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Instant Associations 2015 Kunstraum Niederoesterreich: im Hof links. Im Stiegenhaus rechts: Das „ökosoziale Forum”, ein politnaher Thinktank, der sich im Kontext der ökosozialen Marktwirtschaft Gedanken macht. Eine permanente Einrichtung, die zur 20-minütigen „Installation“ mutierte. Der Workshop Instant Associations im Rahmen der Ausstellung SOCIAL GLITCH ermöglichte ein Selbstverständnis, das die unmittelbar reale Umgebung in die Ausstellung bzw. in den Workshop miteinbezog. Für die TeilnehmerInnen machte es keinen Unterschied, ob es sich um eine Ausstellung handelt, die sich gesellschaftspolitischen Themen widmet, oder um einen politisch agierenden Thinktank, der im selben Gebäude agiert. Was zählt, sind Handlungen und deren Konsequenzen. Es wurde diskutiert, nachgedacht und dementsprechend gehandelt. Gerald Straub

Instant Associations 2015 In the courtyard on your left: the Kunstraum Niederoesterreich. In the stairwell on your right: the Ecosocial Forum, a political think tank devoted to promoting the concept of an “Ecosocial Market Economy”. This permanent institution was turned into an installation for 20 minutes. The workshop Instant Associations in the framework of SOCIAL GLITCH furthered a conception that includes the immediate vicinity into the exhibition and the workshop respectively. For the participants, it made no difference whether it concerned an exhibition on socio-political issues or a think tank in the same building that is active in politics. What mattered—and what was therefore discussed, contemplated and acted accordingly—are actions and their consequences. Gerald Straub

A workshop as a discursive dialogue on unexpected failures. A meandering between worlds. An opportunity to think about leguminous plants and other things without having to adhere to disciplinary boundaries. When differing functional spaces collide with one another, codes of behaviour dissolve. Suddenly, there is no longer any conventional and supposedly secure scientific or artistic codex in effect; instead, a new one has to be developed mutually. It is important to support and encourage such an essayistic perspective on research (our main artistic methodology), which employs explicitly artistic means because unlike efforts subject to the scientific dictates of generalization and corroboration it allows for individual positions and the recognition of singular situations. —hoelb/hoeb 83

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