3 ways youre embarrassing your spouse on facebook

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3 Ways You’re Embarrassing Your Spouse on Facebook


Whether you fancy a spot of quick twittering, or elaborate your day and lifestyle on Facebook, this is the age of social media. Today we not only maintain relationships in the real world, but have online profiles and connections to manage and feed. Like all things in life, social media too comes with its pros and cons- its very strengths can turn into absolute nightmares if we aren’t careful. Where on the one hand, social media can help us strengthen relationships impossible in the real world (such as over large distances), it can on the other hand play havoc with those we may feel we have a real handle on. For instance, you may not realize but your activity online may be interfering with your marriageyes, it is a lot easier to mess up online than it may be in real life. Here are 3 ways you may be embarrassing your spouse on Facebook:

1. Too Much Detail Watch what you post online! The challenge of Facebook is that after a point it becomes almost nightmarish to manage privacy settings, especially as you can’t always tweak it differently for each of your contacts. In the real world you can draw clear boundaries in response to the individual, and very rarely are these settings the same for two people- even your two best friends are not identical! Online however details are shared across personalities, professions and passions, and this can create trouble for your spouse, who may or may not have wanted to share that pic of him (or you!) with his list of friends. It gets even worse when random acquaintances from work get drawn into the mix, blurring the boundaries between business and pleasure. 2. Unpleasant Interactions Online If you and your spouse share common friends, then you might want to keep your comments and responses in neutral shades when it comes to them. The fiesty and forthright might find this particularly challenging, but it often stands in the best interest of all parties concerned. What you don’t want is to put your spouse in the odd position of not only having to read your fiery comments, but the often equally charged responses from the rest of your friend circle. It isn’t just about sparing him the discomfort or pain of it; any arguments or attacks on you might warrant his involvement- whether to defend you and your point, or to ward off the unpleasant comments directed at you. But he may not really want to get involved in an altercation with these friends; worse he may not even agree with you—putting him in the stickiest spot of all. 3. Stalking Your Partner Online Admit it- following your spouse online offers you more information into his whereabouts than would be otherwise possible. You can spy in on even his exclusive boy’s nights out by checking out pics he or his friends post, know just who he is pally with, and just how much of a threat that particularly gorgeous co-worker is. But here’s a newsflash- none of this is news to your partner, he knows how exposed he is! And therefore while you might relish every juicy detail and every embarrassing image posted, he is probably less than happy about these being up and open to personal interpretation. He is possibly embarrassed and maybe even stressed over what you might think or just how you might react. So it doesn’t help when you tease him about these or get outright cocky- in person or online.

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