May/June Co-operator

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GM Report

Maura Holliday, General Manager

It has been a busy couple of months since my last GM update! In the last week

of February, we began negotiating our labor contract with UE Local 667, who represents a large portion of our staff. We had a three-year contract that was due to expire on March 12th. This was my first opportunity since being hired as the GM to work with the UE negotiating committee and officers to renew our contract. It was an opportunity I had long awaited, as some of the largest accomplishments I had set out to achieve were to increase our starting wage, and to open up more equity for every level of our staff. Together, we were able to increase accountability and wages, and open up the dialogue about many of the goals I set for us in the 2020-2021 Business Plan. Some of the highlights from the renewed contract are increased paid time off, a new starting wage of $12.50 per hour for entry level positions, and expanded and more inclusive bereavement pay. We will also be forming a Diversity & Inclusion Committee to establish goals for the co-op and work towards a more inclusive and welcoming place for all staff, members, and shoppers; this was something I highlighted in my 2020-2021 Business Plan, and I am very excited to be making progress. This may have been the fastest contract renewal we’ve had, and after three weeks of negotiations, the UE Local 667 ratified the contract on March 12th, 2021. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the contract content leading up to and during the renewal meetings.

The co-op has also been making progress on the ever-so-popular topic of expansion. A little history for those of you that

have not heard us talk about this or are newer member-owners: the co-op has been talking about expansion for many years; to some it may seem like a running joke because of how long we have been discussing it. It is true, we have been talking about the idea of expansion for a very long time and in many ways. These ways have included opening a second location in another neighborhood and/or an expansion of our current footprint in our building. So far, despite many hours of hard and meaningful work by previous GMs, Board of Directors, and staff, we just haven’t found the right time or place to make this dream a reality for our co-op.

We have also engaged with member-owners in various ways to gauge interest and gather input on our expansion efforts.

Nearly every Member Engagement survey conducted until 2019 included questions about expansion and how memberowners would like to see this happen (or if it should happen). In the 2019 Member Engagement survey we did not ask mainly because there wasn’t a GM at the time who would be able to take on such an endeavor. In 2017, our Board of Directors held listening sessions with staff and member-owners to ask two main questions: what do you want to see in our next GM? And what are your thoughts on expansion? Annual meetings have typically had some aspect of expansion on the agenda. Since the last big push towards expansion — around 2014-2015 — we took a step back so that we could focus on our internal strengths and areas for improvement. From the prior expansion work done, we found that we really needed to focus on strengthening the financial health of the co-op, as well as strengthen our operations. We knew that if we wanted a bank to take us seriously, and have any hope of them lending us money, we needed to focus on our fiscal resilience. We have done just that over the past 5 years and can proudly say that our 2019-2020 fiscal year marked our third straight year of positive sales growth and positive net income. Since becoming GM two years ago, I have worked with the Board and staff to make the dream of expansion a reality. We have the financial resilience to do it, now we need to find the location. We had a visioning session with managers and the Board so that our expansion vision included the feedback from years of member-owner and staff input.

At this point, we are very close to making the dream of expansion a reality. As you will see in the Board Corner for this

month, there will be a myriad of opportunities for member-owners to engage with the co-op as we move forward with our goals to be a more inclusive place that has fewer quirks to it (but if you’d like to keep the sloped floors, you may hear some gripes from staff…). I am excited to be making progress on this huge endeavor and even more excited to begin some great conversations with both member-owners and staff alike.


The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op

May/June 2021

Board Corner

Sam Applefield, Board President As spring enters full swing, the Board of Directors is excited about the season of growth and change ahead for the East End Food Co-op. In particular, we are focused on growing in three areas: first, building a more inclusive co-op community; second, creating more opportunities for member engagement; and third, expanding our physical space. Working with Inclusant — a diversity, equity, and inclusion consulting firm — the Board of Directors and co-op employees completed surveys to assess our strengths and needs. With the survey results back, we have begun trainings tailored to our particular needs, and will be receiving support for implementing new practices, such as a more equitable hiring process. Big thanks to our General

Board of Directors Sam Applefield '21 President Ariel Barlow '21 Vice President Laura Valentine '22 Secretary Charlie Orr '22 Treasurer Eva Barinas '21 Jenise Brown '23 Tom Pandeleon '22 Trevor Ring '23 Marty Seltman '23 The board meets online the third Monday of each month at 7 PM. Members are welcome to join virtually via WebEx.

Manager, Maura Holliday, for keeping this work moving forward. Recently, an email was sent to members inviting them to join a board committee. Committees play a vital role in doing research and developing proposals and recommendations that are discussed and voted on by the full board. The board currently convenes seven different committees, on topics ranging from Finance to Resilience. Members who are interested in joining a committee can contact the board clerk ( for more information. Additionally, updates from each committee can be found in the minutes from monthly board meetings. We see this invitation to join committees as a first step in a longer process of creating a more engaged co-op membership, and hope that you will join us in co-creating that future. Finally, the board has been working closely with management to develop a plan for expanding the physical space of the co-op. This spring, we anticipate holding a

Management Team Maura Holliday General Manager eric cressley Front End Manager Jen Girty HR Manager Elly Helgen Marketing & Member Services Manager Tyler Kulp Produce Manager Shawn McCullough Finance Manager Erin Myers IT Manager Amber Pertz Café Manager Ian Ryan Grocery Manager

series of information sessions to share the results of our work on this effort, and hope to get feedback from members on a proposed new location. Assuming that members are supportive of this plan (which we are confident you will be!), we will be launching a capital campaign in the fall. Be on the lookout for more information about the information sessions and capital campaign soon! We are thrilled to be guiding the co-op through these periods of growth and change. While exciting, these transitions can also be challenging. That is why we

The East End Food Co-op exists to enhance physical and social health to our community. To these ends, we will create: A sustainable member-owned business open to everyone; An ethical and resilient food infrastructure; A vibrant, dynamic community of happy, healthy people; A creative vision to transform the future. The Co-operator is published by: East End Food Co-op 7516 Meade Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15208 phone: 412-242-3598 web:

want to create many opportunities for involvement and direct communication between members and the board. As always, feel free to join one of our

Opinions expressed are writers' own and do not necessarily reflect Co-op policy.

monthly meetings or reach out directly to

Elly Helgen, Editor Rose Davis, Design & Layout

Happy Spring!

Printed locally by Banksville Express with vegetable-based inks on recycled paper. © East End Food Cooperative 2020

May/June 2021

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op


Community Partners Program One of the many benefits of Co-op membership is access to the CP Program, which offers members exclusive discounts when they support local businesses in our community. Members who have paid their membership share in full can show their plastic membership card at select local businesses for discounts on merchandise or services. For a full list of our Community Partners, please visit Welcome to our newest Community Partners: David Herndon, Licensed Massage Therapist and Royally Fit, LLC

Benefits of Massage Therapy By David Herndon In recent years, the massage therapy profession has aligned itself more and more closely with health care. Massage therapists have developed specialized skills in areas such as post-surgical recovery, symptom management for chronic medical conditions, recovery from injuries to muscles and ligaments, pain relief, elder care, and hospice care. You may have personally experienced the relaxation, stress reduction, and deep sense of well-being that results from soothing massage in a tranquil setting with quiet music and soft lighting. But therapeutic massage can also provide a range of physical and emotional benefits for people who are experiencing a medical challenge. Here are three examples: • The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center offers this brief research summary: “Clinical trials have shown that massage therapy helps reduce pain, anxiety, fatigue, and shortness of breath in cancer patients. It can ease the mind, improve sleep, reduce depression, and provide comfort to patients. It may also help children and caregivers. In addition, studies suggest that massage can reduce pain and anxiety related to medical procedures, including surgery.” • The National Multiple Sclerosis Society notes that people with multiple sclerosis (MS) have successfully managed symptoms such as spasticity, pain, poor circulation, and pressure sores using therapeutic massage. They state that therapeutic massage “can provide pleasurable stimulation, giving the person with MS a chance to relax, and relieving anxiety and fear.”


The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op

May/June 2021

• The National Fibromyalgia Association provides this report from a person who lives with fibromyalgia: “Massage therapy helps me to feel less pain, and I sleep better on the days I get therapy. . . . Once you go to therapy on a regular basis, the therapist knows your body and can feel tight spots that you don’t even know you have. Once they are released, you feel so much better.” At the massage studio where I work – Post-Operative and Therapeutic Massage, located in an ADA-compliant facility in Squirrel Hill – our clients have included people with lymphedema, people with lipedema, people recovering from cancer surgery, people recovering from joint replacement surgery, people living with multiple sclerosis, people who have had head injuries, and people with many other medical challenges. Our clients have also included people seeking manual lymphatic drainage following liposuction and other types of plastic surgery. Of course, we also work with people who would like to have therapeutic massage simply for relaxation and stress reduction. If you are experiencing a medical challenge and you would like to try massage therapy, please contact me at We can have a conversation about how therapeutic massage might be helpful for your particular situation, and when you are ready, we can set up an appointment. A medical challenge for one person may bring physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges for that person's caregivers and family members. If you are a caregiver or a family member of someone living with a medical challenge, please keep in mind that the relaxation and rejuvenation provided by therapeutic massage can help you regain a more positive outlook. Finally, although this article has emphasized massage therapy for people who are experiencing medical challenges, the benefits of massage simply for relaxation and stress reduction go far beyond those enjoyable feelings of renewal, rejuvenation, and well-being. Massage therapy can improve overall health and wellness by promoting better sleep, lowering heart rate and blood pressure, reducing anxiety, increasing blood and lymph circulation, increasing range of motion, decreasing sympathetic nervous system excitability, and bolstering the ability to handle strong emotions. To learn more about my practice, please visit my website at To set up an appointment, please contact me at David Herndon // Licensed Massage Therapist, Pennsylvania License #MSG013439 East End Food Co-op Community Partner Discount Offered to EEFC Members: $20 for First-Time Clients, $5 for Ongoing Clients

May/June 2021

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op


Herbal Medicine By Aquene Watkins-Wise As self-care trends increase and many people become more aware of their health thanks to a global pandemic, we are also experiencing a popularization of holistic wellness. Seeking a whole body approach to health, holistic wellness considers ways in which our body’s systems are interdependent, and looks for ways to provide support, therefore alleviating ailments. A primary tenet of holistic wellness is preventative lifestyles, often encouraging both food and plants being used for their medicinal properties. “Plant medicines help to stimulate the body’s own innate capacity for restoring and maintaining health” (J.Power). What an amazing notion, to think that we can use what is grown in our gardens not only to remedy common ailments, but also to balance our overall body systems! The most commonly known and widely accepted internal use of herbs (outside of cooking), is through tea blending. Whether you prefer them hot or iced, teas have long been enjoyed throughout history; when you know the medicinal properties of herbal tea, it’s no surprise that it is the beverage of choice for so many! Unlike traditional teas, however, herbal teas are created when herbalists, like myself, purposefully blend the dried roots, seeds, flowers or leaves of a plant. Each added herb is carefully chosen to complement the others, enhancing overall flavor and amplifying the healing intentions of that tea. Commonly enjoyed, and long revered for its medicinal properties, is peppermint tea. While potent on its own, I also add things like echinacea, eucalyptus, red clover, and calendula to my peppermint leaves to create a powerful immune boosting tea blend. It is important to remember that each person’s body reacts differently to individualized herbs, and therefore, it is imperative to research before trying something new and to consult your primary care provider if you're on any medications prior to introducing new herbs to your system.


The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op

May/June 2021

Aromatherapy is another holistic approach to healing, which utilizes plant extracts, such as essential oils, to aid in not only relieving symptoms but also in providing mental and emotional comfort. “Aromatherapy can assist with relaxation and calming, reducing stress, lowering pain, tension, anxiety, and depression, and can also be energizing, uplifting, sedating or stimulating, promote health, heal injuries, improve the immune system, and restore physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being. Many oils have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal qualities” (E. Vadnais). With such a wide array of uses, it’s no mystery that aromatherapy is becoming more popular, especially in conjunction with integrative therapies. Of course, with all things, there must be precautions taken. For example, essential oils are too potent to be used directly and should be diluted first; water is a great base when diluting for a diffuser, and carrier oils are perfect to use when diluting for topical application. Aromatherapy massages, herbal salves, herbal baths, skin care products — the list of ways you can use herbs on your skin is pretty lengthy! As the body’s largest organ, it’s no surprise that topical use of herbs for healing is also common. While many other countries have long been using these Ayurvedic herbs, mainstream American culture is just starting to catch up, as we are learning of harmful chemicals and synthetics used by many run-of-the-mill manufacturers. When considering the topical use of herbal remedies, it’s important to also consider that they are most potent with respect to localized healing. That means that if you apply an itch cream to your hand, for example, it will treat that area specifically, but it won’t spread the healing to your arm. Because our skin is the first line of defense for our body, it’s also important to note that not everything applied to the skin is absorbed by the skin. With that in mind, we shouldn’t expect miracles to be worked solely through topical application of herbal medicine. Trusted as one of the oldest forms of healing, herbal medicine can be administered a plethora of ways. Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the world of herbal medicine or you’re a seasoned practitioner, there are myriad wellness benefits that can be experienced through drinking tea, utilizing aromatherapy, and topical application of herbs. “Patients are advised to ensure the safe use of herbal therapies by deciding on health goals; informing themselves on efficacy, safety, interactions, and usage of the medicine; selecting therapies that are likely to achieve their goals; having a correct diagnosis before using the therapy; consulting reputable practitioners; informing the practitioners about all the remedies they are using; monitoring the effects of the remedies, both positive and negative; waiting patiently for effects to become noticeable; and adjusting doses as needed to accommodate surgery, illness, or changes in conventional therapy” (P.D. Shenefelt). Once you’ve determined the appropriate method(s) of herbal medicine, begin doing your research and dive in! If you’re not sure where to begin, stop by for organic herbal teas, aromatherapy products, and topical healing products, all of which have been locally made in small batches! Aquene Watkins-Wise // Royally Fit, LLC. East End Food Co-op Community Partner Discount Offered to EEFC Members: 15% off Sources: Power, Joie. “Aromatherapy: A Branch of herbal medicine” Shenefelt, PD. Herbal Treatment for Dermatologic Disorders. In: Benzie IFF, Wachtel-Galor S,editors. Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd edition. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; 2011. Chapter 18.)

Vadnais, Emmy. “Aromatherapy Can Enhance Health and Healing”

May/June 2021

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op



The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op

May/June 2021

ACK VES TTER May/June 2021

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op


Herbal Remedies for Seasonal Allergies By Adrienne Totino Here in Pittsburgh, seasonal allergy season has officially begun. As pollen floats through the air, many people find themselves sneezing, sniffling, and scratching. Some are experiencing headache, facial pressure, and fatigue as well. These nagging symptoms can last throughout the spring and return again in the fall. Herbs can help with allergy prevention, and offer relief for acute symptoms as well. While a custom blend of herbs for one's individual needs works best, there are some single herb remedies and patent formulas that are helpful. The following are allergy herbs and formulas from both the western herbal tradition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Let's talk prevention first. Astragalus has been used in Chinese medicine for a long time, and is now gaining traction in the western world of herbalism. This herb is commonly used for the prevention of allergies (and also colds/flus). While it is smart to get astragalus into the system before allergy season, it's not too late to try it.

Astragalus is known as an immunomodulator, balancing the body's immune response. It is also considered an adaptogen, helping us adapt to various stressors, including environmental. Astragalus is not recommended for those with autoimmune disease. This herb can be purchased dried and added to soups or teas. It can also be taken as a capsule or tincture (liquid, extracted by alcohol). Alternatively, astragalus is one of the main ingredients in a classical herbal formula called Jade Windscreen (imagine a screen filtering out any pollen that the wind blows in). For acute symptoms of allergies, nettle is a favorite among herbalists. Because it is full of essential nutrients, many people eat the leaves in soup, stir-fry, or use it for pesto. For a medicinal effect, nettle is usually taken by tea, tincture, or even freeze-dried. Nettle has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it helpful for the facial pain and sinus pressure of allergies. It is also used for its astringent and expectorant qualities, to clear copious nasal discharge. Because nettle is drying, I like to buffer it with a moistening herb. If you're prone to dry skin or eyes, or even dryness in your nasal passages, take care with this herb or seek recommendations for herbs you might use alongside nettle.


The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op

May/June 2021

Eyebright is another great herb for allergies. Hence the name, this herb has an affinity for the eyes. It can be used for itchy, watery, and red eyes. Eyebright is taken internally, usually in a tea or tincture. But it can also be used externally, as a compress for the eyes. Like nettle, this herb is also anti-inflammatory. But eyebright is more known for its astringent properties, which helps to tighten and tone tissues. Astringents can lessen the profuse, watery mucus of seasonal allergies. Eyebright also contains caffeic acid, a chemical constituent found in various foods and plants. This constituent may combat the fatigue that is common with allergies. Finally, a lesser-known allergy herb in the West is called xanthium (pronounced zan-thee-um). This herb works similarly to a decongestant. It opens the nasal passages, treating allergies with impacted mucus in the sinuses. It is also considered analgesic, and used for a splitting sinus headache with facial pain. Xanthium is not usually taken on its own. It is used in Chinese herbal medicine in combination with other herbs that support seasonal allergies. One classical formula, called Bi Yan Pian, includes xanthium and is commonly recommended for seasonal allergies with an array of symptoms. Keep in mind that while herbs are often safe and gentle, some do interfere with common pharmaceuticals and are contraindicated with certain diseases. Talking to a qualified herbalist is the best way to ensure that herbs will work well for you! Adrienne offers wellness consultations to those looking for holistic ways to prevent and treat health issues. She is a clinical herbalist, certified by the East West School of Planetary Herbology and registered with the American Herbalists Guild. Adrienne has also taught yoga and meditation for 20+ years, certified by the Sivananda Vedanta Centre. Learn more from her website:

May/June 2021

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op


Healthy Summer Fare Fresh spring and early summer produce is here! Maybe you’re whipping up a backyard BBQ for your family, or enjoying a picnic in the park – whatever you’re looking to make, with the warmer weather, you’ll likely be wanting light and bright additions to your healthy fare. It’s still a little early for the rush of late summer produce, but there will still be plenty of local options available. Be sure to be on the lookout for local tomatoes, radishes, beets, cucumbers, some greens, blueberries, and strawberries!

Mojito Watermelon Salad

Prep time: 20 minutes, Yield: 4 servings Ingredients: • 2 cups seeded watermelon, cut into 3/4-inch cubes • 1 large red heirloom tomato, cored and chopped • 1 large yellow heirloom tomato, cored and chopped • 1/4 cup fresh-squeezed lime juice • 2 tablespoons tequila (optional) • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar • 2 teaspoons agave nectar • 3 tablespoons olive oil • 2 tablespoons minced fresh mint • Pinch each of salt and freshly ground black pepper Instructions: 1. Place the watermelon and tomato pieces on a paper towel to absorb excess moisture. 2. In a large bowl, whisk together the lime juice, tequila, agave nectar, vinegar, mint, salt, pepper and olive oil. Add the watermelon and tomatoes, toss well to coat and serve immediately. *This salad is a refreshing complement to grilled or blackened strip or flank steak. Add cucumber for extra crunch, feta cheese for a sweet/salty contrast, or papaya and jicama for a colorful treat.


The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op

Mediterranean Cucumber Tomato Salad Prep time: 15 minutes, Yield: 4 servings

This simple, refreshing salad is perfect for picnics or any summer meal. Ingredients: • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 garlic clove, peeled and minced • Juice of 1 lemon • 1/4 cup chopped fresh mint • 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley • 1/2 cup diced red onion • 2 cups diced cucumber • 2 cups diced tomatoes • Salt and pepper to taste Instructions: 1. In a large mixing bowl, gently toss together all of the ingredients. Add salt and pepper to taste. Let sit 10-15 minutes before serving to allow the flavors to meld. 2. This chopped salad is amenable to all sorts of variations. Add Kalamata olives, feta cheese, cubes of watermelon or cantaloupe, or just about any other seasonal diced veggies you like. Serve on a bed of fresh spinach or cooked leftover grains.

May/June 2021

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op


Fruit Flower Blossoms

Prep time: 30 minutes, Yield: 12 servings

Roasted Tomato Salsa with Homemade Chips Prep time: 25 minutes, Yield: 4 servings

Ingredients: • 1 watermelon • 1 cantaloupe • 1 honeydew melon • 1 bunch each green and red grapes • Handful of blueberries Equipment needed: • Wooden skewers • Large and small sized cookie cutters Instructions: 1. Turn the watermelon on its side. Cut a small slice off one end of the watermelon. This will make the melon stand up straight. Cut off a third of the watermelon from the other end. 2. Cut the removed end of the watermelon into 1/2-inch slices; cut the honeydew melon and the cantaloupe into 1/2-inch slices. Use small and large flower cookie cutters to cut flowers from the melon slices. 3. Slide four grapes onto a wooden skewer. Slide a large melon flower onto the skewer. Slide a smaller melon flower on top. Put a grape or blueberry on the end. Make a lot of flowers from the fruit. Mix and match melon, grapes, and blueberries. 4. Set the watermelon on a plate on the smaller cut end. Stick the skewers into the top of the watermelon for a fruity flower bouquet! 5. Use different kinds of cookie cutters. Try hearts or stars. Get creative with your fruit too! Try kiwis, strawberries, or pineapples.

Roasting the tomatoes, garlic, onion and jalapeños in this salsa gives it a rich, smoky, concentrated flavor. Perfect with homemade tortilla chips. Ingredients: • 4 large tomatoes, halved • 3 large jalapeños • 4 cloves garlic, peeled • 1 large onion, cut in 8 wedges • 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, divided • 1 teaspoon ground cumin • 1 1/2 teaspoons smoked paprika, divided • 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, coarsely chopped • 6 corn tortillas Instructions: 1. Position the top oven rack 6 inches below the broiler, and turn broiler on to high. 2. Place vegetables on a large sheet pan with a rim and drizzle with 2 tablespoons olive oil. Toss to coat, then sprinkle with 1 teaspoon salt. Broil for 5 minutes, remove pan from the broiler. Turn the vegetables over, and return to broil for about 5 minutes longer. When vegetables are blackened and soft, transfer the pan to a cooling rack. Once vegetables are cool enough to handle, remove stems and seeds from the jalapeños, and place the peppers in a food processor bowl. Add remaining vegetables and juices from the pan, and puree coarsely. Transfer to a bowl and stir in the cumin, a half-teaspoon smoked paprika, lime juice and cilantro. 3. To make the chips, heat the oven to 350°F. Cut each tortilla into 8 wedges, drizzle with remaining olive oil, toss to coat, then sprinkle with remaining salt and paprika and toss again. Spread on two sheet pans and bake for 12 to 15 minutes, rotating the pans halfway through. When the chips are lightly browned and crisp, cool on pans on racks. Serve chips with the salsa. *Any leftover salsa can be refrigerated in a closed container for up to a week. The chips will last for up to four days in a sealed container at room temperature.

May/June 2021

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op


Give Where You Live 2021 Campaign

The Cooperative Community Fund is an endowment sponsored by Twin Pines Cooperative Foundation wherein the interest earned each year is donated to local nonprofts. Contributions to the EEFC fund are raised through our Register Round Up in October. The $750 Co-op Community Fund grants are part of the "Give Where You Live" campaign. Our 2021 recipients were Grow Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Food Policy Council, and Grounded Strategies (pictured counterclockwise)— organizations committed to the environmental and social health of the Pittsburgh community.


The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op

May/June 2021

Congratulations to our Employees of the Month!

You may recognize Daniel as the Co-op’s very energetic beverage slinger, but when he’s not here whipping up delicious smoothies and coffee, he enjoys spending his time doing yoga and reading & writing. Daniel is a firm believer in everything that the Co-op stands for, and we’re so happy to have him and his positive attitude! Ilea’s bakery treats are pretty famous around here, and while she does enjoy baking outside of work, her main pandemic hobbies have been taking peaceful nature walks through Frick Park, and then shreddin’ it on her skateboard. What Ilea most appreciates about the Co-op is that she gets to work with people from all sorts of backgrounds. We’re so thankful for all the sweetness she brings here!

Register Round Up

Your spare change results in positive change. register


To support these organizations, tell your cashier to Round Up your total at the register! Register Round Up funds raised to date: $186,194.49 April 2013 -March 2021

May Recipient

Jeremiah's Place protects children and strengthens families by providing a safe haven of respite, health, renewal, and support for children when their families are experiencing a critical need for childcare.

May/June 2021

June Recipient

Our Clubhouse provides welcoming communities of support to anyone impacted by a cancer diagnosis, and creates an environment where members can come together and learn from one another on how best to live with cancer.

The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op


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The Co-operator | The Newsletter of East End Food Co-op

May/June 2021

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