EARSeL Newsletter, Issue 94 - June 2013

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EARSeL Newsletter

June 2013 ‐ Number 94



Figure 7: Working area and location of the measurement stations of: (a) the 2011 bio‐optical cruise and (b) the 2012 bio‐optical cruise.

The in situ data was used to develop regional bio‐optical algorithms and models for the determination of optically significant seawater constituents in the form of concentration or inherent optical properties based on remote sensing reflectance. The first level of modelling relies on the development of statistical relationships. The newly developed algorithms and models for Satellite Ocean color products generation and delivery will be implemented in the JRC operational processing chain for satellite ocean color data (namely MODIS‐AQUA imagery). Products like chlorophyll concentration, total suspended matter concentration, coloured dissolved organic matter absorption coefficient and diffuse attenuation coefficient, will be made available as daily, ten‐day and monthly composites through the JRC web interface. Table 1: Apparent and inherent optical properties of the Western Black Sea seawater and the measurement instruments.

Acknowledgements The EARSeL group members at the SRTI‐BAS and the IO‐BAS are obliged to the EARSeL Newsletter Editors for their devoted work to make this report available to the EARSeL Newsletter readers. The report was compiled with the kind consent of the PIs of the presented projects. References 1. Filchev L, 2012. The 8th scientific conference with international participation "space ecology safety" – SES. EARSeL Newsletter, 92: 29‐31. http://www.earsel.org/Newsletters/EARSeL‐Newsletter‐Issue‐92.pdf (last date accessed: 26/04/2013).


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