TUG August 2023

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Thank you to all those members and guests of EAMG who have put up with me photographing and more recently filming them. Recently I have been filming social rides to fill gaps in my EAMG video library. It is quite difficult to get suitable footage of many of our activities so thanks to Mick Hewitt for sharing his route in advance of the ride I was able to do a recce the week before and choose where to film on route. I’m sure it was a lovely ride but after filming the group at Ford End I took the rather dull but quick route up the A11 to arrive at Bottisham Airfield Museum in time to film everyone else arriving. Having got the required video footage I was able to enjoy the return ride. I had intended to peel off but was enjoying the ride so much I continued past home to complete Mick’s fabulous route which I’ve saved on my satnav to ride again!

With that last bit of social ride footage, I was able to complete the latest video for our YouTube channel. This one is designed to promote EAMG to people who don’t know what we offer and covers the variety of activities we all enjoy. Obviously, you all know about EAMG but you may like to watch the video anyway, if only to see if you are in it! Follow the link below or use the QR code. Hopefully you enjoy the video and if so, please give it a “Like” as this makes it more likely that the YouTube algorithm will recommend it to others and help spread the word.


www.eamg.org.uk 3 WelcometoanotherTUG.
Assembling at Sainsbury’s for a choice of social rides.


Hi everyone.

I hope we are enjoying the summer so far. Not always such a pleasure with the diabolical state of our roads. On a recent week away in France we counted 3 potholes in 1600 miles of mainly D roads. As soon as we got back off the ferry that number was exceeded before we got to passport control! Also, a lot of vegetation is overgrowing in our country lanes cutting vision down quite a bit too, so a bit of care needed to see some nutter who hasn’t ridden for a year coming round the bend a bit too far over the road.

While I am moaning, I might as well continue…we have our BBQ which has been well mentioned coming up on 26th August. So far I think 3 people have booked tickets. We used to have very good turnouts before, and it would be lovely to have a good turn out this time, the first EAMG BBQ since lockdown. I am told that we normally get a last minute rush for tickets, which are simply £2 per person this year. I do hope so, and please do email me chair@eamg.org.uk with how many are coming in your party.

All payments ONLINE please to:

Essex advance motorcyclists group ltd

Sort code: 30-96-94

Acc no: 00791646

Ref. BBQ

The venue is The Beryl Platt Centre, Redwood drive, Writtle CM1 3LY. Date:26th August.

Shown on Google maps as Writtle Community Association.

https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Writtle+Community+Association/@51.728962,0.4134943,17z/data =!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47d8eb03471bb41b:0xb20da58876073ce7!8m2!3d51.728962!4d0.415683

We will have a proper bar and Eddie is doing the music. Big old BBQ with EAMG top chefs on duty. All welcome, why not bring along family and friends too?

So enough moaning from me, time to ask if anyone would consider assisting Bob Cowl by occasionally leading the midweek rides, particularly while our dear friend Neil Bullock is taking a little break from it. Social rides are a very important aspect of EAMG, a chance for you to get to know each other better in a relaxed environment. If anyone is interested please do email me at chair@eamg.org.uk or preferably email Bob at bigbobcowl@yahoo.com. You can find out more about the social rides from Bob’s article in this edition of TUG. Also if anyone has any ideas of other activities we can look at please feel free to let any committee member know. We are looking at ways of having more social interactions. I must say the move to Little Channels has worked well, the room is better to use and we just about fill it too. On that note I look forward to seeing you at our next group night.


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Approximately 7 years ago myself and Graham Seeley were chatting at a drinks stop on a full members ride at an AGT. Wouldn’t it be great, said Graham, to have ride outs in the week for those of us who do not work. Let’s set up a monthly ride, we can do it together, he said. Ok I can lead the rides and you can do all the advertising and organising, sure said Graham. Graham became a sleeping partner but I decided to carry on!

So fairly soon after this, rides got underway and were all inclusive with Associates and Full Members welcome. The pace tended to vary from a bit of a bimble to a mid pace ride depending on who attended. I tended to carry on, as long as I had at least one bike behind otherwise I became the marker waiting until someone arrived.

We had an incident where a bike went over at a ford near Hatfield Peverel which I did not know even existed!! Other than that, just occasional mis directions, flat tyres, unplanned comfort breaks and plenty of fun and fellowship had by all.

A few people have also said to me that coming on the rides really assisted their riding, just seeing how other members rode. Which is gratifying.

Occasionally when I was marker someone would charge ahead, clearly my 19 stone and 6’ 5’’ frame was not enough of a clue!

The rides ran pretty much incident free for 4 years until COVID hit and have not really got fully restarted since. We had rides in the diary this year and had intended to have a more pacey full member ride (modelled on Colins rides) and an Associate Relaxed member ride. Then my accident (non bike related) a broken femur and re replacement of my hip last November led to my retirement from motorcycling. Neil Bullock kindly took the reins of the Full Member ride and has completed 3 rides so far. He got a massive 4 attendees 2 of which were Fiona Newsome!! So, is a more brisk ride not really required I ask myself??

Rob White and Dave Hawke agreed to run the Associate and relaxed rides and have organised a couple of trips. Dave’s ride to Kent was very well attended but Rob’s not so.

After a short while in retirement rather like Steve Redgrave I “un retired “, it’s just hard to give up what you love to do, even if your logic says it might not be a good idea!

My intention is to relaunch the rides with Neil, Dave, Rob and whoever would like to assist. We can either stick with a single ride for all, mid paced or continue with the idea that some would like a brisk ride. I would be keen to hear the opinion of members for both this and ideas on stops and places to visit. I am happy to steal ideas from any other rides I attend - hope that’s ok! If you would like to guest lead just let me know. Email is bigbobcowl@yahoo.com

I can honestly say I have met lots of lovely people, good friends and some who I now ride and tour with on a regular basis.

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in 2018 answers on a postcard
Southwold April
Krazyhorse April 2019
www.eamg.org.uk 10


So the next planned mid week ride is on Tuesday 8th August and will start at Sainsburys White Hart Lane Chelmsford. 9:15 meet for a prompt 9:30pm start, with full tanks.

There will be a stop at Needham Market services at just over 50 miles for a coffee and comfort break them onto to Aldeburgh which is 80 miles, parking in the high street.

A fuel stop will be available on the way back and we will stop for a short break. The ride will end at Boreham McDonalds and that will be 157 miles in total

For those in more of a hurry the route back via the A12 is available, let me know if that is your intention.

If you’d like to attend, please email me on bigbobcowl@yahoo.com so we have an idea of numbers. Further dates for this year are in the diary and we will publish next year’s dates again in the diary. Keep your eyes open on the Runs and Rides forum and Facebook.

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CongratulationstothefollowingforachievingaTraineeObserverAssessment pass.ThanksalsototheExaminers.




CongratulationstothefollowingforachievinganObserverRe-test. ThanksalsototheExaminers.




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We enjoyed an interesting and entertaining evening with our guests Kate and Rachael from Hideout Leathers.

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Month Date Event

August Tuesday,1st GroupNight

Sunday,6th AssociateGroupTraining(AGT)

Tuesday,8th Neil’sMid-WeekFullMemberRide

Sunday,13th Audrey&John'sCotswoldsRide

Sunday,20th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,27th Colin'sFullMemberRide


Sunday,3rd SlowRidingDay,NorthWealdAirfield

Sunday,3rd CopdockBikeShow

Tuesday,5th GroupNight

Sunday,10th AssociateGroupTraining(AGT)

Sunday,10th Essex&HertsAirAmbulanceRun

Tuesday,12th Neil’sMid-WeekFullMemberRide

Sunday,17th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,24th Colin'sFullMemberRide

October Sunday,1st ObserverPeertoPeerRide(2304)

Tuesday,3rd GroupNight

Sunday,8th AssociateGroupTraining(AGT)

Tuesday,10th Neil’sMid-WeekFullMemberRide

Sunday,15th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,22nd Associate/FullMemberTraining(AMT/FMT2304)

Sunday,29th Colin'sFullMemberRide

November Sunday,5th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Tuesday,7th GroupNight

Sunday,12th AssociateGroupTraining(AGT)–RemembranceSunday

Sunday,19th Colin'sFullMemberRide


Sunday,3rd Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Tuesday,5th GroupNight-XmasQuiz

Sunday,10th AssociateGroupTraining(AGT)

Sunday,17th Colin'sFullMemberRide

www.eamg.org.uk 18
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