Dealer Support Summer 2022

Page 18



Taking gaping opportunities Gap analysis has evolved in recent years and is now used as a proactive tool to identify missed customer opportunities and help to boost sales and profits


ap analysis has been

even greater insights.

business as to what it actually does and,

used to assess business’

“It is no longer a case of ‘You are buying

therefore, what they, as a dealer, can provide

current versus potential

our paper; did you know we can also supply

to support that activity. Rather than blanket

performance for many

your toilet rolls?’,” says Tim Beaumont, chief

cold-calling, more time will be spent

years and, for some

executive of Nemo Office Club. “Dealers are

studying what product sales do and do

dealers, it is a crucial tool. However, gap

proactively adapting to identify new gaps

not arrive against expectations, and then

analysis has evolved over recent years to

in specific customer types, taking account

identifying a means to obtain that extra

reflect the rapid change in product mix

of both changing demands and broader


and customer demand - as well as taking

product availability in our industry.”

advantage of the wealth of data that is

This means salespeople are having to

Nemo Office Club works with dealers to segment customers into categories,

available thanks to the increase in online

evolve their methods too. “Salespeople

review sales and target gaps in purchases

sales. This means it can be used to provide

are becoming more analytical, sizing up a

through marketing, including specific

[18] SUMMER 2022

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