Db 6(3)1984

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Field identification of Dupont's lark The rare Dupont's Lark Chersophi/us duponti breeds in northern Africa, in a narrow range from the Tafilalet region and Middle Atlas in Morocco to Salûm and Marsa Matrûh in north-western Egypt (Etchécopar & Hüe 1964, Heim de Balsac & Mayaud 1962) . It also breeds in Europe (contra Harrison 1982) . Recently, small relict populations were discovered in the Iberian Peninsuia (Aragüés & Herranz 1983, Suárez et a/1982) . The bird occurs mainly in arid scrub, and Artemisia and grass steppes. Dupont's Lark is one of the least known of western Palearctic species. This is not surprising. It is a crepuscular bird with very secretive habits. Dupont's is exceedingly skulking and it can run fast. It keeps close to cover, especially when disturbed, and is hard to flush. It is very difficult to obtain a v iew of the bird in the open. The best way to locate Dupont's is to listen for its characteristic song which is delivered over the territory at night. At first sight, Dupont's Lark can be confused with juvenile Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris and several other larks (even with Hoopoe Lark A/aemon a/audipes as, for instance, demonstrated in 8irds ofthe Wor/d 6 : 1793, 1970). With the bill quite similar in length and proportions, Dupont's resembles some. Maghreb subspecies of Crested Lark Ga/erida cristata , noticeable G c macrorhyncha, especially during the (complete) summer moult when lacking acrest . Because of these potential pitfalls, 87-88 Dupont ' s Lark Ch ersophilus duponti, Spain , July 1983 IArnoud B van den Berg).


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