Ecole Bilingue 2022-2023 Annual Report

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Magazine & Annual Report




Messages from the Head and Board


Community Strong


EB Says Goodbye


Renée Cole Clyde Volunteer Award


Academic Excellence


Experiential Learning


Student Support


Graduates in the World


A Story of Numbers


Thank You to Our Donors




In Memoriam


EB By the Numbers


3 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: Mei-Lin Ha Byers, Ellie Dunnigan, Antonette Goroch, Manon Johnson, Véronique Jordan, and Sara Nicklès. PHOTOGRAPHY: Véronique Jordan and others LAYOUT: Véronique Jordan


A STORY OF EVOLUTION Dear EB Community, EB’s story is one of evolution, rooted in the strong belief that education is not static, but a living entity that grows with the times. I envision our story as a vibrant narrative, continually being rewritten by each member of our community. Over the past year, our story has been a testament to our growth, our care for others, and our commitment to our children. EB continues to stand firm in its mission to nurture students to face tomorrow’s challenges and ensure they are prepared to impact our world. Our story is reflected in the many accomplishments over the past year: Innovation in Education: We embraced new pedagogical approaches—thanks to a plethora of teacher trainings and our faculty’s dedication to creative teaching methods, every student’s needs were met and their potential explored. Community Strength: Our bond as a tight-knit school family was on display all year, nowhere more so than during the most well-attended Marché in recent history. Seeing current, alumni, and prospective families all enjoying EB together was truly joyful. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice: Our commitment to fostering an environment of respect and inclusivity was reflected in our initiatives to promote diversity in our curriculum, faculty, and student body. We reinforced our processes to foster an inclusive community and adapted our curriculum to align with who we are. Student Success: From academics to emotional intelligence and personal growth, our students embodied success. I was proud to watch our 8th graders—who started their Middle School journey online during COVID—graduate from our doors with confidence, poise, and incredible bonds. Sustainability: We continued to prioritize sustainability: our eco-friendly initiatives and responsible resource management demonstrated our commitment to being conscientious stewards of the environment. Our students took the lead as we received a Level 2 award from the French government for being a green school. EB’s community is a reflection of our shared values and aspirations. Each accomplishment over the past year has been a vital chapter in this story and I am grateful for the strength and commitment displayed this year. I want to wholeheartedly thank every individual listed in this Annual Report for their generosity and support in creating a unique school. You, our donors and volunteers, deserve the spotlight. With your support, we can continue to write a narrative that inspires, challenges, and empowers, reaffirming our commitment to excellence in education and our dedication to nurturing a compassionate and inclusive community. Together, let’s write EB’s next chapter as we embark on creating a new Strategic Plan.

Sébastien Robert Head of School



UNE HISTOIRE D’ÉVOLUTION Chère communauté d’EB, L’histoire d’EB est celle d’une évolution, enracinée dans la conviction que l’éducation n’est pas statique mais une entité vivante qui évolue avec son temps. Je conçois notre histoire comme un récit vibrant, continuellement réécrit par chaque membre de notre communauté. Au cours de l’année écoulée, notre histoire a témoigné de notre croissance, de notre attention aux autres et de notre engagement envers nos enfants. EB reste fidèle à sa mission de préparer les élèves à relever les défis de demain et de s’assurer qu’ils sont prêts à avoir un impact sur notre monde. Notre histoire se reflète dans les nombreuses réalisations de l’année écoulée : Innovation dans l’éducation : nous avons adopté de nouvelles approches pédagogiques, grâce à pléthore de formations pour les enseignants et au dévouement de notre corps professoral à des méthodes d’enseignement créatives, les besoins de chaque élève étant satisfaits et leur potentiel exploré. La force de la communauté : les liens qui nous unissent en tant que famille scolaire soudée se sont manifestés tout au long de l’année, notamment lors du Marché le plus fréquenté de l’histoire récente de l’école. Voir les familles actuelles, les anciens élèves et les futurs parents profiter tous ensemble d’EB a été une véritable source de joie. Diversité, équité, inclusion et justice : notre engagement à favoriser un environnement de respect et d’inclusion s’est reflété dans nos initiatives visant à promouvoir la diversité dans notre programme d’études, notre corps professoral et notre corps étudiant. Nous avons renforcé nos processus pour favoriser une communauté inclusive et adapté notre programme d’études pour qu’il corresponde à ce que nous sommes. La réussite des élèves : que ce soit au niveau de leurs études ou de l’intelligence émotionnelle et du développement personnel, nos élèves ont incarné la réussite. J’ai été fier de voir nos élèves de quatrième. ceux qui ont commencé leur parcours au collège en ligne durant la pandémie, quitter l’établissement avec confiance, assurance en ayant tissé des liens incroyables. Développement durable : nous avons continué à donner la priorité au développement durable : nos initiatives écologiques et notre gestion responsable des ressources ont démontré notre engagement à être des intendants consciencieux de l’environnement. Nos élèves ont pris les devants en recevant une récompense de niveau 2 de la part du gouvernement français pour avoir été une école verte. La communauté d’EB est le reflet de nos valeurs et aspirations communes. Chaque réalisation de l’année écoulée a constitué un chapitre essentiel de cette histoire et je suis reconnaissant de la force et de l’engagement dont nous avons fait preuve cette année. Je tiens à remercier chaleureusement toutes les personnes mentionnées dans ce rapport annuel pour leur générosité et leur soutien à la création d’une école unique. Vous, nos donateurs et nos bénévoles, méritez d’être mis à l’honneur. Avec votre soutien, nous pouvons continuer à écrire un récit qui inspire, défie et responsabilise, réaffirmant notre engagement à l’excellence dans l’éducation et notre dévouement à l’épanouissement d’une communauté compatissante et inclusive. Ensemble, écrivons le prochain chapitre d’EB en nous lançant dans l’élaboration d’un nouveau plan stratégique. 2022–2023 ANNUAL REPORT





Nous souhaitons adresser toutes nos félicitations à nos élèves de quatrième, le premier groupe d’élèves à entrer à l’école secondaire au milieu des restrictions imposées par la pandémie. Leur résilience et leur force peuvent être une source d’inspiration pour chacun d’entre nous. En cette fin d’année, nous tenons à remercier chaleureusement les membres du Conseil d’Administration dont le mandat s’est achevé : Aimee Aikin, Christine Beliveau, Antoine Carrière, Gaëlle Gordon, Anne Kuhry, Chloe Le Marchand, Heather McWhinney, Hannah Stott-Bumsted, Mark Westover et Florence Zakharov. Nous tenons à remercier tout particulièrement Mark Westover qui a été Co-Président du Conseil d’Administration pendant quatre ans et Antoine Carrière qui a passé sept ans au Conseil d’Administration. Leurs contributions à EB sont nombreuses et durables. Cordialement, Priya Hidisyan

Co-Présidente du Conseil d’Administration

Valla Vakili

Co-Président du Conseil d’Administration


2022–2023 David Abernathy, Treasurer, Finance Chair Aimee Aikin, PA Anglophone Co-President Roxanna Ahlbach Alexandre Bayen

Christine Beliveau Antoine Carrière, Member at Large of ExComm Thierry Durandard Rhonda Goldstein

Pria Hidisyan, Co-Chair Brooke Howell Chloe Le Marchand Steve Levine

Sébastien Robert, Head of School Kristen Sidell Hannah Stott-Bumsted Valla Vakili

Mark Westover, Co-Chair Florence Zakharov, PA Francophone Co-President Anne Kuhry, Faculty Participant Heather McWhinney, Faculty Participant

Not pictured: Frédéric Jung, Consul Général de France Olivier-Antoine Reynes, Consul Général Adjoint Sabine de Maussion, Attachée Culturelle



Robin Brewer joins the Board as CoPresident of the Parents’ Association. Robin is a partner at Perkins Coie LLP in San Francisco, specializing in patent litigation. She received her law degree from the George Washington University Law School. Following a childhood dreaming of all things French, Robin received a Fulbright scholarship to spend a year in Lyon, France studying mechanical engineering at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, from which she received a D.E.A. Robin and her husband have two children at EB. Luc De Armey has been an elementary school teacher for 18 years and has been a teacher at EB for the last 12. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and went on to get a teaching credential and a Master of Science in Education, with a focus on Curriculum Development and Reading Intervention. As an educator, Luc’s primary goals for his students are to foster critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and kindness. Gregory Nemitz is a Bay Area native with over thirty years experience managing local and national media sales teams at Disney/ ABC, Viacom/CBS (now Paramount), and Audacy/Entercom. Greg has recently been building an advisory practice with Mahdlo Executive Advisors and is a board member for the Bay Area Chapter of Autism Society of America (SFASA), as well as on the Advisory Board for the Bay Area Chapter of Multiplying Good. He is the father of four, ages 12 to 33. Greg resides with his wife Sarah and youngest daughter Ella, an EB student, in Oakland. Yousef Nouri joins the Board as CoPresident of the Parents’ Association, where he has served in various roles since 2017. He works as a Civil and Structural Engineer at EBMUD, and designs a range of water distribution and treatment facilities. Yousef received his graduate degree from the University of Michigan. He and his wife, Ann, have one child at EB.

Xavier Quan joins the Board as a parent of two children in the Maternelle and as an EB alumnus. His academic journey culminated in a bachelor’s degree in International Studies from UC Irvine. Before his return to the Bay Area, Xavier gained experience in accounting and finance in southern California, which now complements his role as the proprietor of a small business in Oakland. Vincent Salimi has twenty years of construction management experience and has served on multiple public agencies’ boards. He served as the Mayor of Pinole in 2021–2022. Vincent studied business and civil engineering in the California state universities. Vincent and his wife have two children at EB.

Micah Stilwell is an educator and leadership coach based in Oakland. As the Director of Leadership Development at KIPP Public Schools Northern California, Micah’s expertise in K–12 instruction, change management, and educational equity empowers leaders to drive sustained organizational growth. With one child at EB, Micah’s dedication to education extends to both her professional and personal life. Marion Tobie was born in the Parisian region and spent her youth in many different cities in France. She received her Maritime Law Degree (DESS) in 1998 and her Teaching Credentials in 2002. She moved to the US in 2005 and has been teaching at EB since 2006. In her free time, Marion loves biking, rock climbing and camping.

For full trustee bios, please visit our website.



Every day at EB, we seek to embody the school’s core values: Unity, Reflection, Integrity, Zeal, Endeavor. In every class, we champion the opportunity to grow and connect. Through explorations of the natural world in garden class, bibliographic discoveries in the library, mindfulness practice with SEL, language in action during overnight trips, facing our fears of public speaking in TEDxYouth, and community events to celebrate and appreciate one another, we want to provide countless opportunities for our students to thrive. In the pages that follow, you will see glimpses of student life that embody these ideals—all made possible by the generous support of the EB community. The strongest communities are those that work together, understanding that each individual has a role to play to make them shine. We’re grateful to count ourselves among them.

Thank you. Merci.






“A school with the focus of creating global citizens immediately appealed to us… Placing our little boy in an environment that valued diversity and social justice and equity, understanding the wider society that we live in, in this country.” - André Parris, Parent



DEIJ VALUES IN ACTION As part of our continued work to be an inclusive community, EB found many opportunities to celebrate the amazing diversity of cultures, histories, and stories within our community.

SEL Coach Christopher Colebourn loves helping students recognize their feelings, saying SEL is really about “navigating our social and emotional lives and being able to understand what we go through and how to process that in a positive way, both in ourselves and in others.”

Parent volunteers share geography and history lessons during Caribbean heritage month. 14


EB dad Will Hammond regaled students during Black History Month’s Storytime, featuring beautiful books with wise (and funny!) Black lead characters.

EB celebrated Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) month with a potluck featuring delicious food and treats from across the globe. All were welcome!

For the first time, EB welcomed lion dancers to both campuses in celebration of Lunar New Year.

Spreading the love! Students and families celebrated the start of Pride Month in June.



In partnership with the Alliance Française de Berkeley, EB opened its doors in June for the Fête de la Musique, celebrating tango dance. Featuring a talk on the history of tango in



Families were treated to delicious food, live music, and fun performances during October’s World Celebrations, honoring EB’s unique and diverse community.



EB SAYS GOODBYE In June 2023, we celebrated three instrumental teachers and pillars of EB’s first and second grades: Marie-Anne Allain, Jean-Philippe Filhol and Virginie Tejero. After more than thirty years of dedication and passion in the classroom, they said goodbye to EB, leaving a storied legacy behind. While each possessed their own unique personalities and approaches—fun (Jean-Philippe), kindness (Virginie), encouragement (Marie-Anne)—they shared in common that memorable ability to transform their classrooms into families. Students were nurtured yet challenged, building strong foundations in literacy and math, while expanding their understanding of the world. Through their hard work and steadfast commitment to EB and to their students, Marie-Anne, Jean-Philippe, and Virginie have left an indelible mark on our school. As fellow teachers, former parents and friends of the community gathered to listen to heartfelt speeches and personalized songs to honor their legacies, it was clear that they will be sorely missed. We wish all three the very best in this next chapter of their lives—and we know this is not adieu, but merely à bientôt !

Marie-Anne Allain, Jean-Philippe Filhol, and Virginie Tejero toast to family and friends. 18



Renée Cole Clyde Award Recipient There are people that light up a room with enviable effortlessness. People that make you want to join in and feel special when their attention is turned onto you. People that make you smile and get excited for the fun that’s bound to come. This year’s winner of the Renée Cole Clyde Inspirational Volunteer Award is one such person. Stéphanie Ross never does anything by half measures and that was always abundantly clear in every volunteer opportunity she joined at EB. The Gala flourished under her leadership, as she chaired the biggest party of the year for six years and was involved with decor and the live auction for many more. Fantastic parties, engaging dinners, out-of-the box activities… Stéphanie spent hours organizing, planning—and sometimes purchasing!—to ensure an incredible experience for Gala guests, all in support of EB and its students. She also created the special Gourmet Week event: a week-long celebration of food, wine, and all things gourmet as another fundraising opportunity for EB. In addition to offering her own designs, Stéphanie organized the Marché vendors for many years, bringing a rich and diverse array of goods for our community to enjoy. She was always the first to offer to host an event for EB in her lovely home, where many a fun and engaging night was spent, thanks to her gracious hospitality. With her infectious charm, her natural ability to make you say “yes” to nearly anything she asked, and her wonderful laugh, Stéphanie did so much to engage and support the EB community. She was quick to welcome new parents from abroad and make them feel at home in the Bay. Devoted to her son Joseph, and to her many friends, she was always one to make you feel included and embraced the school and its diverse constituents. We are so grateful to have been able to benefit from Stéphanie’s talents and enthusiasm over many years. We will miss her and count on seeing her back at one of EB’s alumni events. Merci Stéphanie !






“We decided to send our children to a bilingual school because we wanted them to have not only the geographic ability to be in multiple places in the world, but also have the intellectual elasticity, learning in two languages.” - Sophie Yu, AFP parent

The garden program, inspired by EB alumni parent Alice Waters, teaches students about the natural world.

Congratulations to our G4 students, who were chosen as the winners of Le Festival du court-métrage scientifique 2023, a FestyFilm competition, with their video project "Les mystérieuses cordes vocales." This interdisciplinary project used music, dance, and song to explain the different scientific functions of vocal chords. Bravo !



At the Middle School, students choose two electives per trimester from among three pillars: the Arts, Technology & Sciences, and Social Awareness. Subjects like theater, coding, and leadership allow students to pursue their passions.

Preschoolers use sensory tools to work on gross and fine motor skills. Practice makes perfect! Weekly labs ensure G6–G8 students develop practical, as well as theoretical, knowledge about science.

LIBRARY REVEAL Friends and family of Mary Havemann, former teacher, and Alex Mills, former student, came out to celebrate the opening of the renovated Mary Havemann Library, featuring an amphitheater named in honor of Alex. Their memories will live on at EB for years to come. Thank you to everyone who donated to this wonderful project!

Students perform at the unveiling of the new Lower School library. The space offers many opportunities for instruction, creativity, and performance!






“Nothing compares to the exciting spark we see in our students’ eyes when they get to touch a fossil, watch an opera for the first time, see history come to life while on a field trip, hear an author tell their stories, or even taste freshly made maple syrup while in Quebec. These collective experiences outside the classroom build community and impart a zeal for life-long learning.” - Emily Kaltenbach, English Pedagogical Coordinator



The Author-in-Residence program brings authors from all over to EB’s campus. Authors spend time with students, sharing their books and explaining their processes. This year, we were delighted to welcome Kentrell Martin (below), Caroline Arnold (above), and Aram Kim (via Zoom) to EB.

Jacques Cousteau’s grandson, Philippe Cousteau, and his wife Ashlan, spent an afternoon talking with students about ocean conservation and encouraging young environmentalists in the room to stand up for the planet. G3–G5 students join real thespians on stage in their annual performance through Opéra Together, a San Francisco organization aimed at bringing opera to school-aged children across the country.




“Ce qui me rend vraiment fière de ce qu’on fait à EB, c’est qu’on prend l’enfant dans son entièreté, avec ses forces et ses faiblesses, et on essaye de faire en sorte que ses faiblesses deviennent les forces.” - Margot Lopes, Kindergarten French Teacher

“What makes me very proud of what we do at EB is that we consider the holistic nature of each child, with their strengths and weaknesses, and we work to turn those weaknesses into strengths.”






Students are at the heart of what we do at EB. We believe that students do best when each individual child has what they need to thrive. To achieve this, our teachers have been trained in the best and latest pedagogical tools to support their students, such as Neurodiversity, Universal Design for Learning, Positive Discipline, Responsive Classroom, and Restorative Justice. Additionally, teachers work closely with our SST, Student Support Team, to ensure that all students get what they need, from language development and literacy support, to socialemotional and executive functioning skills. Our SST, composed of nine members, is present at every grade level. They work hard to partner with families to provide every child with the best experience possible. Thank you to our teachers and support staff!






“Decades later, EB still feels like home to me. I will never forget so many people— administrators, teachers, and students alike—who shaped my worldview and helped raise me.” - Laura Spiekerman, Alumna (‘00) and Current Parent



Grade 8E

Grade 8B



Class of 2019 heads off to college! Paige Arnold Jack Bell Felix Bloemraad Sarah Borchani Maia Brockstedt Charlotte Carmany Cosette Charron Mia Chocron Gaspard Choquet Eva Despret Nheletie Donovan Angelie Estill Ivan Ewers Nartan Frucht Léonor Garre Mauro Green Alizé Griffin Charles Hall Hanna Harrelson Jaylen Hett Nicole Keller Alex Kelly August Kennedy Katherine Kot Eytan Le Pape Céleste Martin Meara McCarthy Jayden Moore Nikola Nikolin Kira Rao-Poolla Clarisse Ritter Xavier Thornton Niepa Westerman Eneko ValenzuelaAperribay

UNIVERSITIES Academy of the Arts Amherst College DePaul University NYU Pomona College Rice University Santa Clara University Syracus University Univeristy of British Colombia University of Pennsylvania Tulane University UC Berkeley UC Irvine UCLA UC Merced UC San Diego UC Santa Cruz USC



ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT AWARDEE MICHELLE BRESLAUER CLASS OF 1994 It is a pleasure to introduce Michelle Breslauer, recipient of EB’s 2023 Alumni Spotlight Award. A proud graduate of EB’s class of 1994 (having attended all the way from K to G8), Michelle currently holds a leadership position in the governance and peace portfolio at the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. With her impressive expertise, she guides over 15,000 companies across 160 countries and 69 local networks to align their operations and strategies with respect to human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. Michelle’s journey from EB’s classrooms to her current achievements at the UN is a testament to the profound impact of a bilingual immersion education. Her story exemplifies some of our most cherished values at EB—academic curiosity, cultural inclusivity, and a commitment to making a true difference in the world. We were lucky enough to have this intimate conversation with Michelle over the summer, discussing topics from favorite EB memories to how her experience at EB helped shape her for the inspiring role she plays now at the UN!

“[ Your children] are “[Your receiving an amazing benefit for how their brain develops and how they see the world.” world.”

Use the QR code above to watch the interview 38



“I do feel like I’m a citizen of the world.” What did you enjoy most about your time at EB and why? It was a really nurturing environment. The small classes made it easy to interact with the rest of the community. I’m an only child, and my mom and dad really put in the effort to create a community around EB. My parents got involved in the Auction, and all of our dinner parties at home involved parents and kids at EB. I would love to pass the community on to my daughter. Please describe your current work/ studies. I’m a public defender in San Francisco. When I went to law school, I did internships in the public defender’s office, and I did one for the City of San Francisco, which was the absolute mecca of public defense in the whole country. It is amazing to be that advocate for people. It has been an absolute dream and pleasure doing this work. How do you feel EB has influenced you or led you towards your choice of profession? The notion of inclusivity and community probably had a huge effect on my desire to go into a field where I would be in service. EB is a grounding place to go to school— those values are instilled in you and inspire you to give back to whatever community you came from, and to

become a meaningful member of that community. What would you say to parents just starting out at EB? Take a leap of faith, and know that everything that EB offered to me and my family was something positive. We had an opportunity to grow our community and expand our horizons. I’m still happy that I went to EB after 41 years of life. The community you have and the people you reach out to and lean on is everything. Describe your favorite EB memory. The best gift EB gave me was the international exchange trip. It was a really scary experience at first to be placed with a family outside of the city of Lyon in the countryside. That school trip ultimately gave me a forever family-friend in France. We are still close. We visited in 2019 before the pandemic hit, and we stayed at their house for two weeks. Their children are my age and I would love to take my daughter there to meet them and their kids. When you create a life-lasting relationship with another country, it stays with you. You become open-minded to the experience of traveling and different customs. For some, that exchange trip is so important since it’s one of their first experiences traveling abroad and becoming immersed in other ways of life.

Do you feel that EB adequately prepared you for life after EB? EB has absolutely prepared me for the next step in life, and I do feel like I’m a citizen of the world. EB gives you that cultural education early on. Opening your eyes to one other culture helps you open your eyes to another (and another…). Would you consider sending your child to EB? 100% I would, for the opportunity to give my daughter that bilingual and bicultural education. Selfishly, I would also want to continue that tradition of attending EB, and to reconnect with that community. Anything else you’d like to add? When you’re a kid, you don’t think about how important it is to learn and become fluent in another language. When you enter adulthood, you realize how valuable it is. Over the years, people have told me, “who needs to know French?” But it has helped me in a lot of different ways—it has helped me communicate with many of my clients in Spanish. 2022–2023 ANNUAL REPORT


GABRIEL LIBOIRON-COHEN CLASS OF 2001 What did you enjoy most about your time at EB and why? I enjoyed the multi-cultural diversity that Ecole Bilingue provided, with the common thread of the French language to bind us all together. I loved/love that I built a community that I still rely on to this day. My closest friends in the world are some of the classmates I met while attending EB, and even some of my teachers have remained a part of my life through adulthood. I enjoy that the people I met during the phase of my life where I was discovering an identity, have seen me through and supported me throughout all my phases. Please describe your current studies. I am currently completing a Doctor of Audiology residency through the University of the Pacific (Class of 2024) at the Berkeley Hearing Center around the corner from EB. In the before times of pre-Covid-19, my wife and I were opera singers/ voice teachers, living in Austin, TX when the world shut down. To make a really long story short, my wife was 8+ months pregnant, and we were instantly both out of work. I hatched a plan that serendipitously led to me discovering that Speech-Language Pathology school were often attached to Audiology schools. I already had a Master’s in Operatic performance, and since I swore that I would never return to school, I needed to earn a doctorate or nothing else. I needed my new job to be in the health field, and I needed to be home in order to watch my children grow. 40


I made all of my deadlines by mere hours. I needed prerequisite courses; I got them. I applied for one program; I got in. Now I am a singing specialist of hearing loss and balance disorders. Life is strange and beautiful. I have found a source of daily mitzvah that restores peoples hearing, protects cognition, and helps people to communicate with family, friends and community when they have previously been unable, or have had real difficulty. Simply put, I needed my job to have purpose. How do you feel EB has influenced you or led you towards your choice of profession? My EB education has helped me a million times as a singer. My EB education has also helped me in many ways as an audiologist. My patients are of all different cultures, speak all different languages, and my cosmopolitan upbringing enables me to connect with all kinds of diverse groups of people. I feel that EB has enabled me to live a full life of travel through my music, afforded me a wider scope of influence as a healthcare provider, and enhanced my enjoyment of both avenues in an invaluable way. What would you say to parents just starting out at EB? My EB education has helped me This is my daughter’s first year—she just turned three! She is in PS/ MS, and if I could say one thing to parents about starting here, it’s that there will be challenges. Growing up is hard. The obstacles and life lessons you face as a kid

can’t be anticipated. As parents, we straddle the line between overprotecting and letting our children find themselves in freedom.

“EB nurtured a will to discover and explore my world.” For me, EB nurtured a will to discover and explore my world. EB enabled me to feel comfortable in a multitude of different scenarios, with different types of people. This is something I do not need to only wish for, for my daughters. The answer is on 9th and Heinz. The best thing I could think of to help my daughters flourish into whomever they want to become, or turn on a dime in a worldwide crisis, was to start them at EB. I want them to know that they are smart enough to do anything they are willing to work for, creative enough to problem solve, and as a parent, to give them a wide toolbox to make it happen. I needed to ensure them that same opportunity of discovery and recovery that I was afforded, and that’s why I sent Hezekiah here, and when Hadriel is old enough, her too.


What did you enjoy most about your time at EB and why? What I enjoyed most about my time at EB was growing up in a small nurturing community. It was very easy to know and have personal connections to the amazing teachers. This allowed me to learn French but not feel pressured about asking questions when I was confused. Having a small cohort also learning around me allowed me to make some lifelong friends. One of my best friends is also another EB alum. Please describe your current work/studies. I am in my third year of university at Arizona State University. I am getting my degree in Global Management with a Minor in Chinese Studies. I currently focus on West Africa as well as China. I am currently doing a semester abroad where I was studying for six weeks in Singapore and then twelve weeks in Paris. During my semester abroad, I was part of an Internship in Paris in which the only spoken language between me and my boss was French. Thankfully, this was not a problem as I had learned French at EB when I was much younger.

How do you feel EB has influenced you or led you towards your choice of profession? I’m still working on exactly what profession I am going to end up with, but EB has helped shift me towards a global mindset. Ever since graduating from EB I knew that whatever it was I pursued would have to be globally focused. With my French knowledge and seedlings of Mandarin Chinese from Mr. Choo I wanted to use the skills I learned to help the world. EB has allowed me to be a globally-minded person with a focus on more than just the United States. What would you say to parents just starting out at EB? Raising a child with a bilingual or even more languages is one of the most important things you can do for your child. They may not enjoy the learning process now, but they will be thankful. Speaking more than one language opens so many opportunities abroad as well in life. You never know how it will be beneficial in their personal lives.

Describe your favorite memory from EB. Some of my favorite memories are running around with my friends at recess in middle school. We would play 4-square at lunch and just sit and talk. The memories that talk to me the most are simply being surrounded by my friends on the playground. I know that they redid the grade school playground which looks so beautiful now.

“EB has allowed me to be a globally minded person…”




What did you enjoy most about your time at EB and why? I enjoyed the small community. I went to EB from Kindergarten to eighth grade, and same with my brother, four years older than I am. I felt like teachers knew me due to my brother, and I felt so much comfort in that. Additionally, the small class sizes allowed for much more intimate relationships with classmates and teachers, something that I think was really helpful to allow me personally to understand and learn from people who are different than I am.

What would you say to parents just starting out at EB? Enjoy. Get to know your child’s teachers, get to know the staff, get to know the other students. It is a wonderful and small community, I would just want to encourage everyone to take advantage of it.

Please describe your current work/ studies. I work at Reddit as a backend software engineer. I work specifically on a team that focuses on building new products that are fun and engaging to benefit the platform as a whole. Recently, I worked on a project allowing digital creators to sell their art on Reddit, in the form of NFT avatars. How do you feel EB has influenced you or led you towards your choice of profession? I believe my year at EB was the first to have a laptop program in middle school. I think this program explains why I work in technology today. It also helped put me ahead of my peers, by introducing typing classes with Mme Pluche, on top of our informatique class in elementary school. For this reason, I am grateful for EB’s ability to stay up to date and even ahead of the trends, as I experienced with the laptop program. 42


Describe your favorite memory from EB. My favorite memory is a compilation of memories from middle school: when we would play foot square during almost any recess or lunch period. (Foot square is like four square, but with your feet.) It required only a painted (or chalk-drawn) square on the ground, 10-feet long, divided into quarters. This memory sticks with me as it reminds me that we did not need to have a beautiful school track, or lawn to have fun together. Times were quite simple and good.

Do you feel that EB adequately prepared you for life after EB? Do you feel you are a citizen of the world? Yes. I think EB provided me with two ways of looking at every one thing. Having two math classes and two PE classes and two history classes, etc, helped me subconsciously understand that nothing has just one meaning or interpretation. On top of that, I had students in my class whose cultures spoke French, but they were not French. This multifaceted approach to my childhood, as opposed to being raised speaking one language with people more similar to me, helped me be open minded and curious. Would you consider sending your children to EB? Why? I would encourage them. In addition to the community and special moments I mentioned above, I believe being raised bilingual has allowed me to think quickly. And being raised bicultural has allowed me to be closer to being a citizen of the world.

Every year, EB’s Alumni Committee shows up, in spirit and in practice, to support the school’s events and programs, and to help maintain connections between EB and its alumni community. We’re grateful to work with such amazing partners to create a rich and meaningful experience post EB!

Alumni Committee Members Becky Andersen Golriz Ardebili Andrea BacigalupoLee Julianne Balmain Brigitte Bastrenta Anne Brandon, Co-Chair Pat Burns Christine Chapon Tina ChenChardonnet Awatif Chirar Danielle Clements Steve Cook Tamara Daney Clélia Donovan Thierry Durandard Luz de la Riva Fériel El Ghaoui Fabiola Etienne Daniela Fal Marcella Fasso

Joan Finnie Ladan Gehring Hilary Goldman Amy Gordon-Risz Hülya Gürtuna Ann Hasse Brooke Hauch Joyce Hemmer Elizabeth Herzberg Virginia Hoyt Devyani Jain Florence Kragen Steve Levine Vivian Lopez Nasi Maghsoudnia White Michelle Maguire Tina Meyer Michael Morris Susan Nehme Kim Nogay Brenda Ogburn Fatima Osman

Gloria Polanski Natalie Powell Ritu Rai Rick Richetta Karma Roberts Cottie Rood Roberte Rountree Marie-José Sat Vicki Schumb, Co-Chair Caroline Steele Joan Steele Nathalie DuboisStringfellow Nathalie Valette Jacqueline Van Lang Susan VinluanMorrison Priscilla Wanerus Demir Worthington Azadeh Yazdi, Co-Chair

Alumni Committee members have a long-standing tradition of serving the graduating eighth grade families at their celebratory Graduation Dinner in June.

Current and former staff, parents, and alumni were joined by Alumni Committee members to celebrate our three retiring teacher honorees.

EB hosted its first Fête de la Musique, in partnership with the Alliance Française de Berkeley, this past June where attendees enjoyed live music and tango dancing. Alumni parents cheerfully worked the door and bar for this fun event! 2022-2023 ANNUAL REPORT





“The rigorous way that EB behaves has been beneficial in getting me to the level that I would be accepted [at College Prep]. They are really good at nurturing that intellectual interest students have, whether it’s with math, like me, or with art or writing.” - Hank Roberts (‘23)




Mei-Lin Ha Byers

Director of Development & Communications

Antoine Portales

Director of Business & Finance

$784,442 (gross) UNRESTRICTED (net $74,299) (net $40,961)

La Place du Marché (net $3,492) Retail Rebates

$491,102 $147,787 $43,979

62.61% 18.84% 5.61%

$19,213 $941

2.45% 0.12%

$49,166 $28,683 $3,350 $220

6.27% 3.66% 0.43% 0.03%

RESTRICTED Fund For the Future Endowment Funds Library Funds Field Mithoefer Memorial Fund

100% participation from Trustees, Staff & Faculty!






2. Ancillary Programs and Other Revenues



3. Annual Fund



4. Events and Other Gifts



5. AEFE Subsidy (French Government)






1. Salaries and Benefits



2. Tuition Assistance



3. Facilities



4. General and Administrative



5. Instructional Programs



6. Debt Service



7. Loss on Disposal of Assets (Refinancing)









THANK YOU TO OUR 2022–2023 DONORS As the largest fundraiser of the year, the Annual Fund plays a pivotal role in supporting EB’s operating budget, and ensuring an exceptional experience for our students and teachers, every day. From buying library books to installing new flooring, supporting teacher benefits to bringing visiting artists to school, the Annual Fund infiltrates every aspect of school life. Without it, we could not hope to be the school we are today.


A heartfelt thank you to our parents, faculty and staff, alumni parents, alums, grandparents and friends for their strong and unfaltering support—thanks to your generosity, $491,102 was used to strengthen our programs, people, and spaces.


We are humbly aware that our success is due to the work of our incredible parent volunteers, who spend hours ensuring our parent community—our most stalwart supporters—understands the importance of standing together and committing to EB. Thanks to them, a recordbreaking 92% of families join in this crucial effort. We would like to especially thank our two fantastic Co-Chairs: Stephanie Battle and Susan Collier Thomakos. Their persistent drive, enthusiasm, and unfailing good spirits led us unerringly to the finish line. Thank you to all who contributed—you make EB the vibrant school we know and love. Mille mercis !

Annual Fund Participation Rates n 100% Trustees n 100% Administration & Staff n 100% Faculty n

92% Parents 2022–2023 ANNUAL REPORT



Anonymous (1)

Ambassadeur ($10,000– $14,999)

Emma and Eric Gimon Anonymous (1)

Emissaire ($5,000–$9,999) Roxanna and Greg Ahlbach Aimee Aikin and Dan Widmaier (MG) Arrow Benefits Group Naomi Black (MG) Susan Collier Thomakos and Panayiotis Thomakos David Grewal and Daniela Cammack Jonathan and Anne-Karen Hunt (MG) Tenzing Joshi and Lowry Kirkby Musa Mawanda and Digne Nahimana Gideon Myles and Stephanie Battle Xavier and Evelyn Quan (MG) Sébastien and Marjorie Robert Michael Roberts and Mindy Longinotti David and Laura Schummers Victor Shnayder and Anne Collins (MG) Larry Southern Donald Thompson and Laura Kuhlemann Bill and Micki Turner Florence and Valeriy Zakharov (MG) Anonymous (4)



Consul ($2,300–4,999)

Rabea and Anna Aridi Alexandre Bayen and Zoe Abrams (MG) Ghessycka and Jebel Bennett Maxime Boulet-Audet and Fujia Chen Antoine Carrière and Irina Wolf Carrière (MG) Pablo Chang and Julien Brasseur Ted and Tania Davis Jean-Gaël Collomb and Maria DiGiano (MG) Michael Davitiashvili and Anya Boro Katherine Dawson and Jeremy Bled Peter Demarest and Kim Klaus (MG) Peter Dillon and Deidra Moss Alexandra Erman Jeremy Fanucchi and Paola Meta (MG) Rhonda and Jacob Goldstein (MG) Google Inc. Joseph and Meghna Greenwald (MG) Yvette and David Hatton (MG) Pria Hidisyan and Benjamin Gold Aaron Hirsh and Veronica Volny Brooke and Justin Howell Jeff and Annie Iden (MG) Max Kozlov and Tatiana Pavlova (MG) Jesse Kulp and Vasa Kuzmanovska (MG) Sébastien Léger and Chasa ToliverLéger (MG) James Levine and Angela Jacobson Rebecca and Kevin Lunde John MacFarlane and Colleen Boyle Kirill Mazin and Gwen Coyne (MG)

Paola Meta and Jeremy Fanucchi (MG) Alain Montiel Gregory Nemitz and Sarah Sawyer Adam Noily and Maia Beyler-Noily Yousef Nouri and Ann Winterman (MG) Sim Alexandre Peyron and Olivera Marjanovic-Peyron Antoine and Melissa Portales Guillaume Privat and Alexandra Thusy-Privat (MG) Ogi Radic and Melissa Maquilan Radic Ed Rogers and Julie Shackleton (MG) Christopher Rohstedt and Kimberly Taylor (MG) Joseph and Susannah Rose (MG) Aaron Ross Matthew Schriock and Margaux Bennett Ty Shemin and Jessika Croizat Robert Sherwood and Zeynep Atalay Kristen Sidell and Paul-André Abboud Charlie and Meredith Speight (MG) Kenneth Stevens Timothy and Micah Stilwell Edouard Swiac and Lauren Gruber Bryon Sutherland (MG) Nicholas Szeto and Gordon Runnels (MG) Ning Tang and Qingfang Wu Amee Tsai Léo Vacher and Julie Jin Valla and Sheida Vakili Anthony and Ilke Ventre David and Heather Way Anonymous (4)

Attaché ($1,000–$2,299) Sundeep Ahuja and Jacqueline Nguyen Bassem Al-Sady and Hana El-Samad Rimas Avizienis and Kathryn Gies

Diplomate ($500 to $999) Hervé Bruckert and Emari Dimagiba

Dominique Bowie Angelica Bowlin Eleanor Boyle Anne Brandon Eric and Alexandra Brandt

Rodocker Carol Battle Lassalle

Membre (Up to $499)

Boittin Suna Yalaz-Angell and Jonathon Angell Artur Zawadzki and Anna Zawadzka (MG) Anonymous (8)

Espinoza Tarak and Christine Borchani Nordine Boulhais Sam Bower and Hiromi Ui

Marlène Germain Gregory Germe and Emi Fujita Anne-Sophie Giordani-Annibali and Thomas Gaucher Stavros Gadinis and Katerina Linos 2022–2023 ANNUAL REPORT


Mathew Glaser and Maureen Cane Jazmin Gonzales Flores Antonette Goroch Richard and Gretchen Grant Patricia Grob Saptarshi Guha and Sheetal Kapani (MG) Mariana Guzman Brian Gzowski and Lauren Barcelon Mike and Pat Gzowski Ann Hasse Ramin and Amy Hedayatpour Bela and Shikiri Hightower-Gaskin Virginia and Phil Hoyt Veda Igbinedion Joseph Imwalle and Bridget Dolfi Manon and Adam Johnson Véronique and Sean Jordan Carrie Kahle Emily Kaltenbach Tanny Keeler and Kent Hodgetts Katherine Keeler-Hodgetts Donald Kelley and Susan Getman Hana and Naji Khabbaz Frédéric and Olga Klopp Florence and Jules Kragen Randy Kreidt and Jenai Driscoll Kreidt Bruce Kuhlemann Anne Kuhry Marie-Paule and Richard Laden Raina Lawler Hannah Lê and Edmund Lee Hayne and Kit Leland Odile Leland-Arizmendi and Javier Arizmendi Jean-Marie Letellier Steve Levine Nicolas Loncle and Amy Pooler Fred Lonsdale Margot Lopes Carla Maia François and Amanda Mairesse Merideth and Thomas Marschak Antoine and Chase Martin Lloyd and Elmas Martin Scott McMullin and Shirley Navarro Heather McWhinney Pourya Mesbah and Andrea Barnetche (MG) Tina, Michael, and Joshua Meyer Alison Michael and Jennifer MichaelStevens Kamran and Anosha Misaghi Meliza Mokrani Béatrice Morand Frank Morrison and Susan VinluanMorrison Virginie Mounkala-Nkodia Ian Mountjoy and Emma Uwodukunda Matthew and Joséphine Nadler Theresa Nelson and Bernard Smits Sara Nicklès Miriam Ortiz-Ford and Durand Ford Joe Parreira



André and Solange Parris Yael Perez Louis Philipperon and Clémence Capart Teneasha Pierson and Elhadji Thior Marc-Antoine Pignon and Camille Rossi Mateusz and Agnieszka Ploskon Mark and Tracy Poff Christian Poirier and Naima Ezana Gloria Polanski and Jean-Luc Szpakowski Olga Popova and David Gay Jano Porter Mercedes Portillo DeAndre Ragland Emma and Xavier Ragot Raphael Rehbock and Megan Pattison Elodie Resurreccion Laurent Rigobert and Ethel Brennan Helen Roder Jeffrey Rodriguez Roberte Rountree Vadim Rozenbaum and Jekaterina Osipova David Rust and Joy Smith Noelle Sadler and Quentin Delory Benjamin Safdi and Cynthia GerleinSafdi Harinet Sahle and Adey Hagos Joël Saint-Cilien and Dona Bellow Marie-Elise Sallat and José-Luis Villasante Daniel Shawel and Saba Kassu Jason Shiga and Alina Collier Arnaud Silvarelli and Emmanuelle Rigaux Noelle Simmaly Alison Skubic Mike and Katie Slemmer (MG) Gary Smith and Coline David Chinzalée Sonami and Andrew Turner George Speckman Brendan and Diane Speechley Phil Stanhope Caroline Steele Harold Stevens and Edward Sweet Stephanie Sullivan Nicolas Tackett and Kan Liu Benjamin and Reise Tanner Virginie Tejero Kathryn Thai Misikir Tilahun and Misgana Bogale Marion Tobie Laura Truffaut-Wong and Stephen Wong Caroline Vantighem Gisèle Villiger Greg and Radawna Wallace Lynne Wander and Pamela Waxman Priscilla Wanerus and Eric Hughes Nick Waugh and Riley Bove Jamie Williams and Nancy Dinh (MG)

Danya Winterman Brian Wu and Ellen Yu Abhi Yadav and Rachana Mehta Ari Yampolsky and Emmanuelle Soichet Azadeh Yazdi Sophie Yu and Christopher Mortweet Simona Zompì and Gregory Paolino Milan Zydow Anonymous (35) MG: Matching Gift Recipient Please Note: Every effort has been made to avoid errors, misspellings, and omissions. If, however, your name was in some way listed incorrectly or omitted, please accept our sincere apologies. At a convenient time, please notify Véronique Jordan at the EB Development Office at, so that our records can be corrected.

81 families made leadership gifts of $2,300+







Vincent Salimi and Monika Hix Victor Shnayder and Anne Collins Gabriel and Amanda Sibley Arnaud Silvarelli and Emmanuelle Rigaux Elhadji Thior and Teneasha Pierson Brian Turner and Emilie Mazzacurati Valla and Sheida Vakili Ilke and Anthony Ventre Jason Wojcechowskyj and Nathalie Boittin Sophie Yu and Christopher Mortweet Anonymous (5)


Thiago Da Costa and Suzy Lord Peter Demarest and Kim Klaus Andre Dixon Luis Fracica and Jennie Levitt Gregory Germe and Emi Fujita Meghna and Joseph Greenwald Brian Gzowski and Lauren Barcelon Annie and Jeff Iden Siamak Jafari and Christina Daniel-Jafari David and Kimberly Langer Hannah Lê and Edmund Lee

Musa Mawanda and Digne Nahimana Louis Philipperon and Clémence Capart Marc Piette and Arum Kang Xavier and Evelyn Quan Ogi Radic and Melissa Maquilan Radic Benjamin Safdi and Cynthia Gerlein-Safdi Alexander Schopff and Emma Pollack Robert Sherwood and Zeynep Atalay Brendan and Diane Speechley Sanju Thomman and Erin Egan Léo Vacher and Julie Jin Dan Widmaier and Aimee Aikin Abhi Yadav and Rachana Mehta Nadia Zaks and Aaron Rust Anonymous (7)



KINDERGARTEN • 93% Ludovic Bellier and Tania Tinoco Espinoza Maxime Boulet-Audet and Fujia Chen Jérôme Bouvard and Stéphanie Poulain Sam Bower and Hiromi Ui Eric and Alexandra Brandt Pierre Chaussat and Claire Premont David and Fiordalissa Cooper Reshma and Karim Damji Michael Davitiashvili and Anya Boro Peter Dillon and Deidra Moss Julie and Fallon Eloy-Defauw Stavros Gadinis and Katerina Linos Matthew Goff and Dushka Hernandez David Grewal and Daniela Cammack Urdaneta Melo




Misikir Tilahun and Misgana Bogale Shuo Zhang Anonymous (8)

THIRD GRADE • 100% Erik Marinovich and Dana Johnston Marinovich Adam and Julie Menter Ian Mountjoy and Emma Uwodukunda Marc-Antoine Pignon and Camille Rossi Susannah and Joseph Rose Larry Southern and Erica Chan Nicolas Tackett and Kan Liu Ning Tang and Qingfang Wu Amee Tsai Dan Widmaier and Aimee Aikin Jamie Williams and Nancy Dinh Anonymous (8)

Bassem Al-Sady and Hana El-Samad Sacha Badame Ghessycka and Jebel Bennett Naomi Black Jean-Gaël Collomb and Maria DiGiano Peter Demarest and Kim Klaus Nathan Dison and Heather Hardwick Naomi Edelson and Christopher Evans Jérémie Febvre and Charlotte Attry Shara Hashemi and Jacob Reid Yvette and David Hatton Joseph Imwalle and Bridget Dolfi Ashley and Anneliese Jameson Randy Kreidt and Jenai Driscoll Kreidt

Andrew Linn and Cinthia Tirado Musa Mawanda and Digne Nahimana Angela and Sylvestre Marlaud Gideon Myles and Stephanie Battle Yousef Nouri and Ann Winterman Nadège Oparin-Thorez and Ilya Oparin Antoine and Melissa Portales Stéphanie Poulain and Jérôme Bouvard Nicholas Szeto and Gordon Runnels Donald Thompson and Laura Kuhlemann Christopher Williams and Heidi Hawthorne Ari Yampolsky and Emmanuelle Soichet Florence and Valeriy Zakharov Anonymous (9)



Jonathon Angell and Suna Yalaz-Angell Alexandre Bayen and Zoe Abrams Lynn and Richard Bentley Hervé Bruckert and Emari Dimagiba Andrea Cavallo and Kyle Jeffers Luc and Leah De Armey Julie Elie Michael Elie Gregory Germe and Emi Fujita Eric and Emma Gimon Rhonda and Jacob Goldstein Patricia Grob Kelley and Joshua Hinds Andrew Linn and Cinthia Tirado

Mindy Longinotti and Michael Roberts Musa Mawanda and Digne Nahimana Matthew and Joséphine Nadler Voytek Okreglak and Isabelle Le Blanc Laura and David Schummers Gary Smith and Coline David Bryon Sutherland Nick Waugh and Riley Bove Danya Winterman Anonymous (4)

SIXTH GRADE • 97% Jeremy Bled and Katherine Dawson Antoine Carrière and Irina Wolf Carrière Karima Chemeur Andre Dixon Robert and June Dudley Naomi Edelson and Christopher Evans Alexandra Erman Pria Hidisyan and Benjamin Gold Marc and Gabrielle Hedlund Noah and Pauline Lopez





Maria Reyes and Aykut Akcaoglu Sébastien and Marjorie Robert Aaron Ross Marie-Elise Sallat and José-Luis Villasante Marjorie and Dirk Setchko Kristen Sidell and Paul-André Abboud Mike and Katie Slemmer Brian Wu and Ellen Yu Anonymous (4)




Alex Mills Memorial Fund

Gifts in honor of…

Kenneth Dunphy Bruce Mills

• Noor Birwadker Greg and Radawna Wallace

Mary Havemann Library Fund

• Sara and Sofia Borcharni Christine and Tarak Borchani

Richard and Heidi Hintz

• Renee Cole Clyde Manon Johnson Loy Sheflott • JG Collomb Ann DiGiano • Daisy and Hardy Cooper David and Fiordalissa Cooper • Maya Degrafinried Scott McMullin • Ayden Leandrew Dixon and Anna Lee Dixon Andre Dixon • Deborah EisemanSanchez Rachel Tanner • Johannes Gleiter Roberta and John Gleiter



• Carver Hedlund Gabrielle and Marc Hedlund

Gifts in memory of…

• Justin and Gavin Hughes Priscilla Wanerus and Eric Hughes

• Maria da Conceicao Tavares Parreira Joe Parreira

• Bennett Iden Mark and Linda Wolfson • Luka and Zara Marinovich Dana Marinovich • Claire McFarlane Eleanor Boyle • Isla Oldani Mary Rodocker and Robert Badame • Joe Parreira Margaux Bennett and Matthew Schriock • Noah Roder Helen Roder • Jeannette Rouger (EB’s first Head) Katherine KeelerHodgetts Tanny Keeler •

• Douglas Courtney Morgan Courtney

• Dr. Andrzej K. Goroch Antonette Goroch • Norman Gordon Maer and JoAnna Ben-Yisrael • Colin Hasse Anne Hasse • Filomena Patullo Meta Paola Meta and Jeremy Fanucchi • Thomas Nolan Sean Nolan

EB’s Endowment was founded in 2002, during the school’s 25th anniversary. Since then, the three funds that make up the Endowment have continued to grow steadily, through the generosity of parents and alumni parents. EB’s class of 2023 continued the tradition of the Class Gift to the Endowment with a group donation of $25,956. A big thank you to Maria Reyes and Yvette Hatton for their leadership in this worthy effort! EB is committed to growing its Endowment to ensure a strong and sustainable future for our school. Join us! Reach out to to learn more. Current Value of Endowment Funds*: Silver Jubilee Endowment Fund


EB Class Gift Endowment Fund


EB Fund for Excellence


Morgan Stanley Endowment Fund


Endowment Donors Gaëlle Feliz Tanny Keeler and Kent Hodgetts Schwab Charitable

G8 Class Gift Parent Donors

Ghessycka and Jebel Bennett Hervé Bruckert and Emari Dimagiba Sarah Drouhin Alexandra Erman G8 Class Gift Student Gabriela Gonzalez Yvette and David Donors Hatton Luc Abboud Alexandra LaGatta Ayla Akcaoglu Jennifer and Raphael Sebastian Barker Le Thery Nitai BenDavid Mindy Longinotti and Noah Bennett Michael Roberts Marielle Bled Antoine and Chase Josephine Bylo Chacon Martin Rubi Cruse John McCarthy and Gideon Erman Beeson Sodabeh Fazollahi Beatrix Hatton Thomas Odermatt and Maximilian La Gatta Yumi Nakao Samira McCarthy Emma and Xavier Aryana Misaghi Ragot Nori Odermatt-Nakao Maria Reyes and Aykut Eliott Ragot Akcaoglu Henry Raz Sébastien and Marjorie Valentin Robert Robert Henry Roberts Aaron Ross Carys Setchko Kristen Sidell and Lorelei Vasques dos Paul-André Abboud Santos-Moore Mike and Katie Slemmer Ava Wu Brian Wu and Ellen Yu Anonymous(1) Anonymous(1) G5 Class Gift Donors Mei-Lin Ha Byers and Wayne Byers



EB GALA “LA VIE EN ROSE” Thank you to our attendees and donors for making our La Vie en Rose Gala a successful and enchanting evening! Special thanks go out to Chair Katie CrepeauHarm and our fabulous Gala Committee for all their hard work!


Lynn Bentley Chase-Spiekerman Family EB Board of Trustees Fiordalissa Cooper Emma and Eric Gimon Sean Nolan and Kristen Koblik Jennie Levitt Kili and Louise McGowan Adriana Parcero and Rodrigo Castaneda Sébastien and Marjorie Robert Aaron Ross Maria Ross Marie-Elise Sallat and José-Luis Villasante Daniela Strijleva Hiromi Ui Heather and David Way SILENT AUCTION DONORS

David Abernathy, Subpar Lauren Barcelon Bay Area Discovery Museum Benchmark Climbing Lynn Bentley


California Bach Society Bénédicte Cambon-Ritter Andrea Cavallo & EB Students Cheese Board Collective Chez Panisse Jonathan Cotté, Griffin Judo CuriOdessey Dashe Cellars Dave Larot Yoga Melanie Dunn Hartenfels, Breaking Stereos Gabriel Evanno and K-B Students Emma and Eric Gimon Shara Hashemi Daniel Hoffman, Infinite Visions Services Idle Cellars Kitchen on Fire Tiphaine Lamolinerie, Peps Aquarel Jean-Claude Langer Vivi Lenoir Photography Chase Martin Julie and Adam Menter Meliza Mokrani, WORTHY Self Care Joséphine Nadler Dr Shay Nicholas, Kintsu MedSpa & Wellness Magali Noth Oakland A’s Oakland Zoo Picante Francky Perez, French Morning Pump It Up Oakland Emma Ragot and G2-A Students Maria Reyes and Aykut Akcaoglu

Sébastien and Marjorie Robert Matthew Roder, L’Acajou Bakery and Café San Francisco 49ers Semifreddi’s Ghenwa Serhan, UShine SFMOMA Ellen Shershow Photography Alain Shocron, La Noisette Sweets Kristen Sidell and Paul André Abboud Chinzalée Sonami, Pala Ceramics Steve Sullivan, ACME Bread Virginie Tejero La Tourangelle Micha Turner UC Berkeley Athletics Brian Watt, KQED Heather and David Way, Tip Top Bike Shop Camille Winet, Camille Design SF Florence Zakharov Raffle and Game Donors Anthony Lynch, Kermit Lynch Wine Merchant John McCarthy and Suzie Fazlollahi SPECIAL THANKS

Mario and Sarah Assadi, GreenerPrinter Meliza Mokrani Hiram Simon, Wine Wise

FUND FOR THE FUTURE COMFORT AND BELONGING IN THE OUTDOOR LEARNING ENVIRONMENT This year’s special fund was dedicated to enhancing our students’ outdoor spaces. A huge thank you to our donors who contributed $49,166 for our kids and teachers. Many of these generous gifts have already been put to use: in the newly created outdoor library gazebo and lounge at the Lower School, the renovated Middle School Outdoor Lounge, and the “wheels zone” in the Preschool. Purchases of picnic tables, lego kits and tables, dinosaur bones, and more have added stability, comfort, and excitement to EB’s outdoors— thank you!

DONORS Sundeep Ahuja and Jacqueline Nguyen Mario and Sarah Assadi Karima Chemeur

Emma and Eric Gimon


ANNUAL FUND VOLUNTEERS Paul-André Abboud Roxanna Ahlbach Stephanie Battle, Co-Chair Lynn Bentley Jeremy Bled Mariel Chatman Lassalle Susan Collier Thomakos, Co-Chair Emari Dimagiba Michael Elie Lieu Gorelzky Jason Harm Yvette Hatton Pria Hidisyan, Board Chair Max Kozlov Laura Kuhlemann Isabelle Le Blanc Brooke Mareschal Angela Marlaud Greg Nemitz Maria Reyes Sarah Sawyer Heather Way Suna Yalaz-Angell

Room Representatives Roxanna Ahlbach Aimee Aikin Lauren Barcelon, Coordinator Gabriela Barker Andrea Barnetche Stephanie Battle Lynn Bentley ECOLE BILINGUE DE BERKELEY

Maia Beyler-Noily Colleen Boyle, Coordinator Ali Brandt Bridget Dolfi Naomi Edelson Julie Elie Naima Ezana Emma Gimon Elise Gipe Lieu Gorelzky Jason Harm Gabrielle Hedlund Laura Kuhlemann Sébastien Léger Suzie Lord Brooke Mareschal Emilie Mazzacurati

Rachana Mehta Paola Meta Daisy Nguyen Celine Pallud Andre Parris Teneasha Pierson Emma Pollack Maria Reyes, Coordinator Susannah Rose Camille Rossi Marie-Eve Savard Rachel Scherrer Caroline Steele Reise Tanner Heather Way Annie Wolfson Iden Rae Wannier

PA Officers Anglophone Co-President Francophone Co-President Anglophone Co-Vice President Francophone Co-Vice President Secretary Treasurer Communications Secretary Volunteer Coordinator Room Rep Coordinators: (TPS–G1) (G2–G5) (G6–G8)

Aimee Aikin Florence Zakharov Yousef Nouri Emilie Mazzacurati Naomi Black Elmas Martin Rae Wannier Robin Brewer Lauren Barcelon Colleen Boyle Maria Reyes

Committee Chairs Annual Fund Gala World Celebrations Diversity Chair Spiritwear Teacher/Staff Appreciation First Friday Coffee La Boum Run-a-Thon La Place du Marché

Stephanie Battle Lynn Bentley Flor Cooper Katie Crepeau-Harm Tori de la Torre Virginie Falquerho Bela Gaskin Shikiri Hightower-Gaskin Kim Langer Raina Lawler Isabelle Le Blanc Jennie Levitt Joséphine Nadler

Stephanie Battle, Susan Collier Thomakos Katie Crepeau-Harm André and Solange Parris Seyyida Saterfield Tatiana Pavlova Alex LaGatta, Lauren Barcelon, Elise Gipe Roxanna Alhbach, Lynn Bentley Laura Guevara, Bridget Dolfi, Maria DiGiano, Alexis Tjian Jérôme Bouvard, Jérôme Gorelzky Noami Edelson, Sarah Sawyer, Rae Wannier

Miriam Ortiz André and Solange Parris Benjamin Privitt DeAndre Ragland Marie-Eve Savard Caroline Steele Heather Way Florence Zakharov

Cole Clyde Theo Robbins Andre Risz Maya Schumb Tara White




Lillia Bartlow 11/4/2006–03/17/2023

Lillia Bartlow, who attended EB as a Middle Schooler, passed away unexpectedly in March in her family’s home. She was sixteen years old. As a nine-year-old, Lillia captured the hearts of Berkeley residents with her resilience and positivity after a car accident broke both her legs. Despite her challenges, Lillia never held back, and had an inspiring enthusiasm for life and people. Fluent in three languages—English, French and Arabic, and conversant in Berber—Lillia had an incredible smile and energy that brightened every room she walked into. She joined Berkeley High’s cheerleading squad in 2022, and was in the school’s International Baccalaureate Program, as well as a member of College Bound Academy. Lillia loved spending time with her family and was exceptionally close with her mother. She loved swimming and painting, and being with friends. Her father, Darryl, described her as an angel, “She was as near perfect as perfect can be in a human being.” She will be remembered for her sweet and vibrant demeanor and will be sorely missed. In loving memory of Patricia Hanaway, who departed from us in March due to colon cancer. Patricia, a devoted mother to Wren (‘26) and Echo (‘22) Sutherland, radiated kindess in every facet of her life. She leaves behind a legacy of cultural appreciation and artistic passion, instilling in her daughters the values of empathy and understanding for diverse cultures. Patricia’s unwavering belief in high standards and the unlimited potential of her daughters inspire them to pursue their dreams with dedication. Her parting wisdom: “Schedule your f***ing colonoscopy!”

1970–03/2/2023 David Ollier Weber, a long-time Berkeley resident and prolific journalist and novelist, died August 26, 2022 at his country home west of Placerville, CA. He was 84. He is survived by his wife of most of 58 years, Christine LeighTaylor, a retired Episcopal priest. David and Christine were one of the five founding families of Ecole Bilingue, one of their proudest accomplishments. Their three children: Alexandra (Alexa) Weber Morales (Emilio), also a writer and Grammy-award-winning Latin jazz singer; Peter Christian Weber (Renee), an electrical engineer with NASA, and Erec-Michael Ollier Weber (Nichol), a middle school English teacher, are all graduates of EB, and all three still speak very good French. (David and Christine’s six grandsons do not, but two are bilingual in Spanish and English.)








volunteers contributed over 500 hours to make EB shine!

699 new French books added to the Library


Graduates finished in person after starting Middle School virtually


championship won by EB Athletics teams!

students engaged with more than 25 visiting authors, speakers, performers, and artists

5,318 100% of teachers studied Positive Discipline

square feet of new carpet installed in the Middle School 2022–2023 ANNUAL REPORT


Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Oakland, CA Permit No. 259

1009 Heinz Ave Berkeley, CA 94710

ALUMNI UPDATES Please send your news to Like EB’s Facebook page at Follow EB on X (formally Twitter) at @EcoleBilingue Find us on LinkedIn! Follow us on Instagram @ecolebilingue

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