Dealer Support Summer 2022

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Rise of the pods More people are seeking quiet spaces to conduct video calls in – and increasing numbers of businesses are looking to install special pods for this purpose


ideo-conferencing is now an established part of how business gets done. If a physical

not be for others in the vicinity to hear. One solution gaining popularity is purpose-built pods, where

meeting cannot be arranged, or a meeting

workers can go and have a video-conference in peace and be sure that

needs to be convened at short notice, then it is

confidentiality will be maintained. As Jeff May, UK sales director at

easy to jump onto a Zoom or Teams call to do

conferencing manufacturer Konftel, notes, more people returning to

it. So, even now that many people are back in

their offices requires more video meeting facilities. “Lots of companies

the office, demand for video-conferencing continues to increase. But, in the office, there can be problems - especially if it is open

are evaluating, and investing in, long-term strategies,” he says. “Even though more people are returning to their desks not

plan. Things like background noise and movements can provide

everyone will always be present at the same time so demand for

distractions, plus a call could contain sensitive information that may

video meetings will continue to accelerate. Companies are having to

[34] SUMMER 2022

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