What would you choose?

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What would you choose?

If you were asked to put four of your most sentimental objects, into a time capsule, what would they be? This project is an investigation into what people from different backgrounds, genders, and ages hold dear to them. Most of the objects photographed have been collected since childhood and more have been added along the way.

Mylah-Rose, aged 11 months

Joseph, aged 3

Evelyn, aged 8

Peter, aged 9

Georgina, aged 9

Ramona, aged 9

Tia, aged 12

Sam, aged 15

Aisha, aged 17

Fred, aged 18

Sarah, aged 19

Mylah-Rose - “My most important object is my dummy because I won’t be able to sleep without it and mummy would lose her mind” Joseph - “Tigger is my favourite! This is Tigger one, I take him everywhere and I can’t sleep without him - he also makes me feel better if I’m sad! I also have 2, 3 & 4 Tigger but one is my special friend.” Evelyn - “Momo, because I just love Momo!” Peter - “My favourite is Twiggy cos he’s fluffy and a dog, he’s a spaniel, my favourite!” Georgina - “Christa is my first favourite doll because it reminds me of Daddy going to England and Spain to give me the doll.” Ramona - “Anji is my favourite, it was from my babysitter” Tia - “The most important one is Elsa because is reminds me of my Great Grandma.” Sam - “The drawing of Sherlock Holmes is the most important because drawing was a big part of my childhood. The drawing is one of the only things I have left of him [dad]” Aisha - “Nibbles is most important because I’ve has him since I was little. I used to sleep with him every night to keep me safe.” Fred - “The Disentomb CD has influenced my music taste and my drumming style.” Sarah - “The Singer Sewing machine is my most important because it is my passion and has a lot of meaning behind it. Also I never met my Nan and I’ve always wanted to make her proud.”





Jake, aged 20

Leah, aged 20

Theodore, aged 21

Tamara, aged 21

Zoe, aged 22

James, aged 23

Victoria, aged 24

Ryan, aged 25

Alexander, aged 27

Josh, aged 28

Leah - “The pendant belonged to my dad and he was very interested in collecting crystals and making them into pendants. It is one of my most treasured objects.” Jake - “My most important item are my chisels, a present from my father. As me and my dad have never been close to each other, it is kind of a sentimental thing.” Theodore - “The seeds, my brother brought them back with him when he came home from Japan. He wanted me to plant them and grow a Bonsai tree. I never planted them but I’m planning on planting them when I graduate to mark a new chapter.” Tamara - “I think my memory box is probably most important to me as it gives me a visual representation of certain memories rather than just having one photo or thing to remember.” Zoe - “The Pentax K100, my Grandad had it from new, my mum then owned it for years. Finally it was passed onto me when I left home to study photography at university. It’s very precious to me.” James - “My mum had a very similar Batoo when she was a child and he went everywhere with her, so I wanted one! Mine has been with me forever, never left my side, every holiday, or school trip he’s coming with me.” Victoria - “My dad’s rings that he brought with his first pay check and handed down to me as a keepsake. Ryan - “My phone has everything I need and want on it. From photos to my music, I couldn’t live without my phone!” Alexander - “I need the medication to live.” Josh - “My basket I made is my favourite, as it reminds me of my happy 3 years at college.”

Ross - “The pocket watch is the most important to me because I love traditional stuff like suits because it reminds me of better times. Callum - “The soft toy frog I’ve had all my life and I’ve always felt safe and secure with it throughout my life. I have so many memories from living in Bristol and going on holidays, moving to Cheltenham etc.” Rob - “My wedding ring is most important. My wife gave it to me on my/our wedding day. It has great sentimental value.” Daniel - “The cross, as it was gifted to me from my uncle, my mother has an identical one and I wore it for years and has been with me, helped me though many serious events. Also my great grandfathers cross is was given it after he passed away, he was a strong and silent influence upon my life.”

Cherry - “My blanket is my most important as it is the oldest thing I own.” Alexis - “My toy Lamb is the most important because it’s the only thing I have left from both my parents before they got divorced.” Wendy - “My locket from Grandma was bought for me when it was 16; at early stage terminal cancer she wanted to give me something before she died.” Maya - “Teddy is my favourite, as I’ve had him my whole life and it’s a gift from my parents for being born! It’s come with me through every house I have lived in and all the way through University.”

KĂźbra, aged 30

Louie, aged 36

Victor, aged 38

Claire, aged 39

David, aged 40

Kevin, aged 42

Clare, aged 43

Chloe, aged 44

Ben, aged 45

Russell, aged 46

Rachael, aged 49

Kübra - “I think I cannot select the most important, however I can tell you an interesting story about the Chakra necklace. I brought a similar one (the same shape with the same chakra stones) in Rothenberg as a birthday gift to myself. However, I lost it... I always wanted to replace it, almost buying it but I did not. Eventually, this Christmas, my husband’s family bought this as a gift. They did not know the story, interestingly they got that gift!” Louie - “Whammy is my favourite, I love to play with whammy, and he makes a squeaky sound when I bite him!” Victor - “The most important is the watch. It is the most recent gift, but is from my father when he died and I always feel he stayed with me.” Claire - “Impossible to choose between polar bear and my guitar. Both have been with me through the best and worst times of my life, and always make my best times better and my worst times slightly less bad.”

David - “The picture of my mum.” Kevin - “Just looking at the gig tickets teleports my mind of the fun & crazy nights we have had with so many mates, it makes me very happy just looking at these bad boys!” Clare - “My wedding ring. One ring was my Grannies and one was my Nanas. My parents gave them to me and we had them joined together with white gold, sapphire and diamonds for our wedding. It’s a symbol of our family.” Chloe - “The book, it was my favourite story, I’ve had this copy since I first read it when I was 12 or 13 years old. It was made into a film but it was awful!” Ben - “Well, the jacket is special as it was my brothers, it’s seen some life and road rash! And the teddy is specail as it was my first gift and the only teddy I didnt give away to my sister.” Russell - “The darks trophy and lemon meringue mix both remind of my childhood and my father.” Rachael - “The dance leotard worn by my daughter in dance competitions, I spend a lot of my time at dance comps, and she came 1st wearing this.”





Karen, aged 50

Antony, aged 51

Tim, aged 52

Denzel, aged 55

Karen, aged 57

Christina, aged 68

John, aged 69

Karen - “Everyone that knows me knows I love tea and collecting mugs, this one I found in a charity shop and just couldn’t leave it there.” Antony - “The tape measure is the most important because it was my dad’s and he taught me how to do DIY with it, I still use it now.” Tim - “The band photo was taken of a band i was involved with 20 years ago. It reminds me of very special times. I still play music with most the band now and are still great friends with them all. Denzel - “The picture I have with Alfie, one day he left with my owner to go to the vets, I’m still waiting for him to come back.” Karen - “My most important item is my grandmother’s diary as it contains family and social history in the 20th century.” Christina - “The mala.” John - “My Brit Award is the most important because I won it through hard work.”

Thank you to everyone that got involved, what would you choose?

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