Annual Report 2021–2022

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Annual Report


Letter from the Dean

Dear Friends,


year? That is the question I asked myself at the start of the 2021–2022 academic year, even as we continued to navigate the uncertainties of the pandemic. As the students returned to campus, we were just beginning to open the doors of Duke Chapel to the general public. For many months, we limited access to Duke students, faculty, and staff by registration only. But when we opened the doors again, the community returned with renewed gratitude for everything the Chapel means to this campus, the community, and the state of North Carolina. This beloved community reminded us of the deepest aspects of our mission and vision.

We are blessed to be the stewards of this magnificent building. But we understand that this trust extends beyond the stone walls, stained-glass windows, organs, and pews, to the well-being of the human beings who enliven our space with their prayers and presence. When we invited this community back to the Chapel, friends and strangers gathered again in this extraordinary place. The people showed up!

The people showed up to worship, and to visit, and to get married, and to grieve, and to give thanks. They came to mark the twentieth anniversary of the September 11 attacks; they came to hear Handel’s Messiah; they came to continue the beloved tradition of Lessons and Carols on Christmas Eve. Students helped with worship leadership, sang in the choir, climbed the Chapel tower, and gathered for conversation in the basement. And, people who couldn’t come in-person joined us online for services and concerts, book groups, and lectures.

And of course, you showed up. Our supporters gave generously during a year when there could have been so many reasons to hold back. In the face of so many difficulties, the Duke Chapel community responded with generosity.

But all of this is made more precious to me because I know that God was with us, with all of us, every day, in every moment of our rejoicing and every word of our lament. In a year when we focused on the value of compassion from our Strategic Plan, it was God who led the way with God’s all-inclusive love. It was God who gave us breath in our lungs, hope in our hearts, and a song on our lips. It was God who reminded us that each person who enters the Chapel, sets foot on Duke campus, or connects with us online is a beloved image-bearer worthy of every ounce of hospitality, pastoral presence, and musical excellence that we can offer.

As you will read in this report, the Chapel staff, students, partners, volunteers, and donors came together to accomplish so much in our areas of strategic service—Student Engagement, Christian Worship, Sacred Music and the Arts, and Community Engagement. The outline of this report follows our Strategic Plan (2019–2024) so that we can all track our progress towards our goals and milestones.

With this academic year (2022–2023) underway, I give thanks for your ongoing presence in the life of the Chapel. I invite you to follow updates on our website, email newsletter, and social media as we focus on our value of justice throughout the year. I trust that God will, once again, show up.

In peace,

The Rev. Dr. Luke A. Powery, Dean of Duke University Chapel

will we show up and live out our faith this


With the financial support of Duke University and our faithful donors, Duke Chapel reaches a community spread across campus and around the world through its response to God’s all-inclusive love at Duke, in Durham, and in the world.

Gifts to Duke Chapel come from a growing network of supporters from around the United States. The numbers on the map indicate how many donors are in a location and pins are places with at least one supporter. Additionally, the Chapel received support from people in these five countries: China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and the United Kingdom.

25 76 39 27 16 14 17 19 19 37 17 10 14 16 13 16 13 74 14 20 51 12 34 395


The Rev. Bruce Puckett, the Chapel’s assistant dean, talks with students at a lunch following the Orientation Sunday worship service.

Student Engagement

At the heart of our service are students.

The university setting is rich with opportunities for growth, learning, new relationships, and aspirations for the future. With students back on campus this year, supporting them in their full humanity— intellectual, ethical, and spiritual—the Chapel embraced its work with renewed enthusiasm. Building relationships rooted in God’s love is the cornerstone of our engagement.

Our Student Ministry team recognizes the unique strains placed on students during their years at Duke. As they manage their classes and their personal relationships, they also face the shifting landscape of the COVID pandemic, news of global conflicts, and the ongoing efforts at Duke and across the nation to address issues of racial equity and justice in America. In response, the team launched a half-dozen new studentcentered programs, initiated new partnerships with other areas of the university, and continued to care for existing cohorts of students.

Some of these efforts were broad invitations to consider meaning in life, such as Dean Luke Powery’s Chronicle columns, while Chapel Scholars, Religious Life groups, and spiritual direction sessions created opportunities to delve more deeply into a particular faith tradition or topic, such as the practices of a faith, book groups to increase knowledge, and times of fun and relaxation.

An interfaith vigil with Duke President Vincent Price, Dean Powery, and Religious Life leaders marked the twentieth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, giving students and others in the campus community an opportunity to reflect and learn.

An emerging emphasis on reaching graduate students, as well as undergraduates, gave rise to new programs, including a daylong retreat on the

Graduate students participate in a retreat about spirituality and the land. Students play spikeball at a celebration of the end of classes hosted by the Chapel and Religious Life groups. PHOTO BY NATASHA JACOB, GRADUATE STUDENT


—Maria Morrison, T ’22

ecological practices of different faiths and smallgroup spiritual direction. Every program was designed to engage and enlighten students.

Enliven student ministry with a focus on “Framing Your Faith”

What began as a single program helping students make connections between their faith and their college experience, Framing Your Faith, evolved this year into a set of new initiatives

to reach students where they are spiritually. These range from the popular nighttime tower climbs, attended by about 75 students each month, to a more intimate “Just Tea” weekly gathering in the Chapel basement for relaxation, conversation, and relationship building. In a series of lunchtime talks, Religious Life leaders and professors introduced students to how their various faiths influenced their spiritual practices and academic pursuits.

“This Chapel and this congregation have been vital to my growth as a Christian.”
Chapel Scholars and other students climbed the Chapel tower on the last day of classes to see the sunrise and share in a time of prayer and reflection. Photo by Holly Dwan Photography.

Amid the pressures and uncertainties of college life, a biweekly essay for The Chronicle student newspaper written by Dean Powery offered students a moment to reflect on topics such as the importance of joy, the ethics of revering one another, and the freedom that comes from burying fear.

Students also had opportunities to meet with a cohort of fellow students and a trusted spiritual leader to deepen their faith and explore the faith of others. The Chapel made this possible through a number of programs, including:

• Chapel Scholars—a program for undergraduate students for ecumenical Christian study and fellowship

• Dean’s Scholars—a select group of eight students of varying faiths who met with Dean Powery to read and discuss the book Let Your Life Speak by Parker Palmer

• Duke Chapel Reads—this year’s book for small discussion was Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion by Fr. Gregory Boyle

• Eruditio et Religio—a residential community on campus, with an accompanying house course, for students seeking to live and learn with fellow students of different faiths

• Spiritual Direction—an emerging program for undergraduate and graduate students to explore their spiritual paths through one-on-one meetings, group conversation, and retreats

ABOVE: The Rev. Kathryn Lester-Bacon, director of Religious Life at the Chapel, hosts a “Just Tea” conversation with students. BELOW: Joshua Salaam, Muslim chaplain at Duke, leads a discussion of “Islam and Reason” as part of a series on spiritual practices of different faiths.

Create programming that engages the most challenging questions facing our students

Develop and invest new resources for Religious Life at Duke

Religious and cultural diversity continue to enrich student life at Duke. One measure of this diversity can be seen in the twenty-two Religious Life groups on campus. By the end of the year, the combined email lists of these groups reached more than 6,000 students.

These faith communities—representing all the major world traditions, as well as parachurch and Christian denominational groups—provided the leadership and guidance for faith-based practices, study groups, and fellowship on campus. The

Chapel supports and advocates for all of these groups, convening regular meetings of Religious Life leaders and acting as a liaison with university leadership.

Create new opportunities for student internships and work-study positions

To better integrate student leadership and perspectives, the Student Ministry team hired two graduate student interns, one with a focus on worship and student engagement and another for Religious Life and community engagement. The team also formed a Student Advisory Board to give students a voice in how best to serve the spiritual and religious needs of the student body. Dean Powery, the Student Engagement team, and communications team all engaged student workers this year. These students worked on our

The Rev. Kathryn Lester-Bacon speaks at an interfaith ceremony marking the twentieth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

Sunday worship services, researched projects benchmarking social media presence, and documented student events.

Invest in our staff positions

The Rev. Racquel C. N. Gill joined the Chapel this year as its first Minister for Intercultural Engagement. A graduate of Duke Divinity School, Rev. Gill came to the Chapel from Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Carolina.



An ordained Baptist minister, she previously served as Lilly Pastor-in-Residence and associate pastor at St. Paul Community Baptist Church in Brooklyn, New York. Her ministry at Duke emphasizes spiritual care for students of color. She preaches and presides at Chapel worship services, serves as the staff advisor for the United in Praise student gospel group, and acts as the Chapel’s liaison to a number of cultural groups on campus.

Students celebrate the last day of classes with a climb to the top of the Chapel tower. Chapel Dean Luke A. Powery offers a blessing near the end of the Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols service. Photo by Brian Mullins Photography.

Christian Worship

With God’s help, the Chapel community gathered regularly for Christian worship, in person and online, despite the many complications of the pandemic. Not only did the services happen, but they reflected a statement from the Chapel’s strategic plan: “With God’s help, we will continue to gather together because we know that the love of God matters for the life of the world.”

The services were marked by love: God’s all-inclusive love for us, our love for God, and our love for one another. The consolation and inspiration of Christian worship was experienced by the gathered community as well as an everexpanding online community.

Expand our outreach to the undergraduate students who live, learn, and love on campus

The resumption of in-person services was also welcomed by students. A push to publicize Sunday morning services at the start of the fall semester led to more than 250 students coming to the first two services. Over the course of the year, more than sixty students served in worship leadership roles as lectors, torchbearers, choir members, and prayer leaders.

New this year was an occasional gathering after Sunday morning service for students to meet and support each other and connect to the broader body of Christ at the Chapel.

Senior Joy Reeves (at right), an environmental science and policy major, was selected as this year’s Student Preacher. A member of the Duke Wesley Fellowship, Reeves preached on the theme of belonging, relating her experience of remote-learning during the pandemic to a passage from 2 Corinthians about being a new creation in Christ.



Leah Smith, D ’22, reads the Gospel lesson during the 9:00 a.m. Easter Day worship service.


The Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley, T ’94, the senior pastor of Alfred Street Baptist Church, was the guest preacher on May 1, 2022.

In partnership with the Duke Catholic Center, weekday Mass was held in Memorial Chapel Monday through Friday during the academic year. A similar partnership with the Episcopal Center brought an evening prayer service to the Chapel near the end of the spring semester.

Participants in a Jazz Vespers service light candles at a prayer station.

On the final Sunday service of the spring semester, the Chapel welcomed the Black Alumni Collective to Duke. A national organization, the Collective seeks to celebrate the connections made during college years and fortify a network for ongoing professional development. On that

Enliven our preaching with new voices from emerging leaders in the global Christian community
“Praise God. Thanks for the service once again as we are under lockdown here in Uganda.”
—YouTube viewer
Photo by AJ Shorter Photography.

one Sunday, close to 800 people attended the worship service. Dr. W. James Abbington of Emory University, a renowned church musician and scholar, led the music for worship. One of the nation’s most respected choir directors, musicians and authors, Abbington is a popular

speaker, performer and conductor at universities, conferences, symposiums and churches around the world. The preacher was the Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley, T ’94, the senior pastor of Alfred Street Baptist Church, in Alexandria, Virginia. An influential pastor whose sermons on YouTube have been viewed millions of time, Rev. Dr. Wesley preached a sermon titled Things Are About to Get Better. The exuberant service was one example of how the Chapel honors its alumni, engages with national organizations, and offers new perspectives while proclaiming the Gospel.

Along with Rev. Dr. Wesley, other guest preachers this year came from a wide range of denominations and preaching traditions. As part of our commitment to Duke Divinity School and its faculty, nine faculty members were invited

Students strike poses as part of the Processions of the Stations of the Cross service on Good Friday.

Dr. W. James Abbington plays the Aeolian organ during the Sunday morning service on May 1, 2022, for which he led the music. PHOTO BY NATASHA JACOB, GRADUATE STUDENT

to preach this year. Outside of Sunday morning, services such as Choral Evensong, Blessing of the Animals, and Jazz Vespers showed both the excellence and diversity of worship at the Chapel.



Establish a biennial residency program to encourage us to examine our time-honored traditions

While the pandemic has delayed the start of our residency program, Chapel ministers continue to develop plans for inviting theologians, liturgists, or artists to bring fresh ideas and help us engage new practices in worship services that will engage students and community members in the Chapel’s worship life.

Create an online pedagogical web portal for the digital archive of Duke Chapel Recordings

Launched in December of 2020, the Chapel’s Living Tradition online preaching resource continues to grow. With its pages viewed nearly 3,000 times this year, the site continues to add commentary and analysis of the sermons in the Duke Chapel Recordings digital archive. To date it has drawn on the work of fifteen homiletics scholars and five students. The use of the digital archive itself continues to climb— it received 50,200 page-views, up twenty-five percent from the previous year.

The online portal is in addition to the ongoing homiletics scholarship of Chapel Dean Luke A. Powery, who continues to be a soughtafter guest preacher and lecturer. Highlights from this year include his lectures at the Festival of Homiletics and the Yale Institute of Sacred

The Rev. Breanna van Velzen, the Chapel’s community minister, offers a blessing during the Blessing of the Animals service.

Music’s Symposium on Music and the Black Church as well as a virtual guest preaching appearance at Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia.

Invest in our online services

Over the past year, we continued to offer all of our worship services to a growing online audience. The ability to connect the work of the Chapel with this audience has resulted in new investments in state-of-the art cameras and sound equipment for the daily carillon concert, as well as a professional review of the Chapel sound recording system.

This was very much a “hybrid” year for Chapel worship services with in-person participation resuming while many people chose to tune-in remotely.

More than 5,000 people tuned into a typical Sunday morning worship via livestream, ondemand video, podcast, radio, or TV. All indications are that this virtual audience will continue to be robust. This has led to planning for upgrading the Chapel AV system over the coming years.

The Rev. Bruce Puckett, assistant dean at Chapel, prays during an Easter worship service.

Sacred Music & the Arts

Nearly every day of the week, beautiful music resounds in the Chapel to the glory of God—whether it be a Vespers Ensemble rehearsal on Monday night, an organ prelude for a wedding on Saturday afternoon, or an anthem during the Sunday morning worship service. Increasingly, this music is also heard online. This year of music-making was shaped by the theme “Remember and Rejoice,” drawing on the Chapel’s values of compassion and hope.

Fill the world with beautiful choral music

This year, the Chapel resumed in-person performances of Messiah with seating at capacity. The Spring Oratorio featured all of the Chapel’s choirs with an audience of more than 450; the J. Samuel Hammond Carillon Series debuted with fall and spring performances; and the Bach Cantata and Organ Recital Series resumed with hundreds in attendance at each performance.


— the Cultural Voice of North Carolina reviewing the Chapel's Spring Oratorio concert "Remember and Rejoice"

“The overall event was a welcoming, cathartic experience, recognizing and appreciating the hardships we've faced as a community in the past two years—but ultimately reminding us to find joy where we can.”
The Chapel Choir performs Handel’s Messiah.

In recognition of the quality of their physically distanced recordings made during the first year of the pandemic, the Chapel Choir was selected as a Finalist for the 2022 American Prize in Virtual Performance.

Deepen our exposure to and engagement with the Church’s hymnody

In the two years since it was launched, the “Music from Duke Chapel Series” with ECS Publishing Group/MorningStar Music has published thirteen scores, which have sold more than 20,000 copies.

Through the series, the Chapel is providing national leadership in identifying, highlighting, and publishing church music. The Chapel has been bringing this music to life, premiering

eleven new pieces of music this year, nine of them by Black composers, women composers, and/or LGBTQ composers. Additionally, a new hymn text competition offered writers an opportunity to contribute to the church’s hymnody; the contest garnered sixty entries from three countries.

Set the Psalms in dialogue

In partnership with Duke Divinity School, the Psalms in Dialogue program continued its exploration of the Psalms through music, dance, and visual arts.

In this its third year, the program produced an online video presentation, viewed more than 700 times, featuring visual artist Makoto Fujimura, theologian Dr. Ellen Davis, Ekklesia Contemporary Ballet, and dancers Andrew Nemr and Paiter van Yperen, as well as Chapel choirs and musicians. Participants in Psalms in Dialogue were also invited to be panelists for a session at Duke Divinity’s Convocation and Pastors’ School.

The John Brown Big Band leads the music at the Jazz Vespers service on March 24, 2022. PHOTO BY NATASHA JACOB, GRADUATE STUDENT

ABOVE: Dr. Philip Cave. the Chapel’s associate conductor of Chapel Music, concludes a performance by participants in the Chorworks summer program.

BELOW: Dr. Philip Cave conducts the British ensemble Magnificat at Baldwin Auditorium.


Magnificat held joint rehearsals with Chapel choirs and a masterclass on early music during a week-long residency cosponsored by Duke Arts, Duke Initiatives in Theology and Arts, and the Duke Department of Music’s Rare Music Series. Magnificat performed before more than 1,000 people in two concerts and two services.

Establish the Chapel as a center for music education

An expanding array of opportunities invited students, young professional singers, and choir members to delve deeper into sacred music compositions. The acclaimed British ensemble

Through the Chorworks summer program, experienced early-career singers studied and performed the music of the seventeenth-century Italian composer Claudio Monteverdi. The Royal School of Church Music in America’s Carolina Course returned to the Chapel this summer, after a two-year hiatus, with national leaders in church music providing training in choral music to intergenerational participants.


Chapel Music Director Zebulon Highben continued to form leaders in church music through a course he created and taught at the Divinity School, “A Survey of Christian Hymnody,” as well as through lectures at churches and seminaries around the country.

Take our sacred music and the arts to the world

In addition to the many ways the Chapel is a conduit for sacred music, it is also an increasingly active venue for faith-themed visual arts. This year, the Chapel presented four exhibitions, each accompanied by a public event:

ABOVE: Dr. Zebulon Highben, director of Chapel Music, conducts during Handel’s Messiah. BELOW: Dr. Kate Bowler, associate professor of American religious history at Duke Divinity School, holds a public conversation with artist Lanecia Rouse Tinsley, D ’03 about Tinsley’s exhibition at the Chapel.

• Call and Response presented images from University Archives of past campus vigils and protests. The exhibition opened as part of the university’s commemoration of the September 11 attacks and continued in the fall semester.

• Reliquary of Complicated Truths, in collaboration with the Everything Happens Project, was an installation created by artist Lanecia Rouse Tinsley, D ’03, from discarded wood, paper, and other material. Taking inspiration from a scene in the book No Cure for Being Human by Duke Divinity School Professor Kate Bowler, the exhibition invited viewers to respond to the prompt “In my life, there is no cure for....” Tinsley and Professor Bowler held a public conversation at the Chapel based on the exhibition.

• Stations of the Cross by Margaret Adams Parker depicted Christ’s Journey to the Cross with contemporary figures

rendered in muted browns. The exhibition was displayed at the Chapel during Lent and was accompanied by a booklet of prayers and also an artist talk by Parker. The Chapel purchased Stations of the Cross so that the paintings can appear in the Chapel during Lent or be loaned to other churches.

• Communion of Saints, a series of woodblock prints of past saints alongside images of current Duke community members, was created by the recipient of this year’s C. Eric Lincoln Theology and Arts Fellowship, Duke Divinity School student Rebekah Schultz. As part of her fellowship, Schultz gave an in-person tour of her prints, which was also recorded and presented online in condensed form.

Students applaud after a tour of the exhibition Communion of Saints by Divinity School student Rebekah Schultz (left), the recipient of this year’s C. Eric Lincoln Theology and Arts Fellowship.
Participants in the Durham Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope view an exhibit at the Carolina Theater on Durham’s racial history. Photo by Valerie Helbert.

Community Engagement

One way that the Chapel community extends its worship beyond Sunday morning services is through its Community Engagement. Rooted in God’s love, Duke’s principles of effective community engagement, and the Chapel’s longstanding relationships in Durham, the ministry focuses on housing justice, prison justice, racial justice, and ending poverty. It works through education, advocacy, partnership, service, and presence in the West End, Durham, and the Triangle area with an emphasis on listening first and then taking action in solidarity with community members.

While much of the Chapel’s community engagement work happens off campus in Durham, the hospitality provided by the Chapel’s Visitor Relations team was offered to everyone who came to the Chapel. With nearly 200,000 visits to the Chapel this year, this hospitality was extended to wedding guests, people attending memorials, baptismal parties, and many, many people just curious to peek inside the Chapel or find a moment for prayer or reflection. Climbing to the top of the Chapel for the spectacular view of campus and beyond continued to be a popular Duke tradition.

Members of the Duke community gather for a vigil mourning the war in Ukraine.

Nearly 3,000 students, faculty, staff, and their guests participated in tower climbs from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022.



Support the PathWays House and Fellowships

Four recent Duke graduates served as PathWays Fellows this year, working with Chapel community partners and living in Christian community in the PathWays House in Durham’s West End. Collectively, they contributed 100 hours of paid work per week to four local nonprofits: World Relief Durham, Senior PharmAssist, Families Moving Forward, and the Duke Division of Family Medicine and Community Health. They also volunteered

T ’21; Sarah Watkins, T ’21; Michelle Kim, T ’21; and Ce’Ondra Ellison, T ’21.

between ten and fourteen hours per week in their neighborhood. In addition to serving others, they had regular conversations and retreats to aid them in their vocational discernment.

Participate in the growth of Durham

The Chapel’s Community Engagement emphasizes working through partnerships and community groups. To this end, the Chapel is in regular contact with some two-dozen community partners to understand their needs and support them.

The Chapel’s community minster, the Rev. Breana van Velzen, serves on the Religious Coalition for a Nonviolent Durham board, the End Poverty Durham leadership team, and the Durham CARES Pilgrimage alumni committee, and is a member of the Housing Task Force at Duke. Chapel Assistant Dean Bruce Puckett serves as an advisor to the Duke University Habitat for Humanity student chapter.

PathWays Fellows from left: Taylor Patton, Participants learning about Historic Stagville on the Durham Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope.

Honoring excellence in community service, the Chapel’s Humanitarian Service Award this year went to Ruby Thompkins, manager of information services at Duke Police, for her efforts supporting education for African American boys in Durham.

Deepen our engagement with the Mission of the Month and actively join in their work

Each month a Chapel community partner presents their organization’s mission during a Sunday morning worship service. This raises the visibility of their work in the community and also gives congregants an opportunity to support them. This year through the Mission of the Month and other giving programs, the Chapel gave $90,638 to local and international nonprofits.

Support and engage the work of the Durham Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope

The Durham Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope, led by DurhamCares, has become an important cornerstone for the Chapel’s Community Engagement because it emphasizes deep listening, relationships, and faith. The Chapel sponsored thirty-five participants on pilgrimage weekends

Ruby Thompkins (left), manager of information services at Duke Police, received the Chapel’s Humanitarian Service Award. PathWays Fellows Taylor Patton (left), T ’21, and Sarah Watkins, T ’21, at a retreat for the group.

in the fall and spring to better understand the history of Durham, God’s work in the city, and how their own stories intersect with these larger narratives. Participants are invited to continue the work of community building by engaging in the Pilgrimage alumni network of others with a passion for understanding and serving Durham.

Learn through classroom and practical service opportunities both at home and abroad

While mission trips have not been possible during the pandemic, the Chapel led and cosponsored a number of virtual and in-person programs for service and study of faith and justice. In the fall, a Chapel Scholar student, advised by the Chapel’s community minister, led a half-credit house course on “A Just Faith,” which examined examples of different faith traditions’ struggles for justice. Also in the fall, Rev. van Velzen led a study on My Grandmother’s Hands by Resmaa Menakem, a book that describes practices of self-

compassion, especially in relationship to racial trauma. In the spring, Community Engagement and the Congregation at Duke Chapel co-hosted an online workshop on affordable housing with keynote speaker Dr. Terry Allebaugh, a long-time advocate for ending homelessness in North Carolina and an instructor in the Sanford School of Public Policy.

Two other important collaborations with the Congregation continued this year. One is the ongoing work of a “faith team” through the Religious Coalition for a Nonviolent Durham. This group of volunteers is trained to meet regularly with individuals who have recently left prison to support them in transitioning back into the community. The other enduring partnership is with Habitat for Humanity. Each year, the Chapel partners with the Congregation, the Duke student chapter of Habitat for Humanity, and other campus units to sponsor the construction of a house for a family in Durham seeking a new home.

The Rev. Dr. Keith Daniel, T ’90, D ’05, D ’16, gives a presentation during the Durham Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope.
“Place is really important, and I didn’t want to be in Durham without knowing the history and the story of the place. The pilgrimage was an opportunity to listen deeper into the story of Durham.”
—Kiana Hertogh, D ’22, participant with the Duke Chapel group on Durham Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope
Participants in the Durham Pilgrimage of Pain and Hope read banners about historical figures in Durham.



Rev. Dr. Luke A. Powery Dean of Duke Chapel Ava West Assistant to the Dean


Rev. Bruce Puckett Assistant Dean Rev. Racquel C. N. Gill Minister for Intercultural Engagement

Rev. Kathryn Lester-Bacon Director of Religious Life Rev. Breana van Velzen Community Minister


Dr. Zebulon Highben Director of Chapel Music Dr. Philip Cave Associate Conductor for Chapel Music

Dr. Robert Parkins University Organist

Christopher Jacobson, FRCO Chapel Organist

John Santoianni Ethel Sieck Carrabina Curator of Organs and Harpsichords

Lauren Scarborough Program Coordinator for Chapel Music

Kyle MacDonald Staff Specialist

W. Paul Bumbalough Chapel Carillonneur

Joseph Fala Chapel Carillonneur Chase Benefiel Chapel Carillonneur


Amanda Millay Hughes Director of Development and Strategy

Joni Harris Director of Business and Facilities

James Todd Communications Manager

Kevin Goldfarb Communications Specialist

Aaron Canipe Communications Specialist

Lisa Best Accounting Specialist and Office Coordinator

Erica Thomas Staff Assistant for Development


Mark King Hospitality Coordinator

David-Michael Kenney Wedding Coordinator and Visitor Relations Assistant

Blanche Williams Wedding Director

Nancy Freeman Wedding Director

Ann Hall

Visitor Relations Assistant

Jane Kelly

Visitor Relations Assistant

Keshia Perry Visitor Relations Assistant

Shawn Proffitt

Visitor Relations Assistant

Emerson Cobbs Visitor Relations Assistant

Kenyon Davenport Visitor Relations Assistant

Benny Edwards Visitor Relations Assistant

Nikki Manderico Visitor Relations Assistant

Oscar Dantzler University Housekeeper

Beverly Jordan University Housekeeper


Grace Lee, T ’79 Chair

Dr. T. Walker Robinson, T ’00, G ’01, M ’09 Vice Chair


Robin Barefoot

D. Michael Bennett, T ’77

John A. Bussian III, T ’76

Rev. Dr. M. Keith Daniel, T ’90, D ’05, D ’16 Dr. Ellen F. Davis

Thomas Felgner, T ’94, B ’95 Rev. Dr. Cathy Gilliard, D ’97 Elizabeth Grantland, T ’20

Zach Heater, T ’17

Sara Elizabeth H. Jones, T ’89

Southgate Jones III

Dr. Kenneth Lee, T ’74

Jeffrey Nelson, D ’13

Hananiel Setiawan, G ’24

Sanyin Siang, E ’96, B ’02

Max Sirenko, T ’11

Valerie Henry Sirenko, T ’11 Kathryn Watkins, T ’19

Emeritus Member William E. King, T ’61, G ’63, G ’70

Chapel staff and National Advisory Board members during the 2021–2022 fiscal year. All photos taken by Chapel or University Communications unless otherwise noted.


To respond to God’s all-inclusive love at Duke, in Durham, and in the world.

OUR MISSION Rooted in the love of God in Jesus Christ, Duke Chapel bridges faith and learning by nurturing and embodying the intellectual, ethical, and spiritual life.

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Duke University Chapel 401 Chapel Drive | Box 90974 Durham, NC 27708

@DukeChapel #FindSanctuary

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