Matthias kisch Architecture School Projects

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MATTHIAS DYRK JÆR KISCH Selected School Projects from The Royal Danish Academy, School of Architecture

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CONTACT INFOR MATION Matthias Dyrkjær Kisch Copenhagen Denmark Matthias (at)

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Through the selected sketches, diagrams, and final images I intend to showcase some of the process and thoughts behind some of my selected school projects.





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School Chair Thesis project, 10th. semester


The focus for my thesis project was to design a new type of chair for the public schools in Denmark. The focus was to revive the classic way that education is intended and the way the students are meant to sit and absorb the knowledge from the teachers. The intention is that the chair gives the students several different options and possibilities for sitting positions during classroom education. The chair offers with its simple design - two distinct sitting positions. The first position offers a more active seat - where the focus is on the students table and the work immediate in front of the students. And the other is a more passive position where the student is orientated out into the classroom. The chair is intended as a series in 5 different sizes to ensure that there are chairs that match the height of all students. The chair is stackable and is made from an 11mm birch plywood seat that is mounted to a steel tube frame. Public School Chair Final prototype for thesis presentation. Veneer and steel tube.

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FoLKeSKoLeStoLen et SiDDeMøBeL tiL FoLKeSKoLen reGiStrerinGer


introDuKtion tiL ProjeKtet

viDeo reGiStrerinG

video 1

Sundbyøster Skole 2. Klasse

video 2

Peder Lykke Skolen 3. Klasse

video 3

Hellerup Skole 7. Klasse

video 4

Denne del af afgangsplakaten er desværre ikke mulig at se i øjeblikket. Se også w w for registreringsvideoer.

video 5

video 6

video 7

Peder Lykke Skolen 7. Klasse

Sundbyøster Skole 8. Klasse Registrering med protot ype #1

Sundbyøster Skole 8. Klasse Registrering med protot ype #2

Hellerup Skole 9. Klasse

Opgavens fokus har ligget på design af et siddemøbel til folkeskolen, hvor mit fokus har været revitalisere den klassiske måde at modtage under visning på i klassesituationer. Det te er tænk t ved at give eleverne mulighed for at sidde på flere forskellige måder på det samme møbel, samt skif te mellem ak tive/bevægelses siddemuligheder og mere passive. Således at forskellige under visningsformer er indtænk t i stolens design. At en siddestilling tiltænk t f.eks. gruppearbejde ikke nødvendigvis behø ver at være den samme stilling som man beny t ter når man ser film, har gennemgang etc. Fokus for mit design har som udgangspunk t, være på elever i 7.-10. klassetrin, hvor kroppen er ved at være færdigudviklet og det er sidste udkald for at få indlær t en sund kropsstilling. Det er samtidigt på det te tidspunk t at der kommer mere siddestillende arbejde og under visning i forhold til i de yngre klassetrin. Dog er designet tænk t som en del af en serie i forskellige størrelser, for at kunne imødekomme alle elever - på t værs af årgange og størrelser. Jeg har valgt at lægge mit fokus på den klassiske under visningssituation i klasseværelset - men har også kigget på hvad der er af strøminger og i hvilken retning under visningen og under visningsmetoder samt lokaler bevæger sig imod.

FoLKeSKoLen iDaG I Danmark er der 1388 folkeskoler ud af ialt 2380 skoler - På disse 1388 skoler går der ca. 566.000 elever. Ialt er der over 700.000 skoleelever i Danmark. Så når man taler om folkeskolen og folkeskole eleverne er det en kæmpe masse som ikke bare kan sæt tes i en bås der passer til alle. Eleverne i den danske folkeskole - som er hvad jeg har fokuseret på går som of test på 3 forskellige t yper skoler - der er etageskolen, den funk tionsopdelte skole og den rumfleksible skole. Eleverne er fordelt ud således at ca. 1/3 går på hver t ype. Behovet for at komme med et forslag til en ny t ype af folkeskolemøbler er relevant på baggrund af flere fak torer - for mig har det været vigtigt at fokuserer på

oPSÆtninG aF StoL

det kropslige og sunde ved de gode siddestillinger, derudover så har folkeskolen igennem de sidste 10 år r ykket sig gevaldigt på baggrund af de seneste folkeskoleforlig, hvor der er kommet en øget fokus på den enkelte elevs behov og de forskellige læringsstile der er bedst for den enkelte elev. Som en del af under visningen er man også begyndt at ny tænke klasselokaler og skolearkitek turen, men møblerne, som er hvad eleverne har deres primære f ysiske forhold til, har haltet bagef ter den ø vrige udvikling.

En problematik ved mine re-registreringer har været den relativ t lille tidsperiode eleverne har kunne beny t te mine protot yper, samt problematikken ved kun at have et møbel. For at kunne få et mere korrek t billede af brugen, burde alle eleverne sidde på en udgave af møblet, igennem en længere periode end blot en enkel dag.

Med den seneste tids diskusioner og oplæg til en ny folkeskolereform, hvor der blandt andet bliver over vejet at indføre længere skoledage, fjerne en del af frik var tererne, og istedet erstat te dem med enkelte ak tivitetstimer, peger udviklingen mod længere perioder med stillesiddende arbejde. Det er således endnu mere vigtigt at tænke nye t yper skolemøbler ind i denne reform og ind i klasseværelserne, således at vi kan tilbyde eleverne forskellige og dif ferentierede siddemåder.

Hvis vi skal gøre os forhåbninger om at forbedre siddekomfor ten og ergonomien for fremtidige generationer, har vi brug for at gå ind langt tidligere og lære, hvordan vi skal bruge vores krop, og i særdeleshed hvordan vi kan sidde ned uden at gøre skade på os selv.

reGiStrerinGer Jeg har i mine undersøgelser og registreringer taget udgangspunk t i en klassisk byskole/etageskole, en karmskole/åben plan skole og en moderne rumfleksibel skole. Gennem registreringer på tre forskellige skoler, og de tre forskellige skolet yper, har jeg kigget på de forskellige under visningsformer og situationer eleverne er i - i deres klasseværelse. Jeg har obser veret og registreret den måde de beny tter de eksisterende møbler i lokalerne, og hvilken bet ydning de møbler har på deres kropslige væren og de problematikker der bl.a. er ved de forskellige t yper møbler de beny t ter. Endvidere har jeg med mine protot yper foretaget re-registreringer i en 8. klasse på Amager, Sundbyøster Skole, hvor jeg har fået et par af eleverne til at sidde på mine protot ype forslag til et ny t skolemøbel. Under disse re-registreringer har jeg fokuseret på hvordan de beny t ter møblerne og sammenlignet med mine resultater fra mine registreringer af ‘normale’ skolemøbler. Det te har været vigtigt for at kunne vurdere om mine teser omkring hvordan mit møbel skal fungere, kan være mulige.


Der er utallige forskellige teorier om, hvordan den korrek te siddestilling ser ud, teorier der til stadighed ændrer sig. Man kan se kontorstole, der kan indstilles på alle leder og kanter til at stø t te præcist ef ter opstillede foreskrif ter. Dog ser man of test, at disse er for avancerede i brug og bruges forker t, eller slet ikke bliver brugt. Af de mange forskellige teorier om ergonomi og siddestillinger og isærdeleshed - hvad den ret te og korrek te siddestilling er, er der utallige forskellige svar. Et punk t, der er bred enighed om på t værs af forskellige teorier, er, at der ikke er en rigtig siddestilling, men at:

»Den bedste stilling er den næste stilling« Vi kender de klassiske billeder af stive ‘robot’ mennesker, men virkelighedens mennesker fungerer bestemt ikke statiske som en tegning - vi er ak tive og konstant vekslende mennesker, det er der for vi har brug for at kunne veksle mellem forskellige måder at bruge vores krop på.



ruMLiG KonteKSt

StoLenS DeSiGn


Stolen er designet ud fra 2 hovedpunk ter:

vinklet 103 grader i forhold til jorden når stolen er vippet frem 1. Ak tive siddestillinger Muligheder for at bruge kroppen ak tiv t og skif te siddestillinger med små bevægelser i kroppen og balancere på stolen. 2. Forskellige siddestillinger til forskellige former for under visning.

tvÆrPinD t værpind i 12mm rør

Den ene del af sædet er til elevens arbejde ved bordet, hvor koncentrationen og fokus er på en opgave, bog, etc. befindende på bordet. Hvor det er nødvendigt at have hoved og øjne tæt på arbejdet på bordet. Den anden del af sædet er højere og får kroppen til at orientere sig ud mod klassen og mod lærer/klasse diskussioner og andet der befinder sig i en større helhed i lokalet, og ikke kun umiddelbar t foran eleven.

Sundbyøster Skole Klasseværelse Møbel Plan - 2. klasse - 25 elever 1:100

Stolens sekundære funk tioner:

2. Nye sociale muligheder i møblets rum og ved møblets funk tion. For eksempel muligheden for simpelt at orientere sig i andre retninger til gruppearbejde. Muligheder for at sidde sammen på møblet flere personer.

StåLSKrue 8x20mm stålskrue med umbraco gevind.

BuK forreste buk 127 grader og med en længde 48mm

Beslag for opsætning af stole under skriveborde Isometri 1:10

PriMÆr SiDDeStiLLinG Den ene del af sædet er til elevens arbejde ved bordet, hvor koncentrationen og fokus er på en opgave, bog, etc. befindende på bordet. Hvor det er nødvendigt at have hoved og øjne tæt på arbejdet på bordet.

Muligheder for opsætning af stole i forbindelse med rengøring Isometri 1:20

aFStanD Afstand mellem sæde og stel er 10mm pånær forest og bagerst hvor afstanden er 14mm

StaBLinG aF StoL

Sundbyøster Skole Klasseværelse Møbel Plan - grupper - 24 elever 1:100 StåLrør BuK

SeKunDÆr SiDDeStiLLinG

16mm stålrør - alle buk er bukket med indre radius 30mm på nær buk under sæde der er bukket med 50mm radius Stålrør er ef ter følgende pulverlakeret i valgte RAL far ver

Den anden del af sædet er højere og får kroppen til at orientere sig ud mod klassen og mod lærer/klasse diskussioner og andet der befinder sig i en større helhed i lokalet, og ikke kun umiddelbar t foran eleven.

Alle eleverne på Sundbyøster Skole star ter hver dag med at læse i 15 minut ter Det te er en del af en større indsats for at st yrke deres læsekundskaber.

Børnene orienterer sig mod læreren da de for forklaret og gennemgået matematik opgaver.

Da eleverne skal koncentrere sig om deres bøger sidder de krummet ind over deres borde for at komme tæt på bøgerne.

En enkelt elev beny t ter r yggen på en stol som stø t te for at står op.

sæde udfør t i 11mm bøgekr ydsfiner uden brug af dæk finer med ef ter følgende oliebehandling af over fladen

Folkeskolestolen Rendering

3. Mulighed for stabling for ef fek tiv magasinering og transpor t ud til klasserne. Det te er især vigtigt for at kunne give alle eleverne mulighed for at beny t te en stol specifik t til deres højde.


registrering Sundbyøster Skole, 2.kl Video still


1. Stolen forholder sig til flere retninger i lokalet og således til det opbrudte klasseværelse og opløser klasseværeset retning og opbløder den hierakiske undervisning.


aKtive SiDDeStiLLinGer

12x10mm afstandsst ykke med indfræset gevind til montering af sæde

Stolen kan vippe og det te bet yder at begge siddestillinger, både den primære og sekundære fungerer som ak tive siddestillinger. På grund af stellets udformning kan man også side relativ t passiv t når der er mere behov for det.

Folkeskolestolen Rendering tvÆrPinD t værpind i 12mm rør

BorDHøjDen Da stolen er højere end de sædvanlige skolemøbler, bet yder det te at også bordene er nødt til at blive højere. Til 69/59cm version er bordhøjden sat til 86cm.

Sundbyøster Skole Klasseværelse Møbelplan - rækker - 24 elever 1:20

registrering Peder Lykke Skolen, 3.kl. Video still Ef ter en fælles gennemgang af et forsøg i natur-teknik skal eleverne skrive rappor t.

Stabling af stol på vogn Isomteri 1:20

PriMÆrt SÆDe En elev beny t ter stolen til at stø t te sig op ad istedet for at sidde på sædet.

Det laveste sæde er tænk t som det primære sæde for eleven - til brug ved under visning og koncentration omkring materialet ved og på bordet.

Eleven runder i hele r yggen for at komme tæt på sin opgave og sit bord. - Bruger ikke hæve/sænke mulighederne som stolen tilbyder.

Sundbyøster Skole Klasseværelse Møbelplan - hestesko - 24 elever 1:100

trÆSÆDe Sædet har en indstøbt 5mm fordybning i midten for at blødgøre formen og medhjælpe af eleverne ikke glider ned af sædet

Stabler op til 11 stole på en vogn Rendering

MateriaLer & KonStruKtion StåLSKrue 8x20mm stålskrue med umbraco gevind. Undersænket i sædet.

SeKunDÆrt SÆDe Det højeste sæde fungerer som stø t te ved en mere oprejst stilling hvor man beny t ter stolen som var det en yoga bold eller lignende ergonomiske sædet yper.

raL 1018

raL 3011

raL 6005

raL 5020

raL 8014 FaLS 1mm fals for oven og neden på sædet med en vinklet fræsning for at let te udtr ykket af sædet


registrering Hellerup Skole, 7.kl Video still Ef ter en fællesgennemgang af hvad de skal i lek tionen, fordeler eleverne sig ud enten alene eller i grupper for at arbejde med deres opgaver.

Folkeskolestolen Rendering


Stolen er konstrueret af 4 forskellige elementer sædet, t værpindende, vangerne og skruerne der holder sædet fastspændt til stellet. Vangerne er bukket på 5-akset bukkemaskine.

Elever sidder i gruppearbejde og vipper på stolen. Bruger vippebevægelsen til at rotere stolen mod hinanden.

Eleverne forholder sig til bordet og til opgaven, samt i forhold til hinanden i grupperne.

trÆSÆDe Bredden på det bredeste st ykke er 35,5cm og har en sæde dybde på 22cm På det ø vre sæde er sædedybden 13cm og sædebredden 25cm


Sædet er i oliebehandlet bøgekrydsfiner. Stellet er pulverlakeret i de 5 farver der definerer de 5 forskellige størrelser stolen kan produceres i. Disse farver er baseret på anbefalingen fra Dansk Standards DS/EN 1729-1.



Stolen er tænk t som 5 forskellige størrelser til 5 højdeintervaller. Det er essentielt at eleverne sidder på møbler der passer til deres højder, og bare i en enkelt klasse kan der være store af vigelser fra gennemsnitshøjden.

Konstruktions diagram Isomteri 1:10

registrering Peder Lykke Skolen, 7.kl. Video still Eleverne arbejder på udleverede opgaver, og runder og bøjer i r yggen for at komme tæt på opgaven og bordet.

t værpind i 12mm rør påsvejset stel

De fem højdeintervaller er taget fra Dansk Standard DS/EN 1729-1, men den korrelerende højde på møblet er tilpasset således at jeg introducerer nye siddehøjder. Kroppens udvikling når vi bliver større og ældre, sker ikke bare som en skalering af kroppen, vi kan oversæt te til en skalering af møblet. Istedet er højden på sædet skaleret i forhold til hinanden, således at for at de to sædehøjder skal passe til kroppen skal sædeforskellen være mindre - desto lavere stolen er.


Den laveste stol er tilpasset en gennemsnitshøjde for en 7-årig skoleelev.

Beslaget udføres i stål med en gummi/nex tel belægning og monteres under bordpladen, således at stolen kan sæt tes op under bordet ved endt skoledag.

StørreLSer i Serien

Eleven bøjer og runder i r yggen samtidigt med at de kr ydsede ben er med til at låse hans kropsstilling og minimere mulighederne for en ak tiv siddestilling.

StåLrør 16mm stålrør valset med indre radius 1450mm Stålrør er ef ter følgende pulverlakeret i valgte RAL far ver Valsningen muliggør at stolen kan vippe og give eleverne en ak tiv siddestilling

Sundbyøster Skole Klasseværelse Rendering StåLrør siddehøjder 69/59 Personhøjde 174 - 207

registrering Sundbyøster Skole, 8.kl. Video still

siddehøjde 62/53 Personhøjde 159 - 188

siddehøjde 58/49 Personhøjde 146 - 176

siddehøjde 53/45 Personhøjde 133 - 159

lige stålrørsst ykker der muliggør at man også kan sidde i en mere passiv siddestilling og stabiliserer stolen, således at vippebevægelsen bliver begrænset og bliver til et ak tiv t tilvalg

siddehøjde 47/40 Personhøjde 119 - 142

En elev tester igennem flere timer den anden protot ype og bruger de forskellige siddemuligheder i forskellige under visningssituationer.

Eleverne prø ver den første protot ype og opdager forskellige måder at sidde på stolen, samt opdager en anden form for interak tion mellem hinanden og siddemøblerne.

StåLrør 16mm stålrør bukket med indre radius 30mm Stålrør er ef ter følgende pulverlakeret i valgte RAL far ver Bukket er med til at muligøre at stolen kan stables

overorDneDe MåL Stolen har en max længde på 530mm en max bredde på 410mm samt en max højde på 840mm

registrering Hellerup Skole, 9.kl Video still En elev vipper på stolen samtidigt med at han tegner på bordet.

Eleverne præsenterer projek ter for hinanden, som de har arbejdet på i løbet af 2 uger. Gennemgangen tager 2 timer. Stor t set alle eleverne formår at vippe på deres stole i løbet af lek tionerne.

Siddestillinger Opstalt -

Stolesstørrelser Rendering

Peder Lykke Skole Klasseværelse Rendering

Presentation Board Final presentation board for thesis exhibition.

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Sundbyøster Skole Klasseværelse Udsnit 1:10

Møbeltegning Snit, Plan & Opstalt 1:1


Classroom Section

Photo Series (top)

A section through a 7th grade class room showing how the public school chair could help sitting posture and how students could use the chair.

Photos from the user experiece and school visits that showed somed of the problems the students have with their current furniture and sitting positions.

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Classroom Plan A plan drawing which shows how the chair can be used in a classroom situation.

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Classroom Render

Classroom Render

A view at what the public school chair would look like in a typical class room.

A view at what the public school chair would look like if stacked to take up less space.

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Furniture Drawing

Public School Chair

Plans, Sections, and elevations of the public school chair.

Rendering of the public school chair - shown here stacked.

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Outdoor Chair School project, 5th year, 9th semester



We love being outside in the summer, flocking in the parks, on the harbor front, wherever we can find a ray of sunshine in between the showers of rain.

The furniture is a proposal for the problems and opportunities of settling in the open public spaces of the city of Copenhagen.

But besides the public space around Prags Boulevard - most people have to sit on benches, the grass, on tree stumps, on stairs, whatever kind of seat there can be found. There are of course benches in the public space of Copenhagen, but they are often too far apart, and they are usually not quite where you want them to be. Either in the shade, to close to a dusty gravel road, or to close to an overstuffed trash can. And if they are exactly where you want it to be, it’s crowded with people.

The furniture aims to develop an understanding and sensitivity for the context. While still giving a new opportunity for people to inhabit and take control over a small part of the public space.

This also means that for people that won’t or even can’t sit on the park lawns. We remove a possibility of using our common public space, and the much needed pauses from the more hectic city life.

With the flexibility the chair offers we can create and give people more opportunities for using the public space in a way that is more fitting with the way they want it to be.

As soon as the first rays of sun and the waves of spring heat reaches Copenhagen. The citizens flock outside and try to soak in as much sun and warmth as possible.

With the introduction of a char that can be moved around in the confines of the parks and public space. We can give the users more freedom to decide how they want to use our public space.

The furniture will create small nodes in the larger landscape. And the collective look of the furniture will develop a greater appreciation of the comparison between the open uninterrupted landscape and the more intricate labyrinth of furniture placed on the open surface.

Map Map of Copenhagen highlighting public parks and green areas open to the public.

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Diagram (top)

Diagram (top)


Diagram showcasing the pattern of movement and breaks of the people that visit Søren Kirkegaards Plads.

Diagram showcasing the pattern of movement and breaks of the people around the major lawn in Fælledparken.

Part of a diagram showcasing sections through 5 public spaces in Copenhagen Ørestaden, Søren Kierkegaards Plads, Fælledparken, Kgs. Have, and Prags Boulevard.

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y of and



One of the common ter tiar y users we encount er ar e the lone user s. Of t en they are runners and people who use the parks a n d t h e p u b l i c s p a c e f o r e x c e r c i s e. They use parks and public space year r ound and on all days. They are always on the move and are not i n t e r e s s t e d i n t h e r e s t f u r n i t u r e o f f e r e d. The parks of fers a recreational place c l o s e r t o n a t u r e.

Personal space T h e p e r s o n a l s p a c e r a n g e s f r o m 0.5 -1.2m and is used among friends and family member s, and t o separat e people wai ting i n l i n e s a t t e l l e r m a c h i n e s f o r e x a m p l e.

Open space In t h e m o r e o p e n s p a c e r a n g i n g m o r e t h a n 7.5 m e t r e s w e h a v e d i f i c u l t i e s r e a d i n g features of people and cannot easily dis tinguish feelings. In t h e e x t r e m e c a s e s t h e o p e n s p a c e causes agoraphobia - explained by it once having been evolutionarily advant ageous to a v o i d e x p o s e d, l a r g e o p e n s p a c e s w i t h o u t cover or concealment.

O n e o f o u r p r i m a r y u s e r i s b e t w e e n 16 a n d 30 y e a r s w i t h n o c h i l d r e n. T h e y u s e p a r k s and public spaces in the weekends with f r i e n d s u s u a l l y a g r o u p o f 3 -5 p e o p l e b u t c a n b e m o r e. In t h e p a r k s t h e y s i t o n t h e g r a s s, o n b l a n k e t s, o r t h e b e n c h e s . T h e p a r k u s e i s u s u a l l y p a r t o f s o c i a l g a t h e r i n g s a n d/o r picnics. On squares and in the public spaces they o f t e n s i t o n t h e e d g e, o n n a t u r a l o c c u r i n g s e a t i n g, a n d b e n c h e s . O f t e n t h e c o n s u m p tion of alcohol is par t of using the public squar es and public spaces.

Social space T h e s o c i a l s p a c e r a n g e s f r o m 1.2- 3.5m a n d is used for communication among business a s s o c i a t e s, a s w e l l a s t o s e p a r a t e strangers using public areas such as beaches and bus s t ops.

A secondar y user of the parks and public s p a c e s a r e t h e o l d e r r e t i r e d p e o p l e. T h e s e u s e r s a r e u s u a l l y 60+ w i t h m u c h t i m e since they have retired from work or work few hour s. They prefer to sit on the designated s e a t i n g. T h e y h a v e p r o b l e m s g e t t i n g u p f r o m l o w s e a t i n g, a n d c a n n o t e a s i l y s i t o n the grass. They of ten parks on both weekends and on the days during the week. T h e y o f t e n c o m e a l o n e o r w i t h o n e o t h e r. I t ’s a b o u t s e e i n g p e o p l e a n d t h e r e c r e a t i o n a l v a l u e o f d o i n g s o m e t h i n g.

O n e o f o u r p r i m a r y u s e r a r e t h e 30 - 40 y e a r o l d s w i t h s m a l l c h i l d r e n. T h e y u s e parks and public spaces in the weekends with friends usually smaller gr oups. Playgrounds are impor t ant.

A s e c o n d a r y u s e r i s t h e 40 - 60 y e a r o l d user s. These people work full time and leads busy lives. T h e y d o n’ t u s e p a r k s o f t e n, s i n c e t h e y h a v e houses with gardens or live in apar tment s w i t h a c c e s s t o r e c r e a t i o n a l s p a c e. They are usually in pairs and prefer to sit at cafés and designat ed seating ar eas.

The vagabonds and the homeless are a t ype of ter tiar y user most people have d i f f i c u l t y w i t h. They are of ten alone in parks but with several other s in public squar es. T h e y u s e p u b l i c s p a c e s a l l y e a r. They pr efer public space t o parks. The consumption of alcohol and the social aspect s of meeting others are impor t ant t o w h e r e t h e y c h o o s e t o b e. T h e y s i t w h e r e v e r t h e y c a n, g r a s s, g r o u n d, or benches.

In t h e p a r k s t h e y s i t o n t h e g r a s s, o n b l a n k e t s, o r t h e b e n c h e s . T h e p a r k u s e i s either for walk ing or for t ak ing par t in s o c i a l g a t h e r i n g s a n d/o r p i c n i c s . On squares and in the public spaces they o f t e n s i t o n c a f é s a n d d e s i g n a t e d s e a t i n g.


Protorype Chair

The diagrams explored questions of personas and the idea of proxemics.

Prototype chair placed at Søren Kirkegaards Plads in Copenhagen.

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\’Ak-tiv\ Chair School project, 4th year, 8th semester


The focus for the assignment was to design a dining table chair. A dining chair is for the enjoyment of food, the social aspects surrounding the meal, and the dining experience. Eating is an activity, where there is much movement, though usually only small movements. I thus wanted to design a chair that supports these small movements. My design intent was to design a chair that is so open in its design that it can be used by everyone for an improved dining experience.


The frame is 10mm powder coated steel, and the seat and back are made of black stained birch plywood.

\’AK-TIV \ 1: characterized by action rather than by contemplation or speculation 2: producing or involving action or movement

The chair is designed so that it follows the natural movements the body makes and that take place during the active act of dining. The chair further gives an active and open sitting position which gives a better and healthier posture.

Sketches Some of the hand sketches of furniture from the process prior to primarily using 1:1 sketching and 3D CAD models.

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Dementia: Rocking Improves Well Being of Dementia Patients according to a University of Rochester conducted research on persons with dementia, either due to Alzheimer's or other causes.

Balance: Improves balance, a huge concern among the elderly population, where a fall often leads to drastically scaled-back quality of life. The gentle rocking motion helped stimulates the vestibular system, which helps maintain balance.

ADD /ADHD: Rocking chairs helps children and adults struggling with attention disorders, to better adapt to situations, especially in learning specific environments.

Diagram Phases of degeneration from healthy and pain free to chronic pain and irreversible damage.

Back Pain: Simple exercises, coupled with basic Rocking are to relieve back pain, especially chronic back pain caused by herniated disc and bulging discs, etc.

Arthritis: For people with motor problems caused by arthritis disability, Rocking improves flexibility and strength, especially in the knees, a particularly problematic area.

varicose veins: The unattractive and sometimes painful appearance of varicose veins can be staved with rocking chairs. Studies show that the movement to promote circulation, especially in people who lead more sedentary lifestyles.



Benefits from using a rocking chair on a regular basis.

The rocking motion of the chair.

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Computer models of the rocking chair with and without arm support.

Final prototype made from veneer birch wood and powder -coated steel rods.

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Bridging XL Design project, 7th. semester


The Bridge would be located in the harbor of Copenhagen between the two parts; known as Sluseholmen and Teglholmen and over the 100-meter-wide channel called ‘Teglløbet’,


The area has been recently developed, in accordance with the master plan by Soeters Van Eldonk Ponec in cooperation with Arkitema. The area is still undergoing development, though due to pollution of the site on Teglholmen and the current status of the financial markets, the next stages of the development of the area have been put on hold for the moment. The area is a kind of pastiche on the historical canal buildings in Holland, Christianshavn and the docklands of London. Though the apartment buildings are designed to look unique, they are similar in their architectural style, and the interiors of all the apartments are very similar, Planners envision the same inhabitants with the same kitchens and the same number of children as in all the other newly developed apartments in the area.


The bridge would directly connect the two quaysides of Sluseholmen and Teglholmen along the main axis of the area. Thus the bridge follows the natural flow along the main axis of the area and with its minimalistic though intricate design it offers a natural continuation of the existing ways of movement for pedestrians and bicyclists in the area. while still playing with the concept of a straight bridge crossing over the harbor channel. The pedestrian and bicycle lanes will bring distinct experiences to the many users, including commuters and local residents of the area. The location of the bridge will, along with its many users, be a new image of the city life. The bridge should be a part of the urban relationships of the vicinity. The architectural expression of the bridge should enter into the higher urban order, so that the contact with the water plays a major role.

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Photo series

Site Plan

Series of photographs exploring bridges and their undersides in Copenhagen.

Plan showing the bridge in the context of the harbor.

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Plans & Elevation


Plan and elevation drawings Showing structure and concept for opening the bridge.

Visualisations showing the open and closed bridge. made with 3D studios Max (top) and Rhino (bottom)

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House of Music Bachelor project, B.Arch, 6th semester


The House of Music is meant as an extracurricular opportunity for the users aged from 15-16 and up; who need space and also equipment for musical exploration and rehearsals.


The House of Music is an addition to the existing church of St. Jakob, but in way that leaves most of the interior and most of the function of the church unaltered. There is no loss of the space used weekly for church ceremonies. The church is the most popular church in the Ă˜sterbro section of Copenhagen, and is frequently filled for weddings and baptisms.


In front of the church and the House of Music, in the existing space, a smaller stage will be built for smaller outdoors concerts. The stage and the entrance for the House of Music is part of the same add-on. By establishing an independent entrance to the House of Music, the separation of the two functions becomes clearer: church – and rooms for music; this means that the two functions can be used separately

without major overlapping.


Churches are traditionally known for their architectural rhythm and a composition that is very methodical and regularly, for instance, the use of a main axis, in much the same way as much music is built on the repetition of patterns and rhythms. As with music, there are constantly small variations and syncopations happening, which are the parts that make the space interesting and playful.


The project was the last project completely by hand drawings. All future projects have mostly been done with CAD and 3D computer programs.

A theme, both for the new function that I add to the church, and in the way I work with the building, is sound and music, Meant as the interchangeable composition between rhythm patterns, and the unexpected and crooked. I work with sound and rhythm, both as sound and acoustics, but also as part of the architecture; sound and music as a graphical interpretation and visualization with its rhythms, compositions, patterns, and the unexpected and playful.

Isometric drawing Isometric drawing showing the new music pods, stage, and entrance, that were added to the building.

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Plan & Elevation Plan and elevation drawings were made in 1:50 - drawn by hand and with the use of graphite powder.

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Section drawing showcasing the music studios. made in 1:50 - drawn by hand and with the use of graphite powder.

Drawn by hand and with the use of graphite powder.

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Site Plan

The use of symmetrical lines from a system of corners were used to give a steady rythm to the design of the new structures.

Site plan made with pen, graphite powder, and an acetone printing technique.

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Basic Living School project, 5th year, 9th semester


The course dealt with the idea of turning an old disused military compound into single room housing units. - Similar to dorm and hotel rooms.


My focus was to penetrate the ceiling and the several meters of concrete and dirt above to create light intakes. From the outside the light tunnels will be a sculptural element on the former military battlements, which are now mainly used as a recreational area and park. Inside the basic living units, the light tunnels will help generate a soft natural lighting.

Diagram (top)


Diagram of elements added to the existing bunker structure to make it habitable.

Photo of the context - the concrete bunkers in the fortified wall structure surrounding Copenhagen.

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Section & Plan

Detail Sections

Section with light tunnels through dirt and concrete.

Detail sections of light tunnels.

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light Exploration Model in light laboratory exploring different light solutions.

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Section & Plan Section with light tunnels through dirt and concrete.

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Perspective Drawing View from above the bunker with the proposed ligt tunnels coming up through the ground.

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Perspective Drawing Interiior view of the inside of the bunkers with light coming through the light tunnels.

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Rocking Stool School project, 3rd year, 5th semester


The rocking stool was part of a six week furniture workshop. There were material restrictions that meant that only steel rods of a diameter of up to 8mm could be used. I worked with the idea of a rocking stool based on the statement “the best position we can sit in, is the next position�. The rocking movement challenges and forces us to constantly shift position and to sit more correctly in an open sitting position. The material limitations meant that the construction had to be part of the visual expression of the furniture.

Sketch models 1:1 models made from wire creating 3D line drawings.

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Prototype model 1:1 model from 8mm powder coated steel rods.

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Student Housing School project, 2nd year, 4th semester


The main theme for the semester course is the complex and dense city. The building as a community is the aim of the research and its connection and relation to the city, the neighborhood, and the program. The façade of the building is also looked at, as the part that works as the ‘face’ of the building, and the special transitions toward the city. Another central theme is the research of the complex relationship between the singular unit, the room, and the greater organization and logistics of the layout of the building.

The program is to draw a building/building complex, for the corner site surrounded by the streets of Tietgensgade and Ved Glyptoteket. The site lies in the center of the city of Copenhagen and has both a cosmopolitan character with Tivoli and Glyptoteket as its neighbors. But still the residential spaces in the area connect the site to a very local place in the city. The site is characterized by many different building structures with a large number of historical layers and references: new and older residential buildings, larger institutions, monuments and tourist attractions. The site is also placed in an infrastructural center of the city

Rendering Visualisation of the student housing tower structure in its context.

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Sketches of structures that would retain a tower-like appearence.

An exploration at the chaotic and jumbled structure of Tivolis towers and smaller structures.

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Isometric drawing

Section through the building and athletic hall

Hand drawing of the building showing the fragmented facade structure.

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Rendering Visualisation of the common areas on every 2nd floor.

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Camping Site School project, 2nd year, 3rd semester


A Campsite at the edge of the city The theme of the semester project was the challenges of settling in the open space. The project has to work within the context of the landscape, specifically the northern part of Jægersborg Dyrehave. The program includes 20 camping cabins as well as a series of buildings for reception/shop, kitchen, and bathing facilities. Wood must be used as the primary building material and the camping cabins must not exceed 20m2

which would both clearly define the area of the campsite and encompass the cabins so that they would become a natural part of a larger and cohesive structure. The wooden fence would create an interior space of the camping site as well as define a clear front and back to the camping cabins – ensuring a sense of the borders of private, semi-private, and public space.


The campsite is located in the woods. That due to the nature of the free ranging deer has no branches or leaves below 2meter. This open space, defined by the deer creates a belt between the ground and trees where there are no natural “hiding place” or places for people to settle against a hedge or similar to give a sense of safety in the forest. Instead of having cabins dotted along a forest trails where each cabin is left out in the open. I wanted to introduce a structure Map The map shows the layout of the cabins along the natural height curves of the area.

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Visualization of the fence and cabins - cutting through the forest and dividing the space. Overlay of elevations and plan drawings of cabin design.

Model exploring the space between the cabins.

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Sketch (middle)

Sketches (bottom)

A photos series exploring the horizon lines at the site.

Concept sketch of a fence and wall through the woods.

Sketches exploring the fence and the attachment of cabins along the trail.

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Rencering Visualization of the fenceand cabins - cutting through the forest.

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Matthias DyrkjĂŚr Kisch CV

As an architect and designer I strive to make projects that either create spatial contexts that gives people possibilities for social gatherings and interactions or create design objects that can influence the way we occupy spaces and use our bodies. The hardest thing to do is to combine concepts with the shape giving process - and thereafter to be able to realize projects without compromising the main ideas. My main focus, is architecture on a small scale and design on a large scale All scales that are closely related to the human scale and form. Today as a professional I work primarily with computer models but for furniture; the hands-on process with many prototypes, models and mockups in 1:1 is a key component of my process. More information on the following projects as well as projects from my student years can be found on my website: or at






Arcitect & 3D visualizer Space Copenhagen

M.Arch The Royal Danish Academy, School of Architec ture

Expert knowledge of: Rhino 3D + Vray / Autocad 2D / Sketchup / Adobe Package

2015 -2016 Arcitect Signal Arkitekter




Arcitect & Head of Branded Space Johannes Torpe Studios

Copenhagen Technical School Basic course for Cabinet makers


20 06 - 20 09

Arcitect & Head of Branded Space Johannes Torpe Studios

B.Arch The Royal Danish Academy, School of Architec ture

Intern at Johannes Torpe Studios

2012-2013 Projec t Architec t Johannes Torpe Studios

Matthias DyrkjĂŚr Kisch Architect, M.Arch

2011 Junior Architec t Johannes Torpe Studios

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Basic Knowledge of: 3D studio Max with Vray / Revit

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