UG - Architecture Portfolio

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AREA-1550 sq.m

A visionary low-rise apartment project that seeks to integrate passive design strategies for sustainable and energy-efficient construction. the design of“FRAMES

”will prioritize utilizing the natural elements to minimize the need for mechanical systems, resulting in reduced energy consumption and environmental impact.

The orientation and layout of the building will be optimized to maximize natural light and ventilation, reducing the need for artificial lighting and air conditioning. high-quality insulation and shading techniques will be employed to minimize heat gain or loss, ensuring optimal thermal comfort for residents throughout the year. sustainable materials, such as eco-friendly insulation and recycled building materials, will be used to minimize the environmental footprint of the construction process.


” aims to create an environmentally responsible, energy-efficient, and comfortable living environment for its residents, while contributing to the global sustainability efforts and promoting sustainable living practices in the community.

” will also incorporate water-saving f ixtures and efficient plumbing systems to promote water conservation. by embracing passive design strategies, “ FRAMES 07



Cedar Haven is a modern and sustainable house that showcases innovative methods of indoor cooling. The house is located in a warm climate region and is specifically designed to address the challenges of hot and humid weather while minimizing energy consumption and maximizing comfort.


One of the unique features of Cedar Haven is the incorporation of a koi pond within the house. The koi pond is strategically placed at the center of the house, functioning as a natural cooling system. The pond is designed to allow cool air to pass over the water, which helps to lower the temperature of the incoming air. As the cooled air circulates through the house, it creates a natural cooling effect, reducing the reliance on mechanical cooling


designed for a warm climate, incorporating contemporary architecture principles. The design focuses on minimizing energy consumption, utilizing natural resources, and providing a comfortable living environment for the occupants

“Samrudhi” is a sustainable, passive energy house 14
AREA - 333SQM 15

Orientation: The house is oriented to take advantage

of natural sunlight and prevailing winds. Large windows and openings are placed strategically to allow for natural ventilation and daylighting, reducing the need for artificial lighting and cooling

Shading: The house features carefully designed shading devices such as overhangs, pergolas, and shading screens that block direct sunlight during the hottest part of the day, reducing heat gain and glare.

Natural Ventilation: Cross-ventilation is facilitated through the strategic placement of windows and openings, allowing for natural airflow throughout the house, keeping it cool and well-ventilated.

Thermal Mass: The house incorporates thermal mass materials such as concrete, stone, or rammed earth, which help absorb and store heat during the day and release it during cooler evenings, maintaining a stable indoor temperature


The Drift wood Pavilion by the Sea is an innovative design concept that draws inspiration from the art of paper folding origami. Located on a serene sea shore, this pavilion showcases a harmonious blend of artistic expression and functional design.

The pavilion’s form is inspired by the intricate folds and patterns of origami, with carefully crafted wooden panels that mimic the delicate creases of folded paper. The use of sustainable materials, such as bamboo or reclaimed wood, reinforces the pavilion’s eco-friendly approach and commitment to sustainability.


of efficient space utilization, aesthetics, and accessibility to create a vibrant and inclusive shopping environment . This commercial complex design incorporates the principles of dividing the site into three sections based on size and expense, while also providing a street shopping experience to cater to the middle class and students

Pearl Emporium is a unique commercial complex designed to provide a street shopping experience while catering to various shop sizes and expenses. The design incorporates principles 18

: The site is divided into three zones, each designed to accommodate different shop sizes and expenses. This ensures a diverse mix of shops, ranging from small stalls to larger retail spaces, catering to different business types and budgets. The zoning also takes into consideration the specific needs of NITC students, offering shops that cater to their preferences and requirements.

Site Division 19
AREA -17400SQM 20

: Inspired by the charm of street shopping, the design of Pearl Emporium creates an immersive experience for visitors. The complex is designed with wide, pedestrian-friendly walkways, covered canopies, and attractive facades that emulate the vibrant atmosphere of a bustling street market. Thoughtful landscaping, lighting, and use of natural materials add to the aesthetic appeal and create an inviting ambiance for the middle class and NITC students to enjoy.

Street Shopping Experience 22



Efficient Space Utilization: The design emphasizes efficient space utilization to optimize the functionality and visual appeal of the complex. Circulation paths are strategically planned to ensure smooth flow of visitors, and the layout is designed to maximize display areas for shops while maintaining a visually pleasing aesthetic. The design also includes flexible spaces that can be easily adapted to accommodate different shop sizes and types, ensuring versatility and adaptability.

RAMP - 1




Accessibility: The complex is designed to be accessible to all, including people with disabilities and NITC students. Ramps, elevators, and wide pathways are incorporated into the design to provide easy access

to all areas of the complex. Inclusive design features such as Braille signage, tactile paving, and visual cues are also incorporated to enhance accessibility and ensure a seamless experience for all visitors.


RAMP - 2


Cadence is a unique and innovative abode space that showcases the architect’s ability to create functional and inspiring spaces that cater to specific needs, in this case, a musician’s requirements. Its design inspiration from piano keys, minimalist aesthetic, and thoughtful integration of music-related elements make it a compelling addition to an architecture portfolio, demonstrating the architect’s creativity and ability to design spaces that resonate with the unique needs and sensibilities of their clients.


Cadence is a contemporary abode space designed to cater

specifically to the needs of a musician, with design inspiration drawn from the elegant and rhythmic patterns of piano keys. The concept is to create a space that is not only functional but also resonates with the artistic sensibilities of a musician.

of piano keys. The space is thoughtfully organized to provide optimal functionality for the musician’s needs, with designated areas for playing, composing, recording, and relaxation.

The interior design of Cadence is characterized by a modern and minimalist aesthetic, with clean lines and a monochromatic color palette reminiscent 25

Melody and Shots is a café concept designed for the NITC (National Institute of Technology Calicut) campus with the aim of fostering interaction and collaboration between different communities through the integration of music and art spaces. The design of the café revolves around creating an inclusive and vibrant environment that encourages socializing, creativity, and cultural exchange


: Introduce the concept of Melody and Shots café as a space that promotes interaction and community engagement through

Conceptual Framework

the universal languages of music and art. Describe the inspiration and rationale

behind the design, highlighting the significance of music and art as mediums for communication, expression, and cultural exchange.

: Present the spatial organization of the café, emphasizing the strategic arrangement of different functional areas to facilitate interaction and flow of people. This could include zones for seating, music performance, art display, and circulation, designed in a way that encourages spontaneous interactions and 29

collaborations among the café users.

Space Planning

Melukote is a small town located in the Mandya district of the state of Karnataka in India. It is known for its rich cultural heritage and traditional handloom weaving, which has been practiced by the local weavers for generations. The Melukote weavers are considered to be one of the oldest weaving communities in India, with a history that dates back several centuries.

DRONA MANOJ +917902591718
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