The Cooperator - September/October 2020

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Co operator

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a free publication of the east end food co-op

C2 Feature Callout Style

C2 Feature Teaser Style mauris suscipit et pulvinar issi donec. www.eastendfood.cooP

Board Corner OWNERSHIP I enjoy sailing. I learned how on borrowed boats when I was in my early teens on the Long Island Sound and various lakes in the Northeast. We came perilously close to owning a boat in the late ‘60s, when my father got wind of an O’Day Rhodes 19 that was for sale in Rye, NY, a few towns away from us. Ever cautious, he danced back from the edge though, and whatever adventures were to be had remained those intermittently available on borrowed boats. It was only in the mid-90s, with a couple of EEFC pals, that I finally came into ownership of a sweet, rugged little O’Day 17 that we sailed on the intermittent puffs of Lake Arthur, just north of Pittsburgh. My interest in windblown travel only increased, and in the early years of the new century I started looking for something larger, something capable of longer trips, on bigger winds, to farther shores. The uniform reaction to this bright idea, from friends and family, with a very few dear exceptions was “Are you nuts? Why own when you can charter (rent)? No muss, no fuss, no responsibilities. And surely you know, Tom, the happiest days of a sailboat owner’s life are the day he buys it and the day he sells it?” “All good suggestions,” I muttered to myself at the time, but ownership beckoned, powerfully. It wasn’t just the travel to distant locales, or the mere sensations of the wind in my face or the rollercoaster ride of the waves that drew me. It was more about a relationship. This would be my boat, and my boat would take me places, and my boat had a rich history before me - built in Bristol, RI, by designers and craftspeople who drew on an ancient body of knowledge to create her. I wanted all that, not just a receipt for a rental. So I became, in due course, the owner of a small ship. In actuality, I became the steward of a seagoing gem built in 1964. Ownership is a relationship. It wants give-and-take, and one must tend to one’s machine. Our co-op exists after 4 decades because a rich set of relationships has brought it to where it is today. The stewardship work of countless unheralded people, both employees and volunteers, has kept it going thru those years. Every summer the call goes out, to the membership, for people to step into the role of Board member. Of the 14,000+ people who now hold membership cards, our co-op needs 4 this year to contribute their time and effort on the necessary work of our board. Much good work has been done by recent boards in preparing our institution for a long-needed expansion into a larger space, and actively exploring site options. Navigating us to that shore is the work of the board and management, and, ultimately, of the membership. We own it.

Board of Directors Sam Applefield '21 President Charlie Orr '22 Vice President Laura Valentine '22 Secretary Larry Meadows, Jr. '21 Treasurer Eva Barinas '21 Karen Bernard '21 Tom Pandeleon '22 O.E. Zelmanovich '20

The board meets online the third Monday of each month at 7 PM. Members are welcome to join virtually via WebEx. Management Team Maura Holliday General Manager Amber Pertz Cafe Manager Shawn McCullough Finance Manager eric cressley Front End Manager Ian Ryan Grocery Manager Jen Girty Human Resource Manager Erin Myers IT Manager Kate Safin Marketing & Member Services Manager Tyler Kulp Produce Manager The East End Food Co-op exists to enhance physical and social health to our community. To these ends, we will create: A sustainable member-owned business open to everyone; An ethical and resilient food infrastructure; A vibrant, dynamic community of happy, healthy people; A creative vision to transform the future.

Please consider serving on the EEFC Board of Directors, starting in January of 2021. The Candidate Packet is available on the Co-op’s website. All candidate applications are due by September 20, 2020.

The Co-operator is published by: East End Food Co-op 7516 Meade Street, Pittsburgh PA 15208 phone: 412-242-3598 web:

Tom Pandaleon EEFC Board Member

Opinions expressed are writers' own and do not necessarily reflect Co-op policy. Kate Safin, Editor Rose Davis, Design & Layout Printed locally by Banksville Express with vegetable-based inks on recycled paper.


The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op

September/October 2020

Store News

Maura Holliday, General Manager

Summers at the co-op are usually a slower time of the year for us, but that has not been the case this year. Our sales remain robust, which is likely due to fewer farmers' markets and our increase in membership. I want to take this opportunity to send out much appreciation and love to our staff. Each of our staff has worked tirelessly through the pandemic, and there are no signs of the work stopping or slowing down. Tensions have been high through this new and challenging time; what was once a simple trip to get groceries is now much more stressful. Our staff have kept smiley-eyes on their faces through it all and have made sure that our shelves are stocked and our checkout lanes are efficient. It has not been easy work, and I have such gratitude for every minute of work they put into keeping our co-op running smoothly. We have continued to pay our staff what I like to call "AppreciationHero pay" of $2.22 per hour worked through July. We also chose to close the store on August 18th and paid everyone for eight hours as a staff holiday. Additionally, we rented Millie's Ice Cream truck for our staff and offered them an all-you-can-eat summer treat at the end of August. These are small ways to acknowledge our team, so they know just how much we appreciate them and their hard work. Our Bulk Department is almost up to its normal capacity. In July, we swapped out most of our scoop-style bulk bins and replaced them with gravity bins. We are working to get our product mix back to normal. Our AquaVitea Kombucha tap is back up and running, so be sure to check it out the next time you are in the store. We still cannot allow outside containers for bulk or kombucha, but we have some newer container options to help transport liquids from the store to your home. The Café has been busy working on new options, including additional salads, sandwiches, and café drinks in the grab n' go cooler! We are looking for ways to bring back hot soups, and are considering introducing personal pizzas and hot sandwiches. And of course, you can count on the Café to help make your Thanksgiving holiday easy and delicious with their housemade vegan and vegetarian dishes. Holiday planning is in full effect, and we are working to ensure we have everything for your holiday needs. We anticipate there will be more small family gatherings and many more new cooks in the kitchen this Thanksgiving. There will be more small-to-medium-sized turkeys available at the co-op this year to accommodate that. Redemption Farms in Elizabeth, PA, is also raising 75 turkeys for us. Be on the lookout for pre-order forms to reserve your holiday turkey and order delicious housemade Co-op Café items.

September/October 2020

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op


Customer Comments

We are listening. Your voice is heard. Thanks Co-op staff for keeping us going through COVID 19. GOD BLESS YOU. Thank you for your support! -Maura, GM You should bring back b-fast burritos. They were here for just a short time but dang they were good! :) Glad to hear you enjoyed the breakfast burritos! We will consider bringing them back in the future. Thanks! -Amber, Café Please make quinoa date salad more often. So yummy :) So glad to hear you enjoy our KDQ salad. We will work to keep up with demand. Thanks! -Amber, Café Please carry the GTs Strawberry Kombucha. It's really Good. Thanks! We've got it! Enjoy! -Evan, Perishable I really love the bulk herbs sections! It is wonderful for home cooking - everything is more fragrant and fresh. I would hate to see this section go! Please keep! Thank you, we are so glad to hear you love our bulk herb section! There are no plans to change that department, except maybe update the labels :) -Maura, GM

Please order Canyon Bakehouse Deli Style Bread. Unfortunately, I am currently prioritizing local bread, due to our limited space. I am looking into bringing in a few local gluten-free options for our fresh bread. If you are a member you are welcome to special order this bread! :) -Berry, Perishable Please see Guardian news coverage of how Petrol/Plastic industry is using Pandemic to reverse Plastic bans. Reusing cloth is safer than single use plastic. Thank you for passing the info our way. Given the pandemic we cannot in good conscience allow reusable cloth bags in the bulk department due to increased potential for spread of the virus through contact. While limiting and reducing our global impact has always been a mission of our co-op we have had to switch gears on some of these issues to put the health and safety of our customers and staff at the forefront. We will be more than happy to return to allowing reusable containers once we are at a safe point to do so. -Ian, Grocery

The Great Lakes Extra Sharp Cheddar disappoints. It is not Italy, or Roman, or an Empire. Or in this case, it is not of cheddar flavor; nor a sharp one. It is quite insipid. Thank you for your comment. I have also noticed the lack in sharpness of this cheese. Thank you for bringing this to our attention -- we are looking for another extra sharp cheese to replace it at a similar price. -Trevor, Café


The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op

September/October 2020

Farm Tour Recap The East End Food Co-op, Pittsburgh Food Policy Council, Pasa Sustainable Agriculture, and Grow Pittsburgh are pleased to share the virtual farm tours from the 4th annual Pittsburgh Urban Farm Tour in celebration of Pennsylvania’s Urban Ag Week (July 20-26). Faced with the risks and challenges associated with in-person farm tours, the 4th annual Pittsburgh Urban Farm Tour was instead held virtually! Urban farms are accessible to consumers and are having an increasingly significant impact on the food system, the local economy, and the urban environment- we didn’t want to lose the momentum of this growing awareness because of COVID-19. The committee quickly pivoted to virtual programming and selected three feature sites, recorded and edited video footage of each farm using an ipad, and secured several partners in the urban ag community to speak during the webinars. We were also very honored to have Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding kick off the week long virtual tour with opening remarks. We had 153 unique registrations for the tours (with many people attending multiple tours), which took place Monday, July 20 at 7 PM, Wednesday, July 22 at 7 PM, and Friday, July 24 at noon.Each tour includes one or two featured urban agriculture programs or projects, a pre-recorded visit to an area farm, and a moderated Q&A session.Viewers can anticipate learning about unique urban farms in the Pittsburgh area. Links to each recording and the featured organizations are post on our website at www.

An ipad is used to pre-record urban farm and garden tours for the 2020 Pittsburgh Urban Farm Tour. Featured is Collette Walsh of Sol Patch Garden, a 1/4 acre urban flower farm that is part of the Farmer Incubation Program at Hilltop Urban Farm in Pittsburgh, Pa. Photo courtesy of Dan Dalton (Pasa Sustainable Agriculture)

Sol Patch Garden • Opening remarks: PA Secretary of Agriculture, Russell Redding • Community partner: Hilltop Urban Farm, Ned Brockmeyer • Farm Tour: Sol Patch Garden, Collette Walsh Duquesne Community Victory Garden • Community partner: Community Garden Sustainability Fund, Alyssa Kail • Community partner: Pittsburgh Master Composter Program, Russ Thorsen • Farm Tour: Duquesne Community Victory Garden, Scott Fisher Mwanakuche Community Garden • Community partner: Adopt-A-Lot Program, City of Pittsburgh, Shelly Danko+Day • Community partner: Soil Sisters, Raynise and Taray Kelly • Farm tour: Mwanakuche Community Garden, Abdulkadir Chirambo The Pittsburgh Urban Farm Tour Planning Committee elected to donated the tour budget of $1,500 (typically allocated to event support and promotion) to the Pittsburgh Urban Growers Scholarship Fund, which is designed to increase access to professional development opportunities for urban growers in Allegheny County. Each participating farm received a $200 honorarium and community partners received a $50 donation (with the exception of Shelly Danko+Day who was in an official capacity with the City or Pittsburgh. Shelly elected to donated the $50 to Operation Better Block in Homewood). Pittsburgh Urban Farm Tour Planning Committee Kate Safin, East End Food Co-op Karlin Lamberto, Pittsburgh Food Policy Council Alyssa Kail, Grow Pittsburgh Dan Dalton, Pasa Sustainable Agriculture

September/October 2020

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op


Unique Co-op Strength During the Pandemic Equal Exchange works with farmer co-ops in over 20 countries, and our model is to actively seek and partner with marginalized farming communities. These remote communities face significant challenges during the best of times. During a pandemic, the challenges become more acute. We intentionally work with farmers who have organized themselves into democratically-run cooperatives. We believe this structure helps change the balance of power long-term. We’re seeing that during the pandemic, the co-op systems have provided lifelines to farmers, helping them in ways that would not have existed were it not for the existence of the co-op. Co-op Structures During Covid: International Connections Equal Exchange has worked hard to create co-op supply chains as the core of our business. Unlike traditional trade of international goods, a large portion of our products move through a co-op supply chain: from farmer co-op at source to Equal Exchange (we are a worker-owned co-op) to about 200 food co-op stores in the U.S. (most of which are consumerowned co-ops, with a few being hybrid models including workers and consumers). First and foremost, our co-op-centric alternative food system has enabled delicious food to successfully get from farmer to eater. That alone has been an achievement during these times. The co-op supply chains are living examples of how trading based on respectful, longterm relationships and good environmental and social values are not just philosophically sound, but also create reliable and sound business. As the organization in the middle of the co-op supply chain—between the farmer end and the U.S. co-op food store end—we worked hard to facilitate farmers getting information, access to financing, and timely decisions from us around purchases and contracts. For example, our longterm relationships and collaborative work on quality standards enabled us to quickly approve shipments of coffee to get containers of coffee on the water toward the U.S. to us, bypassing some of our normal protocols, securing coffee shipments before some international ports closed. We switched to digital logistics, which enabled payments to happen more quickly. Due to investment over time in technology both at source and at Equal Exchange, we were able to pretty seamlessly switch more of our international work to online instead of in-person right from the start of the waves of travel bans. Some farmer groups also cited us as the most valuable early source of information regarding the corona virus and the live-time learning that was happening about how to prevent its spread and how it was impacting workflow, transportation and our shared supply chains. Farmer co-ops had systems and field staff to help spread practical information to their often geographically-isolated member families. Co-op Structure Impact at the Farming Community Level We’ve seen many inspiring examples of how co-ops provided lifelines to their members. At the core, co-ops exist to meet the needs of their

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The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op

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members which are not being met through more traditional systems. Over time, these co-ops have invested to build their muscles and their systems—financially, logistically, scientifically—to understand and respond to the needs of the community. They had created essential infrastructures that were already up and running, a unique strength that enabled them to respond to members’ needs during this pandemic. Here are a few of the ways that these democratic farmer co-ops realized and responded to their members’ needs, in ways that their national governments or health care systems could not: • Cocoa co-op Acopagro in Peru used recent advanced Fair Trade premium payments from Equal Exchange to provide food, masks and cleaning supplies to co-op members in 2 different communities where they work. • Coffee co-op members from San Fernando in Peru focused on the fact that they had productive land at a time when many of their children were living or studying in the city without reliable access to healthy food; they collectively filled a truck with their homegrown produce and delivered the food to their children. • Banana co-op AsoGuabo in Ecuador used Fair Trade premium funds to purchase PPE for medical workers in the community and mobilized its logistics operations to transport medicines and supplies to local hospitals. This was critical support at a time when transportation was significantly restricted as a result of curfew measures. • Sugar Co-op Manduvira in Paraguay donated money to local health clinics, intentionally directing part of their limited resources to other trusted organizations that in turn help their members. In this heavy time, there have been true moments of connection and inspiration that are important to recognize and appreciate. Out of necessity, many of us are finding new ways to listen, to share, to respond. Each co-op is engaging deeply with its membership, and as a network of co-ops, we are finding new ways to interact with each other across the supply chain. During October, we often take the time to celebrate the concept and practice of “cooperatives.” Co-op Impact in US Communities This work continues, as farmer co-ops, the Equal Exchange co-op, and food co-ops each and collectively continue to evolve, adapt, and keep food, income, and support flowing. As members or consumers at food co-ops in your own community, we invite you to reflect upon how it has mattered to you to be a part of your local food co-op in these times. What have you done to support your food co-op? What have they done to support their members and their communities? There is much to be grateful for. In these trying times, we all recognize that the food matters that is traded through these systems, but that the co-op systems themselves are also unique, valuable, and worthy of a spotlight.

September/October 2020

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op 


Celebrate “Thank Your Local Farmer” Week September 19-September 25 The Pennsylvania House Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee is sponsoring “Thank Your Local Farmer” week September 19-25. We’re taking action by supporting local farmers and donating a portion of our organic and local produce sales to Pasa to further support our local food system. Four Seasons Produce of Lancaster County pioneered this important annual fundraising campaign as part of Earthweek in April of each year. This year, due to the Pandemic, the celebration has moved to September. Lady Moon Farms, Mother Earth Organic Mushrooms, Kimberton Whole Foods, Weaver’s Way Cooperative, Harvest Market Natural Foods, and East End Food Coop are long-term participants. “PASA is all of us speaking with one voice. Let’s all show our support during this special week allowing Pasa's mission to continue to grow!” says Tom Beddard, owner of Lady Moon Farms. We deeply appreciate the generosity of these businesses and the value they place on building a more sustainable food system. In the most successful year of the campaign, participants combined to donate more than $40,000. In this, the 50th Anniversary year of Earth Day, PASA’s goal is to raise $50,000 for sustainable farming research, education and support! Supporting the fundraiser is easy--all you have to do is shop at the co-op! A portion of sales will automatically go to the “Thank Your Local Farmer” Week fundraiser. The East End Food Co-op has committed $.25 from every case of produce we purchase from Four Seasons, $1.00 per case of Lady Moon Farms produce, and $.50 for every case of Mother Earth Mushrooms.


The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op

September/October 2020

Rachel Carson EcoVillage The Rachel Carson EcoVillage is a new cohousing community where people and nature thrive together. It will be Pittsburgh’s first ecovillage, and it will be built on the Eden Hall Campus of Chatham University. The legacy of Rachel Carson, one of Chatham’s most well-known graduates, is the inspiration for the ecovillage. The community will have 35 private homes, ranging from studio to three bedrooms, and a common house with a dining room, a large kitchen, and guest suites. Residents will have opportunities to participate in campus activities and contribute to the university’s advancement of sustainability. While Rachel Carson EcoVillage has the unique advantage of its relationship to Chatham, it builds on a tradition of established communities, both ecovillages and cohousing, which are based on the same principles. In the United States today, there are over 150 ecovillages and cohousing communities. Between now and the targeted move-in in 2022, ecovillage members are working together to plan the community. Meetings to learn more about Rachel Carson EcoVillage are held (online) monthly, and anyone who is interested is invited to take part in the introduction and tour. The next sessions are on September 26th and October 24th from 10:30 am-noon. For more information, visit For other information, send a message to

Food Bucks Update

Beginning September 1, 2020 there is a $10 limit per transaction on Food Bucks earned. Coupons that were already issued during the $2 for $2 match throughout the summer will still be accepted.

September/October 2020

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op


Nourishing Plant-Based Recipes By Sally Lipsky, Plant-Based Pittsburgh

With COVID -19 ever present, we are feeling especially vulnerable about our health. One way to protect ourselves and family is to consume a variety of plant foods, i.e., grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Plants contain myriad phytonutrients that help strengthen our immune systems—the more plant foods we eat, the healthier we tend to be. Following are simple yet nourishing dishes contributed by members of Plant-Based Pittsburgh, a non-profit providing education and support about how to adopt plant-centered eating habits. For more information, see


The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op

September/October 2020

Pesto with White Beans by Brittany Jaroudi (Serves 2)

Ingredients: • 2 cups packed fresh basil • ½ cup white beans (drained/rinsed) • 1 tsp lemon juice • 2-3 garlic cloves • 1 tbsp white miso • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast • ¼ cup of water (use less for thicker consistency)

Texas Caviar with Mexican Creamy Dressing by Linda Jones Ingredients: • 1 can black beans, drained/rinsed • 1 can black-eyed peas, drained/rinsed • 1 bell pepper, diced • 5-6 cherry tomatoes, cut in half • 1 cup corn: frozen, canned (drained), or fresh (cooked) • 1/3 cup red onion OR scallions • 1 jalapeno, finely chopped (seeds removed) • ½ cup parsley OR cilantro

Mexican Creamy Dressing (makes 2/3 cup, use within 5 days) Ingredients: 1/3 cup cashews (soak in hot water 15-20 min.) 3 T. water 2 T. unsweetened plant milk 2 T. plus 1 tsp. white vinegar ½ tsp. 100% maple syrup 2 tsp. lime juice 1 tsp. garlic powder ¾ tsp. chili powder ¾ tsp. smoked paprika ¼ tsp. cumin 1 tsp. white miso Directions. Add salad ingredients to a large bowl. Put dressing ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth and creamy. Refrigerate. Drizzle over caviar when ready to serve. Can be used as a dip with chips, a side salad, a main course, topping on a baked potato, or filling for sandwich wrap.

Directions: 1. Blend together all ingredients in a high-speed blender. 2. Pour over whole wheat pasta, pizza, roasted veggies, or use as a salad dressing.

Gazpacho by Susan Greenberg

Ingredients: • 2-3 lbs. tomatoes, roughly chopped • 1 cucumber, peeled/diced • 2-3 slices stale bread, torn in small pieces • 1 sweet pepper, cut up • 1 red onion, coarsely diced • 3-4 cloves garlic (or more), minced • 1/3 cup red wine vinegar • 6-oz. can tomato paste + 3 cups water • 1 tbsp flax seeds • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast • dash tabasco or Sriracha sauce • salt and pepper to taste Directions: 1. Combine all ingredients; process in food processor, leaving some texture. Chill to blend flavors; taste improves overnight. Add more liquid if the consistency seems too thick. Toppings: chopped herbs of choice (mint, oregano, basil, etc.) 2. Pour over whole wheat pasta, pizza, roasted veggies, or use as a salad dressing.

September/October 2020

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op


Curry Mushroom Delight by Susan Greenberg Ingredients: • 1 red onion, sliced • 1 quart low-sodium vegetable broth • 2 cups any variety of mushrooms, sliced • 4 cloves garlic, minced • 2 cup shredded Swiss chard (can substitute collard greens, kale, or spinach) • 1 tsp. curry powder • ¼ cup balsamic vinegar Directions: 1. Heat large skillet or saucepan to medium-high heat. Sauté onion in 2-3 tbsp vegetable broth until wilted. Add more liquid if onions begin to stick. 2. Add 2 cups broth to pan; sauté mushrooms, adding more liquid as needed. 3. Add minced garlic and Swiss chard; stir to combine. Lower heat to medium low, cover pan, and let vegetables wilt, approximately 5-8 minutes. 4. Stir in curry and balsamic vinegar. Cover and cook gently on low heat for 5 minutes. If mushrooms aren’t soft, add more time. 5. Serve over grain of your choice (rice, quinoa, bulgur, etc.)

Tomato Soup by Brittany Jaroudi Ingredients: • 2 14.5 oz cans diced tomatoes (or diced fresh tomatoes) • 1 cup vegetable broth • ½ cup canned white beans, drained/rinsed • 1-2 pitted dates • 2 cloves of garlic minced • 1 small red onion chopped • 1 tsp dried basil • 1 tsp dried parsley • 1 tsp dried oregano • salt/ pepper to taste • optional: top with extra dried basil Directions: 1. Sauté onions and minced garlic with 1-2 tbsp vegetable broth until onions are translucent. 2. Add onions and garlic and remaining ingredients to high-speed blender. Blend until well combined. 3. In pot, bring soup to a boil; simmer 10 minutes. Add salt/pepper to taste. Note: Can also be used as a sauce for pasta or a grain.

Versatile Cashew Sauce by Sally Lipsky Ingredients: • 1 cup raw cashews soaked in ½ cup water to soften • ½ tsp lemon juice • optional seasonings: garlic/onion powder; dried or fresh herbs, such as dill, basil, chives, or parsley; salt/pepper. Directions: Blend cashews with water and lemon juice in high-speed blender until smooth, adding more water as needed. The consistency can be thick (for cheese-like spread), thin (for ranch dressing), or in-between (for pasta sauce).

September/October 2020

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op


Salad Greens with Roasted Pears and Asian Orange Dressing by Lulu Herold Ingredients: • pears, cut into slices or strips (or use apples, nectarines, peaches, etc) • salad green mix • Peanuts • Chickenless Tenders or other vegan meat, cut into strips (optional) • Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 4000 F. 2. Line a pan with parchment paper or foil. 3. Put pear slices in the pan and bake for 20 minutes. 4. Distribute the salad greens in a bowl and top with roasted pears, peanuts, and Chickenless Tenders strips.

Black Bean Avocado Dip by Lulu Herold Ingredients: • 1 (15-ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed • 2 cups tomatoes, finely chopped • 4 stalks scallions, white and green parts, finely chopped • ½ cup cilantro, stems and leaves, finely chopped • 3-4 cloves garlic, minced • 8 jalapeño pieces from a jar, finely chopped • 2 limes, juiced • sea salt and freshly ground white pepper • 1 avocado, coarsely cut Directions: 1. Mix all ingredients, except the avocado, in a medium bowl. Add the avocado before serving. 2. Serve with baked corn or whole grain tortilla chips.

Asian Orange Dressing by Lulu Herold Ingredients: • ¼ cup vegetable broth or water • 2 tbsp rice wine vinegar • ½ tbsp soy sauce • ½ tsp ginger powder • 1 tsp garlic powder • ½ tbsp chili garlic paste • 1½ tbsp orange marmalade • 2 tbsp orange juice • ½ tbsp maple syrup (optional) • ½ tbsp sesame oil • 1 tbsp chia seeds Directions: Place all the ingredients in a glass jar and warm the mixture in the microwave for a minute and mix with a fork or shake thoroughly. You can also use a blender.

September/October 2020

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op


Bulk Department Reset COVID-19 had a significant impact on our Bulk Department. In March, we removed items from our scoop bins and prepackaged them to help maintain cleanliness and remove additional touch points for our staff to clean. We always intended for this change to be temporary, and have been eager to return Bulk to a place where our shoppers could choose how much or how little they wanted to purchase of each item. The only way we could do this was to do a major overhaul of the bulk bins, so in July we replaced most of our scoop-style bins with gravity bins. The Co-op invested close to $20,000 in fixtures to make this change. While we still are not allowing shoppers to bring reusable containers from home to fill with bulk goods, we are always reviewing best practices and updates to CDC guidelines to see when we can have reusable containers return. In the meantime, our Bulk Department is looking more "normal" and we've added back many items that were missing in the Spring.

Grocery Manager Ian Ryan and Stockroom Supervisor Francis Carter work to replace scoop style bulk bins with gravity bins.


The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op

September/October 2020


Congratulations to our Employees of the Month

Christine Beatty // Café (June) - Christine has worked at the Co-op since she moved to Pittsburgh in 2017 from Asheville, NC. She has worked as a Customer Service Representative and Manager on Duty in the Front End, and is now taking on a new role as a Café Supervisor! In her free time, she likes reading, hiking, gardening, and playing with her cat, Big Ralph. Larry Debar // Café (July) - After farming through the Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) program, Larry was drawn to the Co-op’s sustainable practices, as well as the community aspect that it offers. He greatly enjoys spending time in the kitchen; in fact, he spends more time there than in his living room! When he’s not cooking, Larry enjoys singing, playing guitar and piano, writing poetry, and dancing.

Register Round Up

Your spare change results in positive change. register

Round To support these organizations, tell your cashier to Round Up your total at the register! Register Round Up Funds raised to date: $162,163.71 April 2013 - July 2020

September Recipient

PASA Sustainable Agriculture PASA is a Pennsylvania-based sustainable agriculture association founded in 1992. They work to build a more economicallyjust, environmentally-regenerative, and community-focused food system.

September/October 2020

October Recipient

Co-op Community Fund The Cooperative Community Fund (CCF) is an endowment wherein the interest earned each year is donated to nonprofits and cooperatives in the community.

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op



Open to everyone, everyday from 8 AM-9 PM 7516 meade street, pgh, pa 15208 412-242-3598 •


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The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op

September/October 2020

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