Water damage and your home

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While water may be essential to our lives, it can also ruin things that are equally important to us, such as our homes. When not controlled, it can cause quite a bit of damage, both immediate and long-term. May it be due to a storm, flood, or burst pipe, water damage can lead to serious and costly problems. In this e-book series, we look closer into residential water damage. Let’s begin by discussing the common signs of water damage. WATER DRIPS AND PUDDLES The most obvious sign of water damage is – well – water. If you notice a puddle under the sink or around the toilet, or if you’ve got a dripping faucet, then water damage won’t be far behind. It is important to immediately check the areas surrounding the drips and puddles to determine where the water’s coming from and stop the damage from getting any worse. WATER STAINS OR DISCOLORATION Water and mold are typically manifested by dark spots. If parts of your wall paint or carpeting are changing in color, or you’re beginning to see signs of furniture discoloration, take immediate action. While some stains are quite apparent or easily noticeable, some may be hiding behind what you see as small cracks or crevices, so be aware.


SWELLING WALLS AND FLOORS Many home and building components, including walls and wood flooring, can easily absorb water. Water can easily break down the fibers of these materials, so that they become spongy and soft and eventually disintegrate altogether. Aside from soft spots, a chalky texture and paint, drywall tape, or wallpaper that is peeling are also common signs of water damage that isn’t visible just yet.

STRANGE ODORS While water damage is commonly associated with a musty smell, a variety of other strange odors can originate from water and mold. Skip the air fresheners and other fragrant cleaning and home products, so you can better see – or, rather, smell – the problem. STRANGE NOISES Have you been hearing strange noises? You may just trace them back to a brewing problem that could spell major water damage if ignored. Leaks manifest themselves in different ways. Shut off all the noises in your home and listen intently. Water running through your walls or floors can create scratching, dripping, or rushing sounds.


GENERAL DAMPNESS AND HUMIDITY Attune yourself to your home. Is it difficult to maintain consistent indoor temperatures? Is drying yourself fully after a shower or bath taking too long? This may indicate extra indoor humidity. Run a finger over surfaces as well: Are your walls sweaty? A damp wall or countertop is often indicative of an unseen leak.

Now that you know what signs of potential water damage to watch out for, it’s time to get more serious. In the next part of this series, we discuss the possible harm that water leaks and breaches can cause your home and your family. Stay tuned!


A malfunctioning faucet and a small leak may appear inconsequential, but water damage can give rise to a whole slew of problems that can adversely affect your home and family. Water damage can hit you the worst in two ways: STRUCTURAL PROBLEMS One of the most significant effects of water damage is the weakening of your home’s structure. For instance, when the walls swell and warp, they will slowly disintegrate and eventually collapse altogether. Uncoated metal materials, on the other hand, are apt to rust. Door and window casings, wood decking, joists, and studs will also swell, warp, and split. Every part of your home, in essence – from the surface down to the very core – is susceptible to water damage. Water is a very powerful element that should never be underestimated. It is capable of seriously causing the breakdown of almost any material, may it be metal, wood, or cement. Thus, water intrusion should never be left unresolved for a long time, otherwise it will really take a toll on your home’s overall structure.


HEALTH PROBLEMS Beyond structural damage, there are also a number of health concerns related to water infiltration and damage to the home. When there is excess moisture in your living spaces, it makes for a fertile environment for mold and mildew. As mold and mildew can thrive and spread where it’s damp, it opens you and your family to a number of health risks including allergies, asthma, and skin infections. It can also trigger sinus and respiratory infections – and even pneumonia, which can lead to death if untreated. If someone in your household already has weak lungs, mold can only make matters worse: mold spores, once inhaled, can colonize and spread quickly through unhealthy lung tissue.

A house and its parts can be repaired and replaced – but your family’s health should never be trifled with or taken lightly. Health problems associated with water damage are more dangerous than swelling walls, which is why you should learn what measures to take once water damage is found. Tune in for the next post to learn more.


We’ve already established how dangerous water damage can be to your home and health. We’ve also alerted you to what you need to look out for to effectively tell if you do have water damage. Now, let’s look at the basic measures you need to take once you find water damage in your home. Water can begin damaging your home within minutes of infiltration. After hours, days, and weeks, it may already have done its worst. In this post, we give you tips on how to deal with water damage in its different stages. AFTER A DISASTER OR FLOOD The first thing you need to do is to stop the source of water, if you can. If the flooding is caused by a burst pipe or a malfunctioning water heater, for instance, shut off the main water line and get in touch with a professional immediately, especially if you cannot detect where the source is. If your home is already flooded, make sure to shut off the electricity and gas lines as well. Assess the situation, and before you start or attempt cleaning up, make sure to document everything as clearly as possible. Take photos, and make a comprehensive list to show your insurance company.


Rescue and keep your valuable possessions – but don’t exhaust yourself cleaning individual items just yet. Get rid of any standing water, clean up debris, and allow everything else to air dry. Finally, call a home improvement and restoration professional who can help you perform a more thorough inspection of the damage. WHEN MOLD AND MILDEW ARE SUSPECTED Not all the effects of water damage can immediately be seen right after the actual water infiltration. Sometimes, we aren’t even aware that there’s any water damage till we see mold and mildew growth. You may require the services of a professional to assess your home and to detect the at-times-unseen mold and mildew growth in your home. Professionals can provide a full and complete assessment to guide you in finding the most cost-effective ways to resolve your issues. Where you might have gone overboard and spent overmuch to replace certain components of your home, a professional could tell you that simply giving some areas a thorough scrub could, in fact, do the trick.


Keep in mind, too, that cleaning out mold and mildew by yourself may also be hazardous to your health. Make it a point to wear and use the right gear or, better yet, opt for assistance from professional cleaners. PREVENTING FUTURE PROBLEMS After you’ve dealt with the apparent effects of water damage, it will be best to protect your home and prepare it for the prevention of future problems. One way to do this is by having a reliable contractor refit your house – particularly the more susceptible parts of it such as walls, ceiling, and flooring – with water-resistant materials. Regularly check for leaks and cracks as well. Fix faulty plumbing and related components immediately, and ensure that your drainage pipes and gutters are clear of any blockage.

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