Retro Furniture of Different Decades

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Retro Furniture of Different Decades

Retro style furniture is attractive and inspires the feeling of a time that you miss. It creates a sense of nostalgia, a time you want to go back to for a short period. When interior designers or manufacturers mention retro, they refer to the decades of the 1950s to the 1980s. That is why some furniture is designed in a retro style.

So, retro furniture is classic and decorative. It can sometimes look tacky but it’s all in good spirit, not to mention in the essence of pop culture. You will find sophistication in its style but not the hoity-toity kind.

East Connection, a Melbourne-based company sells wholesale furniture to its customers. You will find all kinds of pieces that are decorative or useful or both for your home. This company also makes hand-carved items like chairs, chests, cabinets, and more. They make custom furniture depending on your requirements and the interiors of your home.

Let’s explore the styles from the 50s to the 80s and learn how they influenced modern designs. You can pick a style you like the most.

Retro Furniture of the 1950s This decade is the first of retro inspirations. It shares the influence of modern furniture. The styles referred to fabrics and wallpapers with bold graphics and bright patterns. As modern designs grew, so did their use of different materials like Formica-topped tables and chrome bar stools.

Retro Furniture of the 1960s The 1960s spelt a fanciful style for modern furniture. Colours were psychedelic, bright, and bold. Furnishings that were one-piece moulded or blow-up chairs paved the way to new and trendy beginnings. Note that the designs of the 1950s had not gone out of fashion. They stayed and continue to stay with additions of the other eras.

Retro Furniture of the 1970s While the designs of the 1960s were sleek, the 1970s presented a more bulky look. Graceful modern designs turned their gaze to larger, heavier, and thick custom furniture. Shades and colours changed too. They consisted more of earthy tones such as brown, avocado green, orange, harvest gold. Take note that by each passing era, the previous era styles were not going out of fashion.

Retro Furniture of the 1980s Welcome to the time of geometric designs, florals and country styles. Yes, there existed and continue to style the interiors of many homes. The major influencer from the designs of the 1980s was artistic decorative. Teal and mauve colour prominent in many palettes from this era. Most of these styles were evident in mirrors, sideboards, dressers, and other mirrored furnishings.

Buying wholesale furniture retro style So, which style do you prefer the most? Maybe you like them all and prefer experimenting with different looks around the house. Imagine if each room spoke of a different era and if your living room and lounge created a different mood. Your home would be a great showcase of nostalgic style for guests. Well, custom furniture is available if you want to mix-up styles of two decades put together as well. Why not?

East Connection 03 9995 0993 18/22 Cochranes Rd, Moorabbin VIC 3189, Australia

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