Dunraven Educational Trust Brochure 2023

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for and from everyone

Welcome from David Boyle, CEO

I am very proud to be the CEO of the Dunraven Educational Trust. I am grateful for all that our leaders and their teams do for our young people and their communities.

Together, we believe our schools have a moral imperative to create the best educational provision that they can in order to serve the needs of their community effectively, now and in the future. Our Trust has nursery, primary, secondary and sixth form phases. We have a well established Initial Teacher Training (ITT) provision as well as a children’s centre providing care for children aged 6 months onwards. We are experienced and successful in supporting schools in a range of areas including leadership development, teaching and learning, finance and human resources. We were both delighted and further strengthened by the very positive Ofsted reports for Goldfinch Primary and The Elmgreen School in the summer term, 2022. I hope that you can see why we are proud of the work of our schools in support of our young people’s futures. If you share our values and are looking for a partner for the next phase of your school’s development, we’d love to hear from you.

‘Creating something special. Delivering Excellence’ 3
“Leaders work in close partnership with the Trust” Goldfinch Primary, Ofsted May 2022

Who we are

What you really need to know

The Dunraven Educational Trust was formed in 2016. Our commitment is to deliver the best educational provision that we can in order to serve the needs of our community effectively, now and in the future. We are currently a partnership of five schools in South London: Dunraven’s All Through School, The Elmgreen School, Goldfinch Primary, Rosendale Primary and Van Gogh Primary. We serve over 4000 young people, supported by over 600 staff.

Dunraven is the founding school in the Trust, building on its successful work as a National Support School for over a decade. The Trust now provides care and education for children and young people from 6 months to 18 years old. We have a well established professional development programme through both our South London Sixth (SL6) collaboration as well as the Sharing Excellence Partnership. This partnership is a network of local primary and secondary schools with a joint commitment to recruiting, training and developing the very best teachers. We are also experienced and successful in supporting schools in a range of areas including leadership development, teaching and learning, finance, HR, facilities management and business development.

We believe in an education which provides excellence for young people. We know that this is best achieved in a school where:

• the offer is broad, balanced, inclusive, enriching and effective in meeting the needs of all young people;

• staff and students are supported and challenged to be the best versions of themselves;

• relationships are positive, well established and healthy;

• practice is based on evidence and underpinned by the notion that ‘we can always do better’.

We are clear that this supports the development of children and young people (and adults) who are: resilient, courteous, optimistic, hardworking, self-disciplined, enthusiastic and creative.

‘Leaders, governors and trustees all share the same high ambition for pupils in the school.’
The Elmgreen School, Ofsted July 2022
‘We are passionate about the power of education to transform the lives of children and young people. We know that the basis for the sound, sustainable growth of the Trust is finding partners who share our values and desire to learn, sharing good practice and striving to be the best.’
Helen George, Chair of the Trust

Why we do what we do

Our core purpose? To change lives for the better by enabling the development of young people who are ready for the life ahead: in short, young people who are both ‘capable and loveable’.

• capable - the knowledge, skills and qualifications to ensure access to and preparation for the next stage of life

• loveable - the ability and capacity to form and sustain healthy relationships, be emotionally intelligent and empathetic

To provide staff with the conditions to excel, becoming motivated by and committed to our core purpose.

What we believe

The Trust has one overarching ambition: EXCELLENCE FOR AND FROM EVERYONE. This is an expectation for both the children and adults in each school’s community. It is achieved in a variety of ways according to the context of each school but within the clear framework established by the Trust.

Schools develop a strategic plan that responds to the Trust’s central aim, values and operating system. A strategy that delivers: strong outcomes, above average progress, a great learning and working environment, a financially viable institution, and an outward facing philosophy.

“Our role is to create the conditions for growth, development and learning to happen. When we get it right we discover that, all along, we have been in the miracle business.”

is a school where pupils are extremely keen to learn and do well. Leaders have created a positive environment that ensures pupils are safe. Pupils enjoy learning and taking risks because teachers give them ‘a chance to succeed’. ‘

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Ken Robinson, Imagine If Goldfinch Primary, Ofsted May 2022

Our Key Aim

You can see what this looks like in practice illustrated by the summary of our Excellence Plan

Our practice is based on evidence and underpinned by the notion that whilst ‘we can always do better’ we must never lose sight of how far we’ve come.

We will support the development of children, young people and adults who have the qualities required to be successful, personally and professionally: we are resilient, courteous, optimistic, hardworking, self-disciplined, enthusiastic and creative.

Curriculum - a high quality, broad and balanced offer which acknowledges the diversity of our community

• Invest in teaching and teachers - staff development including the aligning of the approach to pedagogy through the evidence based Teaching & Learning policy

Catch Up - catch up (which is ‘an outcome not an activity’ HMCI)

How we work

• High expectations and ‘ruthless optimism’

• Insistent, persistent, consistent routines

• Agreed curriculum principles

• Aligned teaching and learning pedagogy

• Rich CPD offer

• A focus on wellbeing and a growth mindset

This leads to:

• Strong outcomes

• Excellent progress

• Great learning and working environment

• A popular choice for families

• An outward facing philosophy

• A sustainable organisation

• Targeted and time-limited intervention

• Additional support for those with identified SEND

Character - wellbeing (staff as well as students), healthy social relationships leading to more better behaviour (rather than less bad behaviour), the arts, enrichment, wider curriculum

• Whole child (trauma informed, inclusive practice)

• Unstructured times

• Before and after school

To sustain an educational and professional experience that expects and delivers excellence for and from everyone, in our community of schools.
‘Leaders work in close partnership with the trust, governors and the whole school community. They are diligent in driving their commitment to achieving excellence.’
Goldfinch Primary, Ofsted May 2022


Why become our partner?

This means headteachers and local governors have the authority to lead and run their school whilst being explicitly aligned with and committed to the overall Trust’s aims, values and practices through our clear scheme of delegation. The Trust’s role is to provide the support and challenge required for each school to deliver, extend and sustain excellence.

An invitation

The Trust has the track record to know what creates success over time: being consistent, insistent and persistent in the promotion of our values and expectations in order to support the development of children and young people who are capable, confident, and cultured. We will work with schools which share our ethos and will add value to the experience of all children in the Trust’s schools as a result.

We want to create something really special that makes a difference to the greatest number of young people possible. We’d like to hear from schools who have the vision to be part of an organisation that shares the values above and will enable them to have a larger and lasting impact on the communities they serve despite reducing resources and growing uncertainty locally and nationally.

‘Collaborative in nature, our mission is well supported by the Trust with leaders working together to learn, develop and share excellent practice across schools which in turn benefits the communities we serve.’

Nadine Bernard, Headteacher, Van Gogh Primary

The Trust believes that effective schools need to be autonomous to be truly effective in serving their community but by being part of something bigger are able to provide additional value. 11
We want to work with schools who have something to offer which will improve what we do for all of our children, both primary and secondary age.

Key Values


Transparency Respect

Accountability Inclusivity

Our commitment to these values will be evident in all that we do as a Trust.

Our Schools

Dunraven All Through School

The Elmgreen School

Goldfinch Primary Rosendale Primary

Van Gogh Primary

‘It is hard to put into words the importance of the Trust for our school. Both formally through essential HR, financial and strategic support and perhaps more importantly educationally through our shared message of hope, belief that we can achieve ‘excellence’ for all our young people and the imperative to place the most vulnerable at the heart of everything we do.’

Guy Maidment, Headteacher, Dunraven Secondary

Artwork by Adriana Dogaru, former Sixth Form student, The Elmgreen School

‘What you want from a Trust is people who not only align with your values but can improve the position that you’re in. We have kept our identity but improved in all areas, from outcomes and Ofsted to finance and HR. It has been developmental and supportive.

The Elmgreen School

The Trust offers value to each school by providing expert organisational support in addition to our leadership and education offer, including:

• Experienced education leaders provide coaching and expert phase support

• Leadership and subject networks operating across the Trust including safeguarding

• Quality assurance including peer to peer reviews and preparation for Ofsted

• Annual CPD programme for staff

• Full finance offer including audit and statutory reporting processes

• In-house payroll service

• Dedicated governance & Compliance support

• HR support and guidance

• Admissions support and guidance

• Estate facilities management incorporating site leadership/Health & Safety

• Business development and support including risk management and revenue raising

• ICT and data protection support

• Website, communications and media support

• Development of joint procurement and contracting of services

Schools will develop their own strategic plan that responds to the Trust’s central aim, values and operating system. A plan that delivers: strong outcomes, above average progress, a great learning and working environment, a financially viable organisation and an outward facing philosophy.


Chair of the Trust - Helen George Chief Executive Officer - David Boyle CBE Director of Finance and Operations - Shirley Drane Governance and Compliance Manager - Kylie Burgess To

Dunraven Educational Trust Head Office 94-98 Leigham Court Road London SW16 2QB Tel: 020 8696 5601 www.det.org.uk

find out more and to discuss our plans please email us: joinus@det.org.uk Follow us @DunEdTrust

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