2021 Inaugural Edition - The Sensational - South Atlantic Region of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc

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Contents Inagural Issue 4

Greetings Sorors


In the Spirit


Dr. Trish Johnson's Journey


Illana is Leading the Charge

10 Regional Leadership 14 Ending the Epidemic 15 Bringing Attention to DiSparitY in Black

Women’s Health

16 Virginia Deltas Featured in Centennial

Commemoration Suffrage Documentary

17 Around the Region 34 Sensational Sorors 38 Sensational Scholars 40 Contact Guide 41 Information and Communication Team


DR. TRISH R. JOHNSON Regional Director ILLANA JAMISON Regional Representative DEMETRICS DAVIS Regional Secretary MIN. TAYON DANCY Regional Chaplain BRIDGETTE WILSON Regional Journalist PAMELA LEWIS Scholarship & Standards TARSHA BURROUGHS Regional Nominating Committee



South Atlantic Region DECEMBER 12, 2021

JANUARY 28-29, 2022

Virtual Christmas Cantata

South Carolina State Founders Day hosted by Rock Hill Alumnae Chapter

JANUARY 7-8, 2022

APRIL 2, 2022




Virginia State Founders Day hosted by Denbigh Alumnae Chapter

JANUARY 21-22, 2022

North Carolina State Founders Day hosted by Kinston Alumnae Chapter

Virtual Authors on Tour hosted by Petersburg Alumnae Chapter

APRIL 10, 2022

Virtual Easter Cantata

NATASHA PALMER State Coordinator LONDON ARMSTRONG State Facilitator KIMBERLY STEVENS State Secretary

Join our Regional Chaplain for Bible Study on December 2, 2021 @ 7pm via Zoom.


Greetings Sorors

It is a pleasure to greet you as we bring closure to a very unusual sorority year and prepare to start a brand new year in Delta. We are excited about starting a new year even though there are still many to be determined and unknown experiences awaiting us. We are truly grateful for all of the support, encouragement and love that you have shown during the past year. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed many challenges to our everyday lives and in some cases has left permanent scars in our hearts. We continue to extend sincere condolences on behalf of all of the Sorors from across the region to those who experienced the loss of loved ones, chapter members and friends during the past year. We continue to lift you in prayer. Even though our ability to continue our programming face to face for the past 15 months was halted, chapters across the Sensational South Atlantic Region continued to provide quality and empowering programming within their service areas. Zoom has given a whole new meaning to creative programming as we moved to an all virtual service delivery platform. Chapters never wavered from developing creative and stellar programs and our social action advocacy was stronger than ever. Chapters were able to create virtual ways to celebrate chapter anniversaries, chapter Founders Day, deliver chapter programming, and participate in Membership Intake as well as online fundraising opportunities. We united to remain connected at all political levels as we virtually attended Delta Days at the Nation’s Capital, Delta Days at our respective State Capitals as well as hosting local political forums. We proudly wore our chucks and pearls as we welcomed in the first African-American/Asian woman as the Vice President of the United States of America. We have watched sweeping changes being made to voting laws throughout the country and we are very aware that we must remain connected and engaged in order to impact and upset these unjust changes. Deltas in the South Atlantic Region did not allow a pandemic to stop our advocacy to the under-served, marginalized and silent voices in our communities. We are sure that our chapters are pivoting to a new way of serving, based on all of the lessons learned from COVID-19. We have learned that nothing, not even a pandemic, can stop Sorors in the Sensational South Atlantic Region from serving. So as we prepare for a new year, we encourage each of you to take a moment to BREATHE. It is time to refresh, regroup and prepare for another productive and successful year as members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. We consider it an honor to serve as your Regional Leaders and we promise to always S.E.E. you as this administration continues to lead with Sincere Sisterhood, while Exceeding Excellence and Embracing Empowerment. Love, Peace and Blessings,

Trish and Illana 4 4

Written By Evangelist Tayon Dancy South Atlantic Regional Chaplain


So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being

renewed day by day.


For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal

weight of glory beyond all comparison,


as we look not to the things that are seen but

to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.


- 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (ESV)

T H A S B E E N A Y E A R O R M O R E since the pandemic forced the world into a shutdown from our everyday norms. Things like driving into work, going to school,

celebrating birthdays, visiting our friends and family, hugging our loved ones, going to sorority meeting or church, serving the community, and so much more changed. First our normal became cleared calendars, shock, and unbelief that we could not do what we were used to doing. Then some of us embraced the cleared calendar which allowed our bodies and our minds to receive much needed rest that we had been missing. Since the restrictions were not being lifted,

SUBMIT PRAYER REQUESTS TO: sarchaplain2020 @gmail.com

Weekly Prayer Calls Join us at 6am every Thursday for prayer 667-770-1025 Passcode: 498044#

we had to figure out how to evolve and embrace the now. How will we adapt as a family with everyone at home 24/7? How will we learn without in person teachers? How will we handle the isolation we may feel by being away from other family and friends? How will we cope with life circumstances? How will Deltas serve in such a time as this?


y sorors, can we all just pause right now? Yes, right now. Breathe in slowly and breathe

A moment of meditation and prayer to guide us through the week.

out slowly. Even though you may have experienced some highs and lows over the course

of the year, God gives you renewed strength to face each day. If you are reading this, it means His grace has granted you another day on this earth. You made it to another day and that in and of itself shows God's strength through you. This pandemic has taught us to be patient in affliction because neither of us can say exactly when it will be over, but we can wait on the Lord

Follow our Regional FB page for my Truth Tuesday post every week

and trust that He is still in control. How will we get through life’s trials? - with persistent prayer and trusting in the Lord even when His answer is not what we expect. How will we find joy? By testifying to one another about our faithfulness to the truth, telling how we continue to walk in it even during life’s circumstances. How will we keep hope alive? By remembering that Jesus Christ came so we could have an everlasting life. Let us continuously encourage one another, always pray for one another, and intentionally show love in action to one another. Your act of kindness may be just what your sister needs to look beyond her circumstances to the God that is well able to strengthen her and to sustain her joy throughout all things.

Also, remember to submit your daily prayer requests to sarchaplain2020 @gmail.com


Journey Written By: Sondra Hines Yates


he journey to servant leadership for Soror Trish Johnson, 18th South Atlantic Regional Director was paved many years ago.

Growing up in the 1960’s and 1970’s, Johnson quickly learned important life lessons; lessons that would mold her personally and professionally. For example, she witnessed her parents participate in civil right marches, advocate for change, care and treat others fairly, and embrace opportunities. At Elizabeth City State University, Johnson accepted the opportunity to be initiated into the Delta Chi Chapter, elected 1st vice president and then chapter president. As chapter president, Johnson quickly honed her leadership characteristics, striving to always be a good example. After graduate school, Johnson joined the Gastonia Alumnae Chapter, commuting roundtrip from her hometown, Hickory, North Carolina. As a new chapter member, Johnson was appointed Corresponding Secretary. “What an honor this was for me,” she says. “I was young, new and given this opportunity.” Opportunities to serve, grow and lead continued for Johnson.


As Regional Director, Johnson’s work is possible in part because she remains embedded in the following:

“God has me here. I’ll

be obedient and lead with grace, skill and the support given to me.”

Favorite Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 – “I put my trust in the Lord daily. I find myself reaching out to grab his hand daily and he helps me through difficult days. My decisions may not be popular, but I rest with assurance that my decisions are done in love.”

In 1979, she married, started a career as an educator, and juggled

Favorite Jewel: Justice – “I want to treat others fairly and it’s important to be treated fairly. I learned as a school Principal that decisions may not be popular, but will gain respect if they are fair.”

family, work and Delta. Opportunity arose again in 1981; Johnson helped charter Hickory Alumnae Chapter, elected the chapter’s first president and gave birth to a son. “I’m grateful that somebody saw something in me,” she says. Leadership opportunities continued in the South Atlantic region and on the national level. Johnson believes in serving with integrity as attested by others. “I have had the pleasure of serving with our Regional Director in several capacities within Delta,” says

Leadership: “I believe in the geese formation. Sometimes leaders lead from the front, sometimes they lead from the side or back, but if one falls, another goose is there to help and protect.”

Pamela Murphy Lewis, South Atlantic Region Member, National Scholarship and Standards Committee. “I have experienced firsthand her professionalism, enthusiasm and encouragement in support of our Region's success. She leads with her heart and uses her good judgement.” August of 2020, Johnson was installed as Regional Director, weaving ‘good judgement’ to effectively oversee a leadership team, collegiate and alumnae chapter members, in support of her vision

Family: “My family is very supportive and understanding because Delta takes up a big part of my time.”

“We Promise To Always S.E.E. You: Sincere Sisterhood, Exceeding Excellence, Embracing Empowerment.”



is Leading the Charge



OROR Ilana was born in Greenville SC, but was raised in Atlanta Ga. Now, she is student at Clemson University majoring in Biomedical Engineering with a focus on Bio-materials. On campus and in the community she is a former student-athlete, STEM mentor, involved in student government, a community volunteer basketball coach, community mentor, and so much more. She manages a blog and brand called The Protected Purpose Project that focuses on the millennial faith journey and building faith based community. Soror Ilanna has dreams of starting a non-profit focused on providing healthcare to underserved communities domestically and abroad.

As a Spring 19 initiate of the Omicron Phi chapter she served as the Chapter’s Chaplain, Alumnae Relations Chair, and Treasurer. In her free time she likes to play sports, she LOVES music of any genre. Soror Illana loves to cook and grill, and family is extremely important to her.

I made three promises that I intend to keep. - A push for localized community projects - A regional career fair - Sisterhood outings

8 - The Sensational

I am proud to say that all of these promises are in the works! -Soror Ilana

Social Action in A Virtual Climate Regional Social Action Committee How can my chapter conduct social action events in a virtual climate? We are happy you asked and are here to help! Even during a pandemic, our impactful social activism is needed. Here are some virtual programming ideas!

Virtual Town Hall - engage in a panel discussion on a relevant topic impacting your community such as healthcare, education, criminal justice, etc. Impact of the 2020 Elections - analyze the 2020 elections and what it means for our nation, state and local communities. Local Delta Days - attend virtual local meetings such as school board, county commissioner, and city council meetings. Preparing





educational session to prepare the community for this year’s elections to address concerns of potential low voter turn out during a non-presidential election cycle.

Assist community members in

understanding that all politics are local. Create a public service announcement regarding





community. Legislative Education - invite elected officials to speak about various legislation to be introduced in your state. Legislative Accountability - attend virtual legislative meetings at your state’s capitol or General Assembly and follow up with elected officials afterwards.



Pamela Lewis


Kimberly Brothers


Tarsha Burroughs

B. Lisa Downey-Hood


Shenita Cunningham






Joyce M. Diggs



Demetrics Davis

Min. Tayon Dancy

Bridgette Wilson





Erin Belmar



Leadership TEAM



Jane Fox Long

Jadah Smith-Hutchinson NC STATE FACILITATOR

Edwina Roseboro-Barnes





Leadership TEAM

Thalia Butts


Yolanda Kennedy


London Armstrong

Natasha Palmer

Kimberly Stevens




Ending the Epidemic Chapel Hill-Carrboro Alumnae Chapter of researchers, advocates, health

treatment as soon as they test positive,

educators, activists, and community

resulting in 80%-95% treatment rates.

liaisons included: Maureen Owino

Conserve added that there is a global

is the Director of the Committee

push to promote HIV/AIDS self-testing.

for Accessible AIDS Treatment in

Alicia Diggs, a person living with HIV,

Toronto, Ontario; Shamika Thomas is

shared that only about 40% of people

a women’s advocate, health educator,

in the U.S. know their status and

and community liaison in St. Thomas,

access to care is challenging. Karamo

US Virgin Islands; Afrika Karamo is

and Thomas respectively shared that

Chairman of The Grand Bahama AIDS

the Bahamas and St Thomas have

Awareness Committee; Alicia Diggs is

strong HIV/AIDS education programs

Manager for the Strategic Community

and Thomas provided examples of

Engagement Education Dissemination

programs targeting women and girls.

Office, Center for AIDS Research,

Allison Matthews stated that while

UNC Chapel Hill; Donaldson

more people are living with HIV/AIDS

Conserve, PhD is Associate Professor

today, people of color are still at a

was a virtual panel discussion

in the Department of Prevention and

disadvantage when it comes to testing

hosted by Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area

Community Health at the George

and treatment because of the stigma

Alumnae in collaboration with Grand

Washington University focusing on

associated with HIV/AIDS. Matthews

Bahama Alumnae, Greater Toronto

HIV/AIDS research and treatment in

shared that three people were cured

Area Alumnae, and Saint Thomas

Haiti, the Caribbean and Africa; and

of HIV and many continue to live

Alumnae chapters of Delta Sigma

Allison Matthews, PhD is Integrating

successful lives because of current

Theta Sorority, Incorporated. The

Special Populations Associate Director,

treatments. HIV/AIDS does not have

event featured expert panelists from

Maya Angelou Center for Health Equity,

to be the death sentence that it once

international regions to engage,

Wake Forest Baptist Health, Winston


inform, and bring awareness to an

Salem, NC. She focuses on the

international audience about the

development and evaluation of ethical

respondents felt that learning about

strides in treatment and prevention,

HIV clinical research engagement,

the HIV/AIDS pandemic in other

research, education and insights from

crowdsourcing, community-based and

countries was very/extremely useful.

two panelists living with HIV. Moderator

technological innovations.

Respondents and panelists noted

HIV/AIDS Awareness “Ending the Epidemic”

A post event survey with 50%

Dr. Stephanie Anderson, (CHCAA

Panelists shared statistics and

that they would be willing to attend a

member, clinician and researcher)

research specific to their regions.

similar program in the future and will

guided prepared and chat questions to

Maureen Owino talked about

share information learned. A Rock the

the panelists. The event was publicized

treatment challenges in Canada where

Ribbon brochure which highlighted

via social media, print publications,

people of color represent 5% of the

testing, treatment options, prevention

radio, and television, and chapters’

population, but make up 35% of the

tips, and transmittal information was


HIV diagnosis. Dr. Conserve shared

emailed to attendees with 500 copies

that in Tanzania, people are placed in

to Sierra Leone, West Africa.

The panelists which consisted 14 - The Sensational

Bringing Attention to DiSparitY in Black Women’s Health Kappa Omricron Chapter


ccording to Boston

Karen Sheffield-Abdullah as nurse

University’s Black Women’s

midwife, and Maya Jackson as doula.

for attendees to mitigate, or even

Health Study, Black women

Not only did the panelists draw on

prevent, manageable illnesses. Maya

have higher rates of numerous

their own experiences with race in the

Jackson, whose work as a doula

illnesses in comparison to women

medical field, but they also sparked a

focuses specifically on the Black

of other races. Hypertension, breast

larger discussion on how environment

community, recommended asking

cancer at a young age, diabetes and

and access play a role in the higher

questions of our health care providers.

fibroids are all among illnesses that

rates of illnesses Black women face.

It may sound simple enough, but

plague Black women at a higher rate.

As Dr. Johnson mentioned, placing

asking questions and advocating

For this reason, the Kappa Omicron

the blame solely on the individual for

for one’s needs goes a long way in

Chapter saw the need to host an event

their health problems fails to address

making sure the treatment being

titled “KOnfronting DiSpariTy: The State

a much broader issue: how the lack

offered is the best suited for the

of Black Women’s Health”.

of healthy eating options in low-

patient. Often, Black women suffer

income neighborhoods affects Black

in silence, but Dr. Johnson pointed

in their respective roles within the

Americans. Many of the healthier

out that they don’t have to. Resisting

medical field, were invited to sit on a

grocery stores, such as Trader Joes

the urge to sweep aches, pains,

panel and discuss their experiences

and Whole Foods, have tabs on

irregularities, etc. under the rug and

in treating Black female patients. Drs.

their websites where community

making regular check-ups a priority,

Leah Johnson and Freda Thompson

members can request a store in their

can make all the difference in the long

acted as the resident OB/GYNs, Dr.



Black women who have excelled

Additionally, panelists provided tips

South Atlantic Regional Journal - 15

Virginia Deltas Featured in Centennial Commemoration Suffrage Documentary BY Anna Bradley


eltas are prominently featured in the opening three minutes of These Things

Can Be Done: Women’s Suffrage in

Virginia. The hour-long documentary was commissioned by Virginia Public Media to commemorate the centennial of women’s suffrage. It debuted on PBS television stations in the Fall of 2020. These Things Can Be Done covers the history of activism leading up to women getting the right to vote in 1920. However, the opening scenes focus on the advocacy for Virginia to become the 38th and final state needed to ratify the Equal

frustrated over the past few years.

tours which included stops at all four

Rights Amendment (ERA) to the U.S.

Realizing that engaging this issue


Constitution as announced by Soror

would honor our Founders, sorors

Robin Whitley (Suffolk Alumnae).

joined the nonpartisan organization

chapters to spotlight our Sorority’s

Other highlights include Deltas from


distinctive founding impetus for

across the Commonwealth marching

The constant visibility of “ladies

The ERA campaign allowed

political engagement for equality.

in the parade to celebrate the Virginia

in red” caught the attention of

Our advocacy included the need

General Assembly’s ratification. Soror

several documentary and other

to address racial inequities with

Anna Bradley (Petersburg Alumnae)

news crews who followed the

respect to income, health, and other

gave commentary on Delta’s first

campaign. In communities across

areas of concern for women of color.

public act in 1913 and Soror Yvonne

the Commonwealth, Deltas took

Additionally, our involvement elevated

Lewis (Virginia Beach Alumnae) spoke

the lead to have city councils and

our leadership among coalitions with

of our Sorority’s commitment to

county boards of supervisors pass

other organizations like American


resolutions in support of ratifying

Association of University Women and

State Senator and Soror Rosalyn

the ERA. Deltas hosted post card

League of Women Voters. In several

Dance recognized an opportunity

parties, held community forums,

communities, this was the first time

for Deltas to make an impact when

and wrote letters to editors. On

majority white organizations worked

she invited sorors to attend Women’s

numerous occasions, Deltas gave

with Delta chapters.

Equality Day at the Virginia General

remarks before the State Senate

Assembly in August 2018. It was here

and House of Delegates committees

that sorors learned that efforts to

and subcommittees. Sorors were

be seen free of charge on YouTube:

have Virginia ratify the ERA had been

especially visible on statewide bus


16 - The Sensational

These Things Can Be Done can

Alpha Lambda Chapter Delta Week focuses on REDflix

The Alpha Lambda Chapter at the campus of North Carolina Central University held Delta Week on January 11-16, 2021. The theme this year was ‘REDflix’ where each of the Five Point Programmatic Thrust programs centered around Netflix titles; Money Heist, She’s Gotta Have It, Are We There Yet?, Sister Sister, Dear White People and Grey’s Anatomy. The chapter started the week of programs by creating virtual financial vision boards, then a panel of professionals in desired career fields shared tips and advice, participants planned virtual mission trips, discussions were held on stereotypes and the impact of mental health followed by conversation on racial inequalities. The week ended with a successful collection of individually packaged snacks and thank you cards for healthcare professionals. Continue to follow us on Instagram @dstalphlamba as we celebrated February highlighting the accomplishments of prominent Black women under #HERstories.

Chapel Hill-Carrboro Alumnae Black Business Car Parade

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Area Alumnae Chapter Black Business Car Parade made quite the stir as chapter members honked their horns and prominently displayed “support a black business” placards on Saturday, December 5, 2020. CHCAA Deltas and supporters paraded from Hargrave’s Community Center to Mama Dip’s Kitchen, a black-owned, family business known for its southern cuisine in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Mama Dip’s has been a focal point in Chapel Hill since 1976. With so many black businesses struggling during the pandemic, increasing support is more important than ever. The chapter’s Economic Development Committee partnership with The Black Business Car Parade (cofounded by Soror Jeskell Creecy) organized the motorcade to promote the local favorite restaurant. Advertised on social media, which yielded a significant increase in sales for the restaurant, the chapter is planning black business car parades with other local businesses.

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Charleston Alumnae

Celebrating 80 years of excellence As the first and oldest alumnae chapter in the State of South Carolina, The Charleston Alumnae Chapter (CAC) will commemorate 80 years of excellence with virtual events throughout 2021 as an influential institution in the Charleston Metro Area. Chartered on November 15, 1940, CAC’s commitment to excellence has been steadfast since its early years. There is much to celebrate with countless accomplishments and pinnacle moments that enabled the chapter to have both impactful service and scholarship in the Greater Charleston Area. Growing from 10 members in 1940 under the leadership of Soror Frances Clement, the current chapter membership is over 200 members. Today under the leadership of Soror Naquita Page-Dawson, the Charleston Alumnae Chapter looks to the future with confidence. Their efforts to enlighten, enable, and uplift humanity, will spread and continue to grow as they are “United in Sisterhood…Engaged in Service.”

Charlotte Alumnae

Making a positive impact in the community The Charlotte Alumnae Chapter used creative, pandemic-safe collections to contribute to the community. The result? CAC made an enormous impact to the service area with four powerful drive-thru giving initiatives: • WSOC-TV 9 School Tools & A Giving Heart Project – CAC members donated 7,900 school supplies, 495 headphones/earbuds and $2,200, to empower homeless teens during a drive-thru. • Founders Day Community Service: A drop-off collaboration with Delta GEMS, CAC collected 235 bags of toiletries, 300 hats, gloves, socks, blankets and t-shirts to benefit the men’s homeless shelter. • Salvation Army: Sorors drove-thru to fill a truck with donations for the Salvation Army Angel Tree and Silver Bells to assist children, seniors, and disabled adults at Christmas. • WSOC-TV Steve’s Coats For Kids: In a drive-thru drop off Sorors donated an assortment of 200 coats to make sure community children stay warm.

18 - The Sensational

Chesapeake-Virginia Beach Alumnae Chapter Hosts Covid-19 Virtual Town Hall

On September 16, 2020, the Southside/Hampton Roads Cluster of Virginia Chapters sponsored “RED ALERT: The Impact of COVID-19 on Students Returning to Campus” Virtual Town Hall via Facebook. The educational session addressed common COVID-19 myths and equipped participants with valuable information. The panel discussion was hosted by Kara Peters (Kappa Rho Chapter), a Senior at University of Virginia and Alton Coston, III (Alpha Phi Alpha), a Sophomore at William and Mary. Guest panelists were Keith Newby, Sr., MD (Omega Psi Phi), Cardiologist; Shené V. Owens (Williamsburg Alumnae Chapter), and T. Davis, PhD, CHES, both of William and Mary; Dr. Faith Fitzgerald, EdD of Norfolk State University, and COVID-19 Survivor, Chris Gales. The event had over 2500 views, impacted multiple colleges and universities, while providing outreach as far as the Republic of Korea.

Dillon-Marion Alumnae Collects Coats for Youth in Need

The Dillon-Marion County Alumnae Chapter, Social Action Committee set in motion a project to collect 125 coats for the youth in need in Dillon and Marion Counties. Both counties have suffered socio-economically during the pandemic. We began our effort in late September by contacting the local DSS offices, and schools in both counties. Following CDC guidelines, chapter members dropped off coats at a sanitized location on November 28th. We exceeded our goal! Approximately 100 coats were donated to identified agencies and 50 coats were distributed to the public. Sorors, and DHEC donated gloves, scarves, hygiene products, and more that was distributed to each recipient. Thank you notes were received by participating agencies from the parents and children. Sorors exuded great happiness knowing that they positively impacted so many lives.

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Durham Alumnae

Delta Dears Honored for Paving the Way In November 2020, the Social Committee of the Durham Alumnae Chapter paid homage to their most revered yet most vulnerable members, their Delta Dears. Understanding the strain that isolation can cause, especially to elderly populations, Durham Alumnae Sorors took action to make sure their Delta Dears felt nurtured and appreciated. The committee delivered decorated packages of personal protective equipment and toiletries to nearly 100 Delta Dears in the course of one weekend. Sorors acknowledged the Delta Dears’ dedication to preserving the legacy of our beloved sorority as well as their gracious leadership in ushering in the next generation of Delta women. Both parties were blessed by the act of sisterhood and service. They look forward to the time when they can all reconnect in person to share the Delta love.

Fairfax County Alumnae Red Velvet Bookclub Disclussion

The Arts and Letters Committee of the Fairfax County Alumnae Chapter was very excited to offer a Red Velvet Book Club event to virtually discuss the book “Women of the Bible, the good, the bad & ugly…then and now” by Soror Sharon Cannon, a member of the Delta Authors Directory. Invitees were asked to prepare their favorite cup of tea and put on their finest hat for a Sunday afternoon of virtual enlightenment with the author. There was a great discussion on the women of the Bible and the author explained why they fell in the various categories of good, bad, or ugly. The book focused on the women’s behavior, characteristics, and traits. It was a real treat. It was interesting to hear how the participants viewed the women of the Bible and what category they thought the women fell into that was different from the author’s point of view.

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Fredericksburg Area Alumnae Charitable Partnership Supply Drive

In November 2020, the Fredericksburg Area Alumnae Chapter Charitable Partners Committee collaborated with the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) Stafford Fredericksburg Section. They supported the John J. Wright Educational and Cultural Center supplies initiative. It’s an alternative education program to support students who require education outside of traditional school. The Chapter donated 95 tubes of toothpaste (various brands of Colgate and Crest, Close Up, Aquafresh, Aim and Ultrabrite). In addition, they donated 153 toothbrushes (51-2pk, 2-3pk, 21 children, 19 individual, and 1-5pk) along with 12 travel packs of toothbrushes and toothpastes. The President of the NCNW Stafford Fredericksburg Section, Maria Barnes, shared “We are overwhelmed by your generosity. Again, thank you for partnering with NCNW. Through your kind generosity, we will be able to continue our commitment to support this effort.”

Fort Brag Area Alumnae

Social Actions Six Week Blitz - “Cooking Up Conversations” Realizing the importance of this year’s election, in the age of COVID-19, the Social Action committee went to work, creating the following innovative and entertaining virtual content: “What’s the Virtual 411?”. This event highlighted the impact of COVID 19, the Census, engaging young voters, and restoring voter rights for convicted felons. A “Rock the Vote” Tiktok. Pyramids, PJS & Politics: IT’S “A DIFFERENT WORLD” A clever use of clips from the 90’s sitcom to discuss race and politics. “Cooking up Conversations”, with a primary focus on “Galvanizing the VOTE! A six-week event Blitz leading up to Election Day. Our Social Action Chairs Soror Belinda Bryant, Soror Tonia Claire-Jones and awesome committee members ensured each event was filled with vital voter information; and notable celebrities including Jermaine Dupree (Rap artist), Jazz phenom Pete Belasco, and the 90s R&B group, INTRO and Fort Bragg Area Alumnae Chapter, reaching 6, 103 viewers.

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Goldsboro Alumnae Wednesday's Word

The Goldsboro Alumnae Chapter Membership Services Committee has been busy trying to keep our Sorors spirits high during the pandemic. We have started Wednesday’s Word, where we send out inspirational messages to encourage and empower our Sorors. We have sent cards for holidays and Founders Day to our Golden Delta DEARS, which includes our three remaining in Goldsboro charter members. On Feb. 6, we held a craft activity wherein we decorated a heart shaped ornament, a decal and a ribbon choice. We also included a bag of chocolates with each project. A good time was held by all as we tried to smoothly adhere the decal and tie a pretty bow. A gift bag of chocolates, an ornament and other goodies will be delivered to our Golden DEARs.

Hampton Alumnae

Hampton Alumnae Chapter Partners With Local Elementary School This year, back-to-school would mean back-to-the home computer set-up in bedrooms and kitchens along with a need for non-traditional supplies. Both teachers and students discovered that another option for communicating through their virtual platform was needed. School staff shared that students could work more efficiently with access to dryerase boards. The chapter donated 420 kits which included a dry erase board, markers, and erasers to Bassette Elementary School in Hampton, Virginia. The Administrators expressed appreciation for the thoughtfulness and support, further saying that “the kits are fitting for all grade levels”. Later in the fall, Hampton Alumnae sorors donated food baskets to the families of Bassette Elementary filled with items to make a complete Thanksgiving meal. The festive and seasonally decorated baskets also included a $10 grocery store gift card. The chapter continued its support of the school’s families by donating 182 gift cards valued at $10 each in December.

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Henrico County Alumnae Caravan to the Polls

On October 24, 2020, the Henrico County Alumnae Chapter’s Social Action Committee hosted a Caravan to the Polls. The event was held to encourage and increase voter turnout in the chapter’s service area, specifically eastern Henrico County. The caravan began at Highland Springs High School and traveled through the Highland Springs, Cedar Fork, and Creighton Road neighborhoods before ending at the Eastern Henrico County Government center, an early voting site. Caravan drivers decorated their cars, honked their horns, and used megaphones to inform communities about the November election and to encourage everyone eligible to exercise their right to vote. Not only did the caravan attract community participation and increase voter awareness, but it was also featured in a local newspaper, The Richmond Free Press. Covid-19 was no match for the chapter’s determination to carry out its commitment to social action in a safe and socially distant manner.

Hickory Alumnae

The Chef in You Virtual Cooking Class Series The Hickory Alumnae Chapter did not allow COVID-19 to deter the chapter from delivering programming to positively impact the community. One example includes a series of healthy cooking classes, “The Chef in You Virtual Cooking Class Series”. The classes, led by Chef Marlene Barber of a Taste of Luxury, LLC provided participants with meal preparation over the course of three evenings. The series promoted healthy eating as an art form. Technology allowed the chapter to reach beyond the immediate service area and touch families across the state. The virtual classes included a wide range of participants which included, the young, the well-seasoned, those with gourmet cooking skills and those with limited cooking skills. It really didn’t matter whether participants were actively cooking or simply being an observer, the classes were educational and a lot of fun. Our goal of providing fellowship and delivering programming that positively impacts our community, was achieved.

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Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Alumnae Breast & Liver Cancer Awareness

The Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Alumnae Chapter’s Physical and Mental Health Committee hosted a “Virtual Informational Session on Breast and Liver Cancer Awareness” on October 28, 2020. Charter member, Soror Marasol Jenkins was the guest speaker. Soror Jenkins responded to numerous questions submitted in advance or by chat during the Zoom forum. She stressed the importance of maintaining a good diet and participating in some form of exercise, if possible. She also indicated that paying attention to changes in the body is important along with taking prescribed medication and supplements. The forum was well attended, very informative and provided valuable insight for those who attended.

Johnston County Alumnae

Lauching Entrepreneurial African American Women's Dreams (L.E.A.D.) Our community thrives off the entrepreneurial mindset, spirit and effort and Johnston County Alumnae Chapter (JCAC) seeks to equip women for the task via the Launching Entrepreneurial African American Women’s Dreams Program (L.E.A.D.). The L.E.A.D. Program is a 10-week intensive course aimed to teach principles of starting and/or managing a successful business. Program participants will be paired with business mentors and provided an opportunity for a business launch. JCAC partnered with NC Idea to deliver the program to the community. “We want women in our community exposed to entrepreneurial thinking, their ideas solving problems and creating a space for them to provide for their families with these ideas,” said Evelyn Sanders, Economic Development Committee Chair. JCAC president, Telia Virgin stated that “This program has the potential to launch new services, business and business owners at a time when they are needed most.”

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Kappa Omicron

Kappa Omicron Chapter Challenges Students to Evaluate President’s Inaugural Address In the age of social media, politicians can seem more like celebrities and less like elected officials. Although it is easy to forget, politicians are tasked with carrying out the bidding of their constituencies, which is why The Kappa Omicron chapter at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill organized an event titled “KOntinuing Political Change: Post Inauguration”. Attendees engaged in thought-provoking discussion after watching clips from President Joe Biden’s inaugural address. The breakout room discussions were used to address the national and global impact of Biden’s platform. After returning from the breakout rooms, participants focused on ways in which citizens can continue to hold politicians accountable. Attendees ended the event on a general consensus that being as engaged as possible on the local level can lead to a more meaningful payoff in the short and long term.

Kinston Alumnae

Kinston Alumnae Chapter Host Shower for Family The Kinston Alumnae Chapter’s Program Planning and Development committee sponsored a drive through shower to help replace bedroom furnishing and other needed items for a local family consisting of a single parent and her five children. The family lost their home due to a fire, days before the holiday season. The shower was held on the lawn in front of the family’s new residence on January 17, 2021. Immediately after being notified of the mishaps, Soror Lenell Miller, committee chair made contact to survey the need. She then rallied the committee and chapter members for replacement items. The Sorors were able to purchase bedroom furnishing for the teenage daughter. Items included bedroom furnishing, end tables, chair, curtains, pillows, lamps, trash cans and bed linens and coverings. Chapter President, Gwen Wynn along with chapter members also donated financial assistance to the mother and balloons and candy to the younger siblings.

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Lexington Alumnae

International Awareness and Involvement The Lexington, NC Alumnae Chapter, (LAC), in partnership with Turners Chapel AME church, held an international awareness and involvement service project to support refugees in Uganda, Africa. Chapter members coordinated a collection of clothing, toiletries, and school supplies. The donation was shipped to Africa; part of the churches oversees mission work. This project was important to LAC, because this area of African has faced many challenges: poverty, corruption, slavery, genocide, human trafficking, low human development rate, civil wars and in 2011 received its independence. Although many organizations are involved in humanitarian efforts, LAC answered the call to serve this important sorority programmatic thrust. Chapter Sorors are already preparing for future collections for this effort. In the meantime, LAC members are overjoyed that their efforts to support the motherland across the ocean was successful.

Lumberton Alumnae

Success While in a Virtual Environment Social Action is at the heart of Delta members. Therefore, COVID-19 was not going halt social action efforts of the Lumberton Alumnae Chapter (LAC). With a little tweaking, technology, and pandemic guidelines, LAC successfully met the needs of chapter members (many of them older Sorors) to continue this important work. For example, the chapter held a pandemic safe voter event, provided free personal protective equipment and held a Census awareness event. In addition, the chapter tapped technology to keep members safe and continue the work of Delta. To do so, LAC successfully used Facebook to safely engage the community using social media: posting important voter information and a virtual fundraiser using Facebook and Eventbrite. As a result, LAC saw a phenomenal increase in Facebook engagements. LAC learned the benefits of social media to remain connected and serve Sorors and the community.

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Lynchburg Alumnae Rock the Ribbon Event

Lynchburg Alumnae held a fundraiser initiative titled, “Rock the Ribbon” in which members of the chapter engaged support from family members and the community to help raise awareness and funds to support two organizations (CHAP and the Delta House/Vashti’s Village). These two organizations work directly with populations affected by HIV/AIDS. Individuals that contributed to the fundraising initiative received a red ribbon sticker or a red ribbon lapel pin and were encouraged to wear the ribbon each day starting November 21, 2020 to December 31, 2020. The chapter’s goal was to spread the word about AIDS, its impact in the community, and what the community can do to continue the work to help eradicate the disease. Through its efforts, Lynchburg Alumnae Chapter exceeded its $1500 fundraising goal by raising more than $2000. It is the chapter’s hope that as a community, as chapters, and as Deltas that we strive to educate, advocate, and work to find a cure for this disease, which has taken the lives of many in our communities, and particularly those in the African American community. Let’s continue to “Rock the Ribbon and Pass It On”.

New Bern Alumnae Virtual Health Fair

The New Bern Alumnae Chapter conducted a Virtual Health Fair on December 5, 2020. The program featured four presenters who gave information on several topics. Dr. Briana Alexander, a Pharmacist discussed the immune system which is so important during this pandemic. She informed us what it takes to boost your immune systems which include a balanced diet, exercise, getting at least seven hours of sleep a night, reduce stress and taking supplement such as vitamins C and D. Vickie Moseley-Jones presented information on Sickle Cell Anemia as the mother of a 37 year old Sickle Cell warrior. She informed us that sickle cell is inherited and not contagious. A person can live and be successful with this disease. Soror Willie Franklin, RN, a certified mental health and psychiatric nurse discussed Mental Health Awareness. Her topic was depression, which has been a topic of discussion with people having limited contact with others and fear during the pandemic. She explained the depression can show itself in different ways. There are internal causes from something from within which can be inherited. External causes of depressions come from losses in life such as a loved one’s death, loss of job or home, etc. . South Atlantic Regional Journal - 27








Norfolk Alumnae Adopt a School

Throughout the year, Norfolk Alumnae Chapter continues to lend a helping hand to Chesterfield Academy Elementary – the chapter’s adopted school. Chesterfield Academy enrolls 293 students in grades Pre-K to Grade 5 in Norfolk, Virginia, and the Academy is the model school of Science, Technology, Engineering, Applied Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) with a high percentage of economically disadvantaged families. In September, the chapter purchased earbuds to help education run a little smoother for students during virtual learning. In November, chapter committees and individual chapter members donated uniforms, underwear, and socks, and books. Recently, the Arts and Letters Committee collected and delivered 105 children's books in January, and Soror Amy Johnson created and donated beautiful bookmarks and placed one in each book. In February, the Arts & Letters Committee sponsored a Virtual Read aloud for National AfricanAmerican Read-in for the Chesterfield Academy students.

Northern Virginia Alumnae

Rock the Ribbon Virtual World AIDS Day Program The International Awareness and Involvement (IAI) Committee of Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter (NoVAC) collaborated with Fairfax County Alumnae, Fredericksburg Area Alumnae, Loudoun County Alumnae, Prince William County Alumnae and community partners Alexandria Commission on HIV/AIDS and Alexandria Department of Health; as well as the NOVA section of the National Council of Negro Women to help educate and raise awareness about HIV/AIDS. The NOVA chapters “Rocked the Ribbon” with a groundbreaking virtual World Aids Day program. The program was led by IAI Chair and Co-chair, Dr. Cynthia S. Brown and Dr. Deborah Foreman Speller, respectively; under the leadership of Chapter President Melanie J. Carter and community partner Nechelle Terrell. Guest speaker, Mr. Anthony Gutierrez, a psychologist from Gilead Sciences, provided impressive research on the evolution of HIV/ AIDS. The panel of experts presented current information via a Zoom presentation that highlighted support for people living with and affected by HIV.

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Omicron Iota

Protect Black Women The Omicron Iota Chapter at Elon University held a virtual program last Fall entitled “I’m Speaking”, an event centered around creating a dialogue amongst the Elon community and the students about what it means to protect black women. This program was geared towards better educating individuals on how to uplift and protect black women in different facets of life. The program had a very successful turnout with student attendance exceeding expectations. The event allowed the black women in attendance to finally be heard and feel validated. Other students appreciated being educated on a topic they had never been taught, which gave them the confidence to be better allies. The goal of this event was to create a more inclusive and respectful environment on and off of Elon’s campus while empowering those in attendance to share what they learned while emphasizing the need to protect black women to their peers.

Portsmouth Alumnae Virtual STEM Event

The Portsmouth Alumnae Chapter (PAC) hosted their first virtual STEM event, “It’s the Beat for Me!” on Saturday, January 23, 2021. The event introduced participants to STEM based careers such as sound engineering and computer programming. Each participant engaged in hands-on activities and used applications such as Band Lab and CodeVA to create their own beats and program an avatar for a virtual dance party. Soror Brittni Langston, discussed the structure of a song and demonstrated the many facets required to develop the body of a beat. Mr. Justin Bishop, a local computer science teacher and member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., demonstrated the logic behind coding an avatar to generate movement. Participants were able to showcase their creation and gain a more in-depth understanding of what is involved in each career field. Overall, participants had fun and thoroughly enjoyed the activities presented for the day. .

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Prince William County Alumnae

Dr. Martin Luther King Oratorical Competition and Program The 2021 MLK Oratorical Competition hosted by PWCAC-DST, Inc. was successful by all measures. The 31st annual program featured area youth orators that expressed their ideas and gave a call to action basedon the theme, “Beyond the Dream: Young Voices With Something to Say.” The YouTube premiere was viewed by a 1,000+ audience. The audience voted for their favorite orator via text. The winners are: • Myles Lanier – Manassas Park High School • Nyela Asterilla -Anderson – Freedom High School Zion Fozo (Potomac High School) and Amber Austin (Patriot High School) were also orators. Additionally, Escarlet Roque Lopez and Aleen “Rose” Tawer (Osbourn High School) provided “The Occasion.” Past oratorical winner and James Madison University senior Norman Jones narrated a “Good Trouble” segment that honored Congressman John Lewis. The MLK Community Choir made their virtual debut and Rev. Al Sharpton, President and Founder, National Action Network was the special guest.

Raleigh Deltas Confronting the Spread of COVID-19 Through Safety and Servic The Raleigh Alumnae Chapter (RAC) partnered with the Wake County Department of Health and Human Services to assemble COVID-19 safety kits for distribution to the most vulnerable communities in the county. Safety kits include 3 masks, 2oz. hand sanitizer, CDC safety precautions and census informational flyers. The Wake Human Services COVID-19 Task Force mask distribution effort has been an important service implemented to limit the spread of the COVID virus. However, many Wake County residents living within the highest impacted zip code areas in the state still needed face masks. In July and August 2020, forty-six Raleigh Alumnae members assembled more than 6,000 of the 60,000 safety kits that were distributed in Wake County. RAC volunteers assembled a minimum of 1200 safety kits per week, often exceeding the weekly target. After packaging, safety kits were picked up and distributed by partnering organizations during community outreach events.

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Richmond Alumnae

Membership Services Holiday Gathering In normal times during the holidays, Richmond Alumnae Chapter would schedule sisterhood activities to occur after the December chapter meeting. With the disruption the COVID-19 pandemic created, the annual festivities created room for creative thinking outside the box as chapters have had to do this year. The Membership Services Committee actively planned not one but three fun and engaging virtual activities for sorors to experience the joy and excitement of anticipating holiday cheer in the spirit of sisterhood with activities of excellence which allowed sorors to continue to embrace the “wow” factor of the holiday season with relaxation, fun, and fellowship. The first activity was a paint party hosted by artist Justin Young and second vice president/membership services chair, Anita Roane. Sorors had the choice to paint a Delta Diva or a relaxing water scene. At the December chapter meeting, sorors were asked to share a photo of “Delta Joy” to showcase their Christmas decorations, stocking filled mantled or any Christmas image that brings joy to share in a video at the beginning and the end of the chapter meeting. On December 20th, a Tacky Sweater-Holiday Party was held and sorors were invited to participate in more sisterly fun. With holiday gear and favorite refreshments on hand, sorors played games, wrote a hodge-podge story, participated in holiday karaoke, and modeled in their tacky sweater for a virtual fashion show. Despite the limitations of physically coming together, Richmond Alumnae Chapter maintained their level of excellence in maintaining virtually unstoppable events to engage members.

Rock Hill Alumnae

Women and Money Matters: Women, Wisdom and Wealth In January, the Rock Hill Alumnae Chapter hosted the second webinar in its Financial Fortitude series. “Women and Money Matters: Women, Wisdom, and Wealth,” presented by Soror Lori Jones Gibbs of the Durham Alumnae Chapter. The program highlighted statistics of women’s spending and financial habits, along with biblical references to money. Soror Jones stressed the importance of creating a budget and offered suggestions for investing money, understanding credit, and managing spending and debt. Since the workshop, guest attendee C. Wilder shared that she is “more mindful of her spending.” Using the financial journal won as a door prize, she has now written down her financial goals and a timeline she intends to follow to pay off debt. Guest attendee P. Bailey shared that she has paid off one credit card with the tips learned and now uses the money saved on gas and other purchases, due to the pandemic, to pay down debt and increase her 401k.

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Salisbury Alumnae

Virtual Community Service Grants from Democracy NC The SAC Chapter applied for virtual grants in July 2020 with Democracy NC. The Chapter was approved and receive a $500 summer grant for the Early Vote Monitoring at the Rowan County Board of Elections (BOE) in August 2020. The Chapter also received 30 hours of community service time for BOE monitoring and program reporting. SAC was also approved for $1,500 in grant monies for monitoring at the Rowan and Stanly County Board of Elections meetings from July 2020 to November 2020. The Social Action Committee raised a total of $2,000 through its partnership with Democracy NC for use by the chapter for local scholarships. The Salisbury Alumnae Chapter President is Soror Natalie Rivers. The Social Action Committee Co-Chairs are Soror Holly Lawson and Soror Catherine Rivens. The Salisbury Alumnae Chapters service areas include Rowan and Stanly Counties.

Western Wake Alumnae

Western Wake Addresses: Microaggressions in the Workplace The Western Wake Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. hosted a three-part virtual series around Black Women and Microaggression in the Workplace. The discussion was led by guest speaker, Titilayo Somorin, Cultural Competency Educator. Western Wake Alumnae members Dr. Tammie D. Moore, Psychologist, HSP-P, Founder and CEO of Western Wake Counseling, PLLC and Aja Reid, Senior HR Professional, MS, SPHR served as subject matter experts. On October 27, 2020, “The Plight” identified and discussed common occurrences that Black women experience daily in the workplace. On November 19, 2020, “The Revival” focused on the importance of knowing HR policies and protocols for reporting microaggressions and seeking therapy as a way to navigate hostile environments. The final session, on January 26, 2021, “Reclaim” delved into how to cope and stay prepared for the next steps in one’s career journey.

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Whiteville Alumnae Spreading Holiday Cheer

Whiteville Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was able to spread some holiday cheer in Columbus County. They were able to provide spaghetti, salad and dessert for lunch to over 100 individuals. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, lunch was distributed in a drive-thru and pick-up for everyone's safety. Mask and hand sanitizer was given to all who attended on behalf of the Columbus County Dream Center. Fourteen gift cards were presented to Bladen County Department of Social Services as Christmas gifts for children in the Adoption & Foster Care Program. During these times of economic hardship, sorors were able to come together and provide a much needed service. The impact of COVID is being felt in the service areas of Whiteville Alumnae Chapter. The organization giving back during the holiday brought about a feeling of hope, and as a community, they will get through these unprecedented times together.

Williamsburg Alumnae

A Thousand Pounds of Love and More Williamsburg Alumnae Chapter put their hearts together and delivered “A Thousand Pounds of Love and More” to Williamsburg House of Mercy, a non-profit organization for the homeless. A thousand pounds of non-perishable items, frozen foods and gift cards were donated as a tribute to Soror Dialetta Taylor, a recently deceased chapter member who was known for her compassion and commitment to helping others. “A Thousand Pounds of Love and More” was also a part of the sorority’s “A Day of Service” campaign in honor of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. From Left, Soror Alisa Brooks, Ellen Boyko, Outreach Center Manager, Williamsburg House of Mercy, Soror Jane Streeter, Soror Josephine Hargis, Soror Margaret Stockton, Soror Linda King and Soror Jaki Cunningham.

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Sensational Sorors DR. KHALILAH JOHNSON RECEIVES THE 2021 UNC CHAPEL HILL MLK UNSUNG HERO AWARD Soror Khalilah Johnson, PhD, MS, OTR/L is the 2021 recipient of the University of North Carolina MLK Unsung Hero Award. The Unsung Hero Awards are given annually to two UNC Chapel Hill staff/faculty, department or community/corporate entities who have exemplified a steadfast commitment to inclusion. Through their everyday work and advocacy, these awardees have made significant contributions to social justice, equity, and diversity and have made a positive difference in the lives of others at UNC. Soror Johnson received this honor for her demonstrated commitment to justice, equity, and inclusion in occupational science and occupational therapy research and education. Soror Johnson is a research assistant professor in the Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. She is a 2003 initiate of Tau Eta Chapter, Brenau University Women’s College and is now a member of Durham Alumnae Chapter, Durham, North Carolina.

CHERYL GISCOMB Dr. Cheryl L. Woods Giscombé, PhD, RN, PMHNP-BC, FAAN was awarded nearly $3.1 million in research grant funding from the National Institute on Minority and Health Disparities to lead “The Harmony Study — A culturally-relevant, randomized-controlled, stress management intervention to reduce cardiometabolic risk in African American women.” Dr. Giscombe was recently elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, the premier honorary scientific organization for scientists working to inspire change that culminates into better health for all. It is comprised of eminent senior investigators and leaders elected through a highly selective process. Giscombe’s research addresses factors historically understudied in African-American women. “We focus on reducing risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes, with tailoring to comprehensively address gender-, and race-specific issues that may impact risk. Our goal is to help women succeed and sustain success in lifestyle modifications, weight loss, and cardiometabolic risk reduction.”

ANITA THURMAN Soror Ladeen Powell and Soror Anita Thurman were spotlighted as SHEros by Whiteville Alumnae Chapter. Soror Powell is Chief Operating Officer of People’s Funeral Home and Dr. Thurman is a Nurse Practitioner with G&G Healthcare. As a part of the frontline workforce, both sorors have been dedicated and committed to servicing their community during the COVID-19 pandemic. These sorors are essential to the community and are greatly appreciated for the risk they take every day to care for families who have lost loved ones as well as those in need of medical attention.

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Sensational Sorors VALERIE ANN KENNEDY-ROBINSON, PHARM D Valerie Kennedy-Robinson is the daughter of Marjorie Baten Kennedy and the late David James Kennedy of Winnsboro, SC. Valerie is currently a managed care pharmacist for Prisma Health and has worked in this position for the last 14 years. She received her BS in Pharmacy from the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy in 1988 and her Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Florida College of Pharmacy in 2004. Valerie has received several awards over the years, just to mention a few: Valerie has received an award from the South Carolina Pharmacy Association for Volunteer Pharmacist of the Year, named a 2017 Palmetto Health Woman of Impact, and has been featured in the Who's Who book of young professionals. Valerie loves helping people and her patients are not just patients they are like family to her. She has given many of them her cell phone number so that they can contact her if they need to get in contact with her. Valerie has concentrated her practice in working primarily in the rural and indigent communities. When she worked for the chain drug companies, she worked in the following areas of SC Chester, Union, Winnsboro, Newberry, and Camden. For the past 20 years she has worked in the Columbia, SC area serving primarily Prisma Health formerly Palmetto Health employees and patients that are primarily considered the indigent population in the 29203. Heart health has been one of Valerie's greatest passions. She has taken this passion not only to help patients that suffer from heart issues but to help raise funds for research. As a little girl, seeing her maternal grandmother suffer from heart trouble and knowing that her paternal grandfather died of a heart attack and later an aunt, other family members and what hit close to home her father and brother made heart health a part of her mission. Valerie has used this to help her sorority, Chester Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta raise thousands of dollars for the American Heart Association. Valerie has worked on the Wear Red Sunday Committee since its inception and they are now going into their 11th year. For the past, several years she has served as the chair. During this tenure along with her wonderful committee have gotten more churches involved, raised thousands of dollars for the organization and help initiate activities that will bring more awareness to some of our rural communities. Valerie has a strong belief in God and knows that faith without works is dead. Psalm 23 and 121 are two of her favorite passages in the Bible. She is a member of St. Barnabas Episcopal Church in Jenkinsville, SC and an Associate member of Francis Burns United Methodist Church in Columbia where she is active in several ministries. She currently lives in Blythewood, SC where she resides with her husband of 27 years Carl Nathan Robinson, Jr. and two children Alean Jenetta "AJ" and Kennedy DeWitt William Robinson. Valerie's motto in life is: If a task is once begun never leave it until it is done. If the labor great or small, do it well or not at all.

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Sensational Sorors RAQUEL RILEY THOMAS Raquel Riley Thomas is an Entrepreneur, Pageant Queen, and Military-Veteran. She is the owner of An Officer and Gentlewoman, LLC, a media and entertainment company, headquartered in Washington, DC. The company owns and operates the following brands: Miss DC for America, Mrs. DC America, Mrs. DC American, Little Miss North America, Maria Raquel Thomas Brand, SJ Savory Kitchen, AOAGWLLC Casting and Raquel Riley Thomas Beauty. Raquel Riley Thomas Beauty is a black owned and Veteran-owned cosmetic brand that supplies a quick and easy solution to the way women apply and wear cosmetics. Today's women are balancing their personal, professional, and community lives at a faster pace and their makeup application should not slow them down. Army-Veteran turned beauty and fashion expert Raquel Riley Thomas produced the formulated concept 3GL: Glamour Lashes, Glamour Lids, Glamour Lips. By using Raquel Riley Thomas Cosmetics plus using this formula, glamourous looks are now easier and quicker. We also believe in protecting our planet. Our products are used on recycled paper and the products are Animal Cruelty Free.

ANITA POWERS-BRANCH Soror Anita Powers-Branch, former Duplin County Alumnae Chapter (DCAC) president, embodies excellence within the chapter and Duplin County. A family and criminal lawyer, she was initiated into Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., through the UNC- Charlotte, Iota Rho Chapter in the fall of 1979. Anita has also served as chairperson for the South Atlantic Region Nominating Committee in 2011-2014. Chairperson Soror Powers-Branch and the members of her DCAC Social Action Committee encouraged citizens’ participation in the voting process prior to early voting and the November 2020 election. The committee assisted citizens with census completion, voter registration, and mail-in-ballot information. On October 4, 2020, they coordinated a virtual-live political forum that involved 21 bi-partisan local and state candidates. The moderated event convened over three hours and informed North Carolina citizens of the candidates’ personal, professional, and political history--resulting in increased voter turnout in Southeastern North Carolina.

MARICIA BLAKE Soror Shawn Maricia Blake of the North Charleston Alumnae Chapter has been inducted into the 2021 Inaugural Class “40 Under 40” at South Carolina State University. This honor recognized her as an exceptional alumnus due to her leadership skills in her profession, her community and her unwavering financial support of the university. She was initiated in Spring 2006 through the Alpha Xi Chapter at South Carolina State University. She holds a BS in Industrial Engineering Technology and received her MS in Industrial Engineering from Clemson University. She is a project manager at The Boeing Company with over 18 years of experience in the engineering field. In 2019, Soror Blake was honored as the South Carolina State University National Alumni Associations “Outstanding Young Alumnus of the Year”. She also was honored with the “2020 Women of Color Rising Star Award” due to excellence in her profession and in serving her community. 36 - The Sensational

Sensational Sorors MONIQUE J. DOUGLAS Soror Monique J. Douglas was elected Delta of the Year by the North Charleston Alumnae Chapter (NCAC). Douglas was chosen in part for her dedication, commitment, compassion and overall characteristics displayed to our sorority. In the NCAC, Douglas formerly was chapter chaplain, recording secretary, chair and co-chair of Delta GEMS. She currently is co-chair, the Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy and Delta GEMS. On the Regional level, she served as a DID; Delta Internal Development Trainer (2019 to 2021). Soror Douglas is a retired educator honored twice as Teacher of the Year, and is an active member of Old Bethel United Methodist Church: pastoral staff, Adult and Youth Bible Study instructor and church historian. Soror Douglas was initiated Spring 2000 through the NCAC and is a Diamond Life Member.

TONATTE MITCHELL Soror Tonatte Mitchell was recently promoted to the rank of Lieutenant with the Charleston Police Department, Charleston, South Carolina. Soror Mitchell is only the third black female to ever be promoted to this rank since the department was founded in 1670. She earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice at Benedict College and earned her Masters of Arts Degree in Human Resources Development at Webster University. Soror Mitchell received her Basic Training Certification at the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy in Columbia, South Carolina. During her 25 years in law enforcement, she has worked in numerous Team Leader and Supervisory positions. She is currently the Lieutenant Commander for the Community Outreach Division. She has served on various Boards and Councils for the department and has received numerous departmental honors. Soror Mitchell was initiated Spring 2000 through the North Charleston Alumnae Chapter and is a Diamond Life Member.

MARILYN MERRITT Soror Marilyn Merritt celebrated her 50th Delta Anniversary on December 5, 2020 having been initiated in the Alpha Lambda Chapter at North Carolina Central University. She is a Charter Member of the Lumberton Alumnae Chapter, chartered May 5, 1991 where she currently serves as Financial Secretary. Soror Merritt is a past President of the Laurinburg Alumnae Chapter and has been a Collegiate Advisor for over 30 years. Outside of her 40 plus years of being a financially active soror, she is a retired Clinical Social Worker who has improved her community through her involvement as a member of the Southeastern Family Violence Center Board of Directors and as a Robeson County 4-H Club Leader. As a 4-H Leader she has received multiple honors to include 2001 NC State Master Volunteer, 2005 NC Achievement Hall of 4-H Leadership and 2013 Robeson County 4-H Hall of Fame Inductee. South Atlantic Regional Journal - 37

Sensational Scholars TOKESIA UNDERWOOD In December 2020, Soror Tokesia Underwood completed the requirements for her Master of School Guidance Counseling. She is currently the chapter Chaplain, and an ordained minister. Additionally, Soror Underwood has been in the school system for 24 years, serving in several capacities. Soror Underwood is a life-long learner who continues to excel professionally, demonstrated by her hard work, dedication, strong work ethic and tenacity.

ALICIA E. SMITH Norfolk Alumnae Chapter celebrates Soror Alicia E. Smith, for earning her Juris Doctor degree from Western Michigan University’s Cooley Law School.

KELLY PAGE Soror Kelly Page, earned her Master of Healthcare Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in May 2020. Soror Page recently began a two-year post-graduate administrative fellowship with Private Diagnostic Clinic, PLLC, the independent multi-specialty physician practice of Duke Health, in Durham, North Carolina. Soror Page is a Spring 2014 initiate of the Iota Rho Chapter at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, N. C. and current member of Durham Alumnae Chapter. As she begins a career in healthcare administration, Soror Page extends thanks to family, friends, and Sensational South Atlantic Region Sorors for congratulatory messages.

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Sensational Scholars DR. JERUSHA DRUMMOND Dr. Jerusha Drummond is a member and former Chaplain of the Greenville (SC) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. She published an article “Leadership Formation Through Mentoring in the Old Testament,” The Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership, Volume 9, No. 1/2019. Dr. Drummond received the Doctor of Education degree in Christian Leadership on March 6, 2020, from J. W. Rawlings School of Divinity, Liberty University. She received the degree with High Distinction. Her doctoral research dissertation title is The Correlation Between Pastors’ Leadership Style, Their Organizational Change Commitment, and Their Organization’s Readiness for Change. Dr. Drummond’s goal is to inspire pastors to modernize their organizations. Transformational leadership facilitates organizational change, building trust and appreciation. Transformational leaders encourage leadership excellence in ministry.

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T he Sensational South Atlantic Region

Contact Guide REGIONAL DIRECTOR Soror Trish R. Johnson 18sardjohnson@gmail.com REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE Soror Illana Jamison 25sarrjamison@gmail.com

HOW CAN WE DIRECT YOUR CALL? Us e t h is g u id e to h e lp d e te r m in e wh o to c o n ta c t wh e n yo u h ave q u e s t io n s.

REGIONAL SECRETARY Soror Demetrics Davis sarsecretarydavis@gmail.com

MEMBER, SCHOLARSHIP & STANDARDS Soror Pamela Murphy Lewis saregionsands@gmail.com

STATE COORDINATORS & FACILITATORS Soror Rosette Simmons Bermuda State Coordinator bdacoordinator@gmail.com Soror Belinda Pettiford NC State Coordinator nccoordinatorpettiford@gmail.com Soror Jadah Smith-Hutchinson NC State Facilitator ncfacilitatorsmith@gmail.com Soror Edwina Roseboro-Barnes SC State Coordinator sccoordinatorrbarnes@gmail.com Soror Thalia Butts SC State Facilitator scfacilitatorbutts@gmail.com Soror Natasha Palmer VA State Coordinator vacoordinatorpalmer@gmail.com Soror London Armstrong VA State Facilitator vafacilitatorarmstrong@gmail.com


Soror Bridgette Wilson sarjournalistwilson@gmail.com

NATIONAL NOMINATING COMMITTEE Soror B. Lisa Downey-Hood sar2021nnc@gmail.com

REGIONAL NOMINATING COMMITTEE Soror Tarsha Burroughs 2022sarnominating@gmail.com


Soror Tayon Dancy sarchaplain2020@gmail.com


Soror Deborah Clarke sar.protocolchair@gmail.com

SOCIAL ACTION Soror Dena King Seburn sar.socialaction@gmail.com

TECHNOLOGY Soror Rhonda Long sartechteam@gmail.com


If your chapter has news and would like to announce it in the Regional Journal, please email the Regional Journalist at sarjournalistwilson@gmail.com


If you have any questions regarding the website, email sar.regionalwebmaster@gmail.com

Find @sensationalSAR:

For additional contact information, visit www.dstsouthatlanticregion.org


INFORMATION + COMMUNICATIONS TEAM “We Promise to Always S.E.E. You” Sincere Sisterhood-Exceeding ExcellenceEmbracing Empowerment

This issue is in honor of our beautiful soror, Angela Clark, who now rests in the Omega Omega Chapter. You will be sorely missed. Rest in Peace Soror! REGIONAL JOURNALIST Bridgette Wilson

WEB MASTER Terri Baskin SOCIAL MEDIA LEAD Jessica Faison-Johnson

GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Lauryn Jackson Venita Seward EDITORS Sondra Hines Yates, Sharon Wigfall, Koren Townsend, Kanika McIntyre, Tisha B. Lowe, Vyce Johnson, Terri Baskin, Paige Hairston PHOTOGRAPHERS Venita Seward

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES When submitting articles, be sure to adhere to the following guidelines:

• Third-person narrative • Topic-oriented (tell how the program served with purpose and dedication) • Microsoft Word format (don’t add any additional design elements like borders or fonts) • Limit three high-resolution digital photos (JPEG format, 300 dpi) • Submit photos separately. Don’t embed the photo into the Microsoft Word document • For photos – Identify peopl, left to right, and or add captions • Journalist reserves the right to edit and cut copy • Please provide contact info (phone number, and email) for each article submitted Journal articles are requested in the following areas: • Feature Topic – (500 word maximum) Articles submitted for this section should align with the issue topic and provide tips, action items and resources. • Around the Region – Chapter News & Event (150 word maximum) – articles submitted for this section should include unique chapter programs. Please use clear action photos. • Sensational Sorors and Sensational Scholars (150 word maximum) – Articles submitted for this section should highlight the soror’s recent accomplishment and also provide a headshot or action shot of the soror.

Next Issue: Winter 2022 Submission Deadline: January 15, 2022 Submit your chapter news to sar.dstjournalist@gmail.com


Convention 55TH NATIONAL


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