ECLIPSE Magazine June 2016

Page 205

Vanity Mirror Vanity Mirror is a blogger and maker of poses and small mesh things! Check out her blog. Check out her Flickr. Check out her Plurk. Check out her Twitter. Once upon a life, I wanted to be a writer with a little drawing on the side. I wrote poetry, songs, small stories, honestly whatever came into my head I’d write it down. I’d sketch faces I saw around my neighborhood because I thought they were interesting, looking at the world around me and interpreting it with my trusty pencil and pad. When I came into Second Life, I didn’t think those RL skills would have anything to do with SL but in the end they helped to evolve what I knew. Knowing that I liked to write, a friend suggested blogging and I went for it in 2009 and have been shopping like a mad woman and blogging any time I can ever since. Blogging led me to learn how to make poses, because often times I was being a big dork and wanted something sort of out there that others hadn’t yet made. And I loved it, I still love it (though some days less than others lol). Evolving with the times in SL led me to learn mesh, and through that my drawing came back into play with learning to texture. It would almost be a full circle type thing, except I think SL made me even more creative. I could dream up things I’d never thought of making for real and bring them to a pixelated life in SL. I get to embrace what I already knew, and elevate it even more. But not just that, I am able to share it with so many other people now, and every now and then they love it too. Can’t ask for better than that, can ya?! Sky’s the limit, and here I can fly lol

ECLIPSE June 2016 | Page 205

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