Eastern Magazine Winter 2007

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Volume 5 Issue 2

Winter 2007

Connecticut’s Public Liberal Arts University

Defining the Liberal Arts

EASTERN Volume 5, Issue 2 | Winter 2007

In This Issue 1 From the President’s Desk 2 “By the People” 6 Scholars in the Field 9 It’s a Family Affair 1 2 Longitude & Latitude 1 5 Built on Caring i-xii Annual Report of Donors

Fe a t u re s 1 8 Philanthropy 2 2 Campus News 2 6 Athletics 2 9 Alumni News 3 1 Class Notes 3 6 Final Thoughts

Staff & Contributors E dito r Ed Osborn D e sig n e r s Leigh Balducci | Kevin Paquin Co n tr ib u to r s Dwight Bachman | Meghan Carden Bette Giordano | Joy Goff | Eduardo Guzman Tristan Hobbes | Joseph McGann | Robert Molta Anne Pappalardo | Ryan Rose | Kyle Verona P h o t o g r ap h e r s Adam Hemphill | Nick Lacy Jeff Meunier | Ken Sayers | Peggy Stewart P ro o f re a d e r s Bev Canfield | Betty Seaver

EASTERN Magazine is published by the Division of Institutional Advancement for the benefit of alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends of Eastern Connecticut State University.

From the President’s Desk: Describing the essence of the liberal arts is a frequent topic of conversation at Eastern. The Latin term “artes liberales” comes from the Middle Ages and refers to education that liberates or frees the individual. A liberally educated person has the ability to think freely and the skills to gather and analyze sufficient data to develop and express an informed opinion. Such is the education we provide at Eastern, an education that we feel best prepares our graduates for life. Every Eastern student takes core classes from a broad-based, interdisciplinary curriculum drawn from a range of arts and sciences courses. Each student also majors in one of more than 30 disciplines. Eastern alumni find success as attorneys, doctors, educators, business people, engineers, accountants, environmental scientists, and in many other professions. Their ability to solve problems and make decisions based on the critical thinking, analytical, and communication skills they develop at Eastern prepares them for a world of constant social and technological change. As David Kearns, the former CEO of Xerox Corporation, noted: “The only education that prepares us for change is a liberal education. In periods of change, narrow specialization condemns us to inflexibility — precisely what we do not need. We need the flexible intellectual tools to be problem-solvers; to be able to continue learning over time.” While this University is proud of the liberal education it provides its students, Eastern’s public responsibility puts us in a special position. Providing access to educational opportunity is the best tool this country has to ensure that all Americans share in the same economic prosperity. Every day at Eastern we see the transformative power of the liberal arts as first generation college students achieve success. Eastern is helping to create a society of free thinkers, able to adapt to change, a society enriched by economic and social equality. This is the potential of a liberal education. This potential, however, can only be realized with the support of people who believe in the transformational power of the liberal arts. The investment Eastern’s alumni and friends make each year in the future of the University helps ensure that Eastern can continue to provide a unique, liberal arts experience for our students well into the future. We honor our donors’ commitment and generosity in this issue of EASTERN Magazine with a complete listing of their contributions this past year. On behalf of our students, faculty, and staff, I thank each person who has invested in the future of Connecticut’s public liberal arts university.

Elsa Nuñez President EASTERN

Winter 2007


“By the People”


The following is the latest in an ongoing series of articles that serve to illuminate the nature of the liberal arts at Eastern Connecticut State University. In this article, which focuses on how the University prepares its students to be active citizens, Professors William Salka, Nicole Krassas, Dennis Canterbury, Jaime Gómez, and Catherine Carlson share their thoughts.

With the apathy surrounding today’s politics, how do you get students actively involved in discussing public policy issues? Canterbury: Sometimes provoking students, even unintentionally, can get them to discuss an issue with fresh eyes. I made a remark in one class: “If the United States was a Latin American country, the generals would have rolled out their tanks after the 2000 presidential election.” The students were up in arms: “It could never happen here. This is the United States.” They felt we could never have a violent revolution in this country, but I reminded them that two wars have been fought on American soil to determine the fate of this country — the Revolutionary



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War and the Civil War. And while it was bloodless, the Supreme Court’s action in 2000 basically reversed the will of the people. You can have some great discussions when you can get students to feel that the issue impacts their own lives. Salka: I tell my students, “You can say anything you want but use a thoughtful argument in the process.” We had one student from Mexico who was anti-globalization. Over the course of the semester, she moderated her viewpoint. She even convinced Dr. Canterbury to speak at the rally against the U.S. government’s immigration policies. That’s the kind of transformation that can take place when our students get engaged in their learning.


of drinking water for many people of the world, especially in Third World Countries. In many countries, women and children walk miles to a common water hole to fill their jugs with dirty water. We talked about the likelihood of disease and the economic realities of a country that does not have enough clean water. The students began to see the interconnectedness of human health, politics, economics, and the environment.

WILLIAM SALKA Gómez: Showing students how the government can manipulate the media is another way to get their attention. For instance, when Colin Powell spoke at the United Nations to justify the U.S. incursion into Iraq, Picasso’s painting of the Spanish Civil War, Guernica, was removed from the room prior to his press conference. The government didn’t want a painting of the horrors of war as a backdrop to Powell’s comments. The students were surprised to see how the news setting was manipulated by the government, but it also was a

great opportunity for the students to learn — they researched Picasso, the Spanish Civil War, as well as Powell’s speech, making connections between art and life. Carlson: I also try to find ways to provoke students, to get them to think differently. I want them to see the world as being a complex place, not something reduced to simple stereotypes. During the break in one class, I put up a slide of two glasses of water — one with clear, clean water, and one containing dirty water. When the students came back, they wanted to know, “What’s this all about?” That started a discussion on what we assume about our drinking water and the reality

How does Eastern promote this interconnectedness? Carlson: The interdisciplinary nature of the liberal arts gives us an opportunity to show students how interconnected and complex the world is. Economics, politics, culture — everything we do triggers a complex reaction. When our students can see the implications of


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world events at the international, local, and even personal levels, they begin to appreciate the need to be open-minded. Krassas: And it’s not just individual faculty members creating an atmosphere of inquiry and analysis. The University promotes an interdisciplinary approach in many ways across the campus; Science Week last November, the liberal arts core curriculum project, the connectivity in the First-Year Program clusters — all are ways that we can look at one issue from several different disciplines. It’s neat to see the “light bulb” go on when a student looks at something from a new angle. Salka: One of the most important things we can do as a faculty is teach critical thinking skills so that our students critically evaluate everything they hear. The more opposing viewpoints we can expose them to and the more information they can access, the more informed their opinions and decisions will be.

When do you know students are engaged? Canterbury: When students get excited about an issue to the point of becoming actively involved, you really get to see growth happening before your eyes. One of my students told me he wanted to go to Washington, D.C., to demonstrate against globalization. He ended up going and getting arrested, but was released without charges. The key point here is that he became engaged in our classroom discussions and got involved in the topic in an active way. Another student went to Ireland and came back to give a talk to our



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Brazilian university, and even took a three-week intensive course in Portuguese before leaving. He went with an open mind and immersed NICOLE KRASSAS himself in the culture. He ended up thinking like a class about the anti-globalization rally Brazilian. Now that’s what I call she attended there. engaging the subject matter! Krassas: Some of my students had volunteered to help on the “Iraq Perspectives” symposium held on campus in fall 2005. They were also members of our College Democrats student club. Based on that experience, they organized their own trip to the big anti-war rally that took place in New York City in April 2006.

Krassas: I know a student who will be going with Professor Kenny to Brazil this spring to conduct research on its health care system. This is her second trip to Brazil and I can see the transformation taking place.

How do study abroad experiences prepare students to be global citizens?

Canterbury: Recruiting and hiring faculty from outside the United States is an important way to help students broaden their perspectives. I, for one, do not teach from an Americentric viewpoint. I tell my students to imagine what the world looks like from a non-American perspective. I encourage them to read the foreign press — La Prensa, Al Jazeera, China Daily. Reading about the same news events, but from different cultural

Gómez: I am putting together a proposal to take some students to the national park in Veracruz, Mexico, to produce a documentary film on environmental issues. Salka: One of my students told me he wanted to live in Brazil. He ended up getting his own internship at a

How do students and faculty from other lands contribute to the campus dialog?

perspectives, gives them a new appreciation that the United States is not the center of the universe. Salka: One of my international students from Sweden brought in a newspaper from that country that was critical of our country. Our local students were incredulous — “How can they make fun of us? We’re the greatest country in the world.” I told them, “That’s not good enough. The paper criticized the United States. Give me an informed response; intellectualize the discussion.” Our Connecticut-born students often argue with the international students, and that’s fine. Many of our local students come around to appreciate the perspectives of their international classmates.

What citizenship opportunities exist in Eastern’s community service program? Krassas: Our Political Science club was active in the November 2006 elections. They discovered that students who were registered in their hometowns could re-register here in Willimantic and vote locally, so they helped their fellow students move their polling locations and they drove students to the polls. When some of the political commentators later said that (U.S. Rep.) Joe Courtney’s victory was due to the votes of UConn and Eastern students, my students walked around campus telling everyone, “We did it.” We always tell them, “Get involved. Make a difference.” To see it pay off like that truly changes their lives. Carlson: I think one of the things we can contribute to the community is our knowledge. As students gain expertise, they can help educate the community. The global shortage of water is real, and the climate changes we are seeing will aggravate it. In my Water Resources class, I have encouraged the students to educate the community about issues related to water; for example, the realities of using bottled water. Each student contributed his or her ideas to a group flyer that was distributed by each student on campus and around the local community. Salka: We always conduct voter registration on campus, but frankly, the students tell me that it is not terribly fulfilling. Recently we

worked with Windham Area Interfaith Ministry to register Latino voters. They are eligible to vote but many didn’t know that. We registered more than 100 people. The students got very excited, knowing that these people could influence the outcome of a local election. This is a key constituency in Willimantic, and our students had an active role in giving them a voice.

What more can we do to encourage an atmosphere of discussion, debate, and dialog on campus, especially as it relates to the issue of citizenship? Gómez: We can do more to focus students’ attention on issues of public policy. And we have many resources to do that — the campus radio station, the television studio, and other resources. We could challenge the student clubs to engage in debates on various issues. And by encouraging students to explore issues outside of their own disciplines, we can help them get out of their comfort zone. Carlson: You don’t have to go to Washington, D.C., to make a difference. Be part of your own town government, even if only as an active observer. Go to town meetings. Volunteer locally. And learn enough about the issues at hand to ask the right questions.


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Scholars in the Field


The Fulbright Scholar Program was founded by Sen. J.William Fulbright in 1946 and provides educational grants to enable scholars, students, and professionals to go abroad to teach, conduct advanced research, or focus on graduate studies. “Faculty from around the world compete for Fulbright Scholar grants,” said Dimitrios Pachis, vice president for academic affairs. “It is truly an honor that two of our faculty members were selected for this award within the same year.” Richard Jones-Bamman, associate professor of music, recently returned from northern Sweden where he spent the spring 2006 semester as a Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Sami Studies at Umeå University. JonesBamman has a long-term love affair with the Sami people, formerly known as Laplanders. He did his doctoral research at Umeå University in the early 1990s, and also has taught courses there as a guest professor. Sami music, known as “Joik,” is an unaccompanied, solo vocal genre that is descriptive in its function. What makes it unique is its virtual avoidance of lyrics; singers rely on melodic contours, rhythmic figures, and occasional mimicry to create musical representations of people, animals, and the surrounding environment. Jones-Bamman’s research focused on renewed interest in Joik by a new generation of Sami performers mainly in their late teens through mid-20’s. “In the communities where I had worked years ago there were many more young people who were now openly and actively engaging in their ethnicity, wanting to be recognized as being different within Swedish society. “The music is being performed in a variety of venues — from coffeehouses to full-blown concerts, to impromptu get-togethers at someone’s house.” During his stay, Jones-Bamman also studied the evolution of the “cittern” (also known as a bouzouki or mandola). This stringed, fretted instrument, similar to a large mandolin, has 10 strings and entered traditional Swedish



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music through the Irish music scene. Jones-Bamman has close ties to Sweden; he has maternal relatives who reside there, knows the language, and has lived there in the past. “My roots are in that region of the world, so any opportunity I have to go back there is welcome. It was my second Fulbright experience at that particular institution, and some of the individuals who were students during my first visit are now professors. It was a treat to catch up with them.” “We like Richard very much at Umeå University,” said Krister Stoor, Jones-Bamman’s closest colleague during his visit to Sweden. “He sees the good in every individual. Richard’s music skills are appreciated by his colleagues, music friends, artists, and choir friends in Sweden and he is an excellent researcher and teacher.” Jones-Bamman looks forward to returning to Sweden for a colleague’s dissertation in late May 2007. In the meantime, he is back in the swing of things on Eastern’s campus, teaching one of the new liberal arts colloquia, “Music and the Environment,” as well as three other courses in the Department of Performing Arts.

Lisa Rowe Fraustino, associate professor of English, also had a memorable Fulbright experience during her stay at Mahasarakham University in northeastern Thailand.

Fraustino, who returned to the United States on Nov. 21, taught courses in children’s literature and American poetry at Mahasarakham and consulted in the development of a new graduate program. She also traveled around northeastern Thailand conducting workshops for K-12 teachers on the use of children’s books to teach English. “Lisa is a wonderful person with a great sense of humor. She has inspired a lot of faculty members and students to pursue an academic career relating to children’s literature,” said Fraustino’s Thai mentor, Wajuppa Tossa. “We enjoyed Lisa’s being with us very much. We miss her already.” Fraustino and her husband, Jeff Meunier, embarked on the 27-hour journey to Thailand on May 30, 2006. They had two weeks to take a crash course in the Thai language and culture before the semester started on June 14 at Mahasarakham. During their stay Fraustino traveled to Bangkok, Laos, and Taiwan, where she visited a number of schools and student centers. The couple also spent time with Meunier’s stepfamily, who live in the village of Dontoi, Thailand. His stepmother is originally from the area and although she no longer lives there, Fraustino and Meunier fell in love with the locale during a previous visit. As a result, she became interested in locating an institution in northeastern Thailand that was looking for someone to help teach in her field of expertise. Fraustino is very pleased with the work of her Thai students. “My students were afraid of the reading and writing in upper level courses but I had them do a lot of that. The students embraced what I was doing with them and learned new things. I’m very proud of them.” She employed a teaching method known as “Reader’s Theater” to encourage participation in her classes at Mahasarakham. This method allows students to take virtually any piece of literature, analyze it, and adapt it into a script. The script can then be performed with a minimum of preparation, props, or scenery. “Thai students are more inclined to get involved through dance, song, or skits versus American students who raise their hands and speak out in class, interacting with their professor.”

(from top) Professors Fraustino and Jones-Bamman; Fraustino and her mentor,Wajuppa Tossa, give a bilingual English-Thai performance of Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are at a language camp for fifth-graders; Jones-Bamman teaching in the First Year Program on campus; After raising silkworms, women spin thread for weaving in a communal farming village near Mahasarakham,Thailand.

Both Fraustino and her husband agree that the favorite part of the trip was meeting the people of southeast Asia. “Whenever I went somewhere I just wanted to be with the people. I wanted to do what they did — sit on their floors, eat their foods. We tended not to go to tourist attractions but to visit the local temples or visit the rice fields. When we were in a village we would sit and talk with women who make silk. To me, that was the most important cultural experience — getting to know the people.” Fraustino plans on staying in touch with her friends at Mahasarakham. “One aspect of my consultancy was working on ideas for academic exchange between our two different universities and more generally, to help Thailand with exchange from the West. That will be an ongoing project for me.”

Reflecting on the Fulbright Experience Fraustino and Jones-Bamman praise their respective academic departments at Eastern for the encouragement they received throughout their experiences, from the moment they started formulating their plans, through the application process and the actual trips, until they returned to campus. “I was supported from the very first moment I told my department chair that I wanted to apply for the opportunity,” said Fraustino. Jones-Bamman agreed: “People were very supportive. In fact, they probably made a bigger deal out of it than I would have on my own.” The two Fulbright Scholars say that coming from a smaller public liberal arts institution was a special part of their experience. “I’m proud of this institution,” said Fraustino. “This is not about me as an individual but it’s a reflection of what Eastern is all about.” “I would say the same,” added JonesBamman. “While I was in Sweden they made several attempts to get those of us who were there together for workshops and lectures and it was nice to come from a small university because most people did not.” Both professors have plans for reconnecting with the people they visited. “My idea is to create either an intersession or summer session course about Isan culture, which is in the northeastern portion of Thailand,” said Fraustino. “They have a rich culture of history, music, literature, and storytelling. Our students could live on campus there or even in local homes. I view it as an interdisciplinary course — something that could really support the new Asian Studies minor.” Because Umeå University is located just 120 miles south of the Arctic Circle, Jones-Bamman is interested in creating a program focusing on the area’s environmental concerns in collaboration with a faculty member from Eastern’s Department of Environmental Earth Sciences. “I’d love to take 10-12 students to Sweden, perhaps in the summer of 2008, and have an experience living out in the bush. They have a field station there that is amazing.”

(top) Fraustino explores the remains of an ancient Buddhist temple with Wajuppa Tossa; (middle left) Taiwanese third-graders listen to Fraustino’s Reader's Theater performance of Esphyr Slobodkina's Caps for Sale; (middle right) This performer is singing a “Joik” to open a Sami festival in Funäsdalen, Sweden; (lower left) The Ancient City, a theme park near Bangkok, is shaped like Thailand and recreates the entire country's architectural and cultural history.



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Jones-Bamman, who met Sen. Fulbright in Berlin, Germany in 1992, said the late statesman created the Fulbright Scholar program in the aftermath of World War II in the belief that “the only way to avoid that level of conflict again was to ensure that people spoke with one another.” Fraustino agrees. “Fostering cultural exchange across the globe has never been more important than it is today.”

It’s a Family Affair


Eastern Connecticut State University’s welcoming campus atmosphere and friendly faculty and staff have attracted generations of area families over the years.When students share their positive experiences with relatives, it’s not surprising to see entire families attending Eastern at the same time.

THE BATHINS. The path that Drucie, Len, and Mu Bathin of Quaker Hill followed on their way to Eastern is a complicated but interesting one. While Drucie, along with her son Len, 20, and daughter Mu, 18, attend classes side-by-side with classmates from eastern Connecticut, their past harkens to a darker time on the other side of the world. Originally from Burma, Drucie, Len, and Mu are political refugees. Drucie is a member of the Karen, a highly persecuted ethnic group in her homeland, now known as Myanmar. The Karen people have suffered under the tight reins of a military dictatorship for many years and Drucie’s parents were deeply involved in the struggle for freedom. As a

leader for Karen rebels, Drucie’s father was always far from home, organizing rebel efforts in the jungles of southern Burma. Drucie’s mother was forced to move her children from place to place in order to provide safety and food. In her father’s absence, Drucie had to take care of the household while her mother sought food and safer conditions. Drucie was unable to have the one thing she desired most in life — an education. With the assistance of a Presbyterian church in Waterford, she escaped from her homeland in October 1999 along with Len and Mu, who were 14 and 11 at the time. The first thing she did when she arrived in Connecticut was to enroll in adult education GED classes, in order to get her high school diploma. EASTERN

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other experiences at Eastern. Len emphasizes, “We are a very close family.”

After that, there was no looking back. She received an associate’s degree in history from Mitchell College in New London, and is now a junior at Eastern. With a full-time course load spread over three days a week, Drucie also works part-time while juggling schoolwork and family responsibilities that include caring for her 13month-old son, Joel Bathin Sullivan. Both Len, a sophomore business major, and Mu, a freshman elementary education major, live on campus but return home on weekends to work at their part-time jobs and see the family. Len attended Mitchell College for a year before transferring to Eastern where Drucie was already attending classes. They were joined by Mu, a graduate of Waterford High School who is now a member of Eastern’s International Club. The Bathins have been known to dine together on campus, sharing time to discuss professors, assignments, and their



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As a history major with a minor in English, Drucie’s goal is to become a high school history teacher. Through the help of a women’s organization in a refugee camp, she is currently translating and documenting the stories of Karen women and their terrible accounts of suffering under military oppression. She also is busy documenting the story of her father’s cause. As she explains, “They changed the flag, they changed the capital city. Without this type of book, the next generation will never know the old history.” This past summer, Drucie and her family returned to her homeland. For Len and Mu, it meant revisiting a life that is much tougher than their current one. Drucie appears proud when she says that the older children were changed by the experience. It was also an eye-opening trip for her husband, David Sullivan. At age 79, her father

The Roaches Lawrence, Jennifer, and their daughter Allison

is still actively involved in supporting the Karen people; Drucie spent time interviewing him for her writing project while she was there. Though she realizes how immense a task it is, Drucie’s long-term goal is to open a college in Myanmar to help educate her own people. She intends to pursue a master’s degree in education at Eastern. “I’m going to be around Eastern for a long time!” THE ROACHES. The Roaches of Griswold are another family attending Eastern together. They are also a living example of the many options Eastern offers to earn a degree.

Lawrence and his wife, Jennifer, along with their daughter, Allison, are using different approaches to achieving their academic goals. Because of Lawrence’s 21-year career with the U.S. Navy, the family has lived in many locations, including Hawaii and San Diego. Currently on shore duty, Lawrence is a Master Chief and Sonar Technician Submarines Career Specialist at the Submarine Learning Center at the Naval Submarine Base in New London. He is enrolled in the Fast Track Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) degree completion program offered at Eastern’s Groton site. Lawrence attends classes two evenings a week after work and is focusing on a major concentration in business and a minor concentration in psychology. Reflecting on his experiences at Eastern, he says, “I appreciate the convenience of taking classes in Groton. The people at Eastern have been wonderful to work with.” Jennifer Roach works as a full-time medical assistant, stays in touch with Allison, who lives on campus, and manages a household that includes two teenage girls, youngest daughter Rachael, 16, and foreign exchange student Kathleen Buermeyer, 17, of

Melle, Germany. Jennifer also manages to travel to Eastern’s campus two evenings a week to take classes. Fully engaged in the University’s Credit for Lifelong Learning (CLL) program, she is developing a portfolio as part of the program’s requirements. She is on the path to a BGS degree with a major concentration in human services administration. Her favorite class is Law and Society, taught by Assistant Professor Phoebe Godfrey. “She asks you to defend your opinions. She makes class interesting and everybody gets a chance to speak.” Allison ’10, recently graduated from Griswold High School. While she planned on being an English major, she is enjoying her American Government and Politics class so much that she is thinking of switching to Political Science. Despite the fact she was accepted at other state universities, Allison fell in love with Eastern after visiting campus. “I like the size of Eastern — I came from a small school. My professors know who I am, and I like that.” Jennifer and Allison often connect on the nights Jennifer is on campus. They have dinner together in the dining hall or at the Library Café. In turn, Allison enjoys the convenience

of having a chance to borrow the car while her mom attends classes. The Roaches admit the biggest challenge is getting their younger children to school functions and work, but Lawrence says they all pull together. “Everyone pitches in. If I’m home I’ll fix dinner, if she’s home, she does it — the kids help clean.” Married 19 years, the Roaches concur that their biggest accomplishment has been seeing their eldest daughter succeed at Eastern. Lawrence and Jennifer help each other with their homework, and when Allison is at home, she joins the study group. Sunday afternoons are typically when family members sequester themselves in separate rooms to focus on studying and completing school assignments. Though the Bathin and Roach families take advantage of different options available at Eastern, each family member is committed to finishing their degree. At the same time, they provide each other with the special support you can only find at home. EASTERN

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Traveling the globe to experience other cultures and learn from the peoples of the world is a life-changing experience, one that has been a tradition at Eastern Connecticut State University for decades. Eastern faculty and students continued that tradition in 2006, traveling to such countries as India, China,Venezuela, England, Turkey, Spain, and Cuba to share perspectives and experiences with people from other lands. Field study transforms students’ perspectives. One such program is the annual summer study tour to Alicante, Spain. Agustín Bernal, assistant professor of Spanish, has been coordinating the program for more than 10 years. During the four-week course in summer 2006, 11 undergraduates attended Colegio

Internacional-Alicante, where they were immersed in Spanish language and literature. Students also experienced the Spanish culture by living with host families during their stay. “For some students, this experience changes their lives dramatically and the way they make decisions about their future,” Bernal said.



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Sociology Professor James Russell has been another pioneer in student field study programs. He started taking trips to Cuba, but after facing travel restrictions, switched to accompanying students to Venezuela. The Venezuelan course allows students to better understand the nature of the Bolivarian Revolution, which is still influencing events taking place in Latin America today. “The students were inspired by their experiences and the people that they met,” Russell said. He believes the success of the program is due in part to the preparation seminar. Prior to the trip, students learn about social, political, and economic features of the Venezuelan society. By the time they arrive in Venezuela, they are very knowledgeable of the country’s lifestyles and traditions. Another longstanding summer study course is coordinated by Ellen Faith Brodie, professor and director of theatre in the Performing Arts Department. Since 1999, the International Summer School in

(above) Professor James Russell and tour group stand in front of a monument to Simon Bolivar in Caracas. (left) Augustín Bernal in Spanish class back on Eastern’s campus.

London program, in coordination with London Metropolitan University, has provided students with the opportunity to experience

famous Elizabethan playhouse. The new Globe Theatre was built to duplicate much of the feel of London’s 16th century roofless, open-air amphitheaters.

London while exposing them to a wide variety of British performing arts experiences. “Summer in London” sounds like a romantic movie you’d watch at a local cinema, but for the 11 Eastern students who took part in this year’s five-week program, it was an exceptional way to earn six college credits. Students attended theatrical and dance performances, went on museum and gallery tours, and visited historical and artistic sites in and around London. Their days began early in the morning and lasted late into the evening, six days a week. For some students, the excursion was the first time they had journeyed outside of the United States. For others, it was the first time they had traveled on an airplane. “London is unlike most places in the States,” said Brodie. “It is an eclectic mix of cultural diversity which our students were exposed to on a daily basis. It was a unique opportunity for students to connect with people and the arts from throughout the world and gain a better understanding of our global society.” While viewing a performance of Anthony and Cleopatra at London’s famous Globe Theatre, students experienced the uniqueness of the

As the secretary of the Drama Society at Eastern, Jenna Podeswa ’09 of Wallingford knew immediately that she wanted to go to London as soon as she heard about the trip. “I’ve always wanted to study abroad,” said Podeswa. “I will be a more effective teacher if I have visited the places that I will be teaching my students about. The British Museum was incredible. I took a lot of pictures and plan to put together a presentation to use in my classroom when I become a teacher.”

Philosophy Professor Hope Fitz traveled to eight cities, and studied for more than two months at the International Summer School for Jain Studies. During her experience, she had the opportunity to acquire new knowledge on several aspects of the Jain school of thought, which she (left) Students pose for a picture in front of Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-Upon Avon in rural Warwickshire countryside. (below) Hope Fitz [fourth from left] with her colleagues at the International Summer School of Jain Studies. (bottom) Christopher Vasillopulos speaks to his political science class back on campus.

Graphic design major Chris Gunderson of Plainfield recounted how he had rediscovered himself artistically with valuable hands-on learning experiences not found in textbooks or classroom slide presentations. “It’s one thing to look at a picture in a book,” Gunderson said, “but it’s totally different to be there in person and see things firsthand. It makes everything more relevant.” Faculty refuel their own scholarly pursuits. Eastern professors also undertook scholarly adventures of their own in 2006. Through a scholarship awarded by the North American Institute for Jain Studies, EASTERN

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plans to incorporate into her next book and during her classroom lectures at Eastern. Fitz also traveled to three cities in India to lecture on “Ahimsa: A Way of Life,” which she describes as a philosophy of non-violence and compassion. An avid admirer of Mahatma Gandhi, she believes “Ahimsa is one of the ways we can secure peace in the world and bring about individual well-being.” The lectures were organized and sponsored by one of the owners of Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, who published Fitz’s last book. While Fitz went to India to learn and to lecture, the experience was deeply moving: “I began to feel like I could touch these people.” Author of numerous scholarly articles on Turkey and the European Union, Political Science Professor Christopher Vasillopulos is frequently sought after to speak abroad. In 2006, he received invitations from several universities in Turkey and Germany. During his trip to Turkey, he lectured at Bilkent University and the Middle East Technical University, both in Ankara. His talks focused on the European Union and U.S. policy

in the Middle East and the clash of civilizations. In spring 2006, Vasillopulos was invited to speak at the University of Munich. As an expert on Nazi Germany, this was an intriguing experience for him because Adolph Hitler’s rise began in Munich. Another Eastern scholar invited to lecture abroad was set designer and theatre professor Robert Ritz, who visited the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts in Beijing this past summer. (Ritz’s visit to China followed on the heels of performances of the Beijing Opera on Eastern’s campus in September 2005 by members of the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts.) The main purpose of Ritz’s trip was to teach set design for the black box stage, a technique not common in China. “This type of theatre gives you the flexibility to set up the stage in any way you want.” Describing his trip, Ritz said he and his wife were treated “like royalty.” Members of the academy took them on several trips to see other parts of China and interact with the people. Professor of Art Imna Arroyo is not a neophyte when it comes to overseas adventures. She has traveled around



Professor Ritz is presented with a gift by the President of the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts while in Beijing this past summer.

the world and integrated diverse cultural influences into her art. She has found her main sources of inspiration in Africa and Cuba. Born in Puerto Rico, Arroyo traveled to Cuba twice in 2006, and was amazed at how much Cubans are interested in exploring their cultural past and the lives of their ancestors — African slaves brought to the Americas during the period of colonization. Influenced by African traditions, Arroyo incorporates many symbolisms and legends, as well as the devotional religion, “Santeria,” into her work. Two other world travelers during 2006 were Fulbright Scholars Lisa Fraustino and Richard JonesBamman. Their stories can be found on pages 6-8. (far left) Professor Arroyo’s exhibit, “Trail of Bones,” on display in Havana. (left) “The world needs people who work more and criticize less, who construct more and destroy less and resolve more, who expect to receive less and give more, who say better now than tomorrow.” (A quotation by Che Guevara, found on a roadside wall in Venezuela)

Winter 2007

Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation


Built on Caring

It’s easy to understand why Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation Chairman Michael Thomas and Pedro Johnson, tribal director of public affairs, hold education and Eastern Connecticut State University in high regard. Education has been a cornerstone of the Tribe’s reemergence as an economic powerhouse in southeastern Connecticut, and Eastern has been an active partner in that resurgence. Both Thomas and Johnson are looking forward to continuing the Tribe’s relationship with Eastern under its new president, Elsa Nuñez. The Tribe has a long history of strong women leaders from within and of dealing with strong women leaders among its neighbors, partners, and friends. President Nuñez fits right in with that tradition. The Pequot story was not always so bright. On what was a dark day for the Tribe, most of its members were slaughtered by Puritan settlers in Mystic on May 26, 1637. Thomas

quotes historical records that note: “In one hour, hundreds of Pequots, including the women and children, had their throats slashed, were shot at point blank range, and were burned and massacred while they slept.” The remaining Pequots became the servants of other tribes, including the Mohegans, before some of their land was returned to them in the latter part of the 17th century. It would take the Tribe more than three centuries to regain its former political and economic power. The residual effects of the devastating massacre are still felt today. “For us having lived through the denial of educational opportunities, education is critical,” says Thomas. “We take special joy in making sure our people are exposed to knowledge in general, and higher education specifically. It has turned from something that was unattainable to an expectation of tribal members. We want our children to believe that anything is possible.”

Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation Chairman Michael Thomas (middle) visits with Pedro Johnson, tribal director of public affairs (right), during the January swearing-in ceremony for the Tribe’s Elders Council.

Several exchanges between the Tribe and Eastern began in the early 1990s as part of former President David G. Carter’s interest in reaching out to the community, culminating in an innovative leadership development and human resource program created by Eastern’s School of Continuing Education. “War Gaming” was a customized, 10-session program that began in fall 2001, with topics ranging from understanding financial documents, gaming law, and operations to accounting, management, organizational development, and computer skills. In taking advantage of Eastern’s coursework, the Tribe also discovered the University’s personal approach to students, led by Carter. “There was a genuine caring in Dr. Carter that he conveyed to his entire staff,” remarks Thomas. “The many Pequots who have graduated from Eastern remember how the faculty and staff at Eastern responded personally to their needs. They felt someone was really interested in them.” EASTERN

Winter 2007


Eastern’s requirement that students engage in community service was another attraction. Eastern students contribute more than 20,000 hours of community service each year to area schools, agencies, and businesses. The Pequots share this commitment to helping others; the essence of the Native American belief system is based on sharing. “We have always wanted our people to serve the community, to be connected to the community that surrounds them,” explains Thomas. “Eastern and the Tribe have had similar evolutions in this regard.” Thomas mentions the Special Olympics World Games and Habitat for Humanity as two of the Tribe’s many humanitarian and philanthropic causes. In addition to its philanthropic contributions, the Mashantuckets contribute more than $200 million each year to Connecticut’s economy.

It’s a Johnson Family Affair BY DWIGHT BACHMAN

For Pedro Johnson, director of public affairs for the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation, Eastern Connecticut State University is like an old friend of the family. His grandfather, Paul E. Johnson, served on the maintenance staff of Willimantic State Teachers College (WSTC) from 1948 until 1966. His aunt, Cora Moore ’43, became an instructor at WSTC. Pedro’s uncle, Bill Johnson ’53, played basketball for the college. An elder on the Elder’s Council, Pedro’s sister Shirley, whose married name is Laughing Woman Patrick, also attended Eastern. Niece Debra LaRosa ’97 works in the Finance Department for the Tribal Nation. Niece Kim Hatcher-White (Peters) ’02 took classes through Eastern’s School of Continuing Education and Pedro’s grand-nephew, Benjamin Lopez, graduated in 2003. Lopez works as an educational instructor for Network, Inc., which enhances the quality of life for mentally and physically challenged individuals. These family ties make it especially rewarding for Pedro to donate generously to the University on behalf of the Pequots and himself. “I give, first, to honor my grandfather and the rest of my family. My grandfather was the patriarch of the family. He proudly served in the maintenance department at the teacher’s college. He instilled a work ethic in our family that we still follow. His mantra to me was to be all you can be, regardless of what that is. If you are a broom pusher, push it so well that no one can push it better.”

Pedro Johnson and his wife, Linda, proudly display the dedication plaque for the Paul E. Johnson, Sr. Community Conference Room, dedicated in 1999.

The casino is the biggest employer in southeastern Connecticut and the largest resort casino in the world. The resort recently announced a new $700 million development project, but as Thomas describes it, “The casino is not our future. It is an economic venture to help us develop self-sufficiency and ensure the Tribe’s future. We want tribal members to become doctors and lawyers, bankers, accountants, teachers, and the best technicians in the world, serving not only our people and Native Americans across this land, but also the world at large.”



Winter 2007

Paul Johnson also was an excellent ping-pong player. “Students would bet him a can of soda they could beat him. The word is that the students at one point owed him 800 cans of soda!” Pedro’s grandfather was so highly thought of on campus that he was one of three people to whom the 1953 yearbook was dedicated. “Imagine dedicating anything to a janitor!” says Pedro with a smile. In 1999, Eastern honored Paul Johnson by naming the library’s community room in his honor. Pedro’s aunt Cora was active at WSTC in the early 1940s, serving as senior class president, class secretary, and library committee chair. After graduation, she left her mark on Windham County, teaching at F.R. Noble School and Kramer Middle School, volunteering on numerous boards, and serving as selectwoman for the City of Willimantic.

While serving in the U.S. Army after World War II, Pedro’s uncle, Bill Johnson, was a security officer during the Nuremburg trials. He graduated from WSTC in 1953 and taught in the Hebron public school system until he retired. LaRosa, the Tribe’s financial executive planner, is another family member who graduated from Eastern. She credits Eastern’s Department of Business Administration with helping her achieve her career goals, including securing a master’s degree in management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1999.

(above) left to right: Kim Hatcher-White (Peters) ’02; Laughing Bear Patrick; Debra LaRosa ’97; and Pedro Johnson.

This past October, Hatcher-White ’02, was promoted to one of the Tribe’s most visible positions as executive director of the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center. She supports Eastern through a $1,000 scholarship for students in the School of Continuing Education. “I’d been out of school for a while, and I had very positive experiences with the people in the School of Continuing Education. Professors John Kilburn and Kim Dugan were always available and patient when I had a problem.” Having worked in the museum’s research department as the registrar/collections manager for years, Hatcher-White enjoys the new opportunity to give back to the Tribe. “Educating people and getting an education ensures our survival. The Pequot story is an important story that needs to be told. My job is to make sure it continues.”

Paul E. Johnson

Pedro Johnson keeps on giving to Eastern, recently facilitating a major gift from the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation in support of the University’s liberal arts initiatives. In addition, the Mashantuckets are major sponsors of Eastern’s annual fundraising concerts, showcasing such people as Tina Turner and Billy Joel. “Given what happened to the Pequots, education is crucial,” said Pedro. “I join other members of our Tribe in being committed to helping young people get a well-rounded education. We know that at Eastern, they will be well prepared for life, ready to take up the reins.” Pedro gives much credit for the Tribe’s close relationship with the University to Carter, who Johnson met when they both worked at the University of Connecticut. “Dr. Carter always showed an interest in my people and what we were trying to accomplish. And we appreciate what he stands for — service to others, regardless of their background. By helping Eastern students begin and finish their degrees, we believe they also will find an opportunity to help others.”

Bill Johnson

Cora Johnson


Winter 2007



Philanthropy ohnson Family Provides Safety Net

After her husband, Arthur L. Johnson, passed away in 1999, Marie Love Johnson wanted to create a fund in his honor to provide grants to students with emergencies.“My husband loved Eastern. I felt this was the best way I could pay tribute to him.” Through her efforts, the Dr. Arthur L. Johnson Unity Fund was created in 2001 to provide emergency support to students in good standing. Recently, Mrs. Johnson initiated a new book scholarship that will be awarded annually to a student with unmet needs.This book scholarship will be funded from the interest earned on the Dr. Arthur L. Johnson Unity Fund.

Profile of a Freshman BY


Aiyanna Medeiros ’10 seemed destined to spend her college career at the University of Connecticut. Both of her older sisters attended the university, and the highly motivated student from East Hampton was ready to follow in their footsteps. As fate would have it, family friends David and Grace Enggas offered Aiyanna an alternative. A colleague of Medeiros’ father, David suggested the family contact his wife and take a look at Eastern Connecticut State University, where Grace is coordinator of financial aid. The Medeiros family met her for a tour and fell in love with the warm and friendly campus community.

In addition to being a member of the faculty of the Department of Sociology, Johnson also advised Presidents Webb and Carter during his tenure at Eastern. In October 2000, the University named the Unity Center in his honor. Contributions to the Dr. Arthur L. Johnson Unity Fund are encouraged and can be directed to Ken DeLisa, vice president for institutional advancement, at (860) 465-5267.



Winter 2007

She is focusing on her studies and learning to manage her time this year before getting involved in campus activities, and her decision is paying off. She believes her first semester grades — mostly A’s and an occasional B — are due in part to Eastern’s friendly atmosphere. Medeiros feels comfortable asking her professors and fellow students for help when she needs it. Academics were not the only thing concerning Medeiros. Coming from a small town means “you’re friends with the same people for 12 years. Now you really have to take the time and get to know new people.” Medeiros thinks she’s done pretty well so far. She enjoys her suitemates and everyone in Constitution Hall, and shows patience when her floor gets a little noisy, especially in the middle of the night.

Arthur and Marie Love Johnson attend a 1997 salute to Hartford-based photographer Riley Johnson at La Renaissance in East Windsor.

“My husband was the kind of person who would reach into his pocket and give students money when they came to him with an emergency.Whether it was money for a meal, rent money, funds to fix someone’s car, or a few dollars to purchase books before the semester started, he always dug deep to help the kids get through their immediate difficulties.”

One of Medeiros’ first challenges as a freshman was learning to balance academics with her new independence. Without her parents close by to motivate her, she decided to stick with the same work ethic she used in high school. “I try to do my work right away so I don’t have to worry about it.”

“When researching Eastern I noticed that the ratio of students to professors was smaller than at other schools,” Medeiros explained. Coming from a small high school, she didn’t want to lose the contact with faculty that she was used to. “I felt I would get lost in a bigger school.” Personal attention, smaller classes, and a welcoming atmosphere made Eastern the perfect fit. After receiving several scholarships from Eastern, Medeiros was ready to start her college career.

Throughout the semester, Medeiros has taken time to stop by the Financial Aid Office and visit with Enggas, who speaks very highly of her. “She is a delightful young woman, certainly a credit to our institution.” They discuss Medeiros’ semester, her family and how much she is enjoying Eastern. As Medeiros continues to adjust to college life, she plans on getting more involved on campus and is leaning toward a major in early childhood education. For now, she will continue to adjust to college life and enjoy her first year at Eastern.

Philanthropy McGann, director of institutional advancement. “We are reaching many alumni who haven’t had personal contact with the University in a long time. “An added benefit is that some alumni have asked to serve in a volunteer capacity or scheduled a campus visit as a result of a call.” Kyle Verona and Jordan Daigneault ’10 take time out from talking with Eastern parents during the fall 2006 phonathon.

Annual Fund Shows Substantial Gains The number of alumni participating in Eastern’s Annual Fund grew 25 percent in the first half of FY07 compared to FY06 (July 1-Dec. 31), and the number of parent donors jumped more than 400 percent — from 35 to 155 — due in large part to an enhanced phonathon program instituted a year ago. Starting last winter, the Office of Institutional Advancement has employed student callers to solicit alumni and current parents under the direction of Development Officer Kyle Verona.

Eastern Confers Chase Medallion

On Nov. 6, 2006, Eastern President Elsa Nuñez presented a Chase Medallion to Gwendolyn Smith-Iloani, owner of the largest woman- and minority-owned equity firm in the United States.

“We recognize that our competitive advantage is dependent in large part on ratings that are based on the level of alumni participation in the Annual Fund,” said Ken DeLisa, vice president for institutional advancement. “It is clear that our enhanced phonathon initiative is having a positive impact and I hope more alumni will join in supporting Eastern in this way.” In order to engage more alumni and reach the majority of current Eastern parents, the phonathon program increased the number of calling nights by 25 percent in 2006-07. “We are pleased with the responses that our student callers are experiencing,” said Joe

Oprah Winfrey and Denise Nappier, treasurer of the State of Connecticut. Named after David T. Chase, the medallion is given periodically to outstanding leaders who have excelled in the business community and have made major contributions to society. In accepting the award, Smith-Iloani reflected on her childhood. As she was about to leave Jamaica for the United States at age six, her father told her the streets in America were paved with gold. “He meant the streets were paved with opportunity. My father taught me the value of education; he taught me the importance of honesty and integrity. My mother taught me to persevere, and to honor God first. Together, my parents taught me the principles that have stitched the fabric of who I am. I am honored to receive this award. I will cherish it forever.”

Holiday Cheer Supports Local Children

(from left) Alexandra Dominguez; Chelsea Jasek, senior class president; and Joy Goff, director of the Office of Alumni Affairs.

Smith-Iloani also was named by Black Enterprise magazine in 2006 as one of the “50 Most Powerful Black Women in Business,” joining such women as

The Third Annual Holiday Wreath Sale, sponsored by the Office of Alumni Affairs, was another wonderful opportunity for Eastern to contribute to the local community. The staff and student volunteers made and sold more than 75 wreaths in November 2006 to benefit two local charities that support children. EASTERN

Winter 2007



Welcome New Members of the ECSU Foundation Board! Brian Hull, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, SI Financial Group

Claire I. Dwyer; Vice President, Northeast Region, Sallie Mae, Inc.

Claire Dwyer has 20 years of experience in the financial aid industry, joining Sallie Mae in 1999. She has worked as a financial aid director at Teikyo Post University in Waterbury and Albertus Magnus College in New Haven. A graduate of Teikyo Post University, Dwyer resides in Southbury with her husband, Dennis, and sons Sean, a third-year marketing major at the University of Connecticut, and Peter, a fifth-grade student at Long Meadow Elementary School. Says Dwyer, “I was honored to be asked to serve on the ECSU Foundation Board and look forward to learning about how I can be of assistance to Eastern. I see this as an opportunity to educate families and corporations on how important ‘giving back’ is to education.”



Winter 2007

Brian J. Hull is executive vice president, treasurer and chief financial officer of SI Financial Group, Inc., Savings Institute Bank and Trust Company, and SI Bancorp, MHC. He has more than 20 years experience in the financial services industry after beginning his career with Price Waterhouse as an auditor. He holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and economics from Edinboro University. Hull lives with his wife and three children in Berlin. “Eastern is such an integral part of Connecticut’s economic future. I am pleased to have been elected as a board member of the

ECSU Foundation to help raise the awareness of the importance of the University and to assist in raising funds to support its programs.”

Justin Murphy ’98 Attorney

A graduate of the UConn Law School, Justin Murphy passed the bar exam in 2005 and is an associate with the law firm of Kahan, Kerensky, & Capossella, LLP in Vernon; the firm specializes in estate planning. “I’m excited to be elected to the ECSU Foundation’s Board of Directors. As an attorney I often advise members of boards for various businesses and charities.

This will be a great opportunity to sit on the other side of the table and gain a new perspective. I’m also thankful for the opportunity to work with fellow alumni who have taken advantage of the education they received at Eastern and are now giving back and playing a role in the University’s continued improvement.”


Cathy Horan Poulin ’89 Public relations DIrector, Bob’s discount Furniture

Michael Scanlon ’75 Director of Global sizing and strength resins, kemira chemicals

You might recognize Cathy Poulin as the lady in the television commercials for Bob’s Discount Furniture. She also is the public relations director for the company,

Michael Scanlon is the director of Global Sizing and Strength Resins for Kemira Chemicals. His two sons are currently enrolled at Eastern: Kevin ’08 is a social work major, while Michael III ’07 is majoring in history and political science and

Christian Renstrom ’93 director, development and Marketing, the WORX Group

and oversees the Bob’s Discount Charitable Foundation, which distributes more than $1 million annually to area charities. Poulin was profiled in the fall 2006 edition of EASTERN Magazine. “I am ecstatic about being asked to be on the board and also very honored. I feel Eastern is still a home to me and I hope that I can help the board to continue to make Eastern shine as it did for me as a topnotch school to attend.”

Christian Renstrom and his wife, Veronica, live in West Hartford with their two children. Renstrom is the director of development and marketing at The Worx Group, a strategic marketing communications firm in Prospect. He also has served on the Special Olympics board of directors for the past five years. During his time at the University, he and a friend hosted Sportline, a popular Monday-night sports talk show on the campus radio station. “One of my favorite stories about Eastern is the time when I had a major video project to do. On Christmas Eve, my professor and I were still sitting side-by-side in the editing suite, working to finish the project. That’s the way Eastern professors are — they are there for you and with you.”

studying at Georgetown University this semester. Scanlon credits Eastern’s strong science and mathematics programs with providing him the skill sets required to be successful in the global chemical industry. “I feel it is important for alumni not only to be active financial supporters of the University, but also to donate their time and participate in the fundraising process. I have always tried to contribute to the University and was honored that Ken DeLisa offered me a chance to get involved with the ECSU Foundation.”


Winter 2007


Campus News Sixth Season of Arts & Lecture Series a Stunning Success This past fall, capacity crowds in the Francis E. Geissler Gymnasium were entertained and inspired by distinguished actor James Earl Jones and scientist and comedian Bill Nye.

Jones entertained a rapt audience on Oct. 24 with excerpts from three Shakespearean plays. The veteran actor, whose stage, television, and film career has spanned six decades, focused on the characters of the Prince of Morocco, Othello, and Titus found in The Merchant of Venice, Othello, and Titus Andromidus. “Shakespeare wove a broad range of human nature into these three black characters,” remarked Jones, as he used his remarkable voice to bring energy and emotion to the dialog found in the Shakespearean classics. Jones also provided glimpses of his own life: “From age 4 to 14, I was essentially a mute,” he explained, in describing a severe stuttering problem that he only conquered after discovering the beauty of the English language. His family ran a farm in Michigan, and he described a moment when his uncle stood in the fields reciting Marc Antony’s lines from Julius Caesar in “pure English. On that day, Uncle Bob set me loose on Shakespeare.” 22


Winter 2007

On Nov. 16, Bill Nye encouraged a packed audience to “CHANGE THE WORLD!” He is best known for his work on the popular television series, Bill Nye the Science Guy, which aired on PBS from 1992-1998 and still is in syndication. His speech was a mixture of futuristic prediction, sober analysis of current environmental data, and the exuberance of hope and love of science that Nye is known for among an entire generation of kids.

that gasoline was now the largest single form of energy consumption in the United States. “Bottom line — we need to do more with less.”

In between showing remarkable photographs from Mars of the Spirit and Opportunity land rovers, Nye spent much of his time offering charts and data to make the point, “We have to change how we live. It would take at least two more Earths to accommodate our life style for everyone on the planet.” He said that China, the world’s most populated country, is focused on attaining the lifestyle enjoyed by Americans, with the result that the Earth’s natural resources will be depleted even more rapidly.

Eastern Receives Quality Awards

The Arts and Lecture Series continues on March 8 with a concert by the Borromeo String Quartet, followed by a lecture by former astronaut Mae Jemison on April 12. For more information, see http://www.easternct.edu/ecsu /arts_lecture/.

From left: President Elsa Nuñez; Darren Nosal, accounting associate; Debbie Hunt, information systems application manager; Associate Vice President for Finance and Adminstration John Sweeney; and Executive Vice President Michael Pernal.

This past fall, the University’s sustainable energy initiative, “The Greening of Eastern,” received a Gold Award from the Connecticut Quality Improvement Award (CQIA) program. The initiative comprises the Sustainable Energy Studies minor; the work of the Institute for Sustainable Energy; and the on-campus energy conservation efforts of the University,

“If all of us could reduce our gasoline consumption five-fold, perhaps we would be making different decisions about places like Iraq.” Nye also said

From left: President Elsa Nuñez; Bill Leahy, director of operations, Institute for Sustainable Energy; Nancy Tinker, director of facilities management and planning; Professor Fred Loxsom; and Executive Vice President Michael Pernal.

Campus News which include constructing “green buildings,” an active recycling program, and other conservation efforts.

From left: Dean Carmen Cid, School of Arts and Sciences; President Elsa Nuñez; Professor of Sociology Maggie Martin; Dean Patricia Kleine, School of Education and Professional Studies;Vice President for Academic Affairs Dimitrios Pachis; and Executive Vice President Michael Pernal.

CQIA Silver Awards were presented to Eastern’s Liberal Arts Program Committee for the liberal arts core curriculum project, which involved 80 percent of the faculty; and to the Office of Fiscal Affairs for its tax intercept program, which generated more than $80,000 in revenue in 2006.

A Drummer with a Special Beat Dave Mariasi spends his days overseeing the daily operation of the Office of Financial Aid, supervising student workers, making sure incoming phone calls and e-mails are answered, and otherwise keeping the office running smoothly. In his spare time, Mariasi’s daily rhythm changes — he is the drummer in the Farmer Rick Band, which performs mainly at elementary and middle schools throughout Connecticut. Other band members include lead singer and guitarist “Farmer Rick” Ouellette, guitarist Peter Rizzo, and bassist Mike Rice. “We play once a month, writing and singing children’s lyrics to pop/rock

music that parents also enjoy,” said Mariasi. “I have three sons ages 10, 8, and 6. It’s a joy writing and playing songs for them. I even had them sing background vocals on our new CD.” Dave and his bandmates have performed at the Big E in Massachusetts; the National Mall in Washington, D.C.; Battery Park in New York City; the Houston Astrodome; and Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL. The move to national venues occurred after Ouellette’s son was diagnosed with autism three years ago. “We wanted to do anything we could within our power to help raise money for research and decided to go on tour for the Cure Autism Now Foundation,” Mariasi explained. “The foundation couldn’t afford to pay us, so Rick raised money at his farm store in Enfield.” Additional earnings from the band’s performances at the Big E allowed the group to book the national tour.

Up and Out of Poverty On Dec. 7, 2006, Professor Jaime Gómez, chair of the Department of Communication, premiered his film, “Up and Out of Poverty: An Activist’s Perspective.” Social activist Ron Casanova, the subject of the documentary, joined Gómez for comments following the viewing. The film combines on-screen narration, historical footage, and location interviews to effectively tell Casanova’s story while also making an impassioned plea for people to become more involved in the fight against poverty

To raise money for autism research this year, Mariasi and the band plan on working with Autism Speaks 2007, another national organization, and playing at fundraisers for the Shriner’s Hospital. “This is only the beginning. We also have a cable access television show which airs weekly in 19 Connecticut towns as well as in Manhattan. We’re working with Radio Disney and believe we’re ready to take the band to the next level.”

Ron Casanova and Jaime Gómez in New York City.

and the related issues of hunger and homelessness. Gómez shot the documentary in New York, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. He firmly believes in using media as a vehicle to help improve human conditions and has dedicated most of his life to this goal. Following a life of street living, alcoholism, incarceration, and drug abuse,

Dave Mariasi shown playing with the Farmer Rick Band on the National Mall in Washington D.C., to raise money for autism research.


Winter 2007


Campus News


he Campus is Shaping Up!

Construction workers lay down metal roofing more than six stories into the air.

Construction continues on the Science Building, scheduled for fall 2008 completion, with external work in advanced stages.The Student Center renovation and expansion project is also on track, with plans calling for a fall 2007 opening.

Casanova has spent the better part of the past 15 years traveling the country to advocate for the homeless. In the film, he makes the point that the issue of homelessness is rooted in the causes of poverty — lack of education and gainful employment. “Building someone a home is nice,” he said, “but if they don’t have the skills or education to maintain that home and their lifestyle, we haven’t done them much good.”

From the Classroom to the Lab Biology major Marc Rigatti dreams of becoming a medical research scientist. He currently holds a 3.76 GPA and has a full honors scholarship. In addition to being a full-time student, he keeps himself active in both campus and community activities. Rigatti works as a senior pharmacy technician at Walgreen’s in Norwich and is also a member of MENSA. He has helped revive the Biology Club at Eastern as its president, and hopes the group can “help provide a sense of community within the Biology Department.” The 21-year-old senior is applying to medical schools at Dartmouth College, Brown University, the

Shown here is the front of the new Student Center. Marc Rigatti ’07



Winter 2007

University of Colorado and the University of Connecticut. For now, he dedicates a portion of the week volunteering for the department of microbiology at Windham Memorial Hospital. His supervisor Peter Yednorowicz said Rigatti has done “a wonderful job.” He is impressed with Rigatti’s knowledge and is confident that the Eastern student will one day be a successful professional because of his dedication and careful attention to his work. As a lab technician, Rigatti works with everything from throat cultures to wound samples and spinal fluid. He cultures bacterial specimens from patients who may have infections, isolates the bacterium, and helps determine their identity and resistance to antibiotics. Rigatti attributes a big part of his success to the education he has received at Eastern. One of the things he likes most about Eastern is that professors know him at a personal level and are always helpful. “I can take independent studies and my professors are there to help me and give me ideas,” he said.

Campus News Eastern Honors New Chancellor

Actors Shine on 121st Street Our Lady of 121st Street, the Department of Performing Arts’ fall production, combined light comedy and dark dramatic themes to the audience’s delight during its Nov. 7–12 run in the Harry Hope Theatre. “For the most part we had a full theatre,” said Joshua Davis, a communication major who played the role of Gail. “The plot is all about character interaction,” he added, attributing the play’s success to the chemistry of the cast. Computer science major Saul Rodriguez played Erwin. The native of Honduras is proud to have participated in a play that featured actors with diverse backgrounds. “As a student I was able to participate and show what Eastern is all about.” The script first came to life in September 2002 in New York under the direction of Academy Award-winning actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Written by Stephen Adly Guirgis,

the Eastern adaptation was masterfully directed by David Pellegrini, associate professor of theatre.

Charles R. Webb, Eastern’s fourth president (1970-1988), joined President Elsa Nuñez and other Eastern representatives in celebrating Chancellor David G. Carter’s inauguration on Oct. 20, 2006. Carter, who served as Eastern’s president from 1988–2006, was installed as the Connecticut State University System’s fourth chief executive officer at Central Connecticut State University’s Welte Auditorium. The audience of more than 1,200 included a procession of 300 dignitaries and CSU university faculty, staff, and students dressed in formal academic regalia.

The show was one of six plays selected to compete at the Region I (New England) Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival on Jan. 30-Feb. 4, in Fitchburg, MA, with the possibility of going to the national competition in Washington in April. “This is quite a distinction for Eastern, the President Emeritus Charles Webb; Chancellor David G. Carter; and Theatre Program, and the President Elsa Nuñez visit at the Chancellor’s inauguration. students and faculty involved,” said Pellegrini.

You Can’t Get Lost! Eastern now has a beautiful labyrinth near the Arboretum entrance, thanks to the inspiration of Carol Williams, associate dean for the School of Continuing Education. Unlike a maze, a labyrinth has no dead-ends. As one student noted, you can “enter the labyrinth with stress and leave with solace.” The stone benches for the site are recycled granite taken from another oncampus construction site. EASTERN

Winter 2007




ield Hockey Clinic

Seventy middle school and high school girls participated in the Eastern Field Hockey Clinic at Geissler Gymnasium, staged in four, three-hour sessions, during the weekend of Dec. 2-3, 2006.The clinic was coordinated by Eastern field hockey coach Christine Jeffrey, with Eastern players serving as clinicians.

Champions Again! Eastern’s top-seeded women’s volleyball team repeated as Little East Conference champions for the second straight season, sweeping Rhode Island College in the tournament final on Nov. 4 in the Francis E. Geissler Gymnasium. The victory qualified the team for its 15th NCAA Division III tournament — the most of any program in New England.

The title was Eastern’s sixth in the 12-year history of the championship, which began in 1995.

Fall All-Conference Teams Announced Eastern honored this past fall’s Little East Conference award-winners at halftime of a Dec. 7 men’s basketball game. Fifteen student-athletes in the sports of men’s and women’s soccer and women’s volleyball were named to all-conference teams: Jay Barney, Pat Kozloski, Elvis Perndoj, and Maxim Fantl (men’s soccer); Nicole Gaudette, Melissa Lambert, Michelle Read, Carrie Fleischer, Megan Gloster, and Taylor MacDonald (women’s soccer); and Marianna Capomolla, Priscilla Dougherty, Jessica Keogh, Emma Sousa, and Lesley Mumford (volleyball).



Winter 2007

The Warriors concluded their fourth season under Head Coach Jolie Ward with a 30-10 record — their 12th season in program history with 30 wins and their first since 1998.

Eastern entered the year as the pre-season favorite to repeat their title, which Ward said was a burden to the team throughout the season. “It’s difficult to come back and win the title two years in a row,” said Ward, who has compiled a 93-57 record at Eastern. “The pressure was on us all season. Everyone in the conference stepped up to play their best against us.” For the second straight year, Eastern senior defensive specialist Marianna

Capomolla of Stamford was voted the tournament’s Most Valuable Player. Other top players for Eastern included junior middle blocker Emma Sousa of Coventry, senior outside hitter Jessica Keogh of Monroe, and junior setter Priscilla Dougherty of Island Park, NY.

Keeping it Friendly

Thirteen alumni returned for the annual Eastern women’s soccer alumni game this past fall between alumni and current team members.

Athletics The Marshall Plan BY


Four years ago, Jessie Marshall of Yantic began what would become a fruitful cross country career at Eastern Connecticut State University. As her senior year winds down, Marshall leaves behind a legacy that has seen her become a consistent runner and leader.

their indoor track season in early December at Wesleyan University. The fact Marshall never missed a single cross country race in her career is special to Head Coach Frank Poulin. “She is committed and dedicated,” noted the sixth-year head coach. Marshall is Poulin’s first female four-year cross country letterwinner.

Greg Sullivan ’06 has been selected as the first head baseball coach at Newbury College, a private, baccalaureate college located in Brookline, MA, just minutes from Sullivan’s hometown of Needham. He is believed to be the NCAA’s youngest current head baseball coach. Sullivan played first base, left field, and right field during his playing career, and went to the Division III national tournament three times. After completing his first season at Newbury, Sullivan will serve as assistant coach for the Manchester (CT) Silkworms of the New England Collegiate Baseball League this summer. The Silkworms will be managed for the first season by Eastern baseball alumnus Trevor Brown ’97, the full-time pitching coach at Pace University.

In addition to carrying a full load as a Visual Arts major with a GPA of 3.11, Marshall also works in the Office of the President.

Marshall established the pace throughout the season, finishing first among all Eastern runners in all seven meets. Just three weeks after the conclusion of her cross country career, Marshall was back on the track, taking sixth place in the mile run when the Warriors opened

She also finds that being an athlete throughout the year makes academics easier. “It gives me more of a set schedule. It makes it easier to get things done and it gets me more involved in campus activities.”

New Coach. New Team.

For someone who did not plan on a college running career, Marshall has been the model of consistency. This past fall, she entered her fourth season in Eastern’s running program, having been involved in cross country, indoor track, and outdoor track in what is a virtually unending season begining in August and ending in May.

Marshall started and finished each of the cross country team’s 27 races over her four-year career. She celebrated her 25th consecutive race and last home meet with her first career victory against Rhode Island College on Oct. 14. “It was pretty exciting. I wasn’t really expecting to win,” admitted Marshall, who is small in stature (5’1”), but big in heart.

ship role. “I’m usually not the leader type,” she said, “but I just try to motivate the other girls.”

Her results have improved during her four-year career. “I’m glad I stayed with it. I’m improving and I wish I had more time because I feel like I could get even better.” Marshall’s role was not limited to being the top runner on Eastern’s cross country team. As the most experienced member of the program, it was also incumbent upon her to take a leader-

Sullivan is the third Eastern alumnus serving as a head collegiate baseball coach, joining Brian Leighton ’03, now in his third season at Albertus Magnus College, and Steve Trimper ’92, who is in his second season at the University of Maine after seven years as head coach at Manhattan College.


Winter 2007




egendary Coach Gains Softball Hall of Fame

The 13th E-Club Hall of Fame Banquet

Eastern softball coach Clyde Washburne brought glory and prestige to campus during his team’s championship run in the 1980s. On Dec. 8, 2006, he became only the fourth coach from Division III to earn induction into the National Fastpitch Coaches Association (NFCA) Hall of Fame at the NFCA’s 16th Annual Hall of Fame Banquet in Tucson,AZ.

Seven members of the Eastern athletic community were inducted into the EClub Hall of Fame at the Hall of

Joining Washburne in the Class of 2006 were retiring UCLA head coach Sue Enquist and University of Michigan head coach Carol Hutchins, both Division I coaches. Washburne is one of only five male coaches in the NFCA Hall of Fame. He was presented for induction by Central College (Iowa) coach George Wares, a colleague and close friend for more than 20 years.

Fame Banquet held on Nov. 5, 2006 in the Francis E. Geissler Gymnasium. Five Pioneers were also recognized at the event. In addition, the 1981 AIAW Division III national championship softball team was honored in recognition of its 25th Anniversary.

Pioneers (from left) Annie Noheimer Robinson, Ignatius Lombardo, Donald Beerworth, and Dr. Bertram Nussbaum. Also honored as a Pioneer was the late Tommy Johnson.

For his trailblazing achievements during the early years of Title IX in the 1970s, Washburne was inducted into the NFCA Hall of Fame as a “Pioneer.” Washburne, a Willimantic native who coached the program through its first 11 seasons on the intercollegiate level, won four national championships in six years.

Hall of Fame Inductees (from left) John P. McNally ’87; Stephen E. Krajewski ’77; Judy Pemberton Bell ’86; Christine Brennan ’85; Kimberly A. Durocher Wise ’88; John N. Risley. Missing: Greg Andrulis ’80

Under Washburne, who retired from the Eastern coaching staff after 21 years in 1987, the Warriors won the last AIAW Division III national title in 1981 and the first NCAA Division III crown in 1982. Washburne led the program to additional national championships in 1985 and 1986. He led Eastern to seven straight national tournament berths between 1981 and 1987 and a 12-year record of 284-110-1.

In celebrating the Title IX legislation passed in 1972, Eastern joined the nation in celebrating the 21st Annual National Girls and Women in Sports Day on Feb. 7 with a variety of activities in the Sports Center. The theme of this year’s nationwide celebration was “Throw like a girl – Lead like a champion.”

Sue Murphy, a member of the 1980 team and a player on the 1981 and 1982 national title teams, praises Washburne for the positive influence that he had on her.“Twenty-three years after I graduated, he’s still with me every day,” says Murphy.



Winter 2007

National Girls and Women in Sports Day

Eastern’s events were co-sponsored by the Eastern Women’s Center and the Student Athletic Advisory Committee and included a swimming meet between Eastern and Western New England College; various sports clinics for girls; and meet and greet sessions with members of the ProFastpitch X-treme Tour and the Connecticut Cyclones of the Women’s Professional Football League.

Alumni News major, Boyden credits Eastern for helping her develop study skills and the ability to prioritize. “I did research with Dr. (Michael) Adams and that gave me a lot of options, not to mention confidence.” Vice President for Academic Affairs Dimitrios Pachis introduces the panel of four health care experts.

Health Care Professionals Return to Campus “The liberal arts give you the ability to adjust to the vicissitudes of life,” said Art Glaude ’66, one of four speakers to address students and faculty at the Health Care Art Glaude Symposium held on Dec. 5, 2006. “To make the changes that life brings, take the courses you like because those are the ones that will position you to have the job that you enjoy.” Glaude, the principal of North Atlantic Capital Corporation (NY), joined Jess Kupec ’78, Tracey Boyden ’89, and Brett Harnett ’84, as the four alumni spoke about the challenges and opportunities that exist in health care services. Boyden, who has been with Pfizer for 15 years and is currently a senior research scientist, found it amusing Tracey Boyden that when she joined the company, employees had to have doctorates in order to have arms on their chairs. A biology

It took Harnett a decade before he realized the value of his business administration degree from Eastern. “Eastern provided me with creative thinking skills, dynamic maneuvering, and people skills,” said Brett Harnett Harnett, a professor and IT division chief at the University of Cincinnati. “Never stop learning. You have to stay competitive in a technologybased industry like health care.”

Kupec said Eastern “played a very valuable role in my life” and emphasized that you have to set goals because success isn’t an Jess Kupec accident. “Find something you like to do and work hard at it,” said Kupec, president and CEO of the St. Francis (Hartford) Physician Hospital Organization since 1995.


lass of 1960 Visits Campus

Seven members of the class of 1960 visited campus on Oct. 11, 2006, reuniting for the first time in 46 years and enjoying a tour of the many new campus facilities. They recalled with pride the days when Eastern was Willimantic State College and the campus was much smaller in size. They also had an opportunity to visit with Eastern’s new president, Elsa Nuñez. [from left: President Elsa Nuñez; Nancy (Blair) Johndrow; Nancy (Detweiler) ShoresVandergrift; Pat (Carone) Rust; Kay Hickson; Barbara (Yauch) Zulick; Kathy (Bagley) McKnight; and Mary Lou (Corbett) DeVivo].

HPE Alumni and Students Visit in Cromwell Nearly 60 students and graduates of Eastern’s Health and Physical Education (HPE) program gathered at the annual conference of the Connecticut Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance at the Crown Plaza Hartford on Nov. 17, 2006. Between professional conferences, alumni had the opportunity to mingle at an informal alumni reception. It was a chance to reconnect with friends, make new contacts in their field, and take a break from the activities of the day.

Alumni News would come to be known as Morgan’s Original Scented Soap. As word spread about Adair’s saddle soap, she and her husband, Tom Kasprzak ’01, decided it was time to share the product with the rest of the equestrian world. MOSS Professional Equine Products was born in 2004 and the product line quickly grew to include a variety of saddle soaps, grooming wipes, and body spray.

Front row (left to right):Anthony Cristi ’97;Timm Kainen ’67; Laila Siddiqui ’04; President Elsa Nuñez; Kenneth J. DeLisa, vice president for institutional advancement; Umesh Vig ’01, Eastern Alumni Association president, Nancy Marin ’99; Joy Goff, director of alumni affairs. Back row (left to right): Joseph McGann, director of institutional advancement; Patrick Ammendolia ’03; Jon Gorgone ’00; David Mullin ’98; Ryan Rose ’00, associate director of alumni affairs; Bonnie Bryden ’03; Michelle Lusas ’03; Brian Cullen; Michael Pernal, executive vice president; Dimitrios S. Pachis, vice president for academic affairs.

By the River Charles On Dec. 14, 2006, alumni and their guests were hosted by President Elsa Nuñez at her Boston home for Eastern’s second annual Boston Area Alumni Reception. The group enjoyed breathtaking views of the Boston skyline, delicious food, and great company. Bostonarea alumni from the class of 1967 to the class of 2004 represented a wide range of professional backgrounds including television, marketing, infor-

Timm Kainen visits with President Nuñez.

mation technology, and higher education. President Nuñez took the opportunity to share her vision for Eastern’s future. Dimitrios Pachis, vice president



Winter 2007

for academic affairs, gave alumni an update on the new Science Building and other academic initiatives, while Ken DeLisa, vice president for institutional advancement, reminded the group that the number of alumni who make financial contributions to the University, not the size of their contribution, is a significant factor in national higher education rankings.

Tally Ho! BY


Morgan Adair began riding horses when she was six years old and quickly discovered she had a passion for it. A gifted dressage rider, Adair juggled her time as a student at Eastern with pursuing her dream of becoming a professional rider. While she loved riding, she dreaded the tack cleaning that followed. Adair wanted to find a way to turn the cleaning into a pleasant experience. When she realized that no one made an aromatherapy saddle soap, she headed to the kitchen and went to work experimenting with different ingredients, finally coming up with a product that

Kasprzak, an English major, credits much of his success to Eastern. “I loved the entire experience,” he says. “As an English major I learned to take risks.” He remembers a poetry workshop and western civilization with David Frye as two of his favorite classes, while an existential philosophy class taught him to think outside the box, something that has served him and the company well. This year marks the first time the company has turned a profit, and their distribution has reached as far as Europe and Singapore. In July Kasprzak quit his job as a reporter for the Westerly Sun to focus on their business. As the company evolves, Adair will continue to give riding lessons and will pursue her dream of secuing a sponsor and competing in the 2012 Olympics.

Class Notes 1939 Frances (Morrow) Vaida taught in Tolland and Hartford prior to retiring from the Hartford Board of Education in 1977. She earned a master’s degree from the University of Connecticut in 1951. She has two children and five grandchildren and recently returned to campus for the James Earl Jones lecture.

1947 Salem David recently spoke on the Willimantic State Teachers College Teacher Cadet program designed to alleviate teacher shortages during World War II.

1950 Ignatius “Iggy” Lombardo was a recipient of the “Pioneer of ECSU Athletics” award at the recent E-Club Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet.

1951 & 1952 David Flight and his wife Vera (McGovern) Flight ’52 both retired from Nova Southeastern University in Florida and have been living in Middlebury,VT, for the past five years. David celebrated his 80th birthday in April with his siblings visiting from South Africa and Maryland.The Flights write: “Summer in the hills and winter in the small college town is close to heaven on Earth.”

1953 Irene Cannon Hartley recently completed 10 years as a National Association for the Education of Young Children Validator for preschools and daycare centers seeking national accreditation. She looks forward to returning to college to explore new avenues in education.

1954 Joann Riddell of Colchester is a substitute teacher at East Haddam Elementary School, a docent at a local museum, and volunteers in church and town activities.

1958 Phyllis (Fogil) Aaron taught elementary school for 20 years after graduating from Willimantic State Teachers College (WSTC). She and her husband live in Woodstock, IL, and recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.They have three children and three grandchildren. She is a substitute teacher and proud that her mother, Alice Fogil, was a training teacher at WSTC. Martha (Fish) Greenwood of Holliston, MA, retired in 1996. She has two children, four grandchildren, and welcomed her first greatgrandson in September 2005.

1959 (Jane) Betsy Peckham moved to Los Angeles in the early 1970s and attended UCLA, receiving a degree in Human Resources Management. She now divides her time between working with non-English speaking adults, traveling, attending classes, and “hanging out on the beach.” Thomas Johnson was honored posthumously as a “Pioneer of ECSU Athletics” at the recent E-Club Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet.

1961 A. David Babbit was elected as First Selectman of Thompson, CT, in fall 2005 and is enjoying his retirement. Donald Beerworth was a recipient of a “Pioneer of ECSU Athletics” award at the recent E-Club Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet.

1962 Victor H. Ferry, Ph.D., LLC recently retired again, after nearly 10 years as an emergency management consultant and licensed investigator.Vic first retired from public education in 1997 after 35 years, 28 of

these as a principal. He resides in Waterford, winters in Naples, FL, and welcomes contact from former classmates.

1963 Bert Nussbaum is mentoring newly appointed administrators in New Jersey in a state-mandated two-year residency program. Representing the Foundation for Educational Administration, he is employed as an educational consultant. He also was a recipient of a “Pioneer of ECSU Athletics” award at the recent E-Club Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet.

1969 Paul Lankarge is a partner in SML Sales Group and spends his summers boating in Newport, RI.

1971 Christine Friese retired after a 35-year career teaching first grade.

1972 Mary-Jane (Larson) Traska plans to retire in June 2007 after a 35-year career teaching second grade in East Hampton.

1973 Larry Mahan is founder and CEO of Larry Mahan Associates, Inc., a family mediation consulting firm. He is married to Thomas Hochard and lives in Provincetown, MA.They have three children and two grandchildren.

1974 Mary (Brown) LeBlanc and her husband, Ray, celebrated 30 years of marriage by vacationing in Wales and buying a new home in Windsor. Mary is director of risk finance for a large East Coast health system and Ray is investigating a career change after many years in the real estate and mortgage business. Helena (Loiselle) Corona is a cardiac rehabilitation nurse. She is married with two daughters and one grandson.

1975 Deborah Abate’s company, Abate and Associates, Inc. has been selected by the Hartford Business Journal as one of the 25 fastest growing privately held companies in the region. Michael Pisani is coordinating his 40-year high school reunion. His 11-year-old daughter,Tori, finished fourth overall in the Tri-State riding events in short stirrup for the summer season.

1976 Gordon Sanford has spent 25 years with various federal and international agencies in the field of forensics and marine biology. He now teaches at West Valley College and the Central County Occupational Center in San Jose, CA. He travels internationally every summer as a wildlife/marine biology photographer. Claire Connelly, the first student to graduate from Eastern’s part-time extension program, obtained a M.S. in counseling from California State University, Northridge. Claire is president of Angels Depot Resource Center in Manchester, CT, a United Way Partner Agency that provides counseling and social services. Annie Noheimer Robinson was a recipient of a “Pioneer of ECSU Athletics” award at the recent E-Club Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet.

1977 Gayle Bruce moved to Florida in 1993 and returned to teaching at the elementary school level. For the past six years, she has been teaching reading at Sebastian River High School in Sebastian, FL; during the past 10 years she has been an adjunct reading

instructor at Indian River Community College. She hopes to visit campus in September 2007 when she returns to Connecticut for her daughter’s wedding. Gary Littlefield was recently elected as an alternate to the zoning board of appeals in Columbia. He lives there with his wife, Marcy ’81, and their son, Logan. Gary recently retired as chairman of the Republican town committee after four years and continues to serve as their treasurer. Paul Karrer, a sixth-grade teacher in Castroville CA, reads his short stories every month on National Public Radio affiliate KUSP. He recently had three short stories published in the San Francisco Chronicle Sunday Magazine. His most recent story, “All the Wrong Moves,” was published in the August edition of Teacher Magazine. Janet Murphy is an administrative intern at Yalesville Elementary School in Wallingford. She was nominated as Wallingford’s 2006 Teacher of the Year and was a semifinalist for Connecticut State Teacher of the Year. Douglas May is President/CEO of Universal Fiberoptic Repair, Inc., which he founded in 1986. He and his wife, Jan, recently celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary in Ireland.They reside in Pomfret Center with their two sons. Stephen Krajewski was a 2006 inductee to the E-Club Athletic Hall of Fame.

1978 Bob DeRose has been named regional vice president of sales and marketing for the East and Caribbean region of the Marriott Vacation Club and Ritz Carlton Club. Stephen Franco is CEO of Connecticut Testing Labs Inc. in Meriden and recently celebrated 20 years in business.

1979 Tom DiStefano III is in his 10th year as CEO and chairman of Sticky Web, Inc., an intellectual property company in Boca Raton, FL.Tom initiated and developed five patents pending relating to the company. David Kilbourn is a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps and deployed to Baghdad, Iraq. He is working with the State Department’s Iraq Reconstruction Management Office to help rebuild the Iraqi government. Julie Zander received her master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling in 2004, and is looking forward to retirement and the opportunity to pursue her writing. Margaret (Gaffney) Deguzis and her husband, Edward, have three children ages 20, 17 and 11. Meg is vice president of the healthcare division for One Beacon Professional Partners in Avon. Mari (Papachriston) Muri retired after 15 years as a State of Connecticut math consultant, and is now consulting with universities, in between trips visiting family and friends throughout the world.

1980 Jeff Sizer and Brenda Coffey are married and reside in Somers with their two sons, Dan and Chris. Jeff is president of APComPower, Inc. Gregory Andrulis was a 2006 inductee to the E-Club Athletic Hall of Fame. William Godburn has been named vice president, revenue management, at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center in Hartford. Godburn had served as director of ambulatory services since 2005. In his new position he will oversee the Business Office, Patient Access, Health Information Management and Revenue Cycle operations. Bill holds a master’s degree in health care management from RPI and serves as an adjunct professor of management at St. Joseph College. He lives in Canaan with his wife, Lynette, and their three children, Katie (25), Erin (23) and Christopher (20).


Winter 2007


Class Notes 1981 Marcy (Klappholz) Littlefield was named Mother Advisor of the Willimantic Assembly International Order of the Rainbow for Girls. She is a Connecticut Rainbow member and serves on the advisory board. She lives in Columbia with her husband, Gary ’77, and their son, Logan.

1982 Terri (Knoblauch) Wilson was elected to a two-year term on the American Red Cross Blood Services Board in Farmington. She is employed by a non-profit organization in Hartford that is involved in new medical technology. She also volunteers with her husband, Lee, for the Farmington River Watershed Association.

1983 Scott Tomassetti teaches physical education in Hartford and has been teaching in an urban setting for more than 10 years.

1984 Edward Guidone, and his wife, Jill, welcomed their seventh child, Nicholas Mark, in 2006. Ed manages real estate investments and brokers transactions in Chicago. Brett Harnett joined the faculty at the University of Cincinnati as a research assistant professor in 2004 and serves as the manager of experimental information technology for the Center for Surgical Innovation. Prior to joining UC, Brett was the director of experimental information technology for a NASA-sponsored research program at Virginia Commonwealth University.

1985 Rev. Greg Thomas relocated to Lynchburg,VA, due to his wife’s new job. His son, Chris, is a U.S. Navy search and rescue diver and his son,Tim, is attending film school. William Caldrello was promoted to associate director, integrated mental health manager at Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. During his 17-year career at Bristol-Myers Squibb, Bill has held various positions in pharmaceutical sales, including six years as a district sales manager. Deborah NiemannBoehle is in her first semester of a two-year master’s program in communications at Illinois State University. Christine Brennan was a 2006 inductee to the E-Club Athletic Hall of Fame.

1986 Deanne (Gravino) Bowen and Stephen Bowen live in Schroon Lake, NY.They have two daughters; one is a college freshman and the other is a high school junior. Catherine (Horton) Futoma left her position as copy director with T. Rowe Price Investment Services and is now a freelance writer. She resides in Newton with her husband, Jason, and their 2-yearold daughter, Madison. Nancy (Parrella) Crosby recently completed 20 years at Providence Water where she is a lab supervisor for the water treatment plant. It supplies water to more than 60 percent of Rhode Island’s residents. Judith (Pemberton) Bell was a 2006 inductee to the E-Club Athletic Hall of Fame.

1987 Andrea Brosnan resides in Newtown with her husband, Kerry, and their two children, Olivia and Leo. Previously a reading consultant/reading recovery teacher, she enjoys being home with her children. David Marlin teaches physical education at Hartland School in East Hartford and has two children, a 12-year-old daughter and a 9-year-old son. John



Winter 2007

McNally was a 2006 inductee to the E-Club Athletic Hall of Fame.

1988 Nickolas Gallivan is the owner of Gallivan Asphalt Maintenance and Construction. He and his wife, Dayna, live in Preston with their daughter, Skyler, age 9, and son, Nickolas Jr., age 5. Mansour Sakkez is a contractor for the U.S. Army as an executive manager for an audio/video system integrator engineering company in Kuwait. He married in 1992 and has two sons and a daughter. Kimberly Durocher Wise was a 2006 inductee to the E-Club Athletic Hall of Fame.

1989 Tracey Boyden is a senior research scientist with Pfizer, Inc. in the pharmacokinetics, dynamics and metabolism department. She holds several U.S. patents and is an accomplished amateur road and off-road cyclist.Tracey won a silver medal representing the United States in the 24-hour solo mountain bike world championships in 2002. Joe Gregorio and Lynne (Croteau) Gregorio reside in North Carolina with their three boys and adopted daughter from China. Joe is a senior software engineer for IBM and Lynne, who earned her Ph.D. in mathematics education, works as a real-estate investor and a part-time teacher. Steven Piro is a physical education teacher in the Town of Columbia, and received his second degree from Eastern in 2002. He married his wife, Karen, in 2000; their son, Jack, was born in 2005.

1990 Mark Bradley is employed at The Hartford/Specialty Risk Services in Hartford. He recently secured the certified risk manager designation offered by the National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research. Stephen Giavara separated from the U.S. Air Force as a Captain and consults for Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. in Ballston,VA. He works as a functional Air Force military pay expert and is responsible for high-level design analysis of the defense integrated military human resource system. Rose Otten Paggioli resides in Colchester with her husband, Michael, and two children, Kristina and Nicholas. She is in her 13th year in Griswold teaching health and physical education.

1991 Paula Vail-Gerard is employed by Tufts University’s Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in their ambulatory facility in Woodstock as the business manager. Jack Faski’s real estate company, Skyview Realty, celebrated five years in Colchester this past June.The company has eight agents, including Jack’s wife, Lori.Their son, Matthew, is attending Eastern and plans to join the family business. L. Bart Goodin was recently named partner of Taxes Plus and Associates, LLC in Columbia. Marvin Christley is a physical education teacher and grant supervisor for the New Haven Board of Education. Lisa (Michaud) Sullivan and her husband, Patrick, have two children, Sadie, born in 2003 and Emily, born in 2005. Lisa is a paralegal working for the State of Connecticut.

1992 Anowar “Mark” Shahjahan is the president and CEO of Vortex Systems, a Connecticut-based software and services company with an established offshore development center. He resides in Weston with his wife, Kimberly, and their two-year-old daughter, Alexis. Michelle (Lagana) Zering of New Fairfield worked for American Airlines after graduation and married her husband, Fred, in 1997.The couple has three sons, Fredrick IV, born in 1999, Jaden, born in 2001, and Cole, born in 2003. Kerry

(Runyon) McNickle and her husband, Fred, welcomed a third son,Trevor John, in 2006. He joins his big brothers, Reilly, 7, and Griffin, 2. Scott Boucher and his wife,Tammy, adopted their daughter, Gabby, in July. Scott is employed by Allied Chemical Disposal Services in Brooklyn. Pamela Baril was recently named Montville’s Teacher of the Year for 2006-07. Robert Coughlin is in his seventh year at South Windsor High School and 13th year overall teaching mathematics. He will complete a second master’s degree from Southern Connecticut State University in March 2007. Pamela (Zugeber) Lewis has returned to college to pursue her RN degree. She plans to graduate in May 2008.

1993 Stacy Lawton was appointed associate executive director for the Southeastern Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. She has worked for the council for 13 years. Raymond Voght lives in Roswell, GA, and has owned a law practice since 2004 and a CPA practice since 2001. He is a parttime firefighter and co-founder and vice president of the Roswell Firefighter’s Foundation Inc., a not-forprofit agency that benefits injured firefighters. Lana (Keeley) Pontbriant and her husband, Matt, recently welcomed their second son, Dominic Park, who shares the same birthday with older brother, Griffin.Dana Rondel Olmsted recently published the book, A Flower: It Has Its Own Song. Timothy Haddad resides in Las Vegas, NV, with his wife and their ninemonth-old daughter, Abigail.Tim is in his 11th year teaching fifth grade in the Clark County School District. Lisa Hatt recently returned to Eastern to tour campus with her niece. Lisa lives in California where she has worked for more than seven years as a benefits manager for Lucas Digital, Ltd. She and her husband, Scott, who is also employed by Lucas Digital, Ltd, were married in July 2006.

1994 William S. Sobota retired from the Connecticut Army National Guard after serving more than 35 years and earning the rank of brigadier general. Paulette (Lucas) Haines is the executive director of Cherokee County Senior Services in Canton GA, and founder of the Cherokee County Volunteer Aging Council. She is currently pursuing her master’s degree in professional management from Columbus State University and is active in her community. Bryan Dooley and his wife, Nancy, welcomed their first child, Jacob, in March 2006.They live in Andover. Bryan has been employed by Madison Square Garden of Connecticut for the past 10 years. Scott Chandler is teaching physical education at Roxbury Elementary School in Stamford and is in his eighth year of teaching. He and his wife, Rebecca, have two children;Veronica, age 3, and Andrew, age 11/2. Brad Wheeler earned his MBA from the University of Connecticut in 2004 and is a senior consultant for USI Consulting Group in Glastonbury. Jodi (Chant) Latina recently celebrated her six-year anniversary at Channel 8-TV. Her husband, Anthony, is in his second season at Sacred Heart University as the top men’s assistant basketball coach.The couple lives with their two children in Wethersfield.

1995 Claudia Misuraca resides in the Cayman Islands and works for Maples and Calder, an offshore law firm. Tracey (Jankovsky) Gairing and her husband, William Gairing ’97, have two sons:Timothy William, born in 2006 and Nathaniel Robert, born in 2003. Trish Albamonti resides in Westerly, RI, with her husband,Tom.They have two children: Megan, 5

Class Notes Robert Laskarzewski has been appointed principal of Lebanon Middle School. Jennifer (Migliore) Stevenson and her husband,Travis, recently celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary.They have a son, Logan Alexander. Amy Schack was recently promoted to director of residential life at Fordham University’s Lincoln Center campus in Manhattan. In 2005, she received her M.S.Ed. in counseling from Fordham. Mary Ragno recently earned a doctoral degree in adult learning and leadership from Teachers College, Columbia University. Following a long career with the Connecticut Department of Education, Mary now consults, in addition to teaching at Eastern. She and her husband are developing their Willimantic backyard into a certified wildlife habitat.

(Abbazia) Gagne married Mark Gagne ’97 in 2005 and the couple resides in Willimantic. Michele recently joined the board of directors at Arts in Motion. Julie Kisil works as a special education teacher at Cooperative Educational Services in Trumbull, helping socially and emotionally disabled high school students. She also is finishing her master’s degree in special education at Southern Connecticut State University. Richard Napoli earned an M.S. in elementary education from Southern Connecticut State University and is pursuing a sixth-year diploma in educational leadership with certification for administration. He is a fifth-grade teacher in Milford and lives in Naugatuck. Kristen Brown is coaching soccer and teaching math at Scituate High School in Scituate, RI. She lives in Attleboro, MA. Daniel Swartz is an assistant professor at Southern Connecticut State University. Ian Beazley married Carla Menius at the Tarrytown Castle in Tarrytown, NY.The couple recently announced the birth of their son, Jake Ian.



Diana M. Brennan is leaving her position as class notes editor at Pomfret School to enroll in Eastern’s master’s degree program in early childhood education. She also has five grandchildren who keep her very busy. Emily (Walpole) Renaud married Saul Renaud in 2002; their son, Samuel Garrett, was born in September 2004. Emily received her MSW from Smith College in 2003 and practices clinical social work with adolescents and adults. Scott Rossi married Melissa Smolski in 2006.They recently purchased a home in East Hampton. Scott received his graduate degree in elementary education from Eastern in 2004 and serves as co-head coach of girl’s lacrosse at Berlin High School. Collene Gregory hopes everyone had a happy holiday season. She says life is good and “Go Warriors!” Carri-Ann (Tollefson) Bell married Derek Bell in 2005 and the couple recently welcomed their first child, Landon Charles. Reno Daigle is working for Fireman’s Fund Insurance as a director in their San Francisco office. He is responsible for strategic initiatives, process improvement, and information technology for commercial business. Amy (Bopko) Gemmiti and her husband, Chris, welcomed their son, Nolan, in February 2006. Chris received his doctorate in biomedical engineering from Georgia Tech this fall and the family has since relocated from Atlanta to Boston. Valerie (Thomas) Palmerie earned a Master of Science in management from Albertus Magnus College.

Henry Fusco’s book, A Templar Night’s Tale, was recently published by Airleaf Publishing of Martinsville, IN. Ryan Zengou received his medical degree from the University of Connecticut. He is in residency in neurosurgery at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center in Chicago. Michele M. Schlehofer completed her Ph.D. in applied social psychology at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, CA. She also gave birth to her first child, Tyrick Alexander, in October. A. Wade Willis is living in Queen Creek, AZ, a small farming community near Phoenix. He works for Village Voice Media as an advertising executive and has a beautiful 2-year-old daughter, Anissa Nesta. Tim Bowen has been teaching social studies at E.O. Smith High School in Storrs since 1999 and received his master’s degree in secondary education from Eastern in December 2006. Denise Raymond is teaching physical education in Suffield. Her second son, Matthew Charles, was born in 2006. Paula Zalusky worked in the recreation field as a program coordinator for six years and now works for a health department. Nory Oakes has been hired to teach English at Windham Technical High School. Thomas Vece is a social studies teacher at Hamden High School and has a new daughter, Emily Grace. Jeremy Beebe is a health and physical education instructor at Grasso Tech in Groton. He coaches girl’s cross country and track, and is the Title IX coordinator as well as a member of the HPE steering committee and powering standards committee. Jennifer Plis teaches health and physical education and serves as co-head coach for girl’s lacrosse at Berlin High School.

years old, and Andrew, 4 months old.Trish is a physical education and health teacher at North Stonington Elementary School.


1998 Mark and Courtney (Davidson) Murphy are married and have two sons: James, 2, and William, 6 months. Mark is an account manager for Yankee Group, a market research and consulting firm in Boston. Courtney is human resources manager for Digitas, a marketing agency and strategy firm also in Boston. The family lives in Windham, NH. Jennifer (Fonner) Feldman and her husband, Bryan, have two children: Justin Robert, age 4, and Jarrett Alan, born in 2006. Jennifer is teaching physical education and art at St. Bernard Middle School and also serves as the school’s athletic director. Kevin Donnelly and Allison (Belanger) Donnelly had their second son,Tristan Cole, in August 2006. He joins older bother, Aidan Bryce. Nancy Shay operates Tree Top Studio in her Pomfret home. In addition to creating her own work, Nancy has a full teaching schedule in her studio. She shares her studio space and home with her dogs, Amos and Nora, and husband, Bruce. Timothy Fox and Jen Kabe had a son, Dakota Killian Fox, in August.Tim is the vice president of Lighthouse Point Lending and lives with his family in Clinton. Michelle

2000 Michael Reed resides in Boca Raton, FL, and is employed as a mortgage banker for WCS Lending. Jackie Hooper-Hage just returned from a five-day joint China/U.S. conference on social work, held in Beijing and sponsored by the National Association of Social Workers and the China Association of Social Workers. Paul Pedroncelli works in financial services with the ING Group in Hartford. He lives in Middletown with his wife, Elana (Anastas) Pedroncelli ’01. Sharon (Cloutier) Sharp received an MBA in health care from Regis University and is pursuing her Ph.D. in community health and education from Walden University. She works for the Connecticut Department of Public Health. Katherine Golias married Dennis Tracy in 2006 and resides in Stratford. Following a reception at the Country House in East Haven, the couple honeymooned in the Caribbean. Christopher Vazquez recently moved

back to Connecticut from Florida with his new bride, Crystal (Ouellette) Vazquez ’02. Crystal is staying at home with their three children while Chris works in pharmaceutical sales. Sara Mason is a kindergarten teacher at the Friendship School in Waterford and married Sean Ladyga in August 2006. Carrie (Lisitano) Rose and Ryan Rose are restoring their newly purchased 1880s Victorian home in the hill section of Willimantic. Carrie earned a master’s degree in information and library science from Southern Connecticut State University and works as a legislative analyst for the Connecticut General Assembly. Ryan was recently hired as Eastern’s associate director of alumni affairs. Jessica (Hart) Reinhart and Jeffrey Reinhart ’01 celebrated their first wedding anniversary in July. Jessica works for Valassis, a marketing company and Jeff works as a program coordinator for the Special Olympics.They live in Bethel. Erin (Flanigan) Wolf has been working since 2000 as an assignment editor in Fox 61 WTICTV’s news department.This past September she married Ken Wolf and the couple bought a house in South Windsor.

2001 Stephanie (Impoinbato) Apostolidis has been happily married for a year. She and her husband own a two-family home in Rocky Hill; Stephanie was recently hired as a wedding planner for the Sheraton Hotel at Bradley International Airport. Elana (Anastas) Pedroncelli works as a school social worker at High Road School, a private school for children with learning, language, and social challenges in Wallingford. She is studying for the licensed clinical social worker exam and lives in Middletown with her husband, Paul Pedroncelli ’00. Jamey and Courtney (Burke) Carroll welcomed their newest daughter,Taylor Rae, in the summer of 2006. Jamey received his master’s degree in exercise science from California University of Pennsylvania in December 2006. Courtney is a sales consultant for a home builder.They reside in Dallas,TX, with their four daughters. Natalie (Cristino) Crowe received her Master of Social Work degree from Southern Connecticut State University and works for the Connecticut Department of Mental Retardation. She and her husband, Brian, own a home in the Black Rock area of Bridgeport. Ryan Cavanaugh married Kerri Sheridan last year and works as an information technology business analyst at Pratt and Whitney.The couple recently purchased a home in East Granby. Kristin DiCarlo resides in Branford. She teaches art and is pursuing a master’s degree in art education from Southern Connecticut State University. Teresa Gonzalez has been accepted as a minority fellow at Quinebaug Valley Community College and plans to graduate in June 2007 with her M. Ed. Anthony Verderame graduated from Southern Connecticut State University with his sixth-year degree in educational leadership. He has also been promoted to department chair of the physical education department at Wilbur Cross High School in New Haven. Trina Scott is studying to become a professional child development associate with plans to pursue higher education in this field, following an 11-year career in banking and finance. She is an early learning center assistant in a preschool classroom. Kimberly Peters was appointed executive director of the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center. She married Spencer White in 2006.

2002 Crystal (Ouellette) Vazquez recently moved back to Connecticut from Florida where she taught eighthgrade U.S. History and married Christopher Vazquez ’00. Carlene (Huntington) Mulhall and Richard


Winter 2007


Class Notes Mulhall, who met at Eastern’s Crandall Hall in 1998, recently celebrated their first wedding anniversary. Justin Van Gelder married Marielle Thibodeau in 2005. He teaches physical education for grades 5-8 in Columbia and is the head coach for boy’s soccer, basketball, and baseball, as well as athletic director.

2003 Rachel Dirienzo is completing her final semester of an accelerated nursing program for second degree students at the University of Jacksonville. She is a certified nursing assistant at McLean Auxiliary, which recently awarded her a scholarship toward her nursing degree. Gabriel Kendall is currently in his third year of teaching at Coventry High School and is assistant coach to the Bolton/Coventry/ Lyman High School hockey team. He is married and has two daughters. Danielle Stebbins teaches health and physical education and coaches boy’s JV volleyball at Oliver Wolcott Technical High School. She also is pursuing her master’s degree in secondary education at Eastern. Todd Longo is married and has a twoyear-old daughter. He works as a manager of the 401(k) services department at The Hartford. Terence McSweeney has been honored as the Connecticut Association of Schools Middle Level Educator of the Year for 2006-2007. David Neal is a financial advisor with Merrill Lynch in Hartford. Heather Young received her master’s degree in elementary education and works as a part-time preschool education teacher for Bethel Public Schools. Christopher Bunel lives in Winsted and is in his second year of teaching the sixth grade at Thompson Brook School in Avon. Jason Wolfradt married Jamie Donch in 2005. He is a health and physical education teacher for grades 58 for Stonington Public Schools. Dan Whelton is performing in TheaterWorks’ production of Take Me Out. Bonnie Bryden has taken a position at WPRI 12/WNAC 64 in Rhode Island as a television studio technician and camera operator.

2004 Shawn McQuillan is working in the office of residence life at Bryant University in Smithfield, RI. Amber Drake is employed by Haggett Longobardi, LLC, a regional accounting firm. She recently graduated with her master’s degree from the University of Hartford and is working on obtaining her CPA. Bradford Tucker works for the Madison School district at Island Elementary School as a physical education teacher. Paul Panek was recently named associate editor of Water Technology magazine, a national trade publication based in Latham, NY. Jean Seifert and Thomas DeSalle ’05 were married in 2005 at Wright’s Mill Farm in Canterbury and reside in Gainesville,VA. Chris D’Amico was hired by the State of Connecticut Auditors of Public Accounts and holds the position of Auditor 1. Last year he passed the certified information systems auditor exam and will be eligible for that designation in December 2008. Rachel Albino is in her third year teaching physical education and health at Killingly High School. She is co-advisor to the class of 2007 and the junior varsity coach for both soccer and softball. Andreas Halidis has completed his MBA in health care management and finance accounting from American Intercontinental University. He is starting his career at the Mayo Clinic as a site coordinator for patient records in Jacksonville, FL. Wilbur Velarde works as an operations manager in the operations department of Tankship International LLC., a brokerage house specializing in shipping. He is in the Coast Guard Reserves after leaving active duty. Jessica Haines works in the HR compensation department at Phoenix in Hartford. She and her fiancé recently purchased their first home in South



Winter 2007

Windsor. Melissa Klar returned to Eastern in fall 2004 to complete her degree requirements in physical education and health and now teaches at Coventry High School. Meghan Phelps is celebrating her second year at ESPN. She is also beginning her third year as assistant coach of the girl’s varsity basketball team and head coach of the girl’s freshman basketball team at Holy Cross High School in Waterbury. Jesse Schoolnik moved to Washington, D.C., to take the position as a staff assistant for the Senate Finance Committee. She is also earning a master’s degree in Public Administration at Southeastern University. Lisa Kroc teaches a combination of special education and regular education in Waterbury. She is also working on her master’s degree from Southern Connecticut State University. Kathy (Bessette) Dion married Robert Dion in 2005; the couple are the proud parents of a son, Robert Bronson. Charlene Davenport recently changed careers and is now a public and community relations coordinator for The Washington Trust Company in Westerly, RI. Christina (Clancy) Walters has been promoted to accounting analyst in the financial services group at Hamilton Sundstrand. She married Terrell Walters in 2005.

2005 Andres Hidalgo resides in Willimantic and is a staff writer for the local weekly newspaper, The Reminder. Carrie Maranda has accepted a position as a fourth grade teacher at Hebron Elementary School. Katherine (Kat) Deis is employed as a social worker at Yale-New Haven Hospital and is working on her MSW at Southern Connecticut State University. Catherine Ficker is employed by MetLife in Hartford and will be starting the MBA program at the University of Hartford in the spring. Chris Fritsch is the sole sales representative for Label One Corporation, an emerging primary label business in Milford. Jordan Zukley recently passed the Connecticut Real Estate exam and is now working for Century 21 Access America in Bristol. Thomas DeSalle and Jean Seifert ’04 were married in 2005 at Wright’s Mill Farm in Canterbury and reside in Gainesville,VA. Robert Shulda, Jr. is a certified veterans service officer and is volunteering at the Norwich Veterans Center. He is also secretary for the Westerly-Pawcatuck Veterans Board of Control. He is the stepfather of four, step-grandfather of 10 and step-great grandfather of four. Kathryn Balkan is in her second year of teaching fourth grade at Sweeney Elementary School and is a reading and language arts graduate student at Eastern. Autumn (Steeves) Struk taught at Pulaski Middle School in New Britain for the 2005-2006 school year and now works at Aetna as a billing premium consultant. She and her husband, Jeff, recently purchased a home. Elaine Alexander recently had her first book published, Death at Deacon Pond. Jennifer Barbieri began graduate school at New York University in 2005. She is working on her master’s degree in sports business and plans to graduate in 2007. She started an internship with the National Lacrosse League in January 2006 and is now the marketing/operations coordinator for the New York Titans Professional Indoor Lacrosse team. Christopher Mader teaches health and physical education at RHAM (Region 8) Middle School. Hector Pena works as the controller for M.J. Daly LLC of Waterbury. Tara Pisano resides on Long Island, NY, where she is a precinct domestic violence advocate for the Suffolk County Coalition against Domestic Violence. Scott Powell is working in the product development and engineering field. Molly Roehl is currently working for United Technologies Corporation as a communications executive.

Michelle Sposato recently took a job as mathematics teacher at Northwest Regional High School. Mark Sieczkowski is a graduate student at Eastern and works at Windham Community Memorial Hospital in the Emergency Department. He and his wife recently celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary and have three children: a son and two daughters.They are planning to build a second home and Mark is looking to begin a registered nurse program. Brian Sullivan teaches physical education and runs the after-school program at St.Thomas Aquinas in Fairfield.

2006 Jennifer L. Page has recently joined the Storrs/ Willimantic chapter of the American Association of University Women, which meets at Eastern every month. Bill Csonka has been celebrating his graduation by traveling. He has enjoyed week-long vacations in the White Mountains of New Hampshire; Acadia, Maine; and Cancun, Mexico to bicycle, hike, and scuba dive. Shevonesse Dodd is pursuing a master’s degree and working as a resident director at Johnson and Wales University in Providence, RI. Shevonesse co-supervises a staff of 10 resident assistants in a predominately freshman residence hall of 490 students. Kerry Barnard is working as a vocational rehabilitation counselor for United Services Inc., one of Connecticut’s most comprehensive behavioral health centers. After completing her student teaching in Tolland, Marybeth McDonald accepted a full-time teaching position in the same school system. David Pavia is working at Velocity Sports Performance in Trumbull and recently passed the National Strength and Conditioning Accreditation Exam. Heidi White serves as a seventh-grade volunteer teacher and after-school mentor with AmeriCorps at McCormack Middle School in Dorchester, MA. Kelley Creighton is teaching ninth grade civics at Norwich Free Academy and serves as freshman house council advisor. Alycia Fargnoli was recently hired as a preschool teacher at Preston Elementary School. Theresa Tiscia is working as a long-term substitute teacher at Lauralton Hall High School in Milford teaching U.S. history to juniors and seniors. Bethany (Champagne) Holland is the K-6 school counselor at Nathan Hale Elementary School in Enfield. Carl Segura is the hall director of Bennett Hall at Oklahoma State University where he is attending graduate school. Jeremy Bousquet has moved to Maine and taken the position as a special education teacher for grades 9-12 at Penquis Valley High School. Gina Guarino was recognized by the Connecticut Society of Certified Public Accountants and given the CSCPA Merit Award at their annual meeting. Laura Tignonsini is teaching physical education at Teachers Memorial Middle School in Norwich. Rebecca Lewbel started a position at MIT Libraries as a serials copy cataloger in October 2006. She is also pursuing her master’s degree of library science through Southern Connecticut State University’s online program. Anne Wisotzkey is a graduate student at Emerson College. She is living in Boston and pursuing a master’s degree in organizational and corporate communication. LaToya Smith is pursuing graduate studies in journalism at Boston University on a full scholarship. Tim Jordan was named the 2006 NASCAR Weekly Series Late Model Champion and Rookie of the Year at the Waterford Speedbowl.

Campus News Marriages



Cyndi Ware and Luke Arsenault ’00 on July 15, 2006 Jean Seifert and Thomas DeSalle ’05 on Sept. 25, 2005 Kathy Bessette and Robert Dion on June 11, 2005 Christina Clancy and Terrell Walters on Aug. 20, 2005

Peter McDevitt III and Susan Bankowski on Sept. 16, 2006 Eileen Mulqueen and Mark Ludington on July 14, 2006

1991 Thomas White and Kathleen Brown in October, 2006

Civil Unions 1976


Thomas Mariconda and Walter Dembowski on Nov. 13, 2005

Shannon Bourbeau and her husband, DJ (Daniel) Bourbeau ’99, announce the birth of Cameron Reese on Feb. 7, 2006.

2005 Thomas DeSalle and Jean Seifert ’04 on Sept. 25, 2005

Terrence Hickey and Jeannette Sullivan on Aug. 12, 2006


Allison Wilson and Colin Kane on Nov. 12, 2005

1994 John T. MacDonald and Tracey M. Hampson on Oct. 1, 2005

1995 Amy Flynn Longfellow and Chad Gallagher on Feb 19, 2005

1996 Darlene Johns and Glen Richards on Sept. 2, 2006

1997 Scott Rossi and Melissa Smolski on July 8, 2006 Mark Gagne and Michelle Abbazia ’98 on Sept. 24, 2005

Megan Lemos and Jeffrey Hassel on May 27, 2006 Jessica Troiano and Matthew Ryan on June 17, 2006

Births and Adoptions 1984 Edward Guidone and his wife, Jill, announce the birth of Nicholas Mark on Feb. 10, 2006.

1991 Bonnie (O’Hanlon) Harrell and her husband, Jay, announce the birth of Patrick on May 25, 2003 and Katie on Jan. 12, 2005.



Michelle Abbazia and Mark Gagne ’97 on Sept. 24, 2005 Melissa Pescatore and Alfredo Viscariello on Aug. 6, 2005 Ian Beazley and Carla Menius on March 11, 2006


Melynda and Michael Guillet ’94 announce the birth of Maddox Ashton on July 7, 2006. Kerry (Runyon) McNickle and her husband, Fred, announce the birth of Trevor John on Oct. 19, 2006. Scott Boucher and his wife,Tammy, announce the adoption of their daughter, Gabby.

Jamie Noia and Sean Auten on May 19, 2006



Lana Pontbriant and her husband, Matt, announce the birth of Dominic Park on Nov. 6, 2006.

Casey Morris and Lauren Liscombe on July 15, 2006 Luke Arsenault and Cyndi Ware ’04 on July 15, 2006 Sara Mason and Sean Ladyga in August 2006 Todd Giesing and Kim Puskarz on July 21, 2006 Erin Flanigan and Ken Wolf on Sept. 30, 2006 Katherine Golias and Dennis Tracy on June 3, 2006

2001 Natalie Cristino and Brian Crowe on July 29, 2006 Jason Ruggiero and Courtney DuBow on May 6, 2006 Kimberly Peters and Spencer White on June 6, 2006

2002 Gretchen Marotz and Todd Romilly on Oct. 1, 2005 Justin Van Gelder and Marielle Thibodeau on Oct. 2, 2005

2003 Jennifer Paty and Christopher Valva on Jan. 14, 2006 Jason Wolfradt and Jamie Donch on Aug. 20, 2005 Lindsay Stedman and Nathan Williams on Sept. 9, 2006 Andrea Gardner and Albert Dawley on May 20, 2006

1999 Atif Faraqui and Kiran Butt announce the birth of Maryam Faruqui on Sept. 13, 2006. Bethany (Fish) Muscara and her husband, Paul, announce the birth of Miranda Angelina on April 9, 2006. Denise Raymond and her husband, Mark, announce the birth of Matthew Charles on March 10, 2006. Michele (Mildrum) Deane and her husband, Michael, announce the birth of Allison Elizabeth on May 8, 2006. Thomas Vece announces the birth of Emily Grace on July 6, 2006.

1992 1993

Timothy Fox and Jen Kabe announce the birth of Dakota Killian on Aug. 22, 2006. Ian Beazley and his wife, Carla, announce the birth of Jake Ian on Aug. 10, 2006.

1994 Bryan Dooley and his wife, Nancy, announce the birth of Jacob on March 14, 2006.

1995 Tracey (Jankovsky) Gairing and her husband, William ’97, announce the birth of Timothy William on Jan. 27, 2006.

1996 Nikki Beechwood Curry and her husband, Michael, announce the birth of Jacob on July 15, 2006. Jennifer (Migliore) Steveson and her husband, Travis, announce the birth of Logan Alexander on Jan. 30, 2005.

2002 Jamey and Courtney (Burke) Carroll announce the birth of Taylor Rae on June 22, 2006. Erik Tokarzewski and his wife, Joanne, announce the birth of Owen Michael on July 5, 2006.

2004 Kathy (Beset) Dion and her husband, Robert, announce the birth of Robert Bronson on Sept. 14, 2006.

In Memoriam Jeanne Helene Heckler ’32 (1912-2006) Frances Cohen ’39 (-2006) Joyce Dupont Taylor ’41(1921-2006) Elizabeth Loika Weeks ’42 (1920-2006) Kenneth F. Johnson ’43 (1921-2006) Clarissa B. Jones ’43 (-2006) Ernest E. Weeks ’43 (1921-2006) Maureen (Lintner) Wraight ’46 (-2006) Nelson A. Youngerman ’55 (1932-2006) Evelyn M. Haddad ’61 (1921-2006) Helen Thomas Marshall ‘63 (1910-2006) Alice Y. (Roy) Levesque ’64 (1918-2006) Larry Mirkin ’67 (1945-2006) Lloyd H. Taylor Jr. ’74 (1940-2006) Jonathan R. Kerensky ’82 (1956-2006) Arleen Ann Bradley ’87 (1944-2006) Robert A. Bissonnette ’96 (1947-2006) Marilyn Slavtcheff ’96 (1934-2006) John A. Gineo ’01 (1947-2006) Wendy June Fleming ’03 (1961-2003)

1997 Amy (Bopko) Gemmiti and her husband, Chris, announce the birth of Nolan on Feb. 19, 2006. William Gairing and his wife, Tracey (Jankovsky) ’95, announce the birth of Timothy William on Jan. 27, 2006.

1998 Kevin and Allison Donnelly announce the birth of Tristan Cole on Aug. 19, 2006. Jennifer (Fonner) Feldman and her husband, Bryan, announce the birth of Jarrett Alan on March 6, 2006.


Winter 2007


Final Thoughts

We are equally proud of our status as a “public” liberal arts university. You will find a rich diversity at Eastern, with students from all backgrounds. Contributing to Eastern is a reinvestment in the American middle class, the engine of social and economic growth and stability in this country. With amazing people graduating from Eastern, with a new president, and with so much progress occurring around campus, the University is ready to advance itself even further in pursuit of its vision as a premier liberal arts university. We want to be more like a private liberal arts college, with small class sizes, state-of-the-art facilities, and a fulfilling residential experience. We want to be known as a university where a world-class faculty can devote itself to mentoring and nurturing students.

This issue of EASTERN Magazine includes the annual list of donors. While it is simply a list of names, without photographs or background on our donors, the people on this list are very real, and their steadfast support is much in evidence around campus. Through the financial contributions of our alumni, friends, and other donors each year, Eastern Connecticut State University is able to provide scholarships to students and enhance our academic programs and services. We thank each and every one of our donors for their unwavering commitment to making Eastern the best public liberal arts university it can be. Not only does this support allow our current and future students to prosper and develop, it also helps the credentials of our alumni grow in stature and value over time. As a state university, Eastern is proud of the fact that more than 90 percent of our graduates stay in Connecticut to become successful, taxpaying members of their communities.



Winter 2007

We cannot fulfill this vision solely with state funds and tuition revenues; we need to ask for more support from our private donors. We cannot be a “cut above” if we don’t build our foundation. There is a reason why the fundraising arm of the University is called its Foundation. Your generous donations give Eastern a strong footing, a secure base from which to grow as Connecticut’s only public liberal arts university. Thank you again for this support. As Eastern moves ahead with its plans for the coming years, we hope that you can continue to find ways to invest in this University. Everyone associated with Eastern will benefit as a result.

Kenneth J. DeLisa Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Attention Alumni

Alumni Ambassadors

Have you moved or gotten married? Have you taken a new job or had an addition to your family? Interested in volunteering at alumni events or activities? Please send your information to or contact: Joy Goff, Director Office of Alumni Affairs Eastern Connecticut State University 83 Windham Street Willimantic, CT 06226 e-mail: alumni@easternct.edu Watch our web site for alumni receptions and networking events in Connecticut and out-of-state.


Interested in a new professional position, or looking to recruit a new graduate or student intern? Contact the Office of Career Services at www.easternct.edu/depts/career or call (860) 465-4559. Willing to volunteer at college career fairs as an admissions ambassador? Call: Christopher Dorsey Assistant Director of Admissions phone: (860) 465-4398 e-mail: dorseyc@easternct.edu

Stay in Touch! Harris Connect is again assisting the Alumni Association by publishing an updated alumni directory. You should expect to receive an alumni directory questionnaire sometime in March or April asking to verify and/or update your information. Please take the time to review and edit carefully so that your entry will be accurate in the directory. The information provided to you in the questionnaire will be included in the directory unless you return your edited information. You may also be contacted by a Harris representative to remind you to respond with any changes. Harris also can provide you with information if you are interested in purchasing a copy of the directory to reconnect with former classmates. With so many alumni moving and changing jobs, it is getting harder to reach everyone. Thanks in advance for helping to keep the Eastern family connected! Please feel free to contact the Alumni Affairs Office at (860) 465-5238 if you have any questions.

N e w Yo r k / Ne w Je r s e y

Los Angeles Area David T. Branin ’98 Benjamin J. Pratt ’98 John Toolan ’90 Tony P. Riccio III ’99

Metropolitan New York City Area Michael Moore ’90 John Stueck ’83

San Francisco Area JoJo Farrell ’97 Lisa A. Hatt ’93 Joseph A. Parks ’90 Frank M. Rudnick ’75 Shannon E. Riley ’96

Rhode Island Providence Area Bonnie Bryden ’03

Sri Lanka Dilini Gunasekera ’91

San Diego Area Marie K. Baer ’86 Patrick T. Cross ’99 Kevin T. Lemieux ’98 Mary E. Liu ’78 Andrew J. McRory ’95 Christopher W. Melingonis ’99 Cynthia I. Monter ’85 Nicole K. Monter ’99 Sigrid H. Nicholas ’84

Sweden Poyan Shojaiyan ’04

United Arab Emirates Natasha Husain ’01

Massachusetts Greater Boston Area Tony Cristi ’96 Veronica Beechwood Curry ’97 David Mullin ’98 Laila Siddiqui ’04

Thank You, Dr. Curran! Professor Emerita Ann M. Curran was unable to attend the spring 2006 President’s Leadership Dinner Gala to receive the Alumni Association’s Hermann Beckert Friends of the University Award. Curran taught mathematics at Eastern from 1958-1986. In recent years she named the Curran Family Group Study Room in the J. Eugene Smith Library in memory of her family and donated a book collection.

Comments Please send story ideas and “letters to the editor” to: Edward Osborn, Director Office of University Relations Eastern Connecticut State University 83 Windham Street Willimantic, CT 06226 phone: (860) 465-5735 e-mail: osborne@easternct.edu


Winter 2007


Come join us as we gather under one big tent to celebrate this special place that we know as Eastern! Alumni returning to visit campus; graduating seniors and their parents; faculty; and staff are invited to take part in the festivities. Help us welcome this year’s seniors as our newest alumni and acknowledge those classes reaching milestone anniversaries of their graduation from Eastern, in particular the class of 1982 (Happy 25th!). Other alumni interested in returning to campus as part of a group are invited to contact the Alumni Affairs staff, who will be delighted to work with you to accommodate your group. “Eastern Celebrates” will take place at Eastern’s outdoor athletic complex, adjacent to the baseball stadium on the Mansfield campus. Enjoy a delicious BBQ with a mouth-watering menu and lively entertainment as you reconnect with classmates and congratulate the seniors and their parents. Alumni can catch up on Eastern’s progress by attending the Alumni Association’s annual meeting, also scheduled for that afternoon in Gelsi-Young Hall. For more information, watch the Alumni and Friends pages at www.easternct.edu or contact the Office of Alumni Affairs at (800) 631-2070, (860) 465-5238, or by e-mail at alumni@easternct.edu.


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