Strategic Plan for University College 2018-2022

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Professional and Continuing Education

University College Strategic Plan 2018-2022 Draft for Internal Use Only

University College Strategic Plan 2018-2022

University College Strategic Plan 2018-2022



03 | Mission




03 | Vision

03 | Values

04 | Our Story

05 | Strategic Initiatives

07 | Goals 11 | Success Milestones 13 | Personas

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University College Strategic Plan 2018-2022

University College Strategic Plan 2018-2022

MISSION To deliver enduring professional growth and personal development by providing adult learners access to the University of Denver through alternative educational pathways.



To be a recognized center of excellence in the advancement of the field of Professional and Continuing Education, and a force for educational and professional success, inspiration, and impact across the Rocky Mountain region and beyond.

In 1938 the University of Denver had the progressive foresight to introduce University College programming to help working adults earn degrees by attending classes in the evenings and on weekends. On the 80th anniversary of University College’s introduction, we are poised to reaffirm this heritage of forward thinking for a new era in higher education.


By implementing the initiatives outlined in this plan, University College will take a national leadership position by representing the Rocky Mountain region within the network of universities that house top-tier colleges of continuing and professional education.

We commit to... Honor the individual - we meet others where they are; work inclusively; and embrace diversity of thought, background, and perspective. Champion learning - we know first-hand the powerful outcomes that result when education extends over a lifetime.

This new era presents a game-changing opportunity for University College. With ever-increasing innovative, market-driven options available to learners, whose demands are, at the same time, becoming more and more sophisticated, University College will University College has been honing our expertise stand as the clear choice for adult learners seeking in delivering practice- and problem-based curricu- professional and personal development throughout la and building vertically integrated capabilities— their lifetime. marketing and enrollment management, admission, student support and advising, instructional design It’s the era we’ve been preparing for.

Transform lives - we make a positive, lasting impact on the lives of others.



Work together - for us, this begins with the cultivation of mutual understanding and extends to collaboration and collective ownership of results.





Pursue excellence - we go the extra mile to deliver exemplary educational offerings and service to others. 3 | Strategic Plan

and support—in order to serve the specific and unique needs of adult learners, and forge internal and external partnerships. These efforts have positioned us to amplify our impact on working professionals, lifelong learners, and our community, and continue our ascent to becoming a nationally known top-tier college of professional and continuing education.

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University College Strategic Plan 2018-2022

University College Strategic Plan 2018-2022




Build on the excellence and expand the scope in the core programming portfolio that has been the foundation of the College’s success and expertise for the past thirty-plus years.

Become the University’s resource center to evaluate and deliver market-based professional programming for adult learners.

Pioneer adult learning research and instruction.

-Accelerate momentum of our current programming

-Establish a New Markets Team

-Conduct research and development about adult learning

-Create adult learner service center model

-Host adult teaching and learning symposia

-Continue building a robust catalog of alternative and stackable credentials

-Incentivize faculty to experiment with innovative teaching tools and techniques

-Deepen our community engagement -Enhance inclusive excellence model

LEAD Lead the professional and continuing education field into the new era for higher education by implementing a holistic approach to high-value student engagement and relationship cultivation. -Provide comprehensive coaching for adult learners -Develop community engagement platform -Institute the narrative portfolio “transcript” -Dedicated on campus space to adult learners

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RE V ITAL IZE Strategically revitalize the college’s brand. -Revitalize the “University College” brand and sub-brands -Heighten awareness across the Front Range that University College is the go-to place for professional and continuing education Strategic Plan | 6

University College Strategic Plan 2018-2022

University College Strategic Plan 2018-2022

S t a c k a b l e Cr e d e n t i a l s

New M ar kets Team

To meet the evolving needs and increasingly less-linear career pathways of current, future, and former students, University College will continue to deliver an innovative portfolio of credit and noncredit programming in accessible formats that lead to professional advancement and/or personal enrichment.

University College will take on the charge to lead a data-driven research approach to exploring emerging market-based programming opportunities that might be delivered through University College solely or in partnership with other academic units. This New Markets Team will be intentionally focused on identifying viable market-predictive programs for the University to help address workforce readiness and assisting partner academic units in meeting their strategic goals.

Q: Will every non-credit and credit class stack into a credential? A: No, some non-credit courses may not stack. Q: Haven’t we already launched stackable certificates? A: Yes! We launched the graduate Certificate of Completion and will continue to roll this out to all programs.

A d u l t L e a r n e r S e r v i c e Ce n ter By leveraging our existing structure and expanding it to provide a “service center” model, University College can serve as an internal institutional resource to partner with and support other units in delivering programming to the online and adult learner markets. University College would partner and/or consult with other academic units based on their needs, offering an alternative to dependence on external third parties.

Dedic ated Campus Spac e University College will become a physical and digital hub for lifelong learning by creating a location on campus dedicated to the advancement of the adult learner. We will create a welcoming, adult-oriented, accessible physical presence at the University of Denver. Q: Will University College move to a new building? A: Possibly.

Coac h in g for Adul t L ear n er s

Q: Does this make University College like an internal 2U? A: In a way, yes. 2U offers programming, enrollment, and marketing for online programs — just like us.

We will help learners navigate their professional and civic journeys by creating personalized pathways that help learners tap into all of DU’s diverse programs, services, and schools in ways that best meet their individual needs.

N a r r a t i v e Por t f o l i o “ Tr a n s c r ipt”

Q: Will we be doing more career coaching? A: Possibly.

We will develop a platform to verify and produce a competency-based Portfolio that clearly showcases each learner’s knowledge and capabilities beyond the generalities of course titles and descriptions. Allowing graduates to easily display their expertise and competencies to employers and colleagues will enhance their professional opportunities. Q: Do employers recognize narrative transcripts? A: Narrative transcripts are on the rise and this will give employers a better sense of the skills a prospective employee has to offer. 7 | Strategic Plan

Q: Will University College hire new staff for this initiative? A: Yes, that’s the plan!

Rebr an d We will revitalize the “University College” brand and sub-brands by embodying our transformation through our name and brand. Q: Will University College change its name? A: Perhaps. This rebrand may lead to a name change (e.g., The [Donor Name] College of Professional and Continuing Education, College of Professional Learning, etc.). Strategic Plan | 8

University College Strategic Plan 2018-2022

University College Strategic Plan 2018-2022

D e e p e n Com m u n i t y E n g a g emen t We will deepen and expand engagement with the Denver, Front Range, Colorado, and DU alumni communities. By partnering with Global Networks, we will engage with DU alumni of all ages by promoting existing programming benefits to alumni. Q: What programs will we promote to these communities? A: The entire University College portfolio of offerings. Q: Does this mean we are expanding outreach efforts? A: Yes, particularly for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and the Enrichment Program, ensuring that the exceptional reputations both programs already have carry even farther into the community.

E n h a n c e I n c l u s i v e E xc e l l e n c e We will build on our position of having the largest percentage of students from underrepresented populations and veteran and active duty military at DU by increasing these populations from 30% to 40% of our student body. We will strengthen our current inclusive culture by becoming more intentional about initiatives and resourcing to support inclusive excellence. Q: How will we accomplish this modeling of inclusive excellence? A: By hiring faculty and staff and championing policies that progress our underrepresented student, veteran, and military friendliness.

De v e l op Co m m u n i t y E n g a gemen t Pl a t f or m We will develop and implement a community engagement platform that facilitates customized, proactive engagement with students, alumni, and other community members Q: Would this be an electronic platform? A: Yes, that is the intent.

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University College Strategic Plan 2018-2022

Increase the number of adult learners served from 7,200 to at least 20,000

SUCC E S S M I L ES TO NES By December 31, 2022, University College will be the preeminent destination in the region, serving as the education partner for life by increasing the number of adult learners we serve by over 150% to at least 20,000 across the Rocky Mountain community and beyond. Adult learners will access the resources of the University through a suite of reimagined, market-predictive professional and continuing education offerings, and receive an unparalleled level of service, coaching, support, and instruction.


Implement DU Video Creation Studio Launch four-course graduate Certificate of Completion Develop a datainformed research approach to new programming Partner with Global Networks to engage DU alumni with programming Bring to market competency-based programming


Rebrand Become a model of inclusive excellence New markets team in place Host the first adult teaching and learning symposia Create adult learner service center Partner with at least three on campus units



Launch new engagement platform

Implement faculty incentive program

Realize $2,000,000 annual revenue for Center for Professional Development

Launch narrative portfolio “transcript�service

Identify a campus space to serve adult learners around the clock Achieve national recognition for advancing the field of teaching and learning for adults



Create a wellestablished network of partnerships with at least half of the other colleges DU



Increase revenue from $21M to at least $25M across program offerings




Create a well-established network of partnerships with at least half of the other colleges at DU Increase the number of adult learners we serve from 7,200 to 20,000 across ages and stages Increase revenue from $21M to at least $25M

Increase percentage of students from underrepresented populations Successfully bring to market custom corSecure needed investments and funding porate programs This is our vision for success and each goal is subject to change.

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University College Strategic Plan 2018-2022

University College Strategic Plan 2018-2022


Each person below will engage with a University College “coach” who directs them toward the course or experience that is right for them and their needs.

James, 34

Hector, 51

James served in the United States Air Force and is now hoping to build on his military experience and pursue a career in cyber security. With three children and a recent honorable discharge from the AF, he is seeking more education opportunities.

Hector graduated from the University of Denver in 1997 with a bachelor’s degree in History. He has worked for a few different technology companies for the past twenty years. Now, Hector is ready to start his own IT consulting business.

Builds on IT knowledge with a certificate in Web Design (UCOL)

Expands coding skills through Coding Boot Camp (CPD)

Earns a badge after completing entrepreneur workshop series (CPD)

Returns to earn a master’s degree in Leadership & Organizations (UCOL).

While he has worked in the IT industry for 20 years, Hector needs more up-to-date skills about web design.

Hector realizes that to launch his own consulting firm, he needs more technical coding skills.

Equipped with the IT skills, Hector needs to learn more about starting his own business.

Hector’s consulting business is booming and he now needs more executive leadership skills.

Takes a cyber security mini-course series (RSECS + UCOL)

Opts for a graduate certificate in Information Systems Security (UCOL)

Pursues a master’s degree in Cyber Security (RSECS)

Registers for workshops and short courses throughout the year

James wants to make sure his career path is the right one before diving into a full master’s program, so finds a short course.

Deciding cyber security is the right path, James takes online courses through University College using his GI Bill benefits.

Building on the knowledge he gained in the certificate, James can transfer some credits to the master’s at RSECS.

Needing to stay up-todate in all things cyber security, he continues to take workshops offered jointly by RSECS/CPD, plus Veteran Services.

Vanessa, 40

Mable, 72

Vanessa recently moved to Denver for an HR position and wants to keep her knowledge fresh and broaden her portfolio of skills. Eventually, she wants to lead a non-profit organization and will need the network and knowledge to get there.

Mable graduated from the University of Denver in the late 1960s and wants to re-connect with DU and learning. Mable is recently widowed, retired, and a potential donor who is seeking meaningful connections.

Takes a workshop for finance for the non-financial manager (Daniels)

Earns a badge through a five-week mini-course on accounting (CPD)

Finds an art history course that partners with Denver Art Museum (Enrichment)

Starts taking courses toward a master’s in HR (UCOL)

Becomes a member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)

Take a philosophy course led by an expert DU faculty (Enrichment)

Registers for an intro workshop on blogging (CPD)

Attends alumni events like Pioneer Symposium and Lamont performances

Vanessa has a skill deficit when it comes to money matters and needs to bulk up her finance knowledge.

Finding value in the Daniels course, Vanessa wants to continue adding to her skillset.

Vanessa loves learning, but needs a break from professional development. Wanting to learn more about Denver, she finds a relevant course.

It’s time to build more knowledge and a professional network, so Vanessa opts for a graduate program.

With a desire to build a bigger community and connect with like-minded peers, Mable seeks out OLLI.

Mable wants to reconnect with DU and be on campus while learning from expert faculty.

Wanting to learn more about blogging and start a travel blog, she finds out about CPD offerings.

Along with new friends from OLLI, Mable attends interesting alumni events throughout the year.

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We meet others where they are; work inclusively; and embrace diversity of thought, background, and perspective.

Honor the Individual

We know first-hand the powerful outcomes that result when education extends over a lifetime.

Champion Learning

We make a positive, lasting impact on the lives of others.

Transform Lives We go the extra mile to deliver exemplary educational offerings and service to others.

Pursue Excellence For us, this begins with the cultivation of mutual understanding and extends to collaboration and collective ownership of results.

Work Together

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