Best Season To Roof The Summer Roofing Guide

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Best Season to Roof: The Summer Roofing Guide

Summer generally brings fair weather so it’s the time most people are out and about. However, because of said fair weather, the season is also a great time to stay put and get those home improvement projects done. Your entire home requires your attention but none more than your roof. As the biggest part of your home’s exterior, your roof is tasked with the biggest responsibility of protecting you and your family from whatever the elements can dish out. And as the elements can be punishing, they can take their toll on your roof. In this three-part guide, you’ll be learning the basics of caring for your roof and what you’ll be learning here will specifically allow you to take advantage of the nice weather to help keep your roof in tip-top shape.

Best Season to Roof: The Summer Roofing Guide

Why Do Roofing in Summer?


Why Do Roofing in Summer? Roof problems arise throughout the year so a roofing contractor’s work knows no seasons. However, barring emergencies, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t ideal conditions for roofing jobs. In this post, you’ll be learning specifically why the summer season is an ideal time to get some roofing done, whether you’re in need of a repair or replacement.

Best Season to Roof: The Summer Roofing Guide

Why Do Roofing in Summer?


After you have finally decided that it’s time to replace your roof or have it repaired, and you have chosen a roofing contractor to do the job, you now need to decide on the schedule. There are several factors you have to take into consideration when deciding on a schedule, like the urgency of the job and your personal commitments. Of course, if your roof is literally falling apart, you don’t have the luxury of scheduling a replacement next month. At the same time, you also can’t have it done while you’re away on vacation. Aside from these, you have to factor in as well what your roof requires for a proper installation. For example, asphalt shingles become brittle and self-sealing strips don’t bond as effectively in the cold. And the harder it is to handle a certain roofing material, the more difficult installation will be, which can drive labor costs up.


Roofing contractors typically have busy seasons (spring and fall) and slow seasons (winter and summer). Spring and fall both offer ideal weather conditions, and they both come before and after the seasons that have extreme weather and temperatures. Commonly, homeowners schedule their home improvements during these seasons, so why won’t you do the same, right? Best Season to Roof: The Summer Roofing Guide

Why Do Roofing in Summer?

You see, there are a number of benefits to choosing performing roofing jobs in slow seasons. Here are some of them: • You are likely to get a better price because roofers will be after your business. • Contractors are not as busy during the time, so it is unlikely that you’ll have to wait long for your roofing job to start.

Between the two slow seasons, summer is the better choice. The heat may pose a challenge sometimes but you and your roofing contractor won’t have to worry about unexpected rainshowers and maneuvering on ice. And with your roof deck kept dry, you’re assured that your roof will be installed atop a reliable surface. To get started, your roof has to be inspected. What needs checking? Head on over to Part 2 of this blog series to find out! Best Season to Roof: The Summer Roofing Guide

What Needs Checking?

PART 2 What Needs Checking?

When was the last time that you had your roof checked? It’s been through a lot in the past year alone, so it won’t be surprising if it has some damage here and there. And if it’s been protecting your home for a while? Your roof’s hard work will definitely show. It’s tasked with keeping you and your family safe, warm, and dry, and, for your roof to continue doing so, you should return the favor with a regular inspection.

Best Season to Roof: The Summer Roofing Guide

What Needs Checking?


• Flashing. Metal components on a roof, flashing are designed to cover gaps, interruptions, or penetrations in the roofing material caused by chimneys, vent pipes, dormers, and the like. Any damage observed should be fixed immediately as faulty flashing can lead to leaks.

• Gutters. Aside from looking for visible blockage, an inspection should also check for asphalt granules in gutters. Asphalt shingles have a granular surface that protects the roofing material from the elements and other external threats. If there’s a significant amount of asphalt granules in the gutter, it means the roof is wearing out, making it likelier to fail down the line. Granule loss is also usually accompanied by other signs of damage such as tearing, buckling, and curling.

Best Season to Roof: The Summer Roofing Guide

What Needs Checking?

• Roofing Material. Whatever kind of roof you have, it must be checked for signs of damage, which will present itself in various forms depending on the roofing material. For instance, there will be rot on wooden roofs and pitting and corrosion on metal ones, while tile roofing will usually show chips and broken pieces

• Roof Interior. What goes on outside can also affect what’s inside, so an inspection should include a once-over for your attic, roof deck and ceiling. If you have a leak, for example, the constant presence of moisture could have compromised your roof deck’s structural integrity.

Best Season to Roof: The Summer Roofing Guide

What Needs Checking?

The exact order of how an inspection goes may vary depending on the roof inspector you’re working with. Whoever does your roof inspection for you, however, they should be thorough to ensure that no damage escapes their eye. Discovered a need for replacement? Head on over to Part 3 of this blog series to learn more about asphalt shingle installation.

Best Season to Roof: The Summer Roofing Guide


Asphalt Shingle Installation Tips Asphalt roofing is the most popular choice for US homeowners. In fact, four out of five homes have asphalt roofing today. Even without factoring in what’s popular, however, it’s understandable why you’d gravitate to the roofing material. It does, after all, have a lot to offer. To make the most of your investment though, your asphalt shingle roof has to be installed right. You’re not installing your own roof but it’s still handy to know how the process should be carried out, starting with these tips:

Best Season to Roof: The Summer Roofing Guide

Asphalt Shingle Installation Tips

ENSURE PROPER STORAGE Asphalt roofing shingles can definitely be installed during the hot summer weather, but you should never store the shingles in an area that receives direct sunlight when they are delivered to your home. Roof shingles have a release film that prevents the shingles from sticking to each other. When exposed to direct sunlight, the sealant might get stickier, making it difficult to separate the shingles. Additionally, bundles should not be stacked too high as this can cause deformation and indentation in the shingles underneath.


If weather forecasts say that the day will be a hot one, have the roofers install the shingles early in the day, before the temperatures reach their maximum. It will also help to work on west-facing slopes in the morning and east-facing slopes in the afternoon to avoid direct exposure to sunlight and keep the shingles from softening too much.


As mentioned, asphalt shingles can become soft when exposed to direct sunlight. Because of this, it can be easy to leave footprints and scuff the material if the contractors aren’t careful enough. Reliable contractors know this, but it can’t hurt to check that it’s being applied. Additionally, proper footwear should be worn to avoid slipping, since the shingles can become more slippery during hot days.


Now here’s a crucial tip regardless of season: flashing must be installed properly and carefully. Caulk alone is not enough to fill gaps between shingles and roof penetrations.

Roofing during summer can indeed be beneficial especially if you want to save on costs and ensure quality installation. As long as you work with the right roofing contractor, you can assure that you’ll be making the most of your investment. Best Season to Roof: The Summer Roofing Guide


3435 Walnut Road, Aberdeen, MD 21001

(240) 491-5600

Best Season to Roof: The Summer Roofing Guide

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