Dust23 Magazine - Issue01

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Everyday life, every day events inspire us, in this work we bring to light the positive stories that happen here, the seeds germinating.

But what is the magazine all about? DUST23 is a lifestyle magazine dealing with the place where we live and which we love — Turkana.

There it is — the first issue of the DUST23 magazine. Four months in the making in which we developed a concept, selected topics, wrote, designed and illustrated articles. After quite a few trans-nights, we are pleased to share it with you.


We wish you as much fun reading it as we had creating it!




Lodwar is the largest town in North-Western Kenya due to its administrative and economic significance it remains to be the capital of Turkana. this expanding center once served as a transit point for British officials moving Kenyan political prisoners to the North during the British colonial regime. Since then Lodwar town has grown the reputation of being an isolated and forgotten dusty outpost this has been due to reasons like distance, security, climate and the general state of infrastructure.

However close to seven decades later there has been gradual Improvements and growth on this upcoming urban center. The town also houses The Lodwar referal hospital, Turkanas biggest health facility. The seat of the Roman Catholic Dioces of Lodwar is also located here and has been in operation for more than fifty years.



Being an upcoming urban center of a relatively small size the most popular means of transport within town are mentioned below:

This is by far the quickest and the most readily available means of transportation, unlike other towns matatus are not so popular here. Motorcycle stages are mostly located around corners and busy junctions. The smallest amount you can pay for a ride is fifty shillings, remember to pick a rider who seems experienced and has protective gear, safety first!

Boda Boda.

Walking is the most preferred means of translocation around town especially by locals, it is ideal over short distances and good for your health too. The main downsides to walking in town is the spike in the heat levels from midday to mid-afternoon, be prepared for some dust too.

From the Kenyan capital, Lodwar is accesible by air and road only, getting to Lodwar using the road used to be a bit of a challenge due to the dilapitated state of the roads and insecurity issues, but in recent times there has been improvements on these roads.



1 2 3

To avoid the heat and dust your next option for smooth movement around town are the taxis, least amount you can pay for a ride is two hundred shillings, just like boda bodas taxis are mostly located on the busiest sections of town.

This has helped cut down the average travel time in comparison to earlier days, However air transport remains to be the quickest and simplest way to get into Lodwar.








Mlima Lodwar as the locals call it, happens to be the tallest hill in the region, it is the first projection that comes to sight when approaching Lodwar from either north or south when using road. The windy peak has a nice view of the region and presents a good hiking challenge for those with the spirit for adventure and discovery.



Apart from grown crops other plant species by the riverside include Mathenge plant, Umbrella thorn Acacia and the fan palms most of these plants have desert adaptations.

River Kawalase is a seasonal river that neighbours the Turkwel. The River is notorious for flooding its banks and overtuning vehicles during the rainy seasons. However that’s about to change as the construction of a new elevated bridge is underway. During the dry season some of the locals who lack piped water connections dig for water on the river bed.

This spot has been nicknamed mesopotamia, its one of the few green places in town ideal for a nature walk or even a picnics, small scale farming is also practiced here.



This is one of the religious monuments that has not received country wide recognition as it should. The iconic sculputure has an almost similar structure to Brazil‘s Christ the Redeemer statue. It was erected in commemoration of 50 years of the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar. On the hill you also get a nice wide view of town and Kanamkeker.


The heart of Lodwar has also undergone some changes, from installation of streetlights to the tarmac. Now with a variety of economic activities the town is evidently busier than it was few years back.



Some have been renovated and turned into offices and residential spaces while some are derelict, nonetheless they help carry the history of Lodwar.

Such brick structures have been standing close to eight decades now since the British colonial regime. More can be found in present day, Lodwar mixed primary school and the Lodwar administrative hill.


The first largest modern architecture of its kind in the whole region. Located near the outskirts of Kanamker this new man-made marvel can also be spotted from the Jubilee Christ hill due to its outstanding height.




Story & Illustrations


Thomas Etubon Peter Odhiambo

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As with all other pastoralist tribes in Kenya, livestock, especially cattle, are at the core of Turkana culture. The Turkana people live a nomadic life, always moving from one place to another depending on the availability of pasture and water for their animals.

Living History

The Turkana tribe originally came from the Karamojong region of North-Eastern Uganda. Turkana oral traditions purport that they arrived in Kenya while pursuing an unruly bull. The land they occupy is harsh and very dry. The Turkanas were, therefore, less affected by colonialism than other tribes because the British saw little value in their land.





In a world where smart phones and computers are more accessible, the majority of Turkanas still adhere to the traditional believes. They believe in a god of the heavens/skies, whom they call Akuj or Kuj. Turkanas can pray directly to Akuj, or through the spirits of their ancestors. They normally call upon this god in times of crisis or during calamities such as extreme droughts.




Story & Photography

Matthias Dunkel


Actually a Sunday like any other in Turkana: We, the Kapana hiking team, a group of Learning Lions volunteers and a few locals from the city, left town at around 3.30 pm for a bit of exercise and the afternoon sun of Lodwar wandering on one of the surrounding hills. On that Sunday, we headed to the top of the mountain behind the Resource Centre. That this would be an unforgettable afternoon for me, I had no idea. But that’s what often happened during my stay in and around Lodwar.

4.00 pm



5.30 pm


Within a few minutes, our small group of wanderers, which started with six people in Lodwar, grew to a minimum of forty people, a lamb and three bicycles. That may sound completely normal, but it was completely new and somehow unique to a European mzungu like me. The open way we met the kids and the good mood that prevailed, made the day a really special one.





Today I am very glad that I had a camera in my backpack, so that I was able to capture the memories of the perfect afternoon and an indescribable sunset forever.


6.30 pm



8.00 pm

After more than four hours, it was time for our little companions to go home to bed. And I would like to use this little article to thank all the great people – big and small – for all those memorable moments, inspiring acquaintances and friendships. Good night everybody and asante sana! I hope I will be back soon!

LIONSBYMADEwww.digitallions.coYourTurkana-basedFairTradedigital agency Digital Lions is a Fair Trade digital outsourcing agency. Our core team of graphic designers, coders, animators & 3D artists is based in Lodwar, Kenya, assisted and mentored by a team of international professionals in their respective field of talent. Working with us you thus do not only get high-quality work at competitive prices, you also support young talents in their creative path. Website Graphic Design Video 3D




Nakoi / Josphine Gaceri Solomon Emuria / Moses Mbotela


Gaceri Photography



In Turkana, the farmers tend to grow their food near the river because of the fertile soil, as well as easy access to water, reducing the costs of water bills. Around the river Turkwell, people usually own a larger piece of land and Shepherds bring cows, goats and camels to make the most of the green and fresh grass, while seeking shelter from the sun under the shade of a tree.


Most people and not only farmers prefer to have their own fresh kales from the farm rather than buying from the market.

Sugar is one of the plants you can never miss in most of the river farms. It is oftenly used as a refreshment after a hard day of work, one can finally rest while drinking the juice. The leaves can be given to animals reducing the waste of plants and also keeping a well-fed cattle.


Adaan Lotukoi, Farmer at Nasanyanait


”Agriculture is our wisest pursuit“

In Nasanyanait, generations of farmers have settled along the river and are cultivating small scale farming. maize, tomatoes, kunde and many more are being planted. The harvest is utilized amongst households.


The challenges faced are the amount of groundwater and long droughts. The physical labour is also not negligible and it requires great health to work long hours.

The cool temperatures and the numbers of trees now create a perfect environment for the numerous monkeys. Through irrigation, the community has been able to change the landscape of a region once deemed unproductive. Agriculture is our wisest pursuit because it will in the end, contribute most to real wealth and happiness. This gives hope to families and future generations.

In the Turkana community, agro-farming is mainly practiced by women as men primarily concentrate on livestock. In Kenya, women form the majority of the population that depends on rain fed agriculture as their key source of livelihood.


2 Pour one and a half cups of water in a cooking pot and put over medium heat. Allow the water to boil for 5 minutes and then add the baking powder to soften the vegetables.

5 Stir the mixture and leave to cook for 5 minutes. Add the milk and let it boil for another 5 minutes.


1 tbs baking powder 1 large onion 1 tbs salt 1/2 litre milk

4 Put some oil in another cooking pot and add the chopped onions, put over medium heat. Allow the onions to cook until they are golden brown, then add the chopped tomatoes. Add the cooked vegetables and salt as taste.

Best served with Ugali, Enjoy!


This is a Kenyan traditional dish which is a mixture of two different vegetables, ‚kunde‘ and ‚mrenda‘.


4 bunches of kunde Vegetable oil 2 bunches of mrenda 3 tomatoes


1 Wash the vegetables together and cut.

3 After one minute, add the vegetables and cover for 10 minutes. Stir from time to time until it is softened and cooked. Remove from heat.

In drip irrigation, water drops slowly in the root zone of the plants either onto the soil surface or directly into the root zone through a network of valves, pipes and emitting tubing (drip tape).


Overhead irrigation methods encourage accumulation of moisture in the environment. Moisture creates good micro-climate for disease causing germs like fungi to thrive. But drip irrigation limits water supply to the stem base and is absorbed directly to the soil.


Crops such as tomatoes, water melons and Mrenda are now being more oftenly cultivated. The wide use of irrigations system and the easier access to water wells allow the community to be more self sufficient, reducing the import of vegetables from down country.





They are inarguably one of the most beautiful pieces of clothing available in Lodwar, the whole of Africa and the world. From the intricate designs and technique to the gorgeous styles that are sewn, they are a slice of “heaven” every girl must have.

Many things unite young women anywhere, blood, goals, passions, education, culture… but for Techdada nothing does it like the same pattern, same colours yet different designs of an Ankara, especially on a special day while celebrating the same goals and achievements.

Tabby Ayako Josphine Gaceri


Story Apuu Mourine Photography Solomon Emuria Models


Apart from a sense of elegance, class and creativity, an Ankara is a reminder of African beauty and pride. The colours are as bright as one wearing it.






Techdada exists to bridge the gender digital divide in Kenya and expose girls and young women to opportunities that exist in the tech space. This will enable program beneficiaries to become economically and socially empowered and be tomorrow‘s change makers.

The program increases capacity through programs by building networks while creating mentorship opportunities. “Naona, Nafanya, Nafunza” (“I See, I Do, I Teach”) guides our training methods. Decentralized scaling strategy also equips girls and young women with skills in technology, design and business as well as helping to build their identity.

The young women are more confident speaking in front of a group, more articulate in sharing their ideas, more interested in technology and more aware of the challenges facing women in the industry, as well as the tools they can use to overcome those challenges.

“I See, I Do, I Teach”



For this first issue, we wanted to highlight great local talents, who best could have filled this role better than Fazee? We immediately got in touch with her to see if she was available. Luckily she was, here is our focus on the wonderful artist she is.


Images Credit Fatuma “Fazee” Abdul

Tell us a little about yourself

I was born in 1989 in Trans Nzoia county, but my family relocated to Lodwar where we schooled and they did business. I began drawing while in class 3 as a hobby, inspired by works of art I saw in magazines, story books and also photos. Art became my way of getting away from everything else and finding solitude in my own imagination. I wanted to create beautiful pictures, and this interest developed through frequent practicing over the years.





I began painting with Acrylics back in 2005 while living and studying in Lodwar, Turkana county. Almost immediately, I started selling my pieces and earning an income while still in high school. Most of my artworks were inspired by the beauty in the culturaI and scenic aspects of Turkana. Beautiful, colourful and graceful people always challenged me as I wanted to be able to capture that beauty in my art. Landscapes are my favourite to date and I can never get enough of them.

With no formal training in the field of visual arts, I learnt from copying drawings, photographs of celebrities and observing things around me. Occasionally I would meet and work with other more experienced artists from who I picked a thing or two to better my skills. I also got quite a good number of commissions for portraits and landscapes which helped a lot. As they say, practice makes perfect. It was quite a challenge, and I did my best to make my clients happy. Apart from paintings I also did billboards, T-shirt designs, murals and taught the skill occasionally.

How did you start your career?





“As they say, practiceperfect”makes

In 2014 I joined Startup Lions and learned how to create art digitally via Illustrator, which was cool and a big deal. With the added skill of digital art, I have done storybased illustration for different clientelle. I worked on illustrations for story books, campaigns, lessons and also pictorial messages among others. My entire life is full of art and I am inspired on a daily basis by the desire to create and build unique and beautiful artistic forms. I am still in the process of perfecting my skills, and am taking every opportunity to learn, grow and challenge myself.

Story & Photography Adan Etubon Moses Mbotela

Turkana basketball has evolved to be a must-watch game, with the introduction of heavy competition between different teams formed in the county. Players from different places came together forming a body that would govern them in playing and creating awareness of basketball as a loved sport.

With the teams having a structured managerial hierarchy, they can contribute and share resources amongst teams. Turkana basketball team has now incorporated players from the refugee camp (Kakuma Refugee Camp), creating the spirit of peace and oneness as a symbol of Kenya white colour on the flag. The teams comprise of players from different ages both male and female.


Being able to secure wins between other teams from different counties in Kenya, Turkana basketball team has been ranked the most promising team in Kenya and its neighbouring countries. With this formida ble attitude of no losing hope, most of the young players from the team have secured scholarships in major universities and educational institutional centers.



MAG072.DUST23 “PeaceOneness”and

Giving back to the community has never been a challenge, Turkana basketball association has formed small groups that play special roles in the community. Forming of Lollie Group that deals with street children, drug abuse and education for all, they have managed to transform kids back to school. Running Campaigns against Drug Abuse (Staki Glue Campaign) has created awareness and also trans formed the lives of the victims. Turkana Basketball is the way to go.

The team has built strong relationships between neighbouring counties and countries through Basketball. Playing for peace and participating in nation-build basketball is going to be a source of income for the next Turkana generations. With a strong policy of ‚NO DRUG FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME‘, this has helped young people to stay out of drugs and drug abuse.


Basketball is all about watching the defender surrender to gravity and submitting. Its a game of territory and bragging rights. Turkana Basketball association uses basketball as a tool to promote peace between neighbouring country commu nities like Uganda and Ethiopia. These games have helped to build and grow inter border relationships.

Being one of the largest counties in Kenya, Turkana basketball team has divided the teams according to the sunrise and sunset. Series champions two times in a row, Team West has covered all the residence in the west part of Turkana county; hence forming a formidable team. West team are now preparing to battle in the EastWest series coming soon. West have started kids for basketball project which is the future of basketball.




The sun rises from the east as they say. Team east is the most decorated champions of the EastWest series. winning all their home games giving them a chance of taking up their best players to another level. With their educational projects ongoing, team west is hoping to get support from the government and members of the community.





“Unity amongst all players”

Besides the push for better health and fitness, sports and games also promote unity among our youths. Programmes like Inter-club Basketball are examples that can unite people. Sporting games for under-12 in basketball and football organised by county government or other associations will reduce the trust deficit among various races. Such activities must be continued.

Part of becoming a functional member of a team is learning to understand what you bring to the group and what you might need from others.



“I can‘t but we can”

When everyone in the workplace works together to accomplish goals, everyone achieves more. Affording young people experiences through which they learn to rely on themselves and others is an important factor in the development of a productive teamwork mentality. If working with disconnected youth and/or youth with disabilities, use these activities to bridge teamwork skills as a stepping-stone to leadership development.


Teamwork is an essential part of workplace success. Like a basketball team working together to set up the perfect shot, every team member has a specific role to play in accomplishing tasks on the job. Although it may seem as if one player scored the basket, that basket was made possible by many people’s planning, coordination, and cooperation to get that player the ball. Employers look for people who not only know how to work well with others, but who understand that not every player on the team can or will be the one who gets the ball.

The current world allows us, throughout its digital age, to play with images and their meanings. An image can have different interpretations and different impacts depending on the viewer‘s location and background. How to picture traditional images with a modern twist? How to denounce the wide use of plastic through fashion and photography? These are the visual experimentations of Josphine Gaceri and Moses Mbotela, it explores these questions and offers their personal views



Fashion and styling is becoming increasingly omnipresent in the photographic work. The way models pose, the outfits and the photographer’s abilities to capture moments can create different narratives. In this work we wanted in one day, to portrait two young Kenyan women telling two different stories only by using clothes as differentiations — for the world to see that there are always hidden stories behind the picture.


Similar postures, different outfits, two stories.



Plastic use is present in many aspects of our lives. And because plastic is everywhere, plastic pollution is also everywhere. Eight million metric tons of plastic waste enter the oceans each year, and it’s estimated that by 2050, the amount of plastic in the ocean will weigh more than all the fish. Plastic ends up inside animals too; a sperm whale that recently washed up in Spain had 30 kg of plastic waste in its gut.

“Because plastic is plasticeverywhere,pollution is also everywhere.”

Worldwide there is a huge problem of plastic bottles and bags. Burning of plastic in the open air, leads to environmental pollution due to the release of poisonous chemicals. This was a good opportunity to become creative with these bottles and recycle them, making something great while denouncing the over consumption plastic based product. As a designer I have been able to find inspiration with an existing problem and turn it into a positive outcome. We have the duty to do anything we can to improve our environment.



In this digital era it can be difficult to keep the traditions but easy to appreciate our culture and morals.

My name is Josphine Gaceri, a 20 year old graphic designer and model originally from Meru County. Since I came To Turkana I fell in love with the culture and the traditional attire. Being given the possibility to be traditional through my outfit but also maintain modern life like everyone else, driving, fashion and studies amongst others gives me great satisfaction.



Illustrations act as my personal tool, to tell more about the society, criticize it, reshape it. This also allows me to convey some special messages. My inspirations for my art are the day to day experience that people go through and my personal points of view.


Story & Illustration Peter Odhiambo AKA Tappy



You know I love you dearly But I cause you so much pain I cannot find true happiness And you feel you are to blame It seems so unjust For me to make you feel this way Its so hard to decide Whether I should leave or stay Staying is not wise As faking happiness is exhausting Leaving a bit worse For your heartbreak I would be causing So show me what to do Help me to be strong Give me your shoulder to cry on



LOVE 2.0


“… distance pushed us apart, the day seems unending. The world stares unblinkingly, as our sorrow grows into joy. But we were caged and trapped together by the neck kiss …”


Franco Blanco

MAG097.DUST23 journeytherhythmColours

Story, Photography & Illustration


In the Kenyan Rift Valley, Lake Turkana known for his strong winds and its green and blue colours, is an oasis in the desert.

Incredible colours come out at night when the moon is lighting up the sand and shaping forms.


Uko Fiti? Fiti Fiti. Walking along the streets of Lodwar, greetings are constant. The vibrant community and time spent outdoor add to the welcoming.


The stones are hot. The wind too. Kids are playing near a bust water-pipe. We walk along the hill, starting to ascend to the top.

The last few steps and we are there. Silhouettes. The town is seen buzzing. Peace is up here.

The sun beats the day








One can appreciate all painted signs and the art of the craft. The colourful combinations of letters and characters gives the town a man-made feel and a bright outfit under the midday sun.



Crossing the streets, avoiding the piki pikis, and many pedestrians, cycling around Lodwar can be proven tricky, though it is really enjoyable and has been part of the culture for many years. Turkanas are often seen riding the well known Black Mamba. But mind the puncture!


Graphic Design / Photography

We would like to thank Startup Lions, an impact sourcing service provider & start-up incubator for always pushing us in our creativity, entrepreneurship, but also providing the co-working space and resources, enabling this project to come to life. Thank you to our family and friends, supporting us on our creative journey and believing in us. Thank you to all people involved in this magazine, from far or close, every little things help. Thank you to Linda Angelei, Adaan Lotukoi, Tabby Ayako and Fazee Abdul for taking part in this project. Much Love.

Graphic Design / Illustration



Graphic Design / Copywriting

ArtCopywritingDirection Photography

Graphic Design / Photography

Web & Graphic Design / Photography Graphic PhotographyIllustrationIllustrationDesign

RESOURCES Lodwar Landmarks | Google Earth The Cradle Of Mankind | kenya-information-guide Green Turkana | ke.undp.org/content/kenya | farmbizafrica.com/high-yield Modernity, Traditions | kenyablogs.ei.columbia.edu/fight-plastic-pollution Illustrations | freenet.am/~loveis/EngLPoem MAG0111.DUST23

Dust23_magazineinfo@dust23.co.keDust23.co.ke INCUBATED BY

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