LEDs Architectural_2008

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Un largo viaje se inici贸 desde aquella luz primera

A long journey began since that first light

un viaje de sucesivas despedidas

a journey of successive farewells

ahora, esta melanc贸lica materia pronuncia sus adioses

now, this melancholic matter utters its farewells

y en este ser polvo de esa luz -que somospodemos sentir lo que nos une a las estrellas

and in this begining dust from that light -that we havewe can feel what ties us to the stars

tambi茅n el sensitivo efecto de lo irrecuperable:

and also the sensitive effect of what is irrecoverable:

ese momento natal en que fuimos uno con el universo

that moment of home-birth in wich we were one with the universe


Margarita Schultz


Margarita Schultz

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