January & February 2019

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Co operator THE

Volume 30 : Issue 1 • January & February 2019



Product Pick


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y h t l a e H t r a e H Recipes! Page 7

Recharge with your family in the new year Page 11

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Page 10



Board Corner By Eddy Jones, President Hello! The East End Food Co-op exists to enhance physical and social health to our community. To these ends, we will create: • A sustainable memberowned business open to everyone; • An ethical and resilient food infrastructure; • A vibrant, dynamic community of happy, healthy people; • A creative vision to transform the future.

Board of Directors Eddy Jones, President Sam Applefield Eva Barinas Karen Bernard Emily DeFerrari Larry Meadows, Jr. Jona Reyes Sarah Trafican O.E. Zelmanovich

The board meets the third Monday of each month at 7 PM in the POWER/EEFC Conference Room. Members are welcome to attend.


Finance: Shawn McCullough HR: Jen Girty IT: Erin Myers Marketing & Member Services: Kate Safin Café: Amber Pertz Front End: eric cressley Grocery: Maura Holliday


The Co-operator is a bi-monthly publication of East End Food Co-op. Copies are available in the lobby of the store and online at www.eastendfood.coop.

Editor: Kate Safin Copy Editor: Mike Eaton Contributors: Erica Peiffer Design: Molly Palmer Masood Printed with vegetable-based inks on recycled paper by Banksville Express.

Advertise with us

E-mail editor@eastendfood.coop or call 412.242.3598 ext. 142.


Opinions expressed are the writers’ own and do not necessarily reflect Co-op policy. The East End Food Coop does not endorse the views or products of the advertisers in this newsletter.

The past couple of months have been a busy period for the Board of Directors and the governance of our Co-op. Earlier this year, the board fine-tuned the timing of several events including the annual financial audit, Board of Directors elections, and annual meeting. With the sequencing in place, we were able to share at the annual meeting (November 3rd) our Co-op’s audited financials from 2017-18 as well as engage with member-owners who were running for a seat on the board. As we reported at the meeting, in the past fiscal year our Co-op achieved a positive net income for the first time in six years. This is great news for our Co-op. If you haven’t done so already, please take a moment to read our annual report, which is available on our Co-op’s website under Membership > Board of Directors > Annual Reports. Board elections ran from October 27th to November 30th. Nine Co-op members ran

for our Board of Directors this year. Members had the opportunity to vote in the store or online for up to five candidates. There were three seats up for re-election and two vacancies, which the Board chose to fill through the election as a way to increase democracy and member voice. There were a total of 290 votes cast. The new directors are: Karen Bernard, 3-year term Sam Applefield, 3-year term Eva Barinas, 3-year term Larry Meadows, Jr., 2-year term Jona Reyes, 1-year term Congratulations to the new directors! In addition, I’d like to extend thanks to our outgoing director, William Warnock, for his two years of service on the board. Finally, I’d like to extend thanks to staff and members. Through your sustained efforts and patronage, our Co-op remains strong and poised to embark on 2019.

GM SEARCH UPDATE By O.E. Zelmanovich

For those who have been following the management transition period at our co-op, we have entered a new phase. We have switched to a seven-person Interim Management Team (IMT) and we have hired an executive search firm to help with our General Manager (GM) search. Our new Interim Management Team is comprised of all seven of our current departmental managers: eric cressley, Jen Girty, Maura Holliday, Shawn McCullough, Erin Myers, Amber Pertz and Kate Safin. (The Produce Manager position is in its own transition right now). These managers will continue to cooperatively manage the store while we look for a new General Manager. We thank the three-person DGMT (eric

cressley, Jen Girty, and Shawn McCullough) for seeing us through the last year so smoothly. We have made this switch at their request for increased parity and collaboration among their peers. The Board is confident that we are in good hands! The Carlisle Group, an executive search firm with experience working with co-ops, is now on the hunt to find us a GM that will provide the leadership we need to continue to improve all aspects of our business, community, and mission. If you know anyone who would fit the bill, please send them the job posting (available on the Co-op’s website).

Living our ends Embracing zero waste and a reduce, reuse, recycle philosophy is part of our creative vision to transform the future.


Pounds of food diverted from waste stream


Data collected FY2017-18 (July 3, 2017-July 1, 2018)

STORE news

What’s happening at your Co-op

STORE NEWS Happy New Year, Co-operators! Do you recognize the New Year as an opportunity to make a change in your life? Many of us make ambitious resolutions around food, fitness, health and wellbeing this time of year. If you have wellness goals, we can certainly help! Did you know we have free wellness classes and special sales on supplements and health & beauty items on the first Wednesday of every month? Check out our class schedule on our website, on Facebook, or on our Eventbrite page. Not all resolutions have to be about restraint and restriction. What about simply taking it slower and being easier on ourselves? If you want a more gentle journey into 2019, check out our article on page 11 for some tips on how to recharge in the New Year. Here at the Co-op, we’ve resolved to increase our sustainability. We got a

head start by eliminating plastic straws and switching much of our to-go ware to compostable materials at the end of 2018. Throughout 2019, we will participate in Pennsylvania Resources Council’s Small Business Zero Waste program to identify additional opportunities to achieve a higher level of sustainability. We are inviting all of you to come along this journey with us. In 2019, we are asking Co-operators to Resolve to Reuse. When you shop at the Co-op, bring your reusable containers for Bulk, bags for produce and shopping and mugs for your Café drink. Can you commit to shopping this way during every shopping trip? What about refusing straws and Styrofoam take-out containers? There are many ways to be more zero-waste, and resolving to reuse is critical in reducing our collective environmental footprint.

Take part in our 30-day #ResolvetoReuse challenge on our social media platforms throughout January and you could win a fun prize! Tag us on Facebook or Instagram (@eastendfoodcoop) and use the hashtags #EastEndFoodCoop and #ResolvetoReuse to share ways you are embracing reuse. At the end of the month, we’ll give away a zero-waste kit and a $25 Co-op gift card to one lucky participant! We hope you’ll hop on board this concept and use this 30-day challenge to establish a permanent zerowaste way of life. And if you’ve already achieved this resolution, then resolve to get someone else on board! PS: Did you know we give a 10-cent credit for each reusable bag you use at checkout and a 10-cent credit when you use your own mug for your Café drink? Help save the world, and you can save some money, too!



Clare is a Disherwasher/Prep in our Café. She has been at the Co-op since May 2018. She is an aspiring freelance photographer and enjoys hiking and watching TV in her free time.

Candace is a Produce Clerk who has been at the Co-op since February 2018. She is an illustrator, painter and jewelry maker and has three cats and a dog.



To support these organizations, tell your cashier to Round Up your total at the register! Register Round Up Funds raised to date: $134,250.84 April 2013-November 2018



Hilltop Urban Farm is committed to growing food, growing farmers and growing community. Register Round Up funds will support nutrition and ecology programs for children at their one-acre Youth Farm.

Rebuilding Together Pittsburgh believes everyone deserves to live in a safe and healthy home. Register Round Up funds will help them provide critical home repairs to low-income homeowners.






We’re Listening Your voice is heard

COMMENT Cards Would love to see less plastic packaging, especially on bread. Thanks so much for the thought. We would love this too. Unfortunately, when it comes to bread, a sealed plastic bag offers the best shelf life, providing a fresher product for our customers. We are always on the lookout for innovative packaging, like Alter Eco compostable wrappers, for example. - Maura, Grocery Is there a secret to getting the Everyday Extra Virgin Olive Oil (not the og one) tureen to dispense at more than a trickle?? It challenges me every time. :) Thank you!! Occasionally there is an airlock causing a block when dispensing the fluid. If you slightly loosen the top of the container the olive oil will flow more freely. Please ask a staff member to assist you when you encounter this issue. - Jim, Grocery Well Being Journal NOV/DEC 2018. Why would you sell magazines that advance an anti-vaccination agenda? This nonsense endangers everyone especially the most vulnerable. Thanks for your question/comment. There are many different opinions and different approaches to health and to vaccines in particular. We try to offer the best information available, even if some of it is controversial, or some of our books and magazines contradict each other - vegan vs. paleo, for example. The article you refer to is warning about a connection between vaccines and autism. The author, J.B. Handley, is not “anti-vaccine”. We think it’s important for people to be able to learn all they can about vaccine issues, so they can make their own fully-informed decisions. - Karen, Books & Magazines I would love it if you carried Beyond Meat Hot Italian Sausage + Gardein Rosemary + Sage Breakfast Patties. They are both delicious! I’ll keep my eye out since these items aren’t available to us. Whole Foods still has the exclusive on these products. - Evan, Perishable

Judy Vanderbeck, LMT, INHC Since 1995 Creating Sessions Specific to Your Needs. Member Hands-On Trade Assoc. Licensed Massage Therapist #MSG004109

Swedish & Sports Massage, Energy Work, Self-Healing Techniques. Certified Reflexologist: in Face, Ear, Hand & Foot Reflexology Certified Health Coach - For Balanced Lifestyle & Non-Toxicity Office Hours by appt. Mon. - Sat. 5850 Ellsworth Ave. Independent at Capristo Wellness Spa

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www.judyvanderbeck.com Online Scheduling + Purchase of Gift Certificates & Apt. Pack-


Could we get a scale in produce that has both English and metric. I cook with both. While we currently do not have plans to update the scales in produce, this is something we’ll consider when we next update the department’s tools and equipment. My best recommendation in the meanwhile, would be a web based converter that you could use for weights (and other units of measure) on your computer at home: www.metric-conversions.org. I hope this is helpful to you, and thank you again for your suggestion! - marc, Produce

BULK DEPT: Please change (tape over) the word “CONQUER” on the pre-printed Frontier posters. We need PEACEFUL communication, not war-like language. Replace “CONQUER THE HOLIDAYS” with “PEACE at the HOLIDAYS!” thank you! Just because Frontier sent it, doesn’t mean you have to use it, especially as is! Thank you for providing feedback about the Frontier Co-op materials that were on display in our Bulk Department. You are correct, this word choice is poor, especially for holiday promotions. The signage and booklets with this phrase have been removed from our store. I also contacted Frontier Co-op to express concern over the direction they took with their marketing this year, and have encouraged other Co-op’s within NCG to consider if they really want to have these materials as part of their store displays. I truly appreciate your honest feedback. Thank you for helping us create a store atmosphere that is welcoming, friendly, and peaceful. - Kate, Marketing & Member Services Please put your bulletin board where notices can be seen. They are not visible at all where they are now. I’m sorry you’re not satisfied with the location of the community bulletin boards. To be sure, if we had a more ideal space, like a community room, we would relocate them. I don’t think it’s fair to say they are not visible at all - you seemed to have found them! Will you help us let other Co-operators know if they have missed something? Please ask a staff member if you’re not sure where to look for notices about Co-op news and events. - Erica, Member Services

WE’RE HIRING! We are looking for energetic, cooperative, and committed employees who share a love of good, healthful food and enjoy helping others through exceptional customer service.

Apply online!




Build a zero-waste kit with items from your Co-op

Tired of tossing singleuse plastic produce bags in the trash? Bring REUSABLE ECOBAGS ORGANIC COTTON MESH PRODUCE BAGS to the Co-op and fill ‘em up with your fresh fruits and veggies. See how easy it is to bring your purchases home and create zero-waste!

CAndace Davis Produce

NEW Items! • Wayfare - Vegan Chocolate Pudding • Nancy’s - Oatmilk Yogurt • Upton’s - Seitan Chorizo


The East End Food Co-op carries 16 varieties of Nathan Miller Chocolate Bars. You can find them on the cheese island in the CafĂŠ. Prices vary from $7.99 to $10.99. For more information, visit www. nathanmillerchocolate.com or follow on Instagram @nathanmiller. Photos courtesy of Chelsea Russo. 5

Spotlight on Local

by Kate Safin, Marketing and Member Services Manager

Nathan Miller Chocolate Nathan Miller Chocolate is an American small batch chocolate factory in Chambersburg, PA, owned and operated by Nathan Miller and his wife Chelsea Russo. Nathan is a formally trained pastry chef who manages the chocolate making “from bean to bar,” meaning he selects and processes the raw cocoa, tempers it, and comes up with unique, artisan flavors like Strawberry + Rye Whiskey, Saukura Cherry, and Pink Pepper + Lemon, just to name a few of the more than one dozen bars in the collection.

“I got started making chocolates in the kitchen of my house. At the same time, I had a food truck that made pastries. My goal was to create the smallest chocolate factory possible, like, how small can we make it and still produce a lot of stuff?” he recalls. Nathan Miller Chocolate officially began in Boulder, Colorado, in 2010, and then relocated to Chambersburg in 2012 in order to expand the operation. The business got a jump-start when it won a 2015 Good Food Award, and a mention in The New York Times really launched the brand. These days, word of mouth and a stellar Instagram account (managed by Chesea) keep business booming. Each month, a staff of six churns out 16,000 bars and ships them all across the nation and as far as Germany and China. Despite the growth, Nathan’s desire to keep his small business operation literally small persists. He operates a café, wholesale chocolate business, and the chocolate factory out of a 2,000-square-foot warehouse that used to belong to his parents.

“This year we took our first cacao origin trip to Guatemala - surrounded by cacao we were so humbled by the life we get to lead, it’s been a magical journey- we look forward to making good chocolate from our family to yours for many years to come.” - @nathanmillerchocolate

Nathan uses the highest quality ingredients, including fair trade chocolate and sugar, and draws on the many local creameries that surround the factory (like Trickling Springs) for organic dairy. Each bar is hand wrapped in artful paper made by a women’s cooperative in Nepal. On the back of every bar is you’ll find tasting notes describing the subtleties of each bar’s flavor profile. The process of creating a bar begins with Nathan selecting a single origin chocolate and adding flavors as he goes along. The ability to control the flavor is important to Nathan, and he admits at times he’s “geeked out” on a flavor, building a bar that he knows won’t be profitable simply as a treat. Ultimately, though, customer feedback determines what bars move from experimental/small batch to main line. “We do small batch testing from our store and then release to different stores to buy. If people keep wanting it, then we keep bringing it in,” explains Miller. “I want customers to know we do this for them and we care a lot.” Growing up in Marysville, PA, Nathan didn’t have a lot of exposure to fine cuisines. He self-describes as a “picky kid” who could detect artificial flavors in products like store-bought cakes. One place he could count on getting delicious comfort food was his grandmothers’ kitchens. “My dad’s mom cooks everything without a recipe. I didn’t realize until later how much skill that involves,” Miller says. “Most people can’t just walk into a kitchen and do that.” Nathan’s keen taste buds and fascination with food science led him to the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park. He apprenticed in Germany, worked for renowned chefs in New York, and then became the pastry and dessert chef at The Kitchen, a celebrated café in Boulder, Colorado. It was while in New York that Miller got his first taste of single origin Madagascar chocolate, and while in Boulder that he dove into chocolate making.

“We do all batches by hand. As we grow, we add things on and when we identify a bottleneck, we work on whatever the bottleneck is and move on,” he says. “It is pretty intense and we do sell out of certain bars each month. We do a lot of planning and stay loose and nimble.”

“Wrapping bars by hand at the same table we have been since 2010- we’ve most literally worn it down from bright white to the wood underneath.” -@nathanmillerchocolate

The business also stays rooted in community, sourcing from local creameries and building relationships with farmers, something Miller learned to appreciate while in Colorado. “In Boulder, everything is farm-to-table. I worked for The Kitchen group for a while and got to go out to the farms. In New York restaurants, there was no connection. No traceability. No complexity,” he says. “I think it’s good to shop local because it helps stimulate the economy. Companies that start small can get a little bit bigger and give back to the community as they grow.” Miller says he would be happy if his company produced 30,000 bars a month. He also confessed that it would be a dream to one day operate from a farm, though he acknowledges this would be a tremendous amount of work. “I have always wanted to own a farm and produce from the farm. It would probably be a poor decision for me to barge in and believe I could handle a farm, but with the right partner I think I could make it work,” he says.


Heart Healthy Recipes

From our kitchen to YOURS

In the spirit of resolving for a healthier 2019, and in recognition of American Heart Month in February, we’ve put together some delicious, heart-healthy recipes. Did you know heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women? You can make healthy changes to lower your risk of developing heart disease. Controlling and preventing risk factors is also important for people who already have heart disease. To lower your risk: ♥♥Watch your weight. ♥♥Quit smoking, and avoid secondhand smoke. ♥♥Control your cholesterol and blood pressure. ♥♥If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation. ♥♥Get active and eat healthy.

LEMONY LENTIL SPINACH SOUP Lentil soup is comfort food, and with a little lift from lemon, it becomes downright delicious. Adding oregano gives it a Greek flavor profile, and this soup would be great with flatbreads or a crumble of feta. INGREDIENTS • 1 cup lentils • 1/2 large lemon, seeds removed • 2 large carrots, chopped • 4 cups fresh spinach, chopped • 1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped • 4 cups water • 1 teaspoon oregano • 3/4 teaspoon salt • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper PREPARATION 1. Place the lentils, water, lemon half, carrots, oregano, salt and pepper in the slow cooker. Cover and set on low, and cook for 6 hours. 2. At 6 hours, take off the lid and stir in the spinach and parsley. Stir for 1 minute to wilt, adjust seasonings and serve. 7

Member Submitted Recipe!

rosemary Garlic SALMON

Member Submitted Recipe!

Pan Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Member Submitted Recipe!


Member Submitted Recipe!



yeast) and butter. Stir in spinach and mix well. Salt and Pepper to taste. 4. Pour polenta into 13 x 9 in. baking dish. 5. In a large frying pan, heat a Tbsp. of olive oil. Add the onion and garlic and cook until the onion starts to brown. Transfer to mixing bowl and set aside. 6. Add 1 Tbsp. of olive oil to same pan and cook mushrooms until they have released their liquid and are well browned. Transfer to mixing bowl. 7. Heat 6 Tbsp. of the oil in the same pan. Add the eggplant and cook until golden.Tranfer to mixing bowl. 8. Heat 1 Tbsp. of olive oil and cook cherry tomatoes until the tomatoes are lightly PREPARATION charred and about to burst. 1. Preheat oven to 400ºF. Transfer to mixing bowl. 2. In large saucepan bring water 9. Add the tomato sauce, Italian and milk to a boil. Lightly salt seasoning, and salt and the mixture and stir. pepper to taste. 3. Slowly pour in polenta 10. Return to skillet and simmer while stirring back and until thick. Spread mixture forth. Reduce to a simmer. evenly over polenta, then Cover, stirring often, until sprinkle with vegan cheese mixture is thick and smooth. and fresh Italian parsley. Remove from heat and stir 11. Bake until warmed through in Parmesan (or nutritional and cheese is melted.



INGREDIENTS • 2 lbs. Brussels sprouts, trimmed and cut in half • 2-3 Tbsp. olive oil • 1 Tbsp. unsalted butter • 1 Tsp. red pepper flakes • 1 Tbsp. garlic powder • 1 Tbsp. dried parsley • Salt and Pepper to taste • 1 Lemon, zested and juiced. • Optional: 1 oz. of grated cheese of your choice. We suggest Asiago or Parmesan.

INGREDIENTS • 3 cups water • 1 cup plain non-dairy milk (soy, almond, rice etc.) • Salt and pepper, to taste • 1 cup coarse-ground polenta • 2 oz. vegan grated Parmesan cheese or 1 oz. of Nutritional Yeast • 3 Tbsp.. unsalted non-dairy butter • 9 Tbsp. Olive oil • 1 onion, chopped fine • 1 large eggplant, cut into 1/2inch cubes • 12 oz. cherry tomatoes • 8 oz. fresh mushrooms, wild or cultivated, sliced thin • 3 crushed garlic cloves • 3 Tbsp. Italian Seasoning • 2 Tbsp. Fresh Italian Parsley • 28 oz. can of tomato sauce • 16 oz. frozen spinach, drained. • 4 oz. of vegan mozzarella cheese, shredded

• 1 ripe avocado • 1/2 cup frozen cherries

• 2 Tbsp. cocoa powder

• 3-6 Tbsp. milk of choice

• 1 tsp pure vanilla extract

• 1/8 tsp salt

• 4 to 5 pitted

Medjool dates or

use Stevia to taste for a lower sugar version


• Combine all of

the ingredients in

high-speed blender and blend until

completely smooth.

• Top with a dollop

of whipped cream

and extra cherries if desired.

PREPARATION • Heat oven to 425°F. • Olive oil • Grease a large • 12 oz. of salmon baking tray with olive oil. filets, skin on • Place salmon on • 1 lemon; 1/2 thinly baking sheet, skinsliced, 1/2 juiced side down. • Top with thinly • Salt and pepper, sliced lemons. to taste • Combine lemon • 3 Tbsp. honey juice with oil, rosemary, garlic, salt • 1 Tbsp. minced and pepper; spread garlic over top of salmon. • 2-3 Tbsp. rosemary • Bake salmon 12 to 15 minutes, or leaves, fresh or until color turns dried from translucent to opaque. Do not over cook. Any longer could hurt the flavor! PREPARATION • Place the trimmedand-cut Brussels sprouts into a large bowl. Add the garlic powder, parsley, red pepper flakes and salt and pepper. Toss well. • In a large skillet, heat the olive oil and butter. • Add the Brussels sprouts and sauté for about 10 minutes until golden brown and tender. • Remove from heat; add lemon zest and juice to taste. • Optional: Finish with a sprinkle of grated cheese.

food for Thought

Reana Kovalcik, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition

Farm Bill Delivers Victories for Beginning Farmers, Organic/Local Food Concerns remain over long-term loss in conservation funding, failure to close farm safety net loopholes After two months of negotiations, the 2018 Farm Bill Conference Committee leaders released a final bill on December 10, 2018, that makes long-overdue investments in the future of American agriculture. If passed and signed into law by President Trump, the bill will better connect beginning and socially disadvantaged producers with the tools and resources they need to start and sustain vibrant food and farm businesses. It would also help both established and beginning farmers to tap growing markets by providing permanent, mandatory funding for local and regional food production and organic research. The bill provides permanent, baseline funding and also makes significant policy improvements to the following tiny but mighty farm bill programs: the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP), Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program (also known as “Section 2501”), Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) program, and Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program (FMLFPP). The final farm bill combines BFRDP and Section 2501 into the new Farming Opportunities Training and Outreach (FOTO) program, and merges VAPG and FMLFPP into the Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP). The final bill also rejects the House’s efforts to eliminate the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) and preserves current funding across the conservation title. The conference report also makes important policy improvements to encourage cover cropping, resource-conserving crop rotation, and advanced grazing systems. Despite these historic victories and investments, the final bill contains serious shortcomings. Overall, the bill fails to address some of most significant challenges facing American agriculture and rural communities – food and farm business consolidation, dwindling rural populations and resources, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. In some cases, the bill not only fails to move the needle forward, it actively takes steps backward by failing to restore funding cuts to conservation programs or close widening loopholes in our commodity subsidy and crop insurance programs. Over the next ten years, the 2018 Farm Bill will cut billions in funding for performance-based conservation through CSP. By failing to restore the $6 billion cut to conservation funds made in the 2014 Farm Bill, the only way to provide for other necessary increases within the Conservation Title – given limited available funds – was to cut funding from working lands conservation. That cut may start out small, but for the next farm bill in 2023, it amounts to a $5 billion reduction in combined budget authority for CSP and the Environmental Quality Incentives Program. “The final bill will ultimately shortchange working lands conservation by stripping billions in conservation support to farmers through programs like CSP,” said Juli Obudzinski, Interim Policy Director at the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC). “We are disheartened to see that this farm bill further reduces CSP funding at a time when farmers are increasingly struggling to deal with extreme weather and other climate change-related challenges.” The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition is a grassroots alliance that advocates for federal policy reform supporting the long-term social, economic, and environmental sustainability of agriculture, natural resources, and rural communities. Learn more and get involved at www.sustainableagriculture.net.


HEre’s to your HEalth

by Elizabeth Barbaro, Educational Therapist and Yoga Instructor

The holidays are over, the snow may be flying and the days are shorter. You and your family may be exhausted from the bustling holidays, with cooking, parties, guests, or travel. During all of this, your child is still going to school and striving to meet the expectations of the teacher and classmates. The pace of modern life means that today’s children are more stressed out, anxious and exhausted than ever before.

and dinner must be made, eaten and cleared away. It may feel as though there is no time for checking in beyond basic logistics. But if you take even five minutes as a family to sit, breathe and discuss what is going on with each person, you may find that you feel like you have more time to get everything else done. It also helps the children start to tune into their emotions.

Winter may be the best time for your family to slow down and tune into what you really need right now. Nature has provided the perfect opportunity for you to follow the natural rhythm of shorter, darker days and turn inward. Think of it as nature’s permission slip to slow down and relax.

Here are some guidelines to follow: • Establish a regular time each day. • Pick a designated spot with soft pillows, soft light and maybe even some relaxing nature sounds playing. • Be clear about what you want to achieve, i.e.; breathing exercise, relaxing, checking in with your feelings etc. You could also incorporate some simple yoga poses (see below). • Keep it short to start so that it feels manageable. Five minutes may be a good amount of time. • Try to remember that this is a practice. If the day ends up being too busy, don’t fret and get down on yourself. Start up the next day or when you can make it happen.

Here are two excellent practices to help the whole family de-stress, relax and regroup: Daily Check-in. It is helpful for the family to dedicate a time when each person checks in with themselves and each other. Times are busy, the kids get home from school or after-school activities, homework needs to get done

Family Yoga. Family yoga practice is another excellent way to recharge. There are many yoga poses that are simple and fun for all to enjoy, such as Mountain, Warrior 2, Tree, and Child’s Pose. This indoor activity brings the family together and slows everyone down. You don’t need fancy props; a towel or blanket will do fine. The basic movements help the children control and learn about their bodies. You can find many free sequences online, but make sure you are careful with your body and stay within your limits. Little Flower Yoga is a great book for parents to use as a resource. There are many benefits of yoga for children such as: • Stress reduction • Body awareness/control • Improved focus and attention • Improved executive functioning skills • Improved academic performance May these practices enrich and strengthen your family ties and add loving warmth to cold Winter days.

About the author: Elizabeth is a former public school teacher who is currently tutoring young children and teaching yoga. To learn more about Elizabeth visit her website at www.thetreeoflearning.com or email her at peace@thetreeoflearning.com.


Join Elizabeth for a Family Yoga Class on January 12th at 10:30 AM. Learn the benefits for the whole family while having fun. We will practice postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques. There may even be a little music and dance involved. Class will be 45 minutes with a 15-minute Q & A afterward. Please bring your own mat or towel to practice on, and wear comfortable clothing you can move in. This class is most suitable for children ages 4-10 and adults of any age.

Do it Yourself

Beeswax Wrap


• Thin, 100% organic cotton fabric, cut to 8×8 in. squares or circles. • Organic beeswax, grated

• Powdered pine resin (avaialble for purchase online)

• New paintbrush (that will be used for this purpose only) • Cheese grater (used exclusively for beeswax)

• Pinking shears (optional, but will help keep your fabric from unraveling at the edges ) • Baking sheet (that will be used for this purpose only) • Parchment paper • Tongs

Instructions: 1. Preheat your oven to 225° F.

2. Place parchment paper on your baking sheet then lay your fabric square(s) in a single layer on top.

3. Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon jojoba oil, 1 1/2 teaspoons pine resin, and 2 teaspoons grated beeswax over the fabric as evenly as you can.

4. Place your sheet in the oven for 5-10 minutes or until you can see that all the ingredients have melted.

5. Use your paintbrush to smooth out the mixture all over the sheet. You want a thin, even coating. 6. Place the sheet back in the oven for 1-2 more minutes.

7. Use tongs to pick the fabric sheet off the tray and wave it gently back and forth for a few seconds to dry. (It will cool off pretty quickly.)

8. Hang your new beeswax wrap over a bowl or cup, on a line, or from a hanger and allow 24 hours to fully dry. Your wraps should last about a year with proper care.

Tips & Tricks: • If the coating is too thick and has begun to dry, place sheets back in the oven to let the coating re-melt. Remove the excess coating using the paintbrush. • When you need to clean a wrap, simply rinse in cold water with a mild soap (we suggest castile) and allow to air dry before the next use. Don’t use hot water to clean—it will melt the wax! • Avoid using your wraps directly on food items like meat that would require a hot water wash to sanitize the wrap. • Need a little more closure? Add a rubber band or tie a string over the wrap. • This project can be messy, so dedicate an exclusive paintbrush, grater, and baking sheet to beeswax wrap making. • Old beeswax wraps make great fire starters (and repurposing them makes them 100% zero-waste). 12

C0-op Community

Our commitment to local, sustainable agriculture Your Co-op was proud to sponsor Pennsylvania Women’s Agricultural Network (PA-WAgN) 11th Annual Symposium — Women Growing Justice — on Wednesday December 12, 2018 at Chatham University’s Eden Hall Campus in Gibsonia. PAWAgN is a powerful network of women farmers, entrepreneurs, educators, service providers and industry professionals, and the Symposium is their annual opportunity to come together for education, inspiration and networking. Our Soil Builder Sponsorship included three Symposium registrations, which we donated back as scholarships to women who could not afford to attend otherwise. We are also happy to support the PASA, Sustainable Agriculture 28th Annual Sustainable Agriculture Conference as a Guardian Level Sponsor. The Co-op is a PASA Permanent Business partner and we value the opportunity to connect with local farmers, learn about what is happening in their industry, and demonstrate our support to their mission. The conference will take place February 6-9 in Lancaster, PA. Visit www.pasafarming.org/conference for details.

partner TREE OF LEARNING Based in Regent Square, Tree of Learning works to empower kids and parents with the skills necessary to succeed in a hectic world. Offering a variety of services - tutoring, integrated tutoring and yoga sessions, individual and group yoga classes, counseling for parents, and family training in Collaborative Problem Solving - Tree of Learning is unique, employing a variety of techniques to help both children and adults learn, relax, restore, succeed, and thrive. Members receive $5 off tutoring sessions & $5 off first yoga class. For more info please visit: www.thetreeoflearning.com One of the many benefits of Co-op membership is access to the Community Partners Program, which offers members exclusive discounts when they support local businesses in our community. Visit eastendfood.coop/community-partners for details and a complete list of Community Partners. 13

Co-op Throwback!

From out of our archives: check out this photo of an early Co-op storefront on Meade Street. We found this beauty in a box of photos, but it isn’t dated. Do you know what year this photo was taken? Do you have any memories of the Co-op from this era? Share your thoughts and memories with us by emailing info@eastendfood.coop.

Co-op Fun Fact Did you know...the Co-op stopped providing plastic shopping bags at check out in 2008? The decision was made in an effort to promote reuse, eliminate waste, and to mitigate the environmental impact of plastic bags. The Co-op continues to provide brown paper bags, and offers a 10-cent discount for every reusable bag a customer brings with them for hauling groceries. Our paper bags are Rainforest Alliance Certified, 100% recylable and made from 60% post-consumer recycled content.

Member Center Do you have questions about membership benefits? Need to update your records? Drop us a line at info@eastendfood.coop, call 412-242-3598, or visit our website www.eastendfood.coop.

Jodi M.,

MEET THE OWNER by Erica Peiffer

MEMBER SINCE 2007 Where do you live and how often do you visit our store? I live in Allegheny County, near Deer Lakes Park, and I’m here at least twice a week. What was your motivation for coming to and/or joining the Co-op? Initially I came here because I worked in Squirrel Hill and enjoyed looking around for good places to eat in the city. As I’ve gotten to know the place over the last ten years, I’ve come to realize this is the best place to shop! I worked for decades for non-profits, so I’m committed to supporting local organizations. What is your favorite thing you get from the Co-op and what’s so great about it? Of course the food is excellent here, but the body care and supplements are the best you will find anywhere. Germaine and Jackson do an incredible job vetting everything that they carry.

“The Co-o

If you could change one thing about the Co-op, what would it be? The size of the store is a challenge. The middle of the day and the weekends can get crowded. We’re just maxed out on space at this location, but I can see that it’s continually being worked on and improved. I would hate for the Co-op to leave this spot. That’s a tough question! What do you LOVE and hope will never change about the Co-op? There are so many vegan options! And I love getting recipes from the Café. What makes shopping at the Co-op different than other stores? In my opinion, there is no other store that supports local to

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this degree. It’s not for profit. And it’s an essential part of Pittsburgh history! What do you like to do when you’re not at the Co-op? I’m retired after 40 years of working in Finance for non-profits. I’m now serving on the board of Women for a Healthy Environment – a huge cause of mine. I’m also a retired tri-athlete, and I still run, bike, swim and hike. How would you describe your lifestyle, and how does the Co-op fit in? I think the answer is self-evident in my answers to all of the above! The Co-op represents my lifestyle – it’s a continuation of me.



Sunday, January 6, 2 PM – 3 PM Erica Peiffer, Member Services Coordinator POWER/EEFC Conference Room FREE – Please RSVP Orientations ensure our members feel completely comfortable using our store and participating in our Co-op. They provide an opportunity to ask questions, meet other members and staff, review member benefits, and learn more about the cooperative business model. Nonmembers are welcome!


Saturday, January 12, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Elizabeth Barbaro, Tree of Learning POWER/EEFC Conference Room FREE – Please RSVP Most suitable for children ages 4-10 and adults of any age and ability level, this 45-minute class will include basic yoga poses, partner poses, movement to songs, relaxation and meditation techniques. Brief Q&A to follow. Please bring your own mat or towel to practice on, and wear comfortable clothing you can move in. Chairs can be provided for those who prefer to practice in a seat.


Wednesday, February 6, 7 PM – 8 PM Jenna Daly, Pivot Physical Therapy POWER/EEFC Conference Room FREE – Please RSVP Marathon runner and physical therapist Jenna will discuss running technique to enhance wellness and prevent injury associated with recreational running. She’ll explain running biomechanics and suggest ways to improve your form, and demonstrate exercises that will improve your strength to prevent common injuries. Light refreshments will be offered.


Sunday, February 10, 2 PM – 4 PM Presented by Plant-Based Pittsburgh POWER/EEFC Conference Room $10 Co-op Members / $15 Non-Members Join local physicians for light fare and an informal discussion on how to adopt and sustain a healthy plant-based lifestyle. Ask questions about the potential benefits for your health. Included with admission is a copy of the book, Beyond Cancer: The Powerful Effects of Plant-Based Eating.

RSVP at: eastendfoodcoop.eventbrite.com

WELLNESS Wednesday

10%* off wellness & body care The first Wednesday of every month! Co-op Deals

January 2 - 15 January 16 - 29 January 30 - February 12 February 13 - 26

Senior Discount Days (5% courtesy discount for 62+) Every Tues. & Thurs.

quarterly discount

Members, be sure to use your 10% quarterly discount by March 31st! *No additional discounts or sales may be stacked with this offer

Recipe on Page 7!

Open to everyone, every day from 8 AM - 9 PM 7516 Meade Street . PGH, PA 15208 412-242-3598 . www.eastendfood.coop

Be Green!


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