Dealer Support June 2022

Page 38



LIVE IT Life hack When you are on holiday, keep a bar of scented soap in the same compartment of your suitcase where you keep your dirty laundry. This will help to keep your clothes smelling clean (even if they aren’t).

THUMBS West UP! Midlands’ oldest man to be baton carrier

A 109-year-old man is to be one of the carriers of the Queen’s Baton before the Commonwealth Games, BBC News reports. John Farringdon, who is thought to be the oldest man in the West Midlands, will carry the baton in Kenilworth, as it


makes its journey through the country towards Aston Hall in Birmingham on July 28, the day of the Commonwealth Games’ opening ceremony. John, who worked for Ford for more than 40 years, says that to carry the baton is “a great honour”. He is one of hundreds of people selected to carry the baton on its journey.


Quote of the month You’ve got to get up every morning with determination, if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction. George Lorimer

[38] JUNE 2022

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