Volunteer work dunaida bellucci

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Since the very first day of construction volunteer work I had a lot of takeaways. Being in the field and working alongside volunteers and construction managers, helped me improve design thinking, and the importance of communicating my design intentions in drawing details and specifications. Safety on the site and waste management are many times overlooked, not considered, or not specified. Health, welfare and safety is a matter that involves all parties, from designers to construction workers and users. However, if we designers and architects insist on specifying safety and our environmental concerns indicating waste management methods on every single work to be done, we can educate workers and help to improve our environment.

“If you are afraid of the tools, the tools will know it� wise words from my fellow volunteer on the first picture right behind me. He was right, once I grabbed the saw with courage, I was able to cut those wood pieces and drilled all holes, so that my managers and my wise friend could put up the frame of the canopy.

Last but not least... so far... These are the before and after pictures of a church in Newark NJ. It is amazing how contagious could a good action be. We started being a few volunteers and ended up being helped by neighbors and pass byers. People was showing interest because when you help improve the looks of one building you end up helping improve the looks of an entire neighborhood; and not only the looks are improved but also the moods too. There is a lot of needs in our communities and solutions are upon ourselves, we just need to take action to help improve our cities. Design tip: Do not forget to use your masks to scrape old paint or to paint; even if it is a really hot day and it makes you sweat. Old paint dust most probably contains lead (poisoning) especially in commercial buildings and paint unless labeled otherwise contains volatile organic compounds which fumes can cause cancer. Be safe.

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