Why your home needs furniture that represents a specific style

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furniture that represents a specific style

Why shouldn’t you buy furniture that is solely based on functional purpose? Let a chair be a chair made from one material and enough to sit on. Why design a chair with metal frames, antique wooden designs, or a distressed look? We, as humans, evolve, and so do our tastes and preferences. Due to our ever-evolving nature, where we constantly strive to solve problems, our influence falls upon the items we possess.

Take, for instance, the fashion world. Countless designs moved from traditional to contemporary to fusion to abstract and strange designs that don’t make sense. We have bomber jackets, fusion style kimonos, and semi-formal suits with denim.

Another example would be the phone industry. We’ve shifted from antique phones to dial phones to intercoms and so much more. The mobile phone industry has transformed from large phones to small phones to i-phones to smartphones to i-pads, and the list is endless.

Transformation of furniture styles

We can say the same for furniture. Traditionally, furniture was invented to be functional using wood and then came steel. We’ve travelled a long way from one type to another in the world of furnishings, movables, and fixtures.

Antique furniture – This type of furniture takes us back in time to an era with designs specific to a region. These designs come from different parts of the world but from centuries that we never lived or experienced.

Distressed furniture – This type of furniture represents a distressed look, withstanding the test of time. That’s how stressed wood looks, and professionals can design such furniture. It is made because people love the look and prefer it on their floors and furniture. Country style furniture – This type of furniture endows a more pleasant and brighter aesthetic to the room. If you’ve been to the countryside, this furniture will make you feel at home with comfort and charm.

What does furniture bring to your home? It’s not just a piece of furniture like your pet is not just a dog, cat, or turtle. The furnishings in your home blend with your life more than you know. These items become a part of your life as you live and experience daily living amid it all. How your home looks matters to the very core. Imagine a shabby home because you neglected to clean it up. Imagine wrongly-placed furniture because you didn’t have the time to think about its placement. Given that we are always short of time, let’s say that our neglect can sometimes affect how we think and feel. That’s the power of furniture placed in your home. It cannot control the experiences you have in your life. However, it can massively influence your thoughts and feelings at the same time. A well-managed home brings positivity and ultimate prosperity. On the other hand, a home stuffed with belongings impacts your mood and the vibe around you.

East Connection offers charm and warmth to homes

We want to give your home furniture that makes it worth your while. We sell antique furniture, distressed furniture, country style furniture, and many more types of furniture. Bless your home with the best of furnishings with charm and grace that will never leave your side.

East Connection http://eastconnection.com.au/ info@eastconnection.com.au 03 9995 0993 18/22 Cochranes Rd, Moorabbin VIC 3189, Australia

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