the past, weighed down by the struggle, lack and fear perpetuated by the ego mind. Many outworn patterns within your consciousness have held you captive. You have been imprisoned by these limited

ideas and misperceptions, which arise through the ego mind. Belief systems have been dictated and held strongly within your mind that you are small, insignificant and do not deserve to receive abundance in your life. You are not a victim here. Each one of you has made choices based on the misperceptions of the ego mind. You have been unaware of this higher aspect of yourself until now. Concepts and thoughts within your ego mind have said you have not done the right thing or you have not made the right decisions and you have made many mistakes in your life. A Truth: every decision and action that you have taken on your journey has created the perfect scenario, the perfect series of situations, for you to learn and grow. This is a Truth. Your ongoing self-judgment and self-condemnation has created barriers within your heart, which has strongly impacted your ability to receive and to thrive in your life.

A NEW REALITY As you align to the path of your heart and engage with your Higher Consciousness, you are connected to an inspiration and creative energy that exists beyond the limitation of the ego mind. You can recreate a new reality based on Truth. By reconnecting to this higher aspect of yourself, you will begin to suspend self-judgments that had created an internal separation. You will experience an end to this war that has been engaging within you and you will begin to experience peace. The essence of love, which exists naturally within your heart, will begin to express through you from your Higher Self to your humanity. This higher form of yourself brings renewal, an opening for rest, and self-healing within your physical body. This time of self-resurrection will allow you to realign to this higher perspective and vision by reengaging within your sacred heart. Your mission ultimately has been to resurrect yourself in this lifetime. This has always been the plan. No one other than you can do this. There comes a time, a moment, when you must choose yourself. Simply let go and decide that you are worth the reconnection to the vast aspect of Self, and open into the magic of your unlimited sacred heart. Your conscious breath is the most powerful tool for this reconnection. This breath is taken in and out of the mouth and its design is to move you beyond the ego mind. Earth’s vibrational frequency has undergone a rapid transmutation. As your planet revolves, a new pulse emanates from its rotation. This pulse is a form of pure light  see SELF-RESURRECTION on p. 20



How to Improve Your Intuitive Guidance BY


Last of a 4-part series WHETHER I’M conversing with my own intuitive team (guides, angels, masters, and teachers – all aspects of my Higher Self), doing a reading for another, or getting a little help from my friends by getting a reading myself from another psychic, I follow guidelines I’ve developed through my experience that optimize the contact. I only ask questions I am ready to hear the answer to. I don’t ask questions to validate my preference of an answer. I need to be open to hearing something that is not what I like or is uncomfortable, but is important for me to hear. I don’t test Spirit by asking questions I already know the answer to but want to see if Spirit will give me that same answer. That’s just rude. You either trust Spirit or you don’t. I ask questions with integrity, by that I mean I ask questions about me, not about others. The question, “Is he cheating on me?” becomes “Do I need to be concerned that he is unfaithful?” The third person here has not asked for nor given permission for us to enter their energy. Stay focused on yourself. Create your questions carefully, be concise, ask only one thing at a time. Add in a time frame. Asking, “Will  see INTUITION on p. 13


Affirm: ‘I Trust Myself’ A Monthly Affirmation BY


WHAT IS INTUITION? That voice that we are supposed to know when it speaks, that guidance that we are supposed to trust when we feel it. We’re not supposed to be able to miss it…right? However, many of us have a hard time identifying the voice of our intuition as it sings in a chorus with the voices of our past experiences. In order to hear our intuition we must release our past. “Release our past?” You might say. “I have learned so much!” True. As we evolve throughout the experience of becoming we are able to stand in the present and look back to access any information that assists us in the moment. However, we don’t need to live in our past in order to access it. Consider the difference between what it might feel like to know that you have a library full of books with all of the information that you need, available to you at all times and easy to access, and what it might feel like to carry all of those books on your back at all times. Carrying the books would be an immeasurable weight. You would be prevented from doing most, if not all, of the things that you aspired to do. Yes, you would be carrying your knowledge, but wouldn’t it be more freeing to have access to that knowledge without carrying it? When we release our past we allow ourselves to take off the filter of our trauma, pain and heartache. We release our fear and doubt and any other emotional impressions that are stored in our bodies from experiences where they were not able to be integrated in the moment. We free ourselves to approach each new situation with our full selves, ready and able to move and to integrate anything that we experience. We stand firmly rooted in our soul, our highest Self, with all channels of information open. We have access to all of our experience and the ability to imagine a future that is the most beneficial to all involved. We stand in love. We stand in our intuition. So, how then do we release our past to free ourselves to the present moment? I invite you to look back at my columns from December 2018 through present to build the support that you need for this understanding. Use the affirmation, “I Trust Myself,” in any moment that you feel fear, doubt, tension, irritability or anxiety arise in order to integrate your past into your present self and release it. This affirmation is an intention. Intention is the highest law of this universe! When you state that you are ready and willing to release anything that isn’t your fully embodied, loving, present self, then the process will naturally occur. You don’t need to understand the mechanism in order to experience the magic — just like pregnancy, when the body creates based on inherent instructions that the mind can only access in infinitesimal part. This process will guide you with your willing participation, rather than you guiding it. Our bodies are present in every moment, even if our minds are wandering between memories of our past and ideas of our future. We can always come home to our bodies. Similarly, trauma and painful

experiences that we were not able to hold when they happened will be stored in the memory of our body’s cells until we are able to meet ourselves with the love and safety that we did not feel when the experience occurred. You may find my columns redundant as I speak again about the power in our ability to choose love, but I will persist and say it again: Choose love and you will find healing, release and freedom. Choose love when fear arises and you will hear the voice of your intuition clearly. Notice the voice of fear in you as it tries to protect you and offers you the opportunity to choose love once more. It may sound like, “You don’t know what you’re doing.” Or, “You’ve done this wrong before.” Or, “You don’t have the information you need to make this choice or take this action.” Rather than challenge this voice, we listen and we choose to integrate the experience that it speaks of. This is how we choose love in the moment. When we do this, the voice quiets and transforms into a softer voice, a more gentle guide, a part of us that knows the way always — our intuition. I remind you now that you are never in a moment where choosing love is not an option. You are never in a moment where your intuition is silent. You are never lost. You are always able to choose love and find guidance. Love is so big and so powerful that magic and miracles will flow into your experience creating opportunities, movement and inspired action that your mind was not able to imagine before becoming witness. That’s what life is — and we know that. Our one guarantee, the one thing that we can count on is, “I will transform,” be it in death as our bodies return to Earth, or in life as one moment folds to another with no space in between. We are the moment, we are the space that holds all experience and we have access to so much more than we know. Allow your support to flow through the voice of your intuition and choose to guide your life in a new way. It doesn’t have to be the same as it has been because we retain, always, our ability to choose love. Use the affirmation, “I Trust Myself,” to invite love into your present moment even when fear is so big that you can’t see beyond it, and I guarantee that you will see change. Remember, there is never a better choice than love. There is never a better way than to hold yourself and hold space for yourself as you experience whatever comes up. Reach out into your communities and cultivate them with this affirmation — and continue this conversation. I’ll leave you with this: Your power is here, now, always in your ability to choose. Reach out to me if you’d like to explore this way of being more in depth. a CHARLOTTE “MAMA” ROSE is an artist, psychic and mother of two based in St. Paul, MN. With a constantly evolving worldview, she is passionate about both listening to and expressing herself to others through music, writing, poetry, visual art and healing arts. Charlotte offers one-to-one creative work, psychic development and healing sessions. Find more on and on Instagram @ dearmamarose. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.




And Now, to Work Mercurial Messages through the Zodiac BY

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JUMP RIGHT INTO FALL WORK. September begins with Mercury, the sun, Mars and Venus all in industrious, if nervy, Virgo. If we don’t give it something to do, this Virgo lineup can wind up our anxieties. But we can keep it out of trouble if we can harness the Virgo capacity for critical thinking and competence. Give it something productive to do. Assess the situation, form clear goals, break down the work into satisfyingly doable chunks, and proceed. Let’s focus on our own work, and on the political and ecological challenges, and leave our dear ones to find their own path. Take a break as Venus and Mercury opposes Neptune September 4-7, then jump back into the fray. September 8-9 as Mars trine Saturn, put important plans in the place. September 10-14, the sun and Mars opposes Neptune, bringing a wave of uncertainty and potentially stormy weather, inside or out. Concentrate on the work until Mercury and Venus enter Libra on September 14. Now is the time to reach out and make new friends, and put human resources on the front burner. September 18-20 work begins to fall in the place, though not all that is good work; keep eyes open for political machinations. The fall equinox on September 23 brings relationships and diplomacy to the forefront. Work together though challenges September 25-27. Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…You’ll feel better once you make progress, so don’t get nervy,

get busy. Personal fears and concerns arise from time to time; honor them, heal them, but don’t let them run the show. Stay on target. Affection blossoms after the equinox. Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…Look for sparks of romance and creative inspiration as September begins: industriously serve that creative spark. Flirt by offering practical help with a twinkle in your eye. Around the equinox focus on social justice and fairness between yourself and others at home and in the workplace. Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Don’t get caught up in a whirlwind of other people’s neuroses or concerns as the month begins. Breathe deeply, notice the nervous energy and respond with heart and practicality. Honor your imagination around September 7. Look for intriguing new connections mid-month. September 22-27 stay sharp and attend business. Cancer (June 21-July 22)…There may be more hustle and bustle than you like, but stay engaged instead of withdrawn. Assist siblings and community and your security grows. Tend your digestion early September. After the equinox, tend the home front and nurture quiet peace. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…Your material situation needs work. Whether it's your finances or your closet that needs sorting, tend your resources early in September, even if it’s not much fun. Assess, sort and appreciate. Take time off September 10-14 for self-care and daydreams. Return to your social shining after the fall equinox. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…Where have you been hiding? Use this month to get on stage, public relations are in good order. Be visible

seek peace daily

for your efforts; just shine at what you do. Your work through September 14 can seed rich work ahead. After September 23, honor the work of others around you. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Your busy activity may be inside your head, and behind the scenes, with deep networking. Watch thoughts as they arise; notice which are yours and which are old family training that you’re ready to release. After September 14, step into this fall’s action with renewed clarity. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…You may not be busy and neurotic as the month begins, but so many people around you are. Don’t get grumpy, just choose carefully where to get involved. Stay focused on your own work, particularly September 8-13. Your introspective time kicks in after the fall equinox. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…Be alert and engaged as September begins. Change is brewing in work; your smart ideas can help others stay solution-focused and organized. Take what could be a challenge and turn it into an opportunity. Bring your heart to community after the fall equinox. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19)…Your leadership shines when others are uncertain. You are a natural teacher and can influence others’ opinions by setting a good example by asking the right questions. Don’t

push; inquire. Look for new work opportunities from mid-September on; tactful efforts for equity for all at work also support your life. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…Your inner gremlins may grow and complain as the month begins, as behind-the-scenes concerns or power plays can make you uncomfortable. Do your own personal homework and don’t engage their ploys. Your perceptions can deepen and help you revise your philosophy to encompass your deeper experience. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…People around you may be running fast, though your life stays quieter; just love them through it and don’t take on their tension. Negotiate cleanly with business and love partners; slow the process down enough to make healthy ground rules and stay centered, even as you engage in fresh opportunities. a HEATHER ROAN ROBBINS is a heart-centered and choice-oriented astrologer, palmist and ceremonialist with 30+ years’ experience. Her book, Moon Wisdom: Transform Your Life using the Moon Signs and Cycles, brings real astrology into an accessible format. She’s trained in astro-locality, mythic, multi-generational and traditional astrology and uses them at the core of her spiritual counseling. For a daily view, read Starcodes at COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


your intuition, tuning in to it, and dropping out of fear-based decision making!

I get married?” can get a “yes” or “no” answer, but it doesn’t tell you much. “Will I get married to my current love within the next year?” is a much better defined question. How specific you ask the question is how specific you will receive the answer. Some other things that support intuition include declaring to Spirit that you are ready and willing to receive information. Be firm in your declaration. Create a ceremony (lighting candles, using incense, setting out stones) if you want. Also, Spirit can only communicate by using information you already contain, pictures of, things you already have in your brain, so it is useful to expose yourself to many things to create a large catalog to call upon. This can include looking at pictures of other cultures, things outside your everyday experience, different animals, etc. Meditation is a great enhancer of intuition. Things that block intuition include: being in a highly emotional state; being sick; being overstressed; being too biased on the answer you want to hear (whether for you or someone else); judging what you receive as good or bad, right or wrong; fear; unbalanced energy within yourself, chaotic chakras; a rigid belief system, not able to think outside your box; and not trusting Spirit. Living life through intuition can be a very fun adventure. You feel in the flow with Life itself. You don’t feel the pressure of thinking in your head all the time. You become more trusting in general, of yourself, of others, of Spirit, and of Life. You become more flexible. So, give it a try. You all are more than capable of turning on

EXERCISES IN CLAIRCOGNIZANCE (ABILITY TO “KNOW”): 1. Automatic writing is a great way to foster claircognizance. Open a new text document or get a paper and pen and ask your Higher Self a question. Write down whatever comes in response — it doesn’t matter if it sounds like a load of nonsense at first, as no one will read it but you. Make sure the conscious mind is only a spectator in this exercise – don’t allow your mind to think about the information you’re getting before writing it. At first you might get what you think is gibberish, but persist and you may find you will begin to channel some insights which will surprise you in their clarity and wisdom.

continued from p. 10

2. Be very aware of the thoughts you are having when you meet someone new or when you’re being told about a situation that you know little about. See what you glean about the person or situation between the lines — and if you can, get it validated. 3. Notice how your body feels when presented with new situations, experiences, decisions. Tightness is a sign for caution, relaxation is a sign for proceeding. You already know. It’s tuning in to that knowing that is essential to understanding and using it to your advantage. a JEAN WALLIS is a psychic in Minneapolis who currently teaches courses on Emotional Empowerment, Universal Energy and Psychic Development, Exploring our Body, Mind, and Spirit, Eternal Love Meditation, and Kwan Yin Healing. Contact her at 612.874.1453 or COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.





Editor’s note: Read a longer, uncondensed version online at KNOWN AROUND THE WORLD as a game changer in helping people operate at their peak potential, Mas Sajady is perhaps one of the best-kept secrets coming out of the Twin Cities. He has fostered transformational growth in business leaders, Fortune 500 executives, medical and healthcare providers, professional athletes, celebrities and the royal families in the United Arab Emirates and Monaco. He also supports his community at home, providing workshops and group healings for youths and adults, and benefit events supporting such centers as Lake Harriet Spiritual Community in South Minneapolis. Sajady’s abilities have been studied and verified by neurologist and neurolinguist Dr. Octavio Pino, acclaimed neurosurgeon and pain medicine pioneer Dr. Norman Shealy, as well as several clinical research institutes. Sajady, 59, did not dream of being a transformational healer. A native of Afghanistan, he came to Minnesota with his parents at age 5 and grew up in the Twin Cities. He was a young boy like thousands of others, wanting to grow up to be a fireman, or perhaps a doctor like his father. What he did not expect were two near-death journeys beyond the veil and the opportunity to return with abilities that allowed him to reconnect people to the untapped potential many authors have written about and most of us have only dreamed about. “Think of me as a garbage man,” he said in a recent interview with The Edge. “I remove all the trash and garbage that you have adopted through your parents and your grandparents, the hereditary patterns you inherited related to how you get ill, the type of relationships that you have. I just delete all the garbage and then polish and shine you up and then you start living a shinier, happier life. It’s truly that simple.” The founder of Exponential Intelligence®, MediMorphosis® and Medihealing®, Sajady helps people break through challenging situations in their personal and professional lives so they achieve not only success, but also significance in their lives. Share with us about your near-death experiences. Mas Sajady: I’ve had two near deaths that have allowed me to have what people say are fantastic abilities to help transform 1 4  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

people probably the fastest way possible. A lot of people have near death experiences, so why was I different? Looking back at it, before my first near death, I started to realize it’s like, wow, all my life I’ve been preparing for something to escalate me to higher levels of consciousness. I had my first near death experience when I was 21, 22. It was a college job, a warehouse experience in Fridley. I had my jaws crushed in a rail car accident, and that really allowed me to see the grander picture of who we are, what I call our 99 percent or what others might call your Spirit. The 1 percent is who we think we are in this life, just 1 percent of our potential. The 99 percent is the grander person that you are, the unlimited, limitless power that you are. And then your second near-death experience came about 25 years later? Yes, the second near death was a drowning accident. I was in Belize and there was a raging river. We were rafting with the family. Belize is very volcanic, and there are holes in the bottom of the rivers that feed underground water. I got sucked into one of those. When you do, you don’t come out. I got sucked in and got pulled into the

bowels of the Earth. That was a very different scenario for me compared to the first near death. You’ve heard the tunnel of light people go through? I met my loved ones that had crossed over, but that’s just the introductory part of the tunnel. The tunnel of light really is a graduation experience. They really reformulate or recondition you to come back to your Spirit consciousness. There are like 13 layers within that tunnel, and then at the end you graduate — and by then you’re not supposed to come back. I was literally pure Spirit, but somehow I sneaked back through. I shouldn’t have come back, but somehow I did. That’s what happened on my second near death; I went backstage and go, “Whoa, this is so cool. At that level, again I experienced that grandness, but this time since I was more aware of what is going on with me, I started to notice that time and space was very different. It seemed endless. You weren’t really in time and space. It was just this vast abundance and greatness. The amount of love that you feel at that level, you could multiply any joyous experience that you’ve had by about a million times, it’s such raw pure love. You know that there is this fantastic being that just loves you. But, I went even beyond that, because at that level you still have an identity of your Spirit form, of human consciousness. I transcended what I call a beautiful blue space. In some religions, they actually talk about this. That beautiful blue space holds all the knowledge that ever was, is, and shall be. It’s a timeless space —and that’s who we really are at our higher spiritual self. I call that our Vital Force. Somehow, I have managed to pull that knowledge, that database, and bring it back down into this reality. From who I am today, I can access anybody. I can scan you — in person, on the phone. You might say, “Hey, my loved one has this issue.” I can scan them and tell them, “This is the reason why, because x happened when they were 12 or whatever. I not only pinpoint what’s going on with your life, but then also edit you or change your programming. I’m not saying I cure anybody in any way, but this is where tons of people have recovered from terminally ill diseases, where relationships go really good for them, where they regain themselves, even reverse aging, people start to walk again, their finances improve. You get to live from that 99 percent. It’s not magic or anything like that, but you just start operating from a higher version of yourself.

This process that you’re explaining is the MediMorphosis™ that you offer? Yes. I call it a MediMorphosis because it’s a life transformation. People literally change their self-identity. They change themselves from the meager 1 percent of who they are. People who go through what I call the EI, Exponential Intelligence process, experience a total life transformation. Every aspect of their life becomes abundant, and that’s the way it should be. That’s the way our default state should be, actually. You’ve recently conducted your first event for youth, the Youth MediMorphosis at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community. What motivated you to create that event? Throughout the years, and I’ve been doing this for about a decade now, I started to notice that if we could raise a generation of fantastic kids, what would the world be? How would the world change if enough people had this whole identity, operating at 99 percent? It’s fun for me to work with kids because they get it right away. I can change some kid’s programming in a lot less time than an adult because the adults have so much baggage. So I was thinking, what if I worked on enough kids to transform the world in a very short time, in one or two generations? If you raise kids in their proper form they would be healthy, they would be happy, they would have proper connections, they would have a strong morality — a higher version of human morality that we all should abide by. If you raised a generation of kids like that, look at how the world would change. They would shift the problems of the world. The only way we can fix and solve the problems of the world is by changing consciousness. You can’t do it by laws or infrastructure of the past. But if you raise somebody’s consciousness, then the laws change accordingly — the way we do business changes, and the way we treat each other as humans changes. I have a lot of kids of my own and I allow that 99 percent to shine through them. It’s so sad to see all these other kids have their brilliance snuffed out at an early age because their parents did not know better. They might have great intent on how to raise their children properly, but they weren’t raised properly themselves. Outside of seeing you, what can individuals do in their daily lives to maximize their potential? Abundance equals how present you are. The science behind that is on my website. I know everyone out there says to be present, be mindful, and all that, but what does that mean? What I say, which really helps you, is to become aware of every bodily action that you can throughout your day. So, it’s not about noticing that you should be a good person, it’s about you being in moments of time precisely. You do that by becoming aware of your actions. Be aware of the way you’re walking. Most people don’t study the way they walk or the way they wash dishes or even take a shower, because it’s like, “What am I wearing? What do I have to do today?” People don’t even feel the water on their body. They’re not in time.

What I say is experience every action that your body is going through. Be aware of the way that you escape reality. Believe it or not, middle-aged mothers tend to escape their reality by playing more games on their phone than teenagers. So if you do one thing, pay attention to how you hold your phone, the position of your body while you’re on your phone, and always be aware of it. If you did that, with everything you do every day, it would become a deep state of meditation. Then, using your phone to look at your social media would actually benefit you. Just try it out. Be aware of every action that you do — the way you drive, the way you’re sitting as you drive, how you’re eating — all the details. Just experience every action, your hand gestures, your movements, everything about you. You start to become aware, and you start to connect more and more to that 99 percent. I know it sounds really easy, but if you did that continuously for a week, you would start to see happiness just come through you. Give it a try. What events do you have planned in the Twin Cities? We’re going to be back at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community for a benefit event, private sessions and a free kids event in September. We do a lot of online events. You don’t have to see me in person. Look at the events calendar at We do personal development, what we call a frequency spot to help you stay youthful and vibrant. We offer business classes online, helping you reprogram yourself for frequencies of success, frequencies of being a good person. The services that we do are about life transformation. We offer a six-week series for those who run patterns of abuse, whether it’s minimal or extreme. For people who’ve taken that, it was the most phenomenal experience that they’ve had, and they run from no abuse patterns afterward. Is there anything we haven’t talk about that you would like to share with our readers? This is a whole new way of looking at transformation, at how to improve your life. The podcast on Exponential Intelligence is really good for people who want to know more about me or the science behind what I do. You can start doing this on your own, and if you look me up on YouTube there are a lot of free courses that will help you change your life. Overall, where you are is where you’re supposed to be, but it doesn’t mean that you have to stay where you are. a For more information on Mas Sajady, visit For the fastest way to gain a broad understanding of how Mas works and his teachings, please listen to his Exponential Intelligence Podcast at exponential-intelligence. TIM MIEJAN is editor & co-publisher of The Edge magazine. Contact him at 651.578.8969 or Visit The Edge online at www.edgemagazine. net. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



O U R S O U L’ S P U R P O S E

Find Purpose and Become Your Authentic Self BY


YOU DID NOT COME HERE to find a purpose; you came to discover the predetermined purpose specific to your Self. What that purpose is and how to walk consistently in step with your path is indeed a lifetime process — one that requires focus and mindfulness on a deep level to realize the dream of living a life of purpose that will satisfy your soul. Life is filled with struggle and joy, disappointment and fulfillment; it is meant to be experienced to its fullest. In surrendering to your need to find fulfillment in your life, you have to find that which is genuinely a blueprint of your Authentic Self. Purpose is meant to secure your authenticity. Some will call it your Highest Self. Psychology defines it as self-actualization. We all have a life of multiple phases of duality, and yet the most common pair is the variance between the Authentic Self and the Social Self. Oftentimes, the contrast is too stark, thus our lives are fractured and disingenuous. We all have two identities. One is the outward self, a persona that the world sees, the self that is how we want the world to see us. The other is the inward self, in which we have a full awareness of our thoughts, emotions, fears, doubts, etc. This fracturing creates dissonance in the energetic flow of our lives. This duality is as if we are constantly interrupting ourselves in attempts to retain control but, in reality we are not in control at all. Thus, you can see the importance of finding your purpose, because in living your purpose you become authentic and no longer have to feel splintered by your dual lifestyle. You are comfortable being your authentic self and no longer have to portray yourself as something you are not. Life then flows like a river of honesty and integrity and you thus become free of the hindrances of not being able to “just be yourself.” The journey to discovering your full potential, your gifts, your talents and purpose is what life is all about. Fortunately, we can adeptly learn all those wonderful details about ourselves by surrendering to the forces that know everything about us — our past, our present and our future. It is so obvious that we often  see AUTHENTIC SELF on p. 18


Read all 15 articles on our Monthly Topic on September 1 at

The Journey of Awakening to Our Soul BY


AWAKENING TO OUR SOUL is a long journey. Any of us who have been on long trips know there are rewarding times that open our minds and spirits. Lovely times where we wish our trip would never end. Painful times, ups and downs that sear our hearts and spirits, perhaps making us wish we had never started. Waking to our soul can be like this. One of the complicated aspects of this journey is that souls aren’t motivated by the pain that being in a human body brings. They understand that one of the hardships of being human is that learning to be human is painful. They know that pain is a teacher, a motivator for us, and that we experience pain in the awakening process. That we feel pain and our souls don’t can sometimes cause a feeling of great separation. Pain is a powerful tool for waking us up. There is nothing quicker to make us feel immediately human and vulnerably present to what is happening at the very moment of pain. It can stop us in our tracks. If we pay attention, it presents us with an opportunity to slow down. Slowing down allows us to pay attention to what is happening. Paying attention creates awareness. Creating awareness decreases the amount of pain. Decreasing our pain allows us space and time to create what we want in our lives. This creates an opening for us to listen to our souls so that we can heed their guidance. Pain is not a pleasant experience, so we try to stop it. My learning curve is always slower than I want. I used to say that my approach in learning how to stop creating pain in my life was the “2 x 4 (as in wood) approach.” Sometimes I had to be figuratively hit over the head with something — an unpleasant experience — to pay attention in my life. (Whatever hit me over the head might be obvious to other people, or my soul, but not to me.) I was not purposefully living this way. In fact, I desperately wanted to stop it! But it took time before I awoke to the fact that if I slowed down, became more present in my life and paid attention to how I was living, I could learn from beauty instead of pain. Our soul wants us to learn from beauty — beauty as defined spiritually.

This definition includes all of who we are: our hurts, our fears, our longings, our dark places, our learning curves, our gentleness, our love, the gift of who we are. My journey includes skinning my spiritual knees from time to time, getting over embarrassment I sometimes cause myself from not having enough experience or tools to prevent my learning mess happening where others see it. Many times, I have not gotten it right the first time, the second time, or the third time. What has made it easier to connect with my soul? Three things: working at it, working at it, working at it. Usually, it is something outside of ourselves that starts us on our awakening journey — an illness, a deep loss or tragedy, a significant change such as entering a midlife crisis. I was fortunate at the beginning of my journey to have a very good and deeply spiritual friend say to me, “Heron, you really seem to be making life hard for yourself. You need to find someone to help you look at how to make your life easier.” It took a few years to understand that my very wise friend was correct. What was critical for me is that I listened to my friend when she said I needed help. It’s difficult to develop new skills in something without help; the journey of awakening has to do with learning spiritual and emotional skills. As we develop these skills, our ability to maintain our emotional equilibrium allows us more freedom to believe in ourselves. Believing in ourselves is a very liberating doorway into connecting with our soul. This is the journey of awakening to your soul. a HERON DIANA’S goal is to help you renew your life. She believes soul and spirit, deep within us, are important voices to heed: they are our roadmap to a rich and satisfying experience. They are our constant companions, yet many of us are unable to connect with this inner source of wisdom. For over 20 years, she has mentored, coached and guided people in creating their vision for a more meaningful life. She brings the lifelong benefits of her close connection to nature into your coaching experience in a safe manner. Please visit for a list of workshops and services. Contact her at 612.205.6080 or heron@ COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Remembering our Soul’s Reason for Choosing this Life “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” — Pierre Teilhard de Chardin BY


IF YOU HAVEN’T HEARD THE above quote, you’ve probably heard something like it. Such quotes remind us that our human life is more consequential, and more meaningful, than we might think. They remind us that our human life is neither defined by nor limited to the jobs we take, the successes we collect, or even the failures we experience. Momentarily, we remember that there is some part of us that views our lives not as a growing list of checked items but as a deepening well of experience. The part of us that sees our lives in this broader, more faceted context is our soul. Our soul is the part of us that existed before this human life and will exist after it. It is the part of us that has access to the divine realms and cosmic knowledge, and yet, still believed that this limited lifetime, this imperfect human body, and yes, this fraught time, had particular value for its own growth. What happens when we remember that we are spiritual beings having a human experience is that we give new priority to the soul’s way of looking at things. We then remember that: • What is painful for the ego can be enlightening for the soul. • What is uncertainty for the ego can be freeing for the soul. • What is comfortable for the ego can feel lifeless for the soul. • What is failure for the ego is a fresh, new beginning for the soul. • And, what is a satisfying purpose for the ego can feel constraining for the soul. Egos, because of the culture in which they are raised, tell us that until we find our purpose, we will feel dissatisfied and incomplete. Yet, our souls remind us that we are already whole, whether or not we have found this purpose. These two messages feel incompatible, and in fact they can be, because the goals for ego and soul in this human life are entirely different.

Therefore, when we adopt ego’s language of “finding one’s purpose” and apply it to our soul, we do ourselves a disservice, in much the same way than if we applied the hierarchy, rules and limitations of the Earth realm to the Soul realm. It is a trick of the ego to try to make the soul conform to ways of life it, the ego, wishes to live by. More than a trick — it is a clever method to contain the soul so that the ego can get what it wants, whether that be a life of praise and validation, or a silent, compliant, safe life. Our souls are far too curious, adventurous, wild and non-conforming to follow the steps and checklists that ego so prefers. As such, our souls probably have little interest in ego’s many ideas of purpose. Our souls did, however, come to the Earth realm with a reason. Here are some distinctions: • Whereas purpose is associated with a driving force, a reason is about a guiding influence. • Whereas a purpose is about the path, a reason is about the motivation. • Whereas a purpose is about completions and endings, a reason allows for fresh starts and new beginnings. • Whereas a purpose often takes the form of an individually-focused goal, a reason can include hope and vision for many. Seeking our soul’s reason for being here rather than its purpose might seem like an inconsequential adjustment. But words have associations and these associations, many unconscious, have power. Consequently, when talking about the life of the soul, switching from “purpose” to “reason” shifts our mindset just slightly, just enough so perhaps we can begin to see the world and our lives the way our souls might. And then, our life becomes a powerful opportunity for growth and learning rather than an obligation to fulfill, and our souls’ true reasons for being here can be realized. Then again, given the ego’s tendency to make us feel undeserving of living such an untethered life, perhaps our soul is wise to not reveal all its reasons. Perhaps we would be wise to not try to pin it down. a KERI MANGIS, on the surface, might seem a gentle yet candid introvert. But peel back a layer and you’ll uncover an inquisitive explorer of the internal and external realms. Peel back yet another layer and you might see a brave visionary pioneering her own brand of spiritual revolution. She has studied and/or taught yoga, Ayurveda, herbal medicine, energy work, aromatherapy, Buddhism, Hinduism, Tantra, Christianity, and other spiritual teachings and healing modalities that have sparked her endless curiosity. She is currently a freelance writer/speaker whose work has appeared in Elephant Journal, The Good Men Project, The Sunlight Press, Grown and Flown, Rebelle Society, Literary Mama and more. Her first book, a memoir entitled Embodying Soul: A Return to Wholeness—A Memoir of New Beginnings, will be published in Spring 2020. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Light Awakening

Spirit Leaves


WE CARRY OUR TRUE LIFE’S PURPOSE with us at birth, sharing a single task: to bring as much love and light to Earth as we can in this lifetime. To the more ambitious, the goal may seem disappointing. There’s a human tendency to want to distinguish ourselves, to stand out among others. In the new energy in which we emerge, however, we may instead find ourselves in awe of what Cedric Red Feather calls “the everyday people.” These are the non-celebrities, the true heroes. The younger generations now coming in carry light and openness with them. They are already comfortable with telepathy, psychic awareness and intuition. We met one such person in her twenties named Sophie at a retail store. It was not just her olive skin, lustrous dark brown hair and liquid brown eyes that gave her beauty: she emanated light, compassion and gentleness from a place deep


continued from p. 16

overlook the ever-present availability of our guidance that will reveal our path and eventually our authentic self that can be successfully embraced. I speak of our spirit guides. Their name is obviously definitive of why they accompany us throughout our lives. You have spirit guides, everyone does. Learn to engage them and ask them to orchestrate your life. Trusting them to take the helm is not always easy but it is certain to free you of the struggle and give them permission to perform their purpose, as well. Your guardian angel is another resource that you have been granted in this dimen1 8  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

within. She was kind, and funny and genuine. She remains the gold standard for comparison when we meet new people. We’ll remark afterward, “She’s a Sophie girl” or “He’s one of those new energy people.” We are meeting more and more of these in our daily travels. They may be mere clerks or ordinary people to some; to those more attuned of heart and soul, they are the treasured ones who are shifting everything. People awaken at various paces. “It’s not a race,” Cedric cautions. You can’t propound rules or steps for another to follow on the journey towards the light. It’s not a linear trek from point A to B. We are multidimensional beings. The good news is that you are never alone. On the other side of the veil is a piece of you, the Higher Self. This piece, likewise, is not alone. Each of you has helpers, guides, guardians or angels. The label you give these kind, loving entities does not matter. To receive the most support, you need to access the Higher Self through intuition and open to the guidance of loving beings you cannot necessarily see. Spiritual growth is not something that comes from books. Certainly, the writings of others may leave bread crumbs on the trail. Still, you must follow your own path. As The Red Feather Man always reminds us, “The journey is individual.” No one knows your mind, your heart and your body’s innate intelligence better than you. You are at the helm and have complete free will to steer the course. How are you to know which direction to take? Listen for intuitive guidance and stay positive; synchronous connections will follow. Turn negative thoughts around immediately as they arise. Don’t punish yourself for having them; just replace them with positive affirmations. I am astonished by the number of comments I hear daily by people, steering their bodies and minds in a downward spiral. One woman remarked in a discussion about weight-bearing, “Now that’s what happens when you get old: you can’t go grocery shopping like you thought you could.” Another person remarked, “My mother and aunts all had the same conditions, and it’s just a matter of time before I’ll have them, too.” In both of the above examples, an individual easily and effortlessly programs the body-mind for negative consequences. The innate intelligence listens and cells try dutifully to carry out what the mind has commanded and expected. Now, if you can get your cells to align and accomplish dis-ease and chronic conditions, why can’t you just as easily convince them to exhibit radiant health?   This does not mean, as the establishment fears, we will no longer require help from trained practitioners. Part of the training in the new energy shift may involve what some would consider a health crisis — a situation benevolently created so that an erstwhile practitioner is compelled to seek help from another medical caregiver, in

sion. It is ever present and profoundly capable of bringing your life to fruition. It is easier to surrender to them when you remind yourself that, unlike us, they have not lost their connection to the highest dimensions of the Universe and can bring forth the synchronicities and associations that will empower you to move into your life’s role. Mindfulness must also include being willing to think big about the possibilities of who you are meant to be and never limit what you can accomplish. “Perhaps the biggest tragedy of our lives,” said Tara Brach, Ph.D., a psychologist, author and teacher of meditation, emotional healing and spiritual awakening, “is that freedom is possible, yet we can pass our years trapped in the same old patterns…. We may want to love

 see LIGHT AWAKENING on p. 22

other people without holding back, to feel authentic, to breathe in the beauty around us, to dance and sing. Yet each day we listen to inner voices that keep our life small.” To discover your purpose, you must embrace all possibilities with every bit of energy you can muster and become mindful always of your need to search for the most loving, caring and wholly integrated person you can be. a LANA J. THOMAS, MS, is a health psychologist, certified Archangel Healing Practitioner, speaker, instructor and lifetime student of learning and expanding spiritual parameters. She is the author of On Purpose: Finding Yours (Balboa Press), and most recently, Today’s Shaman. Visit Contact Lana at or 605.940.1214. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Awakening to Our Soul’s Purpose ERIC J. CHRISTOPHER BY

AN EFFECTIVE WAY to find your soul’s purpose is to directly connect with your soul self. This is not as difficult as you might think, because you already are your soul self. One day you won’t be your body, but try as you might, you can’t ever not be your soul self — the part of you that survives all of your lifetimes. I use the modality of past life and life-between-lives regression to help people connect with one’s soul self. It provides a step-by-step process to quiet the analytical thinking mind and go within to make a more “solid” connection to that which you already are. When your mind is like a blank canvas, and you have set the intention to gain insight into your soul’s purpose, you have created a great foundation and opportunity to receive what you are requesting. Past life regression can be viewed as a guided journey to “disidentify” with your present body/mind system, assume a different body/mind personality, and finally “disidentify” with them both when the past life comes to an end. When this happens, you begin to take on the perspective of the soul self that transcends all lives. Typically you are shown a life that provides the wisdom, insight and clarity to help you heal, grow and awaken. Why does this happen? Because, as one of my client’s guides said, “Just as the body’s instinct is to breathe, the soul’s instinct is to grow and evolve.” Therefore, as you go within, you often get precisely what you need to move forward in your life, or gain clarity on your present life’s purpose if it is requested. For example, when one of my clients recently did a past

life regression to better understand her soul’s purpose for this life, she was shown a life in which the person she had the deepest connection with, her mother, had died of a disease when she was 8 years old. The loss of her mother was such a blow to her that it caused her to guard her heart for the rest of her life. Although she married a loving husband, she could not fully take in his love and held a bit back from fully loving her family. When that life was over, she reunited with her mother’s soul essence and reviewed that life. She regretted the subconscious decision to hold back from fully loving in that life due to the subconscious fear of getting hurt, and realized that she was doing the same thing in this life ever since her parents separated when she was around the age of 6, when she felt as if she lost a connection with them both. She realized that one of her soul’s purposes in this life was to learn to deal with loss in a healthy, awakened way, rather than in a way that shut her down. Since then, she has been healing her present life emotional wounds, making deeper connections in her relationships, and is helping others do the same by viewing loss as a temporary challenge. During life-between-lives sessions, people spend the majority of their sessions in the spirit realm connecting with guides at an even higher vibration level. While there, I’ve noticed several themes when people are seeking answers regarding their soul’s purpose. They often discover their soul’s purpose is about being proactive in creating a life that gives them the most satisfaction — which, from that high level of consciousness, is usually about  see SOUL’S PURPOSE on p. 20

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continued from p. 8

that is actually flowing, forming from your Earth plane out into our resident Universe. For the first time, your planet is contributing light to the rest of the Universe — and this is an exciting and powerful event! This is evidence of huge progress within your planet’s evolution. Only those of us who exist off planet can perceive this energetic progress of Earth, however we can tell you these new alignments are arising and formed through Earth. The sun’s energy has been emanating its rays throughout the planet, creating new cycles of light forms on your Earth. This movement of the sun has contributed to your Earth’s ability to move into a vast resurrection of its frequency and has created this higher profile progression with the rest of the Universe. Be still and take in moments with the essence of the rays of the sun as you align to a higher pathway within your heart. Know that the sun is playing a powerful role in supporting you — playing the role of a mirror, engaging and aligning within your heart cells, shining and birthing a radiant brilliance within your cells. You will actively co-create your pathway on another level with the sun. Remember, the sun holds the


continued from p. 19

creating a life that involves helping others in a way that combines their own interests, gifts and strengths. I’ve also noticed that people often discover their purpose is about becoming deeply present with life, fully appreciating people, pets, sunsets, etc., rather than operating from their fears and concerns which no longer seem valid from the vantage point of the soul which cannot be hurt. Finally, people deeply understand that their lives will be most satisfying if they can allow themselves to express the highest level of love while in the physical form. The theme of inner journey work is: “As you go within, you nearly always get what you are searching for.” Therefore, if you’re interested in your soul’s purpose, go within to connect with that which you already are. a ERIC J. CHRISTOPHER has a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, and is a certified hypnotherapist. His life passion has been to spiritually awaken and help clients do the same by guiding them to connect to their inner wisdom and higher self that can uncover and heal the roots of limiting fears and beliefs. He specializes in past-life regression therapy, life-between-lives therapy, and also present-life deep emotional healing of the body and subconscious mind. He has a private practice in St. Paul. To learn more, visit COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


consciousness of God light, which is held within the rays. These rays are designed expressly to transform your heart cells. God consciousness is radiating throughout your planet, placing and interacting renewal within all those who are actively choosing to engage through their hearts. You are reactivating your higher consciousness. You are playing a pivotal role, and you are part of a huge revolution that is taking place on Earth by answering an inner calling from the Higher Realms. A powerful change is going on within you, and you don’t understand the entire process of your metamorphic process — what you are going through right now — as you undergo massive transformation and transmutation. This transformational phase is not easy, and yes, there is much you do not fully perceive at this juncture, however fear not. You are being guided step by step, and you are being moved steadily along your pathway Home. The 3rd dimensional drama is designed to build in intensity as the Earth transforms, but you need not be concerned about it as you move deeper within your unfolding. There will be a building of momentum of this drama as you move closer to the end of the year. Almost like a tsunami, the wave of drama will build. Your focus must be only on your heart connection into the Higher

Realms of consciousness. There is nothing you need to do but this — and it is imperative that you do not get distracted by the drama. In reality, all is well on your Earth plane beyond the 3rd dimension. Everything is going according to the plan of the full unfolding of your destiny. Keep letting go and interacting through your intuition, trusting each step — because you can. Allow your path to unfold, knowing that the design of your unique path is assured towards fulfillment. We, from the Universal community, continue to play our role alongside the masters, light beings and angels, bringing support and guidance to all of you who call us forward. We witness you and salute you as you navigate yourself on your journey. Blessings, The Pleiadians. a CHRISTINE DAY is a leading spiritual teacher, healer, channel and author. Following a traumatic childhood in her native Australia, Christine was diagnosed with advanced Systemic Lupus at the age of 31 and given a short time to live. Shortly afterward, she experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Pleiadians, the energy of which moved her to a place of complete self-healing. Since then Christine has been presenting Pleiadian Events, Seminars and Transmissions of Light throughout the United States and internationally. Visit COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Tools to Remember Our Joyful Nature Word Count: 700 or less Deadline: September 10 Submit your article at: or email

Purifying Your Purpose BY


HU, THE SECRET NAME of God, opens you as a channel for the greater healing of Divine Spirit. Every thought, word or deed either purifies or pollutes the body. This is very important, very powerful, because it deals with your state of consciousness. If, at some point, you need an edge for health or for peace of mind, look to what’s coming into your world. Look to your form of music, or your form of news. Be aware of

whatever ways you let the external world into your internal world. What’s coming in is going to go back out. Then it rebounds like an echo and returns to you. It strengthens and grows to have a very strong influence in your life. This influence can be for either beneficial things or harmful things. So the choice is yours. Every thought, word or deed either purifies or pollutes your body. The HU song is a purifier. It will uplift and strengthen you in wisdom and awareness. Begin today. Find a quiet spot, shut your eyes, and let love for something dear to you enter your heart. Sing HU gently aloud, then silently for 10 to 20 minutes. Look and listen for the love that returns to you. This is a law of the universe.

Getting to Our Soul’s Purpose BY


WE ALL WANT TO UNDERSTAND our soul’s purpose, right? We search for information on how to expand our consciousness and have a sense of purpose as we ask ourselves why we are here. We understand our soul’s purpose when our intent, consciousness and our cells work together. Bruce Lipton, in his book Biology of Belief, tells us that “every cell has a vibration, that the cells in our bodies are affected by the environment the cells live in.” We can do this through meditation, producing positive vibrations within us. This vibration in the cells positively affects the energy of the cell. If we spend the rest of the day thinking about the challenges that we may have in our life, these stressful thoughts and feelings also affect the cells. So why do we spend time with thoughts and feelings that don’t support our greatest purpose? We have something called “cellular memory.” Difficult memories that we have experienced in our lives are stored energetically in our bodies. If we ignore the feelings because they’re too painful, they eventually affect our cellular structure. In her book Heal Your Body, Louise Hay writes that disease comes from “dis-ease.” A painful memory held in the body becomes diseased. So, how do we prevent this from happening? We clear our

Love returns love. So sing HU, a love song to God, every day. a Sri Harold Klemp will be the featured speaker at the 2019 ECK Worldwide Seminar on Saturday, Oct. 26, at the Minneapolis Convention Center. SRI HAROLD KLEMP is an award-winning author, teacher, and spiritual guide who helps seekers reach their full potential. He is the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master and spiritual leader of Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom. His body of work includes more than 100 books, which have been translated into 18 languages and won multiple awards. Find your own path to true happiness, wisdom and love in Sri Harold Klemp’s inspired writings. Visit COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

dis-ease by being conscious of the memories we have stored and become responsible to clear these memories so that our cells are fully aligned with our intentions. Addressing our past memories and feelings that have been stored takes courage and strength, because allowing the memory to surface up and move through us isn’t comfortable. It is important to use our intentions. The intention is to open up to the feelings, clearing space to bring in a new energy to surround our cells. Clear out the old and bring in the new! This allows you more space to access your life’s purpose. This is what I do: • Create a sacred space in my home, balanced with Feng Shui and things that are meaningful. • Say a prayer to receive help to support my goals, wishes and desires. • Light a candle and begin with my intentions that I have written down and I read them out loud. • Work with one emotion at a time. Usually, it’s an emotion that has been repeating in my life. • Ask my body, mind, spirit and emotions to work together with me and my consciousness to allow for whatever I have stored, allowing that emotion to come to the surface. • Stay in silence in prayer and meditation as I allow the feelings to come up. It’s like a wave in the ocean; before the wave peaks, there is a building and then a climax when it reaches a peak and then crashes and then moves into still water. I allow the emotions to work through me and out of me in this way. • Spend time journaling what I experienced. • Read my intentions again. It is at the moment when the emotions have released that I feel my body, mind, spirit and emotions begin to fill up with forgiving, gentle, pure, divine grace and love. I breathe in and I allow this to expand in all of my being. • Thank all that is and all my guides for this healing — and then I spend time in nature sitting quietly. By keeping our intentions crystal clear and releasing what we need to heal, we offer ourselves the opportunity to be aligned with our soul’s purpose. a For a copy of Elizabeth L. Lukacs’ manual entitled “Get Your Feng Shui On: Creating Your Sacred Space,” email her at for a free copy. You’ll receive step-by-step instructions on how to build your special place in your home! ELIZABETH L. LUKACS has been the owner of Deeply Well since 1986, offering Alternative Wellness Events, Intuitive Consulting, Healing & Energy Work, Coaching, and Nature & Wellness Destination Retreats. Contact Liz at Deeply Well at 651.269.9060, email and visit COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Living in a Sacred Dimension: An Arboretum Workshop For centuries women have gathered to connect at a deep level and share knowledge, wisdom and inspiration. Over time, patriarchal forces ended many of these gatherings and instilled a deep-seated fear for women to come together and experience their wisdom. In the spirit of rekindling the flame of women’s power together, this Living in a Sacred Dimension day retreat provides you with ritual, ceremony and a deep understanding of the energy of the third, fourth and fifth dimensions. You will leave this loving, inclusive and highvibration gathering with: • A deep understanding of what dimensions are and how honoring them impacts your life; • A profoundly simple yet powerful technique to make your best decisions using

inner awareness and dowsing rods; • A renewed awakening of your highest self; • Tools to rise above drama and live with a deepened sense of the sacred — where your life is meaningful, rich, and joy-filled; • An activated crystal to awaken more of your spiritual gifts; • A powerful, personal process to raise the vibration of your home and other spaces; • And a sacred sisterhood. The Dalai Lama said, “The world will be saved by the Western woman.” His invitation to create a loving world will be fulfilled by each of us who say “Yes!” to activating our intuition, knowledge and gifts. Living in a Sacred Dimension is a powerful step in the direction of manifesting the world we desire — together.

Combining 75 years of wisdom, the day is hosted by Carole Hyder, Dawn Morningstar and Annette Rugolo, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., on Sunday, Oct. 13, at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Dr., Chaska. Registration includes: transformation program, panel discussion, swag bag, vibrant, healthy lunch, inspiring materials, positive connections and follow up. The cost is $128 if registered before September 30; $148 after. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit In this time of change and awakening, it’s key to expand consciousness and understanding — and create your plan for meaningful action. Join us for an extraordinary day of transformation!

Empowerment Partnership: Setting Your Success Drive on Fire

Experience Bruno Groening’s Path of Healing in the Cities

We’ve all heard it. One of the keys to success is having the drive to succeed. And if we observe highly successful people, one of the qualities they invariably have is unwavering drive, ferocious passion, that “fire in the belly.” One way to get that consistent access to your drive toward success is to create your own “hot” button! In the Empowerment Partnership’s NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) trainings, a technique called “anchoring” is taught. The purpose of anchoring is to activate a positive, resourceful state within you whenever you want it. For example, if you’re feeling blah, you can use an anchor to feel instantly energized, alert and alive. Join the Empowerment Partnership for an Integrative NLP Practitioner Certification® Training October 10-13, at the Hilton Minneapolis. This four-day interactive and experiential program provides the proven tools and techniques to communicate more effectively, build rapport easily, reprogram the mind for success, release limiting beliefs and behaviors, gain clarity in core values, and overcome procrastination, lack of motivation, depression and phobias. Registration to attend all four days is only $144 when using Promo Code EDGE Visit A team of enrollment advisors is available at or call 800.800.MIND (6463).

Bruno Groening became well-known in 1950s post-war Germany after multitudes of sick and injured people were healed when Groening spoke to them, urging them to let go of their suffering and proclaiming that “God is the greatest physician.” This September, the Twin Cities will have the chance to directly experience Bruno Groening’s teachings. Brigitte Schneider, a Licensed Healing Practitioner from Frankfurt, Germany, will give lectures, presenting medically verified healings and simple instructions on how to absorb the healing stream to attain health, help in life and a greater sense of inner peace and happiness. Many experience this healing stream during the lecture. All lectures will be held from 7-8:30 p.m.: September 23 — Room 101, Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul; September 24 — Meeting Room 1, Plymouth Creek Center, 14800 34th Ave. N., Plymouth; October 2 — SpringHouse Ministry Center, 610 W. 28th St., Minneapolis Admission is free, donations appreciated. Contact Kelly at 651.206.0276 with questions. Visit


continued from p. 18

order to arrive at a more skilled, experiential understanding of healing. Intuition is the key to awakening every cell to our soul’s purpose. The ability to hear and interpret guidance helps awakened humans track their course in the journey of life. Let intuitive guidance be your internal compass. a

JANET MICHELE RED FEATHER, J.D., M.A., is a ceremonial singer who has learned over 60 traditional songs in Mandan and Lakota and sings in nine different languages. Janet was a full-time defense litigator in California for nearly eight years. Her life changed significantly after she traveled to North Dakota in 1993 to fast and pray for a way of life. A regular columnist for The Edge, she has also appeared in Psychic Guidepost, FATE Magazine and Species Link. Her book, Song of the Wind (2014, Galde Press), dealt with her experiences as an empath, and her journey through Mandan spiritual culture. She is currently a full-time, tenured English faculty member at Normandale Community College, having taught Composition and Literature for a span of 20 years. COPYRIGHT © 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Coaching & Hypnotherapy The following Coaching & Hypnotherapy services are offered in the Upper Midwest and beyond: COACHING Heron Diana, 612.205.6080,, — It takes four things to change your life: Courage, Self-care, Patience and Starting. Invest in yourself. Dare to go within. Challenge the assumption you cannot change your life. I will stand with you, listen to your story, encourage you. You can do this. I invite you to experience intuitive, compassionate coaching. Outrageous Success, Michael Vukelic, 507.222.9190,, — Soulful Success Coaching: Create instant breakthroughs and long-term transformation with the Quantum Leap Success Program. The secret to better Health, Beautiful Relationships, Rewarding Work and a Life of True Freedom and Joy is knowing what makes you feel, Brilliant, Confident and Authentic! Gain insight, love your life. Please visit my website or email me for more information. Schedule your complimentary consultation today at Ann Puglisi, M.S.W., 612.454.0949, ann@, — I offer a nurturing and holistic approach to support caregivers. They learn to overcome being overwhelmed and sharpen the skills that help them manage their time, recharge their energy, and maintain a positive mindset. A Caregiver Success™ Plan is created which incorporates body, mind, and spirit wellness. 1:1 or group coaching. Amanda Rangel, IntraAwareness, Amanda@, amanda — Amanda works with those who want to experience something more in life and are ready to take action. Her specialty is connecting clients to their Higher Self so they trust the answers they receive within themselves, relying on nothing external to live in the flow of life. Located at the IntraAwareness Lifestyle Studio, 104 W. Franklin Ave., Mpls MN 55404. Jeremiah Rangel, IntraAwareness, 612.930.2662,, — Jeremiah is a life and business coach, as well as an NLP and Hypnosis Trainer. Jeremiah has a systematic way to coach clients through any situation to meet their desired

outcomes. Interested in becoming an NLP or Hypnosis Practitioner? He can also certify you through his internationally approved Training Program. Located at the IntraAwareness Lifestyle Studio, 104 W. Franklin Ave, Mpls, MN 55404. ZVision Coaching LLC, Mary Zahorsky, CDS, 612.670.1888,, — RecogniZing your Visions with Value: Partnering with spirit, Mary Zahorsky is personally committed to uncovering and incorporating your life purpose into your Life Journey. Going the extra mile to discover your purposeful ideas and possibilities your actions and decisions will ultimately create your authentic list of value filled living guidelines.

HYPNOTHERAPY Jerome (Jerry) Buchmeier, Ph.D., Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Channel, Plymouth MN, 763.546.4133,, — Help healing overwhelm, trauma and sexual abuse from this life, other lives, humans, ETs, other realms. Access love and wisdom using two-way communication between you and God, Higher Self, angels, guides, dead relatives, earth-spirits, and ETs. Align life and soul purpose. Exorcisms. Channel for Mother Mary, Ascended Masters, angels and guides.




Energy Healing Reiki | Healing Touch Deadline: September 15

To be included: 763.433.9291, or email Learn more at advertise and click on Listings. $50 for a 50-word description + contact info. Major credit cards accepted. Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT, 651.649.1952, — Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Ready to gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? Over 18 Years Experience. Located in St. Paul, MN.  see HYPNOTHERAPY on p. 24 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 2019 2019 THE THE EDGE EDGE   23 23


continued from p. 23

Judith Froemming, BA, CH, CTC, HNLP, Infinite Mind Hypnosis & Coaching, 651.216.0085, — Hypnotherapy & Consciousness Coaching™: Change your mind. Change your life. Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy™. Transform limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, habits. Healing Bridge Hypnosis, Gail Mason CHP, NLP Practitioner, 612.280.6408,, — Hypnosis is an amazing tool to assist in your own healing process. I work with a deep relaxation process so it is effective, as well as enjoyable. I am here to help you heal from within. The only limits are yours. Madonna Kettler, Ph.D., LBL, 612.709.5578, www.madonnakettler. com — Past Life, Between-Lives Regression. Spiritual Coach. 20 years experience. Outrageous Success, Michael Vukelic, 507.222.9190, mike@, — Hypnosis & Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique: Get to the root of your challenges quickly and bring light to why they keep repeating in your life! Quantum Healing Hypnosis is ideal if you’re ready to shift pain, stubborn limiting beliefs and issues from past events. Master Your Mind and effectively release habits and behaviors that don’t serve you! Schedule your complimentary consultation today at book/L4GR6 Maria Petrenko, M.A., C.Ht., Office of Hypnosis, 2219 24th Ave. S., #2, Minneapolis, MN 55406, 651.270.7432, — Train your brain with hypnosis: If you feel stuck in a rut, want to find out more about your purpose in life, learn how to train your subconscious mind to play along with your conscious goals, sign up for sessions at the Office of Hypnosis in Minneapolis. Jeremiah Rangel, IntraAwareness, 612.930.2662, Jeremiah@, — Jeremiah is a life and business coach, as well as an NLP and Hypnosis Trainer. Jeremiah has a systematic way to coach clients through any situation to meet their desired outcomes. Interested in becoming an NLP or Hypnosis Practitioner? He can also certify you through his internationally approved Certification Program. Located at the IntraAwareness Lifestyle Studio, 104 W. Franklin Ave, Mpls MN 55404. 2 4  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET



Sacred Gatherings are $90 total for 3 mos., $150 total for 6 mos., $240 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Name, address, phone, email, website, gathering times & brief description. To be included: 763.433.9291 or or Center for Spiritual Living Minneapolis: Brookview Golf Course, 316 Brookview Parkway S., Golden Valley, 612.759.0870, — Center for Spiritual Living Minneapolis is a spiritual community that honors all paths to God. Whether we call it God, Spirit, Energy or Universal Intelligence, we are ever conscious that all people, places and things emanate from this Universal Intelligence that is within us and all around us. Using the principles of Science of Mind and the philosophies of our founder Ernest Holmes, the Center provides spiritual tools to transform our personal lives and make the world a better place. If you are ready to be home and in the flow of Good, come see us every Sunday for Meditation at 9:30am and our Sacred Service at 10am. Visit our website for upcoming life changing classes and motivating workshops. Eckankar / Temple of ECK: The Path of Spiritual Freedom, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, — Keys to spiritual experiences: Explore past lives, dreams and Soul Travel. ECK Light and Sound Service: first Sunday of each month, 10-11am. Experience the Sound of Soul: third Sunday of each month, 10-11am. Free Spiritual Exploration Classes: Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm. Temple hours: Noon-9pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and from noon to 4:30pm on Saturday and Sunday. Tours available. Lake Harriet Spiritual Community: A Center for Conscious Living, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.922.4272, — Raise your consciousness by attending our classes, workshops and Sunday Services led by amazing speakers! Raise your vibration in our beautiful, historic building (now on the National Historic Register). Give us a try as part of your spiritual journey and feel the love of our heart-based community. Visit our community for: great meditations, yoga classes, speakers and programs that include mindfulness, developing your intuition, releasing negative beliefs, allowing greater abundance, and breaking the barriers to deep selfhealing. Spirit United Church, 612.378.3602, sunited@aol. com, — Spirit United is a spiritually diverse community that has been undergoing transformation. We honor personal and planetary awakening through education, weekly wisdom teachings and playfulness. We welcome you to join us at our beautiful shared location: Harriet Alexander Nature Center, 2520 Dale St. N., Roseville, MN, for our Sunday morning gatherings at 10:30am to be inspired and uplifted by our diverse Ministerial Council. Our children are a vital part of our community and have a youth program at 10:30am too! Check out our website for additional educational opportunities and updates.

Unity Minneapolis: 4000 Golden Valley Road, Minneapolis. 763.521.4793, — We are an allinclusive community that offers a positive, practical, everyday spiritual message. No matter which of our Sunday services you attend (8:30am Meditation only, 9:30 & 11:30am), you will experience a dynamic message and music program. We have an engaging youth program, as well as adult education classes, throughout the year. Our monthly healing service is at 7pm on the first Tuesday of each month. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Unity North Spiritual Center, 11499 Martin St. NW, Coon Rapids, MN, 763.754.6489, unity@, — Unity North Spiritual Center is committed to offering a space to support community members and youth in fulfilling their potential. Services and events include healing, prayer, men’s and women’s groups, meditation, sacred text and shamanic studies. UNSC serves the wider community through programs such as Family Promise and Family Table. Unity South Twin Cities: 7950 1st Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.884.6656, — Whatever your religious background — or if participation in a spiritual community is new for you — you are welcome here. We invite you to join us for Sunday Services (9am and 10:30am), classes of self-discovery, social events and charitable team projects we do in our Minneapolis metro. Our youth program builds self-esteem through discovery classes and fun activities. For a 30-minute refresh we invite you to our inspiring and peaceful Prayer Services (M-Th, 11am). At Unity South, we honor the God-created beauty and worth in each person. Our spiritual community is part of Unity Worldwide Ministries and is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ as practiced in daily living. Let’s celebrate one another!



S E E K I N G , S E L L I N G , P R O M OT I N G

Classifieds are $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Category & text To be included: 763.433.9291 or

SUPPORT THE EDGE PROMOTE THE EDGE: The Edge is seeking a volunteer in Rochester to help identify locations where The Edge can be shared with the public. We’d love for you to take The Edge around to these locations each month. Contact Cathy at 763.533.9291 or




The Edge Intuitive Network is $45 monthly (1-3 mos.), $35 monthly (4-7 mos.), $30 monthly (8-12 mos.) Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: headline (10 words or less); description (80 words or less); name; phone; email; website; photo(s) or logo (2 inches wide x .75 inches high). To be included: 763.433.9291 or


I offer private, respectful Soul Readings to connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity and healing. All questions are welcome. Relationships can be looked at from a soul perspective including connecting with those who have passed on. I also offer beginning and advanced Psychic Development classes. My passion is teaching others to more fully access their own intuitive/psychic/soul gifts, while living and creating from heart in a healthy partnership honoring both body and soul. Cindy Lehman, 612.669.1861,,


PATRICE CONNELLY, DIRECTOR OF QUESTFIELDS: INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT TEACHER, HEALER, STUDENT For 35 years I have taught and continue to teach Intuitive Development classes,


worked with numerous clients in one-on-one sessions in person or by phone bringing Spirituality, creativity and humor together. I offer practical hands on tools for students and clients to explore and to develop their own unique gifts working with their Spirit through soul, mind and body. It is a never-ending source of delight and pleasure to see students and clients become empowered in their ownership. Patrice Connelly, Questfields,


I have been an intuitive tarot reader for 11 years. I am very honest and up front not only with what I am seeing in the cards, but what I am feeling as well. I do though express this information with complete tact and tender loving care. I have done my readings in a boutique and at expos with great success and my clients have left very happy. I also do private readings by appointments and by phone. 651.492.9917,,


Born a naturally gifted Psychic Medium. And one of the finest professionals and most referred name by those in the know. Five-star ethics with an objective approach in her established career and stays on point with fine-tuned focused readings, utilizing her efficient modern question direct© methodology. Alison has a strong affinity with animals of all kinds and is a successful Healer. She is the genuine real deal! Alison James, 612.424.1411,,

651. 492.9917



Akashic Records are the energetic recording of your soul’s journeys, in this lifetime and past lifetimes. You are connected to this energy whether you are in soul form or human form. Akashic Readings allow you to learn your soul’s purpose and desired intents in this lifetime. This includes information regarding career choices, relationships, lifestyle choices and best possibilities for your future. An Akashic Reading can assist you in understanding your purpose and current life circumstances. Don Snyder, 763.300.7521,,



Jurema is much more than a psychic or a medium. She is a true soul healer, who is been transforming the lives of countless people in the U.S. and worldwide. Thirty years ago, she brought to the U.S. a rich and diverse spiritual knowledge, resulting in an original approach to healing and counseling. Jurema is one of the most celebrated and popular professional psychics in the Upper Midwest. Her sessions by phone-video-in person are breathtaking and transformative. Appointments:,, 320.260.7305. Visit jurema@ 320.260.7305


I am a Psychic, Medium, Ghostbuster, Life Coach. I have happily traveled the world doing energy work, readings and ghostbusting. Readings/coaching gives you an opportunity to look within and access your wisdom, receiving knowledge that can assist when dealing with today’s challenges. Energy work and ghostbusting bring healing to you, your space, trapped souls, and the Earth. Kathleen Kalil,



VISIT EDGEMAGAZINE.NET TODAY • Thousands of Articles supporting Body, Mind & Spirit • Coming Events Calendar — Happenings • Free Podcasts • Online Directory of Holistic Resources • Intuitive Network • Much More!!! SEPTEMBER 2019 THE EDGE




The Business Network is arranged by Category. $90 total for 3 mos., $150 total for 6 mos., $240 total for one year. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Category, brief description (25 words or less), name, phone, email, website, photo/logo. To be included: 763.433.9291 or or BODYWORK & BREATHWORK Gently transform limiting patterns at their core. Restore well-being of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Experience your life’s flow/fulfillment. Lee Timm Beaty, Light Heart Unlimited, 612.721.7108,

ENERGY HEALING: Survivor of sexual assault/abuse? Stephanie Manesis offers powerful, long-distance energy healing to help you heal the panic, shock and trauma. (In person sessions in Fargo area). Sliding Scale Fee. Stephanie Manesis, 701.429.8626,

BOOK PUBLICIST Sara Sgarlat works with authors — established as well as unknown — to create innovative and highly effective campaigns. Sgarlat Publicity, Sara Sgarlat, 434.245.2272,,

FENG SHUI SERVICES Residential/Business consultations, mentoring, energy clearing, workshops Barbara Bobrowitz, Energetic Alignments, 763.571.9437,

BREATH WORK / ENERGY HEALING / SOUL COACHING: Heal your Body, Clear your Blocks, Enhance your Soul Connection, Transform your Life. Soul Breathing™ workshops and group sessions ongoing. Individual Breath Sessions / Pranic Healing® / NPMDT® / Bemer® by appointment. Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh., 651.442.4623,,

FLOWER ESSENCES: Numerous Flower Essences for spiritual and emotional healing. Books, Practitioners Available. In business 37 years. Contact Martin Bulgerin. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,, at 3546 Grand Ave. S., Mpls

CRYSTALS, STONES, STONE ENERGY Ki Stones features mineral specimens, crystals, tumbled stones (over 150 types), decorator pieces, jewelry. In-home store open. Call for an appointment. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Maple Grove, 763.420.9017,,

GRAPHIC DESIGN & EDITING Affordable and timely fliers, brochures, posters, banners and PDF docs. Plan ahead for events and expos. Tim Miejan, 651.578.8969,

EMOTION CODE/ ENERGY HEALING: An energy healing technique that releases trapped emotions, which are harmful energies from negative past events. Clearing trapped emotions helps the body to heal. All sessions are done remotely, meaning you don’t have to leave home or work. Tree of Life Healing, Colleen Picha, ECCP, CMT, 507.649.0580,,

HEALING TOUCH & THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Relax with a meditation, intuitive healing touch and chakra balance, then enjoy a 60-minute therapeutic massage, all for $75 for first-time clients (2 hours). Edgar Massage & Chakra Balance, 5215 28th Ave. S., Minneapolis, 612.384.4572,

EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (EFT): Simplified EFT Tapping, created by Valerie Lis, provides fast, lasting results for limiting beliefs, pain, stress, cravings, and food/chemical sensitivities. Life-changing, goose bump-producing sessions guaranteed. Simplified EFT Tapping, Valerie Lis, MA, 763.315.0086,

HERBS: 600+ medicinal & cooking herbs, tinctures, capsules & oils, new and used books, Natural healing practitioners available. Contact Dr. Andrew Lucking, ND, Duane Givens. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,, at 3546 Grand Ave. S., Mpls

ENERGY HEALING: Accredited and Certified, Mary Jo has been working in the Energy Healing field since 2003. She uses Healing Touch, Reiki, Light Language, Hara and crystal healing, channeling, past life healing and essential oils in her professional healing practice. Usui Reiki, Crystal and Energy Healing classes. All ages welcome! 4th Dimension Healing, Mary Jo Feely, RN, HTCP, RMT, CCH, 651.439.9001, Stillwater, MN,

HOMEOPATHY: 2,000 Homeopathic Remedies, Individual Potencies, Books, Practitioners Available. Contact Dr. Andrew Lucking ND, Martin Bulgerin, We buy and sell new and used books. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,,, at 3546 Grand Ave. S., Mpls

SUBSCRIBE TO THE EDGE Receive The Edge at your home each month! $29 for 12 months • $48 for 24 months o r d e r yo u r e d g e t o d ay


HYPNOSIS TRAINING – CERTIFIED – ALL LEVELS Past Life & Between Lives Regression, Private & Group Sessions, Healing, Spiritual Mentoring. 20+ years experience. Madonna Kettler, PhD, LBLt, CHt, 612.709.5578,,

PSYCHIC MEDIUM INTUITIVE ENERGY WORK & GUIDANCE: Kimberly is a local Psychic, Spiritual Medium and Energy Intuitive who offers Energy Work and Guidance. HopeHealing By Kimberly,, HopeHealing.Me

HYPNOTHERAPY: Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Ready to gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? Over 18 Years Experience. Located in St. Paul, MN. Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT, 651.649.1952,

REIKI HEALING Experience the divine energy of Reiki for balance, relaxation, wellness. Treatment sessions. Student-oriented training for all levels. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Reiki Master-Teachers, 763.420.9017,

HYPNOTHERAPY Client centered hypnotherapy. Why not start today? The rest of your life is waiting for you! Located at 311 4th St. SW, Suite 211, Willmar MN 56201 Jessica L Hanson, CHt, LLC, Willmar Hypnosis, 320.979.6875,,

SOUND HEALING, SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS & FENG SHUI: Experience Transformational Ceremonies that Awaken Your Higher Consciousness and Expand Your Inner Light. Services: Sound Healing, Spiritual Blessings, Feng Shui and Sound Healing on the Go: Home, Hospital or Hospice. Carolyn Vinup, 612.325.5162,,

HYPNOTHERAPY & CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™: Change your mind. Change your life. Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy.™ Transform limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, habits, 5 Pillars of Balance, Spiritual Direction, Conflict Resolution Skills. Judith Froemming, BA, CH, CTC, HNLP, Infinite Mind Hypnosis & Coaching, 651.216.0085,

SUFI Four Layers of the Heart. Jess Fauchier, 763.360.9259,,

INTUITIVE COACHING & LIFE MENTORING Heart-based, intuitive coaching and life mentoring. Deep, soulful guidance and support using nature and forest therapy. Heron Diana, 612.205.6080,,

THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE: Holistic Reiki Massage combines the use of aromatherapy, gentle relaxing Swedish Massage and Reiki healing. Sacred Roots Holistic Massage, text 952.594.1408,,

METALIGN THERAPY: Reiki healing energy paired with scientifically validated technology heals: Depression, Anxiety Disorders; Trauma, Abuse, PTSD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – and more! It’s painless and profound! Lucille Crow, 952.470.0244,,

TOTAL WELL BEING: Intuitive Phone Readings, Healing & Energy Work, Nature & Wellness Retreats. Experience “Adventures with Liz” - Healing & Wellness Programs in Nature for Couples, Groups or Solo! Liz, Deeply Well, 651.269.9060,,

METAPHYSICAL SHOP: Palm Reading, Astrology & Tarot Sessions available. Crystals, Rocks, Cards, Jewelry, Dream Catchers & many gift items. Various CBD products from tinctures, pills, pain cream, pet products and CBD-infused coffee are now available! Open Thursdays 2-7, Fridays 11-5, Saturdays 11-4, at 26789 Forest Blvd., Wyoming, MN. Crescent Moon Metaphysical Shop, Nancy, 612.328.0891 PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT / SOUL READINGS: Soul Readings for clarity and guidance. Psychic Development classes to heal, reclaim your gifts, and consciously create with your own unique body/soul partnership. Cindy Lehman 612.669.1861,,

TRACE MINERAL BASED SUPPLEMENTS - CLUB SPARKLE PRODUCTS Energetic trace mineral products supporting your body to balance pH levels. Powerful Phytonutrients support vitality, rejuvenation, and increased clarity and focus. Delorez Houle, Counselor, 651.398.7536, sparklingdelorez@ • Mila Rae Stanhope, Transformational Healer 952.210.1153, EXPLORE THE EDGE DIRECTORY ONLINE: Discover Holistic Resources at the new subscription-based online Directory. Maps, photos, descriptions, and more. Join the Online Edge Directory for 3, 6 or 12 months. 763.433.9291,

J O I N O U R O N L I N E DI R E C TORY Promote Yourself Online. Your Directory Page includes your choice of photos/video, up to six categories of your choice, and your contact info — phone, email, website, social media links, and your address with a map. Your text is how you describe who you are and what you offer your community, and it can be as long as you choose. All Online Edge Directory Pages can be updated or changed whenever you choose.

PRICING: 3 months: $24.95 | 6 months: $39.95 | 12 months: $49.95 Reserve Your Directory Page: 763.433.9291,








Happenings Events are $29 for up to 35 words, $45 for 36-70 words. Listings over 70 words will be edited. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Date, title and text. Listing must include specific event dates and time, or it will be placed under Ongoing and not be included online. To be included: 763.433.9291 or or September 1 – Keys to Spiritual Living: Join people from all walks of life for ECK Light and Sound Service at the Temple of ECK. Dynamic speakers, original creative arts and singing HU, a sacred name for God, celebrate a life lived in harmony with Divine Spirit. 10am, Sunday, Sept. 1, and the first Sunday of every month, Temple of ECK/Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, www. September 1 – Release of Sandra Marian’s New Book: Forty Days with Dad After He Died, by Sandra Marian, allows you to come along to the adventurous spirit side. Experience a daughter’s mystical travels with her father. After he passed, their reciprocal communication brought peace and joy. These fanciful excursions kept grief from taking a grip. Google: Forty Days with Dad After He Died by Sandra Marian for a quick connection to Amazon to order either the paperback or the e-book. September 1-29 – Minnesota Renaissance Festival: Every weekend rain or shine, plus Labor day and Festival Friday, September 27. Free Parking! Kids under the age of 4 get in free! Locations: Queen’s Gate, 12364 Chestnut Blvd., Shakopee; King’s Gate, 3525 145th St. W., Shakopee. Shuttle from Mystic Lake Casino. Details: www. September 4 – Community Coaching: Bring with you the obstacles that are stopping you from moving forward in your life (even if you are unaware of them). Team up with one of our coaches and see if your obstacles can survive through the class. Healing is a team sport and this monthly gathering is one of a kind! Drop-In $30 (class included with monthly studio membership). 7:15-8:15pm on 1st Wednesday monthly at IntraAwareness Lifestyle Studio, 104 W. Franklin Ave., Mpls. Info: September 4-9 – Dr. Dan Mathews presents “Climbing 7he Ascension Ladder – Breathe in the Holy Order of O”: Dr. Dan Mathews (Holy Divine Healing) returns to Twin Cities to 2 8  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

offer private sessions ($85-$147) along with two high-vibe events on September 7 — Group Healing (7-9pm/$35) and collaborative day workshop with local breath expert Terri Peterson combining Holy Divine Healing & Soul Breathing (10am-4:30pm/$222/$199 early bird) — at Courtyard Marriott in Bloomington. Register by August 21 for combo discount ($215) at www. Info:, 651.442.4623, September 4 - October 2 – The Question of Morality | Online: We live in a world where people do things that are hurtful to others and injustice is a constant theme. It’s difficult to see that happening and not be affected emotionally and physically by the repercussions. The Collective has a unique point of view as regards 3rd-dimensional principles of morality. If you want to move from frustration and anger to peace and clarity this workshop is for you! Online Course, Wednesday nights, September 4 - October 2. Register at workshop-the-question-of-morality/ September 7 – Meditation With Oneness Blessing | Creating a Sacred Circuit: For centuries specific hand postures also known as mudras have been used to create energy circuits in the body which allow for a more expansive meditative experience. During this guided meditation with Blessings, you will discover how to create a specific Sacred Circuit within yourself for balance and so much more. Open to all ages! 9-10am Saturday, Sept. 7, at IntraAwareness Lifestyle Studio, 104 W. Franklin Ave., Mpls. Reserve your spot: Sacredcircuit. Info: 612.930.2662, Info@, LifestyleStudio September 7 – Pagan Pride Fall Festival: Twin Cities Pagan Pride welcomes you to its annual Pagan Pride Fall Festival from 10am-6pm Saturday, Sept. 7 at Minnehaha Falls Park, 4801 S. Minnehaha Park Dr., Minneapolis. It is a free event open to the public, offering education and resources about Paganism to the larger community. Includes a food




drive, rituals, discussions, vendors, entertainment and more! Visit September 7 – Awaken Your Inner Warrior | Shamanic Journeying Monthly: Within each of us is a warrior spirit capable of achieving things beyond what the mind can imagine. In this sacred journey your inner warrior will step up to show you just how strong your personal power is and how to utilize it in the most effective ways. Yoga mats, pillows & blankets provided, but feel free to bring your own as well. 10:30-11:30am Saturday, Sept. 7, at IntraAwareness Lifestyle Studio, 104 W. Franklin Ave., Mpls. Reserve your spot: Info: 612.930.2662,, www.IntraAwareness. com/LifestyleStudio September 7 – Jurema Silva/Fabiola Clarkson present The Path of Life Transformation Series “You Are Loved”: Jurema Silva and special guest Fabiola Clarkson will share their remarkable Brazilian spiritual knowledge and guidance in this enlightening and profound self-healing event. Realizing how much you are loved is the first step to start healing yourself. 1-3pm at Powderhorn Park Event Center, 3400 15th Ave. S, Minneapolis. $35 online, $40 at the door. Info: Juremasilva. com, or 320.260.7305. September 8-15 – Ageless Wisdom/ Esoteric Philosophy with William Meader: Teacher William Meader will be in the Twin Cities for three public talks and a two-day workshop in the week of September 8-15. The workshop on Saturday and Sunday is “Forerunner of the Light – Transforming the Echoes of Atlantis.” Meader will be available for esoteric astrology consultations throughout the week. William is a world teacher of the esoteric philosophy/ageless wisdom in the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand. For more information: contact Amy Stuke,, 651.338.5988, September 9 - October 28 – Creating a Beautiful Life | Online: Why do we struggle with creating what we want? The Collective says we assume The Law of Attraction is a program, versus understanding that it’s a physics principle that rules this plane of existence. That means working within it is a unique process and experience for all of us — based on our personal belief systems and frequency. Is your life a beautiful creation? If not, would you like to transform it? Online Course, Mondays, 6:30-9pm. Register at course-creating-a-beautiful-life/

September 11 – Wild Plant Walk: Identification for Food & Medicine: Learn to identify and appreciate basic edible and medicinal uses of wild plants and shrubs of late summer and early fall. Participants will explore plant life in Normandale’s expansive natural setting and learn how to utilize them for food and medicine. $54, 5:00pm-7:30pm Wednesday, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington 952-358-8343, September 11 & 25 – Wealth Mentoring: Has anyone ever told you that money is included in wealth, but wealth is not limited to money? Do you honestly know how to level up your Wealth Consciousness? Learn what the education system, your parents and perhaps the people in your life don’t know, and learn what it takes to get personal & measurable financial results you want. 7:15-8:15pm on 2nd & 4th Wednesday monthly at IntraAwareness Lifestyle Studio, 104 W. Franklin Ave., Mpls. Reserve your spot: Info: 612.930.2662,, www.IntraAwareness. com/LifestyleStudio



Free Podcasts in September September 3 – “Edge Learning Well” with Elise Marquam Jahns: Learning Well — Your partner in integrative health education. You’ll hear from fascinating experts who will share rich information designed to enhance your health, career and relationships. Learning Well…bringing growth, joy and inspiration to your life! This show is sponsored by the Integrative Health Education Center of Normandale Community College. 6pm, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at Blogtalkradio. com/edgemagazine.

Listen anytime for free at or call at show time at 714.364.4750. Show archives: Explore every show at Host your own show: call 612.710.7720 or 763.433.9291 for details. with vendors coming to the Sept. 21 event in Minneapolis. 10am, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at Blogtalkradio. com/edgemagazine. September 11 – “Edge Inner View” with Cathryn Taylor: Join host Cathryn Taylor as she speaks with a member of the Holistic Community in the Twin Cities. 3pm, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at Blogtalkradio. com/edgemagazine.

September 12-14 – Being Human Life Retreat: You are invited to join the Being Human Tribe, a new paradigm for community in the New Era. Discover who you truly are and authentically flourish. What happens when you take 3 days to step out of the hustle, drop into Presence and return to the essence of You? At Charlson Meadows on Lake Zumbra in Minnetrista, MN. For more information and to register:

France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, www.

September 15 – Experience the Sound of Soul: Discover your inner guidance, healing for body, mind and spirit, and a higher form of creativity by chanting the sacred sound of HU. Spiritual discussion and light refreshments. Free. 10am, Sunday, Sept. 15, Temple of ECK/Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200,

September 17 - Psychic Development Beginning/ Foundation Class: Learn to consciously access your soul’s guidance, clarity and wisdom. Discover your abilities and purpose working with your body/ soul partnership in this lifetime. Tuesday evenings, September through June. Contact Cindy Lehman, 612.669.1861, cindy@cindylehman. com,

September 16 – Crystal Grid Experience Minneapolis™: During this Crystal Healing Class you will experience a customized crystal healing with a crystal grid set up in the room, as well as on and around each individual participant. Your instructors will be guided to which crystals want to work with you at each event, so each monthly experience will be unique and customized. You will be guided to a deep state of relaxation where healing, release and restoration occur both consciously and unconsciously. 8-9pm Monday, Sept. 16, at IntraAwareness Lifestyle Studio, 104 W. Franklin Ave., Mpls. Reserve your spot: Info: 612.930.2662,, www.

September 17 - November 12 – Holistic Assessment Skills Certificate Program: Holistic medicine looks at a person as a whole—the mind, the body, and the spirit—and seeks to evaluate and to adjust health toward homeostasis based upon this model. This brand new series will acquaint learners with the large variety of holistic-analysis methods that have been successfully used from ancient times up to the present through lecture, illustrated class notes, demonstrations, and in-class practice sessions. $385, 6:30-9pm Tuesdays, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, www.normandale. edu/ce/classes

September 16 - November 18 – Holistic Nutrition Certificate Program: Focus on real nutrition, how to nourish the body, mind and spirit through nutrients and how these nutrients function in the body. Topics covered include traditional vs. modern diets, macronutrients, vitamins, minerals and healing applications. You’ll discover the 7 most deficient nutrients in the American diet and explore the nutrient value of wild foods. $385, 6:30-9pm Mondays, Normandale Community College, 9700

September 7 – “The Edge at Aurapalooza” with Cathryn Taylor: Featuring interviews

September 18 – Group Hypnotherapy Healing: Quiet your mind and connect to higher-consciousness through guided meditation (trance). In this relaxing group setting you will have a personal experience of healing, insights and rejuvenation. Drop-In $30 (class included with monthly studio membership). 7:15-8:15pm on 3rd Wednesday monthly at IntraAwareness Lifestyle Studio, 104 W. Franklin Ave., Mpls. Info: 612.930.2662, Info@, LifestyleStudio

September 16 – “Ride the Leading Edge with EFT and TRE®” with Cathryn Taylor: Host Cathryn Taylor inspires and empowers you to ride the leading edge of evolution with the integration of two of the most effective energy therapies, EFT and TRE®. Learn how to expand into your personal vibration of success. Hear how you can ride the leading edge of your own transformation and create the life you desire and deserve. 3pm, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at edgemagazine.

September 18 - October 9 – Simplified EFT Tapping™ Foundations Certificate: Tapping is simple, effective and a great gift to yourself and others. Each sessions will focus on key areas of wellness as you are introduced to the Simplified method of EFT Tapping™ and learn how to effectively address subjects such as relationships, health concerns, financial wellbeing, and self-worth. $345, 6-9pm Wednesdays, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, ce/classes September 20-21 – Aromatherapy Foundations Certificate: This hands-on certificate will introduce you to foundational concepts and best practices of holistic aromatherapy. You will gain practical knowledge and tools that you can easily integrate into your daily lifestyle to help restore balance and enhance well-being. As you explore essential oils through both a scientific and holistic perspective, you will learn how to use them in ways that are economical, effective, and safe. Learn how to safely use oils through inhalation and topical application. You will also create several take home products to incorporate into your self-care routine. $285, 9am-3:30pm Friday & Saturday, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, www. September 20-22 – Women & Spirituality Conference: Transformational weekend with Keynote Rev. Judith Laxer of Gaia’s Temple, “Inanna’s Journey, Letting Ourselves Off the Hook” reveals the mysteries of the Goddess and her story. 44 workshops, a Great Hall filled with readers, healers, art, jewelry, sacred stones & more! Mayo Civic Center, Rochester. $38. For more information, register online at  see HAPPENINGS on p. 30 SEPTEMBER 2019 THE EDGE



continued from p. 29

September 20-23 – MetAlign Therapy Course: Are there blocks and barriers in your life that continue to hold you back in reaching life fulfillment? In this three-day course, you will learn precisely how to treat and heal these barriers — and you can literally transform your entire life! Contact Lucille Crow at 952.470.0244, Crow@ or September 23-24 – Healing Touch Course 1: Foundations of Healing Touch: Learn a variety of Healing Touch techniques and self-care through lecture and gentle, heart-centered energy experiential activities. This class is open to anyone who desires to experience energy therapy and help others and is a step in earning the Healing Touch Certified Practitioner (HTCP) credential. $335, 8am-5pm Monday & 8am-4pm Tuesday, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, www. September 23-24 & October 2 – Bruno Groening Reveals a Path to Healing: Brigitte Schneider, Licensed Healing Practitioner from Germany, speaks on a natural, cost-free way to help and healing through the Teachings of Bruno Groening. Medically-Verifiable. 7-8:30pm. September 23 in Room 101, Carondelet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul. September 24 in Meeting Room 1, Plymouth Creek Center, 14800 34th Ave. N., Plymouth. October 2 at SpringHouse Ministry Center, 610 W. 28th St., Minneapolis. Free admission, donations appreciated. Contact: 651.206.0276, September 25-27 – Southern MN Pagan Pride: Featuring Paranormal Investigations, concert with award-winning Gina LaMonte, vendors, workshops and rituals, belly dancing, raffle, potluck feasts, camping and bonfires. Come join in the festivities - fun for all ages. At McGowan’s Farm, 20001 Hawkeye Lane, Mankato, MN. September 25: 3-7pm. September 26: 11am-7pm. September 27: 11am-5pm. $10 (ages 10 and under free). For more information and camping fees: www. September 26 – Self-Hypnosis: It is an easy to learn and an extremely powerful tool for self-improvement and healing. In just one evening, you will learn to put yourself into deep hypnosis to improve self-esteem, reduce stress, improve concentration, quit smoking, lose weight, sleep better, enhance creativity, reduce pain and more. Create your own customized sessions to use in everyday life and explore the latest findings on neural plasticity and hypnosis in class. $49, 6-9pm Thursday, Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, www. September 26-28 – Conscious Dying Coach Certificate: What if your life purpose and calling is your spiritual path? The Conscious Dying Institute invites you to become an End of Life Doula or Conscious Dying Coach with 3 0  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

training in Minneapolis. Conscious Dying Coach Certificate: September 26-28. Sacred Passage End of Life Doula Certificate: March and June 2020. Info: call 303.440.8018 or email info@ September 27-29 – “The Gates of Horn & Ivory” — Lucid Dreaming with Robert Waggoner: Explore the world of lucid dreaming with oneironaut Robert Waggoner (author of Lucid Dreaming, Gateway to the Inner Self ) at these events: 7pm Friday, Sept. 27 — “The Science of Lucid Dreaming”; 7pm Saturday, Sept. 28 — “Lucid Dreaming’s Incredible Potential; 10:30am Sunday, Sept. 29 — “The Gates of Horn and Ivory” Yoga Nidra meditation. Events at Studio Z, 275 E. 4th St., Suite 200, St. Paul. Info at September 28 – NE Wellness Psychic Gallery: More than a Message: An intensive soul-healing event where everyone shares in the transformative effect of spirit communication as a whole. Q & A and connections with those in the spirit worlds. Experience life-after-death soul survival in real time at this intimate event. Adults only. 1-3pm Saturday, Sept. 28, at NE Wellness, 1224 2nd St., NE, Minneapolis ( Not handicap accessible, upstairs. Tickets $45, final non-refundable sale, non-transferable. Visit www. September 28 - December 14 – Homeopathic Medicine Certificate: As a whole system of healing, homeopathy offers deep curative action by enhancing the immune system and supporting the natural vital force in a safe and side-effect free manner. Learners will gain practical skills including the basic laws of homeopathy, how remedies are made, and applications for a variety of conditions. $245, 9-11am Saturdays (6 sessions), Normandale Community College, 9700 France Ave. S., Bloomington, 952.358.8343, www.

October 13 – Living in a Sacred Dimension: This one-day workshop, hosted by Annette, Rugolo, Carole Hyder and Dawn Morningstar, will consist of a positive and transformational program including: a panel discussion; swag bag; vibrant, healthy lunch; inspiring materials; positive connections; and a complimentary follow-up for each participant. Learn about dowsing, working with your Higher Self, and how to optimize your living space to bring about positive change. 9:30am-4:30pm October 13. $128 until Sept. 19 and then $148. Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Dr, Chaska. Info: October 24 – Jurema Silva/Fabiola Clarkson present The Path of Life Transformation Series “Managing Your Divine Intuition”: Part of the series “The Path of Life Transformation,” Jurema Silva and Fabiola Clarkson return to beautiful Powderhorn Park Event Center with a must-see presentation: “Managing your Divine Intuition.” People ask how to distinguish, follow, understand and manage their intuition. This lecture provides the opportunity to clarify your doubts and wonders about your inherited divine power. 5:30-7:30pm at Powderhorn Park Event Center, 3400 15th Ave. S, Minneapolis. $35 online, $40 at the door. Info:, juremasilva.brazilianhealer or 320.260.7305. October 25-26 – Diamond Dowsing Basic: Annette Rugolo teaches this two-day seminar where you’ll learn how to find positive energy areas in your environment and how to enhance the area to bring in more light and a stronger connection to the quantum field. You’ll also learn how to connect with the quantum field in order to detect the various negative energy lines in your home and office and how to cure them. 9am-6pm October 25 & 26. $398. Registration includes a manual, professional pair of dowsing rods and starter package of dowsing cures. Unity Church, 4000 Golden Valley Rd, Golden Valley. Info:

October 10-13 – Integrative NLP Practitioner Certification® Training: Discover the extraordinary benefits of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and how to apply these tools and techniques in your life at this not-to-be-missed event. Hands-on training, demonstrations, tools and techniques, and an action plan to put into practice as a certified NLP practitioner following the sessions. Hilton Minneapolis, 1001 Marquette Ave. S. Only $144 to attend with promo code EDGE. Details: call 800.800.6463 or

November 2 – Embracing the Mother: Gather to create a conscious connection with Mother Earth. To create this connection, we need to heal what has separated us from her Unconditional Love. She has and will continue to be there for us, but how can we be more present and supportive of her? During this one-day event, you’ll learn a guided meditation that will consciously connect you with the Heart of Mother Earth and her earthly helpers. We’ll spend time outside in nature as weather permits. Anchor your light into matter and create heaven on earth. 9:30am – 4:30pm Saturday, Nov. 2. $98. Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, 3675 Arboretum Dr, Chaska. Info:

October 12 – Watching the Sky: A Practical Approach to ET Contact | Live: Watching the Sky: A Practical Approach to ET Contact is for anyone who has ever wondered about UFOs, other civilizations, or consciousness in general. These topics are intricately linked and will provide the foundation for our time together. We’re excited to share our experiences with you via photos and video! We’ve put together an agenda of interesting topics that will be helpful to you in pursuing your own contact experiences. Live, 9am-1pm, Saturday, Oct. 12 at DoubleTree by Hilton – Park Place, Minneapolis. Register at workshop-the-question-of-morality/

November 2 & 3 – Natural Healing Expo: This is the Premier Expo & Conference in the Mankato, MN, area providing you with back-to-back seminars, workshops and gallery events, along with over 40 exhibitors offering crystals, stones, geodes, natural beauty and nutritional products, organic skin care, jewelry, essential oils, crystals, music and books, as well as intuitive, psychic mediums, aura photos, energy and sound healing, and more, all designed to bring Holistic Wellness into your life. $5, $8 for weekend (workshops and speakers extra), 10am-6pm Saturday, 10am-4pm Sunday, at Courtyard by Marriott, 901 Raintree Rd.,

Mankato, MN. Complete details at November 2-3 – Soul Breathing™ Breath Mastery Seminar Level 1 — “I Love to Breathe” with Terri Peterson: Eliminate restrictive breathing patterns…Activate your body’s intrinsic healing process… Release old emotional and mental patterns…Connect more fully with your Soul…Feel lighter, more joyful & free. Aslan Institute, 4141 Old Sibley Memorial Hwy., Eagan. Register Early. Space is limited to 8. Fee: $425 or $375 (by October 8). Register/Info at, or contact Terri at 651.442.462 or Change your Breath, Change your Life! November 2-4 – 3 Day Pleiadian Seminar with Christine Day: Forge a new path! Receive Pleiadian initiations designed to expand your brain synapses / enhancing brain function/ unveiling your multidimensional Higher Self. Open into aspects of your sacred senses / realign to perspectives of Truth. $465 (Early Bird $425 before Sept. 6). Crown Plaza Aire, Bloomington. Register at or contact Joanne at 651.452.2895

or November 9 – Mid-Autumn Holiday Dreams: Looking for that perfect magickal gift for Yule? Join us at the Mid-Autumn Dreams! Divination, healers, psychics and many more vendors. 10am-4pm Saturday, Nov. 9 at Best Western Plus Convention Center, 2100 U.S. 12E, Willmar, MN. Info: call 320.765.2510 or November 23-24 – Healthy Life Expo™: Nutrition, Fitness, and Longevity — It’s all here! Explore up to 200 exhibitors on maintaining health and success in all areas of life! Featuring 3 Stages of ongoing speaker presentations, demonstrations and live entertainment. Free product sampling, hourly drawings and health information, tips, and ideas. Hourly prize drawings. New this year is the Yoga Stage with seminars and demonstrations. 10am-5pm daily, Saturday and Sunday, at Minneapolis Convention Center Ballroom, 1301 2nd St., Minneapolis. $6 at the door or Free with food shelf donation. See all the attractions at or call 952.238.1700.

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