Chapel VieW Winter 2014
ADVISoRY BoARD PRESIDEnT Charlie Berardesco T ’80
ConTEnTS Winter 2014
VICE PRESIDEnT C.B. Richardson T ’92 PAST PRESIDEnT Gina harrison
Come to the Table
From the Dean’s Desk Good Friday Everyday Luke A. Powery
From the President’s Desk We’d Love to Hear Your Stories Charlie Berardesco T ’80
From Virtual to In-Person Worship James Todd T ’98
Soli Deo Gloria Christopher Jacobson
Creative Encounters Joshua Lazard
Upcoming Events Schedule Chapel Restoration Q&A
EMERITUS MEMBER William e. King, phD, T ’61, G ’63, G ’70
CHAPEL STAFF DEAn oF DUkE CHAPEL Luke A. Powery STUDEnT MInISTRY Christy Lohr Sapp, Associate Dean for Religious Life Adam Hollowell, Director of Student Ministry Bruce Puckett, Director of Community Ministry Joshua Lazard, C. Eric Lincoln Minister for Student Engagement Gerly Ace, Staff Assistant for Student Ministry MUSIC Rodney Wynkoop, Director of Chapel Music Robert Parkins, University Organist Christopher Jacobson, Chapel Organist Brian Schmidt, Assistant Conductor & Administrative Coordinator of Chapel Music J. Samuel Hammond, University Carillonneur John Santoianni, Curator of Organs & Harpsichords Michael Lyle, Staff Assistant to Chapel Music
Annual Report of Giving FY 2014 Letter from Beth Gettys Sturkey
11 12 13 14 16 18 20
back cover
ADVISoRY BoARD Zoila airall, phD Nancy l. Jirtle, phD anna R. Jones arlie petters, phD amanda Wright Smoot WC ’63 T. Walker Robinson, MD, T ’00, G ’01, M ’09 Jonathan York T ’15
Founders Society 20-Year Consecutive Giving
WoRSHIP & EVEnTS Meghan Feldmeyer, Director of Worship Sara Blaine Clark, Event & Wedding Coordinator Andrew Klumpp, Visitor Relations Specialist
10-Year Consecutive Giving Gift Lists Gifts in Memory of
CoMMUnICATIonS Adrienne Koch, Communications Specialist James Todd, Multimedia Manager
Gifts in Honor of 2013-14 Financial Summary
DEVELoPMEnT Beth Gettys Sturkey, Director of Development Lucy Hart Peaden Taylor, Staff Assistant for Development
Handel’s Messiah at Duke Chapel
ADMInISTRATIon Joni Harris, Assistant to the Dean Lisa Moore, Accounting Specialist & Office Coordinator
Cover: The flowers on the cover of this issue of Chapel View magazine, set in front of the communion table, were given to the glory of God in memory of Barbara Ann Freeman Erlenbach WC ’56, by her family and grandchildren on october 20, 2013.
UnIVERSITY HoUSEkEEPInG Oscar Dantzler, Chapel Housekeeper Beverly Jordan, Chapel Housekeeper
Duke Schools Abbreviation Key T (Trinity College of Arts & Sciences) D (Divinity School) G (Graduate School) E (Pratt School of Engineering) WC (Women’s College)
GooD FRIDAY EVERYDAY From the Dean’s Desk, the Rev. Dr. Luke A. Powery
n this season of advent, i find that drink this cup we proclaim the lord’s death until he comes” i am surprised to be continually re- (1 Cor. 11). The communion table is a table of death that minded of lent. perhaps it is because is surprisingly inviting. it welcomes us to participate in the i have been moved so deeply by reports brokenness of Christ, and by doing so immerses us in the of violence across our nation. i’ve been brokenness of the world. Why would we want to immerse feeling more and more that lent is not ourselves in brokenness? Because it is what Jesus did in relegated to those few days before eas- order that we may become whole and holy. in the giving of ter, and that every day is a Good Friday because every day his body and blood as heavenly food, we get a foretaste of someone dies due to violence. i have daily reminders of what it means to die and live generously and courageously. We can’t avoid brokenness, because every day is a Good this sitting on my desk. There is a chalice and plate from the holy land alongside an arizona iced tea and a packet Friday, nor do we want to avoid this earthly reality. it is in of skittles. Those sit next to each other as a memorial for the brokenness — even in the symbol of the breaking of Christ, Trayvon Martin, and “the many thousand gone” as a result of violence. it “I cannot be at represents the intermingling of theological and existential realities. i remember those peace without God, who have “come treading a path through and I cannot be the blood of the slaughtered” while sitting truly aware of God in my gothic-style office, in order to rememif I am not at peace ber the context of ministry amidst violence. with my fellows...” it is a domain of death; a valley of dry bones. hospice and hospitals are also reminders — Howard Thurman of this reality, along with the architectural shape of the very Chapel i sit in as i write to you. The shape is cruciform; the nave and transepts create a literal cross that hovers over us as a sign that we have been marked by death, ourselves. The cross, historically, was a tool of execution and violence. The Chapel building itself calls us to remember all of those affected by brutal violence everyday. as i sit here, i wonder, how can we call a Friday full of bread — that we receive the healing life of Christ. in the violence “Good” as we do when we name the day Jesus died? brokenness we see Christ, just as the disciples had their Recently at the Chapel, we held our first Bridge panel, eyes opened and came to know Christ in the breaking of which aims to bridge people from various walks of life to bread (luke 24). it is in brokenness that we see and hear Christ more discuss topics of shared concern (access at This first panel was about responding to violence with jus- clearly. it calls us to him. it calls us to see ourselves for tice and mercy. We heard stories from a mother whose son who we really are. it calls us to serve others with our body had been murdered, a judge, a prison chaplain, and a his- and blood, our whole being — the hungry, the thirsty, the tory professor. it became clear that violence in its varied stranger, the naked, the sick, the prisoner, the poor, the forms leaves an impact on everyone in some way. in our widow, the orphan, victims of violence, troubled youth, broken society and world, violence is unavoidable and re- and Jesus. in the brokenness, we discover a blessing when our eyes veals how we have forgotten our common humanity. The “Good” that i have seen is our shared humanity in are opened. May we see and experience Christ to such an Christ, and i see it visualized best at the lord’s Table. The extent that we may offer ourselves to others, saying, “this is apostle paul said that “every time we eat this bread and my body given for you.” From the Dean’s Desk
WE’D LoVE To HEAR YoUR SToRY President of the Duke Chapel Advisory Board, Charlie Berardesco T ‘80
t is a pleasure to once again write to you as president of the Duke University Chapel advisory Board. Since my first letter, the Board had an exciting meeting at Duke with the staff and students — as an aside, i love the Board meetings, as it gives me a wonderful reason to return to campus and simply revel in the beauty of Duke and the area. But, we did conduct some important business, including reviewing progress against the Chapel’s newly adopted Strategic plan, receiving program updates, meeting new staff members, and thinking about the pending move of worship from the Chapel as needed repairs are performed. We also had the pleasure and the opportunity to listen to the new Chapel organist, Christopher “Kit” Jacobson, perform on both the aeolian and Flentrop organs, and to enjoy a performance by Duke’s first male a Capella singing group, the “pitchforks.” We had a great time! and, of course we finished the weekend off by attending worship in the Chapel, which for me, as i suspect for many of you, brings back marvelous memories of my time as a Duke undergraduate that i still tell as stories (i come from a family of storytellers). it is about stories that i want to write in this letter. in my first Chapel View letter, i recounted some of my story — some about my background, my time at Duke, and why the Chapel continues to be a special place for me. i know that many of you have your own stories, of specific experiences or events at the Chapel, or what the Chapel’s worship, music, preaching, community or architecture means to you, or how the Chapel enriched or changed your faith or life, or enhanced your understanding of how faith is part of your life. These stories are in some ways even more important now, as the Chapel staff is in the midst of the serious planning necessary to prepare for a year of not having access to the Chapel for worship. This planning goes well beyond simply planning for an alternate worship location, as complicated as that prospect is in and of itself. The staff will also have to inform many who have had dreams of a Duke Chapel wedding that their weddings cannot take place in the Chapel; they will need to comfort grieving families that 2
Chapel VieW magazine | Winter 2014
will not be able to hold services for their loved ones in that sacred space; they will have to explain to new and prospective students how Duke Chapel is such an integral part of the life of Duke University, without their being able to see the space for themselves. The loss of access to the Chapel for all of this will, to be honest, be painful, dislocating and disappointing for many of us. i have come to love returning to Duke and worshiping in the Chapel on a more regular basis — of sitting amongst the grandeur and beauty of that space, of listening to glorious music and inspired preaching, of worshipping amidst all who attend Duke Chapel. i don’t think it is inappropriate to be sad at the pending closure of the Chapel for worship, as temporary as that closure will be. While Duke Chapel is more than its physical presence for worship and other services and events, there is real significance to its physical presence, and that presence will be missed. and, i think that our stories about the Chapel and the influences
“Many of you have your own stories, of specific experiences or events at the Chapel, or what the Chapel’s worship, music, preaching, community or architecture means to you, or how the Chapel enriched or changed your faith or life, or enhanced your understanding of how faith is part of your life.”
it has had on our lives could be a wonderful way to keep our mind on what the entirety of the Chapel is truly about — not only its physical presence, but also its ongoing spiritual influence on our lives. To keep it, even as worship and other events are held in alternate spaces, an ongoing part of our spiritual lives. So, we want to hear your stories of how Duke Chapel has affected you. it could be one of the ways about which i wrote above, or in any way that you feel comfortable sharing. The Chapel staff will select some of the submissions for inclusion in future editions of Chapel View magazine, and for publication on the Chapel’s website. please submit your stories to chapeldevelopment @
i very much look forward to reading what we submit—from those of us for whom Duke Chapel is a special part of our lives. i know it will assist me in remembering how special the Chapel is, and help me look forward to that day, not too long in the future, when it will re-open and resume its comprehensive physical presence on the Duke campus. i also look forward to writing to you in future editions of Chapel View magazine, and hope that some of you will reach out to me with your questions, comments, and suggestions. and, as always, thank you for your support of Duke Chapel and its mission and ministries — it is vital to the Chapel and its work, and i know that everyone associated with the Chapel is grateful for your support.
We want to hear your stories of how Duke Chapel has affected you. Please submit your stories to chapeldevelopment
From the president’s Desk
From Virtual to In-Person Worship Congregation member Linda Gauger watched worship service webcasts for more than a decade before coming in person
The Numbers A breakdown of annual viewership by media platform • 300,000 video views on YouTube • 150,000 total listeners on two radio stations • 25,000 total viewers on campus, hospital, and local cable, plus an annual statewide broadcast of the Chapel’s Christmas Eve worship service • 20,000 playbacks and downloads on iTunes
Viewers Respond Recent comments from viewers on the Chapel’s YouTube channel • “The solo from the young lady was stunning.” • “grande prestazione!” (“great performance” in Italian) • “I love this sermon to death. God bless!” • “Thanks to Luke Powery for this powerful word.”
Chapel VieW magazine | Winter 2014
Linda Gauger participated virtually in Duke Chapel worship services via webcasts for more than a decade. Then, last month she became a member of the Congregation at Duke Chapel and now attends services in person. “Going from watching online to in person was an easy transition,” Gauger said. Linda Gauger, left, with Chapel Congregation member “You could say all the Tamela Davis at a luncheon welcoming new members. prayers,” while watching Gauger watched Chapel worship services online for online, she said. Howev- more than ten years before attending in person. er, when participating in person, “there is something more when there are hundreds of people also saying prayers with you.” Gauger’s first connection to the Chapel was attending services while visiting her son Matthew Gauger, T ‘99 when he was a student at Duke. Matthew settled in Durham and was later joined in Durham by his sister Sarah Gauger. The two have participated in Chapel services in various ways. Linda Gauger first started watching the Chapel worship services online regularly in 2001 when she moved with her husband Gary from their longtime home in New England to Florida. The couple did not establish a connection there with a local church; instead, Gauger would visit her mother Elizabeth Reed at a nearby nursing home on Sunday mornings. “I would take my laptop down to the nursing facility and we would watch the Chapel service together,” she said. “My mother used to sing along sometimes.” “When you guys panned the audience, we would look for Matthew and Sarah,” Gauger said. “It was a way for my mother, and myself, to stay connected with our kids who were so far away from us.”
Last year, Gauger and her husband retired to Durham to be near their children and grandchildren. She continued her tradition of watching Chapel webcasts on Sunday morning with her homebound mother, who moved with the family to Durham. Congregation pastor Carol Gregg, member Jane Fellows, and Chapel Choir members would visit with Gauger and her mother in their home. “Duke Chapel was brought here to us and my mother was just absolutely thrilled,” Gauger said. Gauger’s mother died in July. “Carol was very supportive through my mother’s final weeks here,” Gauger said. After her mother’s death, Gauger began coming in person to Chapel services. “Obviously, it’s a lot better to be in person, to be in a community,” she said. “You get to participate, to truly take communion.” Even so, Gauger said she is grateful to have been able to share the Chapel webcasts with her mother for so many years. “When she couldn’t get out because she was infirmed, I could say, ‘Okay, we’re going to church together, and guess what, we’re going with family, because there’s family already going to this church.’” — James Todd, Multimedia Manager
How to Tune In Watch or listen to Chapel worship services and other events through these media outlets.
Online • The Chapel website: • YouTube: DukeChapel • iTunes: search for “Duke Chapel” on iTunes U
TV • Duke Hospital Channel 12: Live and recorded broadcasts • Duke campus IP-TV Channel 1-3: Live and recorded broadcasts • Durham Community Media Public Access Cable: Recorded broadcasts 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays • The People’s Channel Public Access Cable in Chapel Hill: Recorded broadcasts 11 a.m. Wednesdays
Radio • WDnC 620 AM: Live broadcast 11 a.m. Sundays • WPTF 680 AM: Recorded broadcast 10 a.m. Sundays
From Virtual to in-person Worship
Whether or not you have visited Duke University Chapel recently, one cannot help but notice that sacred music resides in the heartbeat of Chapel life. The music offered at the Chapel helps us enter a realm beyond ordinary experience, surpassing known thoughts and undestandings. as musicians in Duke Chapel — an outward and visible symbol in stone and glass of the infinitude of God’s steadfast love — our purpose is to render through music, glimpses of God’s beauty and to open to all who come here the way of grace and peace. With its roots hearkening back to the prayer and wisdom of ancient monastic life, the sacred music that shapes the worship of Duke Chapel embodies the university’s motto, Eruditio et Religio, joining faith with learning. But for a moment i want to focus on the word “worship” as it gives sacred music its context. Nowadays it is easy to misinterpret worship, blithely referencing the trivial comings and goings of our daily lives. however, when it comes to the actual worship of Our lord, we’d be wise to take a closer look. i suppose “worship” today could generically be defined as an act of praise and thanksgiving offered to a higher spiritual power. Derived from the two Middle english words, weorð, meaning ‘worth,’ and scipe, meaning ‘ship,’ or a state of being, acknowledging the etymology of the word “worship” provides fresh understanding. 6
Chapel VieW magazine | Winter 2014
Soli Deo Gloria
“Distinct from the noisy world around us, sacred music, such as that of Johann Sebastian Bach and many others both before and after, anchors us in the Presence of the Living Christ.” Upon fusing the two, weorð-scipe, meaning ‘state of worthiness’, we arrive at a slightly thicker context of worship than a postmodern perspective might invite: a state of reverence and dignity, offering back to God his worthiness in adoration. For me, the sacred music of Johann Sebastian Bach has always provided a reliable signpost along the path leading to this context of worship. living in eighteenthcentury lutheran Germany, Bach had little choice but to write music to the Glory of God (Soli Deo Gloria). Yet more so than that of any other composer, Bach’s music, some of the finest ever composed, surprises, astonishes, and delights three hundred years later. it transcends faith, speaking to people of all faiths, and those with none. What is it about him? Why does his music do that — and how? how does it cut to the very fiber of our being and change us? John eliot Gardiner, a matchless Bach scholar and author of the recent biography “Music in the Castle of heaven,” jokes that experiencing Bach’s music is a little bit like snorkeling. “Being in Bach’s music has that sense of otherness: it’s another world we enter, as performers or listeners. You put your mask on, and you go down to a psychedelic world of myriad colors.” Gardiner also invites significant thought about Bach’s music as faith, because when we hear something so beautiful it’s hard not to wonder how a mere mortal could have created it. Though an agnostic, Gardiner admits feeling close to Christianity when performing Bach.
“it’s irresistible in its persuasiveness,” he confesses from a recent interview. “i cannot deny that even if my logical mind says ‘no,’ my soul and spirit says, ‘This can only have come from one who has a totally credible and unshakable sense of godhead and the frailty of human existence; [these are] the aspirations that are necessary to make sense of our lives…’” Much like the plays of William Shakespeare, the music of Bach represents the summit of human achievement, ushering us into a fourth dimension. it is the performer’s supreme challenge. it is the listener’s supreme delight. it is difficult to think of a more refined brain than albert einstein’s, and yet it was he who famously pronounced, “This is what i have to say about Bach — listen, play, love, revere — and keep your trap shut.” Distinct from the noisy world around us, sacred music, such as that of Johann Sebastian Bach and many others both before and after, anchors us in the presence of the living Christ. it primes our imagination for mysteries yet undisclosed. however darkly we see through the glass now (as Saint paul puts it), sacred music lets in the light: glimpses of God’s splendor in sound. it is my hope here at Duke that the choral and organ music offered amidst the beauty of Duke Chapel, might offer a glimpse of discoveries yet unnamed and realities yet unknown. — Christopher Jacobson, Chapel Organist Soli Deo Gloria
e n c o u n t e r s
smile with the warmth of 10,000 suns greeted me as she opened the door with a hearty hello. i walked into the house and the comforting smells of noonday lunch filled the house. The sights of colorful vegetables and enticing vittles lurched forward, beckoning me to the dining table. Mrs. lucy lincoln had invited me to lunch. in this photo taken at the beginning of the academic year, Mrs. lincoln, the widow of Dr. C. eric lincoln, participated in the commissioning ceremony of my position. prior to the worship service i had the opportunity to sit with her in a conversation-style interview and to hear Mrs. lincoln speak of her late husband’s academic and creative exploits over the years. after our conversation, i truly realized what an honor it is to be the inaugural lincoln Minister for Duke Chapel. Mrs. lincoln fondly referred to her late husband as “C. eric” and she recalled him as a hymn-writer, a poet, a composer of a symphony, and even a screenwriter. in keeping with the Chapel’s values to see “the creative arts as both an expression of the worship of God and an expression of human longing for God,” the spirit of Dr. lincoln will be embodied through theology and the arts in the Chapel. While Dr. lincoln has a body of academic work that includes interfaith research and sociology about race relations in this country, his creative works outside of the academy are shining examples of his artistic theology on display. 8
Chapel VieW magazine | Winter 2014
Since the beginning of the academic year i have had the opportunity to meet with numerous students for one-on-one conversations over coffee or lunch. even as the semester moves forward, i am continuing to have dialogue with students from across the spectrum of Religious life about theology and the arts. The hope is that these “creative encounters” will fashion a safe space around visual, performance, and literary arts with students. Through pathWays, student engagement around theology and the arts allows me to form relationships with undergraduates at Duke. Dr. lincoln lost a half-century of personal notes in a house fire and went on to pen the book Coming Through the Fire as a testament to his journals dating back to 1941. his contributions are not only as a scholar, an artist, or even a trailblazer in his field, but as one who shows us the wisdom
of spiritual reflection. The crossroads of theology and the arts provides another avenue that can illuminate moments for students to reflect on their relationship with God’s creation — both human and divine. Two weeks after the sumptuous noonday lunch, during the commissioning ceremony, students and fellow staff members offered the laying-on of hands, and together we exited the building to partake in the late-august joy of locopops. in that service, not only did i receive the blessing of Mrs. lincoln to begin this new work in the spirit of her late husband, but i was received into a community willing to experience God differently. and for that, i am truly thankful. — Joshua Lazard, C. Eric Lincoln Minister for Student Engagement
Upcoming EVEnTS DECEMBER 2 7:00 p.m. Christmas Concert Duke Chorale
4 5:30 p.m. Advent Lessons and Carols Duke Vespers Ensemble Goodson Chapel
5 7:30 p.m. Handel’s Messiah Duke Chapel Choir
6 11:45 a.m. Friends of Duke Chapel Messiah Luncheon Divinity Café, Duke Divinity School 2:00 p.m. Handel’s Messiah Duke Chapel Choir
7 3:00 p.m. Handel’s Messiah Duke Chapel Choir
13 8:00 p.m. C.P.E. Bach’s Magnificat Susa’s Carols & Lullabies Choral Society of Durham
14 4:00 p.m. C.P.E. Bach’s Magnificat Susa’s Carols & Lullabies Choral Society of Durham
18 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. Christmas open House / Duke Chapel by Candlelight 7:30 p.m. Christmas Concert north Carolina Boys Choir
19 8:00 p.m. Christmas Concert Vocal Arts Ensemble of Durham
For event updates and further information about the Chapel closure, visit
24 Christmas Eve
2:00 p.m. Children’s Service
8:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m. Chapel Labyrinth
4:00 p.m. Service of Carols & Holy Communion
6:00 p.m. Worship Service 11:00 p.m. Service of Lessons & Carols
25 Christmas Day Duke Chapel is closed
5:00 p.m. organ Recital Series Robert Parkins Free Admission
29 11:00 a.m. Worship Palm/Passion Sunday 4:00 p.m. Bach’s St. Matthew Passion Duke Chapel Choir
3:00 p.m. Martin Luther king, Jr. Commemorative Service
2015 Holy Week Services March 30 through April 3
5:00 p.m. organ Recital Series Christopher Jacobson Free Admission
FEBRUARY 8 4:00 p.m. Hindemith’s When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard Bloom’d Choral Society of Durham
18 8:00 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. Ash Wednesday Services
21 8:00 p.m. In Pace: Music for Compline Stile Antico presented by Duke Performances
MARCH 1 11:00 a.m. Worship PathWays Spring Break Mission Trip Commissioning 5:00 p.m. organ Recital Series Marie Rubis Bauer Free Admission
Daily noon Services
6:30 p.m. Service of Footwashing 7:30 p.m. Maundy Thursday Service
3 11:30 a.m. Procession of the Stations of the Cross 12:00 p.m. Good Friday Service 7:30 p.m. Good Friday Tenebrae Service
5 6:30 a.m. Easter Sunrise Service Duke Gardens 9:00 a.m. Easter Worship Service with Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Easter Worship Service
18 4:00 p.m. Viva Italia: Sacred Music in 17th Century Rome Duke Vespers Ensemble
Chapel Restoration Q&A The Chapel nave will close to the public on May 11, 2015, and reopen in the spring of 2016. Dean Powery believes that this time of restoration will be an opportunity for the Chapel community to be a “church without walls,” and live into the long-held belief that the Chapel is more than just a building. Q: Why can’t the Chapel stay open as the National Cathedral has during its restoration? A: Everything that can be removed from the Chapel nave must be removed (including the pews!). Mortar drilling and replacement will produce extremely fine dust that could damage the organs of the Chapel; therefore, the organs will be sealed. After the repairs, the entire nave will be thoroughly dusted before the interior furnishings can be cleaned and restored. Q: Where will Sunday worship services take place? A: Sunday worship services are tentatively set for Baldwin Auditorium during the summer and Page Auditorium in the fall. Christmas and Easter services may be moved to larger locations at Duke or in Durham. The Chapel website will contain location updates for worship. Q: Will the Chapel’s services, concerts, ministries, etc., continue during the restoration work? A: The Chapel’s mission and ministry will continue regardless of restoration work. The Chapel staff and Religious Life offices in the basement of the building will remain open during the restoration project. The Chapel website will contain location information for events. Q: Will events and services still be streamed online? A: Yes, online, radio, and campus cable broadcasts of events and worship services will continue.
Creative encounters | Upcoming events | Chapel Restoration
Chapel VieW magazine | Winter 2014
FRIEnDS oF DUkE CHAPEL ANNUAL REPORT OF GIVING Fiscal Year 2014 – July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 Thank you for your generous gifts to Duke Chapel this last fiscal year, July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. We want you to know how deeply we appreciate that support. Without that support, we could not provide life-changing student ministry or the Chapel’s vibrant worship shared through media ministry. We could not provide inspiring music and arts, or the important work of interfaith engagement were it not for you and the thousands of other donors who join you in supporting our ministry. Please continue to give generously in the current fiscal year, helping the Chapel live into its mission to be a “great loving church,” ensuring that God’s love permeates every aspect of our ministry. Warmly and gratefully,
We are grateful for gifts of every size. All FY 2014 donors are listed in the online Annual Report, found at To save printing costs and conserve paper, the following includes Founders Society donors, consecutive donors, donors who provided gifts in honor and memory, and those who provided financial support of $500 or more to Duke Chapel.
Founders Society (Gifts totaling $25,000 or more based on computer records beginning in 1972) Anonymous Barbara & Ernest Adelman Marsha & Charles Altmeyer Sylvia & Edward Arnett Margaret Ball & Peter Stace Donna & Robert Bearden Charles Andrew Berardesco Barbara & Jack O. Bovender, Jr. Sara & Bruce Brandaleone Susan & Thomas Brasco Betty H. Briner Brenda & H. Keith H. Brodie Elaine & Mark Brown Katharine & Edwin C. Bryson, Jr. Clotiel M. Caffey Lydia & Robert Califf Janet & James Clapp Thomas C. Clark Priscilla & John Denegre Stephen Denning & Judith Johnson Isobel Craven Drill Gail & C. Stephen Dula Evebell L. Dunham Robert F. Durden Ryan K. Eidson Sarah & Peter English Philip Ellis Erlenbach Margery & Joseph C. Farmer, Jr. Thomas Felgner & Nicolette Maestes Eleanor & James Gates Ferguson, Jr. Elizabeth & Richard Fisher Doris Hudgins Gaudette Janet L. Gwyer
John M. Harrelson Gina & Jeff Harrison Mary Putman Hartman Cammie & W. Barnes Hauptfuhrer Donnie D. Haye Judith & Richard Hays Carolin B. Head Judith & Patrick Henry Jenell & Jan Hottinga Earlene & Nelson Jackson James R. Jacobs Kay & James Kelly Thomas S. Kenan III Barbara & G. Mac Kimbrell Karen & Jefferson Kirby Lois S. Klauder James Pierce Knight Raymonde & John E. Koonce III Patricia & John Koskinen John B. Lewis, Jr. Gay McLawhorn Love Henry R. Massey Jane & Richard Massey T. Benjamin Massey Joyce & Harold C. Mauney, Jr. Kathleen Byrns & Aubrey Kerr McClendon Ina Ann W. McCoy Mary “Kazie” Metzger & John Harvey Wendy & G. Radford Moeller Sarah A. Moore Karen & Terence Moran Leslie Neumeister
Susan & Harry L. Nolan, Jr. Lois Pounds Oliver Bess Burghardt Paine George R. Parkerson, Jr. Charlotte & J. Russell Phillips Ann & Richard Posey Andrea & Julian Powell James F. & Carol Rabenhorst Michele & Dudley Rauch James C. Ray Cyrus Begley Richardson III Roy O. Rodwell Ann & Charles Sanders Nancy Alyea Schiebel Robert L. Schwarz Ella Eugenia Shore Katharine & Ted Shults Linda & John Sigmon Amanda & Richard Smoot Ann E. Sperry Frederick Steckler Jackie A. Strange Sylvia & William Teasley Robert J. Theis, Sr. Donald J. Thompson Karla & William Trexler Kaye & John A. Wallace, Jr. Peggy & John Weinerth Jo Bailey & Samuel M.B. Wells Ruth & A. Morris Williams, Jr. Patricia & William Willimon Karen H. Witzleben
We have made every effort to list donors correctly. If we have made an error with your name or giving level, please contact Chapel Development at 919-684-5955 or
Founders Society | annual Report of Giving
20 -Year Consecutive Giving Leudzer Algra Sylvia & Edward Arnett Helen Percilla Barnhart Donna & Robert Bearden Anne L. Bird Diane & Gary Blandino Elaine & Mark Brown Jackson B. Browning, Jr. Betty C. Brunson Katharine & Edwin C. Bryson, Jr. Virginia & Michael F. Byrne, Jr. Yvonne Carey Janet & James Clapp Darry & Edward Conner Malcolm F. Crawford Sarah Dale Prophet & Wallace Prophet Priscilla & John Denegre Gail & C. Stephen Dula Sarah & Peter English Barbara B. Eshbaugh Marla Jane Franks Nancy & J. Rodney Fulcher Mina Jane Grothey Janet Harrington Hall Gina & Jeff Harrison
Stella & John Herpel Caroline & R. Harrison Hickman Joan S. Jones Sarah & Thomas Juntune Lynn & Michael Karpinski Kay & James Kelly Kenneth H. Kerr Helen Brewer King & William E. King Patricia & John Koskinen Veronica & Carl J. Lange Edwin B. Lee, Jr. Emily & T. Carleton Lee Sara E. Marks T. Benjamin Massey D. Keith McKenzie Karen & Perry Miller Wendy & G. Radford Moeller Sarah A. Moore Margaret & Robert F. Morris, Jr. Nell & Fred Mowry Pamela S. Newsome Susan & Harry L. Nolan, Jr. George R. Parkerson, Jr. Carolyn & Wade H. Penny, Jr. Elizabeth Rainoff
Lauren & John Rowe Michael Stephen Sayko Nancy Alyea Schiebel Mary & Richard Schwartz Mary & Christopher Spivey Ella Eugenia Shore Mary Alice “Molly� Simes Ann E. Sperry Sandra & David Sprouse Robert W. Stubbs Donald J. Thompson Juanita M. Todd Jeanette & A. Granville Tolley Linda & Kurt Travis Karla & William Trexler Judith C. Waldron Martha Rudy Wallace Peggy & John Weinerth Edyth James Wheeler Carol & Charles Denny White, Jr. Emily Jennings White Ann Wilder Sterly Lebey Wilder Leigh J. Wynkoop Rodney Wynkoop
Duke Chapel Advisory Board from top left to bottom right: Walker Robinson, Jonathan York, Charlie Berardesco, Amanda Smoot, C.B. Richardson, Beth Gettys Sturkey, Nancy Jirtle, Arlie Petters, Anna Jones, Luke Powery, Gina Harrison, Zoila Airall
We have made every effort to list donors correctly. If we have made an error with your name or giving level, please contact Chapel Development at 919-684-5955 or
Chapel VieW magazine | Winter 2014
10 -Year Consecutive Giving Becky & Julian M. Aldridge, Jr. Agnes & Francis Ali-Osman Elizabeth & Alvin Alsobrook Emily J. Averill Martha & Frank L. Barkley, Jr. Deirdre & David Beck Jane Sanders Bellet Alexandra & Andrew Bentley Charles Andrew Berardesco Mary & Clifford A. Best, Jr. Dorothy C. Bevan Winifred & William Bierbower Kristen Elizabeth Blackman Jane & W. Eugene Bondurant Elizabeth Van Nest Braun & Jack Braun Julia & O. Whitfield Broome, Jr. Roger A. Bruhwel Anne & William F. Burch III John A. Bussian III Lydia & Robert Califf Naomi & Joseph Canning Holly Chambers & Joseph Steedle Mary & William Chambers Mimi & Allan Charles Jennifer & John Chmelka Jewel & William Christian Janice Church-Jackson & William Jackson David Ciaffa Charlotte & B. Jefferson Clark Muriel Neal Cleary Ann & Robert Cole Mary Anne Collins-Stauffer & John Collins Roberta & Eddie Cone Alan W. Cooper Ruth & Carlyle Craven Shelia & Jay S. Creswell, Jr. Marjorie & Gray Crouse Ann Woodall Davant Calvin D. Davis Mahlon W. Deloatch, Jr. Sharon D. Dunaway Evebell L. Dunham Kim Duong Robert F. Durden David B. Eck Gay & Edward Elliott Stuart & Roland Elliott Claire G. Engle Philip Ellis Erlenbach
Sallie & John Everette Thomas Russell Ferguson III Marc Alan Flick Linda & Wesley C. Fowler, Jr. Kelley & Robert Gamble Annie Lewis & Robert Garda Padgett & Edwin R. Gerler, Jr. Audrey & Sean Gleeson Thomas W. Grey Ruth Ann Griggs Janet L. Gwyer Deborah & Russell Hall Margaret Ann Hall Martha & Thomas R. Hall III Patrick Spencer Hamrick Jean Elizabeth Haworth Donnie D. Haye Rebecca & James R. Haygood, Sr. Patricia & Chase Hearn Linda & Richard Heintzelman Karen & Richard Heitzenrater Corinna & Gordon Herbert Alexandra & Steven Holland Parma & Robert C. Holt, Jr. Susan & Edwin Holt Nancy & David Hudak Heidi Hullinger & James Chandler Martin, Jr. Betty & William Hunter Patricia Inlow-Hatcher & Anthony Hatcher Judith Johnson & Stephen Denning Mildred & Charles T. Johnson, Jr. Velma & Samuel Johnson Nancy H. Jones Daine B. Joyner Betsy & J. Roger Kelly Anna & Charles M. King, Jr. Caroline Marie Klein Meg Korpi & Russell Wright Nanci & John Kryzak Katherine & Joseph Landing Anne & H. Jack Leister Betty & T. Landon Lindsay Karen & Rex Loftin Jane & Samuel B. Long III LaNelle & C. Byrd Looper
Cammey & Thomas Manning Nancy Smith Marks Linda & Robert McClelland Lavonne Adele Meads Kristen & Benjamin Moore Patricia & Joseph Naftel Lois Pounds Oliver Mary Ellen Owen Betty & Harold Park Cynthia & G. Paul Phillips III Marjorie & Ashmead Pipkin Ann & Richard Posey James F. & Carol Rabenhorst Michele & Dudley Rauch Keith Alan Redmill Thomas Render Karen Rhodes & David Sauer Susan M. Ridgeway Elizabeth & Michael Riegel Jacqueline & James A. Robins III Mary Ann Roe Sandra & Harold Rose Kelly & David Schnabel Mary Michael & Richard S. Schweiker, Jr. Steve Sherman Barbara & Jeffrey Shivers Laurie & Colin Starks Priscilla Stewart Molly Stringer & Ronald Burris II Isabel & William Stuebe Pamela & Thomas Swanner Louise & Banks Talley Margaret & Norris Thurston Juanita M. Todd Jeanette & Aubrey Granville Tolley Lillian & Donald Townsend Susan Watts & Gary Fried Norma & Richard White Elizabeth & James Wiggins Mary & John Wigodsky A. Hope Williams & Thomas Bersuder Blanche & Alan Williams Ruby Leila Wilson Barbara Armstrong Wold Cynthia Womack & Kevin Boyle Kenneth Paul Woodcock Robert Wright & Lee Thomas Dolores & David Yoder Jean & Paul W. Yount, Jr. Rebecca & Eugene Zielinski Geraldine & Lawrence Zipf
We have made every effort to list donors correctly. If we have made an error with your name or giving level, please contact Chapel Development at 919-684-5955 or
20-Year and 10-Year Consecutive Giving | annual Report of Giving
Gifts from Friends of Duke Chapel $20,000 and Up
Charles Andrew Berardesco The Congregation at Duke University Chapel Estate of Alton James Coppridge & Helen Burnett Coppridge Lois S. Klauder T. Benjamin Massey Cyrus Begley Richardson III Donald J. Thompson $10,000 to $19,999 Estate of Ben M. Covington, Jr. Thomas Felgner & Nicolette Maestas Judith & Richard Hays Aeyoung & Jin Rhee Ann & Charles Sanders
$5,000 to $9,999
Anonymous Jacqueline & Theodore Ammering Donna & Robert Bearden Brenda & H. Keith H. Brodie Elaine & Mark Brown Lydia & Robert Califf Naomi & Joseph Canning Stephen Denning & Judith Johnson Donnie D. Haye Kay & James Kelly Mary “Kazie� Metzger & John Harvey Karen & Terence Moran Lois Pounds Oliver Andrea & Julian Powell James F. & Carol Rabenhorst Michele & Dudley Rauch Sally & Russell M. Robinson II Maxim Sirenko Amanda & Richard Smoot
$2,500 to $4,999
Barbara & Ernest Adelman Agnes & Francis Ali-Osman Winifred & William Bierbower Erin Blondel & Ernest Young Katherine & Gordon Clayton Isobel Craven Drill Philip Ellis Erlenbach Tracey & Christopher Frattaroli Sue & David Grissom Claudia S. Henry Larry & Thomas Hines
Martha Keels & Dennis Clements III Patricia & John Koskinen Robert Joseph Kubek Cheryl Anderson Ney Susan & Harry L. Nolan, Jr. Cynthia & G. Paul Phillips III Katharine & Ted Shults Peggy & John Weinerth
Anonymous Joan & James Akers Patricia & Welborn E. Alexander, Jr. Cynthia & B. Charles Anderson Linda & Bertrand M. Anz II Alison & Robert Ashton R. Dudley Black Diane & Gary Blandino Mary & Raymond Boardman Jean G. Boyd Betty H. Briner Leeanne & Michael Brown Neil Patrick Brown Stanford Maxwell Brown James Paschal Carroll, Jr. David Chi Janet & James Clapp Laura A. Clapp Thomas C. Clark Cristie Columbus & Clayton Roberts Roberta & Eddie Cone Jennifer Elaine Copeland Ellen Davis & Dwayne Huebner Sandra & Michael Davis Priscilla & John Denegre Abby Lauren Dennis Gail & Charles Dietz Deborah & David Douglas Elise & Carl Drake Gail & C. Stephen Dula Evebell L. Dunham Kara & Preston Dunnmon Robert F. Durden Victoria & J. Porter Durham, Jr. Meghan Elyse Feldmeyer Marguerite & Donald Fleenor Marc A. Fowler Lee Ann Furrow-Tolsma & John Tolsma Katherine & Edwin Gauld
Padgett & Edwin R. Gerler, Jr. Carol & Chester S. Giltz, Jr. Peggy & Cambridge F. Glenn II Leah & John Gutekunst Janet L. Gwyer Martha & Thomas R. Hall III Audrey & Ed Harlow Gina & Jeff Harrison Marianna M. Henry David Anthony Hoagey Nancy & Randy Jirtle Virginia Joslin-Hastings & Douglas Hastings Linda & Edward Karolak Thomas S. Kenan III Scott Hauer Kereiakes Raymonde & John E. Koonce III Barbara & David Kowalke Katherine & Joseph Landing Reba & Jonathan Lark Xi Lian Erica Liebelt W. Curtis Livingston III Jane & Samuel B. Long III Sara Elizabeth Marks Abigail Ellen Martin Cathy & James McAuliffe Linda & Robert McClelland Barbara & Lee McConnell Christine McConnell Ina Ann W. McCoy Anne Hall McMahon Robin L. Mitchell Claire & J.P. Paquin George R. Parkerson, Jr. Bryan Henry Parr Lynn Rose F. Patterson Lynn & Dustin Paul Graeme Pidcock Peterson Judy Pidcock & James Peterson Doren Madey Pinnell Gail & Luke Powery Rildia & Douglas Pritchett Renee & Bruce Puckett Ann Rich & Dan Snyder Susan M. Ridgeway Mary Ann Roe Agnes Sabiston Teresa Gayle Sheppard Ella Eugenia Shore Charles T. Smith, Jr.
Gifts from Friends of Duke Chapel made in FY 2014 (July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2014). We have made every effort to list donors correctly. If we have made an error with your name or giving level, please contact Chapel Development at 919-684-5955 or
Chapel VieW magazine | Winter 2014
Gifts from Friends of Duke Chapel Ann E. Sperry Frederick George Springman Frederick Steckler Emily & John Stout Jackie A. Strange Beth Gettys Sturkey & Jeff Sturkey Leanna & William Thomas Karla & William Trexler Martha Rudy Wallace Jennifer & Samuel R. Watson III Nancy B. Wawrousek Jo Bailey & Samuel M.B. Wells Norma & Richard White Elizabeth & James Wiggins Evelyn Rivers Wilbanks Sterly Lebey Wilder Eric S. Williams Pamela K. Woodard Catherine Serena Wu Gretchen Ziegenhals & Norman Wirzba
Elizabeth & Alvin Alsobrook Marsha & Chuck Altmeyer Sylvia & Edward Arnett Harriet & Julius E. Banzet III Elizabeth A. Beach Dorothy C. Bevan Laura & William P. Bivins, Jr. Kristen Elizabeth Blackman Kurt V. Blankmeyer Roxanna & David Bottjen Julia & O. Whitfield Broome, Jr. Autumn D. Brown David Randal Brown Noreen M. Burke Nancy & William A. Campbell, Jr. Charlotte & B. Jefferson Clark Laura & Kevin Colebank F. W. Coleman Malcolm F. Crawford Shelia & Jay S. Creswell, Jr. Julia & Andrew Crewson Anne & Nestor Cybriwsky Cindy & Shawn Daly Princess & John M. Daniel III Susan & Clinton B. Davis II Mary Carol & J. Daniel Day Mahlon W. DeLoatch, Jr. Adriana Doi & Richard DiGiulio
Kathi & Stephen Eason David B. Eck Claire G. Engle Sarah & Peter English Anne Faircloth & Frederick Beaujeu-Dufour Suzanne Ferlic Johnson Margaret & Donald Fluke Steven S. Foster Robert Lee Freund Annie Lewis & Robert Garda Barbara & Douglas Goodman Doris & W. Kenneth Goodson, Jr. Augustus O. Grant Leslie Graves & John Fucigna Sara & Thomas W. Graves, Jr. Ina & Philip Guzman Stacy P. Hammonds Kathryn & Henry Hargrove Jacqueline H. Harper John C. Henry Helen Locke Hess Charlotte & Douglas Holmes Karen & Jack Horrell Sara Elizabeth & David Hyre Patricia Inlow-Hatcher & Anthony Hatcher Hayes & Stephen Jones Frank Jordan, Jr. Karen & Jefferson Kirby John P. Kirkpatrick James Pierce Knight Ann & David Koch Abigail & Craig Kocher Meg Korpi & Russell Wright Caroline Louise Lattimore Sizhe Li Christy Lohr Sapp & Paul Sapp Ann & William Long Mihaela & Marius Lupan Amy & Joshua Manchester Cammey & Thomas Manning Jennifer Martinez & William McArthur Nancy & Kevin McGrath D. Keith McKenzie Eleanor & Bruce Meade Lavonne Adele Meads David C. Mellinger Delinda & Joseph Mix Wendy & G. Radford Moeller
Margaret & John O. Moore, Jr. Mary Bergson Newman Mary Jane Love Nye Lynn & James M. O’Neill, Jr. Shirley A. Ort Susan & G. Robert Parkerson III Carolyn & Wade H. Penny, Jr. R. Maxwell Perkins Ann & Gary Perko Michelle & George Pettit Sandra Powers & Edward Blocher Elizabeth Rainoff Lucy Reuben & John Cole Sung & Donald Reynolds Karen Rhodes & David Sauer Jason Gary Richards Virginia & Steven Roark Mary R. Robinson Nancy Alyea Schiebel Kelly & David Schnabel Mary Michael & Richard S. Schweiker, Jr. Deborah A. Schwengel Barbara & Steven Shantz Barbara & Jeffrey Shivers Linda & John Sigmon Phyllis & Mel Snyder Jane & W. Murray Spruill Winnie & Thomas Stark Hettie & Edgar Stuart Isabel & William Stuebe Kristine & Keith Sullivan Amie Lynn Tedeschi Juanita M. Todd Sandra & W. Stephens Toler Kirsten Travers-UyHam & John UyHam Richard James Tucker Judith & William Wager Carolyn & John Weimer Tina Weinberg Blanche & Alan Williams Andrea & Duncan Wilson Barbara Armstrong Wold Richard A. Wood, Jr. Kenneth Paul Woodcock Katherine & Robert Woodrum C.T. Woods-Powell & Richard J. Powell Kimberly & Richard Zimlich
Gifts from Friends of Duke Chapel made in FY 2014 (July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2014). We have made every effort to list donors correctly. If we have made an error with your name or giving level, please contact Chapel Development at 919-684-5955 or
Gifts from Friends of Duke Chapel | annual Report of Giving 15
Gifts in Memory of Barbara Robinson Aaron Anne Kimbrough Aaron Roberta & Wesley Brisendine Annette Brisendine Satterfield Clyde Long Brooks, Sr. Clyde L. Brooks, Jr. Susan Pollard Browning Jackson B. Browning, Jr. Richard Caldwell Carla Melchor Ashton Elaine & Mark Brown Peggy Burnett Mary & Mac Christenbury Darrellyn Ruth Kiser Margaret R. Lanthan Thomas E. Link Darla R. Miller Susan S. Neal Roberta & Norman Owen Peggy Brown Ray Veronica L. Sorban William Youngblood
“ The Chapel was just as much
a part of my pre-med education as my biology classes. Being a doctor is a practice of presence — it is through conversations in the Chapel community and my year as a PathWays Fellow that I am beginning to understand what it means to be present in the midst of suffering.
Cesar Cauce T ’75 Gerald A. Regan Paul B. Cobb Louise B. Cobb Braxton Craven Isobel Craven Drill Larry & Thomas Hines The Crocodile Hunter Richard L. Davis Jason Dean Peggy & Cambridge Glenn Peggy Powell Dean Peggy & Cambridge Glenn Sally Ivey DeRamus Judson D. DeRamus, Jr. John A. Dew Kathryn D. Gwinn
The Chapel offers me an incredible gift: the conviction that a life in medicine is intertwined with a life in Christ.
Jocelyn Streid T ’13, Robertson Scholar, PathWays Chapel Scholar, and PathWays Fellow
Andrew Ryan Everson T ’11 Catherine Victoria Cordeiro Langley Claire King Anna S. Sadler Gifts from Friends of Duke Chapel made in FY 2014 (July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2014). We have made every effort to list donors correctly. If we have made an error with your name or giving level, please contact Chapel Development at 919-684-5955 or
Chapel VieW magazine | Winter 2014
Gifts in Memory of Joseph Farmer Shauna & Thomas Farmer
John Roger Rowe Leigh P. Rowe
Vincent Geimer Betty L. Parrish
Wade Sato Kristin J. Sourbeer
Ronald C. Greene Patricia & Harold Davis
Augustus J. Sayko Michael Stephen Sayko
Sara McKee Samonds Harris Ginger & J. Caulie Gunnells, Jr. Betty & William A. Howie, Sr.
Michael T. Sheppard Teresa Gayle Sheppard Mykola Sirenko Maxim Sirenko
Stephen C. Harward CoraLynn Harward Marshall
Ann McDaniel Smith Dorothy C. Bevan Autumn & David Brown Donna & Robert Carter Janet S. Kistler Ann T. Pope
Barbara Hauptfuhrer Barbara & Andrew Roland Mildred L. Hendrix James P. Hendrix, Jr. Becky Heron Jane M. Heron
J. Benjamin Smith Mary Carol Digel & Richard Wurster
John, Lucy, & Barbara Hudgins John A. Hudgins, Jr. Charles, Catherine, & Frank Huisking Laura & Kevin Colebank
Joyce L. Meizen Sharon Meizen-Miles & David Miles
P. DeArmon Hunter Edith & James Redmond
David W. Mulbah Tiaria S. Mulbah
Barney Lee Jones Alexandra R. Brown
Margaret Murray Lorraine Y. Reid
Mary Louise & Robert Bruce Kubek T ’40, M ’43 Robert Joseph Kubek
Albert Nelius Pam & Gerry Cohen Harriet Harman James Oliver May, Jr.
Frank & Ann LaPointe Thomas Russell Ferguson III Betty Magee Ryan Patrick Magee Jason Scott Manse T ’97 Jaime Betancourt George Anderson McAfee T ’40 Katherine & Paul McAfee Stouffer, Jr. Katie McClary T’01 Meaghan & Brett Pettigrew
Alexander C. Ney Cheryl Anderson Ney Sheldon R. Pinnell Doren Madey Pinnell Reynolds Price Erik Jefferson Meadows Julia D. Pridgen Larry T. Daniel Reva Prillaman Mary Frances & Robert Bailey
Jane WC ’44 & Don E ’44 Sterrett Audra & Jason Zeibel Arthur Swajian Margaret Abernathy William G. Thawley Allison Price Thawley J. Kenneth Thomas, Sr. Marcia & J. Michael Thomas John T. (Jack) Warmath Carlotta & Donald Hayes Clement, Jr. Philip J. Weaver, Sr. T ’34 Suzanne & Philip J. Weaver, Jr. Rheudolph James Wells Linda & Kurt Travis Pelham Wilder, Jr. Nancy & Warren Hillyard Cookie & Henry L. Kohn, Jr. Mary F. Peete Florine Wright Rebecca Logsdon & Brandon Walker
Gifts from Friends of Duke Chapel made in FY 2014 (July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2014). We have made every effort to list donors correctly. If we have made an error with your name or giving level, please contact Chapel Development at 919-684-5955 or
Gifts in Memory of | annual Report of Giving
Gifts in Honor of David Arcus Rebeccah & Harry Neff Gail & Luke Powery Peggy Brown Ray Susan & J. George Reed Winnie & Thomas Stark Robin Townsley Arcus & David Arcus Marianna M. Henry Mary Courtney Bailey Mary Frances & Robert Bailey Elaine & Mark Brown Patricia & Craig Brown Deborah Chi E ’14 David Chi Sara Blaine Clark Shauna & Thomas Farmer Don Hadley Jenny Copeland Evelyn Ballard & John Means
Jonathan Cross T ’10 Karen & James Cross
Kennetra Irby Margaret Ann Hall
David Cutcliffe Margaret Ann Hall
The 30th Wedding Anniversary of Linda B ’82 & Jon L ’81 Jenkins Doris G. Claybourn
Evebell Dunham Mary Alice “Molly” Simes Meghan Feldmeyer Margaret Ann Hall Elizabeth S. Ferguson Sarah B. Hays Hallett & Ralph K. Hallett, Jr. The Marriage of Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fletcher Lorraine & J.R. Pelletier Ashton T. Griffin III T ’54 Pauline & Ashton Thomas Griffin IV Anne Hodges-Copple Margaret Ann Hall Adam Hollowell Joshua N. Friedman
Betty Lamar Jack Coupland Elizabeth Lester Anne Lester Kathryn Lester-Bacon & Michael Bacon Caleb & Chandler Mason Virginia Owens-Long & Lloyd M. Long, Jr. Dorothy Matthews Sandra Powers & Edward Blocher Betty McHale Camille E. Creed Maddie & Mimi Mendez Miraisy Rodriguez
Gifts from Friends of Duke Chapel made in FY 2014 (July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2014). We have made every effort to list donors correctly. If we have made an error with your name or giving level, please contact Chapel Development at 919-684-5955 or
Chapel VieW magazine | Winter 2014
Gifts in Honor of Annette Murphy Troy Steckenrider Janet M. Nixon Sarah B. Hays Hallett & Ralph K. Hallett, Jr. Charles & Taine Nolan Susan & Harry L. Nolan, Jr. Susan & Harry L. Nolan, Jr. Adelaide & Richard Craver Matt Norton T ’02 Mary & Larry Norton Rosemary Love Nye Mary Jane Love Nye Dorothy Osler Karen & Terence Moran Harriet G. Peters Harriet & David Peters Nancy & Alan Phillips Suzanne & J. Kyle Covington Julia P. Philyaw Larry T. Daniel
Luke, Gail, Moriah, & Zachary Powery Margaret Ann Hall
Beth Gettys Sturkey Margaret Ann Hall
Samuel M.B. Wells Stacy P. Hammonds Ellen R. Keck Martin Douglas Keck Nancy H. Myers Beth Gettys Sturkey & Jeff Sturkey Marcia & J. Michael Thomas Josefina & Edward Tiryakian Leigh Joyner Wynkoop
Bruce Puckett Margaret Ann Hall
Colleen Elizabeth Tully Teresa & Thomas Tulley
Liz & Charles Whaling Amy & Jonathan Whaling
Robert C. Rapp, Jr. Ruth & Fred Horner
Emily & David Vavrichek Susan & Harry L. Nolan, Jr.
Camryn Wheeler Rina Wurster
Bob Shepard Isobel Craven Drill Larry & Tom Hines
Judi & William Wager Jessie N. Wager
Patsy & William Willimon Margaret Ann Hall
Hannah Ward Sarah & J. Michael Woodard
Rodney Wynkoop Mary Frances & Robert Bailey
Luke Powery Laurie & David Brooks Hilary & Christopher Lee Canipe Jeanell Cox & Christopher Andrew Ingram Daniel Glaze
Martha Shoffner Melanie Shoffner J. Benjamin Smith Kay Gross & Richard Bias
Phyllis Snyder Alison & Frederick Edie The Baptism of Zora Simone Marquis Stephens Janeen Gingrich & Gregory Seth Stephens
Samuel M.B., Jo Bailey, Laurence, & Stephanie Wells Margaret Ann Hall
Gifts from Friends of Duke Chapel made in FY 2014 (July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2014). We have made every effort to list donors correctly. If we have made an error with your name or giving level, please contact Chapel Development at 919-684-5955 or
Gifts in honor of | annual Report of Giving
FINANCIAL SUMMARY Fiscal Year 2014 – July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
Chapel Budget
Friends of Duke Chapel Fund • Gifts to this fund
Gifts from the Friends of Duke Chapel and income from the more than 70 endowments set up by Friends underwrote 56% of the Chapel’s more than $3 million in direct costs for Fiscal Year 2014. University Budget: $1,229,183/40% Endowment Income: $905,963/30% Restricted Giving $362,698/12% Unrestricted Giving: $378,656/12% Earned Income: $184,682/6% (from ticket sales & wedding fees)
Funds and Endowments The following charts provide a snapshot of several of the Chapel’s major funds for Fiscal Years 2011 to 2014. They show the number of donors and gift totals, and expenses paid from this year’s gifts and last year’s fund balances.
Chapel Annual Fund • Gifts to this fund provide unre-
stricted support for Chapel operations. Donors 7/1 Balance Gifts Expenses 6/30 Balance
FY 2011 1,086 $17,683 $316,744 $210,540 $123,887
FY 2012 1,069 $123,887 $260,072 $232,107 $151,852
FY 2013 1,344 $151,852 $284,538 $377,698 $58,692
FY 2014 1,533 $58,693 $271,772 $167,082 $163,383
Chapel Development Fund • Gifts to this fund pro-
vide unrestricted support, including media ministry and building maintenance and improvements. FY 2011 Donors 725 7/1 Balance $35,313 Gifts $242,672* Expenses $151,578* 6/30 Balance $87,126
FY 2012 270 $87,126 $53,495 $71,843 $68,777
FY 2013 272 $68,777 $45,645 $50,694 $63,728
*Includes gifts sent to Family Health Clinic, Haiti
Chapel VieW magazine | Winter 2014
FY 2014 288 $63,728 $57,098 $105,860 $14,966
provide unrestricted support for projects recommended by the Duke Chapel advisory Board. For example, the fund pays for radio broadcasts of Sunday Worship and Thursday Vespers Services, and for a portion of the webcasting and website costs. FY 2011 Donors 311 7/1 Balance $70,107 Gifts $69,174 Expenses $82,278 6/30 Balance $49,070
FY 2012 223 $49,070 $76,646 $120,353 $5,363
FY 2013 288 $5,363 $64,380 $57,822 $11,920
FY 2014 273 $2,522 $62,558 $31,622 $33,458
PathWays Fund • Duke Chapel pathWays offers undergraduates and recent graduates opportunities to hear and respond to God’s call for their lives on campus, in Durham, and beyond, through study, counsel, service, and community. These students are pursuing careers as diverse as medicine, law, public service, ministry, social entrepreneurship, and international missions. FY 2011 Donors 275 7/1 Balance $36,006 Gifts $71,011 Expenses $59,645 6/30 Balance $47,372
FY 2012 379 $47,372 $185,712 $217,079 $16,005
FY 2013 382 $16,005 $157,547 $140,032 $33,520
FY 2014 404 $33,520 $151,615 $182,476 $2,659
Interfaith Engagement Fund • This fund supports students in Duke’s Undergraduate Faith Council who create opportunities for interfaith engagement among their peers: planning community studies, service events, dialogue dinners, text studies, and public events. They see religious identity as an important, yet often overlooked, aspect of selfunderstanding, and they enjoy exploring opportunities to learn more about each other’s traditions as well as their own. FY 2011 Donors 2 7/1 Balance $60,804 Gifts $100,369 Expenses $69,543 6/30 Balance $91,630
FY 2012 5 $91,630 $100,660 $60,584 $131,706
FY 2013 8 $131,706 $570 $44,230 $88,046
FY 2014 7 $88,046 $1,345 $16,930 $72,461
Chapel Choir and Music Endowment •
This endowment supports the Chapel Choir and the music ministry of the Chapel. Funds provide for guest musicians, concert expenses, the purchase of music scores, and Choir reunions and retreats. FY 2011 Donors 107 7/1 Balance $606,416 Gifts/Interest $60,624 Expenses $39,124 6/30 Balance $627,915
FY 2012 80 $627,915 $63,251 $32,110 $659,056
FY 2013 94 $659,056 $62,903 $48,666 $673,294
FY 2014 127 $630,868 $71,786 $36,672 $665,982
Wells Endowment for Student Ministry • This endowment was established in March 2012 to honor former Dean of Duke Chapel Sam Wells and the Rev. Dr. Jo Bailey Wells upon their departure. endowment income will permanently support the Chapel’s student outreach and ministry program which has a profound influence on the lives of hundreds of students. The current name of this ministry is pathWays. Donors Gifts
FY 2012 177 $80,622
FY 2013 85 $52,276
FY 2014 38 $41,879
Where the Offering Goes Duke Chapel’s outreach includes support of area ministries through gifts collected in the worship service offerings two times each month and at the Christmas Eve services. The Chapel offering Committee, comprised of Friends of Duke Chapel, Congregation at Duke Chapel members, Chapel staff, and students, selects ministries to support. The grant-making process not only benefits people in need, but also seeks to introduce students to faithful stewardship and community building. We hope you will visit the websites of the organizations listed below to learn more about how you can further support their work.
Alliance of AIDS Services – Carolina • $1,451
Jubilee Home • $1,500
Antioch Baptist Church • $1,000 To support church after fire
kidznotes • $4,000
Benevolence Farm • $3,500
Meals on Wheels of Durham • $3,500
Canines for Service • $3,168
our Children’s Place • $3,572
Christian Community Development Association • $1,000 To support Flourish, the 2014 national Conference in Raleigh-Durham
Project Access of Durham County • $2,000 To support eyeglasses for school children project
Community Empowerment Fund • $4,250 Duke Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter • $3,500
REAL Durham • $3,606 Rebound • $1,500
Durham Literacy Center • $4,815
Religious Coalition for a nonviolent Durham • $370 Funds used to pay for headstone of murder victim
Family Health Ministries • $15,000 To support Blanchard clinic in Haiti
Stop Hunger now • $3,000 To support the Million Meals Project
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria • $1,451
United Methodist Committee on Relief • $6,935 To support Typhoon Haiyan victims in the Philippines • $3,935 To support Colorado flood victims • $3,000
Habitat for Humanity of Durham • $3,000 To support ramps project
Urban Hope • $1,000
Housing for new Hope • $5,000 Matched by the Stewards Fund
Financial Summary | annual Report of Giving 21
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EDITORIAL STAFF Adrienne Koch Luke Powery Carson Putnam D ’17 Beth Gettys Sturkey Lucy Hart Peaden Taylor James Todd PhOTOGRAPhy Duke University Photography Joni Harris James Todd DESIGN CCGD
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