The Co-operator - September & October 2018

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Co operator THE

Volume 29 : Issue 5 • September & October 2018






Board of Directors Eddy Jones, President Patrick McHale, Vice President William Warnock, Treasurer Emily Deferrari Sarah Trafican O.E. Zelmanovich

The board meets the third Monday of each month.

Management Team Human Resources: Jen Girty Finance: Shawn McCullough Marketing & Member Services: Kate Safin IT: Erin Myers Grocery: Maura Holliday Café: Amber Pertz Front End: eric cressley Produce: Evan Diamond

The Co-operator

Editor: Kate Safin Copy Editor: Mike Eaton Contributors: Erica Peiffer Design: Molly Palmer Masood Printer: Banksville Express Printed with vegetable-based inks on recycled paper. The Co-operator is a bi-monthly publication of East End Food Coop. Copies are available in the lobby of the store and online at

Interested in Advertising? Please contact: or call 412.242.3598 ext. 142. Opinions expressed are the writers’ own and do not necessarily reflect Co-op policy. The East End Food Co-op does not endorse the views or products of the advertisers in this newsletter.

CUSTOMER COMMENTS Please consider making the street in front of the Co-op doors a “no idling” zone for cars, trucks, etc. We need healthy air and exhaust fumes are not healthy! Maybe no smoking too!! That’s a great idea. I’ll see if I can’t get that to happen. - Vince, Facilities Why don’t we sell canning lids for canning your own fruit/veggies? Thank you for the suggestion! We’ve carried these in the past but are not able to get them in at a competitive price. We could possibly look into a special order for them to offer you the best price. - Maura, Grocery Please consider either not handing out straws or using compostable straws. They are destroying our oceans and hurting wildlife. Thanks. Thank you for your feedback. We are looking into alternatives and making changes in our packaging. We offer plastic straws on request and have reusable stainless steel straws available for purchase. You will find these at the Café counter and at the registers. We are also participating in the Sustainable Pittsburgh Straw Forward program through September. Straws can be dropped off in the designated bin in the Cafe seating area and will be upcycled into a public art project. - Amber, Café I am curious as to why the free publications/display case were moved to the rear of the store? A lot of people are missing out on good information. The community brochure rack moved from the foyer due to our expanding floral department. The area near the community posters was the most logical space to place the rack for now. Ideally, community materials can find an accessible space at the front of the store (possibly by the seating area) but the current small footprint of our store can be limiting. We do have signs posted at the old location re-directing people to the display case, and anecdotally I can report that materials are being collected from the new location. Thanks for your concern! - Kate, Marketing & Member Services 2 - The Co-operator

BOARD REPORT This time of year is exciting for the governance of our Co-op. Both the election of board members and our annual meeting will occur in the coming months. The election of board members will begin on October 27th and votes may be cast through November 30th. The board encourages all member-owners to participate in the democratic process and cast their vote in this year’s election. In recent years, we’ve had some of our best turnouts with hundreds of votes being cast each year. But we can do even better. Information about the candidates will be shared in October. Please take a moment to get to know the candidates and in addition to casting your vote, encourage other member-owners to do the same. If you’re interested in getting more involved, consider running for the board. If you would

like to learn more about this, feel free to contact the board at boardofdirectors@ Candidate declaration runs through September 22nd. Declarations may be submitted through a link on our co-op’s website: Our annual meeting will take place the afternoon of November 3rd. At the annual meeting, you’ll have a chance to hear from board members and management, learn about key issues, and get an overview of our fiscal performance. The board invites all member-owners to join, and we would love to see you there. The annual meeting committee is recruiting members to assist with planning, promoting, and day-of duties including decorations, set-up, clean up, and staffing tables. If you would like to help out, please e-mail the board at

East End Food Co-op Annual Meeting Saturday, November 3, 2018 from 2-5 PM

Eastminster Presbyterian Church 250 North Highland Avenue . Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Staff Celebrations Congratulations to the following staff members, who were elected by their peers as Employees of the Month.


Richard Calhoun (Café)

Help us keep our Co-op strong Run for the Board!

Apply online or at Customer Service by * 9 PM Saturday, September 22nd

More info:


Christine Beatty (Front End)

The Co-operator - 3

*Must be a fully paid member to apply.

Healthy Kid

Simple ideas to banish lunchbox bor

By Mandy Makinen Okay, parents. We all know that back to school is, although bittersweet for our children, pretty good for us. Our children are again occupied in noble pursuits, they get regular exercise, they have plenty of time with their friends and the echo of “I’m bored” vanishes from the halls of our homes. Things are always good for a few weeks — at least until a new boredom sets in. School lunch burnout. For those who regularly pack lunches for an elementary school–aged child, you may have run into a few common points of friction. Namely, boredom with content, arguments over what did not get eaten that day, and issues revolving around trading for junk food. Let’s look over the issues, one at a time.

Battling boredom

I had always planned on being the mom who would break out the cookie cutters to make lunchtime sandwiches special, or who would creatively market sacks of carrot coins or a stand-up broccoli forest to my child. But the reality is, that takes time. Our family tries to put emphasis on dinner and eating (mostly) home-cooked meals together at night, so with already limited time in the evenings, packing elaborate bag lunches has fallen by the wayside. Working under time constraints might take some of the creativity out of presentation, but it doesn’t have to mean a boring or unbalanced lunch. We adopted a baseline

of this equation: 1 + 1 + 1 = 1. One fruit or vegetable (e.g., carrots, banana, cucumber, apple), one protein (turkey, peanut butter, ham, cheese), and one carbohydrate (bagel, crackers, English muffin, tortillas) = one lunch. Dividing lunch-building into predictable units makes it easy for my son to participate by choosing different, changing components. One of the best side effects of this lunch style is that it teaches my son about nutrition — which types of food have what nutritional value. Now my son knows that peanut butter is a protein, not a vegetable. He knows that a banana is not a significant source of complex carbohydrates but that a whole wheat bagel is.

Emphasize efficiency

There was a time, I am sure, when all kids would sit down to lunch at school with enthusiasm and dig in, focused on the task of chewing their food and getting refueled for an afternoon of learning. I believe that time was somewhere around the year 19-oh… never? The truth is that lunch is, and has always been, an important social time for kids. This is when jokes get told, bragging gets done and where today’s hilarious sight gags are tomorrow’s doctor’s visits (raisins in the nose, anyone?). This is also when your child is supposed to focus and eat their whole lunch. Remembering to keep portions small and the eating process efficient (think bite-size finger foods) helps ensure that more food gets eaten. This is the way toddlers eat, but The Co-operator - 4

ds Lunches


I find it works great at any age (I love a “snack lunch” at the office myself). It doesn’t have to look extremely coordinated to be a good lunch — a handful of nuts, a bag of snap peas, some cheese cubes, grapes, whole wheat bagel half. All these things are easy to eat, and more important, can be safely eaten while paying attention to at least three other things at once.

our home lunches, which are healthier than the alternative overall, for years to come. Dividing lunch-building into predictable units makes it easy for kids to participate by choosing different, changing components.

1+ 1+ 1 = 1





Less lunch trading

My son reports that a lot of unsanctioned lunch trading happens. Packaged, processed foods designed for lunchboxes — fruit snacks, cookies, chips and cheese puffs — are a hot commodity. For a kid who brings a healthy lunch every day, those things help him build an argument that his mother is the meanest, most boring person alive. It’s disappointing to think that the healthy meal we spent time and money planning and purchasing could be traded for less healthy food on a whim. Though I suspect my son’s whole wheat bagel or almonds rank low in lunch table trading values. But to alleviate the feeling that my child is going to be scarred by his health-fanatic mom who never allowed him to have fun foods, we’ve added “mystery” items to the lunchbox — something that doesn’t fall into the main food groups: fruit leather, organic chocolate milk, natural energy bars, a single serving of chips. We shop for these mystery items, along with the rest of his lunch, at our local food co-op, where it’s easier to minimize the stuff I don’t want him to eat: high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated fats, artificial chemical sweeteners and dyes. My hope is that he’ll covet these treats enough that they don’t end up in trading action and it keeps him eating The Co-operator - 5

Reprinted by permission from

n w o t e m o H


1 Co-op Café Vegan

Lemon Pound cake

Our vegan lemon pound cake! I don’t live locally anymore so it’s a treat when I can get it. - Andrea

2 Steel Cup cofFEE


I really like Steel Cup cold brew coffee. It’s the best cold brew I’ve ever tried! It’s strong enough to stand up to lots of almond milk so my brain gets the caffeine without it bothering my stomach. Keep it flowing! - Donna

Pierogies 3 Gosia Really good quick meal.

Historic Pittsburgh comfort food! - Evan

4 Robin Hollow Farm Eggs

Love the selection of local farm fresh eggs, especially the ones from Robin Hollow Farms because they tell you what they feed the hens and they are soy free! - Scorc685

BIOLOGICALS 5 UNA I love UNA! I love their


If I could choose a way

products, and I think their founder/owner (who happens to be a previous Co-op employee) is pretty fantasic as well! I find their products to be gentle, yet effective. My favorite is the Headache Relief Roll-on. - Jennifer

to die, it would be death by

Dairy 6 brunton chocolate creme

kick of the wasabi with the

As chocolate as chocolate can get! - Kurt

SAUCES 7 MESOMEX Can be used on every-

thing; very versatile peppery bite. I buy it by the case! - Jim


If you ask an Italian for a jarred pasta sauce recommendation, they will most likely look at you like you have three heads. But I like to think even my Nonna would approve of this sauce. It’s that good. - Molly

Lux Chocolate bar. - MaCall

10 Tait Farm

Cranberry Mustard

This mustard combines the tartness of the cranberries to make the perfect condiment. Sandwiches, pretzels, you name it. I put it on everything! - Tyler

11 Fresh Produce

Anything local in the

produce section. I love fresh veggies! - Tammy

12 Co-op Café Mushroom Barley Soup

The mushroom barley soup is addictively delicious! - Ashley













Pancakes with Yogurt & Cherry Drizzle INGREDIENTS

• 1 cup of Frankferd Farms Organic Farmhouse Spelt Pancake Mix • 1 egg, optional • 1 tsp. of oil, optional • 1½ cups of milk Toppings: • 1 cup of Naturi Organic Grassfed Greek Yogurt plain or flavored • 2 Tbsp. of Tait Farms Sour Cherry Jam


• Heat skillet over medium-low

heat or electric griddle to 375° F. • Combine all ingredients and stir until large lumps disappear (do not beat or over mix). • Pour slightly less than 1/4 cup batter for each pancake onto lightly greased skillet. • Turn when pancakes bubble and bottoms are golden brown. • Top with yogurt and cherry jam. 8 - The Co-operator

Member Submitted Recipe!

Chili con Carne


Chicken Cacciatore



and basil to a bowl. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix well. Mix olive oil and balsamic reduction in a small bowl. Squeeze in 2-3 cloves of the roasted garlic and mix well. Pour over vegetables and mix well. (Optional: marinate in fridge for 2-3 hours to marry flavors.) In a small food processor, add goat cheese, 2-3 cloves of roasted garlic and Italian seasoning. Blend until cheese looks whipped & soft. Slice bread, and rub lightly with a raw clove of garlic. Toast lightly. Spread whipped cheese on bread, top with veggies and marinade. Enjoy!


• 1-2 tbsp. of olive oil • 3 lbs. ground beef or vegan beef crumbles • 6 cloves garlic, crushed • 2 large onions, chopped • 2 medium peppers, chopped • 2 fresh serrano peppers, seeds removed & diced (Keep the seeds in for a spicier chili.) • 1 tbsp. ground cumin or to taste • 1 tbsp. dried oregano or to taste • 2 tbsp. chili powder • Salt and pepper to taste • 4 cups fresh tomatoes, coarsely chopped • 2 ears of local corn, kernels cut off • 2-4 cups beef stock, water or vegan substitute • 1-2 tbsp. of honey • 2 cups Weatherbury Farms black turtle beans • Cornstarch, optional • Optional Toppings: sour cream (or vegan substitute), chopped green onions, fresh cilantro and lime wedges

1. Wash beans and drain. Cover with cold water. Discard floaters and soak 4 to 8 hours in cool place. Drain. Add 6 cups of fresh water. Cover and bring to a boil. Simmer until soft, 1½ hours. 2. Heat olive oil in large cast-iron Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add ground beef, breaking up with a spoon. Cook until done; drain off fat and discard. 3. Add the garlic and onion and continue to cook until they are translucent. 4. Add the peppers and chilis, and then stir in the spices: cumin, oregano, chili powder, salt, pepper until all the ingredients are well coated. 5. Add the honey, freshly chopped tomatoes and beef broth. 6. When the stew begins to reach a slight boil, reduce the heat to simmer and add the black turtle beans. Cover and cook for 30 minutes. 7. To thicken the chili, mix equal parts cornstarch with water, and then add to chili, stirring slowly until desired consistency is reached. 8. Serve with your favorite toppings!

bowl and warm in the microwave until melted. Bread Pudding: 4. Whisk in the eggs, sugar • Swiss Villa butter and 3/4 cup of water. • 6 cups local bread, 5. Pour custard over the torn into 1-inch pieces bread and let stand for (We suggest Mediterra 15 minutes. Press bread Challah with Raisins or down to submerge. Allegro’s Plain Challah.) 6. Sprinkle crushed • 1 1/2 pints of Millie’s walnuts on top. Chad’s Vanilla Ice Cream 7. Bake the bread • 4 large local eggs, beaten pudding for 30 to 35 • 1 cup sugar minutes, until the top is • 3/4 cup of water browned. • 1 cup of crushed walnuts 8. Meanwhile, combine Sauce: all sauce ingredients in • 1/2 cup butter 1-quart saucepan. Cook • 1/4 cup honey over medium heat, • 1/2 cup firmly packed stirring occasionally, brown sugar until mixture thickens • 1/2 cup heavy whipping and comes to a full boil cream (5 to 8 minutes). • 1 tablespoon vanilla 9. Pour over the baked bread or spoon over individual servings. 1. Preheat the oven to 350°. 10. For extra pizzazz, top 2. Butter a 2-quart baking with sliced bananas, a scoop of Millie’s dish and sprinkle the torn brioche in it. ice cream and fresh 3. Scoop ice cream into a whipped cream.


with olive oil. 2. Place chicken skinside down, and do not move it until it reaches a deep golden brown. Turn and brown other side. Remove chicken and set aside. 3. Add vegetables, garlic, salt and pepper to hot skillet and saute for 5 minutes. 4. Add sauce and wine; let reduce until thickened. 5. Toss in 1 teaspoon of salt, pepper and chopped fresh basil. 6. Place the chicken back into the pan. Coat with sauce and simmer on low for 1-2 hours or until chicken falls off the bone. 7. Serve with polenta or warm, crusty bread.

• 2-4 fresh heirloom tomatoes, diced or 2-3 cups of fresh cherry tomatoes, cut in quarters. • 1-2 yellow and/or orange peppers, diced • 1/2 a red onion, diced • ¼ cup fresh basil, cut into thin strips • 3 teaspoons olive oil • 1/3 cup of balsamic reduction • 1 large head of garlic, roasted • salt and pepper to taste • 6 oz. goat cheese, softened • 2 tbsp. of Italian seasoning • 1 fresh loaf of bread


1. Add the tomatoes, peppers, red onion





4. 5.

• 1 whole chicken, bonein, skin on and each breast cut in half • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 1 onion, diced medium • 1 small yellow and red pepper, diced medium • 2 small carrots, peeled and sliced • 5 garlic cloves, shaved • Pitted kalamata olives, a large handful • 1/2 cup white wine • 1 jar of Davide garlic pasta sauce • 1/2 teaspoon Italian seasonings • Salt and pepper to taste • A handful of fresh basil


1. Season chicken with salt, pepper and Italian seasoning. Heat a heavy cast iron skillet, drizzled


Curryabi KraUT By Trevor Ring Yield: 1-2 quarts


• ½ gallon glass vessel or crock • Weight for vegetables (glass jar, rock, plastic bag full of salt water — be creative! • Mixing bowl, cloth and rubber band

4. 5.


Vegetables: • 4 lbs. Kohlrabi, peeled and thinly sliced • 1 medium red onion, thinly sliced • 3 large garlic cloves, smashed • 1 medium beet, shredded Spice Mix: • 1 tbsp. curry powder • ½ tsp. cumin powder • ½ tsp. brown mustard, whole • ½ tsp. turmeric powder • 1 tsp. coriander seed, whole Brine: • Ratio: 3 tbsp. salt per 1 quart of water • Note: for best results, use fine sea salt and filtered water; start with less salt and add more as desired to suite your taste.


1. Combine prepped vegetables and spices in a mixing bowl. 2. Put spiced vegetables in fermentation vessel and pack down to minimize open space. 3. Combine salt and water in 3:1 The Co-operator - 11

6. 7.

ratio to form a brine; pour over vegetables until brine just reaches top surface of vegetables. (Don’t add too much brine or flavor will be diluted) Place a clean weight on top of vegetables to submerge them under the brine. Cover vessel with a cloth and secure it with a rubber band. Place bowl or plate underneath vessel to capture spillage. Let sit and ferment for at least 5 days at room temperature, out of sunlight. Time is relative: I let most of my krauts sit for at least 2 weeks, but taste it every few days, and refrigerate once it has reached your desired flavor. Fermentation is slower in cooler temps and faster in warmer temps. Skim surface mold—vegetables are still fine! Once in fridge, it can last 1 year or more. Eat small amounts with your meals—it’s great with eggs, rice, or where you would use sauerkraut or kimchi.

Trevor Ring is a fermentation enthusiast, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and dual degree MBA and Food Studies candidate at Chatham University. Over the past seven years, he has sold his own fermented products under the business Tringo Cultures, created a Fermentation CSA and worked for numerous fermentation-based businesses.

Member Submitted Recipe!


MEET Owner Where do you live, and how often do you visit our store? I live in Swissvale, and I’m here multiple times a week. What was your motivation for coming to and/ or joining the Co-op? Our amazing bulk foods section. The mushroom barley soup – I tried it and just fell in love! Basically, I started coming here to get good, fresh, local food that I couldn’t get anywhere else.

agriculture, local business and our commitment to one small thing that we can do to help change the world through our conscious choices. I hope that never changes. What makes shopping at the Co-op different than other stores? Seeing somebody I know and taking a few minutes to say hi and catch up! What do you like to do when you’re not at the Co-op? I’m out in the woods a lot, foraging. I love playing music and drumming with people, and writing. How would you describe your lifestyle, and how does the Co-op fit in? I’m all about supporting small and local businesses, so supporting the one I have a stake in is a no-brainer, and the fact that the Co-op sources so many things locally makes it more than easy to walk through that door every week.

What is your favorite thing you get from the Co-op and what’s so great about it? I love the kimchi (Sunja’s), and the garlic Hempzel’s pretzels, and our Café soups and Burrito Bar. These are all things that I feel are made with care and love. If you could change one thing about the Co-op, what would it be? I would like to bring back the volunteer program, because I feel that it helps members connect more deeply to their co-op and to discover new things. What do you LOVE and hope will never change about the Co-op? For most of us coming here, the Co-op represents community, community-supported

Marc V., Member Since 1992

12 - The Co-operator



To support these organizations, tell your cashier to Round Up your total at the register!

SEPTEMBER: PASA, Sustainable Agriculture PASA works to improve the environmental soundness, social responsibility, and economic viability of food and farming systems in Pennsylvania and beyond. In existence since 1992, PASA, Sustainable Agriculture is a diverse network of growers, businesses, and consumers that facilitates and enables viable farming systems to provide healthy food as locally as possible through innovative programs of education, marketing, and advocacy. PASA, Sustainable Agriculture’s work benefits both new and experienced farmers, food businesses and community members across Pennsylvania. Register Round Up funds will support PASA, Sustainable Agriculture’s education and outreach efforts.

October: Co-op Community Fund The Co-op Community Fund helps East End Food Co-op put cooperative principles into action (specifically: education, training, and information; cooperation among cooperatives; and concern for community). Twin Pines Cooperative Foundation (TPCF) sponsors the Co-op Community Fund program and donates income earned from the investment principal to local non-profit groups working on issues relating to sustainable agriculture and organic food, hunger and social issues, environmental protection, and cooperatives. The principal (which is held by TPCF) is leveraged for the development of cooperatives and helps finance consumer, worker, and housing cooperatives and land trusts throughout the country. Register Round Up funds support the EEFC’s Co-op Community Fund.

Spare Change Makes a Big Difference! Register Round Up Funds raised to date: $125,349.82

(April 2013 - July 2018)

SpoTlight on local

Heritage Farm Heritage Farm is a family-owned, multigenerational, natural, pasture-based farm, located in North Central Pennsylvania. Greg and Linda Burns established the farm in the early 1990s. The Burns use sustainable methods to raise livestock (including GMOfree pastured poultry, eggs, grass-fed lamb, grass-fed beef and GMO-free forestforaged pork), and grow fruit, vegetables, flowers and herbs on about 80 acres of land. Their meat, eggs, produce, jams, jellies and homemade baked goods are sold direct from their farm and at local farmers markets. Heritage Farm eggs and chicken are available at the East End Food Co-op.

The Burns operation is a quintessential American family farm. The food is grown naturally, the livestock roam free and graze on grass, and the chickens eat bugs and grubs. The result of these traditional farming practices is clean, healthy food with outstanding taste. Pasture-raised meat offers Omega-6 and Omega-3 balance, CLA and vitamins D and E. Besides that, the taste and texture are superb! Pete Burns, who manages the livestock division of the farm, apprenticed under Joel Salatin at Polyface Farm in Swoop, VA, graduating from the Apprentice

The Co-operator - 14

Program in 2005. The Polyface Farm mission is, “to develop emotionally, economically, environmentally enhancing agricultural enterprises and facilitate their duplication throughout the world.” The Salatins teach environmentally-friendly farming practices, including moving pastured livestock and poultry to new “salad bars” (pastureland with a high level of plant diversity) for better nutrition, allowing for landscape healing and ensuring soil health, and following nature’s template. Another Polyface principle is growing food for your community, not “scaling up and selling out.” We are so fortunate to have Heritage Farm as part of the Greater Pittsburgh food shed. You truly can’t get their products just anywhere.

Early Bird Turkey Special for Co-op Members! This year, Heritage Farm is raising a flock of turkeys specifically for the East End Food Co-op. These turkeys will be 12-14 pounds and are available for pre-order exclusively to Co-op Members for $3.99/lb. Pre-orders are due September 30th. All turkeys are all natural, GMO-free, antibiotic-free, pasture -raised and arrive fresh (not frozen); they will be available for pick-up at the Co-op November 18-21. Don’t miss your opportunity to support a local family farm and get the highest quality turkey for your Thanksgiving meal. Quantities are limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Submit your order at Customer Service or online at:

WE’RE HIRING! We are looking for energetic, cooperative, and committed employees who share a love of good, healthful food and enjoy helping others through exceptional customer service.


The Co-operator - 15


Wednesday, September 5, 7 PM – 8 PM Elisabeth Wheeler, PIVOT Physical Therapy POWER/EEFC Conference Room FREE – Please RSVP Do you suffer from chronic pain? Want to avoid opiate pain killers as a treatment? This presentation will provide info regarding what physical therapy can do for you!

PITTSBURGH URBAN FARM TOUR Saturday, September 8 10 AM – 5 PM

$15 General Admission Kids 12 and under are FREE! Please RSVP

This self-guided tour provides a unique opportunity to connect with local food and farmers on commercial farms, community gardens and apiaries throughout Pittsburgh. Proceeds support an Urban Farmers Scholarship.


Wednesday, October 3, 10 AM - Noon Erin Hart, Farm To Table Western PA POWER/EEFC Conference Room FREE – Please RSVP

Learn about local food resources over brunch. This popular series brings together consumers, farms, food producers and a variety of other industry professionals for brunch and networking opportunities.

10%* off wellness AND body care The first Wednesday of every month


Sunday, October 7, 11 AM – 12 PM Erica Peiffer, Member Services Coordinator POWER/EEFC Conference Room FREE – Please RSVP Orientations ensure our members feel completely comfortable using our store and participating in our Co-op. Nonmembers welcome!

INTRO TO FERMENTED VEGETABLES Saturday, October 27, 1 PM – 3 PM Trevor Ring, Tringo Cultures POWER/EEFC Conference Room $10 Co-op Members / $15 Non-Members Please RSVP

Learn how to transform raw vegetables into tasty and vibrant ferments with nutritional benefits. Assist in the process of making sauerkraut and kimchi, and bring a pint-size jar to take some home!

RSVP at:

WELLNESS Wednesday

*No additional discounts or sales may be stacked with this offer

Senior Discount Days (5% courtesy discount for 62+) Every Tues. & Thurs.

quarterly discount

Members, be sure to use your 10% quarterly discount by September 30th!

Open to everyone, every day from 8 AM - 9 PM 7516 Meade Street . Pittsburgh, PA 15208 412-242-3598 .

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