SA Outlook 8th Edition

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Tanzania Needs to Modernize its Fiscal Terms to Become a Regional and Global Gas Hub Tanzania could potentially become a regional and global natural gas hub; however, the government will need to accelerate the modernization of its tax and policies.

such as tax and fiscal policy reforms and regional partnerships, Tanzania’s gas market is entering a new era. In November 2021, H.E. January Makamba, the Minister of Energy, Tanzania, visited Saudi Arabia and Algeria to discuss cooperation on gas development and investment opportunities for Algerian and Saudi energy firms within the

Tanzania, with its 57.54 trillion standard cubic

east African country’s gas market. Additionally,

feet of natural gas reserves, has the potential to

in 2021, the government, through the Petroleum

become a regional and global energy hub. With

Upstream Regulatory Authority (Pura), also start-

global liquefied natural gas (LNG) prices anticipat-

ed discussions with international oil and gas firms

ed to increase and peak in 2025, and supply deficit

to kickstart the country’s LNG market expansion.

anticipated from 2024 onwards, Tanzania, owing

With Pura expected to sign Host Government

to its strategic location and vast gas reserves, is

Agreements worth $30 billion with Shell, Equinor,

well suited to become a global supplier.

ExxonMobil, Pavilion and Oph by the end of May

The African Energy Chamber (AEC), in its Q1

2022, for the development of a large-scale LNG

2022 report, the State of African Energy, estimates

project in Lindi province, massive investments will

that Tanzania has the potential to produce up to

flow into the country’s gas market.

20 million tons of LNG per annum. However, fiscal

However, with both the Financial Investment

terms have forced some majors to pause business

Decision and development of the Lindi LNG project

expansion plans within Tanzania, hampering the

anticipated to take six years, the AEC as the voice

development of the country’s extensive offshore

of the African energy sector, is calling for the Tan-

gas resources. In 2020, Equinor wrote off $900

zanian government to fast track the development

million from its books related to Tanzania LNG proj-

and implementation of capital-attractive tax, fiscal

ects. The government has also been struggling to

and policy reforms to accelerate the development

attract investment and increase the participation

of the LNG initiative whilst also attracting other

of international firms to boost gas exploration,

investments to kickstart a series of exploration ac-

production and infrastructure development. How-

tivities aimed at expanding the country’s reserves

ever, with the government starting to revitalize the

and production capacity. With the M&P Explora-

hydrocarbons market through various initiatives

tion and Production Tanzania-operated Mnazi Bay


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