Earth Voices Issue 3 Community

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CONTENTS 06 & 07





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Benefits of Dandelions

PAULA STAUNTON - Editor TARA HUDSON - Features Editor DANIELLE NORTON- Assistant Editor & Design

CONTRIBUTORS: Leigh Robertson Alison Jospeh Mike Cockburn Tomas Remiarz Mark Simmonds Lo Tierny Kittie Ford Susie Ford Andi Herring Tony O’Connel Paula Stauton Tara Hudson Danielle Norton Peter Rix


Permaculture Importance for Individuals and Communities

Wirral Council Meadows Make Fighting Climate Communities Change & Supporting Earth Moves Hilary Ash & Mark Simmonds

Dance for Health and The Importance of Connecting Community People and Land

Meet Twintage Founders

Artist Focus: TOC

Herb of the Season

Dreaming a Better World

LCR Pride Against Hate Crimes.

Which Bird are you?

Transforming Land, Transforming People

Alison Joseph on Living with Disability

Artist Helps People Express Their Identities

Book Review & Poem

Blind Scouse Vegan Recipe

Editorial Welcome to issue three which celebrates community! Grassroots action, good mental health and the healing of global and local environments starts with engaged, inclusive and empowered communities. Earth Moves is more than just a horticulture project - it acts as a community that revolves around inclusion, self awareness, diversity and mutual aid. There is a deepening awareness of the importance of public participation. More and more governments are seeing how beneficial community empowerment is - and how it’s an essential ingredient for a well-functioning modern democracy. Constructive and positive relations between communities and government institutions make community collaborations more likely to lead to more equal, sustainable and democratic public decisions, as well as improving the wellbeing of local communities. Community engagement is an important first step for individuals, public organisations, and governments to find common ground. We are happy to be working with Wirral Council who have introduced many environmental improvements in the area. They are listening to the community and in the process making Wirral greener. Wirral Council is working with Earth Moves to activate the disused market gardens on Telegraph Lane in Wallasey. These 6 fields have been leased to Earth Moves for 25 years, in which time a co-designed community permaculture project will be enabled to grow and thrive. But it’s not just plants that are taking roots here, art, culture, creativity and wellbeing activities will mean people from all walks of life will be able to take part in growing a community on the site. The Pandemic has shown us all how important our local communities and green spaces are - so it’s amazing to be working with such a diverse range of people to reactivate the Telegraph Lane market gardens.

The Benefits Of Dandelions For Nature And People By DANIELLE NORTON


andelions are yellow flowers which are known as Taraxacum. They are one of the most vital early spring nectar sources for a wide host of pollinators. Paula Ishtar from Earth Moves said; “They also are important for bees in spring. I have actually introduced them to the site because I now love them and appreciate them rather than seeing them as a nuisance.” Dandelions are rich in both pollen and nectar. Each bright yellow head contains 100 individual flowers. This means that a wide host of pollinators can feast on them as dandelions are a superfood for them and also people. Dandelions can be eaten raw by people and can provide antioxidants which work to neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals, these radicals

can accelerate aging and the progression of certain diseases.

Dandelions can boost immune systems and can aid in digestion and constipation.

They contain beta-carotene which helps protects cells from damage and reduces it also.

Researcher have also concluded that they might be able to use dandelions to one day help treat obesity-related, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Raw dandelions contain high amount of vitamins A, C & K. They are moderate sources of calcium, potassium, iron, and manganese. Raw dandelions greens are made up of 86% water, 9% carbohydrates, 3% protein and 1% fat. 100 grams of this supplies up to 45 calories. Paula also noticed the benefits dandelions can have on people, she said; “‘I have taken an extract for water retention and found it to work amazingly. Since I realized they are food and medicine I no longer consider them a weed.”

Instead of worrying about getting rid of dandelions because you think they are weeds, think of them as not only a free food source for you but also for pollinators. Let your kids blow on the puff balls as this helps spread and replant them! Each singe flower in a head is called a floret and their heads open in the day and close at night. When the seeds detach from the flower head, they form a vortex ring that attaches the seeds. This vortex ring covers a long distance and replants the seeds to grow more dandelions.

Earth Moves has a very diverse range of people who are involved as volunteers, participants and students. In our community these diverse voices, some often marginalised, are actively empowered to participate in decision making. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion means all types of people feel welcome and valued. We hope Earth Moves can be a catalyst and bridge to empower communities to get involved in making a positive change for Wirral. As climate change affects us all we may need to reconsider the way we work as a society. This sort of strategy needs to come from the bottom up, with the grassroots communities helping to support changes that will benefit us all now and in the future.


Drop us a line on if you want to get involved. Paula x

Here are the following ways you can consume dandelions:

Dandelion Tea – This will help inflammation, muscle aches and bloating. Add honey to help with the bitterness. Dandelion Roots as a coffee alternative – This is gentler than coffee and can be used with your favourite sweeteners. Fried Dandelions – Dops them in batter and fry them. They taste crunchy and savoury.


Wirral Council’s Fight Against Climate change and Supporting Earth Moves PAULA ISHTAR spoke to Liz Grey about the councils plans to fight climate change


iz Grey is the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee Chair for Wirral Council. She has helped facilitate environmental awareness and interventions that impact the Wirral. Liz is not only a Labour ward councillor for Bidson and St. James but she is also a school teacher and mum. Recently the Council has partnered with Mersey Forest and has planted more trees and wildflowers. Liz said, “A lot of changes made recently by the Council may not be visible because they are small and have an incremental effect.” Liz plans to address the global climate and environmental emergency by introducing, for example, changes to the borough’s travel strategy and removing the use of harmful pesticides. While a number of environmentally friendly measures have already been taken, she emphasises that there is still more to be done. Liz explained that a com-


munity organisation like Earth Moves plays an essential role in communicating the needs of the communities and increasing democracy. She was very encouraging towards Earth Moves work. She explained that the council were always looking to engage with the community to find out the needs and opinions of local people.Liz explained that she has looked at a lot of research which shows the importance of spending time in nature for physical and emotional wellbeing. She was concerned that the 5 hours required for good health is not achieved by most people. She said she wishes that there were more organizations like Earth Moves who encourage and understand the need for local nature and environmental opportunities. Liz believes that ‘...greed and materialism have driven climate change.’ Liz, a Labour councillor, informed us that according to Friends of the Earth, at the last

Earth Moves plays an essential role in communicating the needs of the communities and increasing democracy

election Labour were deemed to be more active in looking at climate change solutions than the Green Party. She believes that’ environment and social justice issues are linked’ and should be addressed as such. Liz told us that the council has exciting plans to improve the environment in Wirral and help tackle climate change.Earth Moves supports everyone who is making a difference to alleviate climate change and we are always talking to people on how this can be done and running events that educate, inform and connect. However big business creates the most impact and so have the most responsibility to make changes in policies and practices that are ruining the Earth. Climate change and true economic democracy are linked. People need to find ways to participate and help deliver solutions that are equitable for all. We hope more groups like ourselves will arise to involve local, disadvantaged, or marginalised people in decision making. Earth Moves looks forward to working with Liz to widen the debate and share strategies to improve our environment and communities as well as our mental and physical resilience.

DANIELLE NORTON spoke to Mike Cockburn about how he is helping Earth Moves


ike Cockburn, the Head of service for Environment and Climate Emergency is working with Earth Moves to establish a lease for long term use of Telegraph Road site. Mike said, “We believe in Earth Moves, their integrity and what they’re trying to do and what they can contribute.” Mike met Peter and Paula years ago and has always been impressed with their enthusiasm and dedication to what they’re trying to achieve. Earth Moves fits exactly with what Wirral Council are trying to do – fight climate emergency in a post-pandemic world.

Telegraph lane is perfect for this as it can be used to grow local produce and reclaiming the heritage of the market garden. Mike said, “There is potential there and we need to push it harder.” Mike’s role is to drive the council’s climate emergency response and they launched a policy to become carbon neutral by 2030. The council have launched Love Where You Live and a Tree strategy. Love Where You live supports communities by giving them equipment to pick litter and clean up their local areas. The Tree strategy is a 10-year

plan to double the borough’s tree canopy. Wirral Tree, Woodland and Hedgerow Strategy is a commitment to not cut down healthy trees unless there is a safety risk, and any trees that are cut down will be replaced with at least two more. Mike explained that the people of the Wirral have a history of doing what’s right for their local area. By introducing these opportunities along with working with Earth Moves, the council is working hard to save the environment, but Mike said there is still a long way to go.

Everyone has to play their part in making changes


Meadows Make Communities Meadows make communities of people, flora and fauna.



ildflower meadows are one of the rarest habitats in the UK and we have lost 97% of our wildflower meadows since the 1930s. Losing our wildflowers has a real impact on the food we eat. At Earth Moves we have dramatically increased the biodiversity at our site on Telegraph Lane. Before our interventions, the site had a limited pallet of mainly invasive plants. The Meadow is the result of a lot of hard work by a group of amazing volunteers as invasive plants have to be regularly removed. Most of what we sowed is indigenous British plants and invertebrate friendly. We have planted a clover field early in the season, which is now blooming with white and red flowers. Cover feeds nitrogen to the ground, it has herbal value and is providing a resistance to the many vigorous and invasive plants. When the Meadow is fully grown it also provides an uplifting sight for those walking down the lane. In the UK, we need a wide range of wildflowers to provide pollinators with local food sources across the seasons. Some UK native wildflowers contain compounds that are healing and are even harvested for extracts to be used in drugs to treat diseases.


he decline of meadows means the delight of seeing a wildflower meadow in full bloom, could slip beyond view for future generations unless urgent action is taken, says Plantlife, Europe’s largest charity dedicated to wildflowers and other flora. At Earth Moves we are planning to extend the meadow for ¼ mile up the lane, providing volunteer experiences to those who want to participate to adding biodiversity and habitats as well as the chance to propagate plants that are in decline.


Get in touch if you want to help with extending our meadow. On

Permaculture Expert Emphasises The Importance Of Permaculture For Individuals And Communities


omas Remiarz has 20 years’ experience in permaculture and has been involved in many different areas with an emphasis on the restoration of land, buildings, and communities. Tomas’ starting point in permaculture was when he was sitting in a tree in Manchester in a valley that was about to be destroyed to build an airport. When sitting there he started to wonder if we could have these things without destruction. This made him clearly see what he wanted, and a friend told him about permaculture. Tomas has since never looked back; he believes permaculture replaces destructive culture. Permaculture can be defined as the growth of agricultural ecosystems in a sustainable way. Tomas described it as a particular way of looking and interacting with the world. The starting point is to understand nature and ask how it works. This is everchanging but overtime you will start to build up an understanding of the patterns in nature.


One main pattern is interconnection. Tomas explained; “The starting point is the connection between different plants, soil, water, climates, the people, animals, everything that exists in that particular space and time. By understanding how they are all interconnected and extending that kind of interconnection to people you can realise that you are a part of nature, and you are nature. It is something that a lot of us have forgotten and I think that’s great.” Once we understand that we are all connected and apart of something, we can start making changes. This is because it shows what works but also how we can activate change. We just have to find ourselves back to interconnection. Quoting folk singer Joni Mitchel Tomas said, “We have to find our way back to the garden”. When it comes to community, permaculture connects people to not only each other, but also to the land.

This opens a space for connection, collaboration, and discussion. Through this discussion, communities can see what is limiting them and also what opportunities they can have. Through permaculture you can become aware of yourself and what does and doesn’t work. You can see what is blocked and what flows. But on a basic level, nature calms people, so being surround by natural sounds, sights and smells, you will become calm.


Tomas explained this is quite literally grounding yourself, “we are standing on the soil, grounding yourself in the physical reality of the world we are exposed to. You will feel a connection with the land and to each other. Permaculture opens up a lot of mutual support and understanding. This gives us the ability to make changes in our own lives and the world around us”.

omas’ advice to anyone who is starting to explore permaculture is to listen and tune into the interconnection. Get your hands dirty – literally! And do it with other people. He explained, “Fire catches better if you have a few logs together instead of just one.” When it comes to our individual lives, Tomas said to think more ethically when it comes to our choices in things like energy providers and banks. This is to stop wasteful energy, investing in pesticides and animal testing. Permaculture is about thinking of the benefits of connecting with people and how we can move towards that. 9

The Importance of Connecting to People and Land



ollaborating with people can take work and thought, but it is worth it. Negotiating and making things happen in a group can have many practical and psychological benefits. None of us are perfect but if we can compromise, then people in this culture are conditioned to think of a pyramid-like society, with everyone aiming for the top and only a few making it. People should aim to be as good as they can be at their chosen fields, but it is easier to work in a group and make friends if you practise cooperation rather than competition.

What are the benefits of being in the outdoors for mental wellbeing? 1. HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND

A recent survey by Ipsos MORI for Sport England found that, on average, the more active a person is, the more satisfied they are with their life. Countless other studies have demonstrated clear links between regular physical activities and reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol, as well as increased levels of feel-good endorphins.



he importance of the natural environment for human health and wellbeing is currently undervalued. Benefits can be wide ranging and include social inclusion, physical and mental health, well-being and developing skills. There is some evidence that environmental volunteering can provide a unique way of improving the well-being of participants. Sadly, many environmental projects are run by the exact same type of people that often excludes marginalized members of a community from volunteering if they feel they won’t fit in. At Earth Moves people from diverse backgrounds come together with


facilitated support, over a common purpose, conserving the environment and to improve their own health while facilitating social inclusion. Environmental volunteer programs can facilitate the involvement of those members of the community that are socially excluded. Human health benefits included improved mood states at the end of activities and a significant increase in general well-being of participants at the end of the program compared to the start. Group dynamics was more likely to be a key determinant of mood state.

Depression, disconnection, and anxiety is at an all-time high. Young people are more depressed than ever. One in five 16- to 24-year-olds are suffering from anxiety or depression. In the UK, many people report feeling disconnected marginalised and lonely. Environmental volunteering can provide a health way to make bonds and form connections. An almost identical proportion of this demographic is physically inactive, engaging in less than 30 minutes of exercise per week.

Social connectedness, learning about the environment, Addictive stay-at-home seeking employment, further technologies and social training are benefits of media, discourage exploring environmental volunteerting. the outdoors.

Natural light can help to regulate the production of melatonin, a hormone that plays a crucial role in controlling your body clock. Lack of exposure to natural light during the day can lead to insufficient melatonin levels at night, disrupting your sleep when your head hits the pillow, according to researchers at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.


Stepping outside your comfort zone requires mental and physical resilience.


A stunning landscape is a pleasure for the senses – Outdoor activity has been scientifically proven to reduce stress levels, according to Dr Nick Lavidis from the University of Queensland’s School of Biomedical Science.


Backpackers scored 50% better on a creativity test after spending four days in nature, disconnected from the distractions of electronic devices, according to a study by psychologist from the University of Utah and University of Kansas.

Our Community Environmental Volunteer course is free for some people, and we can train people with information to help in volunteering projects, including Earth Moves. Get in touch on if you are interested in volunteering with Earth Moves.


Transforming Land, Transforming People 12



his project looked at transpersonal experiences and contributions of people involved in Earth Moves community, as we begin to work on Telegraph Lane, our new base. I am very grateful for the funding from the Alef Trust for this project, as it has given me the chance to obtain data, initiate transformative activities for the group and develop resources for the wider project. In the last 5 years working with Earth Moves, I have seen how changes occur when people connect more deeply with nature experientially and when they are acting collectively and co-operatively. The project was about connection with self, community, and landscape and how this can facilitate global transformation. The Telegraph Lane Connecting Land Connecting People project explored the personal interface with nature. The project increased biodiversity and community art activity and artworks in the area. Creative responses are increasingly being seen as a

way to transmit ideas around social and environmental change. It is a way to draw attention to issues and seeks to engage a wide range of community members who share both local and global concerns. I took a multidisciplinary approach in documenting and researching the psychological and spiritual impact on participants, as they engage with four acres of semi-rural land, transforming it and themselves with permaculture methods and transpersonal approaches. Function and aesthetics, weave together in food growing, art projects and psychological processes. We observed how perma- culture principles could inform human movement and creativity and how we are all influenced by place and its processes. My project succeeded in its initial ambitions but also surprised me. When we are disenchanted by the dominant materialistic values, we feel alienated and outside the community of nature. The principles of permaculture illustrate a method of living that is both optimizing

for people and the planet; this is why it combines well with concepts from Transpersonal Psychology. The Alef garden is currently used for hybrid activities (gardening, creative, meditation and ritual activities). Working in nature forged an understanding that nature is the interplay of cooperation and competition. Without the cooperative element, there would be no life or human cultural and technological evolution. Human bodies and ecosystems are composed of fractals of individuals, making ever more elaborate systems. The concept of ‘Gaia’ sees all life as part of an interconnected whole, which we are an aspect of. Most modern humans have forgotten the true holistic nature of reality. We are not really separate from our environment. We are the landscape. The Earth loans her materials to us for a time then our bodies go back to her. Nature can teach us about the cyclic and contradictory nature of reality and the joy and impermanence of life.

Dancing for Health and Community By PAULA ISHTAR Earth Moves believes that dance is great for people in so many ways. Unlike many other fitness practices dance is mostly perceived as fun, yet provides so much in the way of physical exercise and mood improvement.

When we Gather together as a community to dance we get a sense of identity and belonging to a locality or cultural group. Coming together to work with a dance practitioner who can hold space and who is skilled in supporting you to use dance in a creative and personalized way is a great way to make friends in a safe space. The pleasure of moving, being together with others, sharing time positively and performing dance enables the expression of complex feelings and ideas to others through your body. During a community dance class you can learn to the technique of a specific dance style and you may learn a choreography. Getting skilled at dance can bring a sense of achievement. Feelings of being more included and connected as part of a group of people is good for mental health.

Community dance promotes health and well being, self-confidence and better connections between you and others. Regardless of age or ability everyone can be included and make a contribution. Earth Movers has been running outdoor dance sessions belly dance and free and expressive dance. To get involved contact:



Making A Difference: Dr Hilary Ash

ilary is a respected, retired botanists, who has done an incredible amount of work in the Wirral raising awareness on environmental issues. Hilary’s work helps people to recognise and appreciate the natural world. She founded the ‘New Ferry Butterfly Park’ on an abandoned railway depot, creating one of the North’s most biodiverse urban areas and transforming it into a place of beauty and biodiversity that is benefitting the local community. Hilary is also a founder of the Cheshire Wildlife trust. The five-acre reserve, adjacent to Bebington Railway Station, has attracted Thousands of visitors since opening in 1993 and supports nearly 400 species. Earth Moves always consult Hilary about issues regarding our site on Telegraph Lane. Pete from Earth Moves said, “She is so kind and inspiring and always willing to give advice. We have really enjoyed her workshops and learn a lot from her.”

Contact Hillary Here:

The Importance of Cooperative Culture with Mark Simmonds


arth Moves were lucky to be given Bright Ideas funding and with this we were able to obtain business support from Mark Simmonds from Co-op Culture and Coops UK. This was crucial to get us up and running at Telegraph Lane. Mark is an experienced co-operative and community entrepreneur, delivering valuable advice and support around all aspects of co-operative and other social enterprise development, management and governance. Mark is a founder member of The Fox and Goose Co-operative Pub, Pennine Community Power, Platform 6 Development Co-operative and currently occupies the co-operative development seat on the board of Co-operatives UK. Mark is also currently a member of the UK Co-operative Governance Expert Reference Panel.


We enjoyed working with Mark who is experienced, friendly, supportive and professional. Mark explained to us that pretty much anything can be done as a cooperative whether it is farming, being a courier, taxi driver, or creating woodlands in your community. He says that setting up a co-op is hard work like any business. Apparently, co-ops are increasing in popularity right now. In the 19th century the Rochdale pioneers

set up the first cooperative as a response to the crisis of Victorian austerity. Mark explained that traditionally, the growth of Co-ops occurs in times of crisis. When we are atomised, watching a square box thinking we are happy, what is the motivation to set up a co-op? Austerity will prompt people into actions based on necessity. I am looking to create co-ops as lifeboats. We can’t change the dysfunctional capitalist system, but we can create mutual support. What I do is plant seeds for survival in a post-carbon world. Marks ideas really fit the situation, aims, ambitions and of the Earth Moves project located as it is on the climate change and social ecological front line. As well as advising social business, Mark does talks and workshops.

For more information

Disability and Being Included


lison Joseph is a big part of the Earth Moves community. She has Cerebral palsy, curvature of the spine and is on the AS spectrum. For true democracy, all people should have a voice inside the community. Diverse opinions reflect a more accurate consensus than is usually presented. At Earth Moves we encourage a range of voices to be heard and celebrated! Alison is very active in Earth Moves and is consulted by the members on disability issues. “Joining Earth Moves has been a good opportunity to meet other people similar to myself also to talk about mental health issues and share experiences.” Alison explained that she likes to try new things including gardening, she is looking forward to participating in Earth Moves next community film project. Alison’s philosophies involving disabled people and they involve the provision of support as many disabled people need this so they can have a decent life.

She says parents of adults with disabilities should realise that they are adults who need autonomy, and they should be careful about being overprotective as independence is important. Alison says that she feels more equal when in a mixed disabled and abled environment. This is because some people reveal some of the things holding them back or things that they don’t feel good about and find difficult. She said, “I think it is important that disabled people should mix with nondisabled people as they can find out more about each other.” Alison enjoys learning and socialising. She said “I really feel like I fit in with people at Earth Moves as I share many interests with other people. I have had lots of fun at Earth Moves, being able to share things on the same level as everyone and have fun with everyone else, it has been great.” Alison concluded that everybody should have a good life, everyone is entitled to that.

‘It’s not all about what you can’t do, it’s what you can do!’


Meet the people K ittie and Susie Ford got into fashion at a young age. Their parents watched costume dramas with them and taught them about history through visits to National Trust Houses, Stately homes, and gardens where costumes are on display. Susie said, “This fired my imagination and I have always been drawn to colour. I started wearing vintage clothes when I was around 18. I have always thought that fashion should be fun, it shouldn’t be taken seriously.” Kittie got into vintage fashion when she studied surface pattern design at university.

Art was always her favourite subject and through it she got into painting, drawing, colour pattern and then into the history of fashion. She said, “When you’re passionate about something, you are going to really work hard at it.” Susie moved to New Zealand and city that she lived in is called Napier. It is known as the art deco city. She went to a festival there where people around the world would travel to attend. This exposed her to a large vintage community, and she started collecting art-deco and selling vintage around this time. Kittie had her own store for 9 years and has been dealing with vintage since 2005. She has also been doing in-person and virtual events online. Twintage is when they work together, and they described it as a natural progression as they started to do events and festivals together when Susie moved home. Kittie said, “I think that’s what’s nice about it, we have our background for over twenty years. We are genuine, about what we do and what we like.”

When you’re passionate about something, you are going to really work hard at it

behind TWINTAGE Both of them love being around people and social interaction. Community to Kittie and Susie means working together and looking out for each other – something the vintage community has done for them. There is a vintage community in person and online where they have met a lot of new people through events they have attended. Susie explained that each person in vintage is a specialist in something, this can be jewellery, handbags, pre-war etc. Kittie explained that everyone has had different experiences and they all bring something different that allows them to be experts in their own field. The vintage community has allowed them to meet people across the world that they wouldn’t have met otherwise. wintage has allowed Kittie and Susie to give personal shopping experiences to their customers that you don’t experience anywhere else. Both have separate experiences of this that show customers really do appreciate this level of attention and service. Susie had a customer that had a similar body type to her and instead of getting them to go through every item in the store, she picked out what would fit them. With vintage a lot of the products are unique and are rarely in multiple sizes. So, by doing this, the customer saved a lot of time and didn’t become disappointed or disheartened because Twintage has clothing for all sizes.


When we make someone feel happy, and good about themselves it means a lot to us



Kittie sells online as well, and through this she is able to give them a personal touch. She will tag or message them items that they like and talk to them in-between purchases to develop a relationship that other websites don’t give. This has led to a lot of returning customers. Kittie explained that sometimes you can’t meet everyone’s needs but people are grateful for the time they take to help them, even if the customer doesn’t by anything. She said, “Every person is valued. When we make someone feel happy, and good about themselves it means a lot to us.” 17

LCR PRIDES’ FIGHT AGAINST HATE CRIMES LCR Pride is working towards reducing hate crime after recent attacks on the LGBTQ Community DANIELLE NORTON reports


o-Founder and Chief executive believes everyone has a role to play in tackling hate crime – because hate crime does not discriminate. LCR defines community as a wide umbrella of people who define as LGBTQ and their allies that support them. It is everyone who is a part of the conversation and movement, they see many different communities come along to their events which shows they are reaching a much wider community. Andi Herring who is Chief Executive and Co-Founder said, “We are here as a protest, we will say when it is not okay when it comes to things like hate crime. Every hate crime is horrific and to have these crimes within such a short space of time, very publicly which everyone saw the outcome of has made everyone fearful and anxious… there was a nervousness”.

Andi said, “We see our role as a connecter and how we can connect people to the police to report it or reporting centres or independent places but also just the awareness that it is not just the victim that should be reporting the hate crimes but the community around them.” LCR Pride believes that everyone has a role to tackling hate crime, this can be through challenging it in everyday life whether that’s a comment made at your lunch table or online. Liverpool city region are proud to be really safe, accepting, and diverse but unfortunately, hate crime does happen and is related to a lot of the things going on at the moment. Visibility is a key focus for LCR Pride, this is to make sure that the community knows where they can feel safe and understand where you can go for help.

Part of what LCR Pride does is working with the partners to make sure that message goes LCR Pride are working with the police to find out who did it out and how to make sure your staff knows how to make and if LGBTQ people are that happen as well. That and being targeted. They working with the police to understand that these understand what areas need individual incidents are one thing, but they are also looking extra reassurance or visibility. But also, that at hate crime generally and how we can work to the bigger message of ‘your safe here’. agenda of reducing and Andi said, “We work with a lot moving it from Liverpool.


of employers; a lot of organisations involved in pride month that are involved in our events and our charities. We work with educators and schools just to say, ‘here is what pride means and here’s how you can help connect that’. We have also done a lot of work across the region about sexual health or HIV, with organisations that are trying to keep people connected and not isolated - all the things to help bring everyone together as well as fighting everything else.”


Earth Moves Celebrates







CR Pride was founded in 2019, they wanted to take the message of pride beyond the one-day festival and look at what else they could do to support the community in the city region. One of the ways they wanted to support the community is through their community fund. There is a long-term vision where they put money back into the community. The idea sparked when the Pride festival was cancelled due to covid-19. The first community fund focuses on how they can help community through the pandemic. LCR Pride said it was about funding grassroot organisations to do work that is so important for the community.



Meet Artist, Tony O’Connell

Liverpool illustration artist uses their art and workshops to help people express their identities in a confident way DANIELLE NORTON reports


o Tierney is host workshops with the members of Earth Moves to work on a new project that will celebrate LGBTQ+ and neurodiversity. The idea is to create a large flag in a patchwork style using drawings that the members have created in the workshops. The only twist is that each drawing will be in one colour, and when you piece all the drawing in the different colours together, it will create the larger flag. Lo said; “It shows that everyone has their own talents and strengths so when we come together there is a sense of unity, and we all support each other. I think it’s really beautiful.” In the past, Lo has done an online workshop with Earth Moves where they explored what exactly neurodiversity and LGBTQ+ means

to each of them and their experiences. This was to help get ideas so no one would be stuck when it comes to the drawings. Lo is LGBTQ+ and neurodiverse. They love being a part of a community that allows them to identify with other people who share similar qualities and interest to them. This makes Lo feel less alone, isolates and that they can be themselves while making friends. This makes them feel empowered and ready to help others if they need it. Lo said; “My workshops bring communities together because they enable people to talk about what is meaningful in their lives and enable them to create artwork that they are proud of.” The workshops mean a lot to Lo as they want the members to gain confidence in what they are doing, even if the members believe they

aren’t good at drawing, because Lo doesn’t believe this. They believe that doesn’t matter, everyone has good art, because whatever they make can be cool and abstract. Lo doesn’t believe there is bad art because everyone has something they can bring. Through the workshops they want the members to gain confidence and inspiration that allows them to get cool and a creative ideas at the end of the session and really love life. For Lo, if the members are enjoying the classes, this signals they are doing something right. This project is the first face-to-face workshop Lo has done in two years and has really missed it. Before Lo started doing workshops, they studied Illustration and Animation at Manchester Met and Liverpool John Moores University. They had an art exhibition at Output Gallery that celebrates people with autism called Spectrum. They also did other projects and exhibitions related to neurodiversity and LGBTQ+ that led them to their next step with Earth Moves.

FACT BOX: LGBTQ+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and is used as an ‘umbrella term’ for sexuality and gender identity. The Q is for those who identify as queer or questioning their sexual or gender identity. The + is to represent the other communities within it such as intersex, asexual, pansexual.


Neurodivergent refers to individuals who have autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia etc.


OC has been involved since the inception of Earth moves and is one of the founders. He is a Queer Liverpool artist and activist. He has done much work for Earth Moves. This includes the creation of two life size community/collaborative sculptures. He is a caring compassionate man, who is also very professional and talented. “My degree was in sculpture and recently I started to return to that language while exploring printmaking. I wanted to somehow include members of spiritual communities in the design and dedication of their Rupas and sacred forms in sculpture. I am inspired by the Tibetan practice of sealing offerings, mantras, and hidden texts inside statues. I start my community, collaborative sculpture process with a workshop discussing the meaning of the image to be developed and asking for contributions to be sealed inside. The first of these was a full-sized seated Buddha containing thousands of mantras and dedications, names, jewellery, flowers, and incense sealed inside his heart, (quite invisible to the viewer but dedicated to the Buddha) acting like a spiritual battery to energise the figure. I wanted all contributors to feel connected to Him.

I then mirrored this process in my sculpture of Belisama, Romano- Celtic Goddess of the Mersey, for Earth Moves. All members of the collective community contributed and made dedications to be sealed as potential within her womb. The inside of the work is as important as what She looks like outside. We included concepts such as climate change and prayers to end suffering. The Rupa of Medusa, whose name means “protectress” now lives at Telegraph Lane. After a discussion workshop, community members each built a snake for her head containing a dedication written on golden ribbon inside it and offered small objects sealed inside. She belongs to us all and her story represents an important spiritual symbol for women, excluded, othered and queer folks who are abused and victim blamed. She also symbolises the rath we feel at environmental destruction and how we must stop destroying and hating nature. She now stands to guard the space at Telegraph after her welcoming ritual which was attended by over thirty people. The building of the figures involves my own ritual bathing and meditation before commencement and offering incense and particular music.

This is done while leading up to inviting the sacred into the image. Two things are important to me: the ritual/ hidden aspects of the outcome and the democratising of ownership. The work belongs to all of us, not me. Since Art school in 1989 I have practiced with a set of ideas that have remained implacable for me. I’m interested in sacred and mythic images and how they are used by heterosexists and patriarchal hierarchies to control and oppress. I see this particularly through a queer lens and the experience of having grown up Catholic. It seemed that not only did sacred art often reach other queer people (and many others), but it excluded us from even joining the spiritual conversation. I needed to reclaim, subvert, and democratise those images. I had discovered a non-judgemental sense of acceptance from Buddhism in 1995 and set about healing my life using meditation and my artistic practice to unknot the spiritual violence I had experienced. In this time, I wanted to claim my friends, heroes and activists as saints and bodhisattvas. Ordinary people became sacred in my work, usually being given halos. I would treat them as saints, often with rituals, offerings, and pilgrimages.

More of my work can be seen reviewed by the American queer activist and art Critic Kittredge Cherry such as Some of my print work is available on Etsy at:



n indigenous communities’ dreams are important and shared to gain insights for the whole group. The nature of dreams and dreaming have different interpretations cross-culturally. Analysing the content of dreams and their symbolic meaning for individuals and their communities can help us understand greater cultural contexts. Leigh Robertson explains what lucid dreams are so we can at least dream a better world!

Lucid Dreaming The human mind is a fascinating thing. There is nothing you cannot imagine, nothing you cannot create within the limitless confines of your mind. Whether you remember or not, you dream every time you sleep. However, it is estimated that only 55% of us have experienced a Lucid Dream.

Many throughout history, such as Rene Decartes, have been fascinated by dreams and whether in secret or not, kept extensive dream journals of their nightly exploration of the depths of their minds. Despite these nightly occurrences by many across the globe, lucid dreaming was only taken seriously by the scientific community in 1978.

So, what is a Lucid Dream? A lucid dream also known as dream awareness is not to be mistaken with a vivid dream. It is not when the dream is intense or feels like real life, but in fact when you are aware while still in the dream that it is a dream. You realise that you are dreaming. This opens up all kinds of possibilities.

How can lucid dreaming benefit you? To understand how a lucid dream (having dream awareness) can benefit you, you have to ask: what can I do with the knowledge that I am dreaming in the moment that i realise it? Because dream awareness is only the beginning. Once we realise that we are dreaming we realise that we create anything we desire in our dreamscape. This means escaping the nightmares and creating our own virtual non-reality. 15% of children and 8% of adults experience recurring nightmares, imagine curing up to 15% of peoples sleep issues with one simple discipline. Then there is stress, fears, and anxiety. The percentage of people who suffer from anxiety is unfortunately on the rise in today’s world, as are the amounts of pharmaceutical medications being prescribed to tackle this worldwide issue. But with lucid dreaming the dreamer can create the exact scenarios that bring about panic, anxiety and stress and learn to deal with and overcome them. All from the comfort of their own bed. Giving them the opportunity to face their fears in a safe place.

The History of Lucid Dreams The first time we know of lucid dreaming ever being mentioned was by Aristotle in 350BC when he said, ‘when one is asleep, there is something in consciousness which tells us that which presents itself is but a dream.’ It also became widely accepted amongst Tibetan Buddhists as the first of six stages of ‘Dream Yoga’. Thoughts and ideas about lucid dreaming have been suppressed in the past due to accusations of witchcraft with the rise of Imperial Rome and Christianity. This is because of the very spiritual nature of the dream state where the veil between realms thins and dreamers can experience communication with deceased loved ones, angels and have many other profound experiences.



Lucid dreaming is fun, but it is also a discipline. It takes practise, but its rewards are endless. It is being used around the world for PTSD, addiction, overcoming fears and general self-improvement. Self-improvement So, we can create the life of our dreams... in our dreams... why should we wake up? How can our newfound sleep sanctuary not only help us to overcome the bad, but also help us to improve the good? You may have heard of famous study conducted by Dr. Biasiotto at the University of Chicago, where he split people into one of three groups and tested each group to see how many free throws they could make in basketball. He then had the first group practice free throws for an hour every day, the second group had to only visualise themselves making free throws for an hour every day and the third group did absolutely nothing. When a month had passed, he tested them again. He found that the first group had improved by 24%, the second group improved by 23% and the third group, of course, did not improve. These surprising and interesting results speak volumes for the power of visualisation and the human mind. It becomes clear just how beneficial the practise of lucid dreaming could be, which is why it is used by tennis players, musicians, artists, and many more who are competitively seeking to become the best in their game and using those otherwise unproductive 6-8 hours of the night.

How can I lucid dream? Now that you are totally sold on the idea of overcoming your fear of spiders and becoming the best tennis player in the world without leaving your bedroom, how do you get started? First things first – train your brain to remember your dreams. There are many tips online and in books about how to lucid dream, but they all start with keeping a dream journal. A dream journal tells our brain that it’s important to recall as much detail about our dreams as possible. The most tried and trusted technique for lucid dream practitioners is the ‘reality check’ this is where you ask yourself frequently throughout the day ‘am i dreaming?’ you then provide a logical reason for why you know that you are not dreaming ‘I am not dreaming because my house is exactly how it always is, and I had a full and consistent day at work.’ The idea is that when you do this for long enough you create a habit and eventually this will show up in the dream. Only in the dream when you ask, ‘Am I dreaming?’ you will put your focus into finding the logical answer, then you will realise the surreal dreamscape and will not be able to give a logical answer as to why you aren’t dreaming thus answering ‘yes this must be a dream’ now you have achieved lucidity and your journey really begins.


Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes Reviewed by Tara Hudson

A 90s femminist classic, ‘Women Who Run With the Wolves’ is a brilliant book, though a difficult read that demands your attention - thankfully keeping it there through poetic storytelling, use of case studies and references to feminine archetypes throughout time and cultures. The book delves into femininity, and the repressed ‘wild woman’ within us all. Showing us how we can use this archetype to gain confidence in ourselves, that we have innate wisdom that can help us towards joy and happiness. This book helps us discover the joy in being a ‘wild woman’ - using movement and dance, interacting with nature - getting our hands dirty and breaking a sweat to make life something worth living. It also helps us understand that all our bodies, no matter what type, size, or age, our bodies are beautiful, they are our own and through them we sense the world. In a world of perfection on social media, being reminded of the importance of loving the skin you’re in, and being given words to express that is very rewarding. I also liked the fact Pinkola Estes uses time honoured storytelling in each chapter to show us what we already know, that we all have an in built power within. All these stories, even the ones not from my culture, felt like stories I already knew, and could see the wisdom and power in them being used to give a new perspective on some of the issues we face in life. An evocative book that is a must read for everyone! I feel like anyone could pick up this book and gain a little bit of wisdom that can help them become more self confident and see life in a new way.


The Half Forgotten Head by Tara Hudson

I grin and gnash my teeth, The bones cackle and crack within me. Half lost in dust, Half lost in shadows, Half lost upon this lonely shelf. Cast like Orion to the edge of heaven, To gloom with pitchy breath, And peer at shining life, through sightless sockets. _ I groan and grind my teeth , The bones cackle and crack within me. Forgotten by temperance, Forgotten by all it seems, Forgotten even by me. A steadfast soul that cannot fly, A fleshless head, broken from necks touch, Condemned to stillness and speechless thought. _ I grin and gnash my teeth, The bones cackle and crack within me. A head once revered on shining shoulders, A head once fluent in verse and speech, A head digested by nature, rotted to bleached bone. Left now, a mere trinket of life, Denied times end and suspended, In scorn, out of angels reach. 25

S a l v i a Ro s m a r i n u s - Ro s e m a r y



Birds of a Feather

Which bird will reveal a special message for you?

osemary is a common herb in the UK, it is also known as the compass plant, the old man or the polar plant. Originally from the meditarrian area, it is now grown and used all over the world. It is believed to have been brought to the UK by the Romans. Used in folkloric medicine for improving memory, indigestion and even joint pain. A member of the mint family, which includes many other medicinal and culinary herbs, Rosemary has a myriad of uses. Rosemary thrives in a sunny, or a sheltered spot in well-drained soil. It can struggle in heavy clay soils or somewhere that gets very wet in winter. A wonderful plant for any garden, it provides evergreen leaves all year round, as well as providing flowers beloved of bees in the spring.

Throughout the world, birds are used by many different cultures, as symbolic signifiers. When a bird spreads its wings and flys between the heavens and the earth it represents many things to humanity, freedom, spirituality, a connection between worlds. But can they also act as a way to guide us and provide insight? This activity invites you to clear your mind, relax and formulate a question in your head. It could be something like… ‘Why did me and my friend lose touch?’..... ‘Is this situation at work going to change?’ - After you have your question, relax and take some deep breaths, then look at the cards, the image that draws your eye straight away has a message for you, check the next page to see what it is....











Rosemary can grow to 5 feet in its upright form. It resembles a short pine tree with a fat trunk and smaller, long, thin branches which grow straight up into the air from the trunk. Having green spiky needles. The best way to identify Rosemary though is through smell, rub its leaves and it will release a beautiful woody aroma. In spring you can see white, blue, pink or purple flowers in clusters at the tips of the branches.


It’s best to grow Rosemary in your garden from a smaller ready grown plant, or by asking and digging up a piece of root and stem from a friend’s garden. Grow it in a pot for 1-2 years before planting in the soil to avoid it getting too wet or muddy in winter. Plant in spring, in a sunny, sheltered position in well-drained soil.


As Rosemary is evergreen, you can harvest it all year round. The summer soft new growth however has the best flavor if you’re using it for cooking. Simply snip off shoots as required. The leaves can be used fresh or dried for later use. To dry rosemary, hang up sprigs in a warm, dark, well-ventilated place. When fully dried, strip off the leaves and store in an air-tight jar.



Food: Not only delicious on roast potatoes, Rosemary can also be used to flavour honey, added dry to a salt mixture to create seasoning, or added to lemonade. Insect repellent: Add one cup of dried rosemary to 2 pints of water and boil for 30 mins, strain and add to a spray bottle to help repel insects. Discard after it no longer smells of rosemary. Calming: Add rosemary in with your bath salts to create a lonely calming bath. Or simply pick a spring from the garden, and enjoy the scent while you meditate.

Always use caution

Rosemary is safe for most when taken in low doses. However, extremely large doses can trigger serious side effects such as vomiting. This content is primarily for entertainment and information. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care worker with any questions you may have concerning any medical condition.



A universal symbol of peace. The dove is telling you to use peace and gentleness to resolve your issue. Kindness and calm will overcome. Use your inner peace and love and you will prosper, and others will see your light.


Representing transformation, change, growing older, and achieving wisdom in the process. The crow suggests you use your own logic and instinct and not be distracted by the disbelief of others. You should accept your individuality and use the gumption of the crow to succeed.


While symbolising hope, the robin can also symbolise loss and danger. In seeing danger and pain in others you can use the power of the robin to support them, offering comfort and help when they need it. Use the power of the robin to offer compassion to others.

Norewigen sailors brought over a dish called ‘Lobscouse’ - a type of beef stew - which was quickly adopted as the city’s dish by locals in Liverpool. As there were many poor people living in the city at the time, a version of the stew ‘blind scouse’ was created - which swapped meat for cheaper beans and lentils. Blind scouse is a great vegan midweek meal serving it with the traditional side of shredded beetroot is still a matter of contention for some, but a great way to get in an extra veggie and nutrients!

Ingredients: Olive oil


The sparrow is a diligent hard worker. Here you should remember that nothing comes easy, but hard work and putting in effort can reap rewards for you. If you want to have a nice and joy filled life, the sparrow guides you to work hard and not be idle.


A tough and proud bird, the seagull offers you to take a step back and have a new perspective on a situation and all the things you are handling. The solution lies in you changing your attitude, flying above drama and emotion and using your creativity to move forward.



The owls are not what they seem. Regal and beautiful, these creatures represent wisdom. Owls are defenders of truth, with zero tolerance for any form of deception. If you are aware of a deception, you must ensure the truth will out for the benefit of all.


These communal animals are almost constantly in flight. Here the swift is telling you to move fast on a decision, choosing whatever will benefit your wide community or family. Maybe you need to bring swiftness into your life, getting up early to take a morning walk or dancing more often. Be spontaneous, move more and make choices based on intuition.


Renowned for their mapping and homing abilities, pigeons are used to carry messages, both in life and the spirit world. You may need to deliver an important message yourself, especially to a child or younger family member. You should be there to offer them love and caring - something which pigeons demonstrate to their families.


Associated with magic and the mysteries of human souls. As beautiful singers, the blackbird here is asking you to find your voice, and find power in your words to speak up. Have you done any singing lately? Maybe you should try it, right now and bring yourself some joy. This will help you become more confident and happy.

500g bag of new potatoes

2 celery sticks chopped finely halved 1 onion, chopped Butter beans, 1 tin 2 carrots, chopped

Tomato puree, 1 teaspoon

2 cloves of chopped garlic

Small squeeze of lemon juice

Dash of soy sauce or red

Red wine or balsamic


vinegar, 1 teaspoon

2 handfuls pearl barley,

3 bay leaves

soaked overnight in cold wa-

Cornflour, 2 tablespoons

ter or soaked in boiling water

2 sprigs of oregano

for an hour

Salt and pepper

1000ml vegetable stock


Step 1: Heat a large pan over medium heat. Add the olive oil, and when hot add in the celery, onion, carrots and garlic. Sauté until the onion becomes translucent and just begins to brown, about 5 minutes. Step 2: Add in a dash of soy sauce or a dash of red wine Step 3: Add in the vegetable stock, potatoes, butter beans and pearl barley Step 4: Add in the tomato puree, small squeeze of lemon and a dash of red wine of balsamic vinegar. Step 5: Add in the bay leaves. Step 6: Bring everything to a boil, then turn the heat down to simmer and cover with a lid. Allow the stew to simmer for 15 minutes while stirring. After 15 minutes, test the potatoes to see if it is soft, if so then it is almost ready! Step 7:Thicken by adding in the cornflour and stirring continuously until the sauce is nice and thick. Step 8: Add in oregano and salt and pepper to taste. Step 9: Stir for another 5 mins on a low to medium heat. Step 10: Serve with a nice chunk of bread and a side of shredded beetroot.


Get in touch for information on our community environmental courses, mental and physical well-being events, dance events, volunteer opportunities, food for free workshops, film events, community arts projects and permaculture events.



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