Annual Report 2023

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Our Mission

Durham Nativity School provides an excellent education for young men, empowering them to make a difference in the world.

DNS Man Creed

As DNS Men, we will...Dare to dream big. Dare to be our best and disciplined in all we do. Dare to dedicate our lives to the transformation of our community.

As DNS Men, we will...Never give up. Never be silenced by injustice, ignorance or prejudice. Never be alone, for God and our DNS brothers are with us always.

As DNS Men, we will...Strive to excel. Strive to be strong in character and humble in spirit. Strive to be instruments of God’s peace, justice and truth.

A message from our Head of School

Dear Friends,

As I reflect on the past year at Durham Nativity School, my heart overflows with gratitude for your unwavering support. You, our dedicated community of donors, play a vital role in shaping the lives of our young men, empowering them to become confident, compassionate leaders who are prepared to make a positive impact on the world.

DNS, through our twelve year commitment, plants the seeds that enable our students to thrive wherever they land. This year, in addition to giving back to our current students as teachers, coaches, and mentors, we witnessed our alumni achieve remarkable personal milestones. We are over two hundred alumni strong, who are making their mark in the Triangle and beyond. These accomplishments are a testament to the transformative power of education, fueled by your generous contributions.

Beyond academics, we nurtured a strong sense of community and brotherhood within our walls. Through service projects, mentorship programs, and cultural celebrations, our students developed empathy, leadership skills, and a commitment to giving back. Witnessing their growth and transformation firsthand has been incredibly rewarding.

The challenges facing our young men and their families remain ever-present. Rising costs, limited resources, and systemic inequalities can create obstacles to their success. As a school, we are looking to the future to ensure the sustainability of our programs and support for our students. This cannot be achieved without you; your continued support is more crucial than ever. We are so grateful for the endowment gift of 4.5 million dollars that was established in honor of Joe and Ann Carole Moylan by their children. Impacts like this directly translate into enriching academic programs, retaining dedicated faculty and staff, as well as providing invaluable resources that ensure each student reaches their full potential.

I invite you to explore the pages of this report, where you will find stories of individual growth, impactful programs, and the tangible difference you can make. You will read from longtime supporters and alumni about the power that DNS has to transform our students’ lives and the greater community.

Thank you for believing in our mission and investing in the future of our students. With your partnership, we can continue to empower our young men to thrive, not just survive, and become the changemakers our world needs.

In service and gratitude,

Tiffany Alrefae

Faculty & Staff

Tiffany Alrefae Head of School

Brittany Allen-Albright Assistant Head of School

Tiffany K. Chavis Foreign Languages Teacher

Cameron Cole 5th Grade Teacher

Mitchell Cox Dean of Faculty

Florida DeVaul-Dudley Academic Services Coordinator & Learning Specialist

Brittany Harris Community Connections & Heads Assistant

Jeanne Howard Director of Business Operations

QuRita Hunter Director of Graduate Support

Faculty Feature

Michael Lappin Math Teacher

Kevin Mahoney Assistant Head of School for Admissions & Advancement

Tyme Nunn School Social Worker

Orin Robinson Dean of Students

Starlyn Robinson Science Teacher

Charles Sands Music Teacher

Sam Scannell Athletic Director, 5th grade PE, and Sub

Jeremy Tolleson ELA Teacher

Angel Whitehead Administrative Assistant

Cameron Cole, our 5th Grade Teacher, has been selected as a Pauli Murray Social Justice Teaching Fellow. Rooted in the spirit of the work of Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray and focused on the long history of activism in Durham. Eight middle and high school educators are selected for this position. Through this program, Fellows are equipped with support, skill development, and a toolkit to teach community resilience and local histories as important parts of state and national history. This professional development cohort will participate in collaborative study, engage in experiential learning, apply new tools to classroom teaching, and develop resources for the educator community over the course of six months.

Congratulations Mr. Cole, we are so proud to have you on our team!

A message from the Board Chairman

Dear DNS Community,

It has been a while since our last annual report. We hope you enjoy reading our report. Over the past few years our school has experienced a lot of change. After years of stability from the Head of School we have gone through multiple changes but are thrilled to have Tiffany Alrefae as our Head of School. Tiffany joined us in July 2023 and has done a remarkable job in her brief time here. Our building has gone through several capital improvements, most notably our new roof that was installed last year. It is vitally important that we have a safe, stable, and efficient learning environment.

As we embark on our strategic plan of expanding learning and programming over the next few years, we will be sharing our plans with you. All of us at DNS are grateful for your support and we hope and pray that all of you are doing well. Please read on and as always, we are available at your request.


Board of Trustees

Jim Baker, Chairman CEO/Founder, Sumus Development Group

Manal El-Ramly Community Volunteer

Michael Enright CFO of Atlantic Research Group

Polly Hardie

The Alliance for Neighborhood Prosperity, New Orleans, LA

Mark Higgins

President Emeritus, Hall-Wynne Funeral Service

Brendan Moylan COO, Sports Endeavors & past Board Chair

Devan Patel Principal at Narsi Properties

Harrison Shannon Consultant, Public Housing

Ruby Thompkins Information Manager, Duke University Police Dept.

Stephfon Walton Executive Advocate, IBM


Mr. Sands, Choir Director, has been working hard getting our young men performance ready. They had the opportunity to sing at a number of events on and off campus, including at Urban Ministries, our Holiday program, Duke Health’s Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and more.

We had the privileged of participating in the Annual Durham Holiday Parade. It was an amazing Durham community event and reminded parade goers who we are! We even got to meet Mayor Leo Williams and Wool E. Bull.

We start each day with morning meeting. Every student is given the opportunity throughout the year to practice their public speaking skills and receive live feedback.

We had so much fun participating in the Pinto Futbol Foundation soccer clinic. Our students had a blast learning more about soccer through skills training activities and playing in the “World Cup”.

We reconnected with former DNS parent, James Abram, founder and owner of Jada’s Men’s Accessories, the only Black-owned haberdashery in the area. His mission, similar to ours, is to help transform the Triangle through mentoring boys and young men. He boasts an impressive collection of ties, bowties, scarves and other accessories. His clientele includes TV anchors, politicians and local business men.

We always look forward to collaborating with our community partners to provide our students with unique opportunities and unrivaled access to people, programs, and experiences. Our 8th graders took part in the Business of Software 2023 conference in Raleigh. During this event, they had the chance to connect with former DNS students, as well as Bill Spruill, the founder of 2ndF and Carl Nassib, a former NFL player and founder of Rayze.

During this year’s National Day of Giving we received over $100,000 in donations. We are so grateful for everyone that contributed and shared our posts across their platforms spreading the word about our school.

The DNS man creed is an integral part of our daily mind set and a reminder of the brotherhood that will stay with our students forever. It is a constant reminder to always ‘Dare To Dream Big’.

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with the Emily K. Center. A few of our students have the privilege to attend after school programming and we could not be more excited about this partnership.

We take great pride in honoring the accomplishments of our students who excel. We celebrated those who earned A/B Honor Roll, academic excellence in IXL, and highlighted our ‘World Changer of the Month’.

live the DNS Man Creed inside and outside the classroom.

42 high school and college student alumni came to our Young Alumni Luncheon. Later that evening, 12 alumni gathered at Proximity Brewing Company, the first Black-owned brewery in Durham.

The Jenny Lillian Semans Koortbojian Trust, Spencer Hubbard (Jenny’s Nephew & Duke basketball player), and Duke Athletics invited us to Countdown to Craziness to help us celebrate our students, who


Amario Carlton is a member of the Class of 2011 at Durham Nativity School. After his graduation he attended Asheville School and Campbell University where he received a Bachelor of Business Administration. Currently he works as a Business Development Specialist for Cisco.

"Durham Nativity School has played a pivotal role in shaping my journey, granting me with knowledge and skills that continue to influence me today. They taught me not only the value of hard work but emphasized the importance of brotherhood.”

Having heard about the amazing experiences and opportunities from his older brother Tony, a member of the Class of 2008, he was eager for his own journey at DNS to begin. He later had the privilege of passing down their family legacy to Seph, his younger brother, who followed in their footsteps and graduated as a member of the Class of 2014.

The impact of Durham Nativity extends not only to him but to his entire family and he feels it is his duty to reciprocate the generosity that he received. Over the past year and a half, he has dedicated his time to volunteering with these young men, teaching life lessons through sports education as their coach and preparing them for the road ahead post-graduation.

His hope for DNS is that the school continues to grow, flourish, and maintain the integrity of its mission. “Dr. Moylan and his family envisioned bridging the educational gap and nurturing top prospects from diverse backgrounds. Each day, students recite the DNS creed: “Dare to Dream Big, Never Give Up, and Strive to Excel.” My hope is that by graduation, these young men internalize this motto and embody it daily. When you join the DNS family you are welcomed into a brotherhood that spans nearly two decades, and we continue to strive for many more.”

Derek Godwin is a member of the Class of 2018 at Durham Nativity School. Following his graduation he continued his academic journey at Blue Ridge School, an all boys boarding school in Charlottesville, Virginia. He graduated as the student body president and went on to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he is currently studying Dental Hygiene and running his streetwear clothing brand.

“Durham Nativity School helped me be more confident in the classroom. Before I attended DNS I was struggling with behavioral issues due to insecurities about the way I learned. DNS taught me how to learn and comprehend in my own way, even if it might take me additional time.”

DNS instilled the idea of self-discipline within him. Learning how to manage his time at an early age helped him become a great college student. College comes with many distractions but learning self-discipline in his academic career set him up for success.

“Durham Nativity will always have a special place in my heart. It allowed me to create a better life for myself and God willing, my family. I would love for these kids to experience that so they can possess the tools needed to do what they love in this short life we have.”

He wants to continue to help mold these boys into strong-minded young men. His hope is that DNS receives the recognition they deserve and continues to instill the values of self discipline, brotherhood, and respect among these boys, especially those who are struggling whether in the classroom or in general.

Back in 2001, Dan Hill received a phone call from Dr. Moylan inviting him to attend the initial organizational meeting of a new private middle school directed at low wealth minority boys who had the ability to perform at or above grade level but were not doing so as 5th graders.

“I was both intrigued and captivated by Joe and Ann Carole’s commitment. It was a big audacious idea so I accepted the invitation to join the DNS Board.”

At that time he was 58 years old and a founding member of an insurance brokerage firm. He had also been involved in numerous Durham projects including serving on the City Council. Because of this he was aware of the challenges facing our low wealth families.

“Being involved in DNS has allowed me to experience the sense of satisfaction and purpose a person can realize that comes from helping young people who are serious about helping themselves. Our first class of boys in 2001 is now made up of young men in their mid 30s. Many of them come back in June for graduation. What a personal treat it is to see them!”

He and others have really missed Joe and Ann Carole’s active leadership since their deaths. He is confident that their vision for our students will continue to grow and that the population the school was initially intended to serve will embrace the opportunity DNS offers both educationally and socially.

Mike Howard, Senior Director of Recreation & Physical Education at Duke University. He is the consummate professional, advocate, mentor, and friend that works toward everyone’s well-being. He holds a deep commitment to the psychological health and self-worth of all individuals he interacts with, particularly within the Black and Brown communities, who face several systemic challenges.

“My goal with DNS is to empower students, graduates, and beyond through mentorship, education, and opportunities to overcome these barriers and ultimately achieve great success.”

His passion for DNS stems from his lived experience and the DNS commitment to holistic learning, emphasizing character, community service, education, and most importantly, active parental involvement.

“I recognize the importance of leveraging the platform provided by Duke to share opportunities with others within the DNS community and the Durham community as a whole. I aim to connect DNS with programs and opportunities that will benefit the students today, open doors, and support them tomorrow.”

Through experience and research, he understands the unique challenges faced by Black and Brown individuals, and he is dedicated to increasing awareness and providing preparation opportunities that can foster success in a challenging world. His commitment to DNS and its mission reflect his desire to improve this world, community, Duke, and DNS. He is invested in making a meaningful impact and contributing to positive change where his feet are and beyond.

Rick Helfer is a retired IBM engineer, grandfather of four and lover of math and science. He finds immense joy in witnessing students’ ‘light bulb moments’ when they grasp challenging concepts, prompting him to volunteer at DNS since its inception, serving in various capacities over the years.

“The impact DNS has had on me has been profoundly rewarding. Engaging with students and witnessing their growth has been fulfilling, and I often find that I gain more from the experience than I am able to impart to them.”

His ongoing support stems from the belief that DNS’s emphasis on academic excellence and character development significantly enhances students’ future opportunities. Through volunteering, he hopes to offer students enriching experiences and mentorship to what his own family received.

Looking to the future of DNS, he envisions continued success with an influx of families and students aligned with the school’s mission. He hopes to see a school consistently at capacity, with motivated students embodying resilience and valuing intelligence.

“I believe in the enduring impact DNS has on its community, fostering academic progress, and instilling values that extend beyond the classroom, ultimately positively influencing students and families in life-changing ways.”

Chairman’s Circle ($25,000 and up)

Jim and Colleen Baker

Paul Bishop

Alston Gardner and Barb Lee

Mark Higgins

Darin Hill

Gail and Beau Lane

Peter and Prue Meehan

Brendan and Cindy Moylan

Katie (Moylan) and Darin Little

Kiernan and Krissy Moylan

Mike and Morgan Moylan

Sean and Cara Moylan

The Mychal Paul Foundation

Oak Foundation Fund of TCF

Doris Penn

William R. Spruill

Sheila Storey

Maura (Moylan) Sullivan

The Forest at Duke

The William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust

Yeargan Foundation Charitable Trust, Polly Hardie

Ambassador Circle ($10,000-$24,999)

Baker Roofing Co.

Dennis and Susan Cullen

Julian Culton

Eugene Oddone & Grace Couchman

Sarah K. Fish

Jenny Lillian Semans, Koortbojian Trust

Bryan Kelly

Robert and Mercedes Eichholz Foundation

Roger G. Brooks

Hedrick Strickland

The Mary Duke Biddle Foundation

The Kirby Foundation

Thomas S. Kenan, III

Dave Tomick

Todd Webster and Cathy Hammack

Andrew and Ginny Widmark

Todd Yates

Blue and Gold Circle ($5,000-$9,999)

Marvin and Cynthia Barnes

Evelyn D Schmidt Charitable Trust

Rick and Jan Helfer

Dan and Susie Hill

Carolyn W. London

John R. Page

Kathy Merritt and Eric Paulson

Jean Spaulding

The S & C Harvest Foundation, INC

Charles and Fran Wilson, Jr.

Tiger Circle ($2,500-$4,999)

Camille Blommer

Jim Donaghy

Richard Harkrader

Terry Kane

William Kirkland, Jr. Bruce Knott

Mike and Allison Lappin

James Nunley

John and Marjorie Oxaal

Timothy Rowe

Jeffrey W. Scales

Silverback Foundation

Thomas S. Kenan, III Foundation, Inc.

Verity Asset Management, Inc.

Michael Williams

David Wright

Leadership Circle ($1,000-$2,499)

Placide Barada

Jerry Barker

James and Maria Bowie

Bennie F. Cameron, Sr.

William and Anne Bradford

Richard F. Bruch

John Bugg

Andrew Burns, Jr.

Douglas Cairns

Linda Cendales

Thomas Clegg

Thomas F. Darden

Sid DuPont

Richard J. and Anne Dwane

Mark Fekaris

Shirley D. Few

Peter and Kim Fox

Bernard and Maye Frei

Barker and Cavett French

Will Goss

Wade and Kay Gresham

Carl Hamill

Michael Harpold

Bruce N. Harrod

Becky Hawkins

Bart Haynes

Elizabeth Hays

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church

Doug and Stefanie Kahn

Doug Kelly

Jennifer and Jeff Lawson

Janet McGough-Csarny

Wesley D. Moore

Paul Mosca

John Perry

Charles Pitman

William Pogue

Rich Preyer

Margaret Rich

William Richardson

Patrick Sullivan

Mary Temo

Ricci Vernon

Charles Viles

Jeff Vittert

Michael Williams

Christopher and Suzanne Woods

Rick Woods

Leanne Woodward

Peggy Wynn

Friendship Circle (Up to $1,000)

Manal Abdelmalek

Obinna Adibe

Charles Anderson

Jim Anthony

David and Claudia Attarian

Camilo Beltran

Austin Bennett

Michael Berkoben

William Bernard

Karen R. Berutti

Jim Bick

John E. Blake

David and Nancy Blevins

Dennis R. Bongiorni

Carolyn H. Borden

James and Maria Bowie

Adrian Brooks

Karen Brown

Sam Bryan

Edwin Bryson, Jr.

Robert Buchanan

Jeff Burch

Lydia Califf

Bennie Cameron

Nell B. Cant

Marcia Carpenter

Janet Celko

Susan Chandler

Dennis Clements and Martha Ann Keels

David Cocchetto

Harvey and Sandra Cohen

Jacqueline Connors

Dottie Craige

A.G. and Gayley Crockett

Michael D’Ercole

Carolyn E. Davidson

Dana Davis

Ellen F. Davis

Marilyn E. Disco

Stacey Donoghue

Derek Duin

Margery Enberg

John Falletta

Michael and Jennifer Feiler

Peter Fish

Janet Gable

Greg and Dale Georgiade

Augustus Grant

Melinda Grier

Christy Gudaitis

Helen Harrison

Robert Harrison

Judith Hawkes

Richard and Trina Hawkins

Elizabeth Hays

Carol Hewitt

Jack Hindman

James E. Hopper, Sr.

Jack Hunnell

Mary Rae Hunter

Gretchen and John Hyde

Frederick Hyer, Jr.

Iberian Trading Corp

Karthik Ilakkuvan

John and Patti Inman

Claudia M. Javid

Daria D. Javid

Betty Kenan

Melinda Killenberg

Michael R. Knowles

William and Deborah Kodros

William and Robin Lalor

Deborah Lane

Adam P. Lang

Libby Lang

Steve and Ginny Lang

Cliff Lasser

Howard Lee

George Linney

Thomas Lynch

Izell Martin

Bodie McCann

Eleanor K. McCann

Pope and Wendy McCorkle

Doris C. McCoy

Robin D McEwan

Dolores McGurkin

Paul McGurkin

Charlotte Merriweather

Leon Meyers

Dennis and Joyce Milko

Robyn L. Miller

Katie and Brian Mitchell

Margaret M. Mitchell

Paul Mosca

Jeanne and Brian Murray

John Murray

Roberto Nava

Francis and Virginia Neelon

John Nelson

Kenneth Olden

Donald Parson

Robert Peter

David Phelps

Charles Pitman

Sims Preston

Mary G. Pruitt

Joseph Puglielli

Garrett and Harriett Putman

Jackson Quarles

Sara-Jane Raines

Olga Rodriguez

Susan K. Rohde

Gregory J. Roman

Kay Rosenmarkle

Mary A. Ruegg

Albert Saffold

Joseph M. Sansom

Henry Scherich

Mark Schulte

John Severson

Andrew Short and Andrea Vizoso

Songs for Humans - Durham

Rikki Stevenson

Barbara Stewart

Phyllis Supple

Edward Sutton

John G. Swinney

Dean and Ann Taylor

The Scout Guide, Hopie Avery

Ruby Thompkins

Kristin Titus

Jitendra Trivedi

Linda Turner

Tuscany Strategy Consulting

Gina Upchurch

James and Muff Urbaniak

Elizabeth B. Vannelle

Harold Vick

Mark Wahl

Alice M. Walker

Samuel and Martha Warburton

Bucky Waters

Ben Weaver

Gordon Wegwart

Allen Wiggins

Paul Wilkinson

April Williams

Kristin K. Wohlfert

Anne Wolf

John Zaremba

Ray Zeillmann

Laurie Zidar

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our friends, family, and community partners who have generously supported Durham Nativity School through their annual contributions. These donations, whether made to our Annual Fund or another designated area, have made a significant impact between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023. We strive to acknowledge all contributions here; however, should there be any oversight, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Advancement Office at or call 919-597-7794.

Personnel Programs Graduate Support General Expenses Fundraising Transportation Building & Grounds Personnel Salaries, Benefits, Taxes, Professional Development Programs Academic Resources, Activities, Athletics, Classroom Supplies, Library Resources, Technology Graduate Support Tuition Assistance, Application Fees, Alumni Support, High School Visits Building & Grounds Utilities, Maintenance, Insurance, Repairs General Expenses Equipment, Phones, Office Supplies, Printing, Postage Fundraising Events, Marketing, Donor Engagement and Stewardship Transportation Registration, Maintenance, Gas, Repair Your Impact: Ways to Give: For additional ways to give visit our website at or contact Kevin Mahoney at 919-597-7794; email

A message from Director of Advancement

Dear Friends,

The perennial cycle of a Durham Nativity School year is only possible because of the generosity of our donors and partners. I’m honored and humbled to express my profound gratitude on behalf of the students, families, faculty and staff.

For more than 20 years, we have strived to provide families with an unparalleled education and access to opportunities that inspire their students. That spark has led our alumni to become scholars at a number of the nation’s finest high schools, colleges, and universities. Others have boldly pursued their dreams of being entrepreneurs, musicians, and actors. Every day, in every community, more and more DNS men are fathers, teachers, coaches, and volunteers living out our mission.

The ebb and flow of social trends and challenges have not tattered nor outdated DNS. Pandemicrelated learning loss, school choice, and gentrification are at the forefront of conversations. As a result, we are prompted to refine our approach and update our toolbox. We remain nimble and embrace our independence in order to best serve our students. Lunch free of charge, a full-time learning specialist, and a 14-passenger van, are the outcomes of the initial steps in Mrs. Alrefae’s vision for us to be a learner-centered institution.

As spring begins, we briefly pause to thank you for your support. We will push to the end of the school year and collectively celebrate our eighth-graders and alumni as they prepare for the next phase in their DNS story. We hope to see you around campus soon, our doors are always open.


Where are they now?

High Schools Attended

Asheville School

Blue Ridge School

Blair Academy (post grad year)

Cardinal Gibbons School

Carolina Friends School

Cary Academy

Church Farm School

Cristo Rey of RTP

Durham Academy

Emerson Waldorf School

Fork Union Military Academy

Liberty Christian School

Milton Hershey School

Montessori School of Raleigh

Rabun-Gap Nacoochee School

Ravenscroft School

Saint Andrews School

Stuart Hall School

Tallulah Falls School

The Phelps School

Trinity School

Woodberry Forest School

Colleges and Universities Attended

Appalachian State University

Austin Peay State University

Barton College

Belmont Abbey

Campbell University

Cornell University

Davidson College

Delaware State

Duke University

Durham Technical Community College

East Carolina University

Elon University

Georgia Southern

Guildford College

High Point University

Howard University

Hyles Anderson College

Kenyon College

Louisburg College

Morehouse College

NC A&T State University

NC State University

North Carolina Central University

Pace University

Piedmont College

Savannah College of Art and Design

Shaw University

UNC Chapel Hill

UNC Charlotte

UNC Greensboro

UNC Pembroke

University of Florida

Vance Granville Community College

Virginia Tech

Wake Tech

Western Carolina

William Peace University

Enrolled in College
Enlisted Reclassed
Attending College Prep HS
Attending Public School
Attending Public School This chart is based on the data collected from 98 students between the years of 2016-2023.
Withdrew from College

Upcoming Events

Join Us!

Thursday, March 21- Community Mentor Breakfast. Join us for breakfast and conversations with our young men. Email Kevin Mahoney, kmahoney@, for more information or to RSVP.

Thursday, April 25- Founder’s Day Spring Event to recognize the donors, both individual and foundations, as well as organizations who have funded and sustained DNS for more than two decades

Friday, June 7- Eighth Grade Graduation

Keep an eye out for more information

Volunteers Needed


• Small group tutoring (2-4 students in 5th-8th grade)

• Support students in English Language Arts and/or Math

• Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 3:30-4:30

• School will provide resources and supplies


• Complete volunteer orientation and background check

• Confidence in helping students with ELA or Math (up to Algebra 1)

• Excited and enthusiastic about working with middle school boys


• Email to learn more and get started

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