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3. Now you need two versions of your 5-page report. One that you can convert to PDF to be given away free, and another version which is exactly the same except for one detail, which I’ll go into later. This second version must be created in MS Word, and left in that format so it can be easily changed, edited and redone. 4. Give away the PDF version of your 5-page report to anyone and everyone who wants it. Give it away through forums, EBay, offer it to people who want to collect email addresses in return for the report, people who want to sell it etc. Do everything you possibly can to get it circulating around the Internet. 5. NOW WATCH MONIES ROLL INTO YOUR PAYPAL ACCOUNT. That’s it – the 5-pages to profit report! Here’s the secret. Here’s how it works… You’ve written your report and converted it into PDF format. You’ve also built a simple webpage with a payment button on it. Here you offer PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS for the exact same report that you’re giving away for free. Just like this report you’re reading now! Why would anyone want Private Label rights? Private Label Rights usually mean that the person who purchases them can alter or amend the product in any way they wish. So if you bought PLR to this report you could put your own name on as author, and add your own links to sell as your own product. Private Label Rights to unique products are quite sought after and sell well An Example of one would be http://www.dsm-publishing.co.uk/freereports/5steps.html Likewise you can buy the PLR version of this report and include your own links to make money online.

©2008 DSM Publishing Limited. All rights Reserved. www.dsm-publishing.co.uk

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