Irish magazine 2018 Winter Edition

Page 18


Allen lauds elementary schools, offers student inspiration Congressman Rick Allen (R-12) visited Hillcrest and Susie Dasher Elementary schools during a tour of the Emerald City held on Aug. 25. Allen had a lot to say about his visit during a subsequent interview with our Lead Learner, Dr. Fred Williams. Here is an excerpt from that interview:

“And, also the excitement of your teachers. The passion they have to teach. We know that is critical. These young people are the future of the country, and we want to make sure they have every opportunity.

“I’m very privileged to be here, and to witness the great progress you’re “What I said to (the students) was, making here. ‘I want every American to have the opportunity to live that American "So this is my time to be in the dis- dream.’ Don’t think you’re stuck. You trict, to learn (about) these great can accomplish whatever you want to things you’re doing out here like accomplish… critical thinking, and talking about building structures and foundations. I don’t remember talking about that “…I’m excited about what you’re gowhen I was in elementary school. I ing to do for education in the future am very impressed with everything for the City of Dublin. Congratulayou’re doing here. tions on your progress." PAGE 18


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